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Bangladesh-China Friendship Exhibition Center Project

Export Promotion Bureau
TCB Building (14th Floor),01, Karwan BazarrDhaka.

Terms of Reference (TOR)


Appointment of aConsulting Firm for Architectural and Engineering Design and

Supervision Services for construction of new Infrastructures on about of 7.80 acres of land of
Bangabandhu Bangladesh-China Friendship Exhibition Center (BBCFEC) at Purbachal New
Town, Rupganj, Narayanganj

1. Proiect Backsround:

Trade is the main steer of Bangladesh for economic development. It generates export eamings,
accelerates growth, creates employment opportunities and improves living standard of the people. Bangladesh
therefore, adopted an export oriented development strategy for boosting its economic growth. It intends to
showcase its export basket to the potential importers so that they are inspired in purchasing goods from
With the above vision, Bangladesh had a long dream for establishing a permanent Exhibition Center of
international standard and quality. This will not only display the potential exportable items, will also be an
intemational business hub. The exhibition center will be a unique Centre for facilitating international trade
and investments in Bangladesh. As part of that plan, Bangladesh Govemment has signed a bilateral agreement
with China Govemment for constructing an intemational exhibition center in Purbachal New Town with
financial and technical assistance of China. The "Bangabandhu Bangladesh-China Friendship Exhibition
Center" has been constructed by China. Bangladesh is also investing significant amount of money to
construct the Exhibition Center.
In the exhibition center, different types of domestically produced goods will be displayed throughout the
year to the local and foreign buyers. Beside this, the exhibitors of other countries may also participate in the
fair to demonstrate their products. The constructed Exhibition Center has been handed over to Bangladesh on
07 February, 2021. Now it is being conducted by the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) of Bangladesh.
The constructed Bangabandhu Bangladesh-China Friendship Exhibition Center (BCFEC) however, has to be
improved further to convert it of international standard. Additional infrastructures like new exhibition halls,
sufficient and modem-multi-layer underground car parking, dormitory, residential hotel, restaurant, office
building, Ware house, Multiplex, intemal roads, water drainage systems, electrical sub-station, service center,
medical center, mothers comer, day care centres, prayer room, security center, fire service centerand other
relevant infrastructures have to be constructed/established. Due to constraint of budget from Project
Aid/foreign grants, all of those facilities were not included in the original DPP of the BCFEC. The new
infrastructures will be established in newly allotted land of about 7.80 acres (about 3,40,000 Sft) just beside
the constructed new exhibition center.
The project authority however, needs to appoint a reputed Architectural and Engineering consultancy firm
with comprehensive assignment in accomplishing those installations and infrastructures. These firm must have
experience, experlise and knowledge on architectural, civil, electrical, mechanical engineering, plumbing,
interior and exterior decorations etc. The Consultancy firm shall prepare plan and design of the above
mentioned infrastructures along with desired architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical designs (MEP
design) and designs of decorations. It would also estimate item wise costs of the proposed infrastructures and


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also supervise all the construction works, which will be constructed by the selected construction
contractor/contractors as per approved plan and design.

2. Proiect Obiectives :
The overall objectives of the BCFEC project are to facilitate manufacturers and exporters to showcase
their products with a view to altract new buyers for developing relations with buyers as well as to create new
avenue for exporters, producers and consumers to be acquainted with new design, modem technology and
their applications. The brief objectives of constructing the Exhibition Centre are as following :
.i. To create opportunities for manufacturers and consumers to gather and meet in a common platform
for communication among themselves directly to enhance intemational trade of Bangladesh.
* To facilitate local and intemational manufacturers and exporters to showcase their products and
strength in terms of quality, price, packaging and marketing before the potential local and foreign
buyers with a view to exploring new market in the same platform.
.|. To attract new buyers for developing relations with the existing buyers.
* To explore new avenue for exporters, producers and consumers to be acquainted with new design,
new inventions, modem technology and their applications.
.!. To facilitate more interactions between local and intemational buyers and sellers.
* To enhance export performance of Bangladesh.
* Improvement of commercial and institutional environment in Bangladesh.
* Regular arrangement of specialized and general international and national trade fairs in the same
* To explore more opportunities for local and foreign export-import related organizations .
* To develop Intemational Trade promotional activities in Bangladesh in all respects.
n To introduce new market destinations for local and intemational traders.
To achieve the above objectives, it is necessary to construct an Exhibition Center of Intemational
standard. It is the concrete target of the project. The center will be treated as a permanent trade fair complex
for arranging several kinds oftrade fairs and conventions all over the year.
3. New Infrastructures to be cgnstructed and Facilities to be added for the Exhibition Center:
(a) The main exhibition hall and some other infrastructures of BBCFEC have already been constructed
within boundary of 20 Acres Land by the assistance of China Government at Sector 04, Purbachal New Town,
Rupganj, Narayanganj. Beside the said 20 acres land, about 7.80 acres (about 3,40,000 Sft) ofland has been
allotted for the center at the second stage. In the newly allotted 7.80 acres of said land new infrastructures
need to be constructed/established like construction of 02(Two) layered underground (basement) car parking
structures for about 1,600 (One thousand and six hundred) cars/vehicles (considering each layer's area of
about 2,00,000 sft total area of two layer underground car parking area together may be of about 4,00,000 Sft),
construction of 04 to 05 new Exhibition halls of different sizes of total area of about 2,00,000 (two lacs)
square feet (SFT) within more than one floor, construction of management office structures of about 28,000
square feet, construction of Residential Hotel at the upper portion of the same composite structure building for
about of 300 (three hundred) rooms of several sizes. The area of each floor of the residential hotel portion may
be from 25,000 sft to 35,000 sft and total floor spaces of the hotel portion may be up to 2,15,000 square feet
(sft) including all parts like reception, entrance, lobbies, corridor, stairs, elevators, escalators, open space,
restaurant, caf6, office rooms, waiting room etc. In this consideration, total numbers of required floors of hotel
portion may be up to 09 (Nine) and the position of those floor will be at the upper part of the same complex.
The area of each new exhibition hall may be from 25,000 sft to 75,000 sft.
(b) Other infrastructures to be built may be a different building of 05 to 06 storied combining of Ware house
from the ground level to second floor (total floor area about 45,000 sft) and dormitory at the upper part from
3'd floor to 4ft floor (total floor area of about 30,000 sft), anAuditorium for about 1,500 (one thousand five
hundred) seat capacity with modern facilities, electrical sub-station, service center, medical center, mothers
comer, day care center, Conference/meeting rooms, prayer room, automated escalators, sound systems,
HVAC System with Mechanical Ventilation, Electrical System with Substation and Power Generation,
Plumbing and Sanitary System, Fire Protection, Detection and Alarm System, Security System, CCTV,

Access Control system, Building Automation and Energy Management System, Solar System for Emergency

Electricity, Rain water Harvesting system, Landscaping, Vegetation Planning, Walkways, intemal roads and
related other infrastructures and facilities.
(c) In the same integrated composite structure building, there may be two layered underground car parking
area, new exhibition halls from ground level to required above floors, then management office floor and at the
upper part, the residential hotel. The new main building and the warehouse cum dormitory building may be
two separate buildings and almost all super structures may be constructed at the east side of the 7.80 acre plot.
The west side of the said 7.80 Acre plot may be reseryed for greeneries and landscaping as well as for surface
car parking. For meeting future needs, specially for future vertical expansion of the building, the foundation
structure of the composite structure building may be planned and designed as capacity of twenty stories.
(d) More New or Alternate infrastructures may also be constructed or may be included or the above
proposed infrastructure may be skipped as per suggestions/proposals of the appointed consulting firm, subject
to the acceptance of those proposal(s) to the Project Authority (PA).

4. Obiectives of Assisnment:
The objectives of the assignments of Consultancy Firm are to provide (i) Preliminary and final master
plans, (ii)
detailed design (architectural, structural engineering, plumbing, electrical, electro-mechanical
works, interior design, decoration plan and design, networking etc), (iii) technical specifications for all
relevant installations and works (iv) assistance in preparation of revised draft project proposal (RDPP) (v)
item wise cost estimates (vi) preparation of bidding documents (vii) assistance in selection of construction
contractors, (viii) construction works supervision & monitoring (ix) periodical report preparation and
submission with findings and recommendations (x) Provide Quality Assurance arangements for all works
to be implemented (xi) construction completion certificate (xii) assistance in payment of bills to appointed
construction contractors against their performed works and to others related parties (xiii) assist in
DPP/RDPP preparation and relevant other services from design stage to final handover of construction
works of Exhibition Center related infrastruch.nes and relevant facilities.
5. Eligibility,
Qualificationo Resources, Service Delivery Capacity, Nature and Experience of
Consultancy Firm (Consultant) :
(a) The applicant consulting firm(s) may be a local (Bangladeshi) firm or may be a Joint Venture firm or a
Consortium or an Association (JVCA). Joint venture/Consortium/JVCA consultancy firm may be
consortium of National firms or may be composed of National and Intemational firms of same nature.
(b) In Joint Venture/Consortium/fVCA, the Lead Firm must be a local @angladeshi) firm.
(c) In Joint Venture/Consortium/JVCA, total number of firms shall not be more than 3 (three).
(d) The firm must have of at least 12 years experience in performing of framing of architectural design,
structural design, other engineering designs as well as practical experience in supervision of implementing
structural and other engineering works and services by own experts/engineers.
(e) The firm, holding experiences on similar nature of works specially experience on design and supervision
on construction works of residential hotel may get preference.
(0 The firm should have experience of framing architectural and engineering design and conducting
supervision of construction works of at least of a building of total floor area of not less than of 1,50,000(one
lac fifty thousand) Square Feet (SFT) by a single contract in the last 10 years.
(g) The firm should have experience of framing architectural and engineering design and conducting
supervision of construction works of at least of a building of 12 (twelve) storied.
(h) The firm should have experience of framing architectural and engineering design and conducting
supervision of construction works of building with consultancy fee of not less than of Tk. 1,50,00,000(one
crore fifty lac) by a single contract in the last 10 years.
(i) The firm should have evidences of legal rights and capacities to perform the said services e.g. updated
trade license, Incorporation certificate, TIN certificate, VAT certificate, BIN Certificate, membership of
relevant forum/body, bank solvency certificate, experience certificates etc.
(j) The firm should have experience of framing architectural and engineering design and conducting
supervision of construction works of at least of a building with involved total area of not less than 20(Twenty)
Kathas (14,400 Sft) land by a single contract in the last l0 years.

6. Manpower/Experts of Consultancv Firm:

The consulting firm should have its own Team Leader/Project Coordinator, Expert Architects, Expert
Structural Engineers, Planners, Procurement Specialist, Foundation Engineers, Geotechnical Engineer,
Assistant Team Leader, Electrical Engineers, Plumbing Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Fire Fighting
Engineer, Building Automation Engineer, Environment Expert, Economic Analyst, Quantity Survey Engineer,
PavemenVRoad Design Engineer etc.
7. Reporting Requirements :
(a)The consultant shall prepare and submit Inception Report to the Project Authority (PA) within
2l(Twenty one) days of mobilization. The inception report shall provide status of contracts at the time the
consultant takes over the charges of duties of the project. This shall also provide for a summary of works to be
completed and a tentative timeline for their completion. The Inception Report shall include (a) Detailed work
Plan of the assignment; (b) Supervision Methodology (c) Quality Control Procedure, (d) sample monthly
pro$ess report etc.
(b) The Consultant shall prepare and submit monthly progress reports for the contracts in the form
acceptable to the ProjectAuthority. These reports shall include details of the physical and financial status of
the contract and consequences, comments and solution on the qualrty of works in accordance with the
contract. These reports shall also include updated status of each contract as well as brief desuiption of
contractual and technical problems encountered (if any) and recommended solutions to those.
(c) Comprehensive final report shall be submitted at the end of the assignment. A draft final report, which
shall compile all conditions, outputs, experiences and lessons, leamt during the project period and shall be
submitted at least 30 days before final payment. After approval of draft final report by the Project Authority
(PA), the consultant shall submit Final Report. The final report shall be submitted to the PA, well ahead of
conclusion of the consultancy time period.
(d) Preparation and submission of Report(s) on the verification of work done in accordance with the contracts
and specifications recommending the amount of payment to be made in the light of provisions of the contract
award to the firm/contractors.
8. General Scope ofServices:
For construction of new infrastructures of Bangabandhu Bangladesh-China Friendship Exhibition Center
(BBCFEC) at Sector-04 of Purbachal New Town, Rupganj, Narayanganj described above, the consulting firm
shall render all types of Architectural and Engineering services like conducting sub-soil investigations,
Conducting all types of surveys including topographic survey, Preparation of Concept design, Preliminary
Master Plan, Final Master Plan, Architectural Design, feasibility study, all types of Structural Designs, Other
Ancillary designs like Sanitary and plumbing designs, Water treatment plant designs, Water drainage system
design, Sewage drainage system design, Sewage treatment plant design, Rain water harvesting system design,
Electrical Works Desigrr, Mechanical Works Design, Electro-Mechanical Designs, Solar electric system
design, HVAC System Design, Firefighting & Life Safety Design, Interior Decoration system Design,
Landscaping Design, Design Documentation, Design Development, Design Modification, Item wise detailed
designs, Item wise Cost Estimation, Construction Documentation, Working Drawings, Designs for networking
and for building automation system, Framing of construction programs, Program Analysis,3D views,
animation, etc Providing assistance to the Project Authority in preparations of all types of Tender Documents
for selection of contractors, Preparation of all Technical Specifications, BOQs, Price Schedules, Assistance in
Construction Management and Monitoring, Preparation of working plan, Risk Identification and Mitigation,
Conducting full time Supervision by own competent and expert manpowers for monitoring of all works
including Construction Works, Quality Maintain and Assurance, Assistance in Preparation of RDPP,
Assistance in payment of bills to contractors, Certification for Bills, Support for Management of Contracts,
Assistance in achieving Statutory Approvals and Certificates from all competent authorities like RAJUK,
Civil Aviation Authority, Department of Architecture, Department of Environment etc, Completion
Certification, Handing Over etc. as per advise of the Project Authority (PA). All drawings & reports shall be
supplied both in hard copy and in soft copy by the consultant as per requirement of project authority. The
Consultant shall prepare minutes of meetings/discussions between the project authority and the Consultant.

9. Site Evaluation and Desisn Concepts :

The Consultancy Firm shall consider the followings, while preparing the concept designs:
(1) Design for providing world class facilities in the exhibition center :

(2) Eco-friendly to minimize the adverse environmental and social impact

(3) Energy efficient design;

(4) Economical to reduce cost of ownership;
(5) Flexible with respect to usage and expansion/contracting in the future;
(6) Architecture influenced by the local heritage and culture of the region as well as intemational
(7) Friendly for disabled and physically challenged people.
(8) Contour survey of the plot;
(9) Geotechnical investigation for soil bearing capacity;
(10) Geotechnical investigation for mechanical and chemical analysis of substrata;
(11) Geotechnical investigation for Ground Water Table and chemical analysis of water;
(12) Electrical resistivity test;
(13) High Tension Power Transmission Lines if in vicinity;
(14) Signal strength for various telecommunication services providers;
(15) Collecting metrological data pertaining to maximum, minimum temperatures, humidity and rainfall
from the Meteorological Department.
10. Concent desisn :

The Consultant shall prepare design basis report by refening authentic sources and in consultation with the
Project Authority(PA). The design shall be as per the design basis report prepared by Consultancy Firm and
agreed by the Project Authority. The Consultant will prepare 03(three) distinct concept layouts considering
effective usage of area and space, natural elements as wind, sunlight, aesthetic values etc.

11. Master Plan Preparation :

(a) On completion of survey, site analysis and firm,lization of the various project requirements and as per
advice and demand of the Project Authority (PA), the Consultancy Firm(The Consultant) shall prepare
Preliminary Master Plans of the infrastructures to be constructed, described above, showing the location of all
the proposed layout of structures, intemal roads, landscaping of the compound including arboretum etc. and
all other required physical facilities in the site premises. The prepared preliminary master plan shall be
submitted to the PA for consideration as well as for modification. The PA will examine and check the
submitted preliminary master plan and advise the consultant to modiff (if necessary) that. After checking and
review the submitted preliminary master plan, the PA will give direction/advice the consultant to amend or
modify the preliminary master plan. As per advice and demand of the PA, the consultant shall bring necessary
modifications and prepare the linal master plan. If the prepared final master plan is accepted by the PA, the
consultant shall prepare related all other designs and plans. Before finalizing the master plan, the Consultant
shall prepare contour map, pre-work cross section plan of the topography as are necessary for site
o The Consultant shall prepare layout and detail plans for all sub-item of works.
o The Consultant shall prepare preliminary architectural plan including fumiture layout plan, decoration
plan, all elevation and section, 3D computer aided model.
o The Consultant shall submit 03 (Three) distinct Master Plans with landscaping, drawings, computer aided
3D perspective view, architectural design, detailed interior plan including furniture layout, ceiling plan,
utility & fixtures (lighting, air-conditioning, bathroom fittings, conference room instruments etc.) to the
Project Office.
(b) The Master nlan. shall consist the followine infrastructures:
For constructing new infrastructures and for ensuring facilities mentioned in the serial no 3 the consulting
firm shall prepare master plan. In the master plan the automated escalators, modem sound systems, FIVAC
System with Mechanical Ventilation, Electrical System with Substation and Power Generation, Plumbing and
Sanitary System, Fire Protection, Detection and Alarm System, Security System, CCTV, Access Control, Car
Parking Barrier System, Lift Services, PA System, Building Automation and Enerry Management System, Co
generation & Energy management System, Solar System for Emergency Electricity, Rain water Harvesting
system, IPS Including WIP and VIP Facilities, Landscaping, Rooftop Gardening, Vegetation Planning,
Pedesfian Path, Pergola, Shading Garden Lighting, Walkway etc may be included. In master plan the
following may be included :
( I ) Installations/Infrastructures outline;

(2) Roads, ramps approaches, and main gate layouts;

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(3) Open spaces, amenity spaces including landscapes, garden and parking areas;
(4) Coordinated services layout;
(5) Extemal frefighting/hydrant system layout;
(6) Electrical substation, backup power generation;
(7) Storm/rainwater drainage layout including rainwater harvesting scheme;
(8) Sewer system layout including connections to local sewer system if available or locations of STP/ETP if
required including discharge management of treated sanitary and effluent water;
(9) Water supply and irrigation network, including connection;
(10) Renewable energy generation plan and location of such facility;
(1l)Area statement including broad sizing of the utilities viz. Connected Electrical Load, Firewater reservoir
and pump sizes, HVAC TR rating, etc.
(c) The nature of the main building may be of composite structure. Within the same integrated
composite structured building, there may be two layered underground car parkingarea, Exhibition
halls from ground level to required above floors, then management office floor and at the upper
part, the residential hotel may lie. The composite structured main building and the warehouse cum
dormitory building may be two separate buildings and almost all new super structures may be
constructed at the east side of the 7.80 acre plot. The west side of the said 7.80 Acre plot may be
reserved for greeneries and landscaping as well as for surfaee car parking. For meeting future
needs, specially for future vertical expansion of the building, the foundation structure of the
composite structure building may be planned and designed as capacity of twenty stories.
(d) Of course, the final shape, nature, size, location and numbers of required new infrastructures,
installations and facilities will be finalized after preparation of final plan and designs for those by the
appointed consulting firm.
12. Architectural Desisn :
The Consultancy Firm, shall prepare and compile the detailed Architectural Plan, Design & engineering
requirements for each structure. Detail Architectural Design may comprise the following:
(1) Detail design of all structures and installations considering the purposes, functional aspects and
operation need including types of technolory services and machineries to be installed;
(2) Develop the design keeping in considerations the safe and easy lifting of the machineries, equipments to
be housed at the site and subsequent maintenance work;
(3) Three dimensional studies for coordination of various services;
(4) Preparation of schedule for doors, windows, plumbing, furniture, decorations etc.;
(5) Construction drawings;
(6) Preparation of infrastructure development plan;
(7) Preparation of site developmentplan;
(8) Interact with various disciplines to incorporate utility requirements;
(9) Drawings & documentation for approval of various statutory authorities;
(10) Technical support for various approvals & sanctions.
13. Preparation of Structural Desisn :
(l)The Consultancy Firm, shall prepare and compile detailed structural design & engineering requirements for
each structure as under:
(a) Prepare altemative structural schemes;
(b) Detail structural analysis for building and other structures;
(c) Prepare detail specifications of items proposed to be used in construction;
(d) Issue of good for construction sfuctural drawing; and
(e) Implementation of Green Building Concept,
(2) The Consultant will submit 03(Three) distinct preliminary design conceptsfor structural system based on
consideration of economy, performance, capital cos! accepted safety standards and compatibility with other
design elements and user requirements. The structural design shall comply with the requirements of the
prevailing applicable codes, acts and regulations to establish loadings and other parameters goveming structural
(3) The preliminary shuctural design shall include structural designs for altemative concepts, describing
significant components, showing materials to be used, suitability for consfuction. The preliminary design
concepts may be presented in a short-report in user friendly mode. Those shall be presentable in 3-D
perspective mode or by animation or in alternative mode(if any). The report shall describe the short-term and
long-term advantages and disadvantages ofeach choice.



(4) Upon acceptance of the preliminary structural design concept by the PA, the Consultant shall prepare the
final design.
(5) In preparing final plans and specifications, structural engineers shall analyze and design the structural
system in conformity with applicable codes and regulations; analyzs and design each element of the system;
preparc legible design briefs stating the applicable codes, loads, assumptions, design critefia, calculations and
computer data used for the analysis and design of the system and its components;
(6) In the event certain components or elements of the structure is manufactured off-site or supplied by
others, the Consultant shall be responsible for design and certify that the designs are in conformity with
BNBC or applicable codes and acceptable to the PA.
(7) The drawings prepared by the Consultant shall clearly define the complete extent and detail of flre work.
(8) While the consultant shall certiff the design, another expert/consultant of the respective field, who is not
the part of the design team, may examine/check the accuracy of the prepared and certified design.
14. Prenaration of Sanitarv and plumbins designs :
(1) The Consultant shall prepare and provide design for sanitary and plumbing system required for the
Exhibition Center complex. The plumbing system should be consistent with existing rules, codes and in
harmony with the aesthetics of the installations of center.
(2) The Consultant shall also prepare detailed designs for storm water, sewerage system and other
drainage system required for the center.

15. Preparation of Electro-Mechanical Designs :

(1) The Consultant shall prepaxe mechanical engineering design for heating, ventilation & air-conditioning
(ffVAC) system; elevator system.
(2) The Consultant shall also prepare electrical engineering design for power and lighting system including
option for solar power system; emergency power system; fire detection and fire fighting system and lightening
protection system. While desigrring the system, the Consultant shall give due consideration to energy
(3) The Consultant shall provide desigrr for telecom system, central electronic security system including Wi-
Fi & CCTV system, and central PABX system.
(4) Every electricaUmechanical plan must be designed to recognized industry standards and conform to all
applicable codes. The mechanical installations shall comply with the statutory obligations stipulated in the
applicable laws and other documents currently in force.
(5) The electro-mechanical plan/design must be submitted in appropriate drawing using appropriate symbols.
(6) Detail engineering design for electrical works shall comprise alltemporary/permanent/
intemal/external/backup power distribution, including agreement computation, engineering drawing & safety
installations as under:
(a)Preparation of single line diagram for LT distribution &lighting distribution;
(b) To review equipment, load list &submit distributed generation (DG), transformer, panel & cable sizing
(c) Preparation of high tension &low-tension substation layout;
(d) Electrical layout and Piping and Instrumental diagram (P&ID) for Cable tray, Illumination, power,
earthling & route plan for power cable & control cable etc.;
(e) Preparation of control wiring diagram for interlocks & alarms wherever applicable;
(f) Designing internal lightning, street lighting,yard lightning etc.;
(g) Specifications & layout of emergency lights provision, wherever required;
(h) Emergency power supply & distribution including intemal provision in main switch gear to switch over
emergency power;
(i) System power flow & fault level analysis;
O Relay coordination & setting;
(k) Earthing & lightening protection system design;
(l) Scheme for DatalVoice cabling & computer systems and networking;
(m) Bill of quantities for items to be procured;
(n) Issue construction drawings; and
(0) Coordinating with electricity Supply Company/board for sanction and release of power load.


(7) Based on design parameters, as per relevant BangladeshilIntemational standard, regarding all the
electrical equipment, the Consultant shall prepare and submit the design basis report to PA for review and
approval. After getting the approval, the Consultant shall create the distribution network area wise /system
wise to meet the power requirement in terms of single line diagrams, substation layouts, earttrling and
lighfiring layouts and lighting layouts and detailed specification for all equipment included data sheets etc.
(8) Preparation of layout and scheme for extra low voltage system includes fire detection system, public
address system, telephone, data, TV system, access control system, CCTV, integrated building management
system etc. The Consultant shall be responsible for correctness and adequacy of the desigr and specifications,
to be submitted by the consultant.
16. IIVAC SYstem Desien:

Detail design for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning(frvAc) system for each structure/installation
shall comprise designing, detailing, value engineering and specifying with schedule of quantities for all works
pertaining to air-conditioning, ventilation, smoke exhaust and fresh air supply system. It shall conform to the
standards, statutes, regulations and safety codes of BNBC etc. and design to efficiently and effectively operate
for maximum energy efficiency and low noise level in all climatic conditions and as under:
(1) Load Estimate-Cooling & Heating;
(2) Designing of Entire Ventilation system;
(3) Determine room wise loads and airflows using standard manual calculation procedures;
(4) Layout duct system on floor plan, accounting for the direction ofjoists, roof hips, firewalls, and other
potential obstructions ;
(5) Determine conflict locations and types, duct lengths, and connections required to produce layout
given construction constraints;
(6) Size duct system according to standard manual calculation procedures;
(7) Size HVAC equipment to sensible load using standard manual procedures;
(8) Equipment selection based upon design calculations and green concepts;
(9) Issue of related drawings".
17. Preparation of Mechanical Desisn :
The consultancy firm shall prepare the required Mechanical Design. Detail design and specifications for
mechanical engineering related works shall comprise the following:
(l) Preparation of equipment layout for process plant & utilities;
(2) Detail engineering design for hot, cold & compressed air piping based upon Process layout &machinery
inlet & outlet parameters;
(3) Preparation ofpiping layout based upon layout ofprocess plant & utilities;
(4) Design sufficient capacity compressor for the system based upon information available from various
machine input requirements;
(5) Design sufficient capacity chilled water plant & cooling tower based upon information available from
various machines input requirements;
(6) Design water distribution system based upon water requirement at various machines & at office/toilet
(7) Prepare equipment data for the use of civiVstructure designs including dynamic factors for
moving/rotating/vibratory equipment;
(8) Prepare procurement specification for various bought out items & package equipment;
(9) Issue of relevant drawings.
18. Fire & Life Safetv Desien Scone :

(1) The consultancy firm shall prepare the required Fire & Life Safety Design. Engineering Design of each
componenVinfrastructure shall comprise fire hydrant system, fire alarm, firewalls with fire doors, fire escape
staircases, doors etc. as per Bangladesh National Building Code @NBC) (2006 or latesQ and suitably
incorporating leading practices as per global standards and as follows:
o Prepare detailed master design document list & design basis;
o Prepare a scheme for the Fire Fighting System.
(2)Fire Hydrant System consists of wet riser cum down comer; hydrants, hose reel and hose box; booster
pump, sprinkler pump, main pump, jockey pump and diesel driven pump; automatic fire hydrant panel


etc. Fire Alarm System consists of smoke detectors. Heat detector etc.; manual call point; local controls panels
and main control panels; public address system and hooter.
(3) The consultant shall issue of relevant drawings;
(4) Assist the PA in collection provisional and final Fire No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the concerned
fire authority.
19. Environmental Management:
(a) Consultant shall prepare an Environment Management Action Plan @MAP) for the project and will be
responsible for ensuring by monitoring that this plan is implemented. Duties in this regard include:
o Establish general guidelines to be followed to mitigate negative environmental impacts during construction.
o Establish guidelines for environmental protection measures to be undertaken by contractor during
constructions in accordance with, the general guidelines set out by the EMAP and monitor of the
implementation of the necessary measures.
(b) Detail design of ETP/STP, rain water harvesting design etc. forthe exhibition center shall comprise the
(1 ) Prepare design brief after collecting all necessary rnputs;
(2) Preparation of drawing for obtaining required statutory approvals;
(3) Study of effluent characteristics;
(4) Effluent testing;
(5) Department of Environment's clearance certificate to establish and operate;
(6) Waste disposal and sewage treatment systems design;
(7) Development of water harvesting and inigation systems;
(8) Process study for soft water, DM (de-mineralized) water, cooling water, chilled brine, steam etc.;
(9) Process requirement study for waste and sewage water system and selecting appropriate treament;
(10) Preparing Piping & Installation Diagrams @&IDs) for various systems for approvals;
(11) Detail design for piping and routes;
(12) Equipment specifications, inquiry and selection;
(13) Installation and testing supervision; and
(14) Issue ofrelevant construction drawings.
(15) Review EMAP and modify, if needed.
(c) The Consultant shall prepare specifications for Environmental, Social, Health and Safety requirements to
be included in the bidding document. In preparing detailed specifications for ESHS requirements, the
consultant shall refer to reports, required standards and relevant international conventions or treaties etc., e.g.
WHO Guidelines for Safe Use of Pesticides, relevant sector standards e.g. EU Council Directive Conceming
Urban Waste Water Treatrnent etc.
(d) The Consultant shall ensure that the Contractor's Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS)
performance is in accordance with good international practice and delivers the Contractor's ESHS obligations.
(e) The Consultancy Firm shall ensure compliance with the environmental and social impact mitigation
requirements of civil works contracts, including environmental management plan, monitoring the process of
resettlement of people affected by the works(if any) and provide information to the PA in the monthly
progress reports.

20. Prenaration of Interior Work Desisn:

The consultancy firm shall prepare the required Interior Work Design specially for hotel portion. Detail
interior design shall comprise the followrng for all components of all installations under consideration:
(1) Formulation of the concept;
(2) Prepare drawings in accordance with the finalized concep!
(3) Finalization of detail specification of all items;
(4) Preparation of respective designs and drawings for interior works and decorations
(5) Issue of relevant drawings.

21. Preparation of Landscapins Design :

The consultancy firm shall prepare the required Landscaping Design. Detail design and plan of landscape
design for the center shall comprise the following:
(1) Formulation of the concept considering flora and fauna;


(2) Prcparation of drawings in accordance with finalized concept and issue of good for construction drawings;
(3) Study current substrata condition of landscape area;
(4) Design grass, trees & shrubs pattem as per climatic conditions & availability of substrata at site; and
(5) Design good inigation system for landscaping work using recycled water.
22. Design Documentation:
The Consultant shall make necessary modifications in preliminary and detailed working drawings to
reflect observations a.nd vieddemand of project authority. All such drawings and documents shall include:
(l) Site layout (master plan) with landscaping.
(2) Plans of all the installations and other ancillary facilities showing the functional arrangement of spaces.
(3) All sides Elevation of the planned infrastructures showing the architectural features as appropriate.
(4) Consultant shall be required to submit 3-dimensional architectural computer aided model of all the
proposed infrastructures along with ottrer existing infrastructures blocks within/adjacent the site/complex to
the satisfaction of the BCFEC project authority.
(5) 03 (Three) Models of the project in appropriate scale shall have to be submitted to the the BCFEC project
authority by the consultant.
(6) Detailed interior plan including room arrangements, all decorations, fumiture layout, proposed materials,
ceiling plan, utility & fixtures (lighting, air-conditioning, bathroom fittings etc.).
(7) Detail drawings showing all details for each of the sub-items of all civil engineering related works
including all decorations, sanitary and plumbing, water supply systems, sewerage & drainage system with
details including relevant documents.
(8) Detail drawings showing all details for all electrical engineering related works/systems including
telephone, intemet & PABX system of the center etc. with details including relevant documents.
(9) Detail drawings showing all details for the mechanical engineering related works/systems including
automatic fire detection, alarming and fighting systems; split air conditioning system of the building etc. with
details including relevant documents.
(10) Detailed working plan and document for execution of extemal utility services such decorations, as
boundary wall, car parking, intemal roads and pavements, area electrification, extemal drainage, area
beautifications, outdoor sports facilities, landscaping, arboriculture etc.
23. Desisn Develonment:
fu) ftr ro*pf.* fo. new exhibition halls, residential hotel and for other installations of the center may be
designed as 20 storied building. At the first phase, abott 12 to 15 storied building with 02 (two) layers under
ground (basement) car parking facility will be constructed. At the later phases, vertical extension may be
done. The consultant shall show unconstructed floors ofthe building as blank spaces.
(b) The Consultant shall prepare, from the approved preliminary designs, the design development documents,
outline specifications, to fix and illustrate the size and character of the installations, site development, and
other intemal and extemal services, interior and decoration design etc. and submit for approval of the the
BCFEC project authority and make such change(s) as may be required by the Project authority.
(c) On approval of design development documents, the Consultant shall prepare final master plan with
landscaping, detailed layout plan, architectural, sanitary & plumbing and all kinds of electrical & mechanical
drawing including telephone and PABX system, automated fire detection, alarming and protection system,
computer aided 3D perspective view etc. The consultant shall submit detailed presentations of all interior
plans. As, at the first phase, the complex will be abott 12 to 15 storied (excluding basement and under ground
car parking floor/levels), detailed interior and decoration design will be needed for up to that level only.

24. Design Modification:

The Consultant may need to modiff the desigrr/plan giving due consideration to the PA's needs and

25. Prenaration of 03(Three),Distinct Plan and Design Concepts :

The consultant shall prepare and submit three (03) distinct plans and design concepts. The consultant shall
ensure that designs are carried out in accordance with appropriate intemationaVnational desigt and
engineering standards. The submitted plan and design concepts will be examined and reviewed by the Project
Authority (PA). After review, considering the approved final design concept, the consultant shall prepare
detailed drawings.


26. Preparation of Bidding/Tender Documents. BOQ. Snecificastions :

(1) Considering the approved final drawings, the consultant shall prepare all necessary bidding documents,
technical specifications, BOQ etc. for all contract packages. The BOQ, Price Schedules shall contain item,
quantity and rate as per the approved concept design for all components under consideration and shall be
vendor neutral.
(2) The bidding documents shall be prepared in accordance with the formats and standards defined by the
Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) for procurement of such works in consultation with the PA. For
large contracts to be procured under Intemational Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedure, the Bidding
Documents shall be prepared following PPR and intemational Bidding Documents for ICB.
27. Cost Estimation :
(1) The Consultancy Firm shall prepare item wise estimation of cost for all works based on detail design and
seek approval of the same from the project authority. Cost estimate should be good enough to be used for
budget authorization and must have suitable contingency for the works.
(2) Specifications and component wise detailed estimates of all works showing detailed measurements with
locations against all items of works for actual execution of works relating to different items.
(3) For preparing detailed estimates, P.W.D designated schedule shall be followed. Items, which are not
available in the P.W.D. schedule, those shall be analyzed as per prevailing market rates and shall be submitted
for approval of the PA. The description of items shall be elaborated and specific and should be free from any
(4) Il the value of the executed work against any detailed estimate is increased by more than 10%, the
detailed estimate will required to be prepared again by the Consultant without any extra cost whatsoever.
Reason for such deviations should be explained in the pre facing report.
(5) If any work order of construction is cancelled in part or full, the consultant shall prepare the estimate,
tender document etc. for the work of the remaining portion without any extra cost to the PA.
28. Construction Manaqement and Monitorins:
The Consultant shall assist and provide services to the PA in selection of contractors to accomplish the
construction works as per approved design. All works related to the award of contract and bidding procedures
and related documentation, bids evaluation, other matters relating to Contract shall be assisted by the
29. Construction Documentation and Workins Drawings:
(1) For all contract packages, the consultant shall prepare detailed designs (like Preliminary Architectural
Design, Final Architectural Designs, Structural Designs, Electrical Designs, Mechanical Designs, Interior and
decoration related design etc), drawings (like drawing for presentation (in 3-D, color, elevation form),
substructures, super structures, for decorations etc). The Consultant shall prepare, from the approved design
development documents, working drawings in appropriate scale including schedule of items and specifications
setting forth in detail and prescribing the works to be done and the materials, workmanship, finishes required
for all civil, sanitary & plumbing system, mechanical, electrical, air-conditioning, telephone & PABX system,
intemal roads, drainage and sewerage system, water supply, automatic fire detection, alarming & fighting
system, landscaping, external engineering and utility services including site development works.
(2) The prepared design must be consistent with existing laws, statutory permission, construction
requirements, Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) and other regulatory codes, rules and preliminary
Design Basis Reports. Consultancy Firm shall be responsible for accuracy as well as for adequacy of the
prepared design and drawings.

30. Risk Identification and Mitieation :

The consultant shall identify the key risks for each facility related to execution of each establishment of the
project. The Consultant shall analyze each of the risks and will suggest mitigation plan for it to the PA.
31. Construction Works Supervision and Monitoring :

(a) The consultancy firm shall make all arangements to supervise and oversee all construction works of the
project deploying sufficient number of competent personneVexperts from commencement of construction
works to the finishing of those. The objectives of construction supervision and monitoring works are as
followings :
(1) To ensure execution of each item of work as per the design of the consultant.
(2) To submit work programme with a copy to the contractor to ensure progress of work.


(3) To check and recommend all samples for approval

() To report to the PA on acceptability of work at all stages.
(5) To check and certify all measurements of payable bills of the contractor.
(6) To submit revised bill of quantities and cost as per site requirement.
(7) To take photograph of the reinforcement before all castings for keeping the construction phase and feature
record for future use.
(8) To ensure use of specified materials by providing instructions for materials testing and interpretation of
test result.
(9) To solve any technical problems arising during construction.
(10) To ensure correct execution of each items of work designed by the consultant as mentioned in their
design documents.
(ll) To change any item of construction and calculate the cost to prepare Bill of Quantities of the item if
(b) For the civil works, goods, and equipment supply and installation contracts, the consultant would be
responsible for inspection and supervision of the construction works, installation of equipment, machineries
and testing of construction material, in order to ensure that the works implemented, and goods supplied are in
accordance with the approved deigns, specifications and terms and conditions of the relevant contracts and
(c) Shall dispatch and deploy strong on-site project supervision team of key and non-key experts, report
daily progress of the works and monitor deliverables strictly against the agreed work plan submitted by the
(d) The Consultant shall undertake project monitoring and evaluation in the format, acceptable by the Project
Authority and shall assist in preparing a consolidated Project Completion Report in a format to be provided by
the Project Authority.

32. PersonneUstaff for Construction Works Sunervision and duties :

The Consultant shall engage sufficient number of competent Architects/Engineers/Supervisor/employees for
proper supervision that should be in their pay-roll. Architects, Civil Engineers, Interior Architect, Electrical
Engineer, Mechanical Engineer shall be required throughout the construction period. They will solve their
parts and shall provide advice accordingly.

33. Terms and conditions reqarding supervision bv stafT/experts:

(1) If any assigned employee of the appointed consultancy firm, remains absent, equivalent or better
substitute shall have to be placed by the consultant after approval from the BCFEC project authority;
deduction shall be made as per their monthly remuneration.
(2) If the consultant does not deploy any full time employee more than one month; deduction shall be made
as per their monthly remuneration as well as penalty as per their half remuneration.
(3) In the event any of the supervising staff is found negligent, inefficient or ill mannered, or in the opinion of
the BCFEC project authority, whose presence at the project site is undesirable, the Consultant shall forth with
remove him and provide replacement with qualification and experience stipulated in this Agleement.
(a) If the work is suspended for any reason the payment of the supervising staff maintained in the payroll at
site will not be paid by the PA for the period of suspension and no claims in this regard shall be entertained.

34. Other feature/details of Assisnments : The Consultant shall carry out, but not limited to the following
(l) The consultant shall work closely with field engineering staff in order to ensure qualrty and timely
completion of the works.
(2) Assurance for proper demobilization and restoration of the construction sites after completion, O&M
during warranty period by the contractors
(3) In the event of contractual dispute which may result in legal action, adjudication or arbitration between
the contractor and the employer, and on the instruction, will assist the PA in collating and preparing factual
documentation which describes the circumstances of the dispute.
(4) Ensure compliance of safeguard instruments for all contract packages.
(5) Ensure implementation of safeguard compliances stated in BOQs, price schedules of the bidding



(6) Verify ttre test results to ensure the quality of works and goods conducted by the confactors as stated in
the bidding documents.
(7) Review and approve the contractors work pro$am and progress schedules ensuring that the Confactors'
have incorporated/followed the most effective and expeditors methodology for carrying out the works'
(8) Assist the project authority conceming the schedule of handing over the sites, and possible delays due to
lack of possession with a view to assuring that the Contractors are given possession of the Site in accordance
with the agreed work program.
(9) lnspect bonow pits, and crushing plants, and order tests of materials and ensure adherence to
specifications and approve the sources of materials.
(10) Make arrangement to check the quality of the materials brought to site, ensure qualrty of construction
consistent with the specifications.
(11) Jointly inspect with the project authority all completed civil, electrical, mechanical engineering related
works and assist informal taking over, and review and approve or prepare "as built" drawings and plans (as
the case may be), and provide reports testiffing satisfactory completion of the contracts.
(12) Presence of competent representative/s of consultant in all reviedimportant meetings.
(13) Supervision and monitoring of works based on the work program submitted by the contractors.
(14) Ensure that the contractors are maintaining site order books and recording their activities as per the
work program.
(15) Ensure that the tests and frequency of tests stated in the bidding documents and compliance of the test
results are being done by the contractors.
(16) Assist and certifr to pay the bill payments or for other purposes, the measurement book(s) (MB), to
measure accomplished works, to be signed by competent representative/s of the Consultant.

35. Quality Maintain and Assurance :

(1) The consultant shall work for establishment a documented quality system and procedure, including
relevant qualrty plan, in order to implement qualrty assuftmce on the Contract Supervision Services and the
auditing of the Contractor's Quality Systems. The Consultancy Firm shall be required to report periodically to
the Project Authority on the implementation of the Qualrty Control and Quality Assurance procedures. It shall
maintain records of all date and quantities of work carried out. In addition, shall maintain record of all
payments, made to the contractor(s), and all materials and equipment supplied to the site.
(2) The Consultant shall approve working drawings and issue advices to the contractor as required in
accordance with the contract specification and contractor's quality management plan.
(3) The consultant shall make arrangements to measure the completed works and keep detailed records of the
measurement. The consultant shall also supervise the tests in field and in laboratory, analyze and justifr the
results and undertake independent field and laboratory testing as may be required to veriff. They will prepaxe
the non-conformrty reports and propose the rectification work or solution. The Consultant shall maintain
records, correspondence, detailed diaries, photographs and other documents conceming relevant events and
( The Consultant shall prepare detailed performance schedule and work program for overall monitoring the
project towards completions.
36. MIS Renorting :

(1) The consultancy firm shall develop an integrated consfuction schedule covering all trades as well as
shall monitor compliance. The plan must articulate the critical path method (CPM);
(2) The Consultancy Firm shall bring to prompt attention to PA any activity which is slipping from critical
path or baseline;
(3) The Consultancy Firm shall conduct forfirightly reviews and recasting of schedules where necessary to
make up for lost time;
(4) The Consultant shall submit report on the pro$ess at the end of each month and hold apart from regular
meetings with the Contractors where it shall brief the progress of all construction works;
(5) The Consultancy Firm shall use online secure report mechanism for all construction works to report
progress, status update so that all stakeholders can view it.


37. Assistance in Prenaration and in revision of DPP/RDPP :
The consultanVconsultancy firm shall assist the PA in preparing of Development Project Proposal(DPP) or
in preparing of Revised Development Project Proposal@DPP) of the project by providing relevant data,
information, design, plan, drawings, item wise estimation of costs of works.
38. Certification for Bills :
(l) The Consultancy Firm shall be responsible for certifying the bills of work done submitted by the
Contractor (s):
(2) Checking and maintaining accuracy of bills submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the contract;
(3) Review and certi$ measurement as per applicable standards and the contract;
(4) Deduct/hold appropriate amount from the bills in case of any non-compliance observed with respect to
quallty and safety, till such non-compliance is addressed by the Contractor (s);
(5) Review and approve rate analysis in consultation with PA for any exta/non-scheduled items executed by
the Contractor (s);
(6) Review and put comment on any claims made by the Contractor (s);
(7) Assessment of cost over-runs/savings with every bill;
(8) Preparation of deviation statements (financial) at predetermined stages;
(9) Manage change orders;
(10) Assist the PA to review of final bills ofthe Conffactor (s) to facilitate payment;
(11) The Consultant shall certifr/justify Interim Payments Certificate (IPC) and veriff the quantities for such
certificates and recommend for payment to the PA. The Consultant shall assess and make recommendations
to the PA on the Contractor's claim(s) for additional payment, extension of time and any other matters,
based on the
(12) Assist in withholding of interim payments to the contractors if they failed to implement the items for
safeguard compliance of BOQ items for all Contract Packages.

39. Completion Certification and Handins Over:

(a) The Consultancy Firm shall assess the completeness of works as per the contract and shall certify the
completion, allowing the PA to initiate occupying process into the premises. Following activities are expected
under acceptance/handing over:
(l) Visit the works completed as announced by the Contractor, generate list of snags, and issue the same to
the Contractor for action;
(2) Monitor performance during defects liability period and enforcing rectification of defects;
(3) Document relevant material, work test reports, measurements, commissioning reports pertaining to each
section of the work;
(4) Check for signage, markers for cables, trench covers, proper functioning of various systems;
(5) Review as built drawings submitted by the Contractor (s);
(6) Review the status of relevant statutory approvals;
(7) Certiff the virtual completion and the final completion of works as applicable;
(8) Testing, commissioning and handing over the facility;
(9) Detailed inspection at completion of work and during defect liability period, co-ordination with the
contractors to rectify the defects during the defects liability period the handing over ofthe site;
(10) The Consultant shall certify completion of part or all of the works and issue the Taking Over Certificate.
(1 1) Recommending release/forfeiture of securities/guarantees.
(b) The Consultant shall carry out contract closing activities including dispute/claim resolution,
(c) Taking over and Defect Liability Certificates.
(d) Before the issuance of Certificate of Completion, thg Consultant shall carry out the necessary inspection,
specify and supervise any remedial works to be carried out and when completed, recommend the PA to
finalize the inspection and acceptance ofttre project.
40. Support Manaseme+t of Contracts :

The Consultant would assist the Project Authority for management regarding contract activities and
advise to take necessary measures for smooth implementation of ttre construction Contracts. The Consultant
would also keep provision of any other specialist services as may be required from time to time.


41. Assist in achievine Statutorv Apnrovals and Certificates:

The Consultant shall identifi and assist the PA to obtain all pre-construction stage statutory approvals. The
Consultancy Firm shall also identify all the approvals required during and after completion of the construction
that shall be included in the scope of the Contractor (s). The Consultancy Firm shall prepare time schedule for
submission of all statutory approvals and certificates applicable as per government rules/regulations. Any
expenditure related to these approrrds fike statutory fee etc. shall be borne by the project authority. The
Consultancy Firm shall assist the PA to prepare time schedule for submission of all statutory approvals and
certificates applicable as per govemment rules /regulations.
42. Location and Duration of the Assisnment/Contr?ct :
1t1 fotut Ouration of the contract may be of about 05 years consisting of 03 terms e.g. 06 months for
conducting survey, sub-soil investigations, feasibility studies, framing Plans, Designs, Drawings, estimation,
reporting etc; 12 months for other preparatory works and 42 months for Supervision of construction and other
reiated works of the project. It is assumed that the consulting services will commence approximately in
September, 2022 and close service in August, 2027. As per practical requirement the contract period may be
(2) The looation of the Exhibition center and related infrastructure at Sector-4 of Purbachal New Town'
Rupgonj, Narayanganj. The construction work place is there.
43. Code ofConduct:
All experts and support staff of the Consultancy firm shall :
(i) Comply with existing laws, rules, and regulations
(ii) Comply with applicable health and safety requirements
(iiD Not use of illegal substances
(tv) Follow Non-Discrimination in dealing with the local commumty, the Consultant's Experts, the Project's
personnel, and the Confactor's personnel.
(v) Show respect while Interactions with the local community(ies), members of the local community (ies),
and any affected person(s)
(vi) Prohibit sexual harassment
(vii) Avoid violence, including sexual and/or gender-based violence.
(viii) Ensure Sanitation requirements
(ix) Avoid of conflicts of interest
(x) Protection and proper use of properly (to prohibit thefl carelessness or waste)
(xr) Report on violations of codes

44. Ownership of materials and documents :

All plans, design, drawings, documents and reports prepared by the Consultant/Consulting Firmfor the project
works shall be the properties of the the BCFEC project authority. Consultant shall submitand deliver all
relevant hard copies and soft copies (in CD or DVD) of all plans, design, drawings, estimate, tender
documents etc. to the BCFEC Project Authority (PA).

45. Mode. Amount and Installments of Pavments:

(1) Payments to the Consultant may be made in line with agreed-on outputs according to the following
Upon submission of inception report, feasibility study report(if 05 % (Five Percent) of total Contract
necessary), Sub soil investigation Report, Ground water Price
Investigation Report, Preliminary Architectural Design/plan
duly accepted by BCFEC Project authority
Upon submission of the detailed final architectural design/plan, 7.50 % of total Contract Price
drawing including Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Transportation
2 and Utility, Plumbing, Fire fighting system, other necessary
design and plans, preliminary interior decoration design, duly
accepted by BCFEC Project authority.

Upon submission of the final Structural designs, working 10% of total Contract Price
drawings including civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Transportation
J and Utility, Plumbing, Fire fighting system, final interior
decoration design, others necessary design duly accepted by
BCFEC Proj ect authority
Upon submission of Detail and head wise Estimates of all works 750% of total Contract Price
4 to be done with preparation of BOQ, price schedules, RDPP
prepared by the consultancy firm duly accepted by the PA
Upon submission of all relevant tender documents prepared by 5oh oftotal Contract Price
the consultancy firm, rendering full assistance in selection of
construction contractors and Submission of the construction
Supervision Manual.
Bills for conducting supervision under construction works by the 65% (Sixty Five Percent) of total
firm's own experienced and skilled manpower, Contract Price in 13(Thirteen) equal
6 recommendations, submission of completion report along with installments (@ 5% of total contract
all other necessary final reports duly accepted by the Project price up to in 13 stages/times

(2) If necessary, the above payment modes and stages may be changed/updated/amended by the project
authority with written consensus of both sides.
(3) It may have to deduct money from each payment as retention money for keeping certain periods in the
custody of PA.
(4) In payment of bills other rules of PPR shall also be followed.
46. Payment of VAT and Taxes/Financial Liability :

Payable Value Added Tax(VAT) and Income Tax(IT) shall be deducted from each bill of the consultant to
deposit in Govt. treasury at the time of payment as per prevailing rules and regulations of Bangladesh.
47. Selection Method :
In selection of the Architectural Consultancy Firm as Consultant, the respective rules and procedures,
described in the PPR-2008, will be followed. Specially the Quality and cost based selection (QCBS) system
of PPR will be followed.
48. Miscellaneous/Conclusive Terms and Conditions :
In addition to terms, conditions and activities mentioned in the above, the following tasks, terms and
conditions shall be the integral part of the contract, to be made/signed between the PA and the consultant:
(1) Before starting any activity or commencing any assignment/task the consultant must consult with the
BCFEC project authority (PA) about approach and methodology to perform the assignment. The Architectural
Design Report(ADR) and Design Basis Report (DBR), which are to be prepared by the Consultancy Firm
shall be submitted to the project authority for approval.
(2) The consultant shall update the work program(s)and submit to the PA in timely fashion and advise the
Project Director for efficient and smooth operation of all construction works.
(3) All relevant designs, drawings, specifications shall be prepared by the consultant as per demand,
requirement and satisfaction of the project authority. If the prepared designs, drawings and specifications are
not satisfactory to the Project Authority(PA), the PA deserves the right not to accept those.
(4) All drawings to be prepared and designed by the firms need to be approved by the BCFEC Project
(5) Mylar copy, color print copies and all tracing paper copies of all approved drawings shallbe submitted to
BCFEC Project authority in good condition at the end of contract period.
(6) The specification, final design, estimate etc. shall be prepared in accordance with common engineering
practice and the Consultancy Firm shall be responsible for economic design, its accuracy and suitability of its
performance with sufficient details etc. and should be aimed at minimizing costs economically justified.
(7) The Consultancy Firm will have to hold meeting with BCFEC Project authority at least once a month. The
Consultancy Firm shall ensure the presence of all key personnel, proposed in the technical proposal, in all

t Rezaul


(8) In the event of variations to the works being required, the consultant shall prepare the necessary
documents, negotiate these with contractor, propose rates of works, advise the PA on altematives and
recommend these to PA for approval.
(9) The Consultant shall advise the Project Authority on all matters relating to the execution of the works and
shall recommend the Project Authority with processing the contractor's possible claims and disputes.
(10) The Consultant shall comply with the audit requirements of the Govemment.
(11) The Project Authority deserves the right to call for any report, information, any opinion or any advice
from the consultant, regarding the project designs and works and contract during contract period and the
consultant shall deliver those to the PA.
(12) The Project Authority will deserve the right to examine the accuracy and acceptability of the consultant's
submitted designs, drawings, specifications, documents, proposals etc by other individual or institutional
experts/specialists/consultants of respective fields. In these regards, the decision and position of the project
authority will prevail over the consultant's position. In this regard, the consultant will not deserve any right to
raise any question and shall not give any objection.
(13) The Project Authority shall deserve the right to appoint/dispatch other experts/staff to monitor the works
of the consultancy firm as well as shall deserve the right to check the quality, quantity and accuracy of the
consultanfs performed works regarding the project. The said appointed/dispatched experUexperts/staff may
submit report to the PA regarding the performance of the consulting firm (Consultant) for the project and the
PA may take action as per advice/findings of them. In this regard, the consultant will not deserve any right to
raise any question and shall not give any objection.
(14) Prepare Variation Order in the light of contract agreement and recommend for approval, if required. In
this regard, proper attention should have to be paid during design and preparation of BOQ, Price Schedules to
keep the numbers of Variation orders as minimum.
(15) The Consultancy Firm shall abide by the existing rules and regulations and procedures of all others
organizations involved with this project directly.
(16) The Consultant shall perform other task/tasks, which have not been specifically mentioned above/in the
TOR but subsequently, which seem to the Project Authority(PA) are necessary and essential for successful
implementation of the project as well as are required for proper completion of relevant construction activities
in accordance with the plans, designs, specifications, contract etc.
(17) The period for supervision of construction works or for other physical works as well as the period for
supervising activities, to be performed by the appointed consultancy firm for the BCFEC Project works, shall
be counted or shall be considered from the actual commencernent date of construction works of said new
infrastructures and for related other works, to be implemented following prepared and approved plans and
designs, framed by that firm and that period, shall be counted, up to the date of completion of all construction
works for the project.
(18) It is assumed that the total contract period will be about 05 (five) years. Assuming that period the
contract will be signed. If the whole construction works can not be completed within that assumed period or if
it becomes inevitable the extension of the construction period than the assumed contract period, in that
situation, for delivery of all services, to be delivered by the appointed consulting firm (consultant), total
contract price or total fee shall remain the same and the consultant shall not be entitled to claim more
money/more fee than the signed total contract price.
(19) After submission of the required plans, designs, head wise estimates etc. by the Consultant, if for
unavoidable circumstances, it is not possible to commence the said construction works or if it is not possible
to accomplish the construction works of the new infrastructures of the project, the assumed price/bills for
conducting supervision of construction works shall not be payable to the consultancy firm.
(20) The payable amount of money or bill to the consultant will be equivalent to the services, delivered by the
consultant practically and those will be similar as the mode of payment, described earlier.
(21) Before submitting proposals by all consultants/applicants, the representative(s) of those should visit the
exhibition center (BBCFEC) site and the said plot at Purbachal physically and then they should submit their
(22) The Consultant's responsibility for the assignments shall remain valid until the issuance of the certificate
of Completion by the Project Authority.
(23) The Project Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals as well as reserves the
right to change, modify, amend or impose any condition of the TOR as per practical
The End

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