ERCP Curriculum
ERCP Curriculum
ERCP Curriculum
Position Statement
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Gavin Johnson1, George Webster1, Ivo Boškoski 2 , Sara Campos 3, Stefan Karl Gölder 4 , Christoph Schlag 5, Andrea
Anderloni 6, Urban Arnelo 7, Abdenor Badaoui 8, Noor Bekkali 9, Dimitrios Christodoulou 10, László Czakó11, Michael
Fernandez Y Viesca12, Istvan Hritz 13, Tomas Hucl14, Evangelos Kalaitzakis15, 16, Leena Kylänpää 17, Ivan Nedoluzhko18,
Maria Chiara Petrone19, Jan-Werner Poley20, Andrada Seicean 21, Juan Vila22 , Marianna Arvanitakis 12, Mario Dinis-
Ribeiro23, Thierry Ponchon 24, Raf Bisschops 25
Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved. 1071
Position Statement
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MAIN RECO MMENDAT IONS dure volume of > 300 cases, a native papilla cannulation rate
The European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) of ≥ 80 % (90 % after a period of mentored independent prac-
has recognized the need to formalize and enhance training tice), complete stones clearance of ≥ 85 %, and successful
in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography stenting of distal biliary strictures of ≥ 90 % (90 % and 95 %
(ERCP) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS). This manuscript respectively after a mentored period of independent prac-
represents the outcome of a formal Delphi process result- tice).
ing in an official Position Statement of the ESGE and pro-
vides a framework to develop and maintain skills in ERCP 4 The progression of EUS training and competence attain-
and EUS. This curriculum is set out in terms of the prerequi- ment should start from diagnostic EUS and then proceed
sites prior to training; recommended steps of training to a to basic therapeutic EUS, and finally to advanced therapeu-
defined syllabus; the quality of training; and how compe- tic EUS. Before independent practice, ESGE recommends
tence should be defined and evidenced before independent that a trainee can evidence a procedure volume of > 250
practice. cases (75 fine-needle aspirations/biopsies [FNA/FNBs]),
satisfactory visualization of key anatomical landmarks in
1 Trainees should be competent in gastroscopy prior to ≥ 90 % of cases, and an FNA/FNB accuracy rate of ≥ 85 %.
commencing training. Formal training courses and the use
of simulation in training are recommended. ESGE recognizes the often inadequate quality of the evi-
dence and the need for further studies pertaining to train-
2 Trainees should keep a contemporaneous logbook of their ing in advanced endoscopy, particularly in relation to thera-
procedures, including key performance indicators and the peutic EUS.
ing high quality training for many of these techniques has been
SOURCE AND SCO PE identified in many countries [2]. Of all the commonly per-
This position statement is an official statement of the formed endoscopic procedures, endoscopic retrograde cholan-
European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE). giopancreatography (ERCP) is associated with the highest risk
It provides recommendations for a European core curri- of serious complications and with a recognized mortality [3].
culum aimed at providing high quality training in ERCP Furthermore, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is an important ad-
and EUS. The recommendations presented are based on junct to ERCP, and also continues to evolve as a therapeutic
a consensus among endoscopists considered to be modality in its own right. Therefore, ESGE has identified the re-
experts in the field of ERCP and EUS who are involved in quirement for a consensus on how to optimize training in ERCP
training and training courses in Europe. and EUS as an important part of improving the quality of endos-
copy [1].
In 2017, the ESGE board convened the Curricula Working
Group, which was responsible for developing curricula that de-
Introduction fined the minimum training standards for more advanced and
The European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) has therapeutic endoscopic practice that may often go beyond the
identified quality in endoscopy as a major priority [1]. It is re- core endoscopy training curricula in each country. This process
cognized that there continues to be an accelerated develop- has been outlined previously [2] and position statements on
ment of new and complex diagnostic and therapeutic endo- three endoscopy topics have already been published [4–6].
scopic interventions and a lack of specific guidance for provid-
1072 Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved.
The recommendations presented in this curriculum, a total
A BB R E VI AT I ONS of 31, are given along with their quality of evidence and
ASGE American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy strength of recommendation in ▶ Table 1. They are based on a
CPN celiac plexus neurolysis consensus among experts in ERCP and EUS who are involved in
DOPS Direct Observation of Procedural Skills training.
ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogra-
ESGE European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Aims
EUS endoscopic ultrasound The aim of this position statement is to recommend best prac-
FNA fine-needle aspiration tice to optimize ERCP and EUS training in Europe, based on the
FNB fine-needle biopsy currently published evidence and knowledge. This paper focu-
JAG Joint Advisory Group on GI Endoscopy ses on training and aims to help trainees develop, evidence,
JETS JAG Endoscopy Training System and maintain their skills in ERCP and EUS.
PFC pancreatic fluid collection
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RAF-E Rotterdam Assessment Form for ERCP
TEESAT The EUS and ERCP Skills Assessment Tool Methods
UGI upper gastrointestinal In 2019, R.B. invited G.J. to develop a working subgroup of
WHO World Health Organization ERCP and EUS practitioners with an open call via ESGE commu-
nications. The curriculum was developed using consensus
1 Every endoscopist should have achieved competence in UGI endoscopy before commencing train- Low Strong
ing in ERCP or EUS (i. e. having personal experience of at least 300 gastroscopies and meeting the
ESGE quality measures for UGI endoscopy)
2 Simulation-based training represents a positive development to accelerate the trainee’s learning Very low Weak
curve and should be encouraged. When available, trainees should start training by undertaking
structured supervised ERCP/EUS simulator-based training before commencing hands-on training
in the workplace
3 Where it is available, simulation-based training should evolve in a stepwise approach for training: Very low Weak
virtual reality and mechanical simulators should be used during early training, followed by hands-
on endoscopy training
4 Trainees should undertake formal courses to complement ERCP/EUS training Low Strong
5 ERCP and EUS trainees should engage with a range of learning resources to supplement formal Very low Strong
courses and experiential learning
6 ERCP and EUS training should follow a structured syllabus to guide what is covered in workplace Very low Strong
learning, formal training courses, and self-directed study
7 A minimum training period of 12 months of high volume training is likely to be required to obtain Very low Strong
minimum proficiency in both ERCP and diagnostic EUS. At least a further year of dedicated training
is likely to be required for trainees to reach competence in advanced ERCP (Schutz 3 and 4) and
therapeutic EUS. Should there be an interruption to training, a longer period may be required
8 A significant proportion of ERCP and EUS training should be based in high volume training centers Very low Strong
that are able to offer trainees a sufficient wealth of experience for at least 12 months
9 An ERCP/EUS training center should ideally be able to provide: Very low Weak
▪ facilitation of trainee involvement in multidisciplinary meetings
▪ onsite hepaticopancreaticobiliary surgery and interventional radiology
▪ ERCP and EUS simulation
▪ support for trainee involvement in research and service improvement initiatives
10 A traineeʼs principal trainer should ideally have more than 3 years’ experience of independent ERCP Very low Weak
and/or EUS practice
11 A traineeʼs principal trainer should be performing adequate volumes of EUSs and/or ERCPs to de- Very low Strong
monstrate maintenance of their own competence
Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved. 1073
Position Statement
▶ Table 1 (Continuation)
12 ERCP and EUS competence should be defined as the ability to independently assess the need for Low Strong
and carry out successful and safe procedures, with good patient satisfaction across a range of case
difficulties and clinical contexts
13 Formal assessments tools (e. g. Direct Observation of Procedural Skills [DOPS] and The EUS and Moderate Strong
ERCP Skills Assessment Tool [TEESAT]) should be used regularly during ERCP and diagnostic and
therapeutic EUS training to track the acquisition of traineesʼ competence and to support trainee
14 Trainees should be encouraged to undertake self-assessment and keep a contemporaneous log- Low Strong
book of all cases, which includes the degree of trainer support that was needed for each aspect of
the procedure
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15 A trainee should undergo a formal summative assessment process prior to commencing independ- Low Weak
ent practice in ERCP and EUS
16 The attainment of competence in ERCP and EUS is not a single event, but a career-long process. It is Very low Strong
recommended that, once competent in ERCP and EUS, endoscopists should be supported to con-
tinue a period of mentored practice with an experienced colleague
ERCP training
18 Competence in ERCP should take account of predicted procedure complexity. All those delivering Low Strong
independent ERCP practice should achieve competence in basic ERCP (i. e. Schutz 1 and 2 levels of
19 Competence in advanced procedures (Schutz level 3 and 4) may be achieved after reaching compe- Low Strong
tence in basic ERCP and requires additional formal training following the commencement of inde-
pendent practice
20 The number of ERCPs performed may be a surrogate marker of competence, but in isolation is an Moderate Strong
inexact means to demonstrate competence. Most trainees are likely to need to have performed
> 300 ERCPs to be in a position to demonstrate competency
21 The following performance measures should be used to indicate a trainee’s competence in basic Moderate Strong
ERCP to continue to independent mentored practice:
▪ selective native papilla cannulation rate of ≥ 80 % as an intention to treat 1
▪ complete stone clearance ( < 10 mm) in ≥ 85 % cases following successful selective cannulation2
▪ successful stenting of distal biliary strictures of ≥ 90 % of cases following successful selective
cannulation 2
Following a period of mentored independent practice, to bring these performance measures into
line with the ESGE Quality Improvement Initiative for ERCP and EUS, they should be:
at least 10 % higher
5 % higher
22 An individual undertaking ERCP independently should be able to demonstrate an overall post-ERCP Low Weak
pancreatitis rate of ≤ 10 %
EUS training
23 Competence in radial EUS is not a prerequisite to commence linear-array EUS Low Weak
24 Competence in diagnostic EUS is a prerequisite for therapeutic EUS. Competence in ERCP is man- Very low Strong
datory for therapeutic EUS, and competence in therapeutic luminal endoscopy is advantageous
25 EUS training should be defined as two stages: diagnostic EUS, including tissue acquisition, and Very low Strong
therapeutic EUS
26 EUS-guided FNA/FNB can be commenced early in training, once safe handling and stable position- Low Weak
ing of the echoendoscope has been accomplished
27 Once competent in diagnostic EUS, training in therapeutic EUS may commence with less complex Very low Weak
procedures (such as EUS-guided drainage of PFCs) and, when competence has been achieved, may
progress to more advanced interventions (including EUS-guided gallbladder or biliary drainage, or
EUS-guided anastomosis creation)
1074 Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved.
▶ Table 1 (Continuation)
28 The number of EUSs performed may be a surrogate marker of competence, but in isolation is an Moderate Strong
inexact means to demonstrate competence. Trainees are likely to need to have performed > 250
diagnostic EUSs to be able to demonstrate competency
29 The following performance measures should be used to indicate a trainee’s competence in diag- Low Strong
nostic EUS:
▪ successful documentation of anatomical landmarks in ≥ 90 % of cases
▪ EUS-guided FNA/FNB accuracy rate of ≥ 85 %
30 Trainees are likely to need to have performed 75 EUS-guided FNA/FNBs to be able to demonstrate Low Strong
competency in tissue acquisition
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31 Until more robust data are available, an endoscopist can be considered competent to undertake Low Weak
therapeutic EUS when they can demonstrate acceptable rates of clinical success and adverse events
that equate to the rates described in published case series. It is recommended that at least the first
25 cases of any intervention should be performed under the supervision of an endoscopist experi-
enced in that intervention
ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; ESGE, European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; EUS, endoscopic ultrasound; FNA, fine-needle
aspiration; FNB, fine-needle biopsy; PFC, pancreatic fluid collection; UGI, upper gastrointestinal.
methodology, so the constitution of this working party was se- groups drew upon expert opinion to develop statements that
lected by G.J. and R.B. to ensure that the group was broadly went forward into the Delphi process.
representative in terms of a wide range of nationalities, levels The statements were distributed electronically in August
of clinical experience, and clinical backgrounds, and also in- 2019. In October 2019, there was a second face-to-face meet-
cluded trainee representation. ing where the statements and supportive evidence were discus-
The first meeting of the subgroup was in April 2019. At this sed in turn, resulting in further modification of the statements.
meeting, the overall aims of the project were defined and the The first round of anonymous electronic voting took place in
methodology was agreed. At this kick-off meeting, three princi- November 2019 and was based on a 5-point Likert scale, rang-
pal topics were identified, as previously defined by the ESGE [2]; ing from “Strongly Disagree,” through to “Strongly Agree.” Any
from these, specific questions were developed using the Popu- statement receiving at least an 80 % level of “agreement” or
lation, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome (PICO) format “strong agreement” was accepted.
where possible: Thereafter G.J. modified any statements based on feedback
a) Pre-adoption requirements to start training (skills required to improve their acceptability. The new statements were dis-
prior to engaging in ERCP/EUS training) cussed in a teleconference in January 2020, before a second
b) Training/learning steps (the steps to achieve competence in electronic vote between February and July 2020. Owing to the
ERCP and EUS, including requirements for training pro- paucity of evidence, all statements should be considered
grams) GRADE weak, with low or very low quality evidence or based
c) Definition and assessment of trainee competence (the ESGE on expert opinion, with the exceptions of recommendations
definition of competence for ERCP and EUS, and the evi- that consider the learning curves for ERCP and diagnostic EUS,
dence of competence in terms of prior training and per- which are based on moderate quality evidence.
formance measures to be attained before certification for
independent ERCP/EUS practice). 1 ERCP and EUS training in general
A Pre-adoption requirements to start ERCP and EUS
Two subgroup members were nominated as the leads for each
topic. A Delphi process was then used to review the evidence
and develop consensus statements for each topic. Each topic
was the subject of a systematic literature review using major RECOMMENDATION 1
databases (PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library) from Every endoscopist should have achieved competence in
1990 to April 2019. Any publications emerging during the Del- upper gastrointestinal (UGI) endoscopy before commen-
phi process and manuscript writing were also considered for in- cing training in ERCP or EUS (i. e. having personal experi-
clusion. Statements were drafted based on this evidence and ence of at least 300 gastroscopies and meeting the ESGE
subjected to an appraisal using the Grading of Recommenda- quality measures for UGI endoscopy).
tions Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) Level of agreement 100 %.
framework [3, 7]. In situations where there was a paucity of evi-
dence in an aspect of training that was deemed important, the
Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved. 1075
Position Statement
Both ERCP and EUS require the skilled execution of endo- Several studies have proposed the implementation of simu-
scope maneuvers to obtain a stable position in order either to lator training in endoscopic training, given the potential for
undertake specific therapy or to obtain optimal endosono- more rapid progression up the early learning curve [14–17].
graphic images. Proficiency in diagnostic gastroscopy, as de- Training in advanced endoscopy in ERCP/EUS should include
fined by the ESGE performance measures [8], is therefore a pre- in-room ERCP/EUS observation of live cases and then evolve as
requisite before training in both ERCP and EUS, and experience follows:
of therapeutic upper gastrointestinal (UGI) endoscopy and co- 1. independence in UGI endoscopy and experience of thera-
lonoscopy is also desirable. peutic luminal endoscopy
2. virtual reality and mechanical simulators during early train-
B Training/learning steps in ERCP and EUS ing
3. hands-on basic ERCP/diagnostic EUS training
RECO MMENDATION 2 4. ex vivo or in vivo simulators later in training and for
Simulation-based training represents a positive develop- advanced training of more complex procedures
ment to accelerate the trainee’s learning curve and 5. hands-on advanced ERCP/therapeutic EUS training
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should be encouraged. When available, trainees should 6. ex vivo and in vivo simulators for acquiring expertise in new
start their training by undertaking structured supervised interventions, or maintaining competence in low volume
ERCP/EUS simulator-based training before commencing procedures.
hands-on training in the workplace.
Level of agreement 82 %.
Trainees should undertake formal courses to complement
Simulation-based training refers to different educational ERCP/EUS training.
tools that allow for repetitive instruction in a non-patient care Level of agreement 100 %.
environment, without stress and risks. In endoscopy, it includes
▪ mechanical simulators
▪ animal models – in vivo and ex vivo (hybrid) Formal courses/workshops in ERCP and EUS training are
▪ computer-based/virtual reality simulators. defined as a structured course with clear learning objectives,
expert faculty, and a range of learning methods. Supervised
Each of these has its own characteristics, advantages, and dis- hands-on training is encouraged and, depending on the com-
advantages, but they all aim to help trainees to practice naviga- petence delegates demonstrate, this can be on simulators
tion skills and learn the basic milestones, as shown in Table 1 s, and/or patients. Formal ERCP courses have been shown to
see online-only Supplementary material [12–14]. change practice and improve confidence [18], and have been
Trainees just starting in ERCP and EUS will benefit from be- shown to improve performance in workshops using mechanical
coming familiar with accessories and practicing endoscopic simulators [15, 17]. There is evidence from the UK that an
and accessory maneuvers in a simulated setting with less cog- intense 5-day colonoscopy course could lead to a sustained po-
nitive overload. Early training that includes simulation-based sitive impact on performance [19].
training should be encouraged as an adjunct to attendance dur- These courses should be led by faculty who are experienced
ing endoscopy lists, formal courses, and e-learning tools. and skilled trainers. Learning methods should include theory
A structured simulation-based training program developed sessions, facilitated group discussions, live demonstrations,
with specific goals should be defined. As endoscopic interven- and closely supervised hands-on sessions. The hands-on ses-
tions increase in their scope and complexity, hands-on training sions should be on simulators in early training and on real cases
on patients, even for experienced trainees, is often limited for courses involving more experienced trainees, and should
owing to concerns about maintaining patient safety in new result in individualized feedback. Course directors should seek
and/or complex procedures, and simulation can fulfil an impor- formal quality assurance of their courses from national or
tant role. regional training organizations if these structures are in place.
1076 Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved.
Trainees are encouraged to participate in self-directed learn- –
effective in-room leadership and communication
ing during training to: –
appropriate patient positioning
▪ develop a knowledge base to support contemporary –
safe esophageal and duodenal intubation
evidence-based practice –
duodenoscope and echoendoscope handling and posi-
▪ underpin their appreciation of normal and abnormal anato- tioning
my, and improve pathology recognition – selection of ERCP accessories, EUS needles, and guide-
▪ be familiar with safe and effective ERCP and EUS techniques. wires appropriate for the required intervention
– structured systematic performance of diagnostic endos-
Self-directed learning should take advantage of the significant copy and execution of therapy, for example:
range of training resources now available: textbooks, guide- • station assessment in EUS
lines, e-learning modules, web-based instructional video cases, • in ERCP, appropriate algorithm selection for difficult
congress proceedings, and live endoscopy workshops. selective cannulation, safe sphincterotomy, stent
choice and deployment, and stone management
• steps for safe and effective tissue acquisition and
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ERCP and EUS training should follow a structured syllabus – optimization and storage of endosonographic and
to guide what is covered in workplace learning, formal fluoroscopic imaging, whilst minimizing ionizing radia-
training courses, and self-directed study. tion exposure to the patient and to clinical staff, which for
Level of agreement 100 %. EUS includes the amplification or time gain compensa-
tion, color Doppler imaging, contrast-enhancement, and
– application of measures to prevent post-ERCP pancreatitis
Performing ERCP and EUS safely and effectively requires fun- and cholangitis.
damental knowledge, and technical and non-technical skills. It ▪ Post-procedure:
is recommended that training covers the following domains. – effective comprehensive report writing
▪ Pre-procedure: – recognition and appropriate early management of com-
– knowledge of the risks, indications, and alternatives for plications
ERCP, and diagnostic and therapeutic EUS, and the ability – defining and communicating post-procedure instructions
to explain these to a patient and/or their carer to obtain for care
valid informed consent – explaining the onward short- and long-term management
– understanding the principles of safe conscious sedation, plan to the patient and/or their carers.
deep sedation, and general anesthesia
– knowledge of mediastinal and upper abdominal anatomy
(plus pelvic/perirectal anatomy if undertaking per-rectal RECOMMENDATION 7
EUS), and an understanding of related imaging: ultra- A minimum training period of 12 months of high volume
sound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance ima- training is likely to be required to obtain minimum profi-
ging, and functional imaging ciency in both ERCP and diagnostic EUS. At least a further
– understanding of the guidance on the use of prophylactic year of dedicated training is likely to be required for trai-
antibiotics and the management of patients on antiplate- nees to reach competence in advanced ERCP (Schutz 3
let and anticoagulant medications and 4) and therapeutic EUS. Should there be an interrup-
– knowledge of the hardware and its ergonomic configura- tion to training, a longer period may be required.
tion in the endoscopy room (fluoroscopy, processors, and Level of agreement 96 %.
endoscopes, including being able to troubleshoot scope
– familiarity with the safe use of accessories used in ERCP
and EUS, allowing the ability to select accessories and In the following section, it will be demonstrated that the
guidewires appropriately in different situations rates at which trainees achieve competence in different aspects
– contribution to decision-making and patient counselling of EUS and ERCP vary [20–22]. The factors contributing to this
in pancreaticobiliary disease by contributing to outpati- variation relate to the innate skills, previous experience, and
ent clinics, ward care, and specialist multidisciplinary dedication of the trainee; the skills of the trainer; and the qual-
meetings. ity of the training program and training environment. There-
▪ Intraprocedure: fore, defining a minimum period of training in ERCP and EUS is
– ensuring effective teamwork and promoting an environ- difficult and could be challenged. However, there is still the
ment to minimize risk and medical error in endoscopy need to structure training into programs, so an indication of
(e. g. World Health Organization [WHO] endoscopy safety the minimum period required for the majority of trainees to
checklist, team debrief after case, involvement in mortal- reach competence is needed. A training period of at least 12
ity and morbidity audit) months is likely to be required for trainees to undertake the
Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved. 1077
Position Statement
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to learning curves [24, 25]. There is no equivalent data for ERCP These centers will provide the trainee with experience of all
and EUS training. The length of the interruption to training that aspects of the syllabus (recommendation 17), such as proce-
may affect a trainee’s acquisition of competence is likely to vary dure planning, involvement in the planning of interventional
widely owing to factors such as prior experience and the train- strategies, management of complications, and trainee involve-
ing intensity upon restarting training. ment in the whole inpatient stay. The benefits of simulation are
more likely to be provided by recognized ERCP and EUS training
units in specialist centers.
A significant proportion of ERCP and EUS training should
be based in high volume training centers that are able to RECOMMENDATION 10
offer trainees a sufficient wealth of experience for at least A traineeʼs principal trainer should ideally have more than
12 months. 3 years’ experience of independent ERCP and/or EUS
Level of agreement 96 %. practice.
Level of agreement 96 %.
1078 Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved.
competence,” such that experts have a reduced “intrinsic load” Assessment is central to determining an individual’s compe-
so are better able to observe and inform all facets of the train- tence. Formative assessments are conducted by trainers to
ing encounter to the benefit of the trainee’s learning and devel- highlight a trainee’s strengths and weaknesses, so as to
opment. improve the quality of the feedback and to improve perform-
There is no evidence to support a strong recommendation ance [16, 34]. Siau et al. used data from the UK national trainee
on how long an endoscopist should have been practicing inde- e-portfolio to provide evidence that the ERCP DOPS formative
pendently before becoming a principal trainer, but the consen- assessment has validity and reliability and is to be used for sum-
sus time was a minimum of 3 years. mative assessment [28]. The reliability of the DOPS was shown
Trainers should consider undertaking a recognized “train the to improve when the assessment of performance was based on
endoscopy trainer” course to improve their skills as a trainer. the degree of supervision required by the trainee [27]. Wani et
Effective feedback benefits training outcomes. It has been al. have validated the TEESAT for use in competence assessment
shown that colonoscopy trainees randomized to receive feed- for ERCP and EUS, and it is recommended for use in North
back, rather than no feedback, had significantly improved cecal American advanced endoscopy programs [22, 35, 36].
intubation rates [31]. It follows therefore that courses that in- The DOPS and TEESAT are broadly alike in their structure,
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struct trainers in the fundamentals of adult learning theory to with the steps of the procedure deconstructed into domains,
improve their skills as trainers, such as providing a framework which are further divided into individual “performance items.”
for effective feedback, setting goals for each session, and using The assessor is required to assess the quality of the perform-
consistent training terms benefit trainees [29, 32]. JAG in the ance for each item based on the degree of supervision/assist-
UK, and the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy ance that was required. Both assessments encourage reflection
(ASGE) in the USA recommend “train the trainers” courses that on the training episode.
are specific to the endoscopic modality. Greater engagement with the process of formative assess-
ment has been shown to be an independent predictor of per-
C Definition and assessment of trainee competence formance [28]. ASGE recommends that at least 20 % of a trai-
for ERCP and EUS nee’s cases are subject to assessment with the TEESAT [36]; in
the UK, it is recommended that a formative DOPS assessment is
RECO MMENDATION 12 undertaken approximately every 10 ERCPs.
ERCP and EUS competence should be defined as the abil- The DOPS or the TEESAT are recommended as they are
ity to independently assess the need for and carry out openly available for use and have been validated. If trainers
successful and safe procedures, with good patient satis- wish to develop their own tool to structure trainee feedback,
faction across a range of case difficulties and clinical con- Tables 2 s and 3 s outline a suggested “performance item”
texts. checklist that can be tailored for their use.
Level of agreement 100 %.
Trainees should be encouraged to undertake self-
This definition of ERCP and EUS competence pins compe- assessment and keep a contemporaneous logbook of all
tence to whether the endoscopist can undertake effective and cases, which includes the degree of trainer support that
safe procedures, and recognizes the importance of patient ex- was needed for each aspect of the procedure.
perience and the range of case complexity and contexts. ASGE Level of agreement 100 %.
defines competence as the minimum level of skill, knowledge,
and/or expertise derived through training and experience that
is required to safely and proficiently perform a task or proce-
dure [33]. The definition of ERCP and EUS competence includes attain-
ment of key performance measures, as well as a minimum num-
ber of procedures before a trainee can perform ERCP and EUS
RECO MMENDATION 13 independently. It therefore follows that a trainee is encouraged
Formal assessments tools (e. g. Direct Observation of Pro- to keep a record of all their endoscopy cases and the degree to
cedural Skills [DOPS] and The EUS and ERCP Skills Assess- which the trainer was involved. In the UK, trainees use a nation-
ment Tool [TEESAT]) should be used regularly during wide electronic portfolio (JETS) to log procedures and to pro-
ERCP and diagnostic and therapeutic EUS training to track vide a record of their formative assessments [37]. Ekkelenkamp
the acquisition of trainees’ competence and to support et al. have shown that continuous self-assessment using the
trainee feedback. Rotterdam Assessment Form for ERCP (RAF-E) can demonstrate
Level of agreement 96 %. a trainee’s learning curve and key performance measures [20,
Tables 4 s and 5 s outline suggested logbook fields to be
completed by a trainee for each ERCP and EUS procedure. As a
trainee documents the degree of supervision required for each
Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved. 1079
Position Statement
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ESGE proposes that the national legislature responsible for
accreditation in endoscopy undertakes a formal assessment of ESGE advocates using the Schutz classification to define ba-
trainees prior to independent ERCP and EUS practice. This pro- sic and advanced ERCPs [39]. Competence in basic ERCP is
cess should include an independent review to determine that therefore defined as competence in:
the procedure numbers and performance measures outlined in ▪ selective cannulation
this document have been attained. This process can also review ▪ extraction of stones > 10 mm
whether a trainee has undertaken formal training courses and ▪ treatment of a bile leak
their progress in formative assessment, when these have been ▪ successful stenting of an extrahepatic biliary stricture
brought into national training programs. Accreditation bodies ▪ placement of a prophylactic pancreatic stent.
should also consider a summative assessment, whereby a trai-
nee is observed undertaking ERCPs and EUSs by independent Competence in advanced ERCP is defined as competence in:
assessors as a further robust test of competence beyond train- ▪ stenting of a hilar obstruction
ing experience and performance measures. ▪ removal of intrahepatic stones
▪ any pancreatic therapy
▪ ampullectomy
RECO MMENDATION 16 ▪ ERCP in surgically altered anatomy.
The attainment of competence in ERCP and EUS is not a
single event, but a career-long process. It is recommend-
ed that, once competent in ERCP and EUS, endoscopists RECOMMENDATION 18
should be supported to continue a period of mentored Competence in ERCP should take account of predicted
practice with an experienced colleague. procedure complexity. All those delivering independent
Level of agreement 100 %. ERCP practice should achieve competence in basic ERCP
(i. e. Schutz 1 and 2 levels of complexity).
Level of agreement 100 %.
1080 Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved.
for ERCP (Schutz 3 and 4) are undertaken less commonly and
should be undertaken in a high volume referral center, with sur- RECOMMENDATION 21
gical and radiological support, so competence in these pro- The following performance measures should be used to
cedures is not mandated for all trainees wanting to practice in- indicate a trainee’s competence in basic ERCP to continue
dependent ERCP. Additional training is required to attain com- to independent mentored practice:
petence in advanced ERCP. ▪ selective native papilla cannulation rate of ≥ 80 % as an
intention to treat1 (Level of agreement 96 %)
C Definition and assessment of trainee competence ▪ complete stone clearance (< 10 mm) in ≥ 85 % of cases
for ERCP and EUS following successful selective cannulation2 (Level of
agreement 91 %)
RECO MMENDATION 20 ▪ successful stenting of distal biliary strictures in ≥ 90 % of
The number of ERCPs performed may be a surrogate cases following successful selective cannulation 2 (Level
marker of competence, but in isolation is an inexact of agreement 91 %).
means to demonstrate competence. Most trainees are
This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
likely to need to have performed > 300 ERCPs to be in a Following a period of mentored independent practice, to
position to demonstrate competency. bring these performance measures into line with the
Level of agreement 100 %. ESGE Quality Improvement Initiative for ERCP and EUS,
they should be:
at least 10 % higher
5 % higher.
It has been conventional for training programs to use proce-
dure volume as a surrogate marker of competence, and unsur-
prisingly there is strong evidence endoscopists’ experience of a
procedure has consistently been shown to be a predictor of Performance measures have been widely proposed and
competence [25–27, 40]. However, there is significant variation adopted in endoscopy to benchmark satisfactory performance
in learning curves for ERCP [20, 22, 26, 28], as other trainee, [33, 45, 46]. In 2018, Domagk et al. presented performance
trainer, and training program factors, such as prior endoscopic measures for ERCP and EUS as part of the ESGE’s quality
skills, trainer teaching skills, access to simulation, and training improvement initiative [45]. It follows that ESGE proposes that
intensity, inform the rate at which competence is attained. the same performance measures are used to define the compe-
Therefore, defining an absolute threshold in terms of numbers tence of a trainee prior to independent practice but, for expe-
of procedures required for competence can be questioned, and diency, the evidence underpinning these performance meas-
there has been a move away from endoscopic competence ures is not discussed in this paper.
being defined solely by procedure volume [33, 41, 42]. Despite Selective biliary cannulation is a fundamental skill in ERCP as
this trend, endoscopy training program directors and new trai- without this no therapeutic intervention can proceed. However,
nees need to have an idea of the approximate case numbers at it provides no information on an individual’s ability to execute
which competence is likely to be attained (subject to other other specific aspects of ERCP, such as sphincterotomy or stent
measures of competence). deployment, and therefore cannot be used in isolation as a
Ekkelenkamp et al. in 2014 demonstrated in a single training measure of competence.
center that only one of 15 trainees reached a native papilla can- In patients with a native papilla and conventional anatomy,
nulation rate of 85 % after 200 procedures [20]. A systematic Domagk et al. proposed a selective biliary cannulation rate of
review in 2015 included nine studies overall but, in the five ≥ 90 % (on an intention-to-treat basis). However, the consensus
looking at selective cannulation, the range of procedure vol- of the curriculum group was that achieving this standard may
umes required was 79–300 [43]. In 2019 Siau et al. reported be difficult for trainees. ESGE defines a difficult biliary cannula-
from the UK on the outcomes of formative ERCP assessment tion as more than five contacts with the papilla; more than 5
from the nationwide electronic training portfolio and demon- minutes spent attempting to cannulate following visualization
strated that the competency benchmark for selective cannula- of the papilla; or more than one unintended pancreatic duct
tion of 89 % was only achieved after 300 procedures [28]. Also cannulation or opacification [47]. The point at which a trainer
in 2019, Wani et al. reported on the learning curves of 62 ad- takes over the procedure when cannulating will always vary
vanced endoscopy trainees and concluded that the average between trainers, but it follows that, in the relatively common
trainee required 250 cases to achieve core skills in ERCP, and scenario of a cannulation becoming difficult, a trainer may well
305 cases for the more complex Grade 2 cases [44]. ESGE there- take over the endoscope. If the trainer is successful at cannula-
fore recommends a trainee is likely to require an ERCP proce- tion with either conventional or adjunct techniques, the case
dure volume of 300 cases before there can be an expectation would count as being an unsuccessful cannulation attempt for
of competence and, even then, competence must be better evi- the trainee. Even very experienced and competent trainees
denced than by case numbers alone. skilled in adjunct cannulation techniques will encounter cases
in which the trainer will be required to take over the procedure,
for example where there are time-pressures on a list or issues
Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved. 1081
Position Statement
related to sedation or anesthesia, so they will not be in a posi- array echoendoscope, which may infer a particular advantage in
tion to reach the successful cannulation rates of equally compe- the examination on the pancreas [49]. Therefore, ESGE propo-
tent independent endoscopists. When the trainee proceeds ses that it is not essential that training commences with radial
into independent practice then the majority of these cases EUS, or that radial EUS is learned alongside linear EUS.
would be achieved successfully, such that the individual’s can-
nulation rate is likely to improve. It is therefore proposed that
the definition of ERCP competence includes a selective cannula- RECOMMENDATION 24
tion rate of ≥ 80 %, with the aim of achieving the proposed ESGE Competence in diagnostic EUS is a prerequisite for thera-
standard of ≥ 90 % in the period following independent practice peutic EUS. Competence in ERCP is mandatory for thera-
(preferably during a period of mentorship). peutic EUS, and competence in therapeutic luminal
With the same logic, it is proposed that the definition of endoscopy is advantageous.
ERCP competence for a trainee includes successful stone clear- Level of agreement 91 %.
ance (≤ 10 mm) and successful stenting of an extrahepatic bili-
ary obstruction with rates that are both 5 % lower than those
This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
proposed by Domagk for the ESGE quality improvement initia- Diagnostic EUS, including tissue acquisition, is considered a
tive (≥ 85 % and ≥ 90 %, respectively). The difference of 5 % prerequisite for therapeutic EUS [50], given that effective tar-
between a trainee’s performance standard and that proposed get recognition and puncture with an accessory are the initial
by ESGE is lower than that for cannulation. This is because trai- steps for any EUS-guided therapies. Furthermore, much of
ners are likely to be prepared to allow trainees longer to exe- therapeutic EUS requires mastery of ERCP skills (such as the
cute these therapies because they are inherently less likely to use of wires, stents, accessories, and fluoroscopy), so there is
cause harm than a difficult cannulation of a native papilla. strong consensus that ERCP competence should be mandatory
when training in therapeutic EUS [45, 50].
There is currently no established guidance for determining a
RECO MMENDATION 22 trainee’s competence to independently perform effective ther-
An individual undertaking ERCP independently should be apeutic EUS, although some consensus exists on how to train
able to demonstrate an overall post-ERCP pancreatitis trainees to become therapeutic endosonographers [45, 48,
rate of ≤ 10 %. 50]. Trainees should know the indications, limitations, risks,
Level of agreement 91 %. and alternatives for any proposed EUS intervention and should
be able to explain this information to patients to obtain valid
informed consent [33, 51]. At a trainer’s discretion, trainees
Post-ERCP pancreatitis is the most frequent complication with enough experience of ERCP, but who are not yet certified
following ERCP and can be devastating; it is considered by the for independent practice, can commence training in straight-
ESGE to be the most appropriate indicator of the adverse event forward cases of therapeutic EUS. Competence in luminal
rate [45]. This complication rate threshold is largely drawn from endoscopy including experience in the management of endo-
a 2015 systematic review that was derived from randomized scopic complications, such as perforation and bleeding, is also
controlled trials only, including 13 296 patients, which docu- advantageous [50], given the rate at which these complications
mented an overall post-ERCP pancreatitis rate of 9.7 %, with a can occur in therapeutic EUS.
rate of 14.7 % in high risk patients.
B Training/learning steps in EUS training
A Pre-adoption requirements to start EUS training EUS training should be defined as two stages: diagnostic
EUS, including tissue acquisition, and therapeutic EUS.
RECO MMENDATION 23 Level of agreement 100 %.
Competence in radial EUS is not a prerequisite to com-
mence linear-array EUS.
Level of agreement 96 %.
Although there is a variability between trainees [16, 21, 52],
EUS is considered to be a demanding technique with a long and
variable learning curve [21]. It is performed for several clinical
Diagnostic EUS should only be commenced when compe- indications [53]; the diagnostic indications for EUS are wide-
tence in gastroscopy has been attained. Competence in linear- ranging and the number of distinct interventional procedures
array EUS is essential to undertake tissue acquisition and EUS- for EUS are increasing. As such, a competent endosonographer
guided therapy, but it has been shown that training with a needs to master not only scope and accessory handling skills,
radial echoendoscope does not improve the performance of but also how to interpret and differentiate between normal
subsequent training with a linear-array echoendoscope [48]. anatomy and pathology.
Most diagnostic EUS procedures can be performed with a linear-
1082 Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved.
The training should be considered in two stages. It should ▪ step 4 – EUS-guided pancreatic duct drainage
start with diagnostic EUS, which encompasses all aspects of ▪ step 5 – EUS-guided anastomosis creation (e. g. gastro-
diagnostic EUS (luminal and pancreaticobiliary EUS, including enteric or bilioenteric anastomosis).
tissue acquisition [54, 55]). Once this has been achieved, train-
ing in therapeutic EUS can commence. Training in CPN can be considered early in advanced EUS train-
Transrectal EUS has emerged as an important adjunct in the ing. Moreover, the expanding field of EUS-guided cancer thera-
diagnosis and treatment of pelvic pathology. However, many py needs to be incorporated into training (brachytherapy, fidu-
endosonographers do not undertake lower gastrointestinal cial marker placement, ablative therapies).
EUS, and others consider it quite a low volume indication. The
working group did not have representation from any coloproc- C Assessment issues for EUS
tology surgeons, so considered the specific training require-
ments of transrectal EUS beyond the scope of the curriculum. RECOMMENDATION 28
The number of EUSs performed may be a surrogate mark-
er of competence, but in isolation is an inexact means to
This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
RECO MMENDATION 26 demonstrate competence. Trainees are likely to need to
EUS-guided FNA/FNB can be commenced early in train- have performed > 250 diagnostic EUSs to be able to
ing, once safe handling and stable positioning of the demonstrate competency.
echoendoscope has been accomplished. Level of agreement 100 %.
Level of agreement 91 %.
Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved. 1083
Position Statement
competence in EUS. Table 3 s lists “performance items” for learned by endoscopists competent in ERCP and diagnostic
diagnostic EUS and includes suggested anatomical landmarks. EUS, and that supervision should be in place for at least the first
25 cases. It is accepted however that the learning curves of
each trainee are different and competence should be objective-
RECO MMENDATION 30 ly demonstrated.
Trainees are likely to need to have performed 75 EUS- Competence in therapeutic EUS requires a strong under-
guided FNA/FNBs to be able to demonstrate competency standing of the indications, benefits, risks, and alternatives for
in tissue acquisition. the procedure. ESGE recommends that endoscopists audit their
Level of agreement 86 %. rates of success and adverse outcomes for diagnostic and ther-
apeutic EUS both whilst learning these procedures under super-
vision and when undertaking these cases independently. The
A study by Wani et al. concluded that the average trainee acceptable rates of success and adverse events will be different
required 110 EUS-FNAs during training to achieve competence for each EUS-guided intervention, and for endoscopists to prac-
[44]. ESGE recommends that trainees are likely to require a tice independently their success and complications should be
This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
minimum of 75 FNA/FNB procedures before they are likely to comparable to the rates published in the largest peer-reviewed
demonstrate competence. series, and be adjusted when techniques are refined and im-
proved evidence emerges.
Until more robust data are available, an endoscopist can Conclusions
be considered competent to undertake therapeutic EUS As part of the mission of the ESGE to identify quality in endos-
when they can demonstrate acceptable rates of clinical copy as a major priority, we present this Position Statement on
success and adverse events that equate to the rates training in ERCP and EUS. The working group included repre-
described in published case series. It is recommended sentation from across Europe and included different back-
that at least the first 25 cases of any intervention should grounds in training and a range of career experience. Standard
be performed under the supervision of an endoscopist Delphi methodology was used to propose and agree state-
experienced in that intervention. ments pertaining to the prerequisites for ERCP and EUS train-
Level of agreement 96 %. ing; the steps in training and the quality of training; and the de-
finition and assessment of competence in ERCP and EUS prior to
independent practice. These proposals have no legal implica-
tion, but serve to recommend best practice in training. It is
Two studies have assessed the impact of experience on the hoped they will be of use to National Societies, program direc-
outcomes of therapeutic EUS. Harewood et al. reported in tors, and trainees in improving the provision and standard of
2003 that experience of over 20 cases improved the outcomes ERCP and EUS training.
of PFC drainage [59]. A 2008 study reported that trainees Many of the statements are drawn from low or very low qual-
should independently perform 25 EUS-guided PFC drainage ity evidence, so are derived from the expert opinion of the cur-
procedures to be proficient [60]. On account of these studies riculum working group through consensus. Arguably the best
being undertaken in the evolution of the technique and assum- quality evidence is that related to learning curves and the rate
ing that the endoscopist is competent in ERCP, the consensus at which competence is attained in terms of procedure num-
guidelines of the Asian EUS group is for trainees to undertake bers. However, this is a source of controversy as there has
5–10 procedures under supervision as the minimum require- been an understandable move away from competence being
ment to obtain competency in PFC drainage [61]. The group measured solely on the basis of the procedure volume of the
do not recommend a case number for EUS-CPN or EUS-guided trainee. ESGE has proposed that procedure numbers are
biliary or pancreatic drainage. ESGE proposes that trainees retained as they serve as guidance to lead trainers responsible
should expect to require 10–25 PFC drainage procedures for organizing training programs, as well as to trainees who
before expecting to demonstrate competency for drainage of will benefit from a benchmark to determine when full compe-
PFCs. tence in ERCP and EUS is likely to be attained. ESGE emphasizes
Oh et al. reported that experience of 33 cases is required for however that the procedure volume of a trainee is no longer
EUS-guided hepaticogastrostomy [62], and similarly James et sufficient evidence of competence and recommends that key
al. reported 40 cases being required for effective hepatico- performance measures are attained and that consideration is
enterostomy [63]. Teoh et al. reported the findings from an given by national institutions to a formal summative assess-
international multicenter registry and concluded that 25 cases ment process prior to independent practice.
were required for competence in EUS-guided gallbladder drain- There remain major challenges to delivering effective ERCP
age [64]. Given the limited number of cases, even in specialist and EUS training. It has been proposed that simulation forms a
centers, acquisition of experience in these complex procedures central part of training, although access to effective simulation
is an issue. For the current generation coming through endos- is highly variable. There is also inconsistent availability of formal
copy training, ESGE proposes that these procedures should be endoscopy courses and “train the trainer” workshops, both of
1084 Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved.
▶ Table 2 Potential research questions to be prioritized. Disclaimer
To what degree can trainee learning curves and recommended mini- ESGE Position Statements represent a consensus of best prac-
mum case volumes be improved with greater focus on:
tice based on the available evidence at the time of preparation.
▪ formal courses This is NOT a guideline but a proposal for training in ERCP and
▪ simulation
EUS. The statements may not apply in all situations and should
be interpreted in the light of specific clinical situations and re-
▪ trainer expertise
source availability. Further studies may be needed to clarify as-
▪ “immersion training” (greater intensity of case experience)? pects of these statements, and revision may be necessary as
new data appear. Clinical considerations may justify a course
What levels of objective performance measures for ERCP and EUS are
fair and attainable for trainees to attain prior to independent practice of action at variance with these recommendations.
(e. g. cannulation rates)? This ESGE Position Statement is intended to be an educa-
tional device to provide information that may assist endos-
What effects do breaks in training have on ERCP and EUS learning
copists in providing care to patients. They are not rules and
This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
should not be construed as establishing a legal standard of
What are the most valid and feasible ways to assess a trainee’s com-
care or as encouraging, advocating, requiring, or discouraging
petence prior to independent practice?
any particular treatment.
What constitutes ideal training for an endoscopist in lower volume, The legal disclaimer for ESGE guidelines applies to the pres-
more complex, advanced therapeutic ERCP and EUS procedures, and
ent position statement [65].
how should competence be determined?
What is the suggested format for effective ERCP and EUS mentoring
once independent practice has commenced? Competing interests
ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; EUS, endoscopic
ultrasound. A. Anderloni has provided consultancy for Boston Scientific (2016 to
present), Olympus (2018 to present), and Medtronic (2018–2019).
M. Arvanitakis has received lecture fees from Olympus (2019–2020).
R. Bisschops is supported by a grant from Flanders Research Founda-
which have been shown to benefit training. Given the paucity of tion; he has received speaker’s and consultancy fees from Medtronic,
evidence behind many of the statements, ESGE encourages fur- Fujifilm, and Pentax (2015 to present), and consultancy fees from
ther study into all facets of training in ERCP, diagnostic EUS, and Boston Scientific and Cook (2015 to present); his department has re-
therapeutic EUS in particular. ▶ Table 2 lists potential research ceived research grants from Pentax and Fujifilm (2015 to present),
Cook (2016–2019), Medtronic (2018 to present), and Boston Scienti-
questions that should be prioritized by investigators with an in-
fic (2019 to present). M. Dinis-Ribeiro provided consultancy for Med-
terest in enhancing ERCP and EUS services, safety, and training tronic (2020); he is also co-editor in-chief of Endoscopy. I. Hritz was a
quality. consultant and trainer for Olympus and Pentax Medical (2017–2018).
Training in therapeutic EUS remains a particular challenge. G. Johnson has received education consultancy fees from Boston Sci-
Even in specialist centers, the procedure numbers for therapeu- entific (2014 to present), Pentax (2017–2018), and Olympus (2013 to
present). J.-W. Poley has received consultancy and travel fees from
tic EUS are much lower than for ERCP and diagnostic EUS. The
Boston Scientific, Cook Endoscopy, and Pentax Medical (2015 to pres-
evidence with regard to learning curves for therapeutic EUS is ent). J.J. Vila has provided consultancy for Boston Scientific (2014 to
less robust than the equivalent data for ERCP and diagnostic present). G. Webster has received fees for invited lectures and advi-
EUS. Furthermore, endoscopists training in these procedures sory boards from Boston Scientific, Cook Endoscopy, and Pentax Med-
may already be experienced practitioners of ERCP and EUS, so ical (2010 to present) and has received support for endoscopy teach-
ing courses from Boston Scientific, Cook Endoscopy, Pentax Medical,
ensuring their appropriate supervision can be particularly diffi-
Olympus, Medtronic, and ERBE (2010 to present). U. Arnelo, A. Ba-
cult if the individual is already an independent endoscopist. The daoui, N. Bekkali, I. Boskoski, S. Campos, D. Christodoulou, L. Czakó,
solutions to these problems will vary between nations, but may S. Gölder, T. Hucl, E. Kalaitzakis, L. Kylänpää, I. Nedoluzhko, M.C. Pet-
include access to simulation, a mentoring network, and robust rone, T. Ponchon, C. Schlag, A. Seicean, and M.F.Y. Viesca declare that
ongoing audit of performance. ESGE discourages unsupported they have no conflict of interest.
Johnson Gavin et al. Curriculum for ERCP … Endoscopy 2021; 53: 1071–1087 | © 2021. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All rights reserved. 1085
Position Statement
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