DBR - Cooling System
DBR - Cooling System
DBR - Cooling System
Outlet of expansion tank, extruder & mills of water temp 60 degree convert to 15 degree centigrade &
recirculate water to Extruder, expansion tank & Mill .
I/L requirements Cooling water 15 Degree centigrade provide to Expansion tank 1/2/3 , Extruder 1/2/3
each 1m3 Hrs .
Given data
Sr no Description Flow Pressure Water Temp
M3/hr kg/cm2 C degree
1 Roll mill 8.5 3 60
2 Expansion tank 1/2/3 1 3 60
2 Extruder tank 1/2/4 1 3 60
Require data
Sr no Description Flow Pressure waterTemp
M3/hr kg/cm2 C degree
1 Roll mill 8.5 3 15
2 Expansion tank 1/2/3 1 3 15
3 Extruder tank 1/2/4 1 3 15
o Use of Equipment’s to convert hot water to cold water – Shell & Tube Type Heat exchanger
o Requirement of circuit for Roll mill and expansion tank – one heat exchanger
o Extruder – separate heat exchanger
o In two circuit if any one machine run then system should be suitable for machine.
Pump Selection data –
Pump Data
Design Working
Tag Number From TO Flow Pressure Flow Pressure Power MOC Head
m3/hr kg/cm2 m3/hr kg/cm2 KW Mtr
Location on Terrace
Pump 1 P-CH-01 HE return line Main Header chiller 220 3.75 210 3 30.18 CS 20
Pump 3 P-HE1-02 HE-1 13.5 KL Roll Mill 10.5 5.5 8.5 3 5.50 CS 50
Pump 2 P-HE1-01 HE-1 13.5 KL Expansion tank 5 5.5 4 3 3.70 CS 50
Pump 4 P-HE2-01 HE-2 -5KL Extrude tank 5 3.75 4 3 3.70 CS 50
Plant area
Pump No 5 P-EPT-01 Expansion tank -01 HE -1 13.5 KL 2 3.75 1 3 3.70 CS 50
Pump No 6 P-EPT-02 Expansion tank -02 HE -1 13.5 KL 2 3.75 1 3 3.70 CS 50
Pump No 7 P-EPT-03 Expansion tank -03 HE -1 13.5 KL 2 3.75 1 3 3.70 CS 50
Pump No 8 P-EXT-01 Extruder tank -01 HE -1 5 KL 2 3.75 1 3 3.70 CS 50
Pump No 9 P-EXT-02 Extruder tank -02 HE -1 5 KL 2 3.75 1 3 3.70 CS 50
Pump No 10 P-EXT-03 Extruder tank -03 HE -1 5 KL 2 3.75 1 3 3.70 CS 50
8 HE-01 Pump P-HE1-02 SUC CWS 10.5 8.5 2 48.50 50 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
9 Pump P-HE1-02 DIS Header Roll Mill CWS 10.5 8.5 2 48.50 50 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
10 Header Roll mill Mill-1 CWS 5.25 4.25 2 34.29 40 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
11 Header Roll mill Mill-2 CWS 5.25 4.25 2 34.29 40 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
12 Mill-1 Header Roll mill HWR 5.25 4.25 2 34.29 40 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
13 Mill-2 Header Roll mill HWR 5.25 4.25 2 34.29 40 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
14 HE-01 P-HE1-01 Suction CSW 5 4 2 33.47 40 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
15 P-HE1-01 DIS Main Header Exp CSW 5 4 2 33.47 40 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
16 Supply Header Exp Exapnsion 1 CSW 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
17 Supply Header Exp Exapnsion 2 CSW 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
18 Main Header Exp Exapnsion 3 CSW 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
19 Return Exapnsion 1 P-EPT-01 suction HWR 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
20 P-EPT-01 Discharge Retrurn main Header HWR 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
21 Return Exapnsion 2 P-EPT-02 suction HWR 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
22 P-EPT-02 Discharge Retrurn main Header HWR 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
23 Return Exapnsion 3 P-EPT-03 suction HWR 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
24 P-EPT-03 Discharge Retrurn main Header HWR 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
25 Return Main Header Heat Eschanger HE-01 HWR 5 4 2 33.47 40 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
26 HE-02 P-HE2-01 Suction CSW 5 4 2 33.47 40 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
27 P-HE2-01 DIS Main Header Extrude CSW 5 4 2 33.47 40 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
28 Main Header Extrude Extrude 1 Inlet CSW 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
29 Main Header Extrude Extrude 2 Inlet CSW 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
30 Main Header Extrude Extrude 3 Inlet CSW 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 15 19MM Nitrlie MS IS 1239 C class
31 Extrude 1 outlet P-EXT-01 Suction HWR 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
32 P-EXT-01 Discharge Main Header Return HWR 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
33 Extrude 2 Outlet P-EXT-02 Suction HWR 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
34 P-EXT-02 Discharge Main Header Return HWR 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
35 Extrude 3 Outlet P-EXT-04 Suction HWR 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
36 P-EXT-04 Discharge Main Header Return HWR 1.25 1 2 16.73 25 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
37 Main Header Return HE-02 HWR 5 4 2 33.47 40 NB 60 cover Mesh 1/2" MS IS 1239 C class
Pressure Drop In Line –
Cable Size –
Cable Details
Type KW St KW Current Overload relay range Max Bck up fuse Size Supply side Core Type Covering
Actual Catlogue Min Max
Amp Amp Amp Amp Sq .mm
P-CH-01 25 30.18 Star Delta starter 53 37.1 63.6 159 16 4C Multistand Armourd cable
P-HE1-02 1.51 5.5 Star Delta starter 10 7 12 30 2.5 4C Multistand Armourd cable
P-HE1-01 1 3.7 Direct online starter 6 4.2 7.2 18 1.5 4C Multistand Armourd cable
P-HE2-01 1 3.7 Direct online starter 6 4.2 7.2 18 1.5 4C Multistand Armourd cable
P-EPT-01 1 3.7 Direct online starter 6 4.2 7.2 18 1.5 4C Multistand Armourd cable
P-EPT-02 1 3.7 Direct online starter 6 4.2 7.2 18 1.5 4C Multistand Armourd cable
P-EPT-03 1 3.7 Direct online starter 6 4.2 7.2 18 1.5 4C Multistand Armourd cable
P-EXT-01 1 3.7 Direct online starter 6 4.2 7.2 18 1.5 4C Multistand Armourd cable
P-EXT-02 1 3.7 Direct online starter 6 4.2 7.2 18 1.5 4C Multistand Armourd cable
P-EXT-03 1 3.7 Direct online starter 6 4.2 7.2 18 1.5 4C Multistand Armourd cable
Main Panel cable 32.2 65.28 114 80 136.8 342 50 4C Multistand Armourd cable
Heat Exchanger Technical details – Extruder 1/2/3
Heat Exchanger Technical details – Expansion tank 1/2/3 & Roll Mill
Make List –
Sr no Item Make
1 Heat Exchanger HRS / Equivalent
2 Pump Kirloskar /KSB /Wilo / equivalent
3 Motor As per Pump Make
4 Ball valve Audco / zoloto/leader/BDk /kidz /equivalent
5 Butterfly valve L & T / Zoloto/Advance / Equ
6 Non return valve ITAP /RB/Equivalent
7 Solenoid valve Avcon /Aira /Danfoss/equi
8 Air release valve SKS/ Varie /Equi
9 Actuatator valve Honeywell / Siemens/Johnson/Sauter
10 Pressure Switch Danfoss/Potter/Indfoss/System sensor
11 Stainer Emerald /Sant/Armstrong/Equivalent
12 Pipe Tata/Jindal/Apollo/Equ
13 Fittings Local make
14 Paints Asian paints / Berger / Shalimar /Jotun/ Nerloac
15 Insulation Armacell / Kflex/ Armaflex etc
16 Fasner Hilti
17 Steel SAIL / TATA/Equivalent
18 Stell Mesh Zain / Local make
1 Cable Polycab / Finolex /KEI/Havells/Universal
2 Pressure Gauge H Guru/ Wika / Baumer /Fiebig /Equ.
3 Level controller Auto pump / techtrol/Pumptrol/Equ
4 Water Flow switch System sensor/ Honeywell/ Potter/equivalent
5 Panel Standared make / Anita / accusonic /manhu/eq
6 Starter Kirloskar/ABB/Schineder/crompton/equ
7 VFD ABB/Danfoss/L & T /Siemens/Schneider electric
8 Switchgear L & T / ABB/ Schneider
9 Cable tray/ Cover Factory Fabricated
10 Protection relay Siemens / ABB/Alstom Schider/ Equi
Control Logic – Basic.
System Start
Whenever delivery pump start then signal to Chiller return pump & start pump.
Chiller Pump
Return Line chiller pump Start
as per requirement Pump should be start manually for Expansion tank & extrude tank
Roll Mill start then interlock with pump then pump simultaneously start
Roll mill supply pump should maintain pressure if pressure increase above 3 kg then pump mode on
If line pressure decrease then pump should be maintain pressure in line using VFD
Expansion tank
Return pump manually operate
Return pump on same time SV open & Chiller return pump start
Supply pump should be run as per Flow in line
Extruder tank
Return pump manually operate & Chiller return pump start
Return pump on same time SV open
Supply pump should be run as per Flow in line
All Supply pump off then signal goes to Chiller pump & pump will stop
Roll Mill
Cond 1-Mill start then pump start , Mill Stop then pump stop
Cond 2 -Tank level below then pump stop
Cond 3 -If pump stop then SV close
Cond 4 -According to pressure pump Variable speed run & maintain 3 Bar