Pet 2
Pet 2
Pet 2
Key points:
Positron emission tomography (PET) also known as PET scan or PET imaging is one of the most
commonly used molecular imaging procedures in the early detection and treatment of cancer. It is a non
invasive, safe and painless procedure that provides physicians with detailed pictures of what is happening
inside an organ or tissue at the molecular and cellular level. Therefore, it detects diseases at their earliest
stages whereas MRIs can only detect changes when the diseases begin to alter the structure of the
organs or tissues, that is the anatomical changes. Unlike MRIs, PET scans can determine whether lesions Good
are benign or malignant thus eliminating unnecessary surgical biopsies. However, a PET scan is 20 marks
frequently used together with an MRI and CT scan to provide a full three dimensional image of the
location of cancer within an organ.
I2, AE1
the degree to which a This article is relevant because it discusses in detail about the PET scan.
source addresses the Furthermore, it includes the advantages of a PET scan compared to an MRI
topic (e.g. relevant scan in the early detection and effective treatment of cancer patients. It also
physics, correct discusses the risks associated with a PET scan. In addition, it clearly explains
physics) the PET scan procedure and the cost incurred.
This article highlights the advantages of a PET scan in the early detection and
refers to a treatment of cancer patients whereas it fails to include the benefits of an MRI
prejudiced or partial scan. Thus, this article is very biased towards using a PET scan as an effective
viewpoint that would imaging technology for cancer patients.
affect someone's
interpretation of the
topic or related
The information for this article is provided by renowned molecular imaging
the trustworthiness professionals from the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) who are really
(e.g. credentials, committed to the advancement of nuclear medicine in improving human health.
education, experience) Therefore, this article can be considered to be credible because it is from a
of the source reliable source.
Each analysis and evaluation should be attached to the source material and clearly marked.
8 marks