Record-to-Report Risk Control Matrix
Record-to-Report Risk Control Matrix
Record-to-Report Risk Control Matrix
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_01 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_02 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_03 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_04 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 11: The organization selects and develops general controls over
MM_R2R_05 Control Activities
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_06 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_07 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 12: The organization deploys control activities through policies that
MM_R2R_08 Control Activities
establish what is expected and procedures that put policies into action.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_09 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_10 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 11: The organization selects and develops general controls over
MM_R2R_11 Control Activities
Principle 12: The organization deploys control activities through policies that
MM_R2R_12 Control Activities
establish what is expected and procedures that put policies into action.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_13 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_14 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_15 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_16 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_17 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_18 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_19 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_20 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_21 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_22 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 3: Management establishes, with board oversight, structures, reporting
MM_R2R_23 Control Environment
lines, and appropriate authorities and responsibilities in the pursuit of objectives.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_24 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_25 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 11: The organization selects and develops general controls over
MM_R2R_26 Control Activities
Principle 11: The organization selects and develops general controls over
MM_R2R_27 Control Activities
Principle 16: The entity selects, develops, and performs ongoing and/or separate
MM_R2R_30 Monitoring evaluations to ascertain whether the components of internal control are present
and functioning.
Information and Principle 15: The entity communicates with external parties regarding matters
Communication affecting the functioning of internal control
Principle 11: The organization selects and develops general controls over
MM_R2R_32 Control Activities
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_33 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 12: The organization deploys control activities through policies that
MM_R2R_34 Control Activities
establish what is expected and procedures that put policies into action.
Principle 11: The organization selects and develops general controls over
MM_R2R_35 Control Activities
Principle 3: Management establishes, with board oversight, structures, reporting
MM_R2R_36 Control Environment
lines, and appropriate authorities and responsibilities in the pursuit of objectives.
Principle 11: The organization selects and develops general controls over
MM_R2R_37 Control Activities
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_38 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_39 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_40 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_41 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_42 Monitoring contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_43 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_44 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Principle 10: The organization selects and develops control activities that
MM_R2R_45 Control Activities contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to
acceptable levels.
Sub-Process Name Control Objective
Accounting of Payment is made only for the Goods that have been
Transactions received
Accounting of
Arrive at correct financial position
Accounting of
Arrive at correct financial position
Cash and Bank Correct cash and bank balances reported in the Trial
Management Balance
Cash and Bank Correct cash and bank balances reported in the Trial
Management Balance
Cash and Bank Correct cash and bank balances reported in the Trial
Management Balance
Cash and Bank All bank accounts are operational and there is no misuse in
Management any dormant bank account
Cash and Bank Correct loan and deposit balances are reported in the Trial
Management Balance
Cash and Bank
Physical cash is matched with books
Cash and Bank All statutory payments are made directly to the Government
Management account
Cash and Bank All payments are under due authorization of the appropriate
Management authority
Bank Account
Only authorized personnel operate bank accounts
Bank Account
Only authorized personnel operate bank accounts
Bank Account
Only authorized personnel operate bank accounts
Bank Account
Only authorized personnel operate bank accounts
Closure of
Accounting Period of Arrive at correct financial position
Monthly basis
Closure of
Accounting Period of Arrive at correct financial position
Monthly basis
Defining the Financial
Reporting and Closing Arrive at correct financial position
Preparing and
reviewing Financial Arrive at correct financial position
Preparing and
Review of variances and redefining Budgets which are in
reviewing Financial
line with the Actuals
Preparing and
reviewing Financial Arrive at correct financial position
Preparing and
reviewing Financial Arrive at correct financial position
Preparing and
reviewing Financial Arrive at correct financial position
Preparing and
reviewing Financial Inventory records are matched with Financial Books
Preparing and
reviewing Financial Arrive at correct financial position
Preparing and
reviewing Financial Inventory records are matched with Financial Books
(High, Medium, Low)
(Normal, Significant)
Risk of Material
Cut off
Control Activity
Control Description Type (Preventive/
All the bank accounts recorded in ERP master are automatically mapped
a Preventive
in the trial balance generated from the ERP.
Periodic bank statements are obtained from the Banks to ensure that all
a bank accounts are recorded in the books. Detective
Idle / Unused bank accounts are reviewed by CIO on a yearly basis and
actions for closure are initiated after the board resolution.
Calculations made for GST are reviewed by AGM Finance before filing
of GST Returns
All ledger grouping are reviewed on a yearly basis for correct reporting
a Detective
in Financial Statement
For every new bank account opening, the Finance team provides
requests for opening a bank account to board through CIO.
a Preventive
Bank accounts are opened only based on approval of the authorized
signatories as per Board Resolution.
List of authorized signatories to open bank accounts/ authorize bank
a transactions is approved by the Board and is maintained by Company Preventive
Review /Reconciliation between the list of signatories as per bank
a records and the list of signatories available with Company Secretary is Detective
done yearly once to ensure on-going pertinence.
Accounting periods are closed on a monthly basis after the book closure
a and posting to prior periods is restricted in ERP. Once the period is Preventive
closed, the entries get locked automatically and cannot be edited.
a a
Results of Design
(No Exceptions
Process GAPS and
Control Owner Process Owner Noted /
CIO GM - Finance
CIO GM - Finance
AGM Finance Cash Officer
CIO GM Finance
Board of Directors GM Finance
Head - IT GM - Finance
CIO GM - Finance
CIO GM - Finance
CIO GM - Finance
Head - IT GM - Finance
Head - IT GM - Finance
Head - IT GM Finance
CEO GM Finance
Head - IT GM Finance
Head - IT GM Finance
Remarks Annexure
Annexure- 5 &
Point No.41 - 48 of IA report
working file
No charge document
available in the hands of
MMD. All charge creation,
modification done by HDFC
Point No.1 in IA report
No budget in MMD
No GSTR-2B reconciliation
COSO Principles
Internal Control Component
Control environment
Risk assessment
Control activities