RTU Maintenence Strategy
RTU Maintenence Strategy
RTU Maintenence Strategy
Volker Lohmann
In view of the envisaged competitive electricity market In the increasingly competitive arena there is significant
era, utilities are examining the application of pressure on power providers for greater system
information technology (IT) as an alternative to support reliability and improvement of customer satisfaction,
corporate business strategies that focus on improving while similar emphasis is placed on cost reduction.
service, power quality and reducing cost of operation These cost reductions focus on reducing operating and
and maintenance. Key issues for the improvement of the maintenance (O&M) expenses, and minimizing
overall productivity are more and better information investments in new plants and equipment. If plant
concerning the entire system behaviour, service investments are to be made only for that which is
condition of physical assets, e.g. circuit breakers and absolutely necessary and the existing system equipment
power transformers, as well as cost efficient operation must be pushed to greater limits in order to defer capital
and maintenance management. investments.
Substation Automation (SA) in comparison with a Utility executives, on the other hand, are increasingly
remote terminal (RTU) concept means decentralisation examining automation solution alternatives to support
of computer capacity, which shall be used e.g. for corporate business strategies that focus on improving
intelligent automatic power restoration procedures after service reliability and reducing cost of operation and
faults and for powerful decentralised processing of maintenance.
service and environment condition related data.
In the past, utility engineers often struggled with the
It is suggested that intelligent electronic devices (IED) fact that too little data was available when they
shall be implemented for protection and control tasks in attempted to analyze problems within their power
substations to substitute electro-mechanical or static systems. They also did not have enough information to
devices. In a modern SA system theses IEDs provide an predict or ascertain the level of maintenance needed of
infrastructure to collect, to process and to transmit data when it would be required for the major equipment
and information, which are utilised for cost effective located within their substations. As new and higher
condition monitoring of circuit breakers, power levels of digital technologies have made its way into
transformers, instrument transformers etc. substations in terms of numerical protection devices and
This idea is illustrated by an example for power control systems, these same engineers are suffering from
transformer condition monitoring. The SA system data overload. They have more data than can be
provides a user-friendly overview for the actual processed and assimilated in the time available. Today
transformer condition. This comprises condition-related the challenge is to automatically convert data to
parameters like: service current, temperatures, and knowledge, which frees manpower to implement
corrective or preventive maintenance.
quality of insulation oil, partial discharge measurements
and loads.
The integration of the various SA systems in a high WORKING PLANTS HARDER
performance communication network allows system
wide adaptive protection and real time automatic power Various aspects of the utilities needs have been revealed
restoration procedures in the Cigré 99 London Symposium on the subject:
“Working Plant and Systems harder”. Enhancing the
management and performance of plant and power
Keywords: systems is being discussed widely at many international
conferences. The overall conclusion perceived is that
Substation automation, condition monitoring, on- line there are a lot of new technologies available, which will
monitoring of transformers, Internet and browser help planners and operators to find new solutions to
technology, adaptive protection, wide area protection, maximise the use of the power systems and adapt to the
fast changing environment.
There are two aspect where Substation Automation (SA) protective system isolates the assets from the
can contribute potential benefits to achieve more power: electric grid, and by means of network redundancy
(Figure 1) avoids a power outage at all, or leaves a limited
1. Better information, which result in higher area without power. With respect to the condition
productivity of assets, however, this temporary disturbance most
2. Intelligent automation which assures higher likely caused accelerated wear.
availability. Condition monitoring mainly addresses the wear and
ageing caused by normal or temporarily abnormal
working conditions. First, in that they support the
evaluation of the actual condition of assets, and second,
in that they might explicitly support the prediction of
the further evolution of a detected problem, and the
better Substation intelligent probability of breakdown. However, many of today's
provides Substation enables condition monitoring systems leave the assessment of
information Automation automation the future to the human's interpretation based on his
Automation conclusions drawn from the current status. Whichever,
even if a utility decides, e.g., based on risk management
e m
considerations, to let a worn out asset in operation until
s p
it breaks, the breakdown will be a planned one, and so
u a
will the repair action be. Hence, the power interruption
l Efficient c
will most likely be rather short and the problems posed
t communication t
by the interruption alleviated as good as possible.
Apart from monitoring the condition of primary
equipment and thereby attempting to proactively
prevent power interruptions, an elaborate post fault
higher higher analysis supported by monitoring systems is equally
productivity leads to More power leads to availability important. It has been observed that a large proportion
of major blackouts of electric power systems is caused
by protective system failures. These failures are
Figure 1: The potential benefits of Substation Automation
generally hidden and only exposed during the rare
The prerequisite, however, is efficient communication occasion of system disturbances. According to utility
for easy access from remote to primary equipment opinion derived from a questionnaire over 60% of these
condition related information and fast inter-station failures are based on wrong protection settings,
protection calibration, or protection maintenance. It is
communication. (Figure 2)
therefore important to capture as much details as
possible during a system disturbance and have access to
as much protection relevant data as possible during the
Protection / Operation / Planning / Asset entire analysis. The conceivable subsequent settings
Engineering Maintenance Centre Management refinement phase is a measure to prevent the same
EMS / SCADA interruption from happening again, or, at least, minimise
Centre Centre its impact on the power distribution
Centre 1
Automatic printing
Advanced analysis
User friendly
Universal Time
Alarm Classes
Distance to Fault
Sequence of Events
Temperature Bottom
Intranet Maintenance
HTTP Server
Netscape browser
Condition related
Row Data
If a problem is detected, which cannot be judged by the
utility maintenance staff, the vendor’s support and
service centre can be contacted via the Internet
But in the majority of cases, there are neither critical line circuit breakers (CB), a transfer bus can be
communication links nor suitable sensors available for provided and the bus coupler CB can temporarily
transformer monitoring from remote, which makes. substitute the faulty line CB (Figure 8). This means,
remote monitoring is not very cost effective. To however, that the bus coupler needs to be equipped not
improve this combination with remote control of the tap only with busbar current differential protection P C but
changer, load dependent control of the cooling system, also with distance protection P L, which can be adapted
and for load adaptive protection enables optimised to the impedances of the various lines.
transformer load control and better utilisation of the
transformer. Internet technology, however, provides The corrective measures, which are automatically
affordable communication facilities e.g. via telephone initiated in case faulty line circuit breakers (CB) to
networks. A combined transformer monitoring, restore the power, would be:
protection, control and communication package is 1. Isolation of the line CB
shown in figure 7. 2. Initiation of all by-pass connections
3. Activation of the correct distance protection
GLASS Server
Transfer Bus CB
Transformer protection
Tap changer control
Protection data
*) enabled only if
bus coupler CB is
used as line CB
PL - Line Protection
CB - Circuit Breaker
Adaptive Protection
Station 1 Station 2
Line 1
Line 2
feeder tripping
Adaptive selective
X% network
Priorities shedding
class will not be enabled and the load shedding scheme
is reset as soon as the network frequency has recovered.
communication links from the CT’s and VT's, which If the network frequency has recovered, the integrated
are incorporated in the numerical protection/control network restoration function will be started
devices. automatically.
The LSFB compares the reference power Pref with the f (Hz)
individual feeder load measurements P1...Pn. To each Disturbance
Load of priority 1 X % of total Load
predefined percentage X% of the total load Ptot (Figure
11). Otherwise, if the network frequency starts to t (s)
U1 I1
U3 Transmission Network
Distributed integrated SA Re
U1 I1
Determination of
relative rotor
angle differences
Re Re Re
1 1 1 1 U1 I1
I3 I3 3
Im Im Im
U3 2 U3 2 3 2
I2 I2 I2
In case of incipient voltage instability During disturbed condition data from disturbance
detection, two types of instructions are issued: recorder, information on network configuration,
protection relay signal data and operational procedures
1. Alerting the system operator by indication of the
all need to be considered when arriving at the
remaining safety margin S and by providing on-line
appropriate decision for corrective action. This can be
guidance to counteract this situation. In addition,
problematic due to data volumes and the limitations to
corresponding information is produced as input for the
the amount of information and real- time performance,
energy management system (EMS).
which can be managed from SCADA and handled by an
2. Automatic control actions are initiated if the operator. The advantages of an automated system
safety margin S reaches a pre-set critical level to located in the substations, which accelerates the
avoid voltage instabilities to occur, e.g. automation process, are obvious. The corresponding
system structure below shows the allocations of
• To compensate the lack of reactive power by
functions and the communication links.
FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems)
• To block the OLTCs (On-lin Tap CONCLUSION
Changer Controller) in order to avoid over
compensation. The SA infrastructure comprising numerical
• To maximise the reactive power output protection and control devices allows a new
from synchronous machines, to compensate maintenance approach for T&D equipment and
the lack of reactive power. provides cost effective solutions for
• To shed load as last defence measure
• On-line monitoring of primary and
The block diagram below shows the secondary substation equipment
interactions between the various applications.
• Diagnostics to determine the need for maintenance
System Restoration
The two objectives to be achieved during
any major disturbance are
Phasor 1. To preserve the integrity of the transmission grid
angle by shedding load and/or generation as required
U VIP System Operator
2. To restore supply to all consumers in the
Phasors Phasor Voltage
shortest possible time