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Quenched Blades I Swift Marching I

Level Buff Time Crystal Coins Level Buff Time Crystal

1 1% 7m 46s 28500 500 1 1% 43m 11s 47500
2 2% 23m 19s 71200 700 2 2% 1h 26m 91000
3 3% 1h 9m 114000 1000 3 3% 2h 52m 136500
4 4% 2h 52m 156700 1200 4 4% 5h 45m 182000
5 5% 5h 45m 209000 1500 5* 5% 10h 56m 273000
Total 5% 10h 17m 579400 4900 Total 5% 22h 16m 730000
*Required all previous to lvl 5

Improved Bows I Treaties I

Level Buff Time Crystal Coins Level Buff Time Crystal
1 1% 7m 46s 28500 500 1 5% 43m 11s 19000
2 2% 23m 19s 71200 700 2 11% 1h 26m 36400
3 3% 1h 9m 114000 1000 3 18% 2h 52m 54600
4 4% 2h 52m 156700 1200 4 26% 5h 45m 72800
5 5% 5h 45m 209000 1500 5* 35% 10h 56m 145600
Total 5% 10h 17m 579400 4900 Total 35% 22h 16m 328400
*Required Swift Marching I lvl 5

Mounted Combat Techniques I Larger Camps

Level Buff Time Crystal Coins Level Buff Time Crystal
1 1% 7m 46s 28500 500 1 10% 21m 35s 47500
2 2% 23m 19s 71200 700 2 25% 41m 3s 91000
3 3% 1h 9m 114000 1000 3 40% 1h 22m 136500
4 4% 2h 52m 156700 1200 4 65% 2h 52m 162000
5 5% 5h 45m 209000 1500 5 100% 5h 45m 243000
Total 5% 10h 17m 579400 4900 Total 100% 11h 2m 680000

Improved Projectiles I Cultural Exchanage I

Level Buff Time Crystal Coins Level Buff Time Crystal
1 1% 7m 46s 28500 500 1 5% 43m 11s 19000
2 2% 23m 19s 71200 700 2 11% 1h 26m 36400
3 3% 1h 9m 114000 1000 3 18% 2h 52m 54600
4 4% 2h 52m 156700 1200 4 26% 5h 45m 72800
5 5% 5h 45m 209000 1500 5 35% 10h 56m 145600
Total 5% 10h 17m 579400 4900 Total 35% 22h 16m 328400
Barbarian Reports I Attack Formation
Coins Level Buff Time Crystal Coins Level Buff
500 1 5% 43m 11s 19000 500 1* 0.50%
700 2 11% 1h 26m 36400 600 2 1%
1000 3 18% 2h 52m 54600 700 3 1.50%
1200 4 26% 5h 45m 72800 800 4 2.00%
1500 5* 35% 10h 56m 145600 1000 5 3%
4900 Total 35% 22h 16m 328400 3600 6 4%
*Required Larger Camps lvl 3 7** 5.50%
8 7%
First Aid I 9 8.50%
Coins Level Buff Time Crystal Coins 10*** 12%
500 1 200 43m 11s 19000 500 Total 12%
600 2 250 1h 22m 33200 600 *Required Larger Camps lvl 3
700 3 300 2h 44m 49800 700
***Required Plunder II and Skillful
800 4 400 5h 28m 66400 800
1000 5 500 10h 56m 132800 1000
***Required Plunder II and Skillful
3600 Total 500 22h 16m 301200 3600
Quenched Blades II
Level Buff
Skillful Operations I 1 0.50%
Coins Level Buff Time Crystal Coins 2 1%
500 1 -1% 43m 11s 19000 500 3 2%
700 2 -2% 1h 26m 37600 600 4 2%
1000 3 -3% 2h 52m 55800 700 5 2.50%
1200 4 -4% 5h 45m 73600 800 6 3.50%
1500 5* -5% 10h 56m 145600 1000 7 4.50%
4900 Total -5% 22h 16m 331600 3600 8 5.50%
*Required Barbarian Reports I lvl 5 9 7%
10 10%
Plunder I Total 10%
Coins Level Buff Time Crystal Coins
500 1 5% 41m 3s 18000 500
600 2 11% 1h 26m 32400 600 Improved Bows II
700 3 18% 2h 52m 48600 700 Level Buff
800 4 26% 5h 45m 64800 800 1 0.50%
1000 5 35% 11h 30m 129600 1000 2 1%
3600 Total 35% 22h 16m 293400 3600 3* 1.50%
4 2.00%
5 2.50%
6 3.50%
7 4.50%
8 5.50%
9 7%
10** 10%
Total 10%
*Required Attack Formation lvl 3
** Required Attack Formation lvl 7
mation Mounted Combat Techniques II
Time Crystal Coins Level Buff Time Crystal Coins
41m 3s 90000 1600 1 0.50% 41m 3s 72000 1000
1h 26m 162000 1800 2 1% 1h 26m 97200 1200
2h 52m 243000 2000 3 1.50% 2h 52m 162000 1400
5h 45m 364500 2200 4 2.00% 5h 45m 194400 1600
11h 30m 486000 2400 5 2.50% 11h 30m 259200 1800
11h 30m 648000 2600 6 3.50% 11h 30m 324000 2000
11h 30m 972000 2800 7 4.50% 11h 30m 388800 2000
11h 30m 1200000 3000 8 5.50% 11h 30m 453600 2000
11h 30m 1600000 3000 9 7% 11h 30m 518400 2000
11h 30m 1900000 3000 10 10% 11h 30m 583200 2000
3d 7h 46m 7665500 24400 Total 10% 3d 7h 46m 3052800 17000
Larger Camps lvl 3

d Plunder II and Skillful Operations II lvl 8

Improved Projectiles II
Level Buff Time Crystal Coins
d Plunder II and Skillful Operations II lvl 10
1 0.50% 41m 3s 72000 1000
Blades II 2 1% 1h 26m 97200 1200
Time Crystal Coins 3 2% 2h 52m 162000 1400
41m 3s 72000 1000 4 2% 5h 45m 194400 1600
1h 26m 97200 1200 5 2.50% 11h 30m 259200 1800
2h 52m 162000 1400 6 3.50% 11h 30m 324000 2000
5h 45m 194400 1600 7 4.50% 11h 30m 388800 2000
11h 30m 259200 1800 8 5.50% 11h 30m 453600 2000
11h 30m 324000 2000 9 7% 11h 30m 518400 2000
11h 30m 388800 2000 10 10% 11h 30m 583200 2000
11h 30m 453600 2000 Total 10% 3d 7h 46m 3052800 17000
11h 30m 518400 2000
11h 30m 583200 2000
3d 7h 46m 3052800 17000 Swift Marching II
Level Buff Time Crystal Coins
1 0.50% 41m 3s 72000 1000
Bows II 2 1% 1h 22m 108000 1200
Time Crystal Coins 3 1.50% 2h 44m 180000 1400
41m 3s 72000 1000 4 2% 5h 45m 194400 1600
1h 26m 97200 1200 5 2.50% 11h 30m 259200 2000
2h 52m 162000 1400 6 3.50% 11h 30m 324000 2000
5h 45m 194400 1600 7* 4.50% 11h 30m 388800 2000
11h 30m 259200 1800 8 5.50% 11h 30m 448000 2000
11h 30m 324000 2000 9 7% 11h 30m 512000 2000
11h 30m 388800 2000 10 10% 11h 30m 576000 2000
11h 30m 453600 2000 Total 10% 3d 7h 46m 3062400 17200
11h 30m 518400 2000 *Required 4 Previous Tech lvl 10
11h 30m 583200 2000
3d 7h 46m 3052800 17000
Attack Formation lvl 3
d Attack Formation lvl 7
Treaties II Barbarian Reports II
Level Buff Time Crystal Coins Level Buff
1 5% 41m 3s 24900 500 1 5%
2 10% 1h 26m 49800 600 2 10%
3 15% 2h 52m 74700 700 3 15%
4 21% 5h 45m 99600 800 4 20%
5 27% 11h 30m 124500 900 5 25%
6 34% 11h 30m 166000 1000 6 30%
7 41% 11h 30 207500 1100 7 35%
8 49% 11h 30m 249000 1200 8 40%
9 57% 11h 30m 332000 1300 9 50%
10 65% 11h 30m 415000 1500 10* 65%
Total 65% 3d 7h 46m 1743000 9600 Total 65%
*Required Marching Orders I lvl 7

Cultural Exchange II First Aid II

Level Buff Time Crystal Coins Level Buff
1 5.00% 41m 3s 27000 500 1 300
2 10% 1h 22m 49800 600 2 350
3 15% 2h 44m 74700 700 3 400
4 21% 5h 28m 99600 800 4 450
5 27% 10h 56m 124500 900 5* 500
6 34% 10h 56m 166000 1000 6 600
7 41% 10h 56m 207500 1100 7 700
8 49% 10h 56m 249000 1200 8** 800
9 57% 10h 56m 332000 1300 9 900
10 65% 10h 56m 405000 1500 10*** 1000
Total 65% 3d 7h 46m 1735100 9600 Total 1000
*Required Marching Orders I lvl 5

**Required First Aid I lvl 5 and Cultural Exc

Marching Orders I
Level Buff Time Crystal Coins
***Required Marching Orders I lvl 7 and Cu
1* 0.50% 41m 3s 72000 2000
2 1% 1h 26m 99600 2250 Call to Arms I
3 1.50% 2h 52m 166000 2500 Level Buff
4 2% 5h 28m 199200 2750 1* 0.50%
5 3% 11h 30m 265600 3000 2 1%
6 4% 11h 30m 324000 3250 3 1.50%
7** 6% 11h 30m 388800 3500 4 2%
8 8% 11h 30m 448000 3750 5 3%
9 11% 11h 30m 512000 4000 6 4%
10*** 15% 11h 30m 576000 4000 7 6%
Total 15% 3d 7h 46m 3051200 31000 8 8%
*Required Swift Marching II lvl 3 9 11%
**Required Swift Marching II lvl 7 10** 15%
***Required Swift Marching II lvl 10 Total 15%
*Required Marching Orders I lvl 3
Reports II Plunder II
Time Crystal Coins Level Buff Time Crystal Coins
43m 11s 24300 500 1 5% 43m 11s 24300 500
1h 26m 48600 600 2 10% 1h 26m 48600 600
2h 52m 72900 700 3 15% 2h 52m 72900 700
5h 45m 97200 800 4 21% 5h 45m 97200 800
11h 30m 121500 900 5 27% 11h 30m 121500 900
11h 30m 162000 1000 6 34% 11h 30m 162000 1000
11h 30m 202500 1100 7 41% 11h 30m 202500 1100
11h 30m 243000 1200 8* 49% 11h 30m 243000 1200
11h 30m 324000 1300 9 57% 11h 30m 324000 1300
11h 30m 400000 1500 10** 65% 11h 30m 400000 1500
3d 7h 46m 1696000 9600 Total 65% 3d 7h 46m 1696000 9600
Marching Orders I lvl 7 *Required Barbarian Reports II lvl 8
**Required Barbarian Reports II lvl 10
Skillful Operations II
Time Crystal Coins Level Buff Time Crystal Coins
41m 3s 27000 500 1 1% 41m 3s 27000 500
1h 26m 49800 600 2 2% 1h 22m 53400 600
2h 52m 74700 700 3 3% 2h 44m 79200 700
5h 45m 99600 800 4 4% 5h 45m 104400 800
10h 56m 124500 900 5 5% 11h 30m 129000 900
10h 56m 166000 1000 6 6% 11h 30m 170000 1000
10h 56m 207500 1100 7 7% 11h 30m 210000 1100
10h 56m 249000 1200 8* 8% 10h 56m 249000 1200
10h 56m 324000 1300 9 9% 10h 56m 328000 1300
10h 56m 405000 1500 10** 10% 10h 56m 405000 1500
3d 7h 46m 1727100 9600 Total 10% 3d 7h 46m 1755000 9600
Marching Orders I lvl 5 *Required First Aid II lvl 8
**Required First Aid II lvl 10
First Aid I lvl 5 and Cultural Exchange II lvl 8
Quenched Blades III
Level Buff Time Crystal Coins
d Marching Orders I lvl 7 and Cultural Exchange II lvl 10
1 0.50% 43m 11s 81000 1000
ms I 2 1% 1h 26m 121500 1200
Time Crystal Coins 3 1.50% 2h 52m 162000 1400
43m 11s 64800 2000 4 2% 5h 45m 200000 1600
1h 26m 97200 2250 5 3% 11h 30m 240000 2000
2h 52m 162000 2500 6 4% 11h 30m 400000 2000
5h 45m 194400 2750 7 6% 11h 30m 560000 2000
11h 30m 259200 3000 8 8% 11h 30m 800000 2000
11h 30m 324000 3250 9 11% 11h 30m 1000000 2000
11h 30m 384000 3500 10 15% 11h 30m 1200000 2000
11h 30m 448000 3750 Total 15% 3d 7h 46m 4764500 17200
11h 30m 512000 4000
11h 30m 576000 4000
3d 7h 46m 3021600 31000
Marching Orders I lvl 3
Improved Bows III Swift Marching III
Level Buff Time Crystal Coins Level Buff
1 0.50% 43m 11s 81000 1000 1* 0.50%
2 1% 1h 26m 121500 1200 2 1%
3 1.50% 2h 52m 162000 1400 3 1.50%
4 2% 5h 45m 200000 1600 4 2%
5 3% 11h 30m 240000 2000 5 3%
6 4% 11h 30m 400000 2000 6 4%
7 6% 11h 30m 560000 2000 7** 6%
8 8% 11h 30m 800000 2000 8 8%
9 11% 11h 30m 1000000 2000 9 11%
10 15% 11h 30m 1200000 2000 10 15%
Total 15% 3d 7h 46m 4764500 17200 Total 15%
*Required 4 Previous Tech to lvl 3
**Required 4 Previous Tech to lvl 7
Mounted Combat Techniques III Special Medicines I
Level Buff Time Crystal Coins Level Buff
8$ pack 1 0.50% 43m 11s 81000 1000 1 -0.50%
2 1% 1h 26m 121500 1200 2 -1%
3 1.50% 2h 52m 162000 1400 3 -1.50%
4 2% 5h 45m 200000 1600 4 -2%
5 3% 11h 30m 240000 2000 5* -3%
6 4% 11h 30m 400000 2000 6 -4%
*7 6% 11h 30m 560000 2000 7 -6%
8 8% 11h 30m 800000 2000 8 -8%
9 11% 11h 30m 1000000 2000 9 -11%
10 15% 11h 30m 1200000 2000 10 -15%
Total 15% 3d 7h 46m 4764500 17200 Total -15%
*Requires Mounted Techniques II 10 *Required Swift Marching III lvl 7

Improved Projectiles III Marching Orders II

Level Buff Time Crystal Coins Level Buff
1 0.50% 43m 11s 81000 1000 1 1%
2 1% 1h 26m 121500 1200 2 3%
3 1.50% 2h 52m 162000 1400 3 5%
4 2% 5h 45m 200000 1600 4 8%
5 3% 11h 30m 240000 2000 5 11%
6 4% 11h 30m 400000 2000 6 14%
7 6% 11h 30m 560000 2000 7* 18%
8 8% 11h 30m 800000 2000 8 22%
9 11% 11h 30m 1000000 2000 9 27%
10 15% 11h 30m 1200000 2000 10** 35%
Total 15% 3d 7h 46m 4764500 17200 Total 35%
*Required Special Medicines I lvl 7

**Required Swift Marching III lvl 10 and Sp

hing III Expanded Formations I
Time Crystal Coins Level Buff Time Crystal Coins
43m 11s 40500 2000 1* 1 9d 15h 2400000 3000
1h 26m 80000 2200 *Required Marching Orders II lvl 7
2h 52m 120000 2400
5h 45m 160000 2600 Call to Arms II
11h 30m 200000 2800 Level Buff Time Crystal Coins
11h 30m 240000 3000 1* 1% 43m 11s 32400 1200
11h 30m 320000 3000 2 3% 1h 26m 64800 1400
11h 30m 480000 3000 3** 5% 2h 52m 128000 1600
11h 30m 720000 3000 4 8% 5h 45m 400000 1800
11h 30m 1200000 3000 5 11% 11h 30m 560000 2000
3d 7h 46m 3560500 27000 6 14% 22h 26m 800000 2000
4 Previous Tech to lvl 3 7*** 18% 1d 20h 1000000 2200
4 Previous Tech to lvl 7 8 22% 4d 2h 1600000 2400
edicines I 9 27% 8d 4h 2000000 2600
Time Crystal Coins 10**** 35% 16d 8h 2800000 3000
43m 11s 40500 2000 Total 35% 32d 6h 42m 9385200 20200
1h 26m 81000 2200 *Required Marching Orders II lvl 5
2h 53m 121500 2400 **Required Marching Orders II lvl 7
5h 45m 162000 2600 ***Required Marching Orders II lvl 10
11h 30m 200000 2800 ****Required Attack Formation lvl 10
11h 30m 240000 3000 Improved Morale
11h 30m 320000 3000 Level Buff Time Crystal Coins
11h 30m 480000 3000 1* 0.50% 43m 11s 32400 1200
11h 30m 720000 3000 2 1% 1h 26m 64800 1400
11h 30m 1200000 3000 3 1.50% 2h 52m 128000 1600
3d 7h 46m 3565000 27000 4 2% 5h 45m 400000 1800
Swift Marching III lvl 7 5 2.50% 11h 30m 560000 2000
6 3.50% 22h 26m 800000 2000
Orders II 7** 4.50% 1d 20h 1000000 2200
Time Crystal Coins 8 5.50% 4d 2h 1600000 2400
43m 11s 40500 2000 9 7% 8d 4h 2000000 2600
1h 26m 81000 2200 10 10% 16d 8h 2800000 3000
2h 52m 121500 2400 Total 10% 32d 6h 42m 9385200 20200
5h 45m 162000 2600 *Required Call to Arms II lvl 3
11h 30m 202500 2800 **Required Call to Arms II lvl 7
11h 30m 243000 3000
11h 30m 320000 3000
11h 30m 480000 3000
11h 30m 720000 3000
11h 30m 1200000 3000
3d 7h 46m 3570500 27000
Special Medicines I lvl 7

Swift Marching III lvl 10 and Special Medicine I lvl 10

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