Asian Reporter

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September 23, 2008 Community THE ASIAN REPORTER n Page 9

International farmers market brings healthy choices to Lents

By Julie Stegeman
The Asian Reporter

here is something so very Portland
about a farmers market. I realize
they can be found around the world,
but the idea of reducing carbon footprints
by buying goods that have not travelled far
while supporting local growers and
craftsmen and consuming the freshest
produce and goods embodies core values
associated with the Rose City.
The Lents International Farmers The market is funded by a three-year
Market is a budding venue located near grant from the Northwest Health
the corner of S.E. 92nd Avenue and Foster Foundation, an organization dedicated to
Road in the Lents neighborhood. This year improving the health of people in Oregon
marks the second full season for the and southwest Washington, and sup-
market. ported by Zenger Farm, a working urban
In 2004, several organizations, farm promoting sustainable food prac-
including Friends of Zenger Farm and the tices, youth education, environmental
Multnomah County Health Department, BOUNTIFUL HARVEST. The Lents International Farmers Market, located near the corner of S.E. 92nd stewardship, and community and
partnered with concerned residents to Avenue and Foster Road, is open Sundays through October 12. In addition to fresh fruits and vegetables, the economic development.
conduct a formal community food-assess- market features flowers, soaps, eggs, baskets, jewelry, jam, local beef, and more. (AR Photos/Julie Stegeman) Teressa Barsotti, the market’s manager,
ment survey. The data gathered indicated are well represented. well as the problems caused by the said immediate goals for the market are to
many people living in the Lents Lents International Farmers Market is introduction of non-native species. grow and become self-sustaining, and to
neighborhood had limited access to easy to access from Interstate 205 and Market activities on the day of my visit find a permanent site, as it is currently
healthy food and residents had a strong parking is available at the lot around the included a booth with kids’ activities, a located on land controlled by the Portland
interest in revitalizing the old Lents corner on 92nd. The market averages roving guitar player, free reiki (an Development Commission. Another possi-
Community Market, which had faltered in around 12 vendors, up from eight during alternative medicine utilizing “healing ble future prospect is to attach the market
part due to funding cuts. last year’s season. In addition to the energy,” a form of ki) sessions with Jan to a co-op that is open and accessible
The Lents Food Group was formed to put colorful displays of fresh fruits and Orr, and a cooking demo by Becca year-round.
the plan into action. The group updated vegetables at various vendor stands, there Daysach, who showed her audience how to Many changes are currently occurring in
the new farmers market to reflect the are bouquets of beautiful flowers, make gazpacho. Lents, including the International Far-
great diversity found in the surrounding heavenly smelling soaps, eggs, baskets, In keeping with its international theme, mers Market, and I encourage readers to
community and changed the name to jewelry, jam, bread from Ararat Bakery, the market on occasion highlights a world go check it out. As for me, I’m going to
underline the fact. The international and a booth selling local beef. Tamales are region. Southeast Asia was featured make some farm-fresh gazpacho.
aspect of the market is exemplified by a available from Micro Mercantes and other earlier this summer. The day included The Lents International Farmers
world map located in the center of the ready-made food is available at a coffee traditional Chinese music, children’s Market is open Sundays from 9:00am to
market. Colored dots mark where vendors, stand. Leach Botanical Garden also has a stories read in Vietnamese and Cantonese, 2:00pm through October 12. To learn
market customers, and their parents were presence at the market, selling native demonstrations of Asian cooking and tai more, visit <www.lentsinternationalfar
born. Asia, Europe, and Central America plants and educating people on their use as chi, and free acupuncture treatments.>.

PSU receives $25 million grant

Portland State University (PSU) lion to PSU.
recently announced it received a $25 “Portland State University is thankful
million grant from the James F. and for this incredible vote of confidence in our
Marion L. Miller Foundation — the largest vision for a university working in
grant in the history of the foundation and partnership with its community, and a
the largest grant in PSU history. university dedicated to global leadership
“Our goal is to raise even more funds for in sustainability research and education,”
PSU programs and to raise even greater said Wim Wiewel, PSU president. “And as
local, national, and international far as we know, this is the largest grant to
awareness and support for this support sustainability in higher educa-
outstanding university,” said Charles tion.”
“Chuck” Putney, a Miller Foundation PSU has a strong focus on sustainability
director and alumnus of PSU. “We feel this research and education, providing
grant can have a great impact at Portland solutions to some of the world’s pressing
State.” environmental, social, and economic
The grant is a unique, one-time event for issues. Its sustainability research and
the Miller Foundation and is a challenge education is focused on the creation of
grant, requiring PSU to raise at least an sustainable urban communities, the
additional $25 million over the next 10 integration of human societies and the
years. Both the $25 million Miller grant natural environment, implementation of
and the funds raised to match it must be sustainability, and the mechanisms of
used exclusively for sustainability pro- change and measuring sustainability.
grams. Since 1998, the Miller Foundation To learn more, visit <www.millerfound.
has also contributed more than $5.3 mil- org> or <>.

VIEWS offers workshops for older adults

VIEWS (Volunteers Involved for the n Finding Meaning in Later Life:
Emotional Wellbeing of Seniors), a senior November 14 and 18
peer counselling program, is offering free n Talking with Your Doctor: December 3
workshops about topics some may not have For more information, to register, or to
considered before. The support groups schedule a “Conversation on Aging” work-
offer a place for people to talk about such shop, call Quince Affolter at (503) 261-
topics as grief from a major loss, health 6181.
issues, and making decisions about later
Free one-hour workshops on varying OCOM opens low-cost
topics are offered this fall at several acupuncture clinic in
locations in the Portland metropolitan the Hollywood District
area, including:
Continued from page one
n Finding Joy in Today: September 24
n Coping with Grief and Loss: October ble Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fri-
10 day mornings.
n Advocating for Your Health with Your To learn more, visit <>.
Doctor: October 21 To schedule an appointment, call (503)
n Safe Driving: November 5 281-1917.
Page 10 n THE ASIAN REPORTER Community September 23, 2008

travelling exhibit based on the popular children’s show and

featuring environmentally friendly themes. Participants can
COMMUNITY climb aboard trucks, explore a mobile home, dig for toys, meet
Bob and his Can-Do Crew, and much more. For info, call (503)
223-6500 or visit <>.
CALENDAR Pick Up the Pinchot
Sep 27, 9am-noon, Various locations throughout the Gifford
MAiZE at The Pumpkin Patch Pinchot National Forest (Wash.). Help clean up litter in the
Gifford Pinchot National Forest at Pick Up the Pinchot, a
Through Oct 31, 10am-6pm (Sun-Thu), 10am-10pm (Fri-Sat), volunteer event held as part of National Public Lands Day. The
The Pumpkin Patch (16525 NW Gillihan Rd, Portland). Get lost event takes place at various locations throughout the forest. For
in a maze made of maize at the popular annual Sauvie Island info, including specific locations, call Steve Hoecker at (360)
event in which a labyrinth is created in a field of tall corn. The 497-1157 or visit <>.
maze is open as scheduled unless weather or field conditions are
inclement. The event also includes cow train rides, a 30-foot hay Mindbender Mansion
pyramid, a giant slide, a produce market, and more. The maze is
Opens Sep 27, 9:30am-5:30pm (Tue-Sun), Oregon Museum of
“haunted” by ghouls and monsters Oct 3-5, 10-12, 17-19, 24-26 &
Science & Industry (1945 SE Water Ave, Portland). View
31 from 6:30 to 10pm. For info, call (503) 621-7110, e-mail <info@
Mindbender Mansion, an exhibit of inventive brain teasers,>, or visit <>.
puzzles, and challenges created by the Mindbender Society.
FROGS! Visitors are invited to use problem-solving, creative, and
critical-thinking skills involved in solving 40 individual brain
Through Dec 28, 9am-5pm (daily), Oregon Zoo (4001 SW teasers and five full-body challenges, including manipulating a
Canyon Rd, Portland). Visit the Oregon Zoo to view FROGS!, an tilt table, maneuvering a flying machine, and disco hopscotch
exhibit featuring frog species from around the world and spelling. For info, call (503) 797-4000 or visit <>.
explaining why the amphibians are rapidly dying out. Frogs in
the display include the Oregon spotted frog, which has captured Teddy Bear Parade
the attention of conservationists as the most threatened frog in
Sep 27, 10am, East Hill Church (701 N Main Ave, Gresham,
the region; the Vietnamese mossy frog, which is covered with
Ore.). Enjoy a parade in historic downtown Gresham at the 26th
bumps, spines, and tubercles; the brightly colored poison dart
annual Soroptimist International of Gresham Teddy Bear
frog, native to Central and South America; and White’s tree frog,
Parade. The event features participants carrying teddy bears,
native to Australia. For info, call (503) 226-1561 or visit <www.
walkers dressed in bear-themed costumes, and floats. For info,>.
call (503) 294-5941 or visit <>.
Oregon Nisei Baseball: The Early Years CHINATOWN ON FILM. Pig Roast & Tank of Fish, a documentary
GreenWalks: Oaks Bottom
Through Jan 11, 11am-3pm (Tue-Sat), noon-3pm (Sun), about Portland’s Chinatown by filmmaker Ivy Lin, is playing September 28
Sep 27, 10am, Oaks Bottom, North Parking Lot (5100 block of
Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center (121 NW Second Ave, Portland). at Portland’s Someday Lounge. (Photo/Ivy Lin)
SE Milwaukie Ave, Portland). Join a Portland Parks & Recrea-
View Oregon Nisei Baseball: The Early Years, an exhibit of local
explore community, race relations, policies, and empowerment of tion naturalist for GreenWalks, a free guided walk through Oaks
Nisei baseball teams and Pacific Northwest tournaments curated
the Korean-American experience. The event includes speakers, a Bottom. The wildlife refuge is home to many species, and is
by Miki Yasui. The display, held in celebration of the Oregon
boat cruise (Fri, 4:30-10pm), a gala dinner (Sat, 6:30-8:30pm), within site of downtown Portland’s skyscrapers. For info, call
Nikkei Legacy Center’s 10th anniversary, was the center’s very
and more. For info, or to register, call 1-866-399-5277, e-mail (503) 823-3601 or visit <> and
first exhibit back in 1998. For info, call (503) 224-1458 or visit
<[email protected]>, or visit <www.kacwashing search “GreenWalks.”
Just Like a Girl: A Manifesta! Healthy Kids’ Fair
Free weatherization workshops Sep 27, 10am-2pm, Legacy Meridian Park Hospital,
Sep 24, 6:30pm, In Other Words Women’s Books and
Sep 25 & 30; Sep 25, 6-8pm, Community Energy Project (422 Community Health Education Center (19300 SW 65th Ave,
Resources (8 NE Killingsworth St, Portland). Join authors Kelly
NE Alberta St, Portland); Sep 30, 9:30-11am, Asian Health & Tualatin, Ore.). Children and their parents are invited to the
Zen-Yie Tsai, Jamie Lee, and Kathy Kim, editor Michelle Sewell,
Service Center (3430 SE Powell Blvd, Portland). Take part in a seventh annual Healthy Kids’ Fair at Meridian Park Hospital.
and other contributors as they read from Just Like a Girl: A
free workshop focusing on simple, do-it-yourself weatherization The free fair introduces children to their community hospital by
Manifesta!, a travelogue anthology about the action-packed
techniques. Attendees learn how to install materials such as providing hands-on health information and safety tips. Activities
world of GIRL. For info, call (503) 232-6003, or visit <
internally mounted vinyl storm window kits, weather stripping, include a bike and snowboard helmet sale with expert fitting, a> or <>.
and more. Income-qualified participants receive a free kit of car-seat safety check for proper installation, and poison
Tariq Ali materials worth $150. For info, or to register, call (503) 284-6827, prevention featuring Mr. Yuk. Children can also view emergency
e-mail <[email protected]>, or visit <www. vehicles, look at X-rays, test their strength and balance, and
Sep 24, 7:30pm, Town Hall Seattle (Eighth Ave & Seneca St, perform surgery on a teddy bear. For info, call (503) 335-3500.>.
Seattle). Join British-Pakistani author Tariq Ali as he presents
The Duel: Pakistan on the Flight Path of American Power, and OASIS: “Our Food: Immigrant, Welcome the Rain fair
speaks about Pakistan, past and present. For info, call (206)
652-4255 or (206) 624-6600, or visit <>. Ethnic & American” Sep 27, 10am-4pm, Sunnyside Environmental School (3421
SE Salmon St, Portland). Prepare for the rainy season at
Sep 25-Oct 16 (Thu), 10:30am-12:30pm, OASIS Education Welcome the Rain, a solutions fair featuring information on
“Killer Stress” Center, Macy’s at Meier & Frank Square, Fourth Floor (621 SW downspout disconnection, green streets, and other urban
Sep 24, 8pm; repeats Sep 26, 2am & Sep 28, 11am; Oregon Fifth Ave, Portland). Discover where food customs originated and stormwater issues. For info, call Anne Nelson at (503) 823-2584
Public Broadcasting (OPB). Watch “Killer Stress: A National the evolution and intermingling of those customs with other or visit <>.
Geographic Special,” a show examining the ways scientists cultures at “Our Food: Immigrant, Ethnic & American.” The class
measure stress and the danger it poses to our health. To verify is for persons age 50 and older. For info, or to register, call (503) Outdoor watering workshop
show times, call (503) 293-1982 or visit <>. 241-3059 or visit <>.
Sep 27, 10am-4pm, Sunnyside Environmental School (3421
The Accidental American “The Ps to Happiness” SE Salmon St, Portland). Take part in a free workshop focusing
on techniques to reduce runoff from lawns and gardens to protect
Sep 24 & 25; Sep 24, 7:30pm, Powell’s City of Books (1005 W Sep 26, 11:30am-1:30pm, China Harbor Restaurant (2040 water quality and reduce water consumption. Qualified partici-
Burnside St, Portland); Sep 25, 8pm, Elliott Bay Book Company Westlake Ave N, Seattle). Attend “The Ps to Happiness: pants receive free conservation devices. The workshop is part of
(101 S Main St, Seattle). Join authors Rinku Sen and Fekkak Productivity, Prosperity, Possibility, Positive Thinking, and the Welcome the Rain event. For info, or to register, call (503)
Mamdouh as they present The Accidental American: Immigra- Peace of Mind,” a luncheon presented by Women of Color 284-6827, e-mail <[email protected]>, or
tion in an Age of Globalization. The book illustrates the chal- Empowered. The event honors Carrie Huie-Pascua, director of visit <> or <www.welcome
lenges and contradictions of U.S. immigration policy. For info, the Department of Human Services for Benton and Franklin>.
call (503) 228-4651 or visit <> (Portland), or counties; Rosanne Olsen, photographer and author of This Is Who
call (206) 624-6600 or visit <> (Seattle). I Am; and Nancy Solomon, self-esteem and image specialist. Power2Vote Day of Action
Panelists include Kyung Song, Mimi Gardner Gates, and others.
“Sweet Smell of Success” Sep 27, 10:30am-6pm, Jefferson High School, Gymnasium
For info, or to buy tickets, call (206) 223-0623 or (206) 223-5559,
(5210 N Kerby Ave, Portland). Register to vote and learn about
Sep 25, 8-9am, Oregon Museum of Science & Industry, or e-mail <[email protected]>.
November 4 election issues at the Power2Vote Day of Action,
Market Café (1945 SE Water Ave, Portland). Enjoy “Sweet Smell
of Success,” a free healthy breakfast raising funds for ROSE
Oregon treasurer candidate debate presented by the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP), the Oregon Bus Project, and the Urban
Community Development Corp. Portland commissioner Nick Sep 26, 12:15-1:15pm, Governor Hotel (614 SW 11th Ave, League of Portland. The free event includes music, food, guest
Fish is on hand to discuss housing in Portland, and awards are Portland). Attend a debate between Allen Alley and Ben speakers, and more. For info, call (503) 233-3018 or visit <www.
given to community partners. For info, or to register (required), Westlund, candidates for Oregon State Treasurer. The event,>.
call (503) 788-8052, ext. 100 or e-mail <mackendree@rosecdc. presented by the City Club of Portland, is open to the public and
org>. includes an optional lunch. For info, or to register, call (503) Sail for the Cure
228-7231 or visit <>.
Free cancer talk Sep 28, 10am-6:30pm, Rose City Yacht Club (3737 NE Marine

Sep 25, 6:30-8pm, Providence Portland Medical Center,

“Turkey’s Turquoise Coast” Dr, Portland). Take part in Sail for the Cure, an event benefitting
Susan G. Komen for the Cure. The event emphasizes boat
Cancer Center Amphitheatre (4805 NE Glisan St, Portland). Join Sep 26, 6pm, Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB). Watch handling skills and cooperation rather than competition. Check-
Cyndi Levine, Psy.D., and Anne Lindgren, R.N., for a free talk “Turkey’s Turquoise Coast,” an episode of Rudy Maxa’s World in begins at 10am, followed by sailing at noon and a reception at
about the emotional and physical impact of cancer and how the exploring historic ruins near Bodrum and the ancient towns of 4pm. For info, or to register, call (503) 245-2882, e-mail <sailfor
disease and treatment can affect sexual activity. For info, or to Ephesus, Antalya, Myra, and Dalyan. To verify show times, call [email protected]>, or visit <>.
register, call (503) 574-6595 or visit < (503) 293-1982 or visit <>.
classes>. “Cervical Cancer and HPV”
Meditation and Tao of Now reading
Free Medicare class Sep 28, noon, Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB). Watch
Sep 26, 7-8:30pm, Healing Waters/Sacred Spaces (2426 NE “Cervical Cancer and HPV,” an episode of Second Opinion:
Sep 25 & 27, 7-9pm (Thu), 10am-noon (Sat), Mt. Hood Broadway, Portland). Join local poet, author, and spiritual Taking Charge of Your Healthcare exploring the second leading
Community College (26000 SE Stark St, Gresham, Ore.). Learn teacher Daniel Skach-Mills as he presents his new book, The Tao cause of cancer death in women worldwide, which is generally the
about the basics of the Medicare program at a free class offered at of Now, and leads a meditative workshop. The book includes 81 result of a virus and can often be prevented with a simple vaccine.
Mt. Hood Community College. “Welcome to Medicare” covers poems challenging the reader to go beyond the thinking mind. The latest in cervical cancer treatment and prevention is
topics such as eligibility and enrollment; covered services; For info, or to register (required), call (503) 528-1430. featured in the episode. To verify show times, call (503) 293-1982
insurance policies; Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D; and problem or visit <>.
resolution. The free course is taught by trained volunteers from OAME Coffee and Issues Forum
Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) in Sep 26 & Oct 31, 7-8am, Oregon Association of Minority MIKE benefit dinner and auction
cooperation with Multnomah County Aging and Disability Entrepreneurs (OAME) Cascade Plaza (4134 N Vancouver Ave, Sep 28, 5:30-9pm, Multnomah Arts Center (7688 SW Capitol
Services. For info, or to register (course #HE4MC), call (503) Portland). Network with minority business owners and the Hwy, Portland). Attend “An Autumn Evening: Reach for the
491-7572 or visit <> and search “HE4MC.” general business community at OAME’s Coffee and Issues Stars!,” a benefit dinner and auction to raise funds for the MIKE
Forum, held on the last Friday of each month. For info, call (503) (Multicultural Integrated Kidney Education) program. MIKE
KAC National Convention 249-7744 or visit <>. targets populations at greatest risk for kidney disease, including
Sep 25-28, noon-10pm (Thu), 7:30am-10pm (Fri), 8am-8:30pm Asians and other racial minorities. The organization was
(Sat), 9-10:30am (Sun), Westin Hotel Bellevue (600 Bellevue Way “Bob The Builder — Project: Build It”
recognized as a 2008 Public Health Hero by the Multnomah
NE, Bellevue, Wash.). Join the Korean American Coalition (KAC) Sep 26-Jan 19, 9am-5pm (Tue-Sun), Portland Children’s County Health Department this past spring. For info, or to buy
for “United Today for a Stronger Tomorrow,” the organization’s Museum (4015 SW Canyon Rd, Portland). Aspiring young tickets, call (503) 296-7705 or visit <>.
sixth annual national convention. The event brings together builders and their families are invited to learn about construction
community members and leaders from across the country to and teamwork at “Bob The Builder — Project: Build It,” a Continued on page 11
September 23, 2008 Community THE ASIAN REPORTER n Page 11

Continued from page 10 mindfulness-based stress reduction (Oct 21). For info, or to
register, call (503) 574-6595 or visit <
Pig Roast & Tank of Fish classes>.
Sep 28, 7-9:30pm, Someday Lounge (125 NW Fifth Ave, Asian American Pioneer Dinner
Portland). Watch Pig Roast & Tank of Fish, a documentary about
Portland’s Chinatown, the second-oldest Chinatown in the Oct 1 (deadline to register). Register to attend the Asian
United States. Filmmaker Ivy Lin’s documentary includes American Pioneer Dinner, an event honoring Bharti Kirchner,
rarely-seen footage of ongoing cultural and social activities in Peter Bacho, Gary Luke, Shawn Wong, Aki Sogabe, Lensey
Chinatown, and explores why Chinatown has become a desolate Namioka, Phillip Lee, and Mayumi Tsutakawa. The dinner takes
neighborhood. For info, call (503) 937-7811. place Oct 11 from 5:30 to 8:30pm at China Harbor Restaurant
(2040 Westlake Ave N, Seattle). For info, or to register, call (206)
“Dogs That Changed the World” 223-0623, e-mail <[email protected]>, or visit <www.
Sep 28, 8-9pm; repeats Sep 30, 2am & Oct 5, 10am; Oregon>.
Public Broadcasting (OPB). Watch the first of a two-part Nature GoGreen ’08 Conference
episode about the evolution of dogs. The series looks at DNA
analysis and other research to see how the hundreds of dog breeds Oct 1, 8:30am-4pm, Gerding Theater at the Armory (128 NW
came into existence. To verify show times, call (503) 293-1982 or Eleventh Ave, Portland). Attend GoGreen ’08, a daylong
visit <>. sustainability conference designed to motivate, inspire, and
educate business owners to become more sustainable. The
Calavera Highway conference features panel discussions on green marketing and WHEEL OF FORTUNE. The ninth annual Mid-Autumn Fest fea-
Sep 28, 10:30pm, Oregon branding, green business incentives, drawing media coverage of tured a full day of entertainment in addition to cultural, vendor, and ser-
sustainability initiatives, and more. Mayor-elect Sam Adams
Public Broadcasting (OPB). vice booths. Several booths offered an opportunity to spin a “wheel of
Watch Calavera Highway, delivers the keynote address. Grace Pae, founder of Artemis
Foods, is among the featured speakers. For info, or to register, fortune” for various prizes. (AR Photo/Julie Stegeman)
Japanese-American director
call (503) 226-2377, e-mail <[email protected]>, or visit
Renee Tajima-Peña’s docu-
mentary about seven brothers
grappling with the meaning of

Green building in China talk

Event celebrates
masculinity, fatherhood, and a
legacy of rootless beginnings. Oct 1, noon-1:30pm, Wong Kee Restaurant (28 NW Fourth
Ave, Portland). Attend “Building Green in China: A Case Study of
Mid-Autumn Fest,
The siblings are reunited
when two of the brothers take
a road trip to return their
LEED Platinum Design,” a talk featuring Raymond Cheng of
Portland’s LRS Architects. The company is currently working on
educates homebuyers
one of China’s largest sustainable projects. For info, or to buy
mother’s ashes to the Rio Continued from page one
Grande Valley. (USA, 2008, tickets (by Sep 30), call (503) 973-5451 or visit <www.nwchina.
Renee Tajima-Peña, 88 mins.) org/programs/081001cbn.htm>.
terns, traditionally used to decorate homes for the festi-
To verify show times, call (503) Calavera Highway director Renee
Tajima-Peña. (Photo/William Internet safety and privacy workshop val.
293-1982 or visit <www.opb.
org>. Short) Oct 1, noon-1:30pm, Montgomery Park (2701 NW Vaughn St, Asian & Pacific Islander Home Buying Fair
Portland). Learn how to protect family members while using the An Asian and Pacific Islander Home Buying Fair was
Health Equity Initiative report internet at a workshop led by Shawn Marshall, counsellor at the
held in conjunction with the Mid-Autumn Fest at a
Sep 29, noon-2pm, Multnomah County Central Library (801 Children’s Program, a diagnostic and treatment clinic in
Portland. Topics include protecting privacy, understanding building adjacent to the festival. Tables were staffed by
SW 10th Ave, Portland). Learn about the input collected from
Multnomah County’s Health Equity Initiative. The report “digital footprints,” dealing with cyber harassment, and more. volunteers and housing-industry representatives offering
highlights policy options for community members to discuss and The registration fee includes lunch. For info, or to register, call educational materials, resources, and information on
prioritize. Refreshments are provided. For info, call (503) 988- (503) 244-5211, e-mail <[email protected]>, or visit
housing issues affecting the Asian community.
5123 or visit <>. <>.
The fair targeted first-time homebuyers from Asian and
Pacific Crest Trail preservation project Indonesia human-rights talk Pacific Islander communities, immigrants, limited-
Sep 29-Oct 3, Pacific Crest Trail, McKenzie Pass, Deschutes Oct 1, 6-8pm, Portland State University, Smith Center (1825 English or low-income individuals, and the general public
National Forest (Central Oregon). Experience the natural beauty SW Broadway, Portland). Attend “Defending Human Rights and in Oregon and southwest Washington. Volunteer
of the West while helping preserve the Pacific Crest Trail at a Non-Violent Activism: Saving Lives and Promoting Peace in
Indonesia,” a talk by Tiffany Easthom, Indonesia coordinator for translators were on hand to aid attendees in Cantonese,
volunteer event at McKenzie Pass in the Deschutes National
international human-rights group Peace Brigades International. Mandarin, Vietnamese, Russian, Lao, and other
Forest. Volunteers should be physically able to hike, do trail
work, and camp. Participants provide their own tents, sleeping For info, call Olivia Watt at (503) 621-1082 or visit <www. languages.
bags, personal gear, and transportation, and may choose to join a>. Among the organizations represented at the fair was
team for a couple of days or an extended weekend. For info, call China’s Stolen Children Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS), the
(916) 349-2109, ext. 22, e-mail <[email protected]>, or visit <www.
Oct 1, 7pm, Portland Art Museum, Northwest Film Center, state’s housing finance agency, which was educating>.
Whitsell Auditorium (1219 SW Park Ave, Portland). Watch first-time homebuyers on its Residential Loan Program
Benefits assistance event China’s Stolen Children, a documentary following the efforts of (also know as the “Oregon Bond Loan”) designed to
Sep 30, 12:30-3:30pm, St. Johns Library (7510 N Charleston the parents of a kidnapped Chinese child to rescue her from
slavery. The film is shown as part of the Northwest Film Center’s
provide below-market interest rates for qualifying
Ave, Portland). Multnomah County seniors, veterans, and people
Global Concerns and Human Rights film series. (U.K., 2007, individuals or families. Oregon’s Division of Finance and
with disabilities are invited to receive help determining eligi-
bility for the Economic Stimulus Payment and filling out paper- Jezza Neumann, 87 mins.) For info, call (503) 221-1156 or visit Corporate Securities was also present and offering
work at a free event offered at the St. Johns Library. Trained <>. information on preventing foreclosure, which has
volunteers from Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance “Overview of Hereditary unfortunately become an increasing problem in the
(SHIBA) also screen participants for Medicare Part D Extra
Cancer Syndromes” current economy. The Fair Housing Council of Oregon
Help, Medicare Savings Program eligibility, and other benefits.
For info, call (503) 988-5397 or visit <>. was on hand to teach people about housing discrimina-
Oct 1, 7-8:30pm, Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital (1040 NW
tion, rights, and options. Several other organizations had
Tao of Now 22nd Ave, Portland). Join genetic counsellor Paul Dorsey, M.S.,
as he discusses genetics and how it relates to cancer, appropriate a presence as well, including lending institutions, real
Sep 30, 7pm, Broadway Books (1714 NE Broadway St, screening measures, and inherited family examples. The talk is estate agencies, insurance businesses, government
Portland). Join local poet, author, and spiritual teacher Daniel free, but registration is required. For info, or to register, call (503)
Skach-Mills as he presents his new book, The Tao of Now. The agencies, and nonprofits.
335-3500 or visit <>.
book includes 81 poems challenging the reader to go beyond the q
thinking mind. The event is free and open to the public. For info, OMSI After Dark
call (503) 284-1726. Oct 1, 7-9:30pm, Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (1945 Deposed Thai leader Thaksin’s
SE Water Ave, Portland). Peruse OMSI exhibits, discuss the
NOVA: “Sputnik Declassified” science of brandy with a local distiller, and more at OMSI After brother-in-law elected new PM
Sep 30, 8pm; repeats Oct 2, 2am; Oregon Public Broadcasting Dark, an event for persons age 21 and older. Visitors can taste
Continued from page 4 ruling People’s Power Par-
(OPB). Watch “Sputnik Declassified,” an episode of NOVA and learn the science behind food and beverages while probing
examining the missteps the U.S. made to lose the first round of OMSI’s newest exhibit, Mindbender Mansion. For info, call (503) ty, which is full of Thaksin
billionaire, is accused of
the space race to the Soviets. To verify show times, call (503) 797-4000 or visit <>. allies, is unacceptable as
293-1982 or visit <>. buying his way into power
prime minister.
The Inheritance of Loss and then enriching himself
Critical Condition Oct 1, 7:15-8:15pm, Albina Library (3605 NE 15th Ave, Port- at the country’s expense.
The protest alliance
Sep 30, 9-10:30pm; repeats Oct 2, 3-4:30am; Oregon Public land). Engage in stimulating conversation at a book discussion complains that Western-
His ouster came after
Broadcasting (OPB). Watch Critical Condition, a documentary group sponsored by Friends of the Library. The book for discus- style democracy gives too
putting a human face on the nation’s growing healthcare crisis.
months of demonstrations
sion is author Kiran Desai’s second novel, The Inheritance of much power to the rural
The film follows four critically ill Americans who discover that Loss. The book, set in the 1980s, addresses migration in addition by the People’s Alliance for
poor, who they say are
being uninsured can cost them their jobs, health, home, savings, to living between two worlds and between past and present. For Democracy, which then
and even their lives. The film is followed by “Rx For Change,” a info, call (503) 988-5362 or visit <>. susceptible to vote buying.
took aim at Samak, whom
30-minute program exploring health issues set against the They propose replacing an
healthcare platforms of the two presidential candidates. To verify API Vote Oregon workshop they accused of being
elected Parliament with
show times, call (503) 293-1982 or visit <>. Oct 1 & 4; Oct 1, 6-9pm; Oct 4, 9am-noon, Asian Pacific Thaksin’s proxy.
The alliance and tens of one that is mostly appoint-
American Network of Oregon (5424 N Michigan Ave, Portland).
“Objects and Memory” Learn about the upcoming election, issues affecting the Asian thousands of its supporters ed, a move critics charge is
Sep 30, 11pm, Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB). Watch and Pacific Islander (API) community, and more at API Vote stormed Government meant to keep power in the
“Objects and Memory,” a program in which people discuss Oregon workshops hosted by the Asian Pacific American hands of the educated,
important items recovered after the September 11 attacks, the Network of Oregon. To learn more, or to register, call (503) House on August 26 with
Oklahoma City bombing, and the Vietnam War. To verify show 896-7560, e-mail <[email protected]>, or visit <>. the goal of kicking Samak urban elite.
times, call (503) 293-1982 or visit <>. out of office. But their goals Associated Press writers Jocelyn
Weight management for women have since shifted. They
Stress management series Gecker and Sutin Wannabovorn in
Oct 1-Nov 19 (Wed), 6:45-8:45pm, Providence St. Vincent
now say any member of the Bangkok contributed to this report.
Sep 30-Oct 21 (Tue), 6:30-8:30pm, Providence St. Vincent Medical Center (9205 SW Barnes Rd, Portland). Work on food,
Medical Center (9205 SW Barnes Rd, Portland). Learn how to body issues, and weight with a registered dietician and fitness
understand, control, and reduce stress at a four-topic series that specialist in a fun, motivating atmosphere at “Groovin’ a New
may be taken in whole or in part. Topics include stress reduction Weigh,” an eight-week weight management program for women.
through relaxation (Sep 30), managing job stress (Oct 7), stress For info, or to register (required), call (503) 574-6595 or visit
and the working parent (Oct 14), and an introduction to <>.
Page 12 n THE ASIAN REPORTER Arts Culture & Entertainment September 23, 2008

Festival Japan
LONG RIVER, HIGH SKY Sep 27-28, 11am-5pm, Uwajimaya Plaza
(10500 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy, Beaver-
ton, Ore.). Celebrate Japanese culture at the
annual Festival Japan celebration. The event
features food, music, saké tasting, perfor-
mances, children’s games, and more. For info,
call the Japan-America Society of Oregon at
ONGOING EVENTS (503) 552-8811 or visit <>.

“Paint the Town II” Aesop’s Fables

Sep 27-28, 2pm & 4pm, Bellevue Youth
Through Sep 27, 10am-5pm (Tue-Sat), Art
Theatre (16661 Northup Way, Bellevue, Wash).
on the Boulevard (210 W Evergreen Blvd,
Enjoy Aesop’s Fables, Thistle Theatre’s puppet
Vancouver, Wash.). View “Paint the Town II,”
play featuring three stories of animals with
an exhibit of plein air paintings from gallery
artists. The focus of the show is Fort Vancouver human foibles and strengths. Each of the tales is
National Park and Maya Lin’s Confluence set in a different location along the Medi-
Project Land Bridge. For info, call (360) 750- terranean Sea, including Byzantium (now
4499 or visit <>. Istanbul, Turkey). The play uses the Japanese
bunraku style of puppetry. To learn more, or to
“Blurring the Line” buy tickets, call (206) 524-3388 or visit
Through Sep 27, 11am-5:30pm (Tue-Sat),
Pulliam Deffenbaugh Gallery (929 NW Flan- World Animal Festival
ders St, Portland). View “Blurring the Line: The
Art of Thread,” an exhibit of needle-and-thread Sep 27-Oct 5, 10am-2pm (Mon-Fri), 11am-
work by Diem Chau, Jen Pack, Hildur 4pm (Sat-Sun), Oregon Zoo (4001 SW Canyon
Bjarnadóttir, and Linda Hutchins. Vietnamese Rd, Portland). Learn about world cultures,
artist Diem Chau stretches embroidered silk dance to live music, listen to storytelling, and
over found dishware to create vignettes of September 24, 7:30pm learn about the planet’s animals at the Oregon
memory, gesture, portrait, and form. Korean Zoo’s annual World Animal Festival. The event
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall
artist Jen Pack’s works are constructed of silk also include hands-on craft areas featuring
chiffon and stretched over bars to allow light to
S.W. Broadway & S.W. Main Street, Portland origami, henna tattoos, Middle Eastern mosa-
pass through. For info, call (503) 228-6665 or ics, and animal-mask making. For info, call
visit <>. Watch a performance of Long River, High Sky, a collaborative martial arts and (503) 226-1561 or visit <>.
dance performance by the Shaolin Monks of China and Alonzo King’s LINES Bal-
Maro Vandorou let. The show demonstrates a unique synthesis of Eastern and Western forms of
Dambana ceremony
Through Sep 28, 10am-8pm (Mon-Thu), movement. For more information, call (503) 245-1600 or visit <>. Sep 28, 4pm, The Grotto (NE 85th Ave & NE
10am-6pm (Fri), 11am-6pm (Sat), noon-6pm Sandy Blvd, Portland). See related story on page
(Sun), Newspace Center for Photography (1632 Photo/Marty Sohl 16.
SE 10th Ave, Portland). View “Fragmented
Light,” an exhibit of platinum palladium prints Ixnay
by Maro Vandorou on rare, handmade Japanese>.
3 PM Beijing Time Sep 28 & Oct 12, 4pm, Richard Hugo House
gampi paper documenting an ancient cemetery Sex in Seattle Sep 25, midnight, Theatre Off Jackson (409 (1634 - 11th Ave, Seattle). Enjoy a reading of
near the artist’s birthplace in Athens, Greece. Seventh Ave S, Seattle). Join the Pork Filled Ixnay, Paul Kikuchi’s comedic play about an
Through Oct 18 (Fri-Sat), 8 & 10:30pm,
Also on display is “Leafsmoke,” an exhibit of Players — the Northwest’s longest-running Asian-American man awaiting his next life at
Richard Hugo House (1634 - 11th Ave, Seattle).
haunting photos by Kay Denton. For info, call Asian-American sketch comedy troupe — as Reincarnation Station only to find out he’s being
Watch Sex in Seattle, Episode 16: The Space
(503) 963-1935 or visit <www.newspacephoto. they team with Vancouver’s Assaulted Fish for sent back again as an Asian American. For info,
In-Between, the latest installment of Seattle’s
org/gallery>. 3 PM Beijing Time. The performance is part of or to buy tickets, call (206) 323-9443, e-mail
long-running episodic series that takes a comic
SketchFest Seattle. For info, or to buy tickets, <[email protected]>, or visit <www.
“Dig Me Out” and dramatic look at the lives of Asian Ameri-
call 1-800-838-3006, or visit <www.brownpaper>. Tickets are
cans. Episode 16, which considers the space that
Through Sep 28, noon-8pm (Mon-Sat), noon-> or <>. also available by calling Ticket Window at (206)
exists between perception and reality, is written
6pm (Sun), Compound Gallery (107 NW Fifth 325-6500 or visiting <www.ticketwindow
by Kathy Hsieh. For info, or to buy tickets, call
Ave, Portland). View “Dig Me Out,” a collective
(206) 323-9443, e-mail <tickets@sis-produc
Accelerated Chinese>.
of work by artists from Osaka, Japan. The show
includes new pieces by Igu, Takeyoshi Misono,>, or visit <>. calligraphy class Symphony Storytime
Tickets are also available from Ticket Window Sep 25, 10am-noon, Asian Health & Service
Kenji Kitazawa, Ryuji Ohtani, Ryohei Yama- Oct 1, 8, 15 & 29, 4-5pm, Fairview-Columbia
at (206) 325-6500 or <www.ticketwindow Center, Beaverton Office (12500 SW Allen Blvd,
shita, Murumiyan, and Tomo Nakanishi. For Library (1520 NE Village St, Fairview, Ore.).>. Beaverton, Ore.). Learn the art of Chinese
info, call (503) 796-2733 or visit < Enjoy a series of interactive, musical storytimes>. “Electoral Collage” calligraphy at a class available year-round. with the Oregon Symphony. Each week features
Students can join at any time. For info, call (503) a visit from an Oregon Symphony musician who
“Questioning Functionality 2” Through Oct 26, 10am-5pm (daily), Oregon 641-4113 or visit <>. plays and provides an introduction to his or her
College of Art & Craft, Hoffman Gallery (8245
Through Sep 30, 9am-9pm (Mon-Thu), 9am- instrument and orchestral music. Free tickets
6pm (Fri), 10am-4pm (Sat), Glenn & Viola
SW Barnes Rd, Portland). View “Electoral “States of Mind” are available 30 minutes prior to the program.
Collage: Art & Politics in 2008,” an exhibit of Sep 25-Oct 28, 11am-6pm (Tue-Sat), noon-
Walters Cultural Arts Center (527 E Main St, For info, call (503) 988-5655 or visit <events.
work provoking ideas and discussions about 4pm (Sun); Sep 25, 6-9pm (reception); Onda
Hillsboro, Ore.). View “Questioning Function->.
education, civil rights, justice, politics, war and Gallery Alberta (2215 NE Alberta St, Portland).
ality 2,” an exhibit of furniture and interior
design meshed with non-functional art.
peace, the economy, environmental issues, and View “States of Mind,” an exhibit of sculpture by Earl Hamilton
other topics. Exhibit jurors include Horatio Japan-born artist Tamae Frame, Kevin Poe,
Featured artists include Anjali Srinivasan, Oct 2-Nov 1, 10am-5:30pm (Mon-Sat); Oct 2,
Hung-Yan Law, Heidi Schwegler, and Steven T. Sara Swink, and Maria Wickwire, in addition to
Jacob Sorenson, Jennifer Hibbard, and others. 6-9pm (reception); Attic Gallery Downtown (206
Taylor. For info, call (503) 297-5544 or visit paintings by Alejandro Ceballos. Frame worked
For info, call (503) 615-3485 or visit < SW First Ave, Portland). Enjoy an exhibit of
<>. as a jewelry designer in Tokyo before moving to>. new paintings by Earl Hamilton, the son of
“Erotica — The Art of Love” the U.S. in 1992. For info, call (503) 493-1909 or artist Satsuko Hamilton. The artist’s whimsical
“Celebrating Prints” visit <>. paintings of cats and Chagall-like images are
Through Oct 26, 10am-6pm (Mon-Sat), noon-
Through Oct 5, 10am-5pm (Tue, Wed & Sat), playful and fantastical. The opening reception
10am-8pm (Thu-Fri), noon-5pm (Sun), Portland
5pm (Sun), Ming’s Asian Gallery, International Vietnamese/English storytime features classical guitar by Jim Fenwick. For
District (519 Sixth Ave South, Seattle) & Ming’s Sep 27, 10:15-11am, Midland Library (805
Art Museum (1219 SW Park Ave, Portland). info, call (503) 228-7830 or visit <www.attic
Asian Gallery, Old Bellevue (10217 Main St, SE 122nd Ave, Portland). Enjoy a bilingual
View “Celebrating Prints,” an exhibit of the>.
Bellevue, Wash.). View an exhibit of erotic fine storytime presented in Vietnamese and
Portland Art Museum’s recent acquisitions. The
exhibit includes 65 works by more than 50
art from Japan, India, Persia, China, and English. The free event is for children younger Lang Lang performance
Korea, ranging from the subtly suggestive to the than seven years old with an accompanying
artists, among them two color lithographs by Oct 3, 7:30pm, Arlene Schnitzer Concert
unabashed. Works from the 18th through the adult. For info, call (503) 988-5392 or visit
Roger Shimomura. For info, call (503) 226-2811 Hall (SW Broadway & SW Main St, Portland).
20th century are shown, including woodblock <>.
or visit <>. Attend a concert by Chinese piano superstar
prints, illustrated pillow books, scrolls, silk
Lang Lang as he performs works by Adams,
The Last 5 Years paintings, jade carvings, snuff bottles, and Chinese storytime Bernstein, and Rachmaninoff at a special
more. No one under the age of 18 is admitted to Sep 27, 1:15-2pm, Midland Library (805 SE
Through Oct 5, 8pm (Fri-Sat), 2pm (Sun), concert with the Oregon Symphony. The perfor-
the exhibit. For info, call (206) 748-7889 or (425) 122nd Ave, Portland). Enjoy a storytime
Ethnic Cultural Theatre (3940 Brooklyn Ave mance marks the Oregon Symphony debut of
462-4008 or visit <>. presented in Chinese. The free reading is for
NE, Seattle). Watch The Last 5 Years, Jason Lang Lang. For info, or to buy tickets, call (503)
Robert Browne’s musical about modern “Oasis” children younger than seven years old with an 228-1353 or 1-800-228-7343, or visit <www.
romance. The play is directed by David Hsieh. accompanying adult. For info, call (503)>.
Through Jan 4, 10am-5pm (Tue-Sat), 988-5392 or visit <>.
For info, or to buy tickets, call (206) 364-3283 or
visit <>.
noon-5pm (Sun), Tacoma Art Museum (1701 Taiko classes for youth
Pacific Ave, Tacoma, Wash.). View “Oasis: Andaz Oct 4-Nov 22 (Sat), 10-10:50am (age 4-5),
Faye Nakamura Western Dreams of the Ottoman Empire from Sep 27, 9pm-3am, Fez Ballroom (316 SW 11-11:50am (age 6-8), 12:30-2pm (age 9-16),
the Dahesh Museum of Art,” an exhibit of 11th Ave, Portland). Join the party at Andaz,
Through Oct 11, 10am-5:30pm (Tue-Sat), Portland Taiko Rehearsal Studio (3230 NE
19th-century Western artists’ responses to the Portland’s monthly club night devoted to the
Karin Clarke Gallery (760 Willamette St, Columbia Blvd, Portland). Learn how to pound
diverse cultures of the former Ottoman Empire. latest electronic dance music of the South Asian
Eugene, Ore.). View “The Fabric in Clay,” an drums Japanese style at an eight-week taiko
The exhibit features more than 60 Orientalist diaspora. Hosts DJ Anjali and The Incredible
exhibit of work by Japanese-American artist class. Classes fill up quickly and early registra-
paintings, sculptures, photographs, prints, Kid provide the Bhangra, Bollywood, and Desi
Faye Nakamura. Nakamura’s large tile tion is advised. Students take part in a perfor-
drawings, and books. Also on display is “What Is beats. The event is for people age 21 and older.
paintings combine both glazed and oil-painted mance recital scheduled for Dec 4. For info, or to
a Trade? Donald Fels and Signboard Painters of For info, call (503) 281-3918 or visit <www.
tiles, which are grouted together and framed; register, call (503) 28TAIKO (288-2456) or visit
South India.” For info, call (253) 272-4258,>.
many incorporate vintage obi fabrics in the <>.
e-mail <[email protected]>, or visit
design. For info, call (541) 684-7963 or visit <>.
Submit your Asian-related calendar listings to:
“A Gaze of Her Own” UPCOMING EVENTS The Asian Reporter, Attn: Events Calendar
Through Oct 12, 11am-8pm (Wed), 11am- 922 N Killingsworth St., Suite 1A, Portland, OR 97217
5pm (Thu-Sun), University of Oregon, Jordan Vietnamese/English storytime News Department e-mail: [email protected] w Fax: (503) 283-4445
Schnitzer Museum of Art (1430 Johnson Lane, Sep 23 & 30, 6:15-6:45pm, Holgate Library Submission Format: List event title, date, time, location with address, 2 to 3 brief
Eugene, Ore.). View “A Gaze of Her Own: (7905 SE Holgate Blvd, Portland). Enjoy a
sentences describing the event, and a contact phone number (required) that
Women in Japanese Art,” an exhibit of Japanese bilingual storytime presented in Vietnamese
art by women artists or featuring women as can be published. High-resolution photos, if available, may also be included.
and English. The free event is for children
subjects. The display includes several pieces of younger than seven years old with an Submission Deadline: At least two weeks prior to event date.
pottery by famed ceramist Otagaki Rengetsu. accompanying adult. For info, call (503) ***
For info, call (541) 346-3027 or visit <jsma. 988-5389 or visit <>.
September 23, 2008 A.C.E. / N.W. Job Market THE ASIAN REPORTER n Page 13

PICA’s Time-Based Art fest continues to push boundaries

By Toni Tabora-Roberts that included exquisite movement sections interspersed
The Asian Reporter with hokey lip-synched musical numbers. Titled Geisha,

company founders Lee Sher and Saar Harari, originally
he Portland Institute for Contemporary Art (PICA)
from Israel, were inspired when they found Jye-Hwei Lin,
is a gem among the city’s wide array of arts
a dancer originally from Taiwan. A few years back,
presenters. Founded in 1995, its goal is to offer
LeeSaar had a short piece also titled Geisha. “It was, I
contemporary works by emerging and established artists
think, the beginning of Geisha. It was the seed,”
from around the world, propelling audiences to discover
remembers Sher. Upon meeting Lin, they reconnected
new ways of looking at and experiencing art. Their
with some of those ideas.
celebrated Time-Based Art Festival (TBA) has become an
A striking visual display, the piece began with Lin’s
annual ritual for the city’s art fanatics, bringing in
powerful dance — clad in just jeans (yes, she was topless).
renowned guest curators who put forth ever-evolving The audience seemed breathless, taking it all in, trying to
visions of what “time-based art” can encompass. get comfortable with the seeming vulnerability of a dancer
Festival roundup on stage exposed in this way. Lin’s performance
This year’s fest, which ran September 4 through 14, was eventually dispelled that sense of vulnerability, creating a
the third and final installment of guest artistic director complex rendering of the geisha theme. In between Lin’s
Mark Russell’s turn at the helm. In his opening letter movements, Sher took the stage, channelling the likes of
about TBA in the distinctive catalog (a small, colorful, Céline Dion and Barbra Streisand as a diva character
thick booklet that was easily recognizable around town in lip-synching her own singing. Saar, similarly clad in
the hands of feverish festival goers), Russell describes the jeans, eventually joined Lin in an interesting duet that
event with words like awkward, bawdy, nasty, beautiful, touched on gender, sensuality, and brutality. Each of the
bittersweet, and funny. It was all those things and much characters appeared to represent an interpretation of the
more. mystique and performance nature of the geisha.
The festival was a citywide event, with art happenings On the other end of the spectrum, Portland-based artist
at more traditional venues such as the Arlene Schnitzer MULTIPLE MEDIUMS. Varinthorn Christopher is a local artist in
Varinthorn Christopher, originally from Thailand,
Concert Hall, Imago Theatre, and Portland State Portland State University’s Art and Social Practice MFA program. She
explored the idea of art as community engagement. She
contributed several works to this year’s Time-Based Art Festival. Making
University’s (PSU) Lincoln Hall as well as other presented three different projects for TBA, all of which
Sense of Suffering is a video project exploring research about culturally
less-customary art sites such as Jamison Square, made a tangible effort to connect people to larger ideas of
specific healing practices. (Photo courtesy of the artist)
Someday Lounge, Living Room Theaters, the Portland changing our community for the better.
Farmers Market, and even on the air at KBOO Some of the more legendary acts included the opening Making Sense of Suffering is a video project that sought
Community Radio. TBA’s unique anchor venue this year performance of the New York band Antony and the to bring together cross-cultural ideas of how to deal with
was the Leftbank Project, an interesting partnership with Johnsons in concert with the Oregon Symphony and the suffering, acknowledging that Western psychology does
Boora Architects, an organization currently developing site-specific landscape, music, and movement collabora- not necessarily work well for all communities. The film
the building into a unique, sustainable commercial space tion of Third Angle New Music Ensemble with some of presents investigations from researchers in India, Iran,
on the east side of the Broadway Bridge. The Leftbank Portland’s most admired choreographers, headed by the and the U.S. as well as her own observations of practices
Project served as a hub of accessible visual art, venerable Anna Halperin. in Thailand.
performance, and a festival community gathering space Other artists with plenty of buzz were Reggie Watts, Christopher’s other pieces allowed her to interact in the
complete with a café and beer garden. Sojourn Theatre, Daniel Beaty, Mike Daisey, and community, empowering citizens to challenge local
TBA brought together a wide swath of art from Superamas. It seemed art was happening all day and all businesses about what they are selling as food. In Seitanic
performance to visual, from music to movement, from night for 10 days. Petition she went to the Portland Farmers Market with
one-man shows to audience participation happenings, Inspired Asians free Tofurky in hand to collect signatures to ask local
from film to dance, and many other less definable works. Two groups that found inspiration from international mini-mart stores to carry healthier food options. The
Artists journeyed from as far away as Israel and Taiwan and Asian themes were LeeSaar The Company and local Convenience Truth was more of a guerilla project in which
(via New York), Thailand, France, Portugal, Philadelphia, artist Varinthorn Christopher as part of a program called she created warning labels for certain foods containing
and Minneapolis; from closer places such as Boise and San Neighborhood Projects from PSU’s exceptional Art and carcinogenic ingredients and snuck them onto actual
Diego; and, of course, many participants were from Social Practice MFA program. products in local grocery stores.
hometown Portland. LeeSaar presented an intriguing performance piece To learn more about TBA, visit <>.

Oregon College of Art and Craft seeks resident artists Artists sought for SE Area ARTWalk
The Oregon College of Art and Craft work time during the fall or spring Artists from the Portland aimed at strengthening were hosted in homes,
(OCAC) is seeking applications for its semester. metropolitan and sur- connections between busi- studios, and businesses
Artist-in-Residence Program, which All selected residents are provided with rounding areas are nesses, artists, and neigh- during the 2008 ARTWalk
provides emerging and nationally known housing near the campus, a stipend, and encouraged to submit work bors. — the event’s fifth year.
artists with dedicated time to immerse travel and materials reimbursements. to be featured in the SE The SE Area ARTWalk The application deadline
themselves in their work. Applications are To download an application, visit <www. Area ARTWalk, scheduled covers the neighborhoods is November 15, 2008.
due by March 1, 2009.>. For more information, call (503) for March 7 and 8. of Clinton, Division, Haw- Applications can be down-
The Junior Residency provides 297-5544 or e-mail <residencies@ocac. The ARTWalk is a thorne, and Ladd’s Addi- loaded at <www.seport
emerging artists with 16 weeks of focused edu>. community-building event tion. More than 90 artists>.



PREVENTION SPECIALIST Full time Certified Resident Manager for a DD
adult foster care home in S.E. Portland. Must be over
Cascade AIDS Project (CAP), the leading provider
of HIV prevention, education, housing, advocacy and
21 and pass criminal background check. Must have
current CPR and FIRST AID. Able to document, lift
support services in Oregon and Southwest Washing- heavy people/objects, cook, clean, bathe, including
providing personal hygiene care to residents, and
ton, is seeking a full time Bilingual HIV Prevention Oregon Convention Center
Specialist. Please visit <> for training caregivers. Prefer male, certified OIS,
Entry: $17.26/hr, PT
complete posting. bilingual English and Vietnamese/other. Starting pay
Deadline: 10/3/08
is $10.50 per hour or DOE. Contact (503) 761-2949.

Portland Center for the Performing Arts
Deadline: 10/3/08
The City of Portland is seeking experienced human
Ideal candidate is patient, kind, loving, gentle,
resource executives for the position of HR Business To access the complete job announcement and
creative, funny, responsible, and energetic. Nanny
Partner. For additional information or to apply online required application materials, visit our website at
must have previous childcare experience, Chinese
please visit <>. Hard- <> or pick up a com-
and English fluency, legal work status, excellent
copy application packets can be obtained at 1120 SW plete packet at Metro Human Resources, 600 NE
references, and pristine driving record. Preference
5th Ave., NE corner of the lobby. Women and minori- Grand Avenue, Portland.
will be given to Chinese speakers and individuals with
ties are encouraged to apply. Application dead-
early childhood development background, special AA/EEO Employer
line: 4:30pm, Friday, September 26, 2008.
artistic or musical capabilities, or other talents. Need
nanny 20 to 30 hours per week. Please call Stephanie, The City of Portland is an
(503) 927-3434. Equal Opportunity Employer E-mail your ad to <[email protected]>.


City of Portland
SAIF Corporation, Oregon’s not-for-profi t, state-chartered RESIDENT MANAGER Portland Parks & Recreation
workers’ compensation insurance company, has been
The Housing and Community Services Agency Open 09/22/08 - 10/20/08
doing business for more than 90 years and is the leading
(HACSA) of Lane County is accepting applications for
provider of workers’ compensation insurance in Oregon.
a full-time Resident Manager for our Abbie Lane
Townhouses. Salary range is $1,953 to $2,487/mo
We are committed to hiring and retaining employees is responsible for developing, implementing and
with a 2-bedroom unit valued at $387/mo. Total
who represent Oregon’s ethnic, cultural managing a wide variety of programs and activities.
compensation range of $2,338 to $2,872/mo.
and geographic diversity. Ability to develop innovative community partnerships
Preference given for rental mgmt exp. Posting &
is strongly desired. application available at <> or 177
Day Island Rd., Eugene. Out-of-area persons may call
(541) 682-2523; TDD (541) 682-3412. Completed RECREATION SUPERVISOR
application packet must be received by 4:00pm, is responsible for supervising, developing and
October 1. EOE/ADA. managing community recreation programs. Current
vacancy is for a large community center serving one
of Portland’s most diverse and rapidly changing
An Equal Opportunity Employer Masonry Trades Union
For complete details go to
or call (503) 823-4034.
& TILE FINISHER An Equal Opportunity Employer
Must be at least 18 years old at time of application.

Applications being taken

MARKETING October 28 - October 30, 2008 Portland Community Media seeks

COMMUNICATIONS LEAD From 8:00am to 4:00pm

Closed 12:00 - 1:00 for lunch
Portland State University’s Office of University At: EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT
Communications is seeking a Marketing Communi- 12812 NE Marx St., Portland, OR 97230
cations Lead (1.0 FTE). Core duties include oversight PCM seeks an Executive Assistant, who is a
of “Umbrella Tours” community relations program, self-starter, great organizer and who will report to the
media relations, and other duties supporting the Executive Director. Relieves the executive of
brand and messaging of Portland State University. administrative type functions and is responsible for
No phone calls. The annual salary is $35,004, plus a
SPECIAL EVENTS confidential and time sensitive material. Must be an
generous benefits and retirement package. Minimum
two years experience in public or community
COORDINATOR excellent verbal and written communicator with an
ability to prepare routine and advanced
relations; complete job listing available at <www.hrc. Apprx. Monthly Salary: $4,834 - $6,446 correspondence including letters, memoranda,>. PSU is an Affirmative Action, Equal Deadline: 4:30pm, 10/06/08 newsletters, and reports, utilizing a variety of
Opportunity institution, and in keeping with the software. May direct and lead the work of others.
The Special Events Coordinator (Program
President’s diversity initiative, welcomes applications Associate’s degree or equivalent required with at
Coordinator) for the Revenue Bureau is responsible
from diverse candidates and candidates who support least 4 years of experience in the field or related area.
for permitting street and sidewalk usage activities
diversity. Review of applications will begin Position is 25 hours/week with full benefits and a
such as walks, marches, parades, or athletic events.
immediately and the position will remain open until a salary range from $17,000 - 19,000 depending on
Duties include coordinating special event planning,
finalist is identified. Please submit electronically, as experience. Portland Community Media (PCM) is a
review and approval in consultation with the Street
PDF or MS Word attachments, a letter of interest, nonprofit organization dedicated to the production of
current résumé, and the names and contact informa- and Sidewalk Use Advisory Committee and other
local, non-commercial public access television for
tion for three references to: <[email protected]>. interested parties. Please visit our website at: <www.
over 25 years. For details about PCM, log on to
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September 23, 2008 THE ASIAN REPORTER n Page 15


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Page 16 n THE ASIAN REPORTER Arts Culture & Entertainment September 23, 2008

Travel Asia in your own backyard

By Josephine Bridges
The Asian Reporter

n unprecedented 10 percent of artists partici-
pating in Portland Open Studios 2008 are Asian,
too many to do justice to in one article, yet not
surprising given an inclusive organization such as
Portland Open Studios. In this first of a two-part series,
we feature five artists using a representational style,
whose work depicts things we recognize from the world we
live in, imbued with each artist’s particular vision of that
world. We focus on two artists appearing for their first
time in Portland Open Studios, then provide a brief
reminder of some old favorites, as well as some non-Asians
whose work has been influenced by our neighbors across
the Pacific. Artists working more abstractly will be fea-
tured next week.
Sabina Haque
Sabina Haque, the daughter of a Pakistani father and
an Ohio mother, spent her first 18 years in Pakistan and
has lived all over the United States since. She came to the
U.S. to attend college and decided to stay. “I wanted a
sense of greater independence from my cultural back-
ground,” the artist explains. In art school she learned to
work “big and muscular,” yet she filled her six-foot ARTISTS AT WORK. Area artists will open their studios next month
canvasses with intricate motifs from many traditions. during Portland Open Studios 2008, a behind-the-scenes glimpse of art-
“My art has always been a mixture of popular culture and ists in their workspaces. The tour, held during two weekends, features the
icons from Christian, Hindu, and Muslim faiths,” she con- work of 98 artisans. Pictured are “Final Judgement” (left), an oil on can- Open Studios isn’t just one kind of art; that’s its specialty.
vas piece by Sabina Haque, and “Lonely,” a watercolor painting by Tien- With 98 artists, Portland Open Studios introduces us to 98
cludes. “Holy Intersections” contains excerpts from both
chu Loh. (Photos courtesy of Portland Open Studios)
the Bible and the Quran, and “Rebirth” combines Hindu different ways of making art that we can watch. And that’s
and Christian symbols. A large multimedia installation Old favorites not all. New this year: most artists’ studios are open both
called “Muslim American Woman” includes “mummies Ming Wei, making his second appearance in Portland weekends — that’s October 11 and 12 and October 18 and
wrapped in the language of stereotyping, which is how we Open Studios, is one of Tien-chu Loh’s teachers, and he’s 19 — so art enthusiasts can cross the river either
will be remembered if we don’t change our ways.” no stranger to mixing his influences either, with Chinese weekend. Prefer to let someone else do the driving?
Tien-chu Loh brush paintings of both his native China and the country Portland Open Studios has partnered with EcoShuttle to
Tien-chu Loh, who describes himself as a “transplant he lives in now, the beauty of which he is inspired to provide selected tours to many artists’ workspaces.
from Hong Kong,” also mixes artistic traditions in his capture. Daniel Ng, also in his second year, works in bold The 2008 Portland Open Studios Tour Guide — which
Chinese brush paintings: Gonbi, a detailed and acrylics, both in his intimate interiors and his majestic includes two tickets for all days (children under 18 are
methodical style of painting, and Xieyi, a freehand landscapes. Shu-Ju Wang is a veteran of Portland Open welcome and free), a 2009 calendar, a map to the studios,
approach emphasizing the brushstroke. Influenced not Studios whose work crosses and recrosses the boundaries and contact information for all participating artists — is
only by his Chinese heritage but by four decades spent in of representational and abstract art. available at Art Media, New Seasons, and other shops
this country, Loh experiments. He uses a color to signify Because Asia is directly to our west, its aesthetic can’t listed at <>, and still costs
an emotion, something that would never be done in help but influence Oregon artists. Amy Stoner borrows only $15.00.
traditional Chinese brush painting, or works toward the elements of Chinese brush painting in her encaustic (wax) “This year’s artists are a microcosm of all the ways we
edge of abstraction in a piece called “Splash,” of which he paintings. Anna Todaro’s fantasy figures are reminiscent can make art — including some we never even thought
says, “There’s nothing Chinese to speak of.” Tien-chu Loh of Japanese anime. Jan vonBergen’s prints have roots in about — and you can actually watch artmaking in pro-
began painting only five years ago when, fortunately for Japanese costume and text, which stem from her gress,” says publicity coordinator and participating artist
us, he decided he liked his first attempt and began to residence in Japan. Bonnie Meltzer. Represent your diversity next year; artist
study with several local teachers. “Practice, practice, In this issue we’ve visited only a few artists. We could applications are due March 15, 2009. Check the website
practice,” he says. “I use classes as an opportunity to do highlight other painters, potters, printmakers, and for directions after January 1. To learn more, call (503)
that.” weavers throughout the metropolitan area. Portland 285-3131 or e-mail <[email protected]>.

Art grant applications due October 1 Grotto to open Filipino Dambana

The Oregon Arts Commission has received from communities that are The Grotto, a 62-acre
announced an October 1, 2008 application underserved by arts services will receive Catholic shrine and botani-
deadline for Arts Build Communities priority for funding. Underserved cal garden located in Port-
grants, which recognize and support the communities include communities whose land, will unveil its new
use of the arts as a tool for building and opportunities to experience the arts are Filipino Dambana at a
strengthening Oregon communities. limited by ethnicity, geography, econom- blessing and inauguration
Arts Build Communities grants support ics, or disability. event September 28 at
both the arts in local communities and the The Arts Build Communities grants are 4:00pm. The event includes
involvement of the arts and artists in funded in part by the National a Catholic mass.
community development. The program Endowment for the Arts. The Dambana — the
recognizes the expanding role arts Grant applications are accepted until a Tagalog word for shrine —
organizations are taking in the cultural, postmark deadline of October 1, 2008. is shaped like a salakot (a
social, educational, and economic areas of Grant requests must be for activities and Filipino woman’s tradi-
community life. projects occurring between January 1 and tional wide-brimmed hat). SALAKOT-SHAPED SHRINE. Local Filipino artist Fernando F.
The program’s goal is to better connect December 31, 2009. At the center of the circular Sacdalan has designed three sculptures contained within a Filipino
Dambana (shrine) on the grounds of The Grotto in northeast Portland.
local arts and cultural resources with Specific guidelines are available online structure are three stands
issues or opportunities facing commu- at <>. covered with natural signed by local Filipino art- posters and cards are
nities. Projects can support the integration They can also be requested by mail by bamboo. The stands hold ist Fernando F. Sacdalan. available at the site, and
of the arts and artists with community writing to the Oregon Arts Commission at three sculptures — one of The Dambana was proceeds from sales will be
goals and may include new initiatives, new 775 Summer Street N.E., Suite 200, San Lorenzo Ruiz (Catholi- funded by corporate and used to maintain the
program development, or the expansion of Salem, OR 97301-1280. The Commission cism’s only Filipino saint), individual donations, and shrine.
an existing arts and community develop- can be reached by phone at (503) 986-0082 one of the Virgin Mary, and by Filipino-American To learn more, call (503)
ment project. or by e-mail at <oregon.artscomm@state. one of Santo Niño of Cebu. associations in Oregon and 261-2400 or visit <www.the
Arts Build Communities proposals>. The sculptures were de- Washington. Souvenir>.

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