152-Article Text-385-1-10-20221231
152-Article Text-385-1-10-20221231
152-Article Text-385-1-10-20221231
Volume 8, No 2, 143-158
Aisyah Hamizah Mahussin1, Amri Ab Rahman2*, Omar Kairan 3, Jasrul Nizam Ghazali4, Mohd Azry Abdul Malik5,
Ahmad Bukhari Mohd Yasin6
1,2,3,4,5,6Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA Kelantan, Bukit Ilmu, Machang,
Kelantan, Malaysia
Abstract: Many organizations today, including in Malaysia, have implemented online management
systems, as it is believed that technology and innthis sovation provide many benefits to those involved.
The manual system lacks efficiency, too many manual forms and is time consuming, while the web-
based system is more systematic, good management and prevents the loss of data. The goals of this
project, MySRS – The Development of Web Based using PHP Laravel Framework, are to identify the
data and information required within the organization, design the architecture and functionalities, and
create an online management system to replace the manual system. The scope of this project is for the
admin, who is the leader in Skim Rondaan Sukarela (SRS) to control the system and for public citizens
to view MySRS to gain information, be promoted, and for registration. This system uses the Web
Development Life Cycle for the methodology and the Waterfall Model because it is a suitable
approach that can be used to develop web-based systems efficiently in a structured way. MySRS is
developed using the PHP Laravel framework because it produces better website performance.
According to the results of the user testing, it demonstrates positive feedback and excellent satisfaction
from the leader of Skim Rondaan Sukarela (SRS) and the public. In conclusion, MySRS improves the
management of the organization by reducing the manual workload. It helps people to do their jobs in
an effective way and reduces data handling.
Keywords: Laravel, MVC Architecture, Skim Rondaan Sukarela, Waterfall Model, Web-based
1 Introduction
The demand for the online system has increased rapidly until nowadays because the online system has
been doing a good job in eliminating the need for hard copies, space, protocols, and time. Thus, an
online system is very efficient to save time in managing a task. As highlighted by [1], from 2018 to
2020, there are considerable differences in time consuming between mobile and desktop on websites.
People spend on the website, also called an online system, using a desktop is the most time-consuming
than mobile. In 2020, desktop visits were 40% longer than mobile visits [1]. Therefore, people prefer
to use the website on a desktop, perhaps because it is keyboarding, wide-screen, and has greater
bandwidth. As one of the needed environments during these days, Skim Rondaan Sukarela, also known
as SRS, comes with benefit from the use of online management system for website. Online registration,
report submission and accessing information among Admin and Public User need an effective
communication medium so that the potency of misunderstanding or lack of information can be reduced.
Thus, MySRS ideal since it provided the best solution compared to how SRS organize it management
before this. This system is to enhance and improve the management. In this project, a web-based
management system provided an effective management system of SRS in Kampung Mengabang
Telong. This system was developed using software freely distributed and available to the public and
also need internet to access the system. SRS organization was blamed for not being able to control
security in residential areas and reducing feelings of anxiety about crime. Then, many SRS organization
are not active due to lack of participation and the residents are not notice the organization’s existence.
Furthermore, the management of SRS organization in Kampung Mengabang Telong was still done in
the manual way such as paper form. To achieve the aim of this project, these objectives are addressed.
First, to identify what data and information that are needed within organization. Data and information
are required to accomplish a good management system. Second, to design the architecture of the system
eISSN 0128-0767
Aisyah Hamizah Mahussin
and its functionalities. Designing helps to be clear about how the system works and functioning using
the waterfall model process. Lastly, to develop an online management system that can replace the
manual system. This system is a web-based system that are developed using PHP Laravel framework.
2 Literature Review
A Skim Rondaan Sukarela
Rukun Tetangga roles include supporting community bonding and national integrity, helping prevent
conflicts between people in Malaysia, applying nationalism and patriotism to build a strong community,
evaluating relationships between people, organizing programs or activities by government agencies,
and many more [2]. Rukun Tetangga's roles have widened up to community bonding through the
establishment of Skim Rondaan Sukarela (SRS). It is a community activity under Rukun Tetangga (RT)
with active participation from the villagers who do patrol every day from 10 P.M to 6 A.M within two
shifts [3]. Participation in SRS is open for all local male residents. Skim Rondaan Sukarela managed its
organization by applying a top-down approach in Malaysia, which mainly focused on crime prevention.
The top-down approach of management can help focus on results based on objectives [4]. Rondaan
Sukarela (SRS) was established under Rukun Tetangga (RT) and Security Committee (J3K) to provide
safeties in the community. It also functions established in every village and plays an integral part in
helping security forces in the local places [5]. Therefore, Skim Rondaan Sukarela (SRS) helps and
contributes a lot in helping police officers, especially in reducing the crime rate in the local village.
B Programming Language
Programming language is the language between human and machines which to be interact and
communicate to each other. Plus, everyone can develop more complex programs at any time.
Programming is also known as problem solving [6]. Programming language become more complex but
much easier to implement. A new programming language might be a one of the challenges for the
developers. According to [20], self learning, just-in-time learning and relating new language to previous
language are those of strategies that can be implemented for the developer to learn a new language. For
example, from Java to Kotlin Language or PHP traditional to the new PHP framework, Laravel.
Client-side scripting is called front-end development which the program is written in HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, Angular, Vue and React as the front framework [7]. The flow of the website from the client
side is user interact with the application will create request, download bundle from the data response
and extract bundle to run in the client device as it requested, which mean it will display the output.
Many website are fully successfully developed such as Amazon, Gmail and Facebook that use
JavaScript with AJAX that produce dynamic and real-time performance [8]. HTML (Hypertext Markup
Language) is the basic to implement website markup which the latest one is HTML5. It helps developer
in structuring sites and access hierarchical object models which is JavaScript [9]. According to [9],
markup language contains HTML, XML and XHTML which based on SGML (Standard Generalized
Markup Language) where almost of its code contain tags <..>. HTML can define tables, heading, footer,
header and many more as it helps programmer to structure their website. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
is interpreted by the browser in the client-side. It helps HTML which markup the website by providing
many interactive elements to apply with that adjust presentation of data. CSS resolves the issue of a
website's numerous pages having the same look and feel. It are made up of rules which are selectors
and property-value pairs [10]. There are three ways to include CSS in the coding which are inline,
internal, and external. Inline apply a unique style to a single HTML element. Internal is used if only a
single page has a unique style and external is used when can change the look of an entire website by
changing just one file that include to the html page. JavaScript is a scripting language that enables
developer to create a responsive content, multimedia, animate images, and a multi-paradigm. JavaScript
is both client-side and server-side that allows to make an interactive website. Executing JavaScript can
sometimes change in presentation with or without requesting for the server [11]. JavaScript have
MySRS – The Development of Web-Based using PHP Laravel Framework
multiple libraries and frameworks that are developed using it, including jQuery, AngularJS, and Node.js
Back-end development, which also known as server-side scripting can handle request from user in
server, then after processing the request, server will send response to user as the result of the application
[8]. The server will fulfil the user’s requirement which is sent from the client-side. Developer should
choose wisely what type of server-side environment for the development. Many researchers had been
making comparison between Node.js, PHP, Django, and Rails. The comparison are about the ease to
use, popularity, availability and performance[13]. Laravel is the framework of PHP in the web
development. It is well known as the better website performance, easy third-party integrations, and
simple. [14] produced a book named ‘Beginning Laravel’ to give overview about the PHP Laravel
framework where how Laravel and traditional PHP works are very difference in its processing. To
install Laravel, first need to do is installing the Composer; works as the dependency management tool
in PHP. Other elements of Laravel are file structure, routing, controller class, view and blade,
environment, database migration, eloquent, MVC, and facades. For MVC (Model-View-Controller),
Laravel uses the design pattern which is based the Symfony system. According to [15], View works as
the interface logic, Controller receives and request the data, and Model is the connection with the data
to the users. It decomposes difficult concepts into entertaining and easy-to-remember details, so the
developer can start using design patterns right away [16].
Waterfall model is the way of sequential process where each phase is must complete step by step
because the scope needs to be defined first before starting the actual product development. Waterfall
model have general steps which are gathering requirements, analysis, design, development, testing,
implementation and maintenance [17]. Besides, according to [18] , the waterfall only take one delivery
at the end of the project which is take time long time to be complete since all planning stages need to
be completed.
D MySQL Database
SQL is stand for Structured Query Language. MySQL is a free license to download without need to be
pay. It is an open-source database server system. It is the second popular relational DBMS (Database
Management System) and RDBMS (Relational Database Management System is the first popular
relational open-source client server. The advantages of MySQL are its high performance, high
reliability, and ease of use, which all entice authors to utilize it.
3 Methodology
A Overview of Web Development Life Cycle (Waterfall Model)
MySRS is a web development system for Skim Rondaan Sukarela (SRS) organization. Project
methodology that used for this project will closely with the basis of Software Development Life Cycle
(SDLC) using Waterfall model as the process of accomplishment of this project. The waterfall model
is good for software development since it divides a project into discrete parts [19]. Therefore, it was to
prepare the complete web-based project development using Web Development Life Cycle (WDLC).
Basically, System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) have multiple stages include software feasibility,
analysis, design, coding, testing and production. Since this project use Web Development Life Cycle
(WDLC) for the development, it focused on the development of website itself.
i. Information Gathering
This is the first step that most important compared to other phases that collecting requirements,
including functional or non-functional requirements. To begin with a project, the user’s requirements
should be identified. Identify users’ needs help to provides solution. The first method is by collecting
Aisyah Hamizah Mahussin
the requirement. This method was done with conducting interviews with the chairman of Kawasan
Rukun Tetangga (KRT), leader of Skim Rondaan Sukarela in Kampung Mengabang Telong. The
questionnaire also conducted for the residents of village in Kampung Mengabang Telong. In addition,
secondary data has been done to collect the overview of SRS by the literature review and
observation.Then, identify the problems from the results of literature review, interview, questionnaire,
and observation. To support the problems related, exploring and do some research by reading journals
and articles related were done before conducting the interview. Every business process must have
objectives and goals, otherwise, the project might fail. From the problems identified, the objectives
were resulted. The objectives help in resulting a good decision-making process. Area of the users for
the project has been addressed which are public citizens who can view information, and users from
residents in Kampung Mengabang Telong can register for the application of the new member. Another
user is an admin who is the leader in Skim Rondaan Sukarela to process and do the management. Area
of location is in Kampung Mengabang Telong, but also can access everywhere since it is an online
system. Since the organization had been using manual way which is manual paper form, the information
were collected from the leader of SRS. Table 1 shows the summarization attributes of manual paper
form. It acts as the needs for the users to manage the SRS organization.
ii. Planning
First method of planning phase will be observing who are the target audience such as determine their
age categories, for example, adults, children, men, or women. By reviewing some of the similar existing
project and information gathering collected from phase information gathering, the summary of the
review help to identify the design features, the functional and non-functional requirement for the
MySRS. Figure 1 shows the functional requirement and non-functional requirement that listed from the
system’s requirement for both Admin and Public User.
MySRS – The Development of Web-Based using PHP Laravel Framework
iii. Design
Designing wireframe is the screen blueprint design that shows what other interface elements will be
present on the key pages. It is an important step in the interaction design process. Then, designing the
database diagram including the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), which its roles is to determine the
entity or object that involved in database. Figure 2 illustrates the sketch to identify the suitable
interaction in design process, while Figure 3 is a class diagram called Entity Relationship Diagram
(ERD) that shows the structure of objects and attributes in this MySRS system.
Aisyah Hamizah Mahussin
iv. Development
Coding database language is a method of writing code in database language for queries that use CRUD
(Create, Read, Update, Delete).It was important to key in data into the database for users to retrieve and
generate. Using VS Code software to code, it uses the languages HTML, CSS and JavaScript for front-
end development. For the back-end development, MySRS used the PHP Laravel framework that applies
Model View Controller (MVC). When the queries from the coding were running successfully, the
database was developed. It received data and sent data into the database when the user requested it. The
user interface was the second last step. It was the finalised user interface with a little adjustment before
testing. The user interface shows what it should be shown from the user perspective. After coding was
successfully implemented, the next step was to connect to the server to get full access to the website. It
will run on localhost using Xampp Server.
v. Testing
After web development was completed, it was tested. The functionality was evaluated using hardware
and software compatibility. After all the approval from the users and stakeholders, the website was
ready for delivery. Observing the system's flows entails self-testing.When performing self-testing,
questions such as "How do I feel when I put myself in the user's shoes?" "What does it feel like?" and
"Do the functionalities meet the requirements?" were required to be configured. User manual design
was a form, or a manual flow of the website written on paper to check the user's handling. Besides, a
user manual is also written on the website to let the user know the instructions to do the tasks. Usability
testing was important in part of testing with chosen 2-3 users to do the testing of the full system. It was
to let users look and feel the flow of the website, the speed, the error handling, and the response
interface. The results of the usability testing will be used as feedback to collect satisfaction data. Tools
that can be used for collecting feedback are heuristic evaluation forms. Table 2 represents the summary
of heuristic evaluation.
vi. Maintenance
The results of the usability testing will be used as feedback to collect satisfaction data. A tool that can
be used for collecting feedback is the heuristic evaluation form. After publishing the website, it needs
to always update the content. It was to make sure the website was always there and people could gain
trust. Authentication protects the privacy of the users' names, passwords, and usernames. This has been
MySRS – The Development of Web-Based using PHP Laravel Framework
done using sessions or cookies that collect how many visitors the website has to analyse for future
improvement and enhancement.
The interview was conducted face-to-face with Mr. Kamarul Ariffin Bin Mohamed, the organization's
leader. The interview questions have been conducted in an open-ended manner, allowing the responder
to react in his own words. From the interview, Mr. Kamarul Ariffin stated that SRS organization in
Kampung Mengabang Telong was established on 10th Jun 2009 under KRT to prevent unhealthy and
criminal activities. Based on the interview result, it is concluded that that SRS in this residency is not
well-welcomed because of less members and unrecognized by others. Besides, the procedure of SRS
management is in a manual way which are using letter and paper form to collect data about members.
The result of this interview session is to set the requirements of SRS organization.
The observation is done by using the time sampling One of the observation activities is observed the
way on how the members operation were scheduled. From the observation results, the time of patrolling
is started from 8.00 pm to 3.30 am. A member needs to patrol a night only for a week based on his
chosen day. They must gather at the cabin first which is SRS Centre to report their attendances. The
observation output is the operations is still done in manual way where the member needs to sign their
attendance every time they patrol. The observations are recorded so that the observation can be
This organization has 17 members as of December 2021. Plus, additional material includes a thorough
manual paper form for member registration, a letter, an inventory, criminal report and many more had
also received from Mr. Kamarul Ariffin.
The results of objective 2 which is to design the architecture of the system and its functionalities has
been accomplished successfully. The architecture and the functionalities has been designed step by step
started from the low-fidelity wireframe. The visual elements of the wireframe are often limited to a
grayscale color palette and do not include animation. The wireframe of MySRS is withdrawn and
sketchy where it illustrates certain characteristic that outlining paging process. For this project it had
two wireframes for both admin and public user. Then, use case diagram is designed. Use case diagram
helps in described the high-level functions and identify MySRS system’s interaction. This system
required database, which means Entity Relational Diagram (ERD) is needed for MySRS where it helps
in identifying good attributes and system’s flow. Lastly, storyboard, the final design for the system and
what the final piece should look like. In addition, it helps in describing the elements that suitable to be
integrated into the website within a page.
i. Web Development
First and foremost, to utilize the PHP Laravel framework to the project, dependencies like Composer
need to be installed first. The Composer allows to declare the libraries that project is depending on
which is Laravel. This is to avoid any missing component or system error during the development
Aisyah Hamizah Mahussin
process. The Composer is installed on the Windows since MySRS’s hardware requirement is Windows
operating system. Composer allows to install Laravel framework. When developing the project,
command in the terminal need often to be used. The installation commands for the Laravel are shown
in the Figure 4. To create project after installing the Laravel framework, Composer is used. Figure 5
shows the command that need to be written in the terminal and the folder of Laravel project was created
after command is executed which is folder named ‘srs’.
Assets is the most important steps to store CSS and JS files into it. Assets’ folders work as the resources
directory that need compilation, and it placed under the public folder. Public folder contains of assets
such as images, JavaScript, and CSS. MySRS have two assets which are admin-assets and assets folder
in the public directory. Laravel provides asset () function to generates the assets contains in the public
folder easily. Figure 6 is the way to use asset function into the head of the pages.
The traditional PHP framework uses .php files to implements the layout but in Laravel, it uses the
.blade.php files for the templating engine. Blade template files are the extension and typically stored in
the resources/views directory. The blade views returned from routes or controllers using the view
helper. Each view helper will return each page layout. It separates the blades into a few layout which
are main and partial layout for better coding implementation. The ‘layout/partial’ folder contains for
metadata such as the title of document, scripts, and CSS files. Basically, each page has head, header,
navigation, and footer. This partial used to store all in one so that it can declared just once only as shown
as below (Figure 7). ‘layout’ folder – this folder contains of the blade pages where all elements is
included into the page (Figure 8).
MySRS – The Development of Web-Based using PHP Laravel Framework
The ‘main-layout’ – this page is the main layout where there are syntax @include the partial layout will
be get extended into the view page and @yield used to get content and to define a section in a layout
(Figure 9). The @yield was imported from the view page as shown as in Figure 10 as the red line.
@extends is to extends the main layout into each view page. Backend development of Laravel use PHP
Laravel framework where there are a lot of new codes with expressive and elegant syntax. Laravel is a
server-side PHP frameworks to building web development.
Artisan is the name of command-line interface that available in Laravel. Artisan provides number of
helpful commands while developing the web development. There are many artisans and the most used
for MySRS projects was ‘php artisan serve’. This artisan is to publishing the localhost into the browser.
To run MySRS, it needs to write php artisan serve in the terminal and use the link given which is to the browser (Figure 11). If the command is not executed, then the project cannot
The syntax ‘php artisan make:model.’ is to creating model classes where it contains the Eloquent model
that connected with the database. Then, the ‘php artisan make:controller’ used to creating controller
class where it contains the process between the views and model. Furthermore, the php artisan
make:migration is also used to making migration classes that creating a new table in the database and
followed by php artisan migrate, which is to migrate the table that was made from the migration and
creating the table.
In Laravel, there is .env file which is stands for environment configuration. It defines many common
environment variables based on the website is running locally or on a production serve. The .env file
can be changed to matched with project’s requirement. The .env file declared the database connection
to the project as shown as below (Figure 12): MySRS use MySQL connection and 3306 port. DB_HOST
is for declaring the hosting URL. Default is as shown in php artisan serve. The database is
named as ‘srs’ with MySQL phpMyAdmin.
Aisyah Hamizah Mahussin
Traditional PHP in creating a table in database can be done in phpMyAdmin platform. However, in
Laravel, there is the easiest method which is creating migration using terminal. It can migrate the table
into the database using the command-line in terminal. The syntax that need to be write is php artisan
make:migration create_nameoftablewithplural(s)_table. For creating table Applicant in the database,
the table should be name as applicants. The result shown as below (Figure 13):
After executed the command, then the migration file of applicants is shown as (Figure 14) which
contains function of up () and down (). The function up () is to creating the columns for the table and
default is $table-> id() and $table->timestamps(). There are columns that need to be inserted in table
applicants which is shown in (Figure 15).
MySRS – The Development of Web-Based using PHP Laravel Framework
Below is the overview of table applicants that was created from the migration (Figure 16):
v. Model-View-Controller
In MySRS web development, MVC helps this project to controls the data easily. Firstly, View. It is to
implementing view in the Laravel which is the user interface, the creation of blade templating is the
way to produce the interface. To return a view, Route::view is used in web.php routes (Figure 17).
Then, the Controllers, which it helps in request handling logic into a single class. The controllers class
handle the upcoming requests including displaying, creating, updating, and deleting method. To create
a controller, Laravel provides the Artisan command to quickly create it. For MySRS, the creation of
ApplicantController which is the process of handling request and send the data of applicant’s table in
database is done by the following command in Figure 18. Then, it executed and creating a controller
named ApplicantController (Figure 19) which had already contained the namespace, use and a method
that extends the Controller. Inside the method, there are few functions to process the data which are
addApplicant (), applicantList (), applicantPending (), approved (), and canceled ().
When interacting with a database table via Eloquent, each table has a matching "Model." Model will be
used to declare in the Controllers using syntax use App\Models\”model_name” as shown in Figure 20.
For this project, for example, creating model for table named ‘applicants’, the model must be named as
Aisyah Hamizah Mahussin
Applicant. Considering that the name of table in the database should be in plural (s) and name for the
Model is Applicant. This to avoid any bugs to connecting the model with database. The artisan
command for creating model Applicant is shown below (Figure 21). Then, the model of Applicant is
executed and the Eloquent’s key is created in the basic model class (Figure 22).
MVC includes built-in functionality that can fully leverage possible while developing web
development. Apart from that, MVC offers superior documentation, increased performance, and a
variety of built-in functionalities when compared to other PHP frameworks.
Cross-site request forgeries, which also known as CSRF, is the feature of Laravel to protect the website
from CSRF attack. CSRF is used in the field in the form to validate the request by use the @csrf token.
In MySRS project, every form has been included the csrf token as shown the figure below (Figure 23).
By that, middleware will automatically verify that token in the request and match with the token stored
in the session. If it matches, then authenticated user initiate the request. Figure 23 shows the first section
of homepage which this section contains the elements of top navigation bar. The navigation bar
including ‘Laman Utama’, ‘Tentang SRS’, ‘Daftar Ahli’, ‘Lapor’, and ‘Hubungi Kami’. Below of the
navigation bar is banner picture that contains of logo, images, and button ‘Daftar’ to navigate to the
‘Daftar Ahli’ page. Figure 24 shows the second section of homepage which this section contains the
briefing of SRS organization. There was a video embedded from the YouTube to user to play. Besides,
the button for detailed description of SRS also provided called ‘Lanjut’ button. Figure 25 shows the
dashboard page after the admin login. The dashboard contains many shortcuts and information about
the management. The shortcuts can be redirected to the specific page.
MySRS – The Development of Web-Based using PHP Laravel Framework
Figure 26 shows ‘Tambah Ali. The inventory list (Figure 27) will display each item of quantity, total
borrowed and balanced left. To add new item, admin can click the add button. It also can be deleted and
update the list. Figure 28 shows the ‘Senarai Pemohon’ page where it displays the list of applicants
whether their status is ‘Gagal’, ‘Pending’ or ‘Lulus’. Each applicant will be reviewed their detail from
admin and admin will update the status by click the action button.
Aisyah Hamizah Mahussin
In WDLC methodology, user testing is a phase of the system is being tested in real world, which is for
the public user and administrator. User testing also known as beta testing, application testing, or end-
user testing. Table 3 shows the details of the user testing.
The testing has two parts, which are the usability testing and user satisfaction. The testing has conducted
using questionnaire and face-to-face. The questionnaire included the video demonstration and also the
link to the website. The question used is based on a heuristic evaluation to gather the MySRS feedback
MySRS – The Development of Web-Based using PHP Laravel Framework
to measure the usability of user interfaces with the issues. From the questionnaire results, they are
satisfied with the performance of MySRS.
Usability testing that conducted through face-to-face meeting is where it tested with the leader of SRS,
Mr. Kamarul Ariffin, four members of SRS and the assistant leader, Mr. Abdul Rahman. The testing is
conducted using test-case analysis and the feedback received was the program running successfully and
follow the requirements.
MySRS was developed to solve the problems of handling management of SRS in manual way to the
systematic way. In the previous four chapters, the methodology of the system, development, and testing
phase have been discussed in elaborated. This project development was developed by PHP Laravel
framework, therefore, there are few advantages and disadvantages during the development process.
Laravel reduce the time of coding for this project which it use the built-in templates in its library, for
example, the syntax of PHP got shorter than the traditional. Laravel has a great of security which every
single data that need to be authenticate has the hashing algorithm. MVC architecture helps this project
to be developed in better way where it separates the design, controller and data handling. This
development improve the documentation rather than the traditional PHP. For the disadvantages, since
the Laravel is a new framework, therefore, the project consume more times in understanding the use of
syntax, functionalities, and how it works. During the development, there are few codes that has been
disappeared when upgrading the versions of Laravel. It does not have a smooth transition of upgrading.
Laravel has less of community support which troublesome to figure out the errors happen during the
development. Although this project is deemed to have completed satisfactorily, there are a few
constraints throughout. The limitations of a system provide developers with chances for additional
modification and enhancement. Firstly, the MySRS web development is limited for the applicants from
Kampung Mengabang Telong only and is only available for website than the mobile application.
Secondly, it cannot generate the report into the third-party such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word.
Lastly, it only available with Bahasa Malaysia and the system only receive the criminal reports in the
system and cannot be send the data into police department.
The purpose of describing the recommendations is to identify potential prospects for future MySRS
web development advancements. MySRS educates citizens about the SRS organization, although there
are still numerous improvements that can be done to this web development. These recommendations
are primarily derived from user feedback and the project's constraints. The following are the
recommendations which are the MySRS web development should cover for all applicants in country,
and have the availability of SRS organization in nationwide. Then, MySRS will better with features of
multilingual translation and generated the report into the third-part such as Microsoft Excel and
Microsoft Word. MySRS can be enhanced by developing the system into the application platform (iOS
and Android) which is more suitable with current technology..
Alhamdulillah, praises and thanks to Allah because of His Almighty and His utmost blessings, we are
able to finish this research. We are grateful and would like to express a special thanks of gratitude to all
parties making this research accomplished. Special thanks also to UiTM Cawangan Kelantan for
allowing us to use related equipments for this research.
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