Design Council Brand Guidelines 2023 FINAL
Design Council Brand Guidelines 2023 FINAL
Design Council Brand Guidelines 2023 FINAL
Design Guidelines
Design Council
Contents Introduction
3 Foreword by Minnie Moll
4 Our purpose, vision, values and mission
5 Tone of voice
The Design Council logo
6 The Design Council logo
7 Clear space and positioning
8 Social avatar
9 Logo positioning
10 Video
11 Colour
12 Colour – functional
13 Colour – usage
14 Colour – combination
15 Typography
16 Typographic hierarchies
Diagrams and imagery
17 Diagrams
18 Imagery
20 Reports – printed
22 Social
23 PowerPoint
Design Council 2
Design Guidelines
Minnie Moll It is a great privilege to work for a brand with the legacy
Chief Executive and reputation of the Design Council. Our branding needs
to show a wonderful combination of trusted heritage that
of the Design Council spans back to 1944, and a sense of modernity and vibrancy
as we look towards the future.
Minnie Moll
Chief Executive of the Design Council
Design Council 3
Design Guidelines
Our purpose, vision, Purpose Values
Our purpose is to make life better Our values are Powerful Together,
values and mission
by design. Boundless Curiosity and Inspire
Our vision is for a regenerative Mission
world for all. Our mission is Design for Planet.
Lombard Wharf
by Peter Cook
Design Council 4
Design Guidelines
Tone of voice It’s important that we are clear Our voice is:
and consistent in our language – Accessible and Inclusive
to create a tone that engages – Creative and Celebratory
and inspires. – Warm and Human
– Provocative and Inspiring
If the Design Council was a person, – Factual and Emotive
it might be David Attenborough. – Clear and Confident
A trusted and authoritative expert – Modern and Dynamic
with a natural, engaging and
relevant tone.
Maya Angelou
Poet and civil rights activist.
PlayDisrupt Creative
High Streets by Jack
Design Council 5
Design Guidelines
The Design Council logo At the core of our visual identity is Please follow the instructions
our logo. It is a valuable asset for detailed in this section to guide
our organisation, providing a legal you on which logos/avatars are
trademark and guarantee of the appropriate to use and how to
quality of all our work. It should be use them.
used with care.
Always use the master logo
artwork when reproducing our
logo. Logo artworks should not
be recreated or altered.
Design Council 6
Design Guidelines
Design Council logo Clear space Positioning
Clear space must be maintained To maintain equal hierarchy the
around the Design Council logo to partner logo should be the same
ensure it is clearly visible across all height as the Design Council logo.
0.5 cm 1 cm 0.5 cm
Always use the master logo
artwork when reproducing our
logo. Logo artworks should not
be recreated or altered.
Design Council 7
Design Guidelines
Social avatar The logo has heritage and legacy.
We always use it in full across all
social channels, it should not be
altered or recoloured in any way.
Creativity an
R 227 E30513 power.
B 19
Always use the master logo
artwork when reproducing our
logo. Logo artworks should not
be recreated or altered.
Design Council 8
Logo positioning Logo size Landscape
Our logo is always the width of one For landscape formats the logo
column. Here the logo is shown on an always sits in the top right hand
A4 format using our 8 column grid. corner and is always positioned
For a more sustainable printing option bleeding off the edge of the
the logo does not have to bleed off document.
the edge to avoid the need for paper
For portrait formats, the logo is
always positioned bleeding off the
edge of the document. It can be
positioned top right position, bottom
left or right, or slide down the right
hand edge of the document to align
with content.
Design Use
General Use
Design Council 9
Design Guidelines
Video Bug
On video we use the Design Council
logo as a bug. It is set at full opacity
at the beginning and end of each
video and it is set to 50% opacity
during the body to allow the footage
to be viewed and not obscured.
The bug should be 115px and be
positioned at the top right.
Colour typography
Copy should only appear on solid
backgrounds to ensure legibility.
Design Council 10
Design Guidelines
Colour Primary Secondary
We are a red and white brand. Three secondary colours are
Using white space with structured used to create variation between
use of red to create signature materials and allow flexibility. Only
moments. one secondary colour can be used
per application.
An off white has been provided as
a more sustainable alternative as Highlight
white is the most carbon emitting Used sparingly this acts as a
colour for digital formats. highlight to surface or underline
important information.
Primary Secondary
White Design Council Red Claret Off White Raspberry Pink
Design Council 11
Design Guidelines
Colour Functional
The functional colour palette is
used for charts and diagrams and
contains an extended set of colour
tones for use in describing different
levels of information.
Item 8 5
Design Council 12
Design Guidelines
Colour usage White space
Our visual identity should feel
open, clear and concise. We use
white space to allow images and
type to interact with each other.
We use solid colour as a means to
punctuate and create pace.
the story of how we have communicated design to velibus exernam etur, imporwnim oluptatur ad quasperuptum
a global audience through the Double Diamond – a siti andi nimus. apienec eatur impores ciditium.gitis audiont
truly outstanding achievement – along with the major reperero quia pelestrumqui solleni?” development
impact we have had on three important areas of the
economy: business innovation, public services and
2 Picture title
Building on the success of the last 15 years, we Collective Works at Wentworth
u tio
m ns
Piciumque inus Piciumque inus ium ea plibus, officillamus aligendit officab in non
to new audiences
sitatiis seribus, si doluptat vent.
Sequatia nobis es pe veritio blam re, qui seque consequi
alignate mped molorposapis quidest, seque dempore icipid maximo
doloribus nus vit facero vitate nam ut aut omnis assim re volendita
aliquiae provita tisint quatquam volupta sserspero tem que renim il
etur, vellam in pe none et poruptur sin perem et.
Category name
Descriptive text
Subtitle section
Piciumque inus ium ea plibus, officillamus aligendit officab in non
nectus repello ritae. Ferferrovid quam sunt. Git rescite si susaes
Category name dent quiae laboribus et a dunt. Vendis molorias elit qui temquist atis
Descriptive text
86,082 enimet assi blabore nest hillaut emperit facerio nsectecto cuptatur,
sitatiis seribus, si doluptat vent.
Sequatia nobis es pe veritio blam re, qui seque consequi
alignate mped molorposapis quidest, seque dempore icipid maximo
doloribus nus vit facero vitate nam ut aut omnis assim re volendita Category region
aliquiae provita tisint quatquam volupta sserspero tem que renim il Descriptive text
Category name
Descriptive text
etur, vellam in pe none et poruptur sin perem et. Bis ium volor sam
nonseque comnien iminvendae reribus autas atiam doluptatium quos
Category name
dereiunto vid minihic te quodi alit perum quia voluptat poritaquo quo
Descriptive text 12,683 mod ut aut ea sapicium quiatecture doluptatiis disitaturi imporiosam.
Category name
Pore pa alicium eiusdae nihit, endit aut. Quam et voluptibus et
Descriptive text 4,862 odis es nihicia tissin repelectatem quos int.Ceror a nonsed ut am,
930 corporem quis raerore perorec tassitium.Que nem hic tem et utempor
Category name
Descriptive text 58 estempedi to et ma nam, ut laborum quiscim eum ut que ea quossit
optioreperum eos aut que estorep roviduscia sent harciis soluptist,
22 Report title Report title 23 ea vide nim volor aperchic tora volum voluptatem rerum, que solupta
esseriores doluptur.
Subtitle section
Nam verro eturepe riandae que magnis nobitio quaectibus apiciae
scilla volecaborit aci ommolup tatemquodis et dusa consequi
blaborehenis nonseque vellaboris si dit occusan tiisciis alitem quas
perum net quasimus, eos eumquiatias re num di dolorita cullanda vel
into doluptatu.
Onsequi cor magnimin corit rerum quam fugitistia dias paris
a volest, ipsa consequi officto tatiatemquia quas molorionsed que
licid quassi coritio cus molent, tet volorehendem iur ad ut occus dust
moluptae pellam fugias sitasi doluptae omnihic illorumet volectur a
quae quo es ma custiore sinimusam, quatemp orerepedis voluptas.
Harchil iquibus dandem voluptior arum venis eicae vendion et
by Francesco Russo.
28 Report title Report title 29
Design Council 13
Design Guidelines
Colour combination Legibility If using Design Council Red type on
Whilst using the solid colours is the claret background make sure
encouraged, we need to be mindful the type is 18pt or above.
of accessibility, as a general rule
we would recommend using white
type on the Design Council Red
and claret. Below are best practice
Design Council 14
Design Guidelines
Typography Helvetica Neue LT Pro MS Office
Helvetica Neue LT Pro is our When Helvetica Neue Pro LT is not
signature typeface. It is used available, our default typeface on
in the main building blocks of MS Office is Arial.
communications including titles,
body copy and pull quotes.
Helvetica Neue 65
Helvetica Neue 45
Helvetica Neue LT Pro 65 Medium
Design Council 15
Design Guidelines
Typographic hierarchies Simple approach Reducing the typographic
We create stylistic distinction weights gives a lighter feel across
between the use of Helvetica Neue all communications. Indented
65 for headings and Helvetica Neue typography within body copy gives
45 for other uses. documents an authoritative and
intelligent tone. A minimum point
size of 12 should be used to ensure
society, literally from the and use design across the UK.
ground up.”
People addressed by
Design Council colleagues
Design Council 16
Design Guidelines
Diagrams Simplify A reduced colour palette will help
Our approach to diagrams is create consistency across all our
straight forward. Reduce them diagrams and will encourage you to
down to their simplest form, use share them for presentations and
shapes and directional arrows to other collateral.
help tell the story.
and relationships
Orientation Continuing
Engagement and vision the journey
Ex p
Re e
e t
and storytelling
Design Council 17
Design Guidelines
Imagery Our library Hero imagery
Our image library contains Our hero imagery must represent
approved images that can be all disciplines of the design industry
Hero used in the Design Council as well as UK communities
communications. These reflect the and industry. Used on flagship
following themes: communications like reports and
the website, they are a celebration
– Architecture and Built of the Design Council.
– Design (multidisciplinary) Supporting imagery
– Advertising Our supporting imagery
– Craft encapsulates what the Design
– Fashion Council does and how we do
– Graphic design it. This imagery shows details
– Digital design of our workshops, events and
– Industrial design programmes.
Design Council 18
Design Guidelines
Imagery Decorative treatment Cropping
When creating the claret on Design When you use imagery think about
Council Red treatment there are a cropping it to remove an unwanted
few steps to adhere to. subject or irrelevant detail from an
image, you can crop the image
onvert the image to black and to change the aspect ratio of an
white image or to improve the overall
emove the black by swapping it composition.
to the claret
dd the Design Council Red to SVG image files are recommended
the background for digital use as they have a low
carbon impact and can be used
Claret on Design Council Red with screen readers.
Step 1 Step 2
Design Council 19
Design Guidelines
Printed reports To make our reports visually We would encourage creativity
engaging and generate interest, and flexibility in everything you
we use white space, typography, create. In order to do this, there
and imagery in a considered way. are a set of templates containing
the correct colour values and
This allows us to create rich and typographic styling.
diverse options for each report.
Covers can be a purely typographic, Remember to design with intent.
typography and imagery, or just Use white space effectively
a powerful statement. Consistent to ensure you deliver the
headings help user navigation communications with clarity.
and accessibility.
A4 Report covers
Internal spreads
At Design Council we know the enormous value of About Piciumque inus ium ea plibus, officillamus aligendit officab in non
nectus repello ritae. Ferferrovid quam sunt. Git rescite si susaes Bringing design Piciumque inus ium ea plibus, officillamus aligendit officab in non
nectus repello ritae. Ferferrovid quam sunt. Git rescite si susaes
Piciumque inus ium ea plibus, officillamus aligendit officab in non
nectus repello ritae. Ferferrovid quam sunt. Git rescite si susaes
design, not only in terms of economic prosperity, but
Design Council dent quiae laboribus et a dunt. Vendis molorias elit qui temquist atis
enimet assi blabore nest hillaut emperit facerio nsectecto cuptatur, to new audiences dent quiae laboribus et a dunt. Vendis molorias elit qui temquist atis
enimet assi blabore nest hillaut emperit facerio nsectecto cuptatur,
dent quiae laboribus et a dunt. Vendis molorias elit qui temquist atis
enimet assi blabore nest hillaut emperit facerio nsectecto cuptatur,
also the significant social and environmental benefit sitatiis seribus, si doluptat vent. sitatiis seribus, si doluptat vent. sitatiis seribus, si doluptat vent.
it brings. Yet despite the transformative impact of Sequatia nobis es pe veritio blam re, qui seque consequi Sequatia nobis es pe veritio blam re, qui seque consequi Sequatia nobis es pe veritio blam re, qui seque consequi
alignate mped molorposapis quidest, seque dempore icipid maximo alignate mped molorposapis quidest, seque dempore icipid maximo alignate mped molorposapis quidest, seque dempore icipid maximo
design, we know that many people still do not fully doloribus nus vit facero vitate nam ut aut omnis assim re volendita doloribus nus vit facero vitate nam ut aut omnis assim re volendita doloribus nus vit facero vitate nam ut aut omnis assim re volendita
aliquiae provita tisint quatquam volupta sserspero tem que renim il aliquiae provita tisint quatquam volupta sserspero tem que renim il aliquiae provita tisint quatquam volupta sserspero tem que renim il
understand what it can do. Over the years, Design etur, vellam in pe none et poruptur sin perem et. etur, vellam in pe none et poruptur sin perem et. etur. Consequibusci ut in es susam il imporecabore porestio offic tet
Council has made significant strides forward in Bis ium volor sam nonseque comnien iminvendae reribus autas Bis ium volor sam nonseque comnien iminvendae reribus autas officiis re secum commos aceat debis sus volenimusa cullendi omniet
atiam doluptatium quos dereiunto vid minihic te quodi alit perum atiam doluptatium quos dereiunto vid minihic te quodi alit perum hilibus tistio. Et veria quuntisquas elestis apeleseniam reicite same
demystifying design, publishing pioneering research quia voluptat poritaquo quo mod ut aut ea sapicium quiatecture quia voluptat poritaquo quo mod ut aut ea sapicium quiatecture con re comnitati blanist iurisit, volupta tusdae siminctlest, consed.
doluptatiis disitaturi imporiosam.Pore pa alicium eiusdae nihit, endit doluptatiis disitaturi imporiosam.Pore pa alicium eiusdae nihit, endit
on its value, influencing policy, and inspiring and aut. aut.
enabling people to embed it into their work. Quam et voluptibus et odis es nihicia tissin repelectatem quos Quam et voluptibus et odis es nihicia tissin repelectatem quos
int.Ceror a nonsed ut am, corporem quis raerore perorec tassitium. int.Ceror a nonsed ut am, corporem quis raerore perorec tassitium. “Lum qui optae. Uga. Omnima acessit esed mi, to
Of course, it takes time to see the difference that Que nem hic tem et utempor estempedi to et ma nam, ut laborum Que nem hic tem et utempor estempedi to et ma nam, ut laborum
quiscim eum ut que ea quossit optioreperum eos aut que estorep quiscim eum ut que ea quossit optioreperum eos aut que estorep vidernat. Invellaci ullores torrovitatem aut quas estrum
design can have, especially in relation to new public roviduscia sent harciis soluptist, ea vide nim volor aperchic tora roviduscia sent harciis soluptist, ea vide nim volor aperchic tora
alit ilitat aut velibus exernam etur, si seque sumqui
services or the development of new places. And so volum voluptatem rerum, que solupta esseriores doluptur, as. volum voluptatem rerum, que solupta esseriores doluptur.
sequaecab imporwnim oluptatur ad quasperuptum siti
rather than focus on our progress in the last year Subtitle section
Nam verro eturepe riandae que magnis nobitio quaectibus apiciae andi nimusam si doles apienec eatur impores ciditium.
alone, this report reflects on our key achievements “Lum qui optae. Uga. Omnima acessit esed mi, to vidernat. scilla volecaborit aci ommolup tatemquodis et dusa consequi
Nem fugitis audio inulparum sunt reperero quia
over the last 15 years. In doing so, we are able to tell Invellaci ullores torrovitatem aut quas estrum alit ilitat aut blaborehenis nonseque vellaboris si dit occusan tiisciis alitem quas
perum net quasimus, eos eumquiatias re num di dolorita cullanda vel pelestrumqui solleni?”
the story of how we have communicated design to velibus exernam etur, imporwnim oluptatur ad quasperuptum into doluptatu.
Onsequi cor magnimin corit rerum quam fugitistia dias paris
a global audience through the Double Diamond – a siti andi nimus. apienec eatur impores ciditium.gitis audiont a volest, ipsa consequi officto tatiatemquia quas molorionsed que
truly outstanding achievement – along with the major reperero quia pelestrumqui solleni?” licid quassi coritio cus molent, tet volorehendem iur ad ut occus dust
Piciumque inus ium ea plibus, officillamus aligendit officab in non
moluptae pellam fugias sitasi doluptae omnihic illorumet volectur a
impact we have had on three important areas of the quae quo es ma custiore sinimusam, quatemp orerepedis voluptas. nectus repello ritae. Ferferrovid quam sunt. Git rescite si susaes
Harchil iquibus dandem voluptior arum venis eicae vendion dent quiae laboribus et a dunt. Vendis molorias elit qui temquist atis
economy: business innovation, public services and et quissimporum aut audandi veliquatem. Ipsandemped quo exeri enimet assi blabore nest hillaut emperit facerio nsectecto cuptatur,
sitatiis seribus, si doluptat vent.
places. consequ atempor ehendunt pra core perovit asperferes alit, qui
Sequatia nobis es pe veritio blam re, qui seque consequi
2 Picture title re comnihicatet et ad ex ellaboritem doloria sequiatur rerro et ut
Building on the success of the last 15 years, we Collective Works at Wentworth plibuscid quia pa nonsequunt, cone del maios sunt. Ehenda sapitis alignate mped molorposapis quidest, seque dempore icipid maximo
Design Council 20
Design Guidelines
Interactive reports Most reports are read and shared In order to do this there is an A4
online, so we would encourage you landscape template, containing
to create an interactive report. Like the correct typographic styling and
the A4 printed communications, we colour values.
use the same design principles but
adding in the functionality of being Simple HTML versions of all digital
interactive. reports should be provided for
accessibility purposes.
A4 interactive reports
Internal screens
Design Council 21
Design Guidelines
Social Creating social posts and stories Full image
encourages our followers to When using full imagery make
share and interact. Using simple sure the image is relevant and is
animation and strong typography a high quality, use white type only.
will enable us to deliver insightful There may be instances where the
and enjoyable posts. image will need an overlay to allow
for legibility.
Preferred backgrounds
There are 3 preferred backgrounds Alt-text should be used to provide
we use across social posts, when descriptive copy.
using the solid Design Council Red
or claret, use white type as this will Diagrams
maintain maximum legibility. Diagrams should be simple and
clear with all the supporting copy
to reinforce the key message.
Diagrams or any form of text
in images should be repeated
in accompanying copy for
Design Council Design Council Design Council
increased accessibility.
Creativity is an
“We design extraordinary
for planet
by default.”
Brown 9 out of 10 1 Designing a
world for all.
Liked by OPX.Studio and 135 others public sector ghdzzzzh
Design Council 22
Design Guidelines
PowerPoint Less is more Typography
When creating PowerPoint When Helvetica Neue is not
presentations a simple rule to available, our default typeface on
adhere to is ‘less is more’, the MS Office is Arial.
templates include all correct styles
and colours. Imagery
Alt-text should be provided for all
Consistent headings help user images and designed diagrams.
navigation and accessibility.
1 2 3 60%
Aboris audae lat. Ectempe roresciet quam ea prae Aboris audae lat. Ectempe roresciet quam ea prae
Presented by 20.05.22
Diane Harris
Design Council Name of document / section 8 Design Council Name of document / section 12 Design Council Name of document / section 11
UK Economic growth
Dan Philips
Design Council expert
Presented by 20.05.22
Diane Harris
Design Council Name of document / section 6 Design Council Name of document / section 5
Design Council Name of document / section 9 Design Council Name of document / section 13 Design Council Name of document / section 7
Design Council 23
Design Guidelines
For any questions on how to use
the Design Council brand, please
get in contact with the Marketing
and Communications Team at
[email protected]
Design Council 24
Design Guidelines