International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 39– No.9, February 2012
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 39– No.9, February 2012
If delimiter is „.‟ Get the word
preceding „.‟from Sentence 1
“last word”
Search for the suffix match in
vv Boundary not
Suffix found in
the list
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 39– No.9, February 2012
ending verb and its different suffixes are used to detect the
There are many approaches followed to achieve sentence Boundary for Kannada Language. The result is almost 99.2%
boundary detection. Very little research has been undertaken accurate. This technique is effective as no POS tagging or any
on sentence boundary detection for Indian Languages. other pre-requisite is required. As it is coded in C using wide
Kannada, one of the Indian languages follows the grammar characters, it is more portable. The same software can be used
and syntax, which is completely different from English. For for similar Indian languages like Telugu by changing the
example, the rule that a period is followed by capital letter at ABBREVIATIONS and VERB_SUFFIX files accordingly.
the beginning of the sentence in English is used as a feature
for sentence boundary identification [1, 5, 10, 11]. But, this 7. REFERENCES
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implementation of Sentence Boundary Detection sentence