Burabod - 3A - Fat Analysis Method

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Method in Fat Brief Applicability Advantages Disadvantages

analysis description
1.Roese-Gottlieb Precipitation Used for It is more This method
method and extraction of fat precise cannot be used
solubilization of from dairy because it for cheese
protein by products. lowers the rate production
ethanol and at which because the
ammonia are contamination protein is not
two steps in this occurs. soluble in
process ethanolic
2.Weibull- Used through Applicable to It extracts all It produces acid
Berntop hydrochloric milk lipids and digest that is
acid products and samples can be non
digestion, milk- analyzed fat extractable
transferring the based foods without pre and conditions
digest through drying. are difficult to
filter paper, control.
drying the filter
paper, and
extraction with a
soxhlet type
evaporating the
solvent and
extracting oil by
3.Mojonnier It is similar to Used for Moisture Attention all the
Roese- Gottlieb extraction of fat doesn't need to time it is not the
in that it involves from dairy be removed same as Roese-
the precipitation products. before this Gottlieb, so it
and method, which can't be used.
solubilization of is very precise It's good for
protein using because it cheese.
ethanol and extracts three because the
ammonia. times and can weather is bad
cut down on the a type of food
rate of soluble in water
contamination. ethanoic
4. Werner- Precipitation The process of It is more This method
Schmid and extracting fat precise cannot be used
solubilization of from dairy because it for cheese
protein by products is lowers the rate production
ethanol and called fat at which because the
ammonia are extraction. contamination protein is not
two steps in this occurs. soluble in
process ethanolic
5. Acid hydrolysis It is the direct Applied in Easy extraction The Ether used
extraction of baked does not
composite foods products and penetrate the
with ether that glutenous
results in fat pet particles deeply
values that are foods. enough to
significantly extract all of the
lower than those fat from them.
obtained from
the combined fat
of the
ingredients that
make up the
final product.
6. Folch Method It combines It can be used Low solvent The right solvent
and Bligh-Dryer chloroform, on any kind of consumption mix is very
method methanol, and tissue that has leads to a high important for a
water into a water in it. recovery rate. precise
single mixture. The standard extraction of
way. lipids. Also, try
not to get non-
lipid materials
out of the water.
Chloroform can
have bad effects
on the body.
7. Bobcock A precise In this case, It is a very quick While solvent
amount of you can figure and efficient channeling may
powerful oil of out how much method, as well occur, it may not
vitriol is added fat the sample as a very result in
to a precise has by inexpensive complete
amount of milk measuring how one. extraction.
in a flask with a much fat was
thin, correctly lost when you
graduated neck, took a piece
which dissolves out.
all the solid
parts of the milk
except the fat.
8.Soxhlet It is a It is suited to No channeling Time
extraction semicontinuous semivolatile and it provides consuming.
method. The organic a Extractable
solvent building chemical soaking effect lipids
up in extraction extraction from of are determined
chamber for 5- solids such as the sample. The and not total
10min before soils, lipids can be lipids.
siphoning back sediments, used
to sludges, and for further
boiling. wastes. determination.
9. Soxtherm Automates and Applied for fat Faster and This method has
extraction speeds up determination of better than the no
traditional Cereal product, traditional disadvantages.
Soxhlet milk and dairy method which is
extractions, products, meat the Soxhlet
freeing up the products, and Extraction
operator's time more.
to do other
things. The
machine has an
solvent recovery
system, which
means it can be
used again and
again, saving
money on
10. Goldfisch The solvent is By measuring It is very quick Channeling of
moving over the the weight of fat and efficient, solvent may
sample all the that was lost and it is also happen, but it
time, and there from the very cheap may not be
is no build-up. sample, you method complete
can figure out extraction.
how much fat is
in it.
Name: _Patrick P. Burabod________________ Yr/Blk:_BS-Chemistry 3A________

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