Smart Agriculture PDF
Smart Agriculture PDF
Smart Agriculture PDF
Transforming the
livestock sector through
the Sustainable Development Goals
Transforming the
livestock sector through
the Sustainable Development Goals
Rome, 2018
FAO. 2018. World Livestock: Transforming the livestock sector through the Sustainable Development Goals. Rome.
222 pp. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
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Foreword xiii
Acknowledgements xv
Key messages xvi
Executive summary xxiii
Access to basic education for livestock-dependent households:
challenges and opportunities 37
Research and extension for a more sustainable and efficient
livestock sector 40
Conclusion 42
8. Economic growth and employment
Introduction 65
Contribution of livestock to the economy 66
Population growth and employment generation 69
Conclusion 71
12. Sustainable consumption and production
Introduction 99
Livestock and natural resources 100
Improving livestock efficiency in natural resource use 101
Balancing diets for sustainable consumption 103
Reducing waste and loss 104
Conclusion 105
16. Livestock, peace and social stability
Introduction 128
Livestock, climate and social stability 129
Livestock and land 131
Livestock and peace 132
Livestock and governance 132
Conclusion 134
Box 1 The food−feed competition 20
Box 2 Biodiversity vs productivity 21
Box 3 The end of the EU milk quota 21
Box 4 Child growth and consumption of animal-source food 32
Box 5 School milk programmes for improved cognitive
and physical development of undernourished children 37
Box 6 Education for pastoralists 39
Box 7 Livestock Farmer Field Schools: improving the livelihoods
of small-scale livestock producers through a participatory and
hands-on learning approach 41
Box 8 Eradicating livestock diseases 84
Box 9 Animal disease vaccination campaigns with peace-building
component 129
Box 10 Livestock, pastoralists and peace 131
Box 11 An example of bilateral partnerships 141
Box 12 Key aspects to consider when examining partnerships 143
Box 13 Food vs feed 151
Box 14 Productivity vs biodiversity 152
Box 15 Pastoralism and the multidimensional role of livestock systems 152
Box 16 Analysing the livestock, food security and nutrition policy
framework 158
Table 1 Smallholder factors of production 8
Table 2 Historical and projected global agriculture total factor
productivity growth rates by subsector 19
Table 3 Key concerns with respect to food markets efficiency
and transparency 22
Table 4 Ten leading causes of death in 1850, 1900 and 2000
in the United States of America 27
Table 5 Major micronutrients contained in selected
animal-source foods 36
Table 6 Water footprint values reported for selected food products 54
Table 7 Potential of newer biogas purification and bottling technology 61
Table 8 Elasticity of agricultural and non-agricultural output with
respect to livestock growth 67
Table 9 World population prospects 70
Table 10 Key social account matrix indicators from developing countries 77
Table 11 Share of imports and exports and complexity index of
livestock products (1995–2012) 78
Table 12 Product complexity index in agriculture subsectors (2015) 79
Table 13 Participation of households in urban agriculture 93
Table 14 Contribution of urban livestock production to achieving
SDG 11 targets 96
Table 15 Examples of positive and negative impact of practices related to
livestock management on biodiversity, provisioning and regulating
ecosystem services, and land restoration 124
Table 16 Criteria for Livestock–SDG targets linkages 155
Table 17 Livestock–SDG targets interaction scoring 155
Table 18 Percentage of income from livestock-related on-farm activities 157
Figure 1 Extreme poverty in the world (2013) 2
Figure 2 Share of income-generating activities in smallholders’ total income 3
Figure 3 Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index 7
Figure 4 Prevalence and number of undernourished people in the world
2000–2016 11
Figure 5 Rural and urban population 2015–2050 12
Figure 6 Changes in country share of global GDP 13
Figure 7 Growth in demand for key commodity groups,
2008–17 and 2018–30 13
Figure 8 Growth in milk production between 2018 and 2030 14
Figure 9 Growth in global meat production, 2015–17 and 2030 15
Figure 10 Annual growth in trade volumes, 2008–17 and 2018–30 15
Figure 11 Hidden hunger index vs share of energy intake from cereals,
roots and tubers 16
Figure 12 Obesity and supply of animal protein per region 17
Figure 13 Livestock price spread in pork and beef markets in the
United States of America 23
Figure 14 Food Dollar 2015 (United States of America) 24
Figure 15 Human cases of zoonoses from 2006 to 2017 28
Figure 16 Food-borne illnesses linked to hygiene conditions 31
Figure 17 Relationship between consumption of animal-source food
and nutrition 33
Figure 18 Youth literacy rate by location, gender and wealth
in selected countries 38
Figure 19 Number of hours spent by women and men in unpaid work 46
Figure 20 Global distribution of agricultural holders disaggregated by sex 48
Figure 21 Water footprint 52
Figure 22 Clean energy–livestock nexus 59
Figure 23 Proportion of population with access to clean fuels and technologies
for cooking 60
Figure 24 Size of the livestock sector according to the level of economic
development 66
Figure 25 Livestock sector evolution share with respect to
total agricultural output and average growth rates per region 67
Figure 26 Forward linkages of the meat and dairy industry to other industries 68
Figure 27 Unemployment rate by gender and age groups in 2017 69
Figure 28 Industry value added per capita by income 73
Figure 29 Industry value added per capita by regions 74
Figure 30 Factors contributing to manufacturing growth (1995–2007) 75
Figure 31 Participation of African countries in downstream global value
chain activities 75
Figure 32 Percentage of household expenditure on animal-source foods 85
Figure 33 Benefits and constraints of urban livestock production 95
Figure 34 Summary of mitigation options and potential for greenhouse
gas emission reduction in % of baseline emissions in six regional
case studies 102
Figure 35 Climate change impact on livestock 108
Figure 36 Climate change adaptation options in the livestock sector 109
Figure 37 Greenhouse gas emissions from livestock supply chains in 2010 112
Figure 38 Global emission intensity by commodity and variability 113
Figure 39 Marine ecosystem–livestock nexus 116
Figure 40 Principles for the assessment of livestock impacts on biodiversity 122
Figure 41 Global grasslands suitable and unsuitable for crop production and
share of land use 123
Figure 42 Livestock development, food security and social instability 130
Figure 43 A basic typology of multi-stakeholder partnerships 137
Figure 44 Livestock–SDGs interactions complexity 146
Figure 45 Changes by 2020 in milk production and agricultural income 153
Figure 46 Livestock–SDGs policy framework 153
Figure 47 Structure and boundaries of livestock production systems 154
List of Contributors
Editor: A. Acosta
Co-editors: B. Besbes, J. Lubroth, H. Steinfeld and B.G. Tekola
FAO core advisory team: A. Acosta, P. Ankers, R. Baumung, B. Besbes, P. Boettcher, M. Bruni,
G. de’ Besi, F. Distefano, A. ElIdrissi, J. Lubroth, R. Mattioli, H. Makkar, A. Mottet, J. Pinto,
A. Saez, H. Steinfeld and B.G. Tekola
Copy editing: L. Hunt and C. Matthews
Design: C. Caproni, C. Ciarlantini and G. Virgili
Chapter 1: A. Acosta, P. Ankers and F. Nicolli
Chapter 2: A. Acosta and P. Boettcher
Chapter 3: R. Mattioli and J. Lubroth
Chapter 4: G. de’ Besi and B. Besbes
Chapter 5: F. Distefano
Chapter 6: M. Bruni and P. Calistri
Chapter 7: H. Makkar
Chapter 8: A. Acosta and C. Barrantes
Chapter 9: J. Santos-Rocha, A. Acosta and M. Tibbo
Chapter 10: P. Ankers and A. Acosta
Chapter 11: A. El Idrissi
Chapter 12: A. Mottet
Chapter 13: A. Mottet
Chapter 14: H. Makkar and M. Bruni
Chapter 15: R. Baumung, A. Mottet and F. Teillard
Chapter 16: J. Pinto
Chapter 17: A. Saez and R. Castañeda
Chapter 18: A. Acosta, H. Steinfeld, J. Lubroth, B. Besbes and B.G. Tekola
Human progress has been dependent on the products and services of livestock since at least the ad-
vent of agriculture, and even the most modern post-industrial societies remain critically reliant on
animals for food and nutrition security. As our understanding of economic development advances,
so must our recognition of the enduring importance of livestock. Livestock are especially vital to the
economies of developing countries, where food insecurity is an endemic concern.
The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with its 17 Sustainable Develop-
ment Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets, has become the universally endorsed framework accepted by
all and applicable to all countries. The SDGs build on the success of the 2000−2015 Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) and aim to do even more to end poverty and hunger. They seek to
address, in a sustainable manner, the root causes of poverty and the universal need for development.
Governments are expected to take ownership and establish national frameworks for their achieve-
ment. Implementation and success will depend on the commitment of individual nations to promote
sustainable development policies together with inter-sectoral coordination mechanisms, and focused
plans and programmes.
Many daunting challenges remain. One in eight people in the world live in extreme poverty;
815 million are undernourished; 1.3 billion tonnes of food are wasted every year; six million children
die before their fifth birthday each year; more than 200 million people are unemployed. Moreover,
three billion people rely on wood, coal, charcoal or animal waste for cooking and heating; our
soils, freshwater, oceans, and forests are being rapidly degraded and biodiversity eroded; and climate
change is putting even more pressure on the natural resources we depend on, disrupting national
economies and blighting many people’s lives. For decades, the livestock debate has focused on how
to produce more from less to feed 9.8 billion people by 2050. However, the United Nations 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development has now added a new and broader dimension to the discus-
sion, it has shifted the focus from fostering sustainable livestock production per se, to enhancing the
sector’s contribution to the achievement of the SDGs.
Along with daunting challenges, the future holds immense opportunities – including for livestock.
The sector can play a key role in improving the lives of millions by: providing the world with suf-
ficient and reliable supplies of meat, milk, eggs and dairy products; increasing the direct consump-
tion of animal-source foods; helping to generate income and create employment; and strengthening
the assets that rural households use to achieve their livelihood objectives. It can also help improve
children’s cognitive and physical development as well as school attendance and performance; em-
power rural women; improve natural resource-use efficiency; broaden access to clean and renewable
energy; and support sustainable economic growth. Finally, it can generate fiscal revenue and foreign
exchange; create opportunities for value addition and industrialization; stimulate smallholder en-
trepreneurship, close inequality gaps; promote sustainable consumption and production patterns;
increase the resilience of households to climate shocks; and bring together multiple stakeholders to
achieve all these goals.
However, before all of this can happen, a number of complex interactions need to be addressed.
The scarce availability of productive factors in developing countries may prevent small-scale live-
stock keepers from benefiting from fast livestock growth; overuse of natural resources to increase
short-term production could lower productivity in the long term; although emission intensity from
the livestock sector is declining, a rise in production would lead to higher overall greenhouse gas
(GHG) levels. The list continues: competition over land can constrain the availability of natural
resources to produce food; emergence and spread of transboundary animal diseases can pose major
threats to public health; promoting greater competition with higher levels of market concentration
will likely keep many small producers from participating in markets. Overarching all of these issues
is the need to curb the negative effects of livestock production on biodiversity and the environment,
and to stop the improper use of antimicrobials in stock-raising. Failure to address these interactions
could result in positive synergies being precluded and in the predominance of negative trade-offs.
Existing policy instruments can be used either to enhance positive externalities or mitigate nega-
tive outcomes. However, the achievement of some of the SDG targets could conflict with the accom-
plishment of others. It is therefore likely that policymakers will have to trade off gains in one area
against losses in the others. To support the transformation needed in the livestock sector to enhance
its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals, this report examines the sector’s interaction
with each of the Goals, as well as the potential synergies, trade-offs, and complex interlinkages in-
volved. In this regard, this global report is intended to serve as a reference framework that Member
States and stakeholders can consult as they move forward to realize livestock’s major potential con-
tribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
World Livestock: Transforming the Livestock Sector through the Sustainable Development Goals
was prepared by a multidisciplinary team of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) under the direction of Berhe G. Tekola, Director of FAO’s Animal Production and
Health Division (AGA) and Alejandro Acosta, Livestock Policy Officer and Editor of the publica-
tion. Overall guidance was provided by Henning Steinfeld, Juan Lubroth, and Badi Besbes from the
AGA Division’s management team.
The research and writing team was led by Alejandro Acosta and included: Philippe Ankers, Car-
los Barrantes, Roswitha Baumung, Badi Besbes, Paul Boettcher, Mirko Bruni, Paolo Calistri, Rod-
rigo Castañeda, Giacomo de’ Besi, Tito Diaz, Francesca Distefano, Ahmed ElIdrissi, Juan Lubroth,
Harinda Makkar, Raffaele Mattioli, Anne Mottet, Francesco Nicolli, Julio Pinto, Ana Saez, Jozimo
Santos-Rocha and Markos Tibbo. The initial background paper was prepared by Alejandro Acosta
(AGA), David Roland-Holst (University of California, Berkeley), Joachim Otte (Consultant), and
Thomas Emmet (University of California, Berkeley).
The writing team would like to thank the following FAO colleagues for inputs and reviews: Fes-
tus Akinnifesi, Deyanira Barrero, Mohammed Bengoumi, Magdalena Blum, Andrea Cattaneo, Juan
Carlos Garcia Cebolla, Ricardo Claro, Katinka DeBalogh, Ana Paula de la O Campos, Bouna Diop,
Aragie Emerta, Sergio Rene Enciso, Ceren Gurkan, Sergio Rene Enciso, Irene Hoffmann, Clarisse
Ingabire, Ana Islas Ramos, Akiko Kamata, Panagiotis Karfakis, Arwa Khalid, Silvia Kreindel, Hilde
Kruse, Jeffrey Lejeune, Gregoire Leroy, Yilma Makonnen, Natasha Maru, Arni Mathiesen, Holger
Matthey, Friederike Mayen, Samia Metwally, Subhash Morzaria, Jamie Morrison, Oliver Mundy,
Lee Myers, Karin Nichterlein, Felix Njeumi, Carolyn Opio, HendrikJan Ormel, Patrick Otto, Eran
Raizman, Andriy Rozstalnyy, Beate Scherf, Margherita Squarcina, Baba Soumare, Keith Sumption,
Gregorio Velasco-Gil, Sophie von Dobschuetz, Makiko Taguchi, and Esther Wiegers. We grate-
fully acknowledge the data and information shared by the FAO Medium-term Outlook and Market
Analysis team, and the Smallholder Farmer’s Dataportrait.
The report benefits from external reviews and advice from many international experts: Richard
Abila, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD); Alban Bellinguez (IFAD); Mawira
Chitima (IFAD); Ségolène Darly, University Paris 8; Stephane de la Rocque, World Health Organi-
zation (WHO); Khadija Doucouré (IFAD), Benjamin Henderson, Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD); Ermias Kebreab, University of California, Davis; Hayden
Montgomery, Global Research Alliance (GRA); Antonio Rota (IFAD); Silvia Sperandini (IFAD);
Luis Tedeschi, Texas A&M University; Alberto Valdés, Universidad Católica de Chile.
Special thanks to Shenggen Fan, Director General of the International Food Policy Research In-
stitute (IFPRI), for the keynote delivered during the launch of this report.
Key messages
To better support the transformation needed in tion of similar opportunities could simply result
the livestock sector and enhance its contribu- in an expansion of underemployment. Policies
tion to the Sustainable Development Goals, the should promote livestock system models that
World Livestock (WoLi) report “Transform- lead to higher labour productivity, facilitate val-
ing the livestock sector through the sustain- ue-addition, and are labour-intensive.
able development goals” examines the sector’s
interaction with each of the Goals, as well as Translating fast livestock growth into faster
the potential synergies, trade-offs, and com- poverty reduction. Given the sector’s expect-
plex interlinkages involved. In this regard, this ed rapid growth, and the fact that many of the
global report is intended to serve as a reference poor rely on livestock for their livelihoods, live-
framework that Member States and stakehold- stock’s contribution to poverty reduction has
ers can consult as they move forward to realize sometimes been taken for granted. Livestock
livestock’s potentially major contribution to the undoubtedly can play a key role in preventing
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The people from falling into poverty, but the sector’s
report shifts the focus of the livestock policy ability to lift them out of it is more debatable.
debate from fostering sustainable production In developing countries, smallholders typically
per se to enhancing the sector’s contribution to have less than 1 hectare of land, own around 1.3
the achievement of the SDGs. It calls for an in- tropical livestock units, and absorb around one
tegrated livestock sustainable development ap- unit of family labour per day. Consequently, the
proach, and highlights the effective translation capacity of smallholders to exploit their factor
of the SDGs into specific and targeted national endowments to generate income is limited. Thus,
policy action as the major challenge ahead. in order to transform rapid livestock growth
into poverty reduction, policies should focus on
Boosting economic growth through the live- the following: expanding the size of the sector in
stock sector’s multiplier effects. Livestock the economy, increasing its growth rate and the
systems make a major contribution to national participation of the poor in that growth; the ca-
economies worldwide. The value of livestock pacity of producers to access factors of produc-
production accounts for 40 and 20 percent of tion; the ability of workers to link to expanding
total agricultural output in developed and devel- employment opportunities, and the possibility
oping countries respectively. However, the con- for consumers to benefit from more competitive
tribution of livestock to economic growth can prices, safer foods, and quality diets.
be boosted through vertical and horizontal mul-
tiplier effects that go beyond production. In- Realizing the potential of the livestock sector
deed, the non-agricultural sector tends to have a to end hunger and malnutrition. The livestock
higher response to changes in livestock produc- sector can contribute in multiple ways to end-
tion than agriculture itself. Nevertheless, in de- ing hunger and all forms of malnutrition. They
veloping countries, the livestock sector is highly include: increasing the direct consumption of
segmented and the levels of labour productivity nutritious animal-source foods; helping to gen-
differ between processing and production and, erate income; supporting the creation of em-
within production, between commercial and ployment; generating fiscal revenue and earning
subsistence farmers. Thus, a simple multiplica- foreign exchange; and providing the world with
sufficient and reliable supplies of meat, milk, mals in small spaces as well as habitat fragmen-
eggs and dairy products, and of primary com- tation through expansion of livestock produc-
modities used for clothing, bedding and other tion, all increase the probability of outbreaks of
household items. However, the sector will have high-impact animal diseases. Inappropriate use,
to overcome a new set of interconnected chal- overuse and abuse of antimicrobials in animal
lenges. Increased demand for animal-source production contributes to an increase in antimi-
foods will add to existing pressure on ecosys- crobial resistance in pathogens causing human
tems and biodiversity and livestock producers infections worldwide. Prevention – through
will face greater competition for capital, labour, targeted vaccination programmes, improved
land, water and energy. Productivity is therefore hygiene, and biosecurity at primary produc-
expected to increase, but at a diminishing rate, tion level – is the best way of both controlling
while the ongoing transformation of the sec- emerging animal diseases and combating anti-
tor’s market structure may hinder small produc- microbial resistance. Ensuring collaboration
ers and poor consumers from benefiting from between animal production and health special-
economic growth and improvements in pro- ists, public health officials, and the commercial
ductivity. Furthermore, the use of antimicro- sector, including the feed industry, through a
bial medicines to promote growth and prevent “One Health” (One Health, 2018) approach is
disease in healthy, food-producing animals has crucial to achieving an integrated and preven-
exacerbated the emergence and spread of resist- tive strategy on livestock-associated human
ant microorganisms. Consequently, the sector health risks.
can only deliver on expectations if, among other
measures, the productivity and income of small- Balancing animal-source food intake to in-
scale food producers is improved, sustainable crease children’s cognitive development, school
and resilient food systems are promoted, the attendance and performance. Animal-source
diversity of genetic resources is maintained, the foods (ASFs) provide high-quality and readily
proper functioning of food markets is ensured, digested protein, are rich in energy and provide
and the use of antimicrobials is reduced through readily absorbable and bioavailable micronutri-
better access to quality veterinary services and ents. These nutrients are more easily obtained
good animal husbandry practices. from ASFs than from plant-based foods. An
inadequate intake of some of the major micro-
Preventing animal diseases to ensure healthy nutrients available in ASFs during pregnancy
lives. Throughout the world, livestock and de- and childhood can lead to health problems that
rived products are assets to human livelihoods affect growth and educational attainment. Chil-
and, through quality nutrition, to human health dren suffering from undernourishment per-
and well-being. However, animals, including form less well at school due not only to basic
farm animals and their products, also pose risks cognitive insufficiencies in infancy, but also to
to human health. More than 70 percent of the continuing hunger, which limits their ability to
infectious diseases that have emerged in humans concentrate, or depressed immune systems lead-
since the 1940s can be traced to animals. These ing to weaker states of health and absenteeism.
include Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Providing adequate amounts of foods of animal
(BSE), Avian Influenza, Severe Acute Respira- origin in the diets of schoolchildren can add
tory Syndrome (SARS) – Middle East Respira- much-needed nutritional diversity and sustain
tory Syndrome, and Ebola – some of which may and improve cognitive performance, micronu-
have pandemic potential. Increasing livestock trient status, growth, physical activity, academic
numbers, intensified management, faster animal achievement, and appropriate response to vac-
turnover, confinement of large numbers of ani- cines while also fending off opportunistic mi-
crobes. Supplying undernourished schoolchil- ronmental challenges linked to waste manage-
dren with milk, meat and eggs through school ment and water quality. Runoff and nutrient or
feeding programmes can therefore be a valuable residue leaks from concentrated sources of live-
dietary tool and has also proved to be an incen- stock waste are a hazard to freshwater sources
tive to school enrolment and attendance. as well as ocean and coastal environments. If not
properly managed, nutrient runoff and exces-
Fostering women’s participation and deci- sive concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus
sion-making powers in the livestock sector. can damage surrounding ecosystems, estuaries
Throughout the developing world, women and and coastal fisheries. Manure and slurry pit dis-
girls in rural and peri-urban areas are deeply in- charges and outflows from abattoirs and food
volved in livestock systems. However, women, processing also contribute to contaminating wa-
as compared with men, have poorer access to re- ter resources unless adequately treated. Given
sources such as land and water, credit, markets, the very substantial water footprint of livestock
assets and technical information. Consequently, production, improving water-use efficiency and
women livestock keepers typically face greater policy guidance throughout the production
economic, social and institutional barriers, and system is key to ensuring access to safe water
frequently lack the means to fully engage in, sources and sanitation.
sustain and upgrade their farming activities. To
enable women to meaningfully operate in, and Turning animal manure into clean, renewable
benefit from, the livestock sector, policies and energy. Around 17 percent of the global popula-
programmes should work to remove root causes tion lack access to electricity, and 38 percent is
of gender inequalities as well as the obstacles without clean cooking facilities. Almost 80 per-
and constraints facing women. Since the lead- cent of these people live in rural areas. Currently,
ers of agricultural cooperatives and producer 80 percent of the world’s energy consumption is
associations who help governments design de- generated from fossil fuels which are not only
velopment plans and policies are predominantly finite but produce environmental pollutants.
men, in the livestock as in other sectors, wom- The “Energy Revolution” now replacing pollut-
en’s low representation has an impact on the ing coal and oil with clean, renewable sources
gender-sensitivity of such plans and policies, and is likely to figure as one of the most significant
the benefits they offer to women and girls. Thus, conquests of the twenty-first century. Convert-
fostering women’s participation and decision- ing livestock manure into biogas could make a
making powers in the livestock sector can help major domestic renewable fuel source available
end gender discrimination in rural areas and en- to more than a billion people, giving them access
sure women gain equal rights to productive re- to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy.
sources, as well as services.
Adding value and complexity to livestock
Increasing water-use efficiency in livestock products through industrialization. Indus-
production to address water scarcity. Agricul- trialization is a dynamic instrument of growth,
ture withdraws approximately 70 percent of all promoting rapid economic and social develop-
available freshwater, and livestock production ment. However, in many developing countries
uses roughly 30 percent of that. To meet rising processed livestock products contribute to value
demand for animal products, the livestock sec- chains by providing unsophisticated products
tor is currently making growing use of agricul- to downstream actors, representing a very small
tural water, thus increasing competition with share of agro-processing and of total exports.
other human and crop-agriculture water needs, Indeed, the six most complex livestock products
and raising new and complex health and envi- exported from Africa in 1995–2012 accounted
for less than 15 percent of livestock exports, with appropriate infrastructure, financial and
while the six least-complex products accounted institutional development polices.
for more than 55 percent. Since not all prod-
ucts have the same impact in terms of economic Maximizing the benefits while managing the
growth, concentrating on unsophisticated prod- risks of urban livestock. Rapid, global urbani-
ucts is keeping the livestock sector in many de- zation represents one of the most rapid and pro-
veloping countries from achieving faster eco- found shifts in the rise of human settlements. Ur-
nomic growth. Economic development is not ban agriculture is one aspect of urbanization and
just about constantly improving the production takes place in many cities around the world in
of the same set of goods but also means acquir- various forms and contexts. Urban agriculture,
ing more complex capabilities to diversify pro- as defined by FAO, is “the growing of plants
duction towards more sophisticated products and the raising of animals within and around
and higher productivity levels. Industrialization cities”. Urban agriculture, including livestock
offers great opportunities for developing coun- production, was recognized by the 1996 United
tries to add value and complexity to livestock Nations Conference on Human Settlements as
primary products, allowing the sector to enter one of the “desirable practices” for sustainable
the downstream end of global value chains and cities. Livestock production has a variable and
thus accelerate economic development. controversial, but often essential role to play in
and for cities, especially in developing countries.
Accompanying openness to trade with infra- The main benefits of urban livestock production
structure and financial and institutional devel- include the generation of income, the creation
opment policies to reduce inequalities among of jobs, and the delivery of improved food secu-
nations. The argument that openness to trade rity and nutrition. Urban livestock also present
contributes to narrowing the development gap significant risks since, in the absence of proper
between countries is well grounded in conven- sanitation and infrastructure, they can pose en-
tional economic theory. However, potential vironmental and public health hazards. In order
gains from trade liberalization will not necessar- to make cities more sustainable, specific meas-
ily affect all countries and groups within society ures to reduce such risks are required, including
in the same way. There are likely to be significant improved coordination between health, agricul-
differences between developed and develop- ture, municipal and environmental departments;
ing countries, net-exporting and net-importing farmer education on the management of health
countries, and, both within and across countries, and environmental risks; and dissemination of
among small-scale and commercial farmers, and information about these hazards to inform leg-
rural non-farm producers and urban consum- islation and urban planning.
ers. The livestock sector in developing countries
often has not been well placed to benefit from Producing more with less, while balancing
trade liberalization. This stems partially from consumption, and reducing losses. Livestock
the inflexible structure of production and trade supply chains are resource-hungry. They use
in the sector; lack of financial development and large amounts of land, water, nutrients and ener-
sluggish factor mobility; excessive regulation gy and contribute significantly to greenhouse gas
that prevents resources from flowing; the lim- (GHG) emissions. As consumption of animal
ited capacity of producers to adjust quickly to products is expected to increase, the livestock
market changes; and the low level of compliance sector needs to produce more with less. Unsus-
with international sanitary measures and food tainable production and consumption not only
standards. In order to reduce inequality among contribute to inefficient use of resources but are
nations, trade reform needs to be accompanied also the source of lost economic opportunities,
environmental damage, and poverty and health Reducing the impact of livestock on marine
problems. Adoption of best practices can lead to ecosystems by preventing pollution and con-
large gains in natural resource-use efficiency. Re- taining the use of fish products in animal feed.
balancing diets to reach nutritional recommen- Over three billion people depend on marine and
dations can also have significant impact on natu- coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods, while
ral resource use and GHG emissions. Efficiency broadly the same number obtain almost 20
can further be improved by reducing food waste percent of their usual intake of animal protein
and losses along supply chains, and targeting dif- from fish. However, the world’s ocean fish face
ferent stages of those chains in different regions, serious threats both in terms of loss of biodiver-
depending on priorities. Because improvements sity and declining stocks. The principal source
are needed along the whole life cycle of products, of pressure is overexploitation by fisheries. A
this goal requires the involvement of various substantial part of the global fish catch is turned
stakeholders, including consumers, policymak- into fishmeal and fish oil, and used to feed ter-
ers, retailers and industry representatives. How- restrial animals. Many watercourses suffer from
ever, adapting and enforcing new technologies in pollution due to effluents from livestock and
local environments, and instituting supporting industry, with profound environmental and hu-
policies and infrastructure to encourage adop- man health implications. However, the use of
tion, will be the greater challenge. a number of plant-based feeds, together with
synthetic amino acids and enzymes, has led to
Combating the effects of climate change a substantial reduction of fishmeal in the diets
through improving livestock resource-use of both livestock and aquatic species, thereby
efficiency. The relationship between livestock contributing to conservation of marine ecosys-
and climate change works two ways. On the tems. More effective coastal/watershed planning
one hand, global GHG emissions from livestock and close collaboration between the livestock,
supply chains are significant, accounting for 14.5 feed and fisheries sectors would help promote
percent of total anthropogenic emissions. The sustainability of both land- and marine-based
emissions are mainly from enteric fermenta- food production systems. A number of new
tion (CH4), feed and forage production (CO2 technologies to contain the use of fish products
and N2O) and manure management (N2O and for animal feed, to reduce pollution from live-
CH4). On the other hand, climate change af- stock waste, and to increase the use of marine
fects livestock production, for example though plant resources for livestock feed are available.
the quality and availability of feed and forage, Currently, however, efforts to scale up the new
and the incidence and prevalence of animal dis- technologies remain in their infancy.
eases and, in some cases, their vectors. Efficiency
is key to both reducing emissions and building Enhancing the provision of ecosystem ser-
resilience. A number of mitigation and adapta- vices through sustainable grassland manage-
tion options are available to improve natural ment and improvements in feed-use efficiency.
resource-use efficiency while also increasing soil Across the globe, natural resources are deterio-
carbon and recycling nutrients from within food rating, ecosystems are under stress and biologi-
chains. Their implementation requires a trans- cal diversity is being lost. Changes in land use,
fer of technology and knowledge, together with including deforestation, result in the loss of valu-
the right incentives and a conducive regulatory able habitats, water pollution, land degradation,
framework. However, measures that go beyond soil erosion and the release of carbon into the at-
the farm gate are also required, including insti- mosphere. Such damage is mainly attributable to
tutional changes, disaster risk management, and the conversion of forests or rangelands to other
social safety nets. uses such as agriculture and infrastructure devel-
opment. Land used for grazing and feed produc- partnership and cooperation is central to the
tion has major environmental impacts: feed links achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
livestock to land use, both directly via grazing, Development. The breadth of knowledge, expe-
and indirectly via traded feedstuffs. While the rience and expertise required implies mobilizing
livestock sector plays a part in biodiversity re- a broad range of competences and the participa-
duction, land degradation and deforestation, it tion of multiple stakeholders. Multi-stakeholder
also provides invaluable services that protect, processes aim at building a consensus on sustain-
restore and promote sustainable use of terres- able solutions and catalyse change through dia-
trial ecosystems, combat desertification, reverse logue, consultation and joint analysis. These pro-
land degradation and halt biodiversity erosion. cesses draw on the forces of various public and
Whether the environmental effects of the live- private stakeholders as well as research and aca-
stock sector are detrimental or positive depends demic institutions, international agencies, non-
on the livestock production and management governmental organizations, and civil society.
system. Livestock production can be crucial in, The livestock sector already counts on a number
for example, supporting sustainable rangeland of multi-stakeholder partnerships at global and
management, preserving wildlife, and enhancing regional levels. They play a key role in ensur-
soil fertility and nutrient cycling. ing sustainable growth in livestock production,
meeting rising global demand while addressing
Promoting peace and social stability through related environmental, social and economic chal-
livestock. A stable and peaceful environment is lenges. Although the need for multi-stakeholder
the basis for sustainable development. In many partnerships to scale up the impact of public–pri-
communities in developing countries, social and vate initiatives is recognized, more understanding
economic well-being is closely linked to the is required concerning the legitimacy, inclusive-
livestock sector. Threats to livestock resources ness, governability, effectiveness and develop-
such as droughts, natural disasters and animal ment impact of joint actions.
diseases, can seriously affect the economic and
social balance of local communities. During Translating the key role of livestock in the
crises, and particularly during rehabilitation SDGs into national policies and strategies. The
and recovery, livestock are essential in order to SDGs and targets are aspirational and global.
restore the supply of animal protein. In terms Thus, each country will have to decide how the
of public health, animal disease outbreaks can role of livestock in the SDGs should be incorpo-
spread quickly and evolve into major health, rated into national planning processes, policies
social and economic crises at regional and some- and strategies, and how to set national targets
times global level. Further, disputes among pop- guided by the global level of ambition but tak-
ulations over land and pastures can be sources ing account of national circumstances. To bet-
of conflict, since grazing land is a valuable com- ter support integration of livestock policy and
modity that is coming increasingly under pres- practices with sustainable development strate-
sure. Mechanisms such as well-defined property gies, World Livestock presents a Livestock-
rights, clear legislation, sound livestock policies, SDGs Policy Framework as a tool to enhance
confidence in local institutions, and robust in- the impact of livestock policy analysis in accom-
frastructure can enhance the sector’s role as a plishing the 2030 Agenda. The main objectives
catalyst for social peace and stability. of this policy framework are: i) to strengthen
the capacities of governments and stakehold-
Building inclusive and effective partnerships ers to analyse the contribution of the livestock
in the livestock sector to support the achieve- sector to the SDGs, mapping linkages, synergies
ment of Agenda 2030. Strong commitment to and trade-offs; ii) to guide the identification of
windows of opportunity for policy change; iii) chew the kind of “one-shot” approach that fails
to support the generation of analytical evidence to take account of simultaneous contributions,
that assesses the likely impact of policies and feedback effects, potential collateral impacts, dy-
programmes; iv) to promote the use of meth- namics, synergies and trade-offs between differ-
ods and tools to monitor the contribution of the ent sustainability dimensions or policy options.
livestock sector to the SDGs; and v) to facilitate WoLi calls for an integrated framework towards
high-level policy discussion on emerging live- sustainability that simultaneously addresses the
stock and sustainable development issues. environmental, social and economic dimensions
in a more balanced manner.
Advancing towards an integrated livestock
sustainable development approach. Tradition- Shifting the focus of the debate from foster-
ally livestock sustainability analysis has been ing sustainable production per se to enhanc-
conducted using a partial sectorial approach that ing the livestock sector’s contribution to the
assesses the effects of the sector’s development achievement of the SDGs. For decades, the
on one specific dimension of sustainability. In livestock debate has focused on how to produce
contrast to the Rio “pillars” concept of sustain- more from less to feed 9.8 billion people by 2050.
able development, in the 2030 Agenda, the so- However, the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
cial, environmental and economic dimensions of Development has added a new and broader di-
sustainable development are intertwined and cut mension to the debate. It has shifted the empha-
across the entire framework. It is therefore im- sis of the discussion from fostering sustainable
portant to avoid considering livestock’s contri- production per se, to enhancing the contribution
bution to each dimension individually and to es- of the sector to the achievement of the SDGs.
Executive summary
imately 13 percent of the population is under- characteristics make ASFs important to popula-
nourished. With enough food to feed everyone tion groups who are often unable to consume
on the planet, continuing hunger and malnutri- all the food they need, like young children, and
tion call for a major change in global food and pregnant and lactating women.
agriculture systems. SDG 2 takes a system-wide
approach to ending hunger, with an emphasis SDG 3. HEALTHY LIVES
on achieving food security and improved nutri- Throughout the world, the human health burden
tion, and on promoting sustainable agriculture. of zoonotic diseases falls heavily on the poor,
SDG 2 targets include ensuring universal access causing morbidity and mortality, particularly in
to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all-year children, who, even if they survive, will often face
round, improving the productivity and incomes higher health care expenses and reduced incomes
of small-scale food producers, promoting sus- for the rest of their lives. In terms of human
tainable and resilient food production systems, health, major zoonoses are responsible for an es-
maintaining the diversity of genetic resources timated 2.5 billion cases of illness and 2.7 million
for food and agriculture, and ensuring the prop- deaths a year. Inappropriate use of antimicrobials
er functioning of food markets. in animal production contributes to the spread
The livestock sector can play a key role in end- of drug-resistant pathogens causing human in-
ing hunger, contributing at different levels and fections across the globe. Today, approximately
from different entry points. At the household 700 000 people die of drug-resistant infections
level, its principal contribution is increasing the every year, but it has been estimated that if no
direct consumption of healthy and nutritious action is taken today, antimicrobial resistance
animal-source foods (ASFs) and helping to gen- (AMR) could, by 2050, cost ten million lives a
erate income; at rural community level, its con- year and USD 100 trillion in lost economic out-
tribution is related to the creation of employ- put. SDG 3 aims to ensure health and well-being
ment opportunities in livestock and food chains, for people of all ages by improving reproductive,
both upstream and downstream. In terms of na- maternal and child health; ending the epidemics
tional economies, an enhanced livestock sector of major communicable diseases; reducing non-
can help reduce ASF prices, generate fiscal rev- communicable and environmental diseases; and
enue, and earn foreign exchange. At the global achieving universal health coverage.
level, it can supply the world with sufficient and Livestock and derived products are important
reliable supplies of eggs, meat, milk and dairy assets in human livelihoods and nutrition, and
products. consequently in human health and well-being.
In particular, livestock and animal-source They provide significant amounts of essential
foods provide readily digestible protein and es- noble, high-biological-value proteins, fatty acids
sential nutrients and can therefore make critical and various minerals and vitamins. Moreover,
contributions to ending hunger and improving animals are a source of therapeutic compounds
food security and nutrition. Livestock products such as antimicrobial peptides. At the same time,
contribute to the global human diet with 33 per- however, animals, including farm animals and
cent of protein intake and 17 percent of calo- their products, also present risks to human health.
rie intake. ASFs are nutrient-dense, palatable These may be direct, e.g. through the transmis-
sources of energy and high-quality protein, and sion of zoonotic pathogens, which include
also provide a variety of essential micronutri- emerging threats such as Ebola virus and Middle
ents, some of which – such as vitamin B12, ribo- East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-
flavin, calcium, iron, zinc, and various essential CoV). As noted, AMR poses another growing
fatty acids – are difficult to obtain in adequate peril, as do the residues of medicines, supple-
amounts from plant-based foods alone. These ments, and contaminants in the environment.
Indirect threats arise too, e.g. in the form of empowerment of women and girls will require
non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovas- more vigorous efforts, including the reform
cular illnesses, if animal products are consumed and/or development of national legal frame-
in excess. works to counter deeply rooted gender-based
discrimination that often stems from patriarchal
SDG 4. QUALITY EDUCATION attitudes and related social norms. SDG 5 aims
The gaps in educational attainment between rich to empower women and girls to reach their full
and poor, men and women, rural and urban peo- potential in all spheres of their lives, including
ple, and within and between countries, are still within the agriculture sector, which also re-
wide. In 2014, there were 263 million children, quires eliminating all forms of discrimination
adolescents and young adults in the world who and violence against them. It seeks to ensure
did not attend school. In low-income countries that they have every opportunity for sexual and
only 14 percent of students completed upper reproductive health and reproductive rights;
secondary education. During 2005–2014, some receive due recognition for their unpaid work;
758 million adults, almost two-thirds of them have full access to productive resources; and
women, lacked any literacy skills. SDG 4 aims enjoy equal participation with men in political,
to ensure inclusive and equitable quality educa- economic and public life.
tion and promote lifelong learning opportuni- Women make up an average of 43 percent of
ties for all. It focuses on the acquisition of foun- the agricultural labour force in developing coun-
dational and higher-order skills at all stages of tries. Rural women greatly contribute to the de-
education and development; greater and more velopment of the small-scale livestock sector – it
equitable access to quality education at all lev- has been estimated that, globally, rural women
els, including technical and vocational education represent two-thirds of low-income livestock
and training; and the attainment of the knowl- keepers. However, women’s contribution is re-
edge, skills and values needed to function well duced and constrained by the challenges and in-
and contribute to society. equalities that they experience across the globe,
There are both direct and indirect links between in many spheres of public, private and economic
livestock and education. Consumption of ASFs life, as compared with men. Within the agricul-
can improve children’s cognitive and physical de- ture sector, these challenges include poorer ac-
velopment as well as school attendance and per- cess to, and control over, productive resources
formance. In addition, livestock provides income such as land and water, diminished access to
to poor rural households which they can use to credit, markets and technical information. Live-
pay for school fees, uniforms and schooling ma- stock keeping and production can make a sig-
terials. In turn, basic education and agricultural nificant contribution to SDG 5 in achieving gen-
education and training can contribute to more der equality and empowering women and girls,
sustainable and efficient livestock systems. How- but to enable women to meaningfully operate
ever, access to quality and inclusive education, ag- in, and benefit from, the livestock sector, poli-
ricultural training and extension and quality diets cies and programmes should work to remove all
for poor people is often a challenge, one reason obstacles and constraints in their way.
being children’s involvement in tending livestock.
WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT Water scarcity, poor water quality, and inad-
Gender inequality persists worldwide, depriv- equate sanitation already threaten the food se-
ing women and girls of basic rights and op- curity, livelihoods and educational prospects of
portunities. Achieving gender equality and the poor families across the world. Drought afflicts
some of the world’s poorest countries, intensify- not only a finite resource, but produce environ-
ing hunger and malnutrition. Water withdraw- mental pollutants including climate-warming
als for irrigation and livestock will increase as greenhouse gases. SDG 7 seeks to ensure access
global population growth and economic devel- to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern
opment drive up demand for food. SDG 6 aims energy for all. It highlights the importance of
to find ways to produce more food while using investing in renewable energy sources and of
less water – one of the great challenges of our expanding infrastructure to supply sustainable
times. Achieving universal and equitable access energy services to developing countries.
to safe and affordable drinking water, reducing The “Energy Revolution” now replacing pol-
pollution to improve water quality, eliminating luting coal and oil with clean, renewable sources
or minimizing dumping and dispersal of hazard- is likely to figure as one of the most significant
ous chemicals and biological agents, and encour- conquests of the twenty-first century. Livestock
aging water recycling and reuse are the main manure, which can be turned into biogas, has an
strategic targets. important role to play in this process, especially
Agriculture uses approximately 70 percent in the Global South. For biogas can not only en-
of the available freshwater supply, and roughly hance the energy security of developing regions
30 percent of global agricultural water goes on but also help resolve vexing problems such as
livestock production, with one-third of that environmental pollution, bad odour and flies.
used for beef cattle. But livestock’s direct and At a global level, turning animal manure into
indirect usage of freshwater is only one of the biogas would also eliminate a leading source of
central water-related challenges facing animal methane, a powerful driver of global warming.
production: another is waste management and In the context of the current environmental de-
disposal. Runoff and nutrient leaks from con- bate, solar, wind, geothermal power, animal and
centrated sources of livestock waste are a haz- biomass energies are considered as clean. Live-
ard to freshwater sources as well as ocean and stock production relies on energy embedded in
marine environments. Thus, given the large biomass, which comes mainly from solar energy,
and growing water footprint associated with although other sources may also contribute.
livestock production, improving water-use ef-
ficiency throughout the production system SDG 8. ECONOMIC GROWTH
is important in order to achieve SDG 6 and Over the past decades, the production and con-
thereby ensure access to safe water sources and sumption of animal products has become one of
sanitation for all. the fastest growing sectors in agriculture. This
phenomenon, dubbed the “livestock revolu-
SDG 7. CLEAN ENERGY tion”, has been driven by population and income
According to the International Energy Agency growth, plus rapid urbanization. Continuing
(IEA), around 17 percent of the global popula- expansion is expected, with demand for animal
tion lacks access to electricity, and 38 percent is products fuelled by the continued increase in
without clean cooking facilities. Almost all these the world’s population, forecast to climb from
people – 80 percent – live in rural areas. Out of 7.6 billion in 2017 to 8.6 billion in 2030. SDG
the 1.2 billion people without electricity, more 8 proposes an integral approach towards more
than half are in Africa (634 million) followed by sustainable and inclusive economic growth. To
developing Asia (512 million), Latin America do that, SDG 8 targets higher economic pro-
(22 million) and the Middle East (18 million) ductivity through diversification, technological
(IEA, 2016). Currently, the greater part of the development, and innovation, and through a
world’s energy consumption (approximately 80 focus on high value-added and labour-intensive
percent) is generated from fossil fuels, which are sectors. The 2030 Agenda also proposes growth-
oriented policies that support productive activi- promoting inclusive and sustainable industriali-
ties, decent job creation, innovative entrepre- zation, and fostering innovation, thus reallocat-
neurship, greater access to financial services and ing resources for socially inclusive and environ-
the formalization of micro, small and medium- mentally sustainable economic growth.
sized enterprises. Animal production offers attractive oppor-
Alongside the livestock sector’s ability to tunities for industrialization and an increased
reach into many different areas of the economy share of MVA in the national economy. The
and society, such growth represents a major animal product processing industry is one of
development opportunity for many countries. the fastest-growing in emerging nations. This
Livestock production makes a major contribu- fact, combined with overall development of
tion to national economies worldwide. In 2014, industrial capacity, infrastructure, research
the value of livestock production in developed and innovation, and access to finance, offers
countries accounted for 40 percent of total ag- the livestock sector an excellent opportunity
ricultural output, and 20 percent in developing to add value and achieve more inclusive eco-
economies. Globally, up to 1.3 billion people are nomic growth. However, a significant number
employed in different livestock product value of developing countries contribute to livestock
chains. Given the remarkable growth rate predic- global value chains primarily through the pro-
tions, the livestock sector has tremendous poten- vision of primary and unsophisticated products
tial to create jobs and reduce inequality, directly to downstream actors in developed countries.
contributing to SDG 8 in promoting inclusive Since not all products have the same impact in
and sustainable economic growth, employment terms of economic growth, concentrating on
and decent work for all. Livestock production unsophisticated products is substantially keep-
can boost economic growth in two main ways: ing those countries from growing faster and
through direct contribution to rural livelihoods improving key development indicators. Hence
and agricultural output; and, given the sector’s economic development is not just about con-
various linkages with other industries, through stantly improving the production of the same
the multiplier effects of livestock products mov- set of goods. It has more to do with acquiring
ing along expenditure and supply chains. more complex capabilities that help diversify
production towards more sophisticated prod-
SDG 9. INDUSTRIALIZATION ucts and higher productivity levels.
Although sustainable industrialization is essen-
tial for rapid economic and social development, SDG 10. REDUCED INEQUALITIES
and despite the great opportunities that it holds Economic inequalities are defined by people’s
for developing countries, the latter are still far economic positions in society, measured in
from achieving the right levels of industrial ca- terms of income, purchasing power or wealth.
pacity. Indeed, global average manufacturing Yet inequalities are also linked to demographic
value added (MVA) as a share of GDP has been characteristics such as gender, age or ethnicity.
steadily declining in the last few decades from Certain individuals and groups have consistent-
about 21 percent in 1995 to about 15 percent in ly inferior opportunities to those of their fellow
2015. According to the United Nations Indus- citizens merely on account of their birth. SDG
trial Development Organization, the share of 10 calls for reducing inequalities in income, as
manufacturing employment in developing coun- well as discrimination based on sex, age, disabil-
tries grew from about 12 percent in 1970 to 14 ity, race, class, ethnicity, religion and opportu-
percent in 2010, i.e. essentially remaining stag- nity, and this both within and among countries.
nant. SDG 9 focuses renewed attention on the SDG 10 is closely correlated to the first of the
importance of building resilient infrastructure, SDGs (elimination of poverty) and while there
has been progress on poverty reduction over the links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas;
past decades, the world continues to suffer from embracing environmental and climate issues, in-
substantial inequalities. To reach both SDG 1 cluding air quality and waste management, re-
and SDG 10, efforts to foster growth need to source efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to
be complemented by equity-enhancing policies climate change, and resilience to disasters.
and interventions (World Bank, 2016). Until recently, urban livestock production
The livestock sector offers substantial oppor- was often regarded as problematic and was
tunities for income generation and job creation, severely restricted by city laws and policies.
especially in the dairy sector. On the supply However, keeping livestock in urban settings
side, livestock are a source of food and income is now gaining greater recognition because of
for at least half a billion poor people who de- the benefits it can offer city dwellers. Livestock
pend partially or entirely on keeping animals for production often has an essential role to play in
their livelihood. The proportion of poor women and for cities, especially in developing countries.
and elderly individuals involved in agriculture, Its principal benefits include income genera-
in the broad sense of the term, is increasing. tion, employment creation and improved urban
At the same time, the number of young people food security, nutrition and health. It also plays
(15–24) in sub-Saharan Africa looking for jobs an important role in poverty alleviation and the
will increase by 75 percent in the next 30 years social inclusion of disadvantaged groups, espe-
and a thriving livestock sector could play an im- cially women, and in enhancing the resilience of
portant part in absorbing them into the labour city dwellers to food or economic crises. Prox-
market. With the right investments and policies imity to local markets makes urban livestock
– and providing national and regional authori- production attractive, especially for perishable
ties support a form of livestock development foodstuffs. However, before the sector can fully
that is inclusive and sensitive to the needs of contribute to meeting the SDG 11 goals and tar-
women and young people – the sector can make gets, several issues regarding health and environ-
a significant contribution to the reduction of in- mental risks must be resolved.
equalities in income, as well as of discrimination
based on sex and age. SDG 12. SUSTAINABLE
SDG 11. SUSTAINABLE CITIES According to some ecological footprint stud-
Rapid, global urbanization represents one of the ies, including by the World Wide Fund for
most profound shifts in the rise of human set- Nature (WWF) and the Global Footprint Net-
tlements. In 2007, the world’s urban population work (GFN), humans are already using more
overtook rural population for the first time in than one earth’s worth of resources and could
history. This trend has continued in the past dec- consume the reserves of three planets by mid-
ade and is expected to spawn more city and ur- century. Though these studies are controversial,
ban settlements, transforming the economic and they raise the question of whether there will be
social fabrics of entire countries. By 2050, more enough to sustain 8.6 billion people in 2030.
than two-thirds of the world’s population will SDG 12 is concerned with sustainable consump-
live in towns and cities, putting pressure on natu- tion and production and aims to “do more and
ral resources, the living environment, and public better with less”. The objective is to increase net
health. SDG 11 aims to make cities and human welfare gains from all economic activities while
settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustain- reducing the amount of resources used, and at
able through the realization of various targets, the same time lowering environmental degrada-
including: promoting participatory and inclusive tion and pollution. Because improvements are
urban planning and management; strengthening needed along the whole life cycle of products,
this goal requires the involvement of various 13 aims to strengthen resilience and adaptive
stakeholders, including consumers, policymak- capacity to climate-related hazards and natural
ers, retailers and industry representatives. SDG disasters. Its second target is to integrate cli-
12 targets give priority to programming and en- mate change measures into national policies,
courage governments to undertake public pro- strategies and planning, which means increasing
curement policies that support sustainability countries’ ability to adapt to the adverse impacts
and help the private sector to integrate sustain- of climate change but also fostering low emis-
able practices in their production cycles. sions development.
As a particularly resource-hungry sector, Climate change impacts livestock directly (for
livestock can contribute very significantly here. example through heat stress and increased mor-
Yield gaps and large potential for efficiency bidity and mortality) and indirectly (e.g. through
gains have been identified in all regions and quality and availability of feed and forages, and
production systems. However, sustainability is animal diseases). Smallholder livestock keepers,
required on the demand side too. SDG 12 tar- fisherfolk and pastoralists are among the most
gets highlight the importance of information, es- vulnerable to climate change. At the same time,
pecially to consumers. They stress the need for the livestock sector contributes significantly to
education and encourage developed countries to climate change in that direct livestock GHG
take the lead in implementing programmes pro- emissions, from manure and enteric fermenta-
moting sustainable consumption. This is critical tion, represented 2.4 gigatonnes of CO2 equiva-
for livestock in particular as demand for ASF is lent in 2010, about 21 percent of total emissions
growing fast in developing countries. Finally, re- from agriculture, forestry and other land uses,
ducing waste and loss, as well as chemical pollu- or about 5 percent of total anthropogenic GHG
tion, is also listed as a key SDG 12 target. Signif- emissions. FAO estimates that emissions from
icant efforts are needed throughout food supply livestock supply chains, including feed produc-
chains, with the participation of all stakehold- tion, processing and transport as well as energy
ers, to reduce the amount of meat, milk and eggs used on and off farm and post-farm emissions,
wasted by consumers and the food industry or account for about 14.5 percent of total anthro-
lost in the production process. This can deliver pogenic emissions.
major sustainability gains.
SDG 13. TAKE URGENT ACTION Over three billion people depend on marine and
TO COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE AND coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods, while
ITS IMPACTS broadly the same number obtain almost 20 per-
The UN recognizes that climate change is the cent of their average intake of animal protein
single biggest threat to development. 2016 was from fish. In addition, fish provides essential fats
the third hottest year recorded in a row. The such as long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins
same year, the average CO2 concentration in the A, B and D, and minerals. However, pressure on
atmosphere surpassed the emblematic thresh- global fish resources has been increasing stead-
old of 400 parts per million, a level never before ily in recent decades. In 2013, about 58 percent
reached in recorded history (more than 650 000 of marine stocks were fully fished, with no po-
years). The current rate of increase is more than tential for increased production, and 31.4 per-
100 times faster than when the last ice age ended. cent were overfished, with production increases
The already alarming climate change impacts on only possible after successful restocking. SDG
agriculture, and the implications for food secu- 14 seeks to promote the conservation and sus-
rity, are that the burden will disproportionately tainable use of marine and coastal ecosystems; to
fall on the poorest and most vulnerable. SDG prevent marine pollution; to increase economic
benefits to small island developing states (SIDS) awareness and scrutiny has grown regarding
and least-developed countries (LDCs) from the the livestock sector’s impact on biodiversity,
sustainable use of marine resources. land use and climate change. However, whether
A significant, but declining, proportion of livestock benefits or damages the environment
the world’s fish catch is processed into fishmeal depends not only on the kind of production sys-
(mainly for high-protein feed) and fish oil (as tem used, but also on how it is used. Livestock
a feed additive in aquaculture, but also for hu- can provide valuable regulating and supporting
man consumption). Fishmeal and oil can be pro- ecosystem services through their direct inter-
duced not only from whole fish but also from action with land, vegetation, soil and habitat.
fish remains or other fish by-products. Overall Sustainable grassland management, enhanced
demand continues to grow making a substantial provision of ecosystem services through live-
contribution to the depletion of marine stocks. stock and moderate improvements in feed-use
Pigs and chickens currently use about 27 per- efficiency are key to achieving SDG 15.
cent of global fishmeal production. A significant
problem is that nutrient runoff and leaching SDG 16. PEACE AND JUSTICE
from livestock waste has serious environmental According to the United Nations, many coun-
consequences if not properly managed, and can tries still face protracted violence and armed
be very detrimental to coastal marine fisheries. conflict, and far too many people suffer under
Leaching rates vary depending on climatic and weak institutions and lack access to justice, in-
soil conditions, and differ significantly between formation and other fundamental freedoms. By
countries or regions within a country. the end of the year 2015, a little over 65 million
individuals were displaced worldwide as a re-
SDG 15. LIFE ON LAND sult of conflict, generalized violence, or human
Across the globe, natural resources are deterio- rights violations whose origins could often be
rating, ecosystems are degraded and biological traced to agricultural, livestock and food/eco-
diversity is being lost. Changes in land use, in- nomic crises. Most of the displaced people were
cluding deforestation, result in the loss of valu- livestock producers from rural areas. SDG 16
able habitats, less clean water, land degradation, envisages peaceful and inclusive societies based
soil erosion and the release of carbon into the at- on respect for human rights, the rule of law,
mosphere. Such damage is mainly attributable to good governance at all levels, and transparent,
the conversion of forest or rangelands to other effective and accountable institutions.
land uses such as agriculture and infrastructure Poor governance and the absence of law pro-
development. SDG 15 is based on the axiom that vide fertile ground for conflicts over land use
healthy ecosystems protect the planet and sus- and management, which jeopardize the liveli-
tain livelihoods. Focusing largely on biodiver- hoods of pastoralists who depend on readily
sity and land use, SDG 15 aims to enhance the available rangeland resources and grazing areas.
delivery of ecosystem services from all types of Climatic changes and related loss of resources
environments, with explicit targets on conserv- further exacerbate their insecurity. Civil unrest
ing ecosystems and genetic resources, restoring and humanitarian crises take a harsh toll on the
land, halting deforestation and combating deser- livestock sector as collective insecurity quickly
tification. translates into higher livestock mortality, lower
Livestock production is ubiquitous, with up productivity and reduced access to local and
to 25 percent of the earth’s land area covered by national markets. Ecosystems and biodiversity,
rangelands. Livestock populate about 70 per- which well-managed livestock help to protect
cent of that area while 33 percent of croplands and preserve, are also hard hit under such con-
are used for fodder production. In recent years, ditions. Emergencies caused by climate change
variability and natural disasters can cause mas- different sectors. By working together in part-
sive social disruption and sudden migratory nership, all stakeholders can help achieve trans-
movements, including the large-scale displace- formative change.
ment of livestock farmers. At present, the livestock sector already counts
on a number of multi-stakeholder partnerships
SDG 17. PARTNERSHIPS FOR at global and regional levels. They play a key
THE GOALS role in ensuring sustainable growth in livestock
The adoption of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable production, meeting rising global demand while
Development marked a turning point in the addressing related environmental, social and
global community’s approach to development. economic challenges. The following are some of
The SDGs embrace economic, social and envi- the many leading partnerships with recognized
ronmental aspects of development and highlight work on sustainable livestock development: One
the importance of the linkages between them. Health, Global Agenda for sustainable livestock
The breadth of knowledge, experience and ex- (GASL), Livestock Environmental Assessment
pertise required for SDG implementation also and Performance (LEAP) Partnership, Global
implies mobilizing a broad range of competen- Pastoralists Knowledge Hub, Multi-stakeholder
cies and the participation of non-state actors, Feed Safety Partnership, Tripartite partnership
such as civil society organizations, producer of FAO, World Health Organization (WHO),
organizations, the private sector, academia and and World Organisation for Animal Health
research institutions. This will be fundamental (OIE), Global Alliance for Livestock Veteri-
to the achievement of all SDGs along the three nary Medicine (GALVmed), Livestock Global
dimensions of sustainable development – eco- Alliance, Dairy Asia, Partnership for Livestock
nomic, social and environmental. SDG 17 calls Development, Poverty Alleviation and Sustain-
for multi-stakeholder partnerships between var- able Economic Growth in Africa (ALIVE), and
ious actors to help provide financial, knowledge the Latin American Commission for Sustainable
and institutional support to spur progress across Livestock Development (CODEGALAC).
©FAO/Luis Tato
and no poverty
include eradicating extreme poverty; building
resilience among the poor; and creating sound
policy frameworks (UN, 2016a).
INTRODUCTION Livestock are catalytic in helping rural
While extreme poverty rates have declined since households achieve their livelihood objectives.
1990, the number of people living in those con- First, they enhance human capital by providing
ditions globally remains unacceptable high (Fig- access to food, continued good health, and la-
ure 1). According to the most recent estimates, bour for the pursuit of activities. Second, they
one in five people in developing regions lived build social capital, strengthening the cultural
below the international poverty line of USD diversity and heritage of several ethnic groups
1.90 per person per day in 2013 (World Bank, and populations. Third, they contribute to
2017). Although poverty rates have declined in the stock of the natural capital that provides
all regions in recent decades, progress has been the resources and services needed to maintain
uneven. Falling poverty levels have been largely and improve livelihoods. Fourth, they increase
driven by rapid advances in East Asia and the physical capital, providing transport, draught
Pacific and in South Asia, leaving sub-Saharan power and alternative energy for households to
Africa as the poorest region, and where half of support and improve their productivity. Fifth,
the world’s extreme poor live. Moreover, as we they increase the financial capital of families,
struggle to fight poverty, some 200 million peo- provide a mechanism for savings, and serve as
ple remain unemployed and an additional 600 liquid assets, or as credit collateral, for securing
million new jobs will be needed over the next 15 livelihood goals. Sixth, they act as an impor-
years to absorb burgeoning working-age popu- tant buffer against external shocks (Abed and
lations (World Bank, 2013). Goal 1 of the United Acosta, 2017).
Nations’ Agenda for Sustainable Development Given the rapid growth expected for the sector,
(SDG 1) takes a multidimensional approach to and the empirical observation that the livelihoods
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
85.2 Republic
of Congo
United Uganda
South Africa
Republic 13.5
of Tanziania Zambia
South Sudan Burundi 25.2
8.5 6.9
Sudan Indonesia
Kenya 3.0 23.6
15.1 Cameroon Yemen USA
7.4 5.7 4.3 3.2
Source: Based on data from the World Bank and the United Nations Population Division, 2018.
of many poor people depend on livestock, the THE CATALYTIC ROLE OF LIVESTOCK
sector’s contribution to poverty reduction has IN STRENGTHENING HOUSEHOLD
been widely anticipated. As noted, livestock LIVELIHOODS
play an important role in helping poor house- The correlation between livestock growth and
holds maintain their livelihood levels. Howev- poverty reduction is still an understudied topic
er, they may not necessarily be able to capture in economic literature. One issue has to do with
the benefits from the sector’s expected growth. data quality and availability. Often the statistical
Livestock’s effective capacity to transform rapid information available in agricultural or house-
growth into poverty reduction depends on a hold surveys does not allow one to differentiate
combination of microeconomic and macroeco- between various livestock activities in house-
nomic factors. The former include the capacity hold livelihood strategies. Thus, it is difficult to
of producers to use their livestock-related as- isolate the specific role played by livestock as-
sets to generate income; the ability of workers sets. In the best of cases, when the information is
to take up expanding employment opportuni- available it is reported, aggregated in the form of
ties; and the possibility for consumers to benefit Tropical Livestock Units (TLUs), making it ex-
from more competitive prices (De Janvry and tremely complex to assess the effects of the com-
Sadoulet, 2009). The latter comprise the size of position of herds and the particular relevance of
the sector in the economy, its level of growth, certain animal species. However, the importance
and the participation of the poor in that growth of accounting for the composition of livestock
(Christiaensen et al., 2011). assets has been stressed by some recent publi-
cations. Bati (2013) and Ngigi et al. (2015), for
1. Livestock and no poverty
Smallholders' total income (%)
Nigeria (2010)
Guatemala (2006)
Malawi (2011)
Bangladesh (2005)
Uganda (2012)
Nicaragua (2005)
Niger (2011)
United Republic
of Tanzania (2009)
Bolivia (Plurinational
State of) (2005)
Nepal (2003)
Kenya (2005)
Albania (2005)
Ethiopia (2012)
Livestock Crops Wages (agriculture) Average livestock
instance, stressed the importance of small rumi- herd size and livestock species owned. Alary et
nants in building resilience to climatic risks and al. (2011), studied the multiple and complex role
additional shocks, but also noted that shocks af- of livestock in Niger. Their descriptive analysis
fect different livestock groups in different ways. highlights that the main contribution of live-
In a study in Madagascar, Feldt (2015) stressed stock to poverty reduction lies in its interaction
how goats, which primarily feed on grasses, with other economic activities, since there is
are generally less affected by regional droughts no direct correlation between livestock and in-
and climatic stress than other livestock. Hence, come. Finally, Ellis and Mdoe (2003), show how,
it is argued, there is increasing importance of in the United Republic of Tanzania, livestock
goats, small ruminants, and more generally of ownership is concentrated in the top quartile
livestock portfolio diversification as a coping of income distribution, and ownership in lower
strategy for drought. Nevertheless, a proper groups is nearly non-existent.
test of this hypothesis on an aggregate scale is Acosta et al. (2018) point out that, rather than
still missing. assessing the relationship between livestock and
The evidence that growth in the livestock poverty in terms of simple income generation,
sector leads to poverty reduction is still incon- livestock’s contribution should be understood
clusive. Pica-Cimarra et al. (2015), exploiting in light of the catalytic role they play in helping
household level data, show that livestock are an poor people achieve their livelihood goals. In
important asset for all income groups in the 12 order to better capture the relationship between
countries they analysed, but that there are no livestock and poverty, the contribution of live-
strong correlations between household wealth, stock production to income generation should
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
1. Livestock and no poverty
©FAO/Andrew Esiebo
ditionally used as source of mechanical power,
are often also used to smooth consumption in
income crises. Nevertheless, the authors note
that the short-term benefits of selling livestock
come at the price of reduced long-term crop
productivity due to the loss of draught power.
Seo (2011), shows that an integrated farm own-
ing both crops and livestock is more resilient in temperature and their effects on drought in-
under global warming than a farm specialized tensity, makes it clear that we are witnessing an
in crops or livestock. Finally, a recent analysis exogenous shock, (Acosta et al., forthcoming).
by Hanke and Barkmann (2017) confirms that As precipitation decreases (and/or temperature
livestock sales contribute to farmer earnings and rises) the value of the index becomes negative.
that small ruminants play a fundamental role Thus, a lower index number means a more se-
in compensating for food expenditure, thus in- vere drought with respect to numbers close to
creasing household resilience. zero. The figures evidence a degree of homo-
Contrasting results, however, can be found in geneity as most of the countries show negative
studies by Fafchamps et al. (1998), Fafchamps values, highlighting drought as an exogenous
and Lund (2003), and Hoogeveen (2002), which shock severely impacting the livelihoods of ru-
have consistently found that livestock sales have ral households.
a small or insignificant effect, suggesting that Merging this data with the FAO Smallholder
such sales do little to smooth consumption in the Farmers’ Portrait Database, Acosta et al. (forth-
face of income loss. Similarly, a study by Kazi- coming) were able to test the role of livestock as
anga and Udry (2006), examines the role of live- an ex-ante form of risk management and self-in-
stock, grain storage and intra-household transfer surance coping strategy against climatic shocks.
in smoothing consumption in response to in- More specifically, the authors tested the effect
come risks. Their analysis is based on a survey of both climate shocks and livestock (measured
conducted between 1981 and 1985 in Burkina in TLU), and their interaction on two distinct
Faso, during a period of severe drought. Overall, measures of household welfare: income and
they found that livestock did not serve as a buffer consumption. The analysis was carried out ex-
stock during the period analysed, while the ac- ploiting a large cross-sectional dataset, which in-
cumulation and decumulation of grain stocks did cluded over 223 000 households in 19 countries.
help to smooth consumption during the crisis. The authors were thus able to exploit a quintile
However, the size of this effect was small. regression framework, and presented different
Figure 3 presents the average regional value of regression results for different quintiles of both
the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspira- income and consumption distribution, as the re-
tion Index (SPEI) as a proxy for climate shocks lationship between coping strategies and welfare
in a number of African countries surveyed in outcomes is expected to be inconstant across in-
different years. This index, recording anomalies come groups (Asfaw, 2018).
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
1. Livestock and no poverty
Ethiopia Ghana
mean of SPEI
mean of SPEI
ar ra z a lia ri ia P ali ay i l
nt hafo ntra tern ccra hem East est olta tern
Af ha umu redw be Hara rom SNN om Tigr ha s t r W V es
Am ul G Di Gam O S As ng A Ce Ea ter A Nor ppe per W
g Br
o rea U Up
s ha G
Kenya Malawi
mean of SPEI
mean of SPEI
-2 -1.5
ral oast tern ter
n obi
a y
lle stern ral em rn
C Eas r
as Nai Nya ft Va nt rth he
Ce E e Ce ut
r t h R i W No So
Niger Nigeria
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -5
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -5
mean of SPEI
mean of SPEI
ez i y i r l st st t t
ffa sso arad me houa aber inde tra ea we as ut
h es
ad Di Do a l en th he so hw
Ag M Ni Ta Til Z c r or
th ou
h t
rth No N S So S ou
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -5
mean of SPEI
mean of SPEI
o i ja a a a o a a i
jar Lind ngu nyar Mar bery graf twar anz wan ukw
a ral rn
la er
n rn
n nt ste th te
ma U a M o ro M M w P R Ce Ea m r es
K i l i
ri b i M
M Ka No W
i / M
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
clear. For example, while in Mali, Ethiopia and lenges in developing countries over the coming
Uganda the gross value of livestock production decades. Considering that poverty is largely a
increased by 80, 52, and 50 percent respective- rural phenomenon in many of those countries,
ly, the rural poverty headcount ratio decreased pro-poor strategies will have to pay special at-
by 14, 9, and 18 percent. The fact that the sec- tention to job creation in rural areas. The fact
tor’s impressive growth performance has not that livestock continue to be an important source
matched a corresponding drop in rural poverty of livelihoods will need to be reflected in those
suggests that fast livestock growth per se may strategies, and given that related manufacturing
not automatically translate into benefits for the activities will also be expanding rapidly, special
poor. Much depends on the pattern and compo- attention must be given to creating livestock-
sition of the growth, on employment and pro- oriented jobs outside the farm system.
ductivity intensity, on the production system Increased smallholder labour productivity is
profile, and on the market’s structure and the essential if livestock growth is to reduce poverty
level of participation of the poor. though employment generation. As shown in
Table 1, while the vast majority of agricultural
LIVESTOCK GROWTH AND producers are smallholders (79 percent), the
EMPLOYMENT GENERATION availability of domestic factors of production
The level of employment, the quality of jobs, and to increase the level of smallholders’ labour
whether or not poor people have access to decent productivity is low. In the developing countries
jobs are crucial determinants of poverty reduc- analysed, smallholders typically have less than 1
tion (Hull, 2009). Population prospects suggest hectare of land, own around 1.3 livestock tropi-
that the capacity of creating decent employment cal units (capital), and absorb around one unit of
is, and will continue to be, one of the major chal- family labour per day. Consequently, the capac-
1. Livestock and no poverty
ity of smallholder production units to generate rural households use to achieve their livelihood
employment is limited. Thus, growth that only objectives, and in increasing the resilience of
results in a multiplication of livestock subsist- families to external shocks. Yet the sector’s ca-
ence production units, without changes in la- pacity to turn fast sectoral growth into reduced
bour productivity, may not be enough to allevi- poverty will vary depending on countries and
ate poverty. production systems, and on a combination of
macroeconomic and microeconomic factors.
CONCLUSION These include, on the macro side, the size of the
SDG 1 calls for a multidimensional approach livestock sector in the economy, its growth rate,
to ending poverty. Given the livestock sec- and the participation of the poor in that growth;
tor’s expected rapid growth, and the assump- and on the micro side, on the capacity of pro-
tion that many of the poor rely on livestock for ducers to use their livestock-related assets to
their livelihoods, livestock’s positive contribu- generate income, the ability of workers to link
tion to poverty reduction has sometimes been to expanding employment opportunities, and
taken for granted. Livestock can indeed play the possibility for consumers to benefit from
a catalytic role in strengthening the assets that more competitive prices.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
©FAO/Asim Hafeez
zero hunger
their diets, and even more suffer from some
form of micronutrient deficiency (FAO, 2016a).
After a prolonged decline in hunger num-
INTRODUCTION bers, the most recent estimates indicate that
Roughly one in eight people suffer from hunger the number of people in the world suffering
worldwide, and most of them live in develop- hunger increased from 777 million in 2015 to
ing countries. Within those countries, approxi- 815 million in 2016. The food security situa-
mately 13 percent of the population is under- tion has deteriorated above all in parts of sub-
nourished (measured in terms of dietary energy Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and Western
consumption). The persistence of hunger is no Asia, frequently as a result of conflict, drought
longer a matter of food availability. With enough or floods. However, food security has also
food to feed everyone on the planet, continu- declined in more stable settings, especially
ing hunger and malnutrition calls for a major where economic slowdown has drained for-
change in global food and agriculture systems eign exchange and fiscal revenues, affecting
(UN, 2016a). The United Nations’ Millennium food availability in two ways: through reduced
Development Goals (MDGs), which preceded import capacity and food access, and through
the current SDGs, set the target of halving the reduced fiscal revenue to protect poor house-
proportion of people suffering from hunger be- holds against rising domestic food prices. The
tween 1990 and 2015. During that period, and latest hunger figures stand as a warning that the
for the developing regions as a whole, that pro- goal of a world without hunger by 2030 is a
portion decreased from 23.3 percent to 12.9 per- challenging one. It will require renewed efforts
cent. Seventy-two developing countries out of and novel ways of working (FAO, 2017a).
129, or more than half the countries monitored, SDG 2 takes a system-wide approach to ending
reached the MDG hunger target. However, one hunger, with an emphasis on achieving food secu-
in eight people in developing countries still fail rity and improved nutrition, and on promoting
2. Livestock and zero hunger
16 1000
15 900
775 777
13 700
12 600
11 500
10 400
Prevalence of undernourishment Number of people undernourished
(left axis) (right axis)
Source: FAO, The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, 2017.
sustainable agriculture. SDG 2 targets include global level, it can supply the world with suf-
ensuring universal access to safe, nutritious and ficient and reliable supplies of meat, milk and
sufficient food all year round, improving the dairy products.
productivity and income of small-scale food The livestock sector will, however, have to
producers, promoting sustainable and resilient overcome a new set of interconnected challeng-
food production systems, maintaining the di- es if it is to deliver on expectations. Increased
versity of genetic resources for food and agri- demand for ASFs will add to existing pressure
culture, and ensuring the proper functioning of on ecosystems. Livestock producers will face
food markets (UN, 2016a). The livestock sector greater competition for capital, labour, land, wa-
can play a key role in ending hunger, contribut- ter and energy, and productivity is therefore ex-
ing at different levels and from different angles. pected to increase, but at a diminishing rate. The
At the household level, its principal contribution ongoing structural transformation of livestock
is increasing the direct consumption of healthy markets could prevent small producers and poor
and nutritious animal-source foods (ASFs) and consumers, particularly in developing countries,
helping generate income; at rural community from benefiting from economic growth and
level, its contribution is related to the creation improvements in productivity. Overarching all
of employment opportunities in livestock and these issues is the need to curb the negative ef-
food chains upstream and downstream. In terms fects of livestock production on biodiversity
of national economies, an enhanced livestock and the environment, to stop the improper use
sector can help reduce ASF prices, generate fis- of antimicrobials, and to minimize trade-offs on
cal revenue, and earn foreign exchange. At the other SDGs from achieving SDG 2 targets.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Population (billions)
7 40%
54% 60% 66%
Source: Based on data from the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations, 2017.
GLOBAL TRENDS Over the last six decades, the world has un-
IMPACTING THE SECTOR dergone a process of rapid urbanization (UN,
According to the UN World Population Pros- 2014). In 1950, more than two people out of
pects, 2017 Revision (UN, 2017), the world’s three lived in rural settlements. Today, over half
population was nearly 7.6 billion in 2017, mean- of the world’s population lives in urban areas.
ing that the planet has added approximately one The coming decades will bring further profound
billion inhabitants in little more than a decade. changes to the size and spatial distribution of
Today, children under 15 years of age account the global population. Continuing urbaniza-
for roughly one quarter of the world’s inhab- tion and population growth is projected to pack
itants, people over 60 for just over one eighth, 1 billion people into towns and cities during the
while more than half of all humans on the planet coming 13 years, with 85 percent of the increase
are adults between 15 and 59 years old. By 2030, taking place in Asia and Africa. Meanwhile, the
the world’s population is projected to increase world’s rural population, which has been grow-
again, by slightly more than one billion to 8.6 ing slowly since 1950, will reach its peak in a few
billion, and to increase further to 9.8 billion in years’ time. Thus, by 2030 the proportion of the
2050. Of the net 2.2 billion increase expected in world’s population is expected to be 60 percent
the world between 2017 and 2050, 1.3 billion, or urban and 40 percent rural.
more than half, will be in Africa. By 2050, most The OECD’s long-term global growth pros-
of the world’s people – 54 percent, or 5.2 billion pects (OECD, 2012) indicate that the global
– will live in Asia, 26 percent in Africa (2.5 bil- economy should grow by 2.8 percent annually
lion), 8 percent in Latin America and the Carib- over the next decade, but growth in develop-
bean (780 million), 7 percent in Europe (716 mil- ing economies will be faster and stronger than
lion), 4 percent in North America (435 million), in developed ones. The coming years will see
and 1 percent in Oceania (57 million). major changes in countries’ share of global GDP
2. Livestock and zero hunger
2011 2030
India India
China 7% 11%
United States United States
of America of America
23% 18%
Other Japan
Japan non-OECD 4%
7% 12%
Other OECD
18% Euro area
Euro area Other OECD 12%
17% 15%
Annual growth (%)
(Figure 6). For example, OECD countries, which to 18 percent by 2030. The People’s Republic
accounted for 65 percent of global economic ac- of China, which produced 17 percent of global
tivity in 2011, will see their share of GDP shrink GDP in 2011, is projected to become the big-
to 49 percent of world total by 2030. The United gest economy in 2030, with 28 percent of world
States of America, with 23 percent of the global product. India is currently overtaking Japan and
economy in 2011, will see its GDP share drop will pass the Euro area in about 15 years.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Yield growth per annum (%)
New Zealand
European Union
United States
of America Mexico
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
The combination of population, urbaniza- 33 percent above the 2015–2017 baseline. Pro-
tion and income growth is expected to increase duction growth in developing countries will
global demand for food. However, the rate of stem from a combined increase in dairy herds of
increase should slow down as income growth about 1.2 percent per year, and a yield increase
in the People’s Republic of China is projected of about 1.0 percent per year; while in devel-
to flat-line, driving down spending on food. oped countries growth will mainly come from
This is true for most of the commodities ana- improved yields (Figure 8). The three largest
lysed below except for fresh milk, where a producers in the baseline period are the Euro-
further increase in demand growth is expected pean Union (Member Organization) (21 per-
(Figure 7). Income growth is often assumed to cent), India (20 percent), and the United States
apply across the entire population and influ- of America (12 percent). By 2030, India will
ence demand for agricultural products. How- have outpaced the European Union (Member
ever, the benefits of economic growth may not Organization) to become the largest milk pro-
be spread evenly, so that consumers at the bot- ducer and will, together with Pakistan, account
tom of the income ladder may not see a cor- for nearly one-third of world milk production.
responding increase in their incomes (OECD Global meat production is projected to
and FAO, 2016). This partially explains the fact be 19 percent higher in 2030 relative to the
that while consumption will be mainly driven 2015–2017 base period. While the largest pro-
by population growth during the next decade, ducers (Brazil, China, the European Union
per capita demand growth will only play an (Member Organization) and the United States
important role for a few commodities (OECD of America) will continue to dominate meat
and FAO, 2017). production, developing countries are expected
According to the FAO Aglink-Cosimo pro- to account for almost all of the total increase
jections, global milk production in 2030 will be (Figure 9). The bulk of the additional meat
2. Livestock and zero hunger
6.9 0.7
(carcass weight equivalent/ready to cook)
55 2.9
3.1 23%
50 3.2
Metric tons
13.5 77%
Beef Pork Poultry Sheep Beef Pork Poultry Sheep
Developing Developed increase
Sheep Pork Poultry Beef Butter Cheese Whole milk Skim milk
powder powder
Meat Dairy
2008–17 2018–30
will in fact come from developing countries, driver of growth in global meat production in
where production – notably from Argentina, response to expanding world demand for this
China, Brazil, India, Mexico and Pakistan – affordable source of animal protein. Production
will account for 77 percent of the additional will expand rapidly in countries that produce
output. Poultry meat will remain the primary surplus feed grains (OECD and FAO, 2017).
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
According to FAO Aglink-Cosimo (2018) powder remains the most traded agricultural
growth in trade of agricultural commodities is commodity and fresh dairy products will con-
slowing down (Figure 10). Possible reasons in- tinue to be among the least traded.
clude: reduced demand growth; slower growth
in global supply chain formation; a slowing of LIVESTOCK AND HUNGER
trade reforms; and a maturing trade sector in the ERADICATION: SYNERGIES AND
People’s Republic of China. While the trend to TRADE-OFFS
slower growth is evident across most livestock These global market trends could bring opportu-
commodities, the change is most pronounced nities for the sector to strengthen its contribution
in pig meat and milk powder. Reduced trade to the fight against hunger. However, they pre-
growth in the latter reflects changing demand sent a new set of challenges. Thus, it is likely that
patterns in the People’s Republic of China but policymakers will have to trade gains in one area
is also affected by an import ban imposed by the against loss in others. To better support integra-
Russian Federation. Despite the slowdown in tion of livestock policy and practices with sustain-
trade, the relative proportions of different com- able development strategies, this section discusses
modities traded will not change drastically. Milk some key synergies and trade-offs.
50 Central African Republic
Hidden Hunger Index in pre-school children (%)
Share of dietary energy supply derived from cereals, roots and tubers (%)
2. Livestock and zero hunger
70 70
60 60
Supply of animal protein
(grams per capita per day)
(% of population group)
Obesity and anemia
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
Sub-Saharan South East Asia Middle East Latin Europe North World
Africa Asia and Pacific and America and America
North and Central
Africa Caribbean Asia
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
with limited capacity to consume food relative Contrasting evidence with respect to the
to their needs, like young children and pregnant above-mentioned aspects can be also found:
and lactating women. Fafchamps et al. (1998), Fafchamps and Lund,
Conversely, developed countries and an in- (2003) and Hoogeveen, (2002) have consistent-
creasing number of developing nations suffer ly found a small or insignificant effect of live-
from adverse health effects, such as overweight stock, suggesting that livestock sales are unable
and obesity, associated with excessive consump- to smooth consumption in the face of income
tion of red and processed meat and from related loss. Similar conclusions are drawn in a study
chronic diseases (Neumann et al., 2010). Links by Kazianga and Udry (2006), which examines
between disease and overconsumption of ASFs the role of livestock, grain storage and intra-
have for years been ascribed to their content of household transfers in smoothing consump-
saturated fatty acids. Recent studies, however, tion in response to income risks. Findings are
have begun to cast doubt on the strength of based on a survey conducted between 1981 and
these links, at least as concerns diets contain- 1985 in Burkina Faso, during a period of se-
ing moderate levels of animal products (e.g. Fo- vere drought. Overall, the study concludes that
gelholm et al., 2015; Praagman et al., 2016). At livestock did not serve as a buffer during the
the current low levels of consumption of ASFs analysed period, while accumulation and de-
by the rural poor in developing countries, even cumulation of grain stocks helped to smooth
small increases in ASF intake provide nutritional consumption during crises.
benefits that far outweigh any acute or chronic According to the literature, several factors
disease risks associated with high consumption may account for such findings, which conflict
of red meat and animal products in high-income with the general view that livestock afford
countries or high-income households in devel- important protection against external shocks.
oping countries (Randolph et al., 2007). First, poorer farmers may need to hang onto
their animals in order to maintain a reproduc-
CONSUMPTION SMOOTHING tive herd. Second, the insurance function of
Livestock composition can be play a particu- livestock can be limited by the combination of
larly significant role in strengthening the con- income shocks and asset shocks (McPeak, 2004;
sumption-smoothing strategy of small-scale McPeak, 2017). Third, if several farmers in the
livestock keepers in response to exogenous same area decide to sell their livestock during
shocks. The evidence is generally mixed and a crisis, this will determine a fall in livestock
based on single country case studies. Some prices and act as a disincentive to further sales
analyses have stressed the importance of small (Kazianga and Udry, 2006).
ruminants in building resilience to climatic risks
and additional shocks, but also note that shocks PRODUCTIVITY
affect different livestock groups in different During the past 15 years the world has seen a
ways (Bati, 2013; Ngigi et al., 2015). In a study major increase in livestock food products. Be-
in Madagascar, Feldt (2015) stresses that goats, tween 2000 and 2014, global production of meat
which primarily feed on grasses, are generally and milk respectively increased by 39 percent
less affected by regional droughts and climatic and 38 percent. Increasing partial productivity
stress than livestock. Hence, the increasing im- through factor substitution is a reasonable goal.
portance placed on goats, small ruminants, and For example, if increased productivity per head
more generally livestock portfolio diversifica- of livestock is obtained by partial factor substi-
tion, might be a coping strategy to drought. tution (PFP), e.g. by intensified feeding or the
However, a proper test of this hypothesis on an use of more capital, the level of PFP might ap-
aggregate scale is still missing. pear to rise while the level of total factor pro-
2. Livestock and zero hunger
ductivity growth remains unchanged (Ludena num is projected to fall in all three agricultural
et al., 2007). However, increasing total factor subsectors during the coming two decades. Some
productivity (TFP), meaning simultaneously in- of the main arguments that support this trend are:
creasing the productivity of land, capital, labour, i) livestock producers will face greater competi-
water, and energy would be a major challenge tion for capital, labour, land, water and energy,
(Abed and Acosta, 2018). Thus, a better under- ii) developing countries are catching up fast with
standing of the drivers and measurement of live- the production efficiency levels of developed
stock productivity has become a major topic in countries; iii) future productivity growth will be
the policy debate around sustainable livestock constrained by further expansion of technologi-
development (Acosta and De los Santos, 2018). cal innovation; and iv) improvements in technical
In assessing the global level of agriculture efficiency will soon reach a stable ceiling.
productivity growth, Ludena et al. (2007), meas-
ured and forecast the level of TFP for crops, LAND USE
ruminants, and non-ruminant production sys- Around two-thirds of the world’s 5 billion hec-
tems. The results (Table 2) show that the agri- tares classified as “agricultural land” are unsuita-
cultural TFP rate of growth has increased over ble for crop production and can only be used for
the past two decades, rising from 1.52 per an- grazing livestock (de Haan et al., 1997). Live-
num in the 1990s to 1.86 per year in 2000–2010. stock not only provide a means of using grass-
The breakdown of agricultural TFP into subsec- lands to support human livelihoods but also
tors reveals, however, that non-ruminant TFP convert large amounts of plant materials that
productivity growth (i.e. pigs and poultry) far are not edible by humans (e.g. straws, stovers,
exceeds that in the other subsectors. This rapid oilseed cakes, brewers’ grains) into valuable
growth stems from important technological food (FAO, 2012a). Livestock further contrib-
changes over this period. In the ruminant sector ute indirectly to food availability by increasing
the same pattern exists, although technology- crop output through the provision of manure,
powered growth has been much slower. a valuable source of organic plant nutrients that
While the past two decades have shown a rapid reduces the need for chemical fertilizers (San-
increase in agricultural productivity growth rates, soucy et al., 1995).
particularly for livestock, the assumption that As the livestock sector grows and intensifies,
similar growth will continue in the future is not competition over land to produce feed and fod-
supported by present evidence. Indeed, as shown der crops, as opposed to food grains and crops for
in Table 2, the level of TFP growth rate per an- human consumption, can reduce the amount of
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Livestock have received considerable attention in from other human-edible crops. Grass and leaves
recent years amid controversy about how animal make up 46 percent of livestock diets: 19 percent
feed production competes for land and other re- comes from crop residues; 8 percent from fodder
sources with production of human food. Livestock crops; 5 percent from oilseed cakes; 5 percent from
consume a third of all cereals produced and use other by-products; and 3 percent from other plant
about 33 percent of global arable land. They occupy sources that are not edible for humans. Of the plant
2 billion ha of grasslands, of which about 700 mil- material fed to livestock, 86 percent would be ined-
lion could be used to grow crops. Yet the cereals ible by humans directly but is converted into valu-
used to feed livestock make up only 13 percent of able food for human consumption and contributes
their overall diets, with another 1 percent coming greatly to food and nutrition security.
food available for humans. Another controversial to optimize improvements in productivity with
issue is the use of food grains as animal feed. maintenance of genetic variety. Thus, strength-
Currently, 33 percent of available arable land, is ening of national capacity for management of
used to grow animal feed (Steinfeld et al., 2006). animal genetic resources is a critical need for
According to Mottet et al. (2017) livestock con- many countries (FAO, 2007; FAO, 2015a).
sume one-third of global cereal crops and pro- Indiscriminate crossbreeding, undertaken
ducing 1 kg of boneless meat requires an average with the aim of increasing production, is con-
of 2.8 kg human-edible feed in ruminant systems sidered the main threat to breed diversity
and 3.2 kg in monogastric systems. However, worldwide (FAO, 2015a). On the intra-breed
global figures such as these mask vast differences level, genetic diversity of the Holstein breed
across species and production systems. While has decreased substantially over time (Kim and
ruminants use more dry matter per kilo of pro- Kirkpatrick, 2009). Artificial insemination has
tein produced than pigs or poultry, they require been an extremely valuable tool for increasing
less human-edible protein since they rely more productivity, but a recent genomic study reveals
on grass and forages. Pigs and poultry consume that all of the Holstein bulls (N > 250) available
less feed to produce the same amount of protein, commercially for artificial insemination in the
but a far higher proportion of that feed could be United States of America descend from only
eaten directly by humans. two ancestor animals (Yue et al., 2015).
Populations of livestock present in any given
GENETIC DIVERSITY area for many years are assumed to be genetically
Genetic improvement is a particularly pow- adapted to local conditions, including climate,
erful tool for increasing productivity and ef- available feed resources and endemic diseases.
ficiency, but proper management of genetic Likewise, in situations where livestock interact
resources is essential (FAO, 2007). Decisions substantially with natural biodiversity, as in pas-
should be in line with national policy on animal toralist production systems, local organisms have
genetic resources. Crossbreeding programmes, adapted to the presence of livestock. Therefore,
particularly with imported breeds, should be maintaining the unique biodiversity of a livestock
complemented with conservation programmes. breed is considered important both in terms of
Within-breed genetic improvement should seek efficient and sustainable livestock production
2. Livestock and zero hunger
Maintaining genetic diversity in livestock breeds is level, cattle are by far the leading milk-producing
crucial in order to raise farm animals in a wide range livestock species in the United States of America, al-
of environments, to help adapt production systems though sheep and goats are also present in the coun-
to climate change, and to provide the basis for di- try. On the breed level, in 1944, the distribution of
verse products and services. Preserving biodiversity dairy cattle breeds was much more diverse. More
is most likely to run counter to the objective of in- than half of the milk (54 percent) was produced
creased product yield and is often ignored, including by “small” dairy breeds (Ayrshire, Guernsey and
where the diversity of livestock themselves is con- Jersey) and 46 percent by large breeds (Holstein,
cerned. Genetic diversity must be considered at the Brown Swiss). By 2007, 90 percent of the milk was
species, breed and intra-breed levels. On the species produced by a single breed, the Holstein.
The dairy sector of the European Union (Member for dairy farmers on the other. EU farmgate milk
Organization) (EU) has undergone several major prices started behaving unpredictably during the
structural changes over the last decades. Since the world food price crisis in 2007–2008, which was
end of the Cold War, the regulatory intensity of followed by the liberalization steps implemented
EU dairy production has been reduced substan- by the CAP Health Check in 2008 (the so-called
tially. The 1992 MacSharry reform (named after the ‘soft landing’). Whereas price, and thus revenue
EU Farm Commissioner at the time) introduced a variations, were kept around 10 percent annually
continuous process of liberalization. The last ma- before 2007, year-to-year price fluctuations of up to
jor event in this process was the abolishment of the 65 percent have been occurring since then. Such un-
quota system on 31 March 2015. The steady reduc- precedented and substantial uncertainty concerning
tion of governmental intervention in the EU dairy selling prices and farm revenues has challenged the
market resulted in greater market orientation on the economic viability of many farms, and particularly
one hand, but also in diminishing income security that of small, specialized dairy holdings.
and for the surrounding ecosystem. For this rea- good can affect levels of food security, livestock-
son, proper management of local breeds is spe- related reform is especially problematic because
cifically targeted in the SDG Indicators. of the key role the sector plays in most develop-
ing countries. That role can be direct, through
TRADE REFORMS livestock’s contribution to the availability of
Trade policies have important implications for food, or indirect since in many countries the
food security via income and expenditure. While sector is not only a key engine of economic de-
any trade reform that changes the balance between velopment but one of the most heavily distorted
liberalization and protection of an agricultural agricultural subsectors (FAO, 2003).
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
The argument that openness to trade con- The livestock sector in developing countries
tributes to economic growth and that this can, has often not been well placed to benefit from
in turn, promote poverty reduction and food trade liberalization. This stems partially from
security, is well grounded in conventional eco- the inflexible structure of production and trade
nomic theory. However, potential gains from in the sector; lack of financial development and
trade liberalization will not necessarily affect all sluggish factor mobility; excessive regulation
countries and groups within society in the same that prevents resources from flowing; and the
way. There are likely to be significant differenc- limited capacity of producers to adjust quickly
es between developed and developing countries, to market changes (FAO, 2003). The nature and
net-exporting and net-importing countries, and, magnitude of the effects of trade liberalization
both within and across countries, among small- depend on a number of factors, including the
scale and commercial farmers, and rural non- pace, sequencing and scope of liberalization; the
farm producers and urban consumers (Valdés adaptability of the sector to changing economic
and Foster, 2012). conditions; the sector’s degree of exposure to
Australia + +
Belgium + +
Canada + +
Chile + +
Czechia +
Denmark + +
Estonia + +
European Union + + +
France + + +
Indonesia + + +
Israel + +
Italy + + + +
Latvia +
Lithuania +
Netherland + +
New Zealand +
Poland + +
Portugal + +
Slovenia +
South Africa + +
Switzerland + + +
Turkey + + + +
United Kingdom + +
Source: OECD, 2014.
2. Livestock and zero hunger
Pork Beef
7 7
6 6
USD per pound
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
Jan-90 Jan-95 Jan-00 Jan-05 Jan-10 Jan-15 Jan-90 Jan-95 Jan-00 Jan-05 Jan-10 Jan-15
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Transportation 3.5¢
Advertising 2.6¢
Food services 34.4¢
Packaging 2.5¢
Energy 4¢
Source: USDA, 2015 Food dollar: Industry Group (Nominal).
Whereas all series are moving in the same direc- As shown, the expansion of livestock markets
tion, retail prices have increased substantially during the last decade has been accompanied by
faster than producer prices, with marketing structural changes associated with mergers and
margins also moving up as a result. consolidations, leading to increased market con-
This issue has captured special attention from centration (e.g. MacDonald et al., 2000). This
policymakers due to its implications for welfare phenomenon threatens the livelihoods of small
distribution, hence the need for policy interven- livestock producers who face higher entry barri-
tion. According to the USDA Economic Re- ers to markets and thus risk being marginalized
search Service (ERS) a breakdown of the “Food or excluded; and consumers, who face higher
Dollar” (Figure 14) reveals that for a dollar spent prices for AFS products than would be expected
in 2015 by consumers on domestically produced from greater market efficiency.
food, only 8.6 cents went to farmers, 15.6 cents
went to processors, 9.3 cents went to wholesalers, CONCLUSION
12.7 cents went to retailers, and 34.4 cents went Goal 2 seeks to end hunger and all forms of
to pay for services provided by the catering in- malnutrition. The livestock sector can contrib-
dustry (ERS and USDA, 2017). In other words, ute significantly at different levels and from
about 91 percent of consumers’ annual expendi- different angles. At the household level, it can
ture on domestically produced food goes to pro- increase the direct consumption of ASFs and help
viders of non-agricultural food and services and generate income; at the rural community level,
around 9 percent goes to farmers. As highlighted it can support the creation of employment op-
by Lloyd (2017) “what goes on between the farm portunities; at the national economy level, it can
and the fork is simply too big to ignore”. reduce ASF prices, generate fiscal revenue, and
2. Livestock and zero hunger
earn foreign exchange; and at the global level, it face greater competition for resources so that
can provide the world with sufficient and reli- while productivity should increase, it will likely
able supplies of meat, milk, eggs and dairy prod- do so more slowly. Furthermore, the ongoing
ucts. The sector must, however, overcome some transformation of the sector’s market structure
new, interconnected challenges. Increased de- may hinder small producers and poor consum-
mand for livestock products will add to existing ers from benefiting from economic growth and
pressure on ecosystems; livestock producers will productivity improvements.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
©FAO/Bay Ismoyo
healthy lives
and derived products, also pose risks to human
health. Such risks can be direct, e.g. through
the transmission of zoonotic pathogens, in-
INTRODUCTION cluding emerging viral diseases such as Ebola
Throughout the world, livestock and derived virus and Middle East respiratory syndrome
products are assets to human livelihood and nu- coronavirus (MERS-CoV); through the devel-
trition, and thereby to human health and well- opment of bacteria resistant to antimicrobials;
being, providing essential noble, high-biological- and through increasing concentrations in the
value proteins, fatty acids and various minerals environment of the residues of medicines, sup-
and vitamins. Moreover, animals are a source of plements and contaminants. Or they can be in-
therapeutic compounds such as antimicrobial direct, like non-communicable diseases such as
peptides, while porcine and bovine insulin have cardiovascular disorders, which occur if ASFs
long been used to treat human diabetes. In ad- are consumed in excess. However, although
dition, farm animals supply traction and trans- wild and domestic animals have long been a
port, raw materials (hides, wool, skin, feathers, source of diseases for humans, their benefits
etc.), cash and financial security through sav- to mankind in terms of nutrition, health, live-
ings – all essential components in maintaining lihoods, life expectancy and well-being largely
decent livelihoods and in building resilience to exceed their negative aspects. This chapter ad-
climate changes and associated natural disasters. dresses how livestock contributes to achieving
Additionally, animals in general offer positive Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, which
psychological, emotional and social benefits to aims to: ensure health and well-being for all at
humans (e.g. companionship or the effect of pets all ages by improving reproductive, maternal
on autistic individuals), and are of cultural value and child health; end epidemics of major com-
not only to their owners and their families but to municable diseases; reduce non-communicable
society as a whole. and environmental diseases; achieve universal
3. Livestock and healthy lives
health coverage; and ensure access to safe, af- closely with livestock. Women are involved
fordable and effective medicines and vaccines with livestock in several ways: they clean
for all (UN, 2016a). cattle sheds, feed animals, and are responsi-
ble for milking, processing and dairy sales
LIVESTOCK AND DISEASES (FAO, 2013a). And because of their frequent
While there are many noted economic and hu- contact with cows and calves during milking,
man health benefits to livestock production, the women are often the first to detect sick ani-
vast majority of human pathogens have their mals (Tangka et al., 2000). Children are mainly
origins in animals (Jones et al., 2008), which tasked with herding and watering animals, or
means that animals and animal products poten- with egg collection. In Ethiopia, it has been
tially present a recurrent and growing risk to reported that children spend about nine hours
human health. It is a risk that can, however be a day herding and watering animals (Giglietti
reduced through proper prevention and control and Steven, 1986).
measures. For instance, interventions on live- In December 2015, after an eight-year study,
stock to reduce gastrointestinal or respiratory the World Health Organization published the
illnesses may, it has been suggested, have a di- first global and regional estimates of the inci-
rect positive impact on human illness (Thumbi dence of mortality from, and burden of, food-
et al., 2015). There is evidence too that mass borne disease in terms of disability-adjusted
vaccination of livestock against zoonotic bru- life years (DALYs) due to 31 food-borne haz-
cellosis – not a new disease – benefits not only ards, many of which are zoonotic or transmit-
human health but the entire agricultural sector ted through animal products (Havelaar et al.,
as well, contributing to poverty alleviation in 2015). It was estimated that more than 600 mil-
the process (Roth et al., 2003). lion people globally – i.e. almost one person in
The risk of zoonotic diseases is overall high- ten – became ill after consuming contaminated
er in developing countries. Furthermore, due food in 2010. Of these people, 420 000 died,
to the cultural and social division of labour with the highest toll in the African region. At a
in those countries, the main groups at risk of global level, the most frequent causes of food-
exposure are women and children, who work borne illness were diarrhoeal disease agents,
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
particularly Norovirus and Campylobacter spp. borne diseases also have a significant impact in
Non-typhoidal Salmonella spp. were the ma- developed countries.
jor causes of death. In total, 40 percent of the Throughout the world, the human health bur-
burden was borne by children under five years den of zoonotic diseases falls heavily on the poor.
of age. Diarrhoeal disease agents accounted for They cause morbidity and mortality, in particu-
18 million DALYs, or 54 percent of the global lar in children, health care expenses, and reduced
burden, of which non-typhoidal Salmonella income, at times for the remainder of people’s
spp. alone was responsible for four million lives. A study conducted by ILRI (Grace et al.,
DALYs and Campylobacter spp. for more than 2012) found that 56 zoonoses were responsible
two million DALYs. It was estimated that the for an estimated 2.5 billion illnesses and 2.7 mil-
parasite worm Taenia solium caused 2.8 mil- lion deaths a year. In Kenya, in an area of deep
lion DALYs. This data confirms that the hu- poverty, a high incidence of zoonotic diseases
man health burden of food-borne disease is (Felkin et al., 2011) was observed, including
significant throughout the world, and that a Q-Fever, cysticercosis, cryptosporidiosis, but
large part of this burden is related to animals also trypanosomosis (Knobel et al., 2013; Von
and/or foods of animal origin. Even though the Wissmann et al., 2011). Due to limitations in
burden is higher in developing countries, food- health services and surveillance systems in many
developing countries, zoonotic diseases tend to
be under-diagnosed and under-reported (WHO,
2005). They are not prioritized by national or
15 HUMAN CASES OF ZOONOSES FROM international health systems, and most fall into
2006 TO 2017
the ‘neglected tropical disease’ (NTD) category.
The challenges posed by NTDs are no longer
1.8% 6.3% limited to developing countries. Due to globali-
zation, growing international trade and climate
change, the North is also affected (TWN, 2016),
particularly as concerns vector-borne diseases.
For with global warming, vectors and associ-
10.9% ated pathogens are moving geographically to
previously free areas (Jones et al., 2008), and it is
reported that almost half of the world’s popula-
13.2% tion is now susceptible to vector-borne patho-
20.9% gens (Tomley and Shirley, 2009). Like zoonoses,
these diseases affect mainly women and chil-
15.4% dren in developing countries, who represent the
most vulnerable social groups (women because
of pregnancy and childbirth, children because
their immune systems are not fully developed)
Salmonellosis Bovine tuberculosis (McDonald, 2011). One example was the recent
Campylobacteriosis Rabies
incursion of Zika virus into Latin America and
the Caribbean.
Leishmaniosis Leptospirosis
Increasing livestock numbers, intensified
Brucellosis Others management, faster animal turnover, confine-
ment of large numbers of animals in small spaces
Source: Based on data from WAHIS, 2017. as well as habitat fragmentation through expan-
sion of livestock production all increase the
3. Livestock and healthy lives
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
700 000 people die of drug-resistant infections LIVESTOCK, WATER, HYGIENE AND
every year. Low- and middle-income countries ENVIRONMENT
face the greatest burden from the growth in Poor populations face several challenges regard-
drug-resistant infections (O’Neill, 2016). FAO ing household hygiene conditions, access to
has developed an Action Plan on AMR in food, clean water, and access to sanitation facilities.
agriculture and the environment (FAO, 2016b) Such problems together create ideal environ-
which addresses four major focus areas: ments for pathogens to be transmitted via food-
• Improve awareness on AMR and related stuffs, particularly animal source foods. Lack of
threats. hygiene facilities might increase significantly the
• Develop capacity for surveillance and mon- risk of transmission of bacteria and viruses.
itoring of AMR and AMU in food and agri- According to WHO, access to hygienic sani-
culture, including livestock. tation facilities has risen in the last decades, and
• Strengthen governance relating to AMU the proportion of the population able to use
and AMR in food and agriculture, includ- them has risen from 54 percent to 68 percent
ing livestock. since 1990. However, 30 percent of the global
• Promote good practices in food and live- population still lacks such access, meaning that
stock–agricultural systems, and the prudent more than 2 billion people still do not have toi-
use of antimicrobials. lets or improved latrines. As evident from Fig-
The FAO Action Plan supports the WHO-led ure 16, the regions with the largest numbers of
Global Action Plan on AMR (WHO, 2016), and food-borne illnesses per 100 000 inhabitants are
both highlight the necessity of applying a “One those with less access to sanitation facilities.
Health” (One Health, 2018) approach, with the In poor households with low hygienic condi-
involvement of public health and veterinary tions in low-income countries, diarrhoeal diseas-
authorities, the food and livestock–agricultural es cause about 1.9 million deaths per year, mainly
sectors and other concerned partners. Halting among children, and most are due to food-borne
the emergence, outbreaks and spread of disease pathogens such as Salmonella and Campylobac-
at source, when identified, cannot and should ter, transmitted in animal-derived foods (FAO
not rely on the use of antimicrobials alone. and WHO, 2009). As shown in Figure 16, the
Prevention is the best way of combating regions with most cases of food-borne diseases
AMR. Intensive use of antimicrobial agents are also those with less access to improved water
is recognized as one of the principal causes of sources. A review found that domestic animal
AMR (O’Neill, 2016). Against this background, husbandry was associated with human diarrheal
the use of naturally disease-resistant animals disease in 20 out of 29 studies (Zambrano et al.,
(DRAs) has been advocated as a longer-term pol- 2014), the surmised pathway being faecal-oral
icy and strategy for reducing antimicrobial us- pathogen transmission to young children house-
age. This would diminish AMR in farm animals holds. Common among poorer families, sub-
(Woolhouse et al., 2015), as the use of DRAs clinical environmental enteric dysfunction, the
requires a lower number of treatments than for aetiology of which still needs to be established,
susceptible animals (Mattioli et al., 1998; Mur- has recently been found to be a major determi-
ray and Black, 1985). In addition, as previously nant of child stunting (Crane et al., 2015).
mentioned, cationic AMPs, which represent a According to Figure 16, food-borne diseases
new class of antibiotics derived from livestock are more recurrent in regions classified as Strata
species, have the ability to remain unaffected by C, D, and E.
classical resistance genes so that, to date, no cases Compared to the other regions, Strata C, D
of antimicrobial resistance have been recorded and E also concentrate the largest proportion
for AMPs (Kues and Niemann, 2004). of the population living in extreme poverty. As
3. Livestock and healthy lives
20 000 70
per 100 000 inhabitants
14 000
12 000
10 000
8 000
6 000 20
4 000
2 000
0 0
Note: The subregions are defined according to child and adult mortality, as defined by Ezzati et al. (2002). Stratum A: very low child and adult
mortality, Stratum B: low child mortality and very low adult mortality, Stratum C: low child mortality and high adult mortality, Stratum D:
high child and adult mortality, and Stratum E: high child mortality and very high adult mortality.
Source: Based on data from WHO, WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP), and the World Bank, 2018.
shown in the graph, the poverty rate in these re- LIVESTOCK AND NUTRITION
gions surpasses significantly the global average, Meat and meat products together with dairy and
meaning that food-borne illnesses are a problem eggs and their products are a valuable source of
that primarily affects poor populations. noble, high-biological-value proteins, fat and
Living in proximity to livestock, especially various physiological, functional compounds,
in settings lacking basic sanitation facilities, can e.g. micro/trace elements and vitamins (Wyness,
prompt the transmission of disease from animals 2013; Zhang et al., 2010). These are of great im-
to humans. Children, who commonly share the portance in everyday human diets and in ensur-
task of taking care of household livestock, are ing balanced growth, including cognitive and
at greater risk of exposure, and children under physical development (Randolph et al., 2007).
the age of five have the highest risk of severe Consumption of animal-source food (ASF)
illness from zoonoses once contracted (FAO, provides diet nutrients essential for balanced
2013b; Marquis et al., 1990). Therefore, acces- growth and cognitive outcomes in school-aged
sibility to clean water, good hygienic practices children (Neumann et al., 2003). Studies con-
and a healthy environment are all positive fac- ducted in Ecuador (Iannotti et al., 2017) and in
tors contributing to limit the onset and spread Kenya (Mosites et al., 2016) have demonstrat-
of infectious diseases. ed that promoting children’s consumption of
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Consumption of animal-source food (ASF) pro- their nutrition, linear growth rates and height gains.
vides diet nutrients essential for balanced growth The Kenya study also suggests that frequency of
and cognitive outcomes in school-aged children consumption of ASF is associated with livestock
(Neumann et al., 2003). Studies conducted in Ec- ownership and healthy household farm animals.
uador (Iannotti et al., 2017) and in Kenya (Mosites Therefore, actions aimed at controlling diseases in
et al., 2016) have demonstrated that promoting animals positively impact not only on livestock pro-
children’s consumption of milk and eggs improves ductivity but also on ASF consumption patterns.
milk and eggs improves their nutrition, linear tiple channels enabling both positive and nega-
growth rates and height gains. The Kenya study tive impacts (e.g. Mosites et al., 2015). Provided
also suggests that frequency of consumption of health measures are in place to prevent the trans-
ASF is associated with livestock ownership and mission of pathogens from animals to humans,
healthy household farm animals. Therefore, ac- livestock ownership is positively linked with
tions aimed at controlling diseases in animals human nutrition and health, particularly in low-
positively impact not only on livestock produc- income settings (Randolph et al., 2007).
tivity but also on ASF consumption patterns. Consumption of ASFs can improve child nu-
Responding to concerns about the possible trition, immune competence, i.e. increased re-
health risks of consuming meat and meat prod- sistance to and recovery from infectious diseases
ucts and, at the same time, aiming to increase the (e.g., Begum, 1994; Yigrem et al., 2015), increased
beneficial effects of dairy products, meat and cognitive development and reduce stunting in
eggs in human diets, some livestock production children (Jin and Iannotti, 2014; Murhpy and
systems are modifying their processes so as to Allen, 2003). Animal foods provide high energy
improve both the quality and nutritional traits and quality diets, micronutrients and improved
of meat (Pighin et al., 2016). Techniques de- nutrition for pregnant and breastfeeding women
signed to produce pigs with a more balanced ra- (Grosse, 1998). Small amounts of ASF in early
tio of unsaturated to saturated fat acids in their childhood have been shown to have remarkable
meat have, for instance, been developed in Japan impacts on physical and cognitive development,
(Kues and Niemann, 2004). hugely enhancing human capital (Neumann et
A major global objective of this SDG is im- al., 2002).
proving child and maternal health. In develop- The 2017 Global Hunger Index (GHI), devel-
ing countries, 2.3 million child deaths (41 per- oped by IFPRI, captures the multidimensional
cent of the total child death rate) are ascribed to nature of hunger by considering four indicators
malnutrition (Schroeder and Brown, 1994). Ac- – undernourishment, child wasting, child stunt-
cording to WHO, every day about 830 women ing, and child mortality. Countries with large
die from preventable causes related to pregnan- GHI scores, such Chad, Central African Re-
cy and childbirth and 99 percent of all maternal public, Liberia, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Su-
deaths occur in developing countries (WHO, dan, and Zambia, suffer from extremely alarm-
2016). The relationship between livestock and ing or alarming levels of hunger. However, as
child and maternal health is complex, with mul- countries increase their capacity to supply the
3. Livestock and healthy lives
Extremely alarming
50 Central African Republic Alarming
The Global Hunger Index (2017)
Sierra Leone
35 Haiti Timor-Leste Serious
30 India
25 Mauritania
Nigeria Sri Lanka
20 Swaziland
Philippines Moderate
Ghana Ecuador Gabon
15 Egypt
Nicaragua Marocco
10 Fiji Malaysia
Albania Low
Iran Kazakhstan
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Source: Based on data from IFPRI, FAO and the World Bank, 2018.
population with larger amounts of animal pro- disease burden. Inappropriate use of antimicro-
tein, their GHI score tends to decrease, reflect- bials in livestock production contributes to ris-
ing an improvement in nutrition, particularly in ing antimicrobial resistance in animal and human
children (Figure 17). infections across the globe, and contamination of
soil or surface waters through manure and other
CONCLUSION waste. Considering the magnitude of the linkages
Goal 3 aims to ensure health and well-being for and the complexity of the relationships between
all at all ages. While the benefits derived from human health, animal health, nutrition and the
livestock are well recognized, if not managed environment, multidisciplinary and interdiscipli-
properly, livestock and their products can be nary action is required. The “One Health” (One
sources of communicable and non-communi- Health, 2018) concept and approach is consid-
cable human diseases. Many of the microorgan- ered pivotal in designing and promoting policies,
isms harboured by livestock can be transmitted strategies and actions for the livestock sector to
to humans. Overconsumption of ASF leads to ensure healthy lives and production efficiency.
an increase in the non-communicable human
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
and quality
sure inclusive and equitable quality education
and promote lifelong learning opportunities for
all”. It has a wider scope than MDG 2’s “achieve
universal primary education” as it aims to en-
sure education at all levels and access to lifelong
INTRODUCTION learning opportunities. Specifically, it focuses
The United Nations have recognized education on the acquisition of foundational and higher-
as a fundamental human right (UN, 1948). Al- order skills at all stages of education and devel-
though significant progress has been made over opment; greater and more equitable access to
the last 15 years to achieve universal primary quality education at all levels, as well as technical
education – partly driven by the Millennium and vocational education and training; and the
Development Goals (MDGs) and Education- knowledge, skills and values needed to function
for-All frameworks – for many people, educa- well and contribute to society (UN, 2016b). As
tion remains an unrealised right. The gaps in a first step towards achieving SDG 4, the global
education attainment between rich and poor, education community adopted the Education
men and women, rural and urban people, and 2030 Framework for Action in Paris in Novem-
within and between countries, are still wide. In ber 2015 (UNESCO, 2015).
2014, there were 263 million children, adoles- There are both direct and indirect links be-
cents and young people in the world who did tween livestock and education. Consumption
not attend school. The completion rate of up- of animal-source foods (ASFs), such as meat,
per secondary education in low-income coun- milk and eggs, can improve children’s cogni-
tries was only 14 percent. From 2005–2014, tive and physical development as well as school
some 758 million adults, almost two-thirds of attendance and performance (Neumann et al.,
them women, lacked any literacy skills (UN- 2002; Ruel, 2003; Fratkin et al., 2004; Moore et
ESCO, 2016). al., 2008; Dror and Allen, 2011; Hulett et al.,
4. Livestock and quality education
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Beef, medium fat, cooked 0.32 2.05 1.87 15 8
Goat meat (moderately fat) 2.3 4.0 1.13 0 11
Liver, beef 10 4.9 52.7 1500 8
Mutton 2 2.9 2.2 10 10
Pork 1.8 4.4 5.5 2 11
Poultry 1.1 4.0 0.10 85 10
Milk whole, unfortified 0.01 0.18 0.39 55 119
Hen eggs, cooked 3.2 0.9 (raw) 2.0 (raw) 500 61
Notes: (a) Nutrient contents are approximate and based on different sources; (b) Vitamin A content varies with cooking method;
(c) RAE (retinol activity equivalent).
Source: Adapted from Neumann et al., 2013.
try. Milk and eggs are particularly important tion of ASFs can increase the risk of obesity
sources of preformed vitamin A, while milk is a (especially in children) and of heart disease and
source of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin B12 other non-communicable diseases (McMichael
is mostly provided by meat and milk (Watanabe, et al., 2007; Voortman et al., 2016).
2007; Neumann et al., 2013). Table 5 details the
main micronutrients contained in some ASFs. THE CONTRIBUTION OF ASFS
Today, poor people in many developing coun- TO CHILDREN’S GROWTH AND
tries (especially young children and their moth- EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT
ers in rural households not owning livestock) Despite improvements in recent decades, high
are not consuming enough ASF (Murphy and prevalence of stunting continues to be a big prob-
Allen, 2003; IFPRI, 2004; Azzarri et al., 2014; lem, especially in Africa and South Asia. In 2016,
Jin and Iannotti, 2014; Mosites, 2015), while 155 million children under five years of age, or
other people, particularly in developed coun- around 23 percent of all children in the world,
tries, are consuming too much (PAHO, 2006). were stunted (low height-for-age) (UNICEF,
The inadequate intake of some of the major mi- WHO and World Bank, 2017). Stunting is the
cronutrients available in ASFs during pregnancy cumulative result of various factors such as poor
and childhood can lead to health problems that maternal nutrition, poor diet, and infections dur-
affect growth and educational attainment. Mod- ing the first two years of life (FAO, 2013c). It
erated inadequacies in consumption of such nu- causes permanent impairment of cognitive and
trients can lead to problems such as anaemia, re- physical development and increased child mor-
duced work capacity, night blindness and poor bidity (Hoppe et al., 2006). Adults who were
growth. Long-term low intake of these nutri- stunted as children generally earn less and are
ents can lead to more severe problems including: more likely to have received a lower education
rickets, impaired cognitive performance, blind- (Victora et al., 2008; Dewey and Begum, 2011).
ness, neuromuscular deficits, psychiatric disor- Several studies have demonstrated the beneficial
ders and eventually death (Murphy and Allen role of ASFs in the diets of pregnant women and
2003). On the other hand, excessive consump- infants and in reducing the incidence of stunting
4. Livestock and quality education
Although excessive consumption of ASFs can lead dren strongly benefited from a school milk pro-
to increased risks of obesity in children and of gramme. Benefits included a ten percent reduction
heart disease and other non-communicable diseas- in underweight and stunting, improved micronu-
es (Koletzko et al., 2016), adequate access to safe trients status, better learning indicators (including
and quality ASFs can improve the nutritional sta- better short-term memory scores) and a general
tus of undernourished individuals. Among ASFs, improvement in well-being. A Malaysian study
milk is considered to play a key role in promot- conducted by Chen (1989) on more than 2 000
ing children’s growth and development (Dror and children aged six to nine years also showed that
Allen, 2011). It is an important source of energy, a school milk programme resulted in a reduction
lipids and high-quality proteins, and contains nu- of underweight from 15 to 9 percent, in stunting
trients critical for growth and development, such from 16 to 8 percent, and in wasting (low weight-
as calcium, vitamin A, riboflavin and vitamin B12 for-height), from 3 to 2 percent, two years from
(Hoppe et al., 2008). A study carried out by Lien the start of the programme.
do et al. (2009) in a northern delta province of
Viet Nam, has shown that primary school chil- Source: Adapted from FAO, 2016a.
(Allen et al., 1992; Neuman et al., 1992; Kirksey status of children at primary schools that the
et al., 1992). For instance, findings from a cross- consumption of at least three eggs per week can
sectional study conducted through the Global effectively correct protein malnutrition among
Network for Women’s and Children’s Health primary school students. Providing milk, meat
Research in Guatemala, Democratic Republic of and eggs to undernourished schoolchildren
Congo, Zambia, and Pakistan suggest that eating through school feeding programmes can there-
meat offers protection against stunting (Krebs et fore be a valuable tool for improving their diets.
al., 2011). It has also proved to be an incentive for school
Children suffering from undernourishment enrolment and attendance (Adelman et al., 2008;
can perform less well at school due not only to Omwami et al., 2011; Kristjansson et al., 2016).
the damage to their basic cognitive capacity in A cost-benefit analysis carried out by Glewwe
infancy, but also to continuing hunger, which et al. (2001) concluded that one dollar invested
limits their ability to concentrate. Evidence sug- in an early childhood nutrition programme in
gests that the inclusion of adequate amounts of the Philippines could return at least three dol-
foods of animal origin in the diets of schoolchil- lars in terms of academic achievement.
dren can add much-needed diversity and sus-
tains and improves cognitive performance, mi- ACCESS TO BASIC EDUCATION
cronutrient status, growth, physical activity and FOR LIVESTOCK-DEPENDENT
academic achievement (Black, 2003; Murphy et HOUSEHOLDS: CHALLENGES AND
al., 2003; Grillenberger et al., 2006; Neumann, OPPORTUNITIES
2007; Gewa et al., 2009; FAO, 2013c; Iannotti Access to basic education can help farmers to
et al., 2013; FAO, 2016c). Mayurasakorn et al. adopt and apply innovations and improve ag-
(2010) conclude in a study on the nutritional ricultural productivity (Lockheed et al., 1980;
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Burkina Faso
Sierra Leone
Democratic Republic
of the Congo
Sao Tome and Principe
Dominican Republic
National Rural Urban
Poorest rural Female
Poorest rural Male
Phillips, 1994; Weir, 1999; FAO and UNESCO- Often, school calendars are not in line with agri-
IIEP, 2003; Asadullah and Rahman, 2009; Re- cultural seasons, making it difficult to combine
imers and Klasen, 2013). However, in rural areas education with rural work (FAO, 2013a). Other
of developing countries, where most small-scale barriers keeping poor children in rural areas
livestock producers are based, children (especial- from attending school are tuition fees and the
ly girls) have lower access to quality education opportunity cost of schooling. In some coun-
and opportunities to acquire skills than children tries, school fees can represent 5 to 10 percent of
living in urban areas. This is reflected in the fact a family’s income – and up to 30 percent for the
that many rural areas have low levels of literacy, poorest households (UNICEF, 2002). In pasto-
especially among poor women (Figure 18). ralist contexts, mobility and nomadism can pre-
Education in rural areas is often characterized sent an additional barrier to education (Box 6).
by low availability and quality of schools and
infrastructure (especially in remote areas and LIVESTOCK INCOME TO PAY FOR
beyond primary level), low quality and higher EDUCATION
turnover rate of teachers, and limited peda- Livestock provide high-quality food and cash to
gogical materials (IFAD, 2011; ILO, 2016; ILO, poor and disadvantaged households (especially
2017). Moreover, curricula are often built on the to women) in times of need, serving as an asset,
needs of urban children and do not include agri- a form of savings and a safety net (FAO, 2009a).
cultural topics, thus reducing parents’ interest in Such households often sell or barter poultry,
enrolling their children in school (IFAD, 2011). sheep, goats, cattle and their products to pay for
4. Livestock and quality education
Pastoralist communities often face difficulties developed to try to bridge traditional and formal
sending their children to conventional schools. education. Mobile schools following migrating
Formal day schools are bound to specific locations pastoralists in a tent or a bus are successfully being
and thus exclude a mobile, often nomadic lifestyle. run in Iran (Islamic Republic of) and, to a lesser
Moreover, most school curricula are of very little extent, in Eastern Africa. Open-distance learning
relevance to pastoralists. Children sent to formal via radio is a promising way of reaching a large
day schools miss out on the opportunity to learn number of people at modest cost: teachers and
pastoralism from their families and later usually students do not have to be in the same place and
opt for different occupations. Today, while some information can be provided flexibly.
children go to conventional schools, in many cas-
es boarding schools, others move with the family. Sources: Scott-Villiers et al., 2006; Krätli and Dyer, 2009;
Various alternative schooling models have been Dyer, 2010, 2015.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
4. Livestock and quality education
Farmer Field Schools (FFSs) are more than an and improved livelihoods. FFS groups learn by
extension approach, they are a form of adult ed- comparing local practices with new ideas through
ucation. Over the past two decades, Livestock trial, observation, critical analysis and discussion.
FFSs have been established by FAO and other In the process, group members acquire techni-
development stakeholders to a wide range of en- cal skills, strengthen group cohesion, and design
vironments and livestock production systems, strategies for increased income through better
including pastoralism and agro-pastoralism, understanding of value chains while also defining
dairying, poultry production, integrated rice– opportunities for business and enterprise devel-
duck systems, rabbit production, pig production, opment. Moreover, groups develop community
beekeeping, beef production, camel production action plans, establish new linkages with service
and small ruminant production. In Livestock providers and private sector actors to strengthen
FFSs, groups of 15 to 25 livestock producers en- their enterprises and improve their livelihoods.
gage in hands-on, participatory learning over a Today, the FFS approach is used for livestock
season/production cycle. In these “schools with- development throughout the developing regions
out walls”, small-scale producers meet regularly and is attracting growing interest from govern-
(generally once a week) to test, validate and adapt ments, NGOs, the private sector and other stake-
good agricultural and marketing practices that holders.
help them achieve sustainable food production Sources: FAO, 2016d, 2018.
tive for livestock as for crops, when considering only 7 percent of Official Development Assis-
the potential losses from animal diseases that tance going to agriculture, forestry and fishing
the research helped avoid. The study conclud- was allocated to research and as little as 2 per-
ed that in South Africa the rate of return was cent to extension (FAO, 2015b).
over 35 percent for animal health research and Today, there is an acute shortage of agricul-
27 percent for research aimed at improving live- tural specialists and professionals in several de-
stock production and productivity. veloping countries, particularly in sub-Saharan
Despite existing links between agricultural Africa and Asia. In addition, a generation gap
R&D and agricultural productivity and poverty threatens future agricultural research as a large
reduction, investment in R&D in many low-in- share of PhD-qualified agricultural research-
come countries has stalled or declined. For ex- ers are reaching retirement age (Dobermann
ample, the share of sub-Saharan Africa in global and Nelson, 2013). In countries like Namibia,
expenditure on public agricultural research de- Guinea and Mali, over 80 percent of agricul-
clined from 10 percent in 1960 to 6 percent in tural researchers with PhDs are over 50 (IFPRI,
2009 (UNESCO, 2016). Foreign assistance to 2017). By contrast, middle-income countries
agricultural R&D is also very low and volatile, such as China, India and Brazil, have grown in
resulting in challenges for planning and imple- importance both as agricultural producers and
mentation. A comprehensive analysis of OECD as producers of agricultural research (IAASTD,
data carried out by FAO in 2015 concluded that 2009; Alston and Pardey, 2014). In this context,
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
it should be noted that the sum of their invest- radio-based training approach implemented in
ments in public agricultural research accounts Kenya, for instance, was designed to reach the
for 31 percent of world total (UNESCO, 2016). many small-scale dairy producers, especially
women and young people, living in remote areas
EXTENSION AND TRAINING who had no access to extension. The approach
Extension is traditionally seen as providing a ser- proved to be useful and penetrative, and brought
vice that “extends” research-based knowledge to a number of significant immediate returns, such
producers. This approach is very much focused as a reduction of milk rejection by a coopera-
on increasing production, improving yields, tive from 30 to 8 percent and increased demand
training farmers, and transferring technology. for extension services from 59 to 68 percent. The
But the perceived lack of success of public ag- number of dairy producers seeking information
ricultural extension systems in many countries about livestock prices increased from 28 to 35
has resulted in the development of several new percent (Njuguna et al., 2014).
approaches. Many countries have introduced ag-
ricultural advisory systems that help farmers to CONCLUSION
form groups to deal with marketing issues and to Goal 4 promotes inclusive and equitable qual-
partner with other service providers and stake- ity education at all levels. Consumption of
holders (Davis, 2008; FAO, 2008, 2010a). Ex- ASFs improves children’s cognitive and physi-
perience has shown that effective advisory ser- cal development as well as school attendance
vices must be tailored to the specific needs and and performance. In addition, livestock provide
demands of a wide range of different produc- income to poor households to pay for school-
ers (e.g. pastoralists, fisherfolk, forest farmers) ing. School feeding programmes that include
in different contexts and environments (FAO ASF products can help provide proper nutrition
2016c). To this end, participatory approaches to undernourished children. However, among
such as farmer field schools (FFSs) (Box 7) have traditional livestock-raising communities, send-
been developed to better respond to the needs of ing children to school conflicts with pastoral
different environments and households, thereby lifestyles. Other issues are related to gaps in
increasing the impact and relevance of adviso- livestock R&D and to the fact that small-scale
ry services and of research innovations (FAO, livestock producers are often challenged in ob-
2014a). taining agricultural training and advisory ser-
Today, extension or rural advisory services vices, limiting their capacity to manage their
are no longer provided exclusively by the pub- livestock more efficiently. Participatory, hands-
lic sector but are also offered by private-sector on approaches, such as Livestock Farmer Field
firms (including agri-input and agro-processing Schools, can successfully develop livestock pro-
companies and cooperatives) and civil society ducers’ critical analysis, decision-making and
organizations, including producer organiza- communication skills. Strengthening the nexus
tions (FAO and KIT, 2016). However, poor between livestock production, nutrition, educa-
farmers and marginal livestock producers, par- tion, and health requires inclusive inter-sectoral
ticularly women, are often excluded from exten- approaches tailored to the specific needs and de-
sion and other services (IFAD, 2011). A sample mands of livestock producers.
of household survey data from nine countries
showed that smaller farms are always the least
likely to have access to extension information
(FAO, 2014a). Over the years, efforts have been
made to increase rural women’s and men’s ac-
cess to extension information. The innovative
©FAO/Farooq Naeem
tutional barriers, and frequently lack the means
necessary to fully engage in, sustain and upgrade
and gender
their farming activities. Increasing and upgrad-
ing livestock production/management, pro-
cessing and marketing with a focus on gender
equality and women’s empowerment can play
a significant role in helping achieve the various
INTRODUCTION targets and indicators set by SDG 5.
The livestock sector provides livelihoods for In the developing world, some 290 million
the majority of rural communities worldwide. women and girls rely on livestock to generate
Globally, about 600 million of the world’s income (FAO, 2011a, 2013a). Some can slightly
poorest households keep livestock as an essen- increase their revenues by producing and pro-
tial source of income (Thornton et al., 2006). cessing livestock products such as cheese and
Livestock performs multiple functions in this yoghurt, which have a higher value, can be kept
setting, providing food, fertilizer, cash income longer, and provide nutritious food. Another
and fuel, as well as promoting savings and social source of extra income is wool and other animal
functions (ILRI, 2007). However, several studies fibres, which also require processing. In Mexico’s
show that the livestock sector is underperform- Chiapas mountains, for example, sheep rearing is
ing. The reasons include climate change, rural– mainly the responsibility of women, providing
urban migration, scarce investments, and gender 36 percent of household income through wool
inequalities. Women, compared with men, have processing and sales (FAO, 2012c). Furthermore,
poorer access to, and control over, natural and livestock ownership greatly contributes to rural
other resources such as land and water, credit, women’s economic empowerment, providing a
markets, assets and technical information. Con- source of cash for immediate household needs.
sequently, women livestock keepers typically Nonetheless, the constraints that such women
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
©FAO/Giulio Napolitano
trol over livestock assets have been shown to
contribute to better food security for all family
members and to the nutrition and education of
their children (World Bank, 2001; Quisumb-
ing, 2003). At global level, removing or signifi-
cantly reducing the barriers faced by women
livestock farmers is one effective way to spur
livestock growth and improve the well-being
of rural communities. to formal markets, which typically represent
In developing countries, livestock usually more profitable outlets. Women frequently
represent a consistent portion of national GDP lack the means to acquire either the necessary
and contribute substantially to rural incomes. knowledge and technical skills, or the credit fa-
For example, in rural Africa the World Bank cilities and land to successfully operate in the
estimates that, on average, livestock-related sector. Customary gender norms and power
activities generate almost a quarter of rural in- dynamics limit their ability to enter high-value
comes (World Bank, 2013). Livestock provide markets and fully profit from livestock produc-
income and employment not only to farmers tion. Power relations can also constrain income-
and pastoralists but also, along value chains, to earning opportunities for women who, in many
contract herders, animal handlers, traders and regions, have to consult their husbands before
market operators (FAO, 2011c). Livestock also selling or slaughtering animals (e.g., Dolan,
contribute to better nutrition for all household 2002; van Hoeve and van Koppen, 2005). Fur-
members, particularly children. As noted in thermore, the industrialization and formaliza-
the previous chapter, millions of children suf- tion of important livestock value chains can
fer from stunted growth, cognitive impairment, often represent a threat to women livestock
weakened immunity and disease because of mi- keepers, who find themselves marginalized due
cronutrient deficiencies. Livestock-keeping can to stricter regulations and standards, as well
maximize the availability of a variety of nutri- as working hours that clash with their roles as
tious, animal-source foods (ASFs), facilitating mothers and income-earners.
the intake of protein, iron and micronutrients Developing programmes, policies and exten-
(Stevens et al., 2015). sion services tailored to local conditions and tar-
Although many rural women make a living geting rural women livestock keepers can help
out of livestock and related activities, traditional achieve several SDG 5 targets such as ending dis-
gender roles greatly affect their opportunities crimination against women and girls; recogniz-
both to fully engage in, and profit from, the sec- ing and valuing unpaid care and domestic work;
tor, and to move up from subsistence to com- ensuring women’s participation in decision-
mercial livestock production, and from informal making in political, economic and public life;
5. Livestock development and gender equality
and promoting equal rights for women to pro- work. In Africa, this includes cleaning sheds,
ductive and natural resources, as well as services. harvesting fodder, fetching water for the ani-
Acquiring access to, and control over, livestock mals, milking them, making butter and cheese,
gives women the chance to gain employment and caring for any pregnant or sick livestock
and additional income and to achieve their full (FAO, 2015c). Men and boys, on the other
potential. Currently, growing global demand hand, are usually in charge of grazing, and of
for animal protein represents a real opportunity taking animals for veterinary treatment when
for poor rural women working with livestock, the need arises (Yisehak, 2008). Similar patterns
offering considerable benefits not only for the can be identified in Latin America and Southeast
women themselves and for their households, but Asia, where the workload of rural women tends
also for the agricultural sector as a whole and the to be just as heavy (GALVmed, 2011a, 2011b;
global economy. CGIAR, 2017).
However, a review of evidence on the impor- Labour force statistics often underestimate the
tance of livestock for women (ILRI, 2010) also amount of time that women devote to livestock.
argues that despite women’s great contribu- For women are less likely than men to define
tion to livestock production and management their activities as work or to report themselves
in developing countries, more research is still as engaged in livestock management – while
needed on their role and the potential benefits working, on average, longer hours than men. As
of livestock-related interventions at individual, a result, most of the livestock work carried out
household and community levels. To this end, by women is not reported, recorded, or consid-
it is imperative to elicit stronger political will, ered in formal labour statistics (FAO, 2011c). In
and facilitate better targeted agricultural aid and addition to livestock-keeping and production,
gender-sensitive programme and policy actions, women also perform a number of unpaid jobs
in order to bring about economic and social essential to rural households. These are tasks
transformation in rural communities, and make traditionally assigned to women such as pro-
them more equitable, efficient and productive. cessing food crops, fetching water and firewood,
The following sections provide an analysis and cooking family meals and caring for the elder-
some of the evidence available on the impor- ly, children and the sick. Men are instead usu-
tant linkages between livestock farming, gender ally involved in commercially oriented farming,
equality and women’s empowerment. They also both in the cropping as well as livestock sectors,
consider recent data and successful practices and tend to spend little or no time caring for the
which, following international implementa- home and the children (FAO, 2013a).
tion, have proved capable of fostering sustain- National time–use surveys produced in 2014
able livestock productivity on the one hand, and by the Rwanda National Institute of Statistics
gender equality and women’s empowerment on confirm that women have a longer work week
the other. than men (49 hours, compared with 41), and that
of those working hours, 21 are spent on domes-
REDUCED WORK BURDEN tic work as compared to men’s seven. This heavy
AND INCREASED LIVESTOCK and unrecognized workload is one of the main
PRODUCTIVITY factors limiting women’s ability to improve
On average, women make up 43 percent of the their livestock production and productivity. Yet
agricultural labour force in developing countries as men migrate to cities in search of more lu-
(FAO, 2011a; Fan et al., 2015). Within the live- crative employment, women’s involvement in
stock sector, they usually look after livestock livestock is projected to increase and intensify
on a day-to-day basis, which generally involves (Deere, 2005; Upadhyay, 2005; Johnson et al.,
arduous, time-consuming, and energy-intensive 2013). Time–use surveys carried out at broader
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
El Salvador
Tunisia Iran
5 Australia
Hours spent by women in unpaid work
New Zealand Average
Ecuador Malta
4 China
Japan Ghana Denmark
Brazil Qatar Norway
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Source: Based on data from the United Nations Statistics Division, 2018.
scale reveal similar findings. Graph 1 shows the commercial livestock production, and to achieve
proportion of time spent per day by women their full potential within the sector. Women’s
and men on unpaid and paid work in selected workload can also be negatively influenced by
countries. Data are based on surveys conducted changes in livestock production systems. For ex-
between 2000 and 2014 by UNSTAT, the United ample, moving from extensive to intensive live-
Nations Statistics Division, in 59 countries – 30 stock production can often increase the amount
from developing and 29 from developed regions. of time women spend collecting and carrying
The graph highlights how consistently, across water. If women’s heavy workload is reduced,
both developing and developed regions, women they are far more likely to engage in other pro-
tend to devote more time than men to unpaid ductive tasks benefiting household food and
work. This clearly has a major impact on wom- nutrition security overall welfare. They are also
en’s capacity to upgrade from subsistence to more likely to participate in decision-making
5. Livestock development and gender equality
processes and bodies and take advantage of de- According to the International Labour Or-
velopment opportunities through technical and ganisation (ILO), there are strong links between
vocational training. women’s involvement in cooperatives and pov-
A number of approaches have been devel- erty reduction. After becoming involved in co-
oped worldwide to redress these inequalities. operative associations, women report they per-
Labour-saving technologies, practices and ser- form new and more productive labour activities
vices, for example, can greatly ease the work and earn higher incomes, which greatly contrib-
burden of women. They include technologies ute to better food security in households. Ac-
for efficient water use and collection, such as tive participation in cooperatives has also been
planting vegetable crops, integrating fodder shown to increase women’s decision-making at
production close to home and watering with household level and to improve their participa-
household waste water (Bishop-Sambrook et tion in, and contribution to, community man-
al., 2004). The development and distribution of agement and development (ILO, 2014).
tools specifically designed to be simpler and less A number of successful programmes world-
physically demanding for women can ease wom- wide have highlighted the benefits deriving from
en’s work load too. Training female extension women’s participation in leadership and deci-
agents can make it easier to share knowledge on sion-making in agricultural cooperatives and
improved livestock systems and technologies producer associations. India’s National Dairy
as well as surmount social norms that often Development Board (NDDB), established to
make it unacceptable for women to interact modernize and improve milk production in the
with male extension staff. country, offers one example of the negative ef-
fects of gender imbalance within cooperatives
WOMEN’S PARTICIPATION AND and producer associations. Since membership
DECISION-MAKING POWER IN THE was heavily dominated by men, improvements
LIVESTOCK SECTOR in national dairy production and productivity
Women’s limited leadership opportunities and expected from the NDDB remained far below
participation in decision-making, including in expectations. Given the disappointing perfor-
cooperatives and producer associations, largely mance, in 1995 the Board launched the Women’s
keeps them from increasing their livestock pro- Dairy Cooperative Leadership Programme and
duction and productivity. They usually lag be- the Women’s Thrift Groups (WTG). Training
hind both in terms of group membership and of was given on various aspects of animal hygiene
executive positions within them. Since the lead- and health, as well as on leadership, orientation,
ers of agricultural cooperatives and producer responsibilities and rights of membership, etc.
associations working with government in de- These initiatives led to higher profits and a more
signing development plans and policies are pre- productive and successful dairy sector in India
dominantly men, in the livestock as in other sec- (Torres, 2001).
tors, women’s low representation has an impact
on the gender-sensitivity of such plans and poli- THE IMPORTANCE OF NATURAL
cies, and the benefits they offer to women and RESOURCES FOR IMPROVED
girls (GIZ, 2013). Moreover, when the mem- LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION
bership and leadership of farm cooperatives is Women’s limited access to natural resources,
male-dominated, women are unlikely to take an particularly land, means they typically face
interest in the activities of such groupings. Thus, greater challenges than men in overcoming eco-
the potential for increased production offered nomic and technical obstacles to running or
by the establishment of cooperatives can never upgrading their livestock activities. Land access
be fully achieved. and control remains one of the main obstacles
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
to women’s full participation and success in has been progress in the last two decades in for-
the sector. The ability to claim one’s rights and mulating and adopting more gender-equitable
seek redress is governed above all by the laws legislative and regulatory frameworks, explicit
guaranteeing those rights and detailing how to discrimination against women continues in oth-
claim protection. While in many countries there ers. As a result, widespread inequalities persist,
5. Livestock development and gender equality
particularly in the field of land rights, with dis- children) and in sub-Saharan Africa by 3 percent
criminatory legal provisions still in place with (1.7 million children) (Smith et al., 2003).
respect to access, ownership, and control of Securing women’s control over natural re-
land, houses, and business premises. sources, particularly land, could do much to
Although land is not a prerequisite for keep- lift women out of poverty by allowing them
ing livestock (if feed can be purchased), grazing to operate successfully in the livestock sector.
land is key to livestock production in many ar- Policymakers need to pursue full enforcement
eas (Deere and Doss, 2006). Gender disparity of existing regulation on land rights, as well as
in land ownership can therefore be a significant policy coherence within and across land policy
barrier for women livestock keepers, hindering frameworks, statutory as well as customary.
their ability to increase production and discour- Coherence between laws could, however, often
aging them from making long-term plans and prove a challenge, especially when informal civil
investments in livestock production. Without and family legislation sets limits on the capac-
land, women also lack collateral for loans and ity of women to perform legally binding acts.
access to regular financial services (Quisumbing Such limitations often bar women from signing
et al., 2015; FAO, 2011). land contracts, which usually runs counter to
When women only have access to, rather national law and international agreements. Data
than control over, land, this limits the decisions show that women with strong property rights
and options available to them on how the land have children who are three times less likely to
should be used. Studies on household dynamics be severely undernourished and that they some-
in assets distribution and use have shown that it times earn almost four times more than women
is not only the total amount of household assets without secured property rights (Landesa, 2015;
that determines development outcomes, but also Allendorf, 2007; Doss, 2006). The evidence is
and foremost who in the household controls the that strengthening the rights of women to land
assets. In this regard, an important element is strongly benefits them, their families and their
also represented by the quality of land that is as- communities.
signed to women, which very often is far from
the house, consists of impoverished soils and is GENDER IN INFORMATION AND
less productive. As livestock are often a means COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY
for rural women to diversify their income, ac- (ICT) BENEFITS LIVESTOCK
cess to, and control over, quality land can of- PRODUCTION AND PRODUCTIVITY
ten greatly reduce women’s vulnerability and Women’s limited access to technologies, and
positively affect their production levels. When ICT in particular, is an obstacle to their achiev-
women do control assets such as land, a num- ing higher livestock production. It stands in the
ber of positive outcomes ensue. Interventions way of adopting improved animal husbandry
aimed at increasing women’s control over as- practices and accessing credit opportunities or
sets have resulted in improved household food more profitable markets. The technology gap
security, child nutrition and education, as well is one reason why women are typically far less
as the well-being of women themselves (World productive and efficient than men in the live-
Bank 2001; Quisumbing 2003). In Bangladesh, stock sector and livestock markets, with nega-
for example, a higher share of women’s assets is tive consequences on household food and nutri-
directly associated with better health outcomes tion security (FAO, 2012a).
for girls. Research from IFPRI estimates that Information technology opens the door to
equalizing women’s status in terms of access and technical information, including, importantly,
control over assets could lower child malnutri- information on animal health and veterinary
tion in South Asia by 13 percent (13.4 million care as well as market information and prices. A
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
study carried out by FAO and the International and public animal health services, calling for
Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in 2016 in the establishment of alternative forms of animal
selected dairy production sites in the United health services.
Republic of Tanzania highlighted how animal The NGO Farm Africa’s Kenya Dairy Goat
diseases undermine food security in many ways, and Capacity Building Project has tested the
particularly as a result of economic damages due use of mobile phones to deliver animal care and
to loss of output, income and investment. The health services and information. Results show
study found that although women are very ac- that mobiles play a key role in fighting livestock
tive in animal husbandry, they are only margin- disease outbreaks and contribute to increased
ally involved in animal health management, and attendance and participation in animal health
their knowledge of veterinary science is mainly providers’ meetings, which can be convened or
based on traditional animal health practices – cancelled at short notice. Furthermore, use of
with consequent impacts on the food security of mobiles reduces the transaction costs to women
their households. livestock keepers since diagnoses can now be
Mobile phones are being used successfully to made over the phone at little or no cost. The
increase access to financial services by the rural project also uses mobile phones to place orders
poor, particularly women. This has great sig- for veterinary drugs, thus saving both time and
nificance because lack of adequate finance repre- expense (ILRI, 2010).
sents a major barrier keeping women from tak-
ing advantage of livestock market opportunities. CONCLUSION
Their ability to obtain credit is often determined Goal 5 seeks to empower women and girls to
by context-specific legal rights, social norms, reach their full potential. Throughout the de-
family responsibilities and access to, and control veloping world, women and girls in rural ar-
over, other resources. However, if such barriers eas are deeply involved in livestock production.
are removed, research conducted in Ethiopia, However, women livestock farmers typically
Ghana and Bangladesh has shown that women face greater challenges than men, including
with access to credit choose to invest in live- economic, social and institutional barriers. To
stock, leveraging credit to expand from poultry- enable women to meaningfully operate in, and
rearing to keeping goats and dairy cattle (Rubin benefit from, the livestock sector, policies and
et al., 2010; Todd, 1998). programmes should work to remove root caus-
Technical information obtained via mobile es of gender inequalities as well as the obstacles
phones often results in increased livestock pro- and constraints facing women. Doing so could
ductivity for women. This includes data on cor- make livestock a pathway out of poverty for
rect feeding, safe husbandry practices and ani- millions of rural women and girls. Key areas for
mal health and reproductive care – all of which policy intervention include developing gender-
translate into higher productivity, reduced vet- responsive extension services and participatory
erinary expenses and lower animal mortality. training programmes for rural women; provid-
The use of mobile technology for the delivery ing them with improved access to land and pro-
of animal health services has also been shown to ductive assets, as well as to markets, credit and
improve women’s access to veterinary knowl- insurance; and fostering their access to labour-
edge and information as well as care delivery, saving technologies. Finally, there is a need to
resulting in improved livestock productivity. collect, document and disseminate those suc-
Poor awareness of animal health in subsistence- cessful approaches and good practices that have
oriented production systems, combined with a clearly had a positive effect on women’s eco-
poor communication and transport infrastruc- nomic empowerment and have been shown to
ture, often translate into ill-functioning private increase gender equality in the livestock sector.
©FAO/ Giulio Napolitano
and sustainable
ble drinking water, reducing pollution to conserve
water quality, eliminating or minimizing dumping
management of
and dispersal of hazardous chemicals and biologi-
cal agents, and encouraging water recycling and
reuse are the main strategic targets of SDG 6.
Agriculture uses approximately 70 percent
of the available freshwater supply, and roughly
INTRODUCTION 30 percent of global agricultural water goes on
Water scarcity, poor water quality and inadequate livestock production (Ran et al., 2016), with one-
sanitation already threaten food security, liveli- third of that supporting beef cattle (Mekonnen
hoods and educational prospects of poor families and Hoekstra, 2012). To meet rising demand for
across the world. Climate change is exacerbat- animal products, the livestock sector is intensify-
ing water scarcity in some regions while other ing its water use, and in so doing is increasing
regions will have increased or even excess water competition with other users and environmental
flows. Events such as droughts and floods are services (Naylor et al., 2005; McMichael et al.,
also expected to multiply in both frequency and 2007; Sutton et al., 2011). Besides water scarcity,
intensity in some locations, deepening hunger and one of the central water-related challenges fac-
malnutrition in some of the world’s poorest coun- ing the livestock sector is waste management
tries. Water withdrawals for irrigation and live- and disposal given that faeces and urine can be
stock will increase as global population growth hazardous to the environment. Improved man-
and economic development drive up demand for agement of waste from slaughtering, tanning and
food. There is a need to almost double food pro- food processing is another imperative.
duction in developing countries by 2050. How to Many studies analysing the impact of livestock
grow – and raise – more food using less water is production on the sustainable management of
one of the great challenges of our times. Achieving water resources have extensively used the water
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
footprint methodology developed by the Water freshwater used to produce the goods and ser-
Footprint Network (WFN). Although the meth- vices consumed or utilized by individuals, com-
odology was developed for water resource man- munities and businesses. Water use is under-
agement, it has many applications in the context stood as the amount of water consumed and/or
of environmental assessments linked to sustain- polluted per unit of time. The water footprint
able diets. Currently, however, water footprint is geographically explicit, showing not only the
assessments relying on the competing life cycle water volumes used and polluted, but also the
assessment (LCA) framework are gaining in- areas involved (Hoekstra, 2008). Given the very
creasing currency. In order to bring some clar- substantial water footprint of livestock produc-
ity and order to the methodologies for footprint tion, improving water-use efficiency and policy
assessment, the FAO-based Livestock Environ- guidance throughout the production system is
mental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) an important element in achieving SDG 6 and
Partnership is seeking to achieve an overall con- ensuring access to safe water sources and sani-
sensus with multiple stakeholders and the main- tation. In addition to universal water access,
stream scientific community. SDG 6 targets emphasize substantially increas-
ing water-use efficiency across all sectors to ad-
ACCOUNTING FOR LIVESTOCK dress water scarcity. Furthermore, a more effi-
WATER DEMAND cient use of water resources through livestock
The water footprint has been used as an indi- production value chains would have an impact
cator of water consumption for both direct and also in the achievement of other SDGs, such as
indirect water usage at consumer and producer SDG 2, “End hunger, achieve food security and
level. It aims to measure the total volume of improved nutrition, and promote sustainable
6. Livestock and sustainable management of water
agriculture”, SDG 12, “Ensure sustainable con- produced externally and acquired by the value
sumption and production patterns”, and SDG chain. A virtual water budget can be calculated
15, “Protect, restore and promote sustainable considering the external and internal water use
use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably man- and the water contents of products and waste.
age forests, combat desertification, and halt and As evident from Table 6, the total water foot-
reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity print can vary greatly according to the animal
loss”. species, the food product, and the type of farming
A mainstream practice for water footprint as- system involved. For example, the water footprint
sessment relies on the methodology developed for meat increases from 4 300 l/kg for chicken to
by the WFN. The total water footprint of an in- 5 500 l/kg for goat meat, with pig meat requir-
dividual or community has three components: ing 6 000 l/kg, sheep meat 10 400 l/kg and beef
the blue, green and grey water footprints: 15 400 l/kg. In terms of the combined footprint
• The blue water footprint is the volume of of blue and grey waters, industrial production
freshwater consumed from global blue wa- systems use more water than farms with grazing
ter resources (surface and ground water animals (Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2012).
that lies beneath the surface) to produce the Currently, water footprint assessment relying
goods and services consumed by individuals on the life cycle assessment (LCA) framework
or communities. is gaining wider currency. In comparison with
• The green water footprint is the volume of the WFN methodology, the LCA framework
water evaporated, transpired or incorpo- can lead to very different results. In 2014, the
rated by plants (i.e. consumed during the Geneva-based International Organization for
production process) from global green wa- Standardization (ISO) issued a new standard,
ter resources (rainwater stored in the root ISO 14046, seeking to establish a harmonized
zone of the soil). framework for the quantification and report-
• The grey water footprint is the volume of ing of water footprints based on LCA with a set
freshwater required to assimilate a given of new principles, requirements and guidelines.
load of pollutants, taking account of natural The approach could help in assessing the mag-
background concentrations and existing en- nitude of water-related environmental impacts
vironmental water quality standards. and identify ways of reducing them. Yet where-
In a WFN-based assessment, the total water as ISO 14046 sets the general framework, no
footprint is the sum of blue, green and grey wa- particular assessment method or indicators are
ter flows. In addition, unsustainable blue water recommended, and gaps in recommendations
withdrawals are often reported. could also lead to inconsistent applications.
Analysis of livestock’s impact on the sustain-
able management of water resources has relied BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WATER
extensively on the blue water footprint. While HAZARDS FROM LIVESTOCK
water is used at all stages of livestock production, Besides livestock’s direct and indirect usage of
from animal drinking water to dairy and meat freshwater, one of the central water-related chal-
processing, it is feed production that requires lenges facing the animal production sector is
the greatest quantities. Along the value chain the waste management and disposal. Manure, urine
water footprint has two components: the inter- and wastewaters used during farming may con-
nal water footprint, which is the consumption tain organic compounds such as macro-nutri-
of water internally produced by recycling other ents, drug residues, hormones, pathogens (i.e.
systems for reuse in food production; and the bacteria and viruses) and inorganic substances,
external water footprint, which is defined as the like heavy metals and other elements used as
consumption of the volume of water resources feed additives.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Runoff and nutrient leaks from concentrated coastal fisheries. Manure and slurry pit waste
sources of livestock waste are a hazard to fresh- discharges and outflows from animal slaughter-
water sources as well as ocean and marine en- ing and food processing also contribute to con-
vironments (Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2012). taminating water resources unless adequately
If not properly managed, nutrient runoff and treated. Animal waste can dump hazardous bio-
excessive concentration of nitrogen and phos- logical and chemical residues into the environ-
phorus can damage surrounding ecosystems and ment as well.
6. Livestock and sustainable management of water
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
fields. Or they can precipitate as dry or wet at- problem is applying and adapting such technol-
mospheric deposits (Aneja et al., 2003). ogies to local conditions in developing coun-
Rainfall has been proven to play a role in Salmo- tries. One solution that has proved successful in
nella dispersal and contamination of vegetables reducing nutrient pollution and conserving ma-
in the field, especially during concentrated rine resources is the Integrated System of Phy-
downpours (Cito et al., 2016). As far as chemical todepuration (ISP). ISP was tested on different
contaminants are concerned, soil properties and production systems, with a mean efficiency
climatic conditions can affect their transport. value of over 85 percent in removing Chemical
For example, sandy, well-drained soils are most Oxygen Demanding substances (Petroselli et al.,
likely to transport micronutrients to underlying 2016).
groundwater (Mueller et al., 1995). Nutrients As for the growing threat of antimicrobial re-
can also readily move through soils under wet sistant pathogens circulating in water, a first step
conditions (McGechan et al., 2005). would be to cut back on the use of antimicro-
The possible persistence of veterinary antibi- bials by making quality vaccines and diagnostic
otics in the environment depends largely on soil assays (point-of-care) more readily available and
type, temperature, animal excreta, pH and UV affordable, while also improving biosecurity
light. Low temperatures, for example, reduce and hygiene on farms and at markets. In fact, a
the degradation rate of antibiotics (Tasho and key element in reducing antimicrobials in live-
Cho, 2016). In addition, changes in grey water stock production is ensuring the health and wel-
and sewage sanitation and treatment methods fare of animals and effective disease prevention
may contribute to contamination of water re- is the best way of keeping animals healthy. What
sources. Natural disasters like earthquakes may is needed now is to introduce an integrated ap-
also play a part, e.g. by damaging pipelines in proach for reducing the use of antimicrobials
urban sanitary sewer systems (Cito et al., 2016). with livestock as an essential part of national
animal health strategies. Implemented through
MITIGATION OPTIONS specific action plans and supported by harmo-
Mitigation options to improve water-use ef- nized surveillance systems, such an approach
ficiency can be broken down into three main would also produce valuable data on AMR in
strategies: reduced water use, reduced deple- livestock and their food products. This would
tion, and improved replenishment of water re- also provide vital information for a continuous
sources (Steinfeld et al., 2006). Reducing water evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures
use includes upgrading irrigation technology to taken. All actors in the sector, including farmers,
improve efficiency, and shifting towards mixed private veterinarians and food operators, must
crop–livestock systems, which use less water be made aware of the urgent need to reduce the
while increasing productivity (Thornton, 2010; use of antimicrobials and to become actively in-
Herrero et al., 2010). Land management prac- volved in this process (EMA and EFSA, 2017).
tices can also influence water use: overgrazing, The World Health Assembly has urged all
for instance, can affect water filtration and re- Member States to develop, by 2017, national ac-
tention capacity in grasslands, and significantly tion plans on antimicrobial resistance that are
compromise the water cycle. As noted, one of aligned with the objectives of the World Health
the central water challenges facing the livestock Organization’s (WHO) 2015 global action plan.
sector is waste management and disposal. A manual has been developed by WHO, in col-
Many technical solutions are in place in indus- laboration with the Food and Agriculture Or-
trialized production systems to improve manure ganization of the United Nations (FAO) and the
collection, storage, and processing methods, uti- World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE),
lising physical and chemical processes. The major to assist countries in preparing or refining their
6. Livestock and sustainable management of water
national action plans. Better sanitation, together increased water footprint. Thus, when selecting
with greater food and water safety, must be core a farming system, careful consideration should
components of infectious disease prevention. be given not only to economic and productive
aspects but to the water resources required and
CONCLUSION their sustainable use. A holistic approach to
SDG 6 concerns the quality and sustainability water management should be adopted, lead-
of water resources. Agriculture uses approxi- ing to fully integrated wastewater management
mately 70 percent of the world’s available fresh- that pays close attention to antimicrobials and
water, and roughly 30 percent of global agricul- other residues, inter alia. Management strategies
tural water is used to produce livestock. Total should be site-specific, and take account of so-
water footprints vary greatly, depending on the cial, cultural, environmental and economic con-
animal farming system, but intensified animal ditions in the targeted areas, with water govern-
production appears to go hand in hand with an ance a key issue in decision-making.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
©FAO/Giuseppe Bizzarri
clean energy
Low-carbon energy sources, such as solar or
those obtained from biomass, are not only re-
newable but have a much lower environmen-
INTRODUCTION tal impact than conventional fuels. Renewable
Sustainable Development Goal 7 seeks to ensure energy is a fast-developing sector that creates
access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and jobs and boosts local economies. At country
modern energy for all. It highlights the impor- level, renewables, especially if locally produced,
tance of investing in renewable forms of energy offer developing nations the chance to break
and expanding infrastructure to supply sustain- away from foreign oil supplies, which drain
able energy services to developing countries, their reserves of foreign currency and put their
where many people still live without electricity. economies in thrall to outside forces. Renewable
According to the International Energy Agency bioenergy offers the prospect of greater, more
(IEA), around 17 percent of the global popula- sustainable economic growth stemming from its
tion lacks access to electricity, and 38 percent is wider availability at increasingly lower costs.
without clean cooking facilities. Almost all of The “Energy Revolution” now replacing pol-
these people – 80 percent – live in rural areas. luting coal and oil with clean, renewable sources
Out of 1.2 billion people without electricity, is likely to figure as one of the most significant
more than half are in Africa (634 million) fol- conquests of the twenty-first century. Livestock,
lowed by developing Asia (512 million), Latin whose manure can be turned into biogas, has an
America (22 million) and the Middle East (18 important role to play in this process, especially
million) (IEA, 2016). in developing countries. For biogas not only
Currently, the greater part of the world’s en- enhances their energy security but also helps
ergy consumption (approximately 80 percent) is resolve vexing problems such as environmental
generated from fossil fuels which are not only pollution, bad odour and flies. At global level,
finite but produce environmental pollutants, turning animal manure into biogas would also
7. Livestock and clean energy
Co-products use as
Biomass Biofuel
animal feed
eliminate a leading source of methane, a power- ble energy in line with SDG 7. Especially in sub-
ful driver of global warming. In the context of Saharan Africa and Southern Asia, rural villages
the current environmental debate, solar, wind, and remote areas often lack direct connections
geothermal power, animal and biomass energies to national electricity grids, locking them in
are considered as clean. Indeed livestock pro- poverty and underdevelopment. Yet India and
duction relies on energy embedded in biomass, the People’s Republic of China, the two leading
which comes mainly from solar energy, while Asian countries using biogas technology, have
other sources may also contribute (Figure 22). shown there is a way out of this energy trap. Be-
tween 2003 and 2013, the People’s Republic of
BIOGAS AND ENERGY GENERATION China built 42 million small household biogas
Converting livestock manure into biogas could plants that provide light, heating and power and
make a major domestic renewable fuel source run on chicken and cattle manure, as well as a
available to more than a billion people, giving number of much larger biogas power stations
them access to affordable, reliable, and sustaina- with a daily capacity of 18 000–60 000 kWh
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
(Chen et al., 2012). India had installed some 3.4 et al., 2015). The synergy here is with SDG 4
million family-size biogas reactors in various on ensuring inclusive and quality education for
isolated parts of the country by the end of 2002 all. Livestock production is increasing in devel-
and in 2015, the number of family-size biogas oping countries and will continue to do so in
plants in India was reported to be four million the near future, therefore plentiful supplies of
with an overall potential for eight million more livestock manure will be available as feedstock
(Kapdi et al., 2005). to run a new generation of digesters for biogas
In 2013, biogas production in Europe, Asia, production.
the Americas and Oceania was respectively 0.57, Decentralized bioenergy technology pro-
0.4, 0.28 and 0.02 exajoules (Statista, 2017) where vides a cost-effective and sustainable alternative
one exajoule is roughly equivalent to 174 million to grid electricity. The abundance of livestock
barrels of oil. In Europe, which leads the field in manure in regions with low electrification rates
biogas installations, the United Kingdom, Italy, is thus a major opportunity for generating en-
Poland, France and Czechia in particular are ex- ergy for homes and communities. For farmers,
pected to expand production. In 2006, global in- it could also provide a valuable source of income
stalled capacity of electricity generation through from selling manure and other agricultural by-
anaerobic digestion was 20 000 MW (Demirbas products such as feed crop residues (Moham-
and Balat, 2006). Besides the People’s Republic med et al., 2013). Biogas conversion could assist
of China and India, many developing countries countries in meeting renewable portfolio stand-
in Asia and in Africa, are using biogas to expand ard (RPS) requirements (which call on them to
household electricity production (Sorathiya et produce more energy from renewables), while
al., 2014). Electric lighting makes it possible for simultaneously reducing pollution and green-
children to study at home in the evening and house gas emissions (in synergy with SDG 13
improves their performance at school (Mengistu on climate change) (Cuéllar and Webber, 2008).
% of population
7. Livestock and clean energy
Excessive diversion of manure towards bioen- degradation from biomass collection for cook-
ergy production however could adversely affect ing (synergy with SDG 15 on protecting ecosys-
soil health and crop productivity (trade-off with tems) (Wei et al., 2004).
SDG 15 aimed at sustaining life on land).
BIOGAS AND CLEAN COOKING Approximately 30 to 50 percent of milk is wast-
A high proportion of the population still lacks ed in rural areas due to lack of refrigeration.
access to clean fuels and technologies for cook- In many remote areas in developing countries,
ing (Figure 23). Using biogas for cooking would biogas-run refrigerators and chilling appliances
not only reduce land degradation from biomass can help preserve multi-nutrient and vitamin
collection for cooking (Wei et al., 2004) but levels in animal-source foods (ASFs) and fruit
would also save women the long hours they and vegetables; increase their shelf-life; and re-
now spend gathering fuelwood thereby free- duce food waste, enhancing both nutrition and
ing them to engage in more productive tasks. In food security (synergy with SDG 2 on ending
India, for instance, women spend more than one hunger, and SDG 3). Introduction of biogas-
hour every day on average collecting fuelwood powered cooling appliances is expected to trig-
(Bloomfield, 2015). Likewise, women farmers ger a cascade effect, encouraging further devel-
lose considerable time in fuelwood collection in opment of innovative biogas-based technologies
sub-Saharan Countries (World Bank, 2014). for homes and industries while at the same time
Seen from another perspective, the provision creating new jobs (SDGs 8 and 9).
of clean energy removes a highly lethal health
threat to women and children, who inhale much BIOGAS IN PORTABLE DEVICES
of the smoke from traditional, wood-burning Technology now exists for purifying and bot-
cooking fires (synergy with SDG 3) (Kang et al., tling biogas. Pure biogas stored in portable cylin-
2009; Li et al., 2012; Xiao et al., 2015). Accord- ders as compressed gas can be used anytime,
ing to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) anywhere (see Table 7), making biogas an eas-
Global Health Observatory (GHO) house- ily marketable source of energy. Bottled gas
hold air pollution caused 4.3 million deaths and reduces distribution costs because transporting
7.7 percent of global mortality in 2012. Use of biogas through pipes is very expensive. Biogas
biogas and other clean-energy options reduce bottling plants at villages in the Indian states of
exposure to the most health-damaging air pol- Punjab and Maharashtra have successfully pro-
lutants (e.g. particulate matter) by as much as duced biogas containing 98 percent methane,
90 percent (MacCarty et al., 2010). Another compressed at 150 Bar, in cylinder form (Sor-
important advantage of using clean energy for athiya et al., 2014). In this way, biogas can be
household purposes is that it helps reduce land used not only for cooking but also for running
India 600 231 27 cylinders of 8 kg Cooking Light Petroleum Gas worth $240/day
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
cooling devices in remote areas. In addition to vermicompost decreases manure availability for
decreasing food waste, such appliances are also clean-energy generation (trade-off with SDG 7).
important in terms of both individual and pub- After sanitization, manure can be used for rear-
lic health as they allow human and animal vac- ing insects for use as animal feed (synergy with
cines to be preserved at low temperature (SDG SDG 2 on hunger).
3). However, any compromises in safety norms The carbon dioxide obtained from anaero-
during transportation and use of portable com- bic digestion and thermo-chemical conversion
pressed gas could be detrimental (trade-off with of livestock manure can further be used for
SDG 3). production of algal biomass. Algae can utilize
Purified methane biogas stored in cylinders carbon dioxide ten times more efficiently than
has also been used to run auto rickshaws and terrestrial plants and have high generation rates.
diesel engines. This kind of methane is used to Some algae accumulate large quantities of intra-
cook the lunches supplied in a school feeding cellular oil and are a most promising non-crop-
scheme for 18 000 pupils in India. As an extra based feedstock for biofuel production (Miao
bonus, biogas generation produces slurry that and Wu, 2006). Furthermore, residue left after
can be used as organic fertilizer. A 600 m3 plant extracting oil makes a good feed for fish and
in Punjab makes about USD 111/day from sell- livestock (Oilgae, 2016) (synergy with SDG 2).
ing the slurry to local farmers (synergy with As livestock production systems grow and in-
SDGs 2 and 3). Other advantages of purified bi- tensify, controlling pollution from farms will be
ogas are illustrated in Table 7. The initial cost of an increasingly important issue. Biogas produc-
setting up plants is considerable and needs gov- tion is extremely relevant here as, in addition to
ernment subsidies and loans that can, however, being a source of fuel, it offers a valuable waste
be recovered in 4–5 years. management solution.
7. Livestock and clean energy
involved in their safe disposal, feeding biofuel livestock sectors not only help achieve SDG 7
co-products to animals saves grain nutrients for on providing clean energy but can also promote
consumption in the human food chain. SDG 2 and SDG 13 (climate action) by respec-
A number of other biofuel co-products such tively improving food security and protecting
as glycerol, fatty acid distillate, cakes and meals the environment.
from oilseed plants such as rape, soya, camellia,
non-toxic jatropha and pongamia, among oth- ANIMAL POWER – ONE OF THE
ers, can also be used to feed livestock, as can by- OLDEST FORMS OF BIOENERGY
products from algae used in making biodiesel Animal traction is particularly important for
(FAO, 2012d). In most developing countries, food security in smallholder farming systems.
ruminants’ diets are based on crop residues Since ancient times, humans have used animals
and other poor-quality roughage – from 55 to such as cattle, buffaloes, horses and elephants
60 percent of the diet (Mottet et al., 2017). This to carry out different types of work. Even to-
results in high emissions of greenhouse gas per day, in alternative to mechanization, animals
unit of animal product (e.g. 4–9 kg CO2 eq./kg assist directly with crop production, helping
milk) (Opio et al., 2013). Supplementing feed to plough, plant, and weed. Animal power fig-
with biofuel co-products that are rich in protein ures not only in food production, however, but
and energy, and do not compete with human also in distribution and rural trade (they are
food, decreases enteric methane to around 2 kg used on-farm, in marketing, as mounts and as
CO2 eq./kg milk by optimization of the rumen pack animals). They save household members,
(Makkar, 2017). However, use of grains or ed- especially women and children, time and effort
ible oils for biofuel generation would increase by carrying water and fuelwood, while animal
food–fuel competition (trade-off with SDG 2). power can also be used for heavier-duty tasks
In the future, oil extraction from unconvention- such as water-lifting, milling, logging, land ex-
al sources for clean energy generation is likely cavation and road construction. Many different
to increase, and prudent use of the co-products types of animals are employed and in particu-
of this process can be made in the livestock feed lar cattle, buffaloes, horses, mules, donkeys and
industry. The synergies between the biofuel and camels. For instance, in India, two-thirds of the
©FAO/Munir Uz Zaman
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
cultivated area is ploughed using animal energy animal power to rural people when addressing
and 14 million carts haul up to 15 percent of the the issues of modernization, industrialization
country’s total freight. According to a 2007 cen- and urbanization.
sus, some 60 million cattle and buffaloes worked Recent examples of animal power marginali-
in agriculture a decade ago, saving fossil fuel zation include subsidies to tractors and import-
worth approximately USD 1 billion, annually ed equipment, and exclusion of animal-powered
(Natarajan et al., 2016). transport. Governments should, however, pro-
Using animals for labour-intensive road con- vide a suitable policy environment that sup-
struction can be highly cost-effective, and animal ports the maintenance or development of animal
power can also be profitably harnessed in for- draught services. Legislation and development
estry and for specific operations on estates and processes should not isolate animal-power us-
large-scale farms. In mixed farming systems, the ers or support services, either directly or indi-
use of animal power encourages crop–livestock rectly, and animal traction needs to be portrayed
integration and sustainable farming practices. as a renewable technology that is relevant to the
While producing their own manure, draught modern world. Future potential for animal en-
animals also transport the manure of other live- ergy to complement other power sources should
stock to the fields to enhance the structure and be assessed.
fertility of the soil. Animal-powered transport
can yield particular social and economic ben- CONCLUSION
efits too: farmers with carts or pack animals Goal 7 encourages wider access to energy, and
have wider contacts with traders, resulting in greater use of renewables. The livestock sector,
improved market access and higher production increasingly, is contributing to the provision of
and profits. clean, renewable energy by converting manure
It may be argued that this source of energy is into biogas. Animal draught power is also used
far from modern and that the animals produce extensively in smallholder settings, and its in-
greenhouse gases but the use of all types of bio- creased use in future can help achieve renewable
energy is associated with some amount of GHG energy targets. Livestock are further able to ex-
emissions. Although largely ignored in current ploit the reserves of energy contained in plant
discussions on clean energy generation, animal biomass that is not edible by humans. New in-
traction is still widespread in many developing stitutions and technologies will be needed, how-
countries. It remains relevant and useful be- ever, to greatly expand manure-based biogas
cause it is suited to the needs of farmers with generation. The use of clean energy to substitute
small land holdings on hilly terrain, where farm fossil fuels in feed production must also be in-
machinery is impractical. Urban-based planners creased.
and politicians often forget the importance of
©FAO/Giulio Napolitano
growth and
al., 2006). Livestock’s share of total agricultural
output is nearly 40 percent in developed coun-
tries and 20 percent in developing ones. The
vigorous growth of the sector, and its ability to
reach into many different areas of the economy
INTRODUCTION and society, presents a major opportunity for
Over the past decades, production and con- many countries on their path towards economic
sumption of livestock products has increased development.
substantially, with the sector becoming one of Vertical and horizontal multiplier effects from
the fastest-growing in agriculture. Driving this the livestock sector can boost economic growth
“livestock revolution” was a combination of in two main ways: by contributing directly to
population growth, rising incomes and rapid rural livelihoods and agricultural output; and
urbanization (Delgado et al., 1999). Continu- through the sector’s various productive linkages
ing expansion of the sector is expected, with de- with other industries. However, the sector in de-
mand for livestock products fuelled by the one veloping countries is highly segmented, exhib-
billion increase in world population projected iting sharply different levels of labour produc-
by 2030 and by a further decline in poverty, giv- tivity between processing and production, and,
ing consumers greater access to animal protein within production, between commercial and
(OECD, 2017). SDG 8 proposes an integral ap- subsistence farmers. Thus, a simple multiplica-
proach towards more sustainable, sustained and tion of similar opportunities could just result in
inclusive economic growth (UN, 2016a). an expansion of underemployment. Livestock
Livestock production makes a major con- economic growth models should therefore put
tribution to the global economy, employing at particular emphasis on increasing labour pro-
least 1.3 billion people worldwide and provid- ductivity and focus on high-value-added and
ing livelihoods for 600 million poor smallholder labour-intensive activities.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Livestock Output/Agricultural Output (%)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Log of total GDP per capita–USD in 1995
Note: The graph includes the 10-year average values from 132 countries, covering the period from 2005 to 2014.
Source: Based on data from FAOSTAT, 2017.
8. Economic growth and employment
45 4.5
40 4.0
35 3.3% 3.5
Livestock/Agriculture (percentage)
20 2.0
15 1.3% 1.5
10 1.0
5 0.5
0 0.0
East Asia Europe Latin America Middle East North South Asia Sub-Saharan
and Pacific and and and America Africa
Central Asia Caribbean North Africa
Note: The graph includes the 10-year average values from 131 countries, covering the period from 1975 to 2014. For the first two periods
(1975–1984) and (1985–1994), countries belonging to the Commonwealth of Independent States and Georgia were not included.
Source: Based on data from FAOSTAT, 2017.
in livestock production. For example, in lower It is interesting to note that these elasticities
middle-income economies, an increase of 1 per- differ depending on the level of countries’ eco-
cent in livestock production tends to expand the nomic development. As the level increases, the
non-agricultural sector by 0.76 percent in con- response of the agricultural sector to livestock
trast to the agricultural sector’s 0.64 percent. expansion decreases, while the response of the
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
non-agricultural sector rises. In high-income sector with other industries through various
economies, an increase of 1 percent in livestock production and consumption channels. In high-
production tends to expand the non-agricultural income economies, the sector requires greater
sector by 1.02 percent, in comparison with 0.73 quantities of high-value-added industrial prod-
in low-income countries. On the other hand, in ucts, including fossil fuels, pharmaceutical prod-
high-income economies an increase of 1 percent ucts, rubber and plastic, machinery, infrastruc-
in livestock production triggers an increase of ture, electricity and gas, transport, and financial
0.43 percent in agricultural production, in com- and insurance services. In addition, it provides
parison with 0.71 in low-income countries. inputs to other industries such textiles and agro-
These dynamics can be explained by the num- chemicals, products for the agro-food industry,
ber of forward and backward linkages of the and pharmaceuticals. Thus, in larger and more
ss serv
g (e
d fish
Agriculture and
ices of
Other services
du sta
ng an
M ing an
all kind
t a and
er y
Co uc
Oth on
ica on
M ining
Ele ns od ct i
er m ctr tru pr e
anu f
icit ct at on
fact dc
ya he d
urin nd ion W ar an
g g se d
Other ind
ustr as u g ro ces
transp ies S er p
ort eq
uipm Oth
Aircraft an
ent B er
e v
d spacecra
ft Tobacco
an d se m i-t railers Textiles
s, trailers
Motor vehicle ents Appa
strum Foo el
o p tical in ent
ion a
n d
p m
us Wo twear
e c is e rat
al, p r o n Pu od a
Medic cati pa nery lp
n i
hi , p nd p
ac rod
Co c c
uc t
Com ap
rod en
ry m er, uc
e ts
n g
i pr
ch of
mineral products
Rubber and plastics
ma in
pu wo
nd st
er c
c g
i o
ctr an
ec an
h em
fic d
Iron a
Of pu
Other non-metallic
Note: The space marked with blue represents a technical coefficient higher than 0.0001 in the intermediate demand section of the Input–Output
Matrix of technical coefficients.
Source: Based on data from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL), 2017.
8. Economic growth and employment
complex supply chains interconnected with in- tor in Chile and Uruguay would leverage great-
dustries in other economic areas, each link of er growth in the overall economy than in the
the supply chain generates a larger portion of latter two countries, given the number of mul-
value added, promoting higher overall economic tipliers present and acting along more complex
growth through the various multipliers. value chains.
This phenomenon is clearly evident in Figure
26, which compares the linkages of the meat POPULATION GROWTH AND
and dairy industry in higher- and lower-income EMPLOYMENT GENERATION
countries. Economies with high income levels – In 2013, the poorest region in the world was
Chile and Uruguay – present more productive sub-Saharan Africa, with 35 percent of the pop-
linkages than economies with lower incomes ulation living on less than USD 2 a day, followed
such as Bolivia (Plurinational State of) and Para- by South Asia (17.5 percent), Latin America and
guay. For example, the Chilean and Uruguayan the Caribbean (5.3 percent) and East Asia and
meat and dairy industries provide inputs to 30 the Pacific (4.5 percent), for a total of 800 mil-
and 13 other industries respectively; whereas in lion poor. These regions face not only wide-
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) the sector links spread poverty, but also high unemployment
up with eight industries, and in Paraguay with rates. As shown in Figure 27, unemployment
only four. Clearly, energizing the livestock sec- amounts to 6 percent of the total labour force
Unemployment (% of population group)
World East Asia North South sub-Saharan Europe and Latin America Middle East
and Pacific America Asia Africa Central Asia and and
Caribbean North Africa
Note: The values are expressed as percentage of the corresponding category’s total labour force.
Source: Based on data from ILO, 2018.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
globally, but is much higher in several economic increasing livestock production in developing
regions, particularly in SSA, Europe and Central or emerging regions represents a major oppor-
Asia (ECA), LAC and NENA. Especially wor- tunity for stimulating local economies and ru-
risome is youth unemployment, which is twice ral livelihoods. Considering the many vertical
that of the overall unemployment rate in every multiplier effects at work, a growing livestock
region. Further, a clear gap between males and sector can dynamize employment in the agri-
females exists in both adult and youth popula- cultural sector as a whole since it requires in-
tions, with females suffering the largest exclu- creasing quantities of labour and capital along
sion from the labour market. the supply chains, including transport, slaugh-
Given the population prospects, the capac- terhouses, hygiene, and feed production. The
ity to create remunerative jobs is, and will con- development of larger supply chains and pro-
tinue to be in coming decades, one of the major ductive linkages with other industries can also
challenges in combating poverty in developing help stimulate labour markets in other sectors
countries. The world’s population is set to in- of the economy.
crease by more than one billion in the next 15 However, the livestock sector in developing
years, reaching 8.5 billion by 2030. By 2050, countries is characterized by being highly seg-
SSA, SA, and NENA will have increased their mented between processing and production,
populations by 1.9 billion, accounting for nearly and, within production, between commercial
86 percent of the total projected world popula- and subsistence farmers. Thus, the level of pro-
tion growth. These regions also have the largest ductivity in domestic factors of production, in-
shares of youth and child populations – aver- cluding labour, may differ between segments.
aging 25 percent and 16 percent respectively – Indeed, productivity tends to be higher among
which highlights the crucial need to promote commercial producers, who are often better
youth employment there. endowed with capital, land, technology and
With growing demand fuelled by income and access to marketing infrastructure, and lower
population growth, particularly in urban areas, among subsistence farmers. Economic intuition
2017 2050
REGION (Billion) RURAL (0-14 years) (15-24 years) (Billion) RURAL (0-14 years) (15-24 years)
Note: EAP refers to East Asia and the Pacific, ECA to Europe and Central Asia, LAC to Latin America and the Caribbean, NENA to Near East and
North Africa, SA to South Asia, and SSA to sub-Saharan Africa.
Source: Adapted from the World Bank, 2017.
8. Economic growth and employment
would predict that growth in demand for live- ing countries. Yet the contribution of livestock
stock products would trigger a rise in output to overall economic growth through numerous
supply and inputs demand across all segments. vertical and horizontal multiplier effects goes
However, since livestock jobs in the subsistence well beyond simple production. In developing
segment are marked by low wages and poor countries, however, the livestock sector is highly
conditions, a simple multiplication of similar segmented and the level of labour productivity
opportunities might just result in an expansion differs widely between processing and produc-
of underemployment. tion processes, and also between commercial
and subsistence farmers. Thus, simply multiply-
CONCLUSION ing the same kind of opportunities might just re-
Goal 8 promotes sustainable economic growth sult in an expansion of underemployment. Live-
and full and productive employment. The value stock economic growth models should therefore
of livestock production accounts for nearly 40 put special emphasis on increasing labour pro-
percent of total agricultural output in devel- ductivity and focus on high value-added and
oped countries and for 20 percent in develop- labour-intensive activities.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
©FAO/Alessia Pierdomenico
stem from two factors. First, developing coun-
tries employ a much larger share of their la-
bour force in agriculture compared to the other
sectors; and second, agriculture in developing
challenges into
countries is less productive than in developed
ones. When countries’ workforce is mainly
involved in primary agriculture, which, sadly,
is the least-productive part of the economy, it
has adverse impacts on economic growth and
INTRODUCTION development (Herrendorf et al., 2013; Caselli,
Industrialization is a dynamic instrument of 2005; Restuccia et al., 2008).
growth, promoting rapid economic and social SDG 9 brings renewed attention to the im-
development (Upadhyaya, 2013) as it shifts la- portance of building resilient infrastructure,
bour and other resources from labour-intensive promoting inclusive and sustainable industri-
and less productive activities towards more alization, and fostering innovation, thus real-
capital- and technology-intensive ones. It of- locating resources for achieving socially inclu-
fers great opportunities for developing coun- sive and environmentally sustainable economic
tries to enter the downstream end of global growth. Given the dynamics of the global eco-
value chains and in so doing to accelerate eco- nomic landscape and the need to tackle issues
nomic growth (UNIDO, 2016). The role of of inequality, sustainable and inclusive industri-
industrialization is particularly important in alization is a central target of SDG 9. Achieving
developing and emerging economies, where the goal depends on investing in research and
the share of services is relatively smaller than innovation as well as developing resilient infra-
in developed countries. Caselli (2005) and Res- structure. Industry is an important job creator
tuccia et al. (2008) argue that differences in in most economies, accounting for more than
9. Livestock and industrialization: turning challenges into opportunities
470 million jobs worldwide at the end of the play in livestock development, and also under-
last decade (SDG, 2016). Nevertheless, accord- scores the opportunities offered by the sector
ing to the United Nations Industrial Develop- for countries to industrialize not only faster but
ment Organization (UNIDO, 2016), the share also sustainably, a central goal of SDG 9.
of manufacturing employment in developing
countries grew from about 12 percent in 1970 GLOBAL TRENDS
to 14 percent in 2010, i.e. essentially remaining IN INDUSTRIALIZATION
stagnant. Although sustainable industrialization is es-
Linkages between the livestock sector and sential for rapid economic and social develop-
industrialization work both ways. On the one ment (Upadhyaya, 2013), and despite the great
hand, the fast-growing sector offers attractive opportunities that industrialization holds for
opportunities for industrialization and an in- developing countries, the latter are still far from
creased share in the national economy. The ani- achieving the right levels of industrial capac-
mal product processing industry is one of the ity. Indeed, global average manufacturing value
fastest growing in emerging economies, with added (MVA) as a share of GDP has been stead-
a rate of 3 percent per annum forecast for the ily declining in the last few decades from about
coming decades (FAO, 2017b). On the other 21 percent in 1995 to about 15 percent in 2015
hand, the overall development of industrial ca- (World Bank, 2017), which is due in part to a
pacity, infrastructure, research and innovation, substantial increase in services.
and access to finance, offers the livestock sector This is not necessarily an indication of de-
an excellent opportunity to add value to increas- industrialization, however, nor of a recoil in
ingly limited and deteriorating land and water countries’ levels of development. Total MVA has
resources, and achieve more inclusive economic exhibited high growth rates for the last few dec-
growth. This chapter elaborates on the role that ades in countries at all income levels (low, mid-
sustainable and inclusive industrialization can dle, and high) and MVA per capita has expanded
10 000
8 000
2010 US$
6 000
4 000
2 000
Source: Based on data from the World Development Indicators, World Bank 2017.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
2 000
2010 US$
1 000
East Asia Europe and Latin America Middle East South Sub-Saharan World
and Pacific Central Asia and Caribbean and North Africa Asia Africa
Source: Based on data from the World Development Indicators, World Bank 2017.
9. Livestock and industrialization: turning challenges into opportunities
High-Income countries (2.6%) Developing countries (4.7%)
These differences are also reflected in the value chains (GVCs) – more than any other de-
way different countries are connected to global veloping region and even more than some rich
markets. Foster-McGregor et al. (2015) suggest countries such as the United States of America.
that a significant number of countries in SSA, However, most of this engagement involves up-
for example, are closely connected to global stream value chain activities, with African firms
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
primarily supplying low value added inputs and Africa (2009), United Republic of Tanzania
unsophisticated manufactured goods to down- (2009) and Tunisia (2012) – amounting to 1.9,
stream firms overseas. This is a particularly criti- 0.1 and 2 percent respectively.
cal issue for livestock in African countries. The There has been substantial improvement in
sector has so far not been able to do much more the SSA and MENA regions since the 1990s in
than supply relatively unsophisticated products terms of the composition of livestock exports.
with limited value added. In both cases the share of exported processed
As shown in Figure 31, more than 65 percent livestock products increased from 25 and 37
of SSA’s participation in GVCs consists in the percent in 1990–1999 to about 45 and 70 per-
provision of primary inputs and low-tech ser- cent in 2010–2014 respectively. However, in SSA
vices and manufactures. The situation in North the value of processed livestock products as a
Africa is slightly different because of the pres- share of total agricultural exports dropped from
ence of oil-producing countries, more than 1.6 percent in 1990–1999 to less than 1 percent
56 percent of the subregion’s contribution to 2010–2014 (FAO, 2017b). This contrasts with
GVCs is still in the form of upstream activi- the general trend in other regions such as North
ties – and the figure climbs to over 70 percent America, South Asia, and, remarkably, MENA,
in Sahelian countries such as Mauritania. Down- where greater exports of processed livestock
stream operators, who are mostly located in the products also account for a greater share of total
developed world, have more opportunities for agricultural exports.
upgrading and innovation, and are more capable The fact that African countries already partic-
of capturing larger shares of the value of finished ipate in GVCs gives them an advantage because
products. they do not have to build up a whole network of
market connections from scratch, nor create an
SHARE OF LIVESTOCK IN entire industry capable of competing in the in-
AGRO-PROCESSING VALUE ternational marketplace. But since the continent
According to the Social Account Matrix (SAM), has been primarily involved in upstream pro-
from a sample of developing countries, pro- duction, where opportunities for upgrading and
cessed livestock products represent a very small innovation are limited, entering downstream
share of the gross value of agro-processing and value chains will require not only the adoption
of total exports (see Table 10). In fact, for all of pertinent public policies but also a series of
sampled countries, processed crop products initiatives from the private sector aimed at in-
contribute strikingly more to agro-processing centivizing investments, promoting technical
and total exports than processed livestock prod- training, acquiring new connections, and devel-
ucts. Processed crops represent about 21 percent oping new business and technical skills.
of agro-processing gross output in South Africa,
19 percent in Egypt, and 12 percent in Tunisia, LIVESTOCK INDUSTRIALIZATION:
while livestock processed products account for OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES
0.2, 0.8 and 1.3 percent respectively. Some of As previously indicated, a significant number
these differences seem to reflect crops’ domi- of developing countries, contribute to GVCs
nant share of agricultural production in these primarily through the provision of primary and
countries, although the level of export intensifi- unsophisticated products to downstream actors
cation also indicates that only a very small share in developed countries. This is in part because
of the total supply of processed livestock prod- those countries have not acquired, or at least
ucts is actually exported. Processed livestock exploited, the capabilities required to engage in
products sold as exports accounted for a minor more sophisticated activities. For example, lim-
share of local livestock production in South ited compliance with food safety requirements
South Africa (2009) Crop processed 11.7 21.5 8.3 5.4 9.6 5.8 22.5
United Republic of Crop processed 0.8 3.9 21.3 7.9 33.4 8.1 33.2
Tanzania (2009) Livestock processed 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.1 6.1
Egypt (2010) Crop processed 2.7 19.1 14.6 12.0 15.4 12.2 20.0
Tunisia (2012) Crop processed 9.8 11.6 4.5 6.3 15.4 18.4 14.6
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Crop processed 3.3 15.0 11.2 11.4 13.9 17.7 22.2
Livestock processed 0.0 2.1 0.6 0.2 2.7 1.3 12.2
Source: Calculation based on SAMs developed by IFPRI, 2017.
9. Livestock and industrialization: turning challenges into opportunities
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Meat, edible meat offal, salted, dried; flours, meals 0.424 0.16 0.14
Cheese and curd 0.171 3.32 6.33
Meat, edible meat offal, prepared, and preserved 0.103 1.45 0.99
Manufactures of leather, saddlery & harness 0.075 0.50 1.05
Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk 0.022 3.17 0.32
Milk, cream and milk products (excluding butter, cheese) -0.128 25.48 5.29
Edible products and preparations -0.142 22.92 14.70
Fur skins, tanned or dressed -0.148 0.02 0.23
Other meat and edible meat offal -0.271 10.84 5.45
Bird eggs, egg yolks; egg albumin -0.289 0.91 0.74
Fur skins, raw -0.434 0.03 0.20
Margarine and shortening -0.498 2.60 2.39
Meat of bovine animals, fresh, chilled or frozen -0.570 7.23 5.58
Animal oils and fats -0.753 1.71 1.41
Live animals -0.772 4.70 14.51
Animal or veg. oils & fats, processed -0.787 4.85 2.73
Leather -0.841 6.80 20.79
Wool and other animal hair (incl. wool tops) -0.899 0.71 7.24
Crude animal materials -1.054 1.96 3.21
Hides and skins (except fur skins), raw -1.173 0.65 6.71
Average livestock PCI -0.3982
Source: Adapted from Yaméogo et al., 2014.
is a major challenge which has affected the abil- the technological sophistication of an economy
ity of major African livestock-producing coun- can be gauged by the types of products it makes.
tries to export processed livestock products. Ac- According to Hidalgo et al. (2007), products are
cording to Hidalgo and Hausmann (2009), since interlinked according to the types of capabili-
not all products have the same impact in terms ties required in their production and less-devel-
of economic growth, concentrating on unso- oped countries produce and export goods with
phisticated products is substantially keeping a lower number of interindustrial connections
those countries from achieving faster economic (i.e. less complex goods). Hence economic de-
growth and improving key development indica- velopment is not just about constantly improv-
tors. Specializing in some products rather than ing the production of the same set of goods but
others can determine the speed of a country’s has more to do with acquiring more complex
growth (Hausmann et al., 2007). capabilities that help diversify production to-
The technological sophistication of a product wards more sophisticated products and higher
can be defined in terms of the level of technical 2
It is helpful to think of capabilities as set of tangible inputs such as roads,
bridges, transportation systems, collecting centres and infrastructure, or as
capabilities involved in its production.2 Similarly, intangibles such as skills, knowledge, institutions, regulations and services.
9. Livestock and industrialization: turning challenges into opportunities
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
©FAO/Hkun Lat
booming as a result of population growth, in-
creased purchasing power and changes in diets.
The livestock sector has become and will con-
INTRODUCTION tinue to be one of the fastest-growing in agri-
Economic inequalities are defined by people’s culture for the next decades. As such, it offers
economic positions in society, measured in substantial opportunities for income generation
terms of income, purchasing power or wealth and job creation, especially in the dairy sector.
and are also linked to demographic character- On the supply side, livestock are a source of
istics, such as gender, age or ethnicity. Certain food and income for 600 million poor small-
individuals and groups have opportunities con- holders whose livelihoods depend partially or
sistently inferior to those of their fellow citi- entirely on keeping animals. The proportion of
zens merely on account of their birth. Sustain- poor women and elderly individuals involved in
able Development Goal 10 calls for reducing agriculture, in the broad sense of the term, is in-
inequalities in income, as well as those based creasing. At the same time, the number of young
on sex, age, disability, race, class, ethnicity, reli- people aged between 15–24 in sub-Saharan Afri-
gion and opportunity, and this both within and ca looking for jobs will increase by 75 percent in
among countries (UN, 2016c). SDG 10 is closely the next 30 years and a thriving livestock sector
correlated to the first of the SDGs (elimination could play an important part in absorbing these
of poverty) and while there has been progress newcomers into the labour market.
on poverty reduction over the past decades, the With the right investments and policies, and
world continues to suffer from substantial ine- providing national and regional authorities sup-
qualities. To reach both SDG 1 and SDG 10, ef- port a form of livestock development that is in-
forts to foster growth need to be complemented clusive and sensitive to the needs of women and
by equity-enhancing policies and interventions young people, the sector can make a significant
(World Bank, 2016). contribution to the reduction of inequalities in
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
income, as well as of discrimination based on sex average. Because of its rapid expansion, espe-
and age. Greater opportunities for rural house- cially in the developing world, and because ani-
holds to become involved in livestock produc- mal husbandry takes place largely in rural ar-
tion, processing, and marketing will lead to eas – where three-quarters of the world’s poor
reduced inequality as livestock husbandry and live – livestock offer substantial opportunities
livestock value chains are potent catalysts for for income growth among the bottom 40 per-
smallholder income growth with relatively low cent of the population in both low-income and
investment and input costs. some middle-income countries. This, coupled
The future development of a livestock sector with measures to reduce income discrepancies
that contributes to SDG 10 requires reaching across sectors, makes livestock highly relevant
beyond policies and investments specific to live- to achieving SDG 10.
stock. It calls for spending on infrastructure to With demand continuing to rise, the livestock
link lagging regions; implementing rural devel- sector’s fast growth is expected to last into the
opment policies that are both youth and gender next decades. In South and East Asia, the sector
sensitive; improving access to services – includ- will contribute about 40 percent to the expan-
ing financial services – for all; framing adequate sion of the agricultural economy, which, in turn,
social protection programmes, including pen- is expected to grow more than 20 percent over
sion schemes; enacting migration policies that the next ten years. Intensive pork and poultry
take into account the needs of people moving production will account for most of the extra
with their animals; and enabling free trade and meat production. This will offer limited oppor-
the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agree- tunities for poorer livestock keepers, although
ment on the Application of Sanitary and Phy- some jobs should become available in process-
tosanitary Measures (SPS) for trade in livestock ing and marketing. In the dairy sector, however,
and livestock products from least developed and small-scale milk producers and sellers stand to
low-income countries. benefit from the 20 percent increase in milk
However, unless the consequences of ex- yields expected by 2025 and from the fact that
panded and intensified livestock production on more milk will be produced for fresh consump-
rural households in developing countries are tion. However, for those benefits to materialize,
considered, the overall impact on small-scale inclusive rural development policies need to be
farmers will be negative. Competition for fer- put in place.
tile land to produce livestock feed and the pri- In Africa, beef consumption will continue
vatization of good rangeland could well force to grow strongly, by 2.6 percent per annum to
smallholders and vulnerable communities into 2025. Although much smaller in absolute terms,
less productive, less connected areas, increas- consumption of lamb and mutton has nonethe-
ing their social, economic and political exclu- less expanded impressively over the past decade,
sion. Empowerment of producer organizations with demand for sheep and goat meat mostly
by giving them legal recognition and providing met by small-scale local producers. Dairy milk
them with capacity development is essential if production has enormous potential for eco-
small-scale producers are to have a voice in the nomic development and food security in rural
political debate around rural development and areas of Africa. In southern and eastern Africa
the use of land. especially, commercialization of the sector has
already shown dairy’s potential to reduce pov-
INCOME GROWTH erty by providing people with a regular income.
Achieving SDG 10 will require per capita in- Growth in milk production, reaching 37 percent
come in the bottom 40 percent of the popula- over the past decade, was made possible largely
tion to grow at a higher rate than the national due to the contribution of a vibrant smallholder
10. Reduced inequalities
farming sector. Growth in demand for dairy The efficiency gap in livestock production
products is projected to accelerate to 2.6 percent within these mixed crop–livestock systems is
per annum in Africa between 2017 and 2025 known to be large but can be filled by existing
(OECD and FAO, 2016). technologies and good animal husbandry prac-
On the supply side, and focusing on poor pro- tices. Improvements can be made in feeding and
ducers, Robinson et al. (2011) estimated that the housing practices, herd or flock management,
total number of poor people whose livelihoods and disease control strategies. There is therefore
depended entirely or partially on livestock pro- great potential for increasing productivity and
duction was more than half a billion in 2010 incomes in both South Asia and sub-Saharan
(calculated in terms of countries’ rural poverty Africa in a sector involving hundreds of millions
lines). There are also many poor farmers who, of people. Filling the efficiency gap will signifi-
while not owning livestock, make their living by cantly contribute to reaching SDG 10.
supplying inputs and services to the livestock It should, however, be noted that, for many
sector, and selling livestock products such as poor, livestock-owning households, farm ani-
milk. Some 70 percent of poor livestock keepers mals are not their main source of income. Pi-
live in South Asia (India, Pakistan and Bangla- ca-Ciamarra et al. (2015) found that the direct
desh) and sub-Saharan Africa (particularly Ni- contribution of livestock to the incomes of ru-
geria, Ethiopia, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Ma- ral animal owners in 12 developing countries
lawi, Kenya, South Africa and Niger), and it can was 12 percent, ranging between 2 percent and
be assumed that their earnings place them in the 24 percent. Nonetheless, besides money earned
bottom 40 percent in their respective countries. from selling animals or animal products, live-
The number of pastoralists living in arid and stock provide many other goods and services
semi-arid lands is unknown, as is the propor- that contribute to families’ livelihoods and wel-
tion of pastoralists living within the bottom 40 fare, and help reduce inequalities between the
percent. Livestock are the main income earners bottom 40 percent and the rest of the popula-
for families in drylands – areas that are often af- tion. Such goods and services include animal-
fected by human-induced crises, climate change source food (ASF) for household consumption,
and increasingly frequent and intense natural manure, draught power and transport. Live-
disasters. All this exposes livestock keepers in stock’s role as a form of savings and insurance
arid and semi-arid areas to a greater risk of fall- also advances equity where social protection
ing into poverty. Investment in the development and financial services are either insufficient or
of arid and semi-arid areas is therefore a priority unavailable.
if SDG 10 is to be achieved. A diversified approach is therefore required
That said, the majority of poor livestock to fully exploit the potential for inequality re-
farmers are sedentary and operate in mixed duction which the fast-growing livestock sector
crop–livestock production systems. These are offers livestock owners. This approach should
irrigated plots in parts of South Asia, and rain- include:
fed holdings in parts of India and in most of sub- • A range of animal production and health
Saharan Africa. Over one billion poor people interventions, with appropriate targeting.
farm this way and 600 million of them depend These should facilitate access to feed and
partially or entirely on livestock for their liveli- pasture throughout the year, reduce losses
hood (based on the national and the internation- due to diseases and ensure that livestock
al USD 1.25 per day poverty lines used in 2010). products from extensive or semi-intensive
At the time, Robinson et al. (2011), estimated production systems meet consumer re-
that this number would double if a USD 2 per quirements in terms of quality, safety, quan-
day poverty line were used. tity and regularity of supply.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
• A set of policies and investments that go and a third of that will go to feeding livestock
beyond animal production and health and (currently, 900 million tonnes of cereals are used
support a fully inclusive, gender-sensitive as feed annually). While cereal prices are expect-
rural development process is also necessary. ed to remain close to what they are today in the
Investments in new or improved rural roads medium term, the growth in demand for cere-
facilitate access to markets, for example, and als could trigger an increase in food prices in the
have a direct impact on both poverty and the long term, leading to the kind of crisis last seen
reduction of economic inequality. Improved in 2007–2008. The bottom 40 percent would be
access to rural financial services or cash proportionally more affected.
transfers and social protection programmes Increased world demand for feed concentrates
creates opportunities for poor livestock involves an expansion of soy and cereals pro-
keepers to integrate into markets. Weak or duction areas. Accordingly, the number of large-
unequal property rights also remain an im- scale land acquisitions by foreign entities has
portant constraint preventing smallholders accelerated since 2000, mainly in Africa. These
from expanding production. Institutional acquisitions are usually in fertile regions, with
reforms can be very effective in stimulating good water access and developed infrastructure.
smallholder entrepreneurship and closing in- Such areas have traditionally been farmed by
equality gaps. As noted, a special emphasis smallholder families (Pesche et al., 2016) and
on the economic development of arid and large-scale land acquisitions usually result in
semi-arid lands is required as pastoralists are their displacement and increased inequalities.
particularly affected by climate change. The future expansion of intensive livestock pro-
Indeed, it must be stressed that in the absence duction must therefore integrate all three pillars
of such measures, the livestock sector’s current of sustainability – economic, environmental and
rapid growth will clearly contribute to height- social – including social equity.
ening, rather than reducing, inequalities by 2030.
Intensive livestock production requires increas- ANIMAL-SOURCE FOODS, PRICE
ingly large quantities of both soy and cereals as INFLATION AND INEQUALITY
feed. By 2050, somewhere between 3 and 3.5 bil- The level of income distribution in a country is
lion tonnes of cereals (wheat, coarse grains and traditionally assumed to shift from relative equal-
rice) will be needed every year to feed the planet, ity to inequality and back to greater equality as
Policies and programmes aimed at eradicating the Peste des Petits Ruminants, have the advantage
livestock diseases or focusing on an area-wide ap- of benefiting all producers, including the poorest
proach for the elimination of parasites or disease members of communities. Providing the diseases
vectors deserve special mention here. Past initia- targeted are endemic in areas where small-scale
tives such as the Global Programme for the Eradi- producers are active, their elimination reduces ine-
cation of Rinderpest or the Eradication of the Tset- qualities by reducing losses for everyone, including
se fly in Zanzibar, and current programmes like the the poorest producers who could not otherwise
Global Strategy for the Control and Eradication of have afforded to treat their livestock.
10. Reduced inequalities
countries develop. Inequality will rise as some ASF products, the poorest spend about 20 per-
people move away from economic activities cent. Thus, policy measures aimed at controlling
which yield a low marginal product into more food price inflation should pay particular atten-
productive ones. At some point, the marginal tion to the behaviour of ASF prices.
product of all economic activities converges and
income differences narrow (IMF, 1998). PROMOTING THE SOCIAL, ECONOMIC
There is extensive literature noting a strong AND POLITICAL INCLUSION OF ALL
relationship between inflation and income in- Empowerment and social, economic and politi-
equality (Albanesi, 2007). The rise in food prices cal inclusion of all are pivotal in SDG 10. The re-
has been identified as one of the major driving duction of the proportion of people living below
forces behind inflation. This effect tends to be 50 percent of median income, by age and sex,
larger in developing countries where house- and of persons with disabilities, serves as an in-
holds spend a larger proportion of their income dicator of success for this target. Measuring pro-
in food. gress requires the collection and analysis of age-
In developing regions such as sub-Saharan Af- and gender-disaggregated data that is currently
rica and the Middle East and North Africa, the not broadly available for the livestock sector.
cost of animal-source foods accounts for nearly One tends to think about age inequalities in
one-third of the food basket. The percentage of terms of opportunities for the young but the
income spent on ASFs tends to be higher for welfare of the older members of the community
poorer households. While the richest households is a growing concern in many ageing societies.
spend around ten percent of their income on For example, the age of smallholders involved
Percentage of household total expenditure
M a la w i
N e p a l
F iji
H o n d u ra s
B e la r u s
y z R e p u b lic
e r Y u g o s la v
M a u r it a n ia
S ri L a n k a
G h a n a
C o lo m b ia
A r m e n ia
M a c e d o n ia
C a m b o d ia
M o n g o lia
M o z a m b iq u e
S ie r r a L e o n e
U k r a in e
P e ru
Ir a q
A f g h a n is t a n
B h u ta n
C h a d
G a b o n
M e x ic o
L e so th o
M o ro c c o
F e d e r a tio n
o n te n e g ro
T h a ila n d
V ie t N a m
K y rg
R e p u b lic o f
R u s s ia n
th e fo rm
Latin East
America and
East Asia and Europe and and the North South
Pacific Central Asia Caribbean Africa Asia sub-Saharan Africa
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
in agriculture is increasing in many of the Near Gender equity is a recurrent topic in the nar-
Eastern and North African countries, including, rative surrounding the livestock sector in de-
evidently, a good number of livestock-owning veloping countries. Programmes supporting
households. The phenomenon results partly livestock development are considered privileged
from the absence of inclusive government-fund- entry points for addressing equality between
ed pension schemes, especially in rural areas. sexes as livestock ownership is usually open
People reaching retirement age go back to the to both men and women. And while access to
land to produce food and go on making a living. land is often restricted to men in low- income
The rapid growth in demand for livestock prod- countries, both men and women are involved in
ucts, especially milk, chicken and eggs, gives the management of livestock (Bravo-Baumann,
elderly smallholders a chance to improve their 2000). In reality, however, livestock’s ability
livelihoods by selling their surplus production. to foster the social and economic inclusion of
The development of government-funded pen- women is variable.
sion mechanisms, where and when possible, In considering gender equity, poultry is often
would be a more efficient way to reduce age in- regarded as a good place to start because chick-
equalities. For it would not only benefit the el- ens, which are a dependable source of income
derly but also facilitate the generational transfer and food in poor households, are often owned
of holdings and land tenure to the children of by women. Chickens or eggs can be sold at
an ageing generation of farm heads and to rural short notice, which helps cover day-to-day ex-
landless youths willing to invest in agriculture. penses, and women usually keep the income.
In sub-Saharan Africa, the 15–24 age popula- Sheep and goats, however, may not contribute
tion is expected to grow from less than 200 mil- as much to reducing gender inequalities. For
lion in 2017 to over 350 million in 2050. Trends example, a recent study on employment crea-
in structural transformation in sub-Saharan Af- tion in the small-ruminant subsector in Ethiopia
rica show that opportunities for wage jobs in found that although joint ownership, usually
industry or services will remain limited. For the between spouses, was the most common form
next two decades, it is expected that agriculture of ownership, men have the ultimate decision
will offer three-quarters of new work oppor- on the use of animals, in particular marketing.
tunities, mainly through self-employment. The Furthermore, men held an almost complete
growing demand for ASF on the continent of- monopoly on trade in markets, where women
fers a chance to create new jobs for young peo- were generally not welcome, especially as sellers
ple, providing the African livestock sector can (Mueller et al., 2017). Investment programmes
propose products that are competitive in terms in support of small-scale livestock producers
of quality and price compared to imports. therefore require both in-depth understanding
Within rural environments, livestock keeping of the role of women in the households targeted
has historical, cultural and traditional roots, and and an assessment of the impact of interventions
the involvement of young children is very com- on the income and social status of both men
mon. As defined by the UN Convention on the and women. Again, disaggregated data and ap-
Rights of the Child and the International Labour proaches that help change the economic role of
Organization, some of the work children do in women in households are necessary.
the livestock sector, such as herding, interferes SDG 10 will have to be achieved within
with their education and must be categorized as the context of the feminization of agriculture
child labour. But there is currently little statistical as men move out of farming in search of bet-
information on child labour in the livestock sec- ter employment opportunities and women are
tor indicating a strong need for further age- and left to work on the farm. Nonetheless, in most
sex-disaggregated data collection (FAO, 2013a). countries in sub-Saharan Africa, (Slavchevska et
10. Reduced inequalities
al., 2016), the share of women working in ag- In 2015, some 247 million people lived in a
riculture has not changed significantly in the country not of their birth. About half of all mi-
last few decades. The fact that women represent grants globally moved from a developing to a
well over 50 percent of the agricultural work- developed country, but migration to the former,
force does however indicate a feminized sector. although a smaller share of the global total, was
In Africa, a quarter of all households are headed still very significant. Some 79.6 million people, or
by women and one person in five lives in such a almost one-third of the world’s migrants, moved
household. But detecting the changing roles of from one developing country to another. For ex-
women within agriculture, and more specifically ample, in 2015 nearly 33 million Africans were
within the livestock sector, will require the col- living outside their home country, but more than
lection of relevant data. one out of two migrated within Africa. Sub-Saha-
Persons with physical disabilities will find it ran Africans lead intra-African migration (nearly
difficult to rear livestock due to the nature of the 75 percent), often moving to neighbouring coun-
work. The sector’s growth does not offer many tries (Côte d’Ivoire, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya
opportunities for the greater inclusion of physi- and Ethiopia are the top five receiving countries)
cally challenged persons. (McKinsey Global Institute, 2016). Again, 740
million people were internal, within-country mi-
SAFE AND RESPONSIBLE MOBILITY grants travelling either on a temporary or a per-
OF PEOPLE manent basis in search of better work. This kind of
Achieving SDG 10 requires a change in the way economic migration does not usually involve live-
migration is perceived and dealt with in many stock moving across borders (with the exception
countries. It is essential that countries move to- of the regular seasonal movements of pastoralists)
wards more orderly, safe, regular and responsi- and is not directly relevant to the discussion on
ble population movements through well-man- livestock and SDG 10.
aged migration policies. An estimated additional 65 million people are
©FAO/Giulio Napolitano
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
currently forcibly displaced because of war or insecurity. Facilitating and reducing the costs of
insecurity. The six countries that have produced money transfers to the families of migrants in
two-thirds of the world’s cross-border refugees their countries of origin would contribute to a
in the recent past all have, or had, vibrant live- reduction in inequalities, to stabilization and to
stock sectors with important roles in the rural the increased resilience of communities depend-
economy: Syrian Arab Republic, Afghanistan, ent on livestock.
South Sudan, the Federal Republic of Soma-
lia, Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the TRADE AGREEMENTS
Congo. These countries are either in acute or Facilitating exports from developing countries
protracted crisis. It should be noted that refu- will reduce inequalities among nations. The
gees and asylum-seekers differ from voluntary proportion of tariff lines with zero tariff ap-
migrants in fundamental ways. Many may have plied to imports from least developed (LDCs)
suddenly been forced to abandon their homes. and developing countries, is used as indicator of
Livestock owners may have lost all or part of success for Target 10.a of SDG 10 (by 2030, pro-
their assets and, in some cases, may be fleeing to gressively achieve and sustain income growth of
neighbouring countries with their animals. the bottom 40 percent of the population at a rate
Well-managed migration policies, especially higher than the national average).
regarding countries receiving refugees who are Developing countries, in particular LDCs, do
forcibly displaced, require measures address- benefit from special and differential treatment
ing the movement of animals as well as people. (SDT) in accordance with WTO agreements.
Control and management on the use of grazing SDT gives special rights to developing countries
grounds within host countries is a high prior- and gives developed countries the possibility of
ity to avoid conflicts between displaced popu- treating them more favourably than other WTO
lations and host communities. Measures to Members. This is the case with the Generalized
control animal diseases are required to protect System of Preferences (GSP), for example. Un-
both migrants’ livestock assets, fundamental for der the GSP regime, developed countries of-
starting a new life, and the herds of hosting com- fer non-reciprocal preferential treatment (such
munities. Because many migrants have skills in as zero or low duties on imports) to products
livestock husbandry, policies that facilitate their originating in developing countries. In this re-
insertion in the local livestock sector will con- gard, the Secretary-General of the United Na-
tribute to a better integration in host commu- tions, in his report “Progress towards the Sus-
nities. Moreover, investing in the livestock sec- tainable Development Goals” (United Nations,
tor in refugees’ countries of origin will act as an 2016c), explains that major developed country
engine of stabilization and recovery for people markets already offer duty-free market access to
living in fragile contexts, offering new opportu- LDCs on most of their tariff lines. Even when
nities to both would-be migrants and returnees. they do not, as in the case of some agricultural
This snapshot of the correlations between products, the average applied tariff rate is often
livestock and migration would not be complete close to zero. Almost all agricultural products
without a discussion of the impact of remittanc- from the LDCs (98 percent), including livestock
es. Migrant transfers to developing countries products, are exempt from duties by developed
reached USD 431.6 billion in 2015 (United Na- countries (versus 74 percent of products from
tions, 2016c). Of these, 40 percent were sent to developing countries).
rural areas and invested in agricultural activities Regional free trade agreements also offer op-
and in livestock in particular. For livestock not portunities for small-scale livestock producers
only generate income but also represent produc- and contribute to evening out the playing field
tive and moveable assets in times of conflict and among countries. The possibility of exporting
10. Reduced inequalities
live animals, duty free, from pastoral and agro- is the domestic benefits of higher SPS standards
pastoral areas of West Africa, across borders to (in terms of improved food safety, public health
the large urban coastal centres is a good example and animal health) that will have most impact on
of a booming trade benefiting small-scale pro- the livelihoods of the poor, especially children,
ducers. Regional free trade agreements are effi- by reducing their exposure to diseases.
cient in reducing inequalities only if cooperation
between customs and other concerned authori- CONCLUSION
ties is successful and if the movement of animals Goal 10 calls for reducing inequalities in in-
is not hampered by illegal and informal levies come. Institutional reforms in the livestock sec-
along the road. This common practice should be tor can be very effective at stimulating small-
curbed to reap the full benefit of negotiated free holder entrepreneurship and closing inequality
trade agreements for greater equity. gaps. Livestock rearing is a potent catalyst for
Among existing non-tariff barriers to trade, smallholder income growth, involving relatively
sanitary and phytosanitary measures are often low investment, input, and labour costs. How-
mentioned as potentially having distortionary ever, weak or discriminatory property rights
and restrictive effects in the livestock sector, and remain an important constraint on the capacity
therefore as creating inequalities among coun- of smallholders to expand sustainably. Enabling
tries. Problems have arisen in respect of meat livestock to contribute effectively thus means
and meat products and, less frequently, with going beyond policies and investments specific
dairy products. However, sanitary standards to the sector. It requires, among other things,
and their application reflect a justified desire by spending on infrastructure to link lagging
governments to control and eliminate any do- regions; improving access to services, includ-
mestic risk to human and animal health and to ing financial services for all; framing effective
respond to consumer demand for perfectly safe social protection programmes, including pen-
food. The WTO SPS Agreement forbids the ap- sion schemes; adopting migration policies that
plication of regulations that arbitrarily or un- take into account the needs of people moving
justifiably discriminate between countries. With with their animals; and implementing free trade
trade in livestock products growing, raising SPS agreements for trade in livestock and livestock
standards will open up new trading opportuni- products from least-developed and developing
ties for some developing countries. However, it countries.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
©FAO/Danfung Dennis
and sustainable
such as desertification and prolonged droughts.
Moreover, while migration is a key driver in rap-
id urbanization, there is growing evidence that
self-sustained urban growth and rural transfor-
mation are now major contributors to urbani-
INTRODUCTION zation, particularly in Africa (African Develop-
Rapid, global urbanization represents one of the ment Bank Group, 2012).
most rapid and profound shifts in the rise of hu- Today’s unprecedented urban growth appears
man settlements. In 2007, world urban popula- irreversible, affecting both developing and de-
tion overtook rural population for the first time veloped countries. In addressing urbanization,
in history (UN, 2014). This trend has continued the United Nations Agenda goes beyond the
over the past decade and is expected to spawn purely demographic dimension and addresses
more cities and urban settlements, transform- the main challenges and opportunities shaping
ing the economic and social fabrics of entire twenty-first century cities, including how they
countries. By 2050, more than two-thirds of the affect and contribute to sustainable develop-
world’s population will live in towns and cities, ment and achieving the 2030 goals and targets.
exerting pressure on natural resources, the living Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11) is
environment, and public health (UN 2014). Spur- to “make cities and human settlements inclu-
ring the rapid growth of cities of all sizes around sive, safe, resilient and sustainable” through
the world, urbanization is largely the result of the realization of ten targets, including: access
increasing rural-to-urban migration caused by to safe and affordable housing, basic services
lack of employment and basic services in rural and the upgrading of slums (Target 11.1); and
areas, and by employment opportunities in cit- investment in safe and sustainable public trans-
ies. Other contributing factors include extreme portation (Target 11.2). SDG 11 also promotes
events such as conflicts and natural disasters participatory and inclusive urban planning and
11. Livestock and sustainable cities
management (Target 11.3); protecting the urban This chapter addresses livestock keeping in ur-
poor and people in vulnerable situations (Target ban and peri-urban settings (respectively within
11.5); and strengthening links between urban, and around cities) as a form of urban agriculture
peri-urban and rural areas (Target 11.a). In ad- and presents its dynamics as an integral part of
dition, SDG 11 embraces environmental and urban life, while also highlighting the pros and
climate issues, including air quality and waste cons of urban livestock, particularly in develop-
management (Target 11.6); resource efficiency, ing countries. This synthesis aims to analyse how
mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and sustainable urban and peri-urban livestock pro-
resilience to disasters (Target 11.b). duction can influence urban policies and plans
Urban agriculture is one aspect of urbaniza- and contribute to achieving SDG 11 targets and
tion and takes place in many cities around the the sustainable development agenda. For present
world in various forms and contexts (Lee-Smith, purposes, “urban” production refers to small
2012; Orsini et al., 2013). While exact data on areas inside cities such as vacant plots, gardens,
the number of people involved in urban agricul- rooftops and backyards used for growing crops
ture are limited, in 1996 the United Nations De- and raising animals for own consumption or sale
velopment Programme estimated the figure at in neighbourhood markets. “Peri-urban” pro-
800 million and it has likely risen substantially duction refers to facilities close to towns which
since. According to Karanja and Njenga (2011), operate intensive semi- or fully commercial
roughly, 15–20 percent of the world’s food is farms to grow crops and raise animals for milk
grown in urban areas and some 25–30 percent and eggs (Iaquinta and Drescher, 2000).
of urban dwellers worldwide are involved in the
agro-food sector (Orsini et al., 2013). Urban ag- URBANIZATION AND
riculture offers many advantages, from reducing SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
poverty and improving household security, to Especially in developing countries, growing
supporting social interaction and cooperation, population and rapidly increasing urbaniza-
and improving public health. However, many tion challenge the objectives of ending hunger,
challenges must be addressed if urban agricul- achieving food security, improving nutrition
ture is to become sustainable (Smit et al., 2001; and attaining sustainable development. Rapid
De Bon et al., 2010). growth has crowded cities, forcing many urban
Livestock raising has often been part of urban inhabitants into slums and increasing poverty
agriculture, with its own challenges and oppor- levels (Karanja and Njenga, 2011). Poor urban
tunities. Until recently, urban livestock pro- households spend as much as 60–85 percent of
duction was often regarded as problematic and their income on food (Mougeot, 2005; Red-
was severely restricted by city laws and poli- wood, 2008). In Africa in particular, urbaniza-
cies (McClintock et al., 2014). However, keep- tion has resulted in a proliferation of slums, in-
ing livestock in urban settings is now gaining creased urban poverty and rising inequality.
greater recognition because of the benefits it can The degree of urbanization varies significant-
offer city dwellers (FAO, 2001, Dubbeling et al., ly across regions. Currently, Africa and Asia re-
2010). Urban livestock production has evolved main predominantly rural, with respectively 60
to support the household food security and the and 52 percent of their populations living in the
economic needs of urban populations, espe- countryside. However, these two continents are
cially in low-income countries. Before the sec- urbanizing faster than the other regions and are
tor can fully contribute to meeting the SDG 11 projected to become 56 and 64 percent urban re-
goals and targets, a number of issues regarding spectively by 2050 (UN, 2014). All over the de-
health and environmental risks must be resolved veloping world, urban and peri-urban conglom-
(FAO, 2001; Guendel, 2002; Grace et al., 2015). erations are now facing not only higher poverty
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
levels, but also serious problems with housing, (HABITAT II, 1996). It was subsequently also
employment, education, health, clean water and adopted by the World Food Summit (2002) and
transportation, to name but a few. Such con- the UN High Level Task Force on the Global
straints, however, are likely to slow rural–urban Food Crisis (2008) as a strategy for alleviating
migration rates in the coming decades. urban food insecurity and building cities more
The New Urban Agenda, agreed upon by resilient to crises (FAO, 2010b). Urban agricul-
countries at the Habitat III conference in Quito, ture is widespread both in the developed and
Ecuador (October 2016), recognizes that mak- developing world (Foodtank, 2016, Smit et al.,
ing progress on the diverse challenges posed 2001) but has long been neglected by city plan-
by urbanization is key to achieving sustainable ners and policymakers. During the last two dec-
development and eradicating hunger. National ades, however, interest in food production in and
and city governments struggle to accommodate around cities has increased as urban populations
urban growth in many parts of the world. Cre- have soared. Awareness has grown too of urban
ating sustainable and resilient cities and finding agriculture’s important role in food security, nu-
ways of providing food, shelter and basic ser- trition and the creation of jobs and household in-
vices to their residents are among the many chal- comes, especially in developing countries (Zezza
lenges they face. This is why SDG 11 encourages and Tasciotti 2010; De Zeeuw et al., 2011).
the development and implementation of more Urban, and especially peri-urban, agriculture
integrated development strategies and solutions contributes a significant share of the food con-
within cities. sumed in cities, especially fresh and perishable
Cross-cutting linkages with other goals are foodstuffs (Mougeot, 2005; FAO, 2011d). While
required for the coherent implementation and urban farming is still informal in many cities, it
monitoring of this and other SDGs in urban has evolved with the urbanization process, par-
areas. Closely related SDGs include: SDG 1 on ticularly in Africa (Lee-Smith, 2012). House-
ending poverty, SDG 2 (food security), SDG hold surveys in 15 countries in Africa, Asia,
3 (health), SDG 4 (education), SDG 5 (gender Eastern Europe and Latin America have shown
equality), SDG 6 (water and sanitation), SDG that between 11 and 70 percent of households
8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG 9 earn their living from urban agriculture, with
(resilient infrastructure), and SDG 13 (climate an average of over 30 percent (Table 13) (Zezza
change action). The implementation of SDG 11 and Tasciotti, 2010). According to Orsini et al.
and other SDGs requires every country to ju- (2013) the proportion of African urban popula-
diciously prioritize and adapt the various goals tions involved in agriculture was estimated at
and targets in accordance with local challenges, about 50 percent in Accra, 80 percent in Braz-
capacities and available resources. zaville, 45 percent in Lusaka, 37 percent in Ma-
puto, 36 percent in Ouagadougou, 35 percent in
LIVESTOCK AND Yaoundé and about 29 percent in Kenyan cities.
URBAN AGRICULTURE An integral part of urban agriculture, live-
Urban agriculture, as defined by FAO, is “the stock raising in and around cities has been prac-
growing of plants and the raising of animals ticed for many years and in many parts of the
within and around cities” to provide fresh world (FAO, 2001; Thys, 2006; McClintock
food, generate employment, recycle waste, and et al., 2014; Grace et al., 2015). Nonetheless, it
strengthen cities’ resilience to climate change. has attracted less attention than crop and veg-
Urban agriculture, including livestock produc- etable cultivation, and precise data about the
tion, was recognized by the 1996 United Na- sector is often lacking (Schiere and den Dikken,
tions Conference on Human Settlements as one 2003). The current scale of urban livestock farm-
of the “desirable practices” for sustainable cities ing is therefore difficult to assess, although the
11. Livestock and sustainable cities
Ghana 1998 38 14 41
Madagascar 2001 30 13 33
Malawi 2004 45 14 46
Nigeria 2004 29 12 32
Bangladesh 2000 26 14 30
Indonesia 2000 10 3 11
Nepal 2003 52 36 57
Pakistan 2001 4 13 14
Viet Nam 1998 65 35 69
Eastern Europe
Albania 2005 18 10 19
Bulgaria 2001 23 13 27
Latin America
Ecuador 1995 17 28 35
Nicaragua 2000 65 29 68
Guatemala 2001 25 31 42
Panama 2003 31 12 34
Mean 33 18 34
Source: Adapted from A. Zezza, L. Tasciotti, 2010.
limited, often qualitative evidence available sug- possible to the point of consumption. The pro-
gests that urban and peri-urban livestock pro- duction of fresh and perishable foods represents
duction is currently an important reality for a comparative advantage for urban and peri-
many developing country households. The sec- urban livestock producers, especially in places
tor is growing extremely fast too, and accord- where rural infrastructure is poor, or where
ing to Taguchi and Makkar (2015), peri-urban farm-to-market systems are inadequate.
farmers are providing about 34 percent of global Animals reared in an urban setting are nor-
meat production and nearly 70 percent of egg mally cattle for milk, small ruminants and pigs
output. Growth is driven by a set of socio-eco- for meat and poultry for eggs and meat. Other
nomic and cultural factors, including improved animal species include camels and buffalo, as
diets among urban populations, with increased well as non-conventional species such as rabbits
consumption of animal products. Also contrib- and guinea pigs (FAO, 2001). Urban livestock
uting to the sector’s expansion is the availability are usually kept in small numbers by families
of high-quality feed such as by-products of the to satisfy their own needs and as a source of ex-
food processing industry, and growing demand tra income. However, specialized, medium- and
for perishable commodities produced as near as large-scale, market-oriented producers, especially
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
for dairy and poultry, can also be found, par- inclusion of disadvantaged groups, especially
ticularly in peri-urban districts. Related activi- women, and in enhancing the resilience of city
ties may include food processing such as making dwellers in food or economic crises (Resource
yoghurt and cheese, both at household level and Centres on Urban Agriculture and Food Secu-
on a commercial basis. rity (RUAF) Foundation). Proximity to local
Pastoral settlements in and around cities are markets makes urban livestock production at-
another form of urban livestock production. In tractive, especially for perishable foodstuffs.
some cities, efforts are being made to zone areas Data from various cities around the world
for pastoralists and introduce strategies aimed at clearly show that urban and peri-urban livestock
making their livelihoods more sustainable (Ab- production contributes significantly to urban
erra, 2003; Moritz, 2008; Taguchi and Makkar, food systems. For instance, in Hanoi, 50 percent
2015; Triboi, 2017). Beekeeping is also practiced of pork and poultry as well as 40 percent of eggs
in urban areas, where it represents a growing come from urban and peri-urban areas (Phuong
activity, probably related to the decline of hon- Anh et al., 2004). In Shanghai, 100 percent of
eybee and wild bee populations in Europe and milk, 90 percent of eggs and 50 percent of pork
North America, but also to the rise of local food and poultry meat are produced in or around the
movements. city (Yi-Zhang and Zhangen, 2000). In Kumasi
Urban and peri-urban livestock production (Ghana), 95 percent of chickens and eggs are
involves a wide range of actors including pro- produced locally, as are more than 95 percent
ducers, suppliers of resources, inputs and ser- of fresh milk and 15 percent of meat (Moustier
vices, transporters and processors, retailers and and Danso, 2006). In Dakar, the urban poultry
consumers, promoters and managers, and urban production amounts to 65 percent of national
planners and municipal authorities. However, demand (Mbaye and Moustier, 1999). In Dar
the leading actor is the producer. As in urban ag- es Salam and Addis Ababa, the shares of urban
riculture generally, different social groups keep demand for milk met by urban and peri-urban
urban livestock for a variety of reasons. While producers are respectively 60 percent (Jacobi et
some producers are from the middle or rich al., 2000) and 70 percent (Tegegne et al., 2000).
classes, most urban farmers belong to vulner- In Mexico City, pork production provides
able groups such as female-headed households, 10–40 percent of household earnings and urban
children, retired people, widows and those with milk production can represent up to 100 percent
limited formal education. For such groups, in- of household income (Torres-Lima et al., 2000).
volvement in urban livestock keeping represents The benefits of urban agriculture, including
a form of social security (Guendel, 2002): they livestock, on the health and nutritional status
grow food largely for their own consumption of the urban poor are well-documented. For in-
and income (Thys et al., 2005). stance, a study in Kampala showed that urban
farming families are nutritionally better off than
BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES OF non-farming households and that their chil-
URBAN LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION dren are healthier (Maxwell, 1995). According
Livestock production, although sometimes con- to Corbould (2013) similar findings have been
troversial, often has an essential role to play in reported from Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda and
and for cities, especially in developing countries. Haiti. Beyond economic benefits, livestock in
Its principal benefits (Figure 33) include income urban settings also play an important role in
generation, employment creation and improved waste management since they often feed on or-
urban food security, nutrition and health (Thys, ganic waste matter (Taguchi and Makkar, 2015).
2006; Lee-Smith, 2012). It also plays an impor- Chickens keep the backyard clean and create val-
tant role in poverty alleviation and the social ue from leftover food, while pigs use household
11. Livestock and sustainable cities
Economical benefits:
- Employment and income
CONSTRAINTS - Access to food
- Household food security
Environmental and health concerns:
- Potential health risks for humans
(zoonoses and food-borne diseases) Nutritive benefits:
- Environmental contamination - Availability of fresh,
by animal waste perishable food
- Nuisances (smell, roaming animals, noise)
Improved waste
URBAN AND PERI-URBAN - Organic waste recycling
LIVESTOCK and re-use possibilities
Improved Rural–Urban linkages
Policy changes required:
- Land use & urban planning
- Regulations Social inclusion:
- Awareness & education - Women and gender, children
- Urban poor
In developed countries:
- Community development
- Leisure
and market waste products, as well as the by- losis, the latter transmittable to humans through
products of commercial and industrial enter- close contact with animals or consumption of
prises. Converting organic household waste is unprocessed dairy products. Other health risks
important in developing countries where 50 per- include diseases that can spread when hygiene
cent of urban waste is still organic, compared to is poor or meat is insufficiently cooked, or they
14 percent in developed countries (Thys, 2006). may be carried by rodents, like Hantavirus or lep-
At the same time, urban livestock also present tospirosis (FAO, 2001). Nonetheless, studies of
significant risks since, in the absence of proper zoonoses in urban environments in Nigeria and
sanitation and infrastructure, they can be a source Kenya suggest that the risk posed by raising, pro-
of environmental pollution and associated health cessing, marketing and/or consuming livestock in
hazards (Figure 33). Keeping livestock without cities in developing countries is lower than gen-
proper sewage may favour mosquitoes that trans- erally thought (ILRI, 2012). While the zoonotic
mit malaria and major viral diseases, such as yel- risk might not be huge, the environmental risks
low fever and dengue, or proliferation of flies that remain important and that is why cities increas-
spread pathogens. Food-borne diseases represent ingly ban rearing livestock in urban areas.
another threat, one often made worse by the lack Environmental pollution is an important con-
of product safety controls – food produced by cern since waterways may be contaminated by
urban and peri-urban farmers is either consumed manure effluents. This risk is particularly high
directly by the farmers and their families or sold in poor, densely populated areas lacking basic
through informal channels. Other public health public services, such as slums, where people
problems include zoonotic avian and swine who raise livestock usually dispose of animal
influenzas, rabies as well as tuberculosis or brucel- waste into drains, open sewers and dump sites.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
11.1 By 2030, ensure access for all to Improved living conditions and • Identify which activities
adequate, safe and affordable housing and standards through generation of should cease and which ones
basic services, and upgrade slums income and employment for urban accelerated and properly
farmers and the urban poor as well managed
as contribution of urban livestock to • Systematically collect and
household food and nutrition security share all kinds of urban data
11.3 By 2030, enhance inclusive and Contribution to the development (including on urban agriculture
sustainable urbanization and capacities for of sustainable and resilient cities and livestock production) to
participatory, integrated and sustainable that are socially inclusive through understand how key indicators
human settlement planning and appropriate strategies for poverty for the city are responding
management in all countries alleviation and social integration of • Build appropriate capacity and
poor city dwellers skills across stakeholder groups
• Provide proper education and
11.6 By 2030, reduce the adverse per Contribution to the development
training to urban farmers on
capita environmental impact of cities, of cities that are environmentally
good practices
including by paying special attention to healthy through reuse of organic
• Ensure processes for multi-
air quality, municipal and other waste waste as animal feed
stakeholder engagement in all
stages of urban development;
11.a Support positive economic, social Complementing rural agriculture and
build consensus, inclusion,
and environmental links between urban, increasing the efficiency of the urban
resilience and sustainability
peri-urban and rural areas by strengthening food supply through provision of
• Share understanding of related
national and regional development planning non-market fresh and nutritious food
risks to inform government
11.b By 2030, substantially increase the Use of proper manure management legislation on land zoning and
number of cities and human settlements practices would further enhance the building codes of practice
adopting and implementing integrated income of farmers and resource-use • Enforce existing regulations,
policies and plans towards inclusion, efficiency which would contribute to
resource efficiency, mitigation and improvements in animal health,
adaptation to climate change, resilience to welfare, and product safety
11. Livestock and sustainable cities
can be measured by factors and determinants for initiatives are reported from the municipali-
promoting cities and communities that are food ties of Nonthaburi, near Bangkok (Thailand),
secure and productive (Target 11.1), socially in- Johannesburg (South Africa), Hubli-Dharwad
clusive (Target 11.3), environmentally healthy (India) and Accra (Ghana) where municipal au-
(Target 11.6), working in harmony with rural thorities and/or urban farmers are engaged in col-
areas (Target 11.a) and promoting resource-use lecting organic waste to feed to animals (Taguchi
efficiency (Target 11.b). and Makkar, 2015; Nahman et al., 2012; Deelstra
and Girardet, 2000). However, apart from lim-
FOOD SECURE AND PRODUCTIVE CITIES ited local initiatives, the role of animals in the
(TARGET 11.1) large-scale disposal of waste from agro-industry
Rearing livestock in cities can fit different liveli- in cities has been neglected by policymakers and
hood strategies, as demonstrated in several stud- city planners. This should be explored through
ies and surveys in Africa (Guendel, 2002; Thys comprehensive analysis of the ecological aspects
et al., 2005; Thys, 2006). Livestock production of urban livestock. Livestock production must
by poor urban dwellers provides them with con- be integrated into urban ecologies because it can
vertible assets for important expenditures rang- turn urban waste into a productive resource.
ing from school fees and health to clothing and
housing, thus contributing to SDG target 11.1 on WORKING IN HARMONY WITH RURAL
improving basic services and upgrading slums. AREAS (TARGET 11.A)
As cities expand, the boundaries between urban,
SOCIALLY INCLUSIVE CITIES peri-urban and rural activities tend to merge,
(TARGET 11.3) presenting opportunities for beneficial linkag-
While urbanization is moving the global econ- es. Urban and peri-urban livestock production
omy forward, rising inequality and exclusion could play an important role here by comple-
within cities can disrupt development progress. menting rural agriculture and increasing the ef-
In that context, efforts should be made to cre- ficiency of the urban food supply. Strengthen-
ate cities that are more inclusive and ensure ing these linkages with the involvement of all
that the urban poor benefit from urbanization. stakeholders may create the necessary enabling
Encouraging urban livestock production could environment for extended trade networks and
work towards the greater social integration of therefore benefit both smallholder farmers and
poor city dwellers, including women, who ac- the urban poor, while also helping support re-
count for 65 percent of urban farmers (Orsini et gional development.
al., 2013). According to the RUAF Foundation, These targets cannot be achieved without man-
several municipalities and NGOs have initiated aging the risks and concerns that are closely as-
urban agriculture projects involving disadvan- sociated with urban livestock activities. This will
taged and economically vulnerable groups with require finding a middle ground in balancing the
the aim of bringing them into the urban net- benefits and challenges of urban livestock, us-
work, building their communities and improv- ing more evidence-based and relevant policies.
ing their livelihoods. A transition to sustainable urban livestock pro-
duction is needed to reduce any negative effects
ENVIRONMENTALLY HEALTHY CITIES on public health and the environment. Rather
(TARGET 11.6) than restricting or banning urban livestock pro-
For most cities, waste disposal has become a duction on health and environmental grounds,
serious problem. Urban livestock producers cities should instead design a series of accom-
can help by exploring opportunities for reusing panying measures to reduce such risks. These
organic waste as animal feed. Examples of such may include improved coordination between
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
health, agriculture and environmental depart- tlements. Livestock production has a variable
ments, educating farmers on the management of and controversial, but often essential role to play
health and environmental hazards, and sharing in and for cities, especially in developing coun-
understanding of risks and concerns to inform tries. The main benefits of urban livestock pro-
government legislation and urban planning poli- duction include the generation of income, the
cies. Moreover, all stakeholders, in particular creation of jobs, and the delivery of improved
urban farmers, the urban poor, and their repre- food security and nutrition. However, urban
sentatives, should be involved in the analysis of livestock also present significant risks since, in
the situation, in the definition of priorities and the absence of proper sanitation and infrastruc-
in action planning and implementation. Such a ture, they can pose environmental and public
consultative process would create an enabling health hazards. In order to make cities more sus-
policy environment to facilitate inclusive and tainable, specific measures to reduce such risks
sustainable planning and development (RUAF, are required, including improved coordination
Foundation). between health, agriculture, municipal and en-
vironmental departments; farmer education on
CONCLUSION the management of health and environmental
Goal 11 aims to make cities sustainable. Today’s risks; and dissemination of information about
urbanization represents one of the most rapid these hazards to inform legislation and urban
and profound shifts in the history of human set- planning.
©blvdone -
levels expected in 2050 would mean further ex-
pansion of agriculture into natural habitats and
and production
continued depletion of natural resources.
SDG 12 is concerned with sustainable con-
sumption and production and aims to “do more
INTRODUCTION and better with less”. The objective is to increase
According to ecological footprint studies by net welfare gains from all economic activities
the World Wide Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the while reducing the amount of resources used,
Global Footprint Network’s (GFN’s), humans and at the same time lowering environmental
are already using the resources of more than degradation and pollution. Because improve-
one Earth and could consume the reserves of ments are needed along the whole life cycle of
three planets by mid-century. Though these products, this goal requires the involvement of
studies are controversial, they raise the ques- various stakeholders, including consumers, poli-
tion of whether we shall have enough resources cymakers, retailers and industry representatives.
to sustain 9.8 billion people in 2050. Livestock SDG 12 targets give priority to programming
production is particularly demanding: the sec- and encourage governments to undertake public
tor uses large amounts of land, water and nutri- procurement policies that support sustainability
ents. Alexandratos and Bruisma (2012) estimate and help the private sector to integrate sustain-
that global consumption of animal products will able practices in their production cycles.
increase by 70 percent between 2005 and mid- A key SDG 12 target is improving efficiency in
century. Most of the growth will take place in natural resource use. As a particularly resource-
developing countries, where consumption of hungry sector, livestock can contribute very
animal-source food is low or modest. In many significantly here. Yield gaps and large potential
countries, many people still eat far too little for efficiency gains have been identified in all re-
to even meet their basic nutritional needs. In a gions and production systems (see for example
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Gerber et al., 2013). However, sustainability is livestock can make a positive contribution to
required on the demand side too. SDG 12 tar- water quality, for example by maintaining year-
gets highlight the importance of information, es- round soil cover in grazing areas and offering
pecially to consumers. They stress the need for protection against erosion, they also deplete wa-
education and encourage developed countries to ter resources through the discharge of nutrients
take the lead in implementing programmes pro- and organic matter in streams and groundwater.
moting sustainable consumption. This is critical Few global estimates are available on livestock’s
for livestock as demand for animal-source food use of water because of the complexity of the
is growing fast in developing countries. Finally, issue, and different approaches and methodolo-
reducing waste and loss, as well as chemical pol- gies exist. Water use can be classified in three
lution, is also listed as a key SDG 12 target. Sig- different categories: direct withdrawals from
nificant efforts are needed throughout food sup- surface or groundwater, also known as “blue
ply chains, with the participation of all actors, water”; rainfall or soil moisture, also called
to reduce the amount of meat, milk and eggs “green water”; and the amount of freshwater
wasted by consumers and the food industry or needed to assimilate pollutants, or “grey water”.
lost in the production process. This can deliver In their global assessment considering all three
major sustainability gains. water types, Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2012)
estimate the global livestock water footprint at
LIVESTOCK AND NATURAL 2 422 Gm3/year, of which more than 87 percent
RESOURCES corresponds to rainfall and soil moisture (green
Livestock are the biggest users of land. Some water). Almost the entire footprint (98 percent)
26 percent of the world’s land area, or about is due to livestock feed and forage. Livestock
3.5 billion ha, consists of permanent meadows account for 29 percent of the water footprint
and pastures, and these are largely devoted to of global agricultural production (8 360 Gm3/
grazing livestock. Also, 33 percent of global year). However, the authors recognize that their
cropland, or half a billion ha, is dedicated to results are significantly affected by their use of
fodder and feed production. The expansion of simplified feed rations.
pastures and croplands to feed livestock is a ma- As part of the carbon cycle, livestock are both
jor driver of land-use change and deforestation. a sink and a source of energy. While fossil fuel
Yet, while in some places overgrazing can cause energy is required to produce feed and is also
land degradation, in others it is undergrazing needed for milking and processing animal prod-
that brings about biodiversity loss, ecosystem ucts, animal manure can be recycled – into bi-
degradation and reduced grassland productivity. ogas, through anaerobic digestion for example –
The point is that while livestock can damage the and can thus provide an alternative to fossil fuels
environment in various ways, they also provide or fuelwood in livestock operations both large
a series of valuable ecosystem services. When and small. The sector contributes an estimated
properly managed, grazing can contribute to 14.5 percent of global GHG emissions (Gerber
preventing soil erosion and bush fires and to et al., 2013). Nearly 40 percent of total livestock
improving biodiversity and water quality. These emissions come from enteric fermentation but
interactions are further explored in the chapter the greater part, almost 50 percent, is due to feed
dedicated to “Life on Land”. production, including: manure application and
Livestock also use huge amounts of water. deposition (16 percent); field work (13 percent);
Some of it goes on watering and servicing ani- fertilizer application (8 percent); and land-use
mals but large amounts also serve to irrigate feed change for soybean, palm oil and pasture expan-
crops and forage, and to process animal prod- sion (9 percent). Emissions from manure man-
ucts in dairy plants, slaughterhouses, etc. While agement (before application) account for less
12. Sustainable consumption and production
than 10 percent of the total and emissions from emission intensity in ruminant-based systems
processing and transport of animal products (Gerber et al., 2013). There is thus the poten-
represent about 3 percent. tial to substantially improve natural resource
With one-third of total arable land dedicated use efficiency by the transfer of technology and
to feed production, livestock use a significant knowledge from the world’s most efficient pro-
share of the almost 200 million tonnes of nitro- duction systems to its least performing ones. By
gen, phosphate and potash fertilizers applied so doing, the sector may reap a “double divi-
annually (respectively 109, 47 and 38 million dend” of improving not only producer profits
tonnes) (FAO, 2017b). Through manure, live- but also environmental outcomes.
stock return some of these nutrients to soils and In a recent review, Gerber et al. (2015) es-
contribute to fertility and crop productivity. In tablished a list of desirable interventions, con-
general terms, between 55 and 95 percent of the sidering the diversity of production systems,
nitrogen, and about 70 percent of the phospho- and looking at land and water, nutrients, GHG
rus ingested by livestock, are excreted as urine emissions and biodiversity. Modest improve-
or faeces (Menzi et al., 2010). Bouwman et al. ments in feed conversion ratios – the amount of
(2013) estimated that total nutrients from live- feed needed to produce 1 kg of meat, milk or
stock manure exceed nutrients from synthetic eggs – could limit or even offset the expansion of
fertilizers at global level. land needed to meet projected demand growth.
Mottet et al. (2017) showed that the area needed
IMPROVING LIVESTOCK EFFICIENCY to produce human-edible livestock feed (cereals,
IN NATURAL RESOURCE USE pulses, soybeans and cassava) would shrink by 8
To produce more with less means that livestock percent between 2010 and 2025 if feed conver-
production needs to become more efficient in its sion ratios improved by 5–15 percent, and this
use of natural resources. Historically, agricul- despite a projected 21 percent increase in the de-
tural research and development has focused on mand for meat.
improving productivity, or the efficiency with Wider adoption of existing best practices and
which conventional inputs like land, labour and technologies in feeding, health and husbandry,
capital are transformed into marketable outputs. and manure management – as well as greater use
This process, which is motivated at the producer of currently underutilized technologies such
level by profit maximization, has led to signifi- as biogas generators and energy-saving devices
cant productivity improvements over the past – could help the global livestock sector cut its
half a century. Ludena et al. (2007) estimate that GHG emissions by as much as 30 percent (Ger-
between 1981 and 2000, total factor productivity ber et al., 2013; Mottet et al., 2016). Figure 34
(TFP) increased globally at an annual rate of 1.1 summarizes the options identified by these au-
percent for ruminants and 2.7 percent for non- thors in six regions and production systems to
ruminants, as compared to 0.5 percent for crops. improve efficiency. In five out of the six cases,
Natural resource efficiency can, in many options resulted in higher productivity and re-
cases, be enhanced by conventional productiv- duced GHG emissions.
ity improvements. For example, in the past four To mitigate the impact of livestock on water re-
decades the introduction of advanced genetics, sources, special attention should be paid to feed
feeding systems, animal health controls and oth- composition, feed water requirements and feed
er technologies has enabled industrialized coun- origin. Systems using more crop residues, waste
tries to reduce their overall land requirements and roughage have the lowest water footprint
for livestock by 20 percent while at the same (Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2012). Improving
time doubling total meat production. Produc- nutrient management at farm level can also gen-
tivity gains can also dramatically reduce GHG erate large efficiency gains. Improving feeding
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Mixed dairy
- Feed quality
- Health & husbandry
Small ruminant
Specialized beef
- Feed quality
- Feed quality Mixed dairy
- Grazing management
- Grazing management - Feed quality
- Health & husbandry
- Health & husbandry - Health & husbandry
18–29% 27–41% 10–24%
Source: FAO, 2018.
systems, manure management and application, from 78 to 73 kg between 2002 and 2014 – a six
as well as animal housing can contribute to im- percent improvement (FAO, 2017b).
proving nitrogen-use efficiency (Oenema, 2006; Maintaining animal genetic diversity is also
Gerber et al., 2014). critical to optimizing livestock’s use of natural
Adoption of best practices require adequate resources in various environments and enhances
policies, i.e. better advocacy, research and de- the role farmed animals can play in adapting to
velopment (including extension services), but fast-evolving disease and climate threats. The
also regulations and incentives. For example, implementation of the Global Plan of Action for
the Nitrates Directive of the European Union Animal Genetic Resources, adopted at FAO in
(Member Organization), introduced in 1991, 2007, is improving the sustainable use, develop-
aims to prevent nitrates from agricultural sourc- ment and conservation of the world’s livestock
es polluting ground and surface waters and to diversity. However, efforts still need to be made
promote the use of good farming practices. For to strengthen the management of these resources.
livestock farmers, it has involved manure stor- Payments for environmental services (PES)
age capacity and application calendars, but since are also useful policy tools to improve efficiency
the Directive came into force, nitrogen-use ef- in natural resource use. However, a review of 50
ficiency has significantly improved in the Eu- PES schemes in grazing land (Asian Develop-
ropean Union (Member Organization). The ment Bank, 2014) concluded that in many de-
amount of agricultural nitrogen used in Western veloping countries with market imperfections
Europe per USD of livestock products dropped and land tenure issues, conditional payments
12. Sustainable consumption and production
for environmental services may be less relevant be found to protect agro-ecosystems, including
than more general investments in production grasslands and water courses, and avoid further
systems and livelihoods. In addition, analysis expansion and deforestation. Environmental
of payments for carbon sequestration services services provided by livestock can be promoted
projects in developing countries suggests that through specific payments while water pol-
what really determines the financial viability of lution can be avoided through better manure
such schemes is the profitability of the livestock management. Finally, efficiency has also to be
production system itself, not the value of the en- thought of in global terms: while it can make
vironmental services compensated. sense to produce a maximum of meat, milk and
Improved productivity does not ensure im- eggs where the environmental cost per kilo is
proved natural resource efficiency, however. minimum and the economic return maximum,
A study of OECD agriculture has shown that a regionalization of production based on com-
while most countries have simultaneously im- parative efficiency advantages would threaten
proved their TFP and nutrient-use efficiency be- food sovereignty and potentially food security.
tween 1990 and 2003, some countries (Australia,
United States of America, Canada, Portugal) BALANCING DIETS FOR
have increased TFP but reduced their nutrient- SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION
use efficiency over the same period (Coelli et al., As noted, demand for animal products will in-
2009). Consequently, there may be situations crease by 70 percent between 2005 and 2050
where improvements in natural resource-use (Alexandratos and Bruisma, 2012). According
efficiency will reduce farm profitability, which to FAO’s estimates, in countries where food
could be compensated with adequate policies consumption is currently rising, diets will gen-
and should be carefully assessed. erally feature more livestock products, vegetable
The concept of efficiency also has limita- oils and sugar. These three food groups together
tions. Gains must be at least as fast as demand now provide 29 percent of total calories (kcal)
growth if the overall impact on resources is to supplied in developing countries – 20 percent
be reduced. For example, Gerber et al. (2013) more than three decades ago. This share is ex-
estimate that bridging the efficiency gap could pected to rise to 35 percent in 2030, having sta-
result in a 30 percent abatement of GHG in live- bilized at around 48 percent in industrialized
stock emissions. Yet a 30 percent improvement countries.
in emissions intensity accompanied by a 70 per- According to FAO and the Food Climate Re-
cent rise in demand would actually result in an search Network (FCRN), (2016), healthy diets
overall increase of emissions. Furthermore, sys- have the following features in common: diver-
tems and regions that have already achieved high sity of food, energy balance between intake and
levels of efficiency have limited potential for im- expenditure; inclusion of minimally processed
provement. Additional gains attainable through tubers and whole grains along with legumes,
technological advances can still reduce the pres- fruit and vegetables; and meat, if eaten, in moder-
sure on natural resources significantly but their ate quantities. They also include dairy products
cost may be prohibitive when compared to low- in moderation, unsalted seeds and nuts, small
efficiency systems. Therefore, adoption of the quantities of fish and aquatic products, and very
new technologies may be limited if no adequate limited intake of processed foods. Appropriate
support is provided. amounts of meat and other animal-source foods
A further issue is that gains in efficiency in- in the diet have high nutritional returns (Bender,
crease profitability and can lead to the expansion 1992; see also Chapters 2 and 3). But overcon-
of production and, with it, to additional pres- sumption of meat and other products of animal
sure on natural resources. Therefore, ways must origin can be harmful, leading to high rates of
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some can- and milk production does not rely on cereals.
cers. The consumption of meat and saturated Simplification of this kind can skew land-use
fat in many high-income countries, for instance, change results.
far exceeds nutritional needs and has negative There is little doubt, however, that develop-
health impacts (Walker et al., 2005; McMichael ing sustainable consumption patterns requires
et al., 2007). balancing the nutritional and other benefits of
A growing number of studies argue that re- animal products with the harmful health and en-
ducing the share of animal-source food in re- vironmental effects of overconsumption. Bearing
gions with affluent diets could bring substantial in mind the very large diversity of diets at global
environmental and health benefits (Eshel et al., level, rebalancing to reach nutritional targets
2006; Erb et al., 2009; Stehfest et al., 2009; Tuk- could also contribute to raising overall efficiency
ker et al., 2011; Tilman and Clark, 2014; Van in food systems (Tilman and Clark, 2014).
Dooren et al., 2014; Hallström et al., 2015).
These studies usually rely on a Life Cycle Ap- REDUCING WASTE AND LOSS
proach (LCA) that considers all the different FAO has estimated that every year roughly one-
steps in production, processing and retailing. third of the food produced for human consump-
They also generally focus on two dimensions tion is lost or wasted (FAO, 2011e). This repre-
of environmental sustainability, namely GHG sents a major dissipation of land, water, energy
emissions and land use, and limit their analy- and other inputs, as well as millions of tonnes
sis of nutritional impact to energy or protein. of greenhouse gases emitted unnecessarily. Sig-
Such studies usually conclude that the global nificantly, much more food is wasted per capita
adoption of affluent “Western-type” diets with in industrialized than in developing countries.
high levels of animal products would result in For every kilo of meat produced at global level,
an expansion of arable land (e.g. 20 percent, about 200 grams are lost or wasted. For every
according to Erb et al., 2010). They argue that litre of milk (or dairy equivalent), between 100
diets with lower intakes of animal products of- ml and 250 ml are squandered, depending on the
fer higher benefits and lower environmental region (FAO, 2011e).
impact. For example, van Dooren et al. (2014) In low-income countries, food loss occurs
show that the average Dutch diet, rich in animal throughout food value chains, and stems from
products, has the lowest health score among six managerial and technical limitations in harvest-
diets, including vegetarian and Mediterranean, ing, storage, transportation, processing, packag-
as well as the highest impact in terms of GHG ing and marketing (FAO High Level Panel of
emissions and land use. Experts, 2014). The heaviest losses are in small
Most of these assessments recognize limita- and medium-scale agricultural and fisheries
tions in their methodology. First of all, they ei- production and processing. Social and cultural
ther compare existing diets, making it difficult to conditions – such as the different roles that men
transfer results to other world regions. Or they and women play at various stages in the value
base their calculations only on kcal or protein chain – are frequently an underlying cause of
at best, ignoring micronutrients such as calcium, food loss. The difficulties that women face in
iron, zinc and vitamin B12, which are difficult obtaining access to, and benefits from, income-
to source from an exclusively plant-based diet. generating activities affect their productivity,
In addition, such studies usually rely on rough which exacerbates food loss. Pests and diseases,
estimates of animal feed rations and feed con- through their impact on animals but also on
version ratios, usually neglecting the fact that their feeds, are also a significant source of food
animals consume large amounts of crop residues loss. Animal diseases can also result in milk,
and by-products and that a large part of meat meat or eggs being discarded.
12. Sustainable consumption and production
In middle- and high-income countries, con- build or improve infrastructure and conservation
sumer waste accounts for approximately half of facilities for the transport, processing and stor-
total meat loss and waste. Food waste is mainly a age of agricultural produce. They can also bring
question of consumer behaviour but as reported about change through appropriate regulations
by Halloran et al. (2014), “beyond the direct rea- and improved consumer awareness. Building on
son for food waste, several actors within the food the example of Denmark, Halloran et al. (2014),
supply chain contribute indirectly to food waste conclude that the first step is for all actors to
by influencing consumer behaviour, for example adopt a food system approach, with all initiatives,
through packaging sizes, sale promotions or dis- research, and interventions planned accordingly.
counts”. Policies and regulations also contribute In developing countries, farmer organizations
to food waste and loss. For example, agricultural have a critical role to play while investments in
subsidies may encourage the production of sur- infrastructure, transportation, food industries,
plus food crops, which reduces both prices and and packaging are also required (FAO, 2011d).
the attention paid – along the value chain and by
consumers – to food loss and waste. CONCLUSION
Moreover, food safety and quality standards Goal 12 aims to promote sustainable consump-
may remove food that is still safe for human tion and production. Livestock supply chains
consumption from the supply chain. Though are resource-hungry – they use huge amounts of
most regulations are put in place to ensure land, water, nutrients and energy, and contribute
consumer safety, it has been shown that “best significantly to GHG emissions. Unsustainable
before” dates usually have no real sanitary jus- production and consumption not only contrib-
tification. Aesthetic defects, for example imper- ute to inefficient use of resources, but also en-
fections in the shape or colour of vegetables, tail lost economic opportunities, environmen-
generate significant amounts of waste with no tal damage, and poverty and health problems.
health benefits for anyone (Gustavsson et al., There are many opportunities and existing tech-
2011). At consumer level, inadequate planning nologies for increasing the sustainability of the
of purchases and failure to use food before its livestock sector through gains in efficiency. Im-
expiry date also leads to waste. provements in animal health, feeding, reproduc-
Reducing food loss and waste could contrib- tion practices, manure management and grazing
ute to improving overall efficiency in livestock management can contribute to closing yield gaps
supply chains and to reducing GHG emissions. in all production systems and regions. Reducing
It could also help enhance access to food and im- waste and loss at all stages of the supply chains
prove the resilience of food systems to climate can spur significant progress. However, adapt-
change but action on food waste requires an ef- ing and enforcing new technologies in local en-
fort from all actors along the supply chains, from vironments, and instituting supporting policies
producers to consumers. For example, govern- and infrastructure to encourage adoption, will
ments, in partnership with the private sector, can pose a significant challenge.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
©FAO/IFAD/WFP/Petterik Wiggers
change and
the adverse impacts of climate change but also
fostering low-emissions development. SDG 13
its impacts
also includes objectives on awareness raising,
education and capacity development regarding
climate change. Climate change impacts live-
INTRODUCTION stock directly (for example through heat stress
The United Nations recognize that climate and increased morbidity and mortality) and in-
change is the single biggest threat to develop- directly (for example through quality and avail-
ment. 2016 was the hottest year ever recorded, ability of feed and forages, and animal diseases).
and the third of three record-breaking years. In Smallholder livestock keepers, fisherfolk and
2016, the average CO2 concentration in the at- pastoralists are among the most vulnerable to
mosphere surpassed the emblematic threshold of climate change. However, a wide range of ad-
400 parts per million, a level never before reached aptation options are available, including water
in recorded history (more than 650 000 years). management, breeding animal and forage spe-
CO2 is increasing more than 100 times faster than cies for resistance to drought, heat and harsh
when the last ice age ended. Climate change im- environments, providing cooling or shading and
pacts on agriculture and implications for food implementing on- and off-farm diversification.
security are already alarming and its widespread, Other institutional options may also be consid-
unprecedented effects disproportionately burden ered such as income stabilization programmes
the poorest and most vulnerable. or insurance schemes.
SDG 13 aims to strengthen resilience and At the same time, the livestock sector con-
adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards tributes significantly to climate change. Ac-
and natural disasters. Its second target is to in- cording to the Intergovernmental Panel on
tegrate climate change measures into national Climate Change (IPCC, 2014), direct live-
policies, strategies and planning, which means stock greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, from
13. Climate change and its impacts
manure and enteric fermentation, represented Saharan Africa, 20–60 percent of herds were lost
2.4 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent (CO2eq) in during serious drought events in the past 2–3
2010, about 21 percent of total emissions from decades. In South Africa, Niang et al. (2014) re-
agriculture, forestry and other land uses, or ported that dairy yields may decrease between
about 5 percent of total anthropogenic GHG 10 and 25 percent under certain climate change
emissions. Using a Tier 2 methodology (IPCC, scenarios. Another case study reported by the
2006) and life cycle assessment approach, FAO same authors estimated a 23 percent rise in the
estimates that including indirect emissions cost of supplying water to animals from bore-
(such as feed production, processing and trans- holes in Botswana.
port as well as energy used on and off farm) re- Impacts of climate change on animal health
sults in emissions from livestock supply chains are also documented, especially for vector-borne
to reach 14.5 percent of total anthropogenic diseases since rising temperatures increase the
emissions (Gerber et al., 2013). Nevertheless, survival of vectors and pathogens over the win-
the adoption of existing best practices and ter. Diseases such as West Nile virus and schisto-
technologies in animal feeding, health and hus- somiasis are projected to expand into new areas,
bandry, plus improved manure management, as are bluetongue or Lyme. Outbreaks of Rift
could make the global livestock sector more re- Valley fever in East Africa are also associated
silient and cut its GHG emissions by as much with increased rainfall and flooding due to El
as 30 percent. Moreover, carbon sequestration Niño-Southern Oscillation events (Lancelot et
in the biomass and soils of pastures could sig- al., 2008; Rosenthal, 2009; Porter et al., 2014).
nificantly offset emissions from livestock. Impacts on feed crops and forages, and grass-
lands to a lesser extent, have also been quantified,
CLIMATE CHANGE AFFECTS despite uncertainties resulting from complex in-
LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION teractions between climatic factors (mainly tem-
IN MULTIPLE WAYS peratures) and CO2 concentrations. Increased
Climate change affects livestock production in temperatures and reduced precipitations have
multiple ways, both directly and indirectly, e.g. direct negative impacts on yields, and records
through the increase of CO2 concentration in during drought events can reveal major drops in
the atmosphere, variations in precipitation and forage production, such as the 60 percent deficit
temperature swings. The most significant im- of green fodder experienced during the summer
pacts are felt in animal productivity, forage and of 2003 in France. Climate change can also af-
feed crop yields, animal health, and biodiversity, fect fodder quality through shifts from C3 to
as summarized in Figure 35. C4 plants and increased shrub cover, increases in
Impacts of climate change on animals are lignification as well as plant secondary metabo-
quantified to some extent. For example, the lites such as tannins, alkaloids and saponins, and
May 2015 heatwave with temperatures above in plant tissues at higher temperatures (Wilson
40˚C killed more than 17 million birds in India et al., 1991). Increases in mould infestation and
(Reuters, 2015). According to an industry sur- contamination of feed resources resulting from
vey, dairy cows in the hotter, southern European increased variability in precipitations could also
countries suffered heat stress for more than half impact feed and food safety.
of the day, resulting in estimated milk loss of More assessments are required of livestock
up to 5.5 kg/cow/day (Lallemand Animal Nu- production under climate constraints to sup-
trition, in FeedInfo, 2015). In Italy, Crescio et port policies aiming to improve the sector’s re-
al. (2010) reported that high temperatures and silience (IPCC, 2014). In particular, modelling
air humidity could lead to a 60 percent increase and quantifying aggregated impacts on livestock
in cattle mortality. In various countries of sub- production systems still need to overcome a
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Source: Adapted from Thornton et al., 2009; IUCN, 2010; Niang et al., 2014.
number of challenges (Thornton et al., 2015). models do not take management into account,
First, regional climate scenarios are becoming which results in considerable habitat buffering.
more available but are still associated with sig- Second, animal diseases are affected by climate
nificant uncertainties, which limit our capacity change, but future distribution patterns should
to model livestock productivity under climate be modelled to understand their impact on sce-
change. In extensive grazing and pastoral sys- narios and projections. Finally, the impact on
tems, impacts on rangeland primary produc- groundwater availability is also an area where
tivity, grass species mix and carrying capacity more assessments are needed, especially in
are still mostly unknown. In addition, most grazing systems.
13. Climate change and its impacts
Source: Adapted from Thornton et al., 2009; IUCN, 2010; Niang et al., 2014.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
The speed of climate change may outstrip the these long-term strategies address the variability
ability of breeds to adapt genetically, or that of of already scarce feed resources while also provid-
their keepers to adjust their management strat- ing other types of environmental services, such as
egies. In places, this may break the link of ad- mitigation of GHG emissions and biodiversity
aptation between local livestock and their pro- conservation. They are particularly relevant and
duction environments. If such effects occur, should be supported by public policies.
adapting production systems and animal genetic Diversification, both on-farm in mixed crop–
resources management will be a major challenge livestock systems through increased varieties,
and may increase the need for moving better- species and breeds or processing products,
suited species and breeds into new areas. It will and off-farm by finding sources of income or
be critical to ensure that plans to introduce new jobs outside agriculture, is an important ele-
breeds take into account climatic and other ment of climate change adaptation (Thornton
agro-ecological and socio-economic conditions and Herrero, 2014). Diversifying is, however,
and their predicted future trends. Breeds intro- very context-dependent, operates at farm level
duced to new geographical areas should have and requires overcoming constraints such as
a range of advantageous traits as introducing access to information and initial investment
breeds considering only one trait has not been costs. Household income diversification is not
successful (Blackburn and Gollin, 2008). restricted to developing economies (Kurukulas-
Furthermore, access to inputs and livestock uriya and Rosenthal, 2013) but can be observed
services relevant to climate change adaptation in countries like Canada and Ireland. It requires
needs to be improved. As regards animal genetic enabling policies, including training, informa-
diversity, this requires better characterization tion dissemination, and support services.
of breeds, production environments and associ- Impact assessments are a prerequisite to the
ated knowledge; the compilation of more com- development of adequate policy response to
plete breed inventories; improved mechanisms climate change in the long term. IPCC’s fourth
to monitor and respond to threats to genetic and fifth assessments reports have stressed the
diversity; genetic improvement programmes need for impact-assessment frameworks that
targeting adaptive traits in high-output and per- could be used to estimate the costs and benefits
formance traits in locally adapted breeds; more of adaptation options. Such frameworks should
effective in situ and ex situ conservation meas- pay specific attention to forages and feed re-
ures; increased support for developing countries sources, which are critical to better assess adap-
in their management of animal genetic resourc- tation needs in livestock. Developments in satel-
es; and wider access to genetic resources and as- lite imagery could also contribute to this effort
sociated knowledge. through the monitoring of soil moisture, the leaf
While irrigating feed crops and grasslands and area index, and through infra-red imaging of
purchasing feed are immediate farm-level cop- droughts or tracking pastures and water points
ing mechanisms for short-term adaptation, long- for seasonal adjustments in stocking density and
term options exist such as breeding feed crops mobility. They represent important potential
and forages for water-use efficiency, resistance components of early warning systems. Finally,
to drought, salinity and waterlogging. More sys- better information is needed on adaptive re-
temic adaptation such as grassland restoration or sponses, not only to climate stress but also to as-
diversification in composition, agroforestry with sociated stresses such as nutrition and diseases.
fodder trees and legume shrubs to provide alter- Livestock can also be a tool for adaptation to
native feed resources, shade and water retention, climate change. Traditionally, livestock keep-
plus animal and feed mobility are also longer- ers have been capable of adapting to livelihood
term solutions. In grazing production systems, threats and, in some situations, livestock keeping
13. Climate change and its impacts
is itself an adaptation strategy, in particular in pas- with 0.83 gigatonnes, pig meat (0.82 gigatonnes),
toral communities where livestock have always buffalo meat and milk (0.7 gigatonnes) and small
been the main asset in surmounting harsh climatic ruminant meat and milk (0.5 gigatonnes). Re-
conditions (IUCN, 2010; Scoones, 1996; Ashley maining emissions are allocated to other poultry
and Carney, 1999). Livestock can be used as a and to non-edible products.
diversification strategy and to manage risk in the A way to compare the performance of differ-
event of crop failure (Jones and Thornton, 2009). ent commodities is to express the emissions in
In the drylands of sub-Saharan Africa, de terms of protein produced. By doing so, buffalo
Haan et al. (2016) have shown that shocks meat is the commodity with highest emission
brought about by climate-driven variability on intensity, with an average of 404 kg CO2eq per
biomass can be buffered by livestock produc- kg of protein, followed by beef, with an average
tion through animal movement, adjustments in of 295 kg CO2eq per kg of protein. The emis-
feed baskets, health interventions and animal sion intensity of meat and milk from small ru-
offtake for market. Mottet et al. (2016) have minants and milk from buffalo are 201, 148 and
confirmed these observations in Zambia, show- 140 kg CO2eq per kg of protein, respectively.
ing that households with livestock had higher Cow milk, chicken meat, eggs and pork have
incomes and lower income variation in dry years lower emission intensities, all below 100 kg CO-
than households without. In Zambia, using pan- 2eq per kg of protein. Emission intensities vary
el data, Arslan et al. (2017) demonstrated that greatly among producers, especially in rumi-
diversification, including through livestock, can nant products (Figure 37). This reflects different
play an important role in lessening food insecu- agro-ecological conditions, farming practices
rity and vulnerability in the face of increasingly and supply chain management. It is within this
frequent and intense extreme weather events. gap between high and low emission intensities
that opportunities for mitigation can be found.
LIVESTOCK MAKE A SIGNIFICANT Latin America and the Caribbean have the
CONTRIBUTION TO CLIMATE CHANGE highest level of emissions, with 1.9 gigatonnes
FAO estimates that emissions from livestock CO2eq, mainly from beef production. East and
supply chains amounted to about 8.0 gigatonnes Southeast Asia, with over 1.6 gigatonnes CO2eq,
of CO2 equivalent in 2010 (GLEAM 2.0, 2017). is the second-highest emitting region, followed
Direct emissions, including enteric methane and by South Asia with 1.5 gigatonnes CO2eq.
emissions from manure management, accounted North America and Western Europe emit about
for 4.2 gigatonnes of CO2eq. In addition, emis- the same levels (around 0.6 gigatonnes CO2eq),
sions from animal feed and forage production while emissions from the Near East and North
account for 3.3 gigatonnes of CO2eq (41 percent Africa are similar, but with less than half of the
of the total). Emissions from energy used on protein. Sub-Saharan Africa presents compa-
farm and in the supply chains as well as emis- rable emissions – about 0.4 gigatonnes CO2eq,
sions from processing and transport of animal while Eastern Europe, Oceania and the Russian
products account for 4.7 percent of the total Federation share much lower emission levels
(Figure 37). Using the latest estimate of total (between 0.1 and 0.2 gigatonnes).
anthropogenic emissions available from IPCC,
Gerber et al. (2013) estimated that livestock EFFICIENCY IS KEY
are responsible for 14.5 percent of global emis- TO REDUCING EMISSIONS AND
sions. Beef and cow milk are the two commodi- BUILDING RESILIENCE
ties with the highest total emissions, accounting Emissions from the livestock sector could al-
for 3.0 and 1.6 gigatonnes CO2eq, respectively. ready be brought down significantly simply by
They are followed by chicken meat and eggs making wider use of existing best practices and
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Feed, CO2,
technologies. In effect, a 30–35 percent reduc- livestock production systems could reduce live-
tion in GHG emissions would be possible if stock’s impact by between 14 and 41 percent.
producers in any given system, region or climat- Possible interventions to reduce emissions are
ic zone adopted the technologies and practices mainly based on technologies and practices that
currently used by their least-emission-intensive improve production efficiency at animal and
peers (measured per unit of animal product). herd level. They include better feeding practices,
Substantial emission reductions can be achieved animal husbandry and health management. Ma-
across all species, systems and regions. nure management practices that ensure the re-
There is a very large body of evidence on how covery and recycling of nutrients and energy
livestock can contribute to mitigating GHG contained in manure, and energy savings and
emissions, from carbon sequestration in grass- recycling along supply chains, are further miti-
lands, which cover 25 percent of the earth’s land gation options. Such interventions, by helping
area, to non-CO2 emissions, including enteric to reduce emissions and increase production,
methane, nitrous oxide from feed production would make a substantial contribution to food
and methane and nitrous oxide from manure security. Through a more efficient use of natural
management and application on grasslands and resources, they also make systems more resilient
field crops (Hristov et al., 2012). Packages of to shocks.
mitigation techniques can bring large environ- Their implementation requires transfer of
mental benefits (Gerber et al., 2013; Mottet et technology and knowledge, together with the
al., 2016) and feasible technical interventions in right incentives and a conducive regulatory
13. Climate change and its impacts
350 90% of
production 50% of
300 production
ea t
m ant
m an
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
©FAO/Sia Kambou
and life
from pollution due to effluents from livestock
and industry, with profound environmental and
below water
human health implications.
Sustainable Development Goal 14 seeks to
promote the conservation and sustainable use of
INTRODUCTION marine and coastal ecosystems; to prevent ma-
Over three billion people depend on marine and rine pollution; to increase economic benefits to
coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods, while small island developing states (SIDS) and least-
broadly the same number obtain almost 20 per- developed countries (LDCs) from the sustain-
cent of their usual intake of animal protein from able use of marine resources. Some progress has
fish. In addition, fish provides essential fats such already been made because, over the last dec-
as long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, ades, the use of fishmeal in livestock diets has
B and D, and minerals. Small quantities of fish decreased substantially. This is largely because
can have significant benefits for individuals con- plant-based products and synthetic amino acids
suming plant-based diets (FAO, 2016e). How- (e.g. lysine and methionine), as well as enzymes
ever, the world’s ocean fish face serious threats (e.g. phytase and non-starch polysaccharide-
both in terms of biodiversity and food security. degrading enzymes), have become available as
The principal source of pressure is overexploita- feed additives. Recent developments such as the
tion by fisheries, which has affected the size and use of seaweed and algal by-products as animal
viability of fish populations, the genetics of tar- feed are expected to further decrease the use of
get species, and the food chains and ecosystems fishmeal. Seaweed as a source of bioactive com-
to which they belong. A substantial part of the pounds for promoting animal health and pro-
global fish catch is turned into fishmeal and fish duction, and for decreasing enteric methane,
oil, and used to feed animals, which in turn leave can also be used to enhance the sustainability
their own footprint on the health of aquatic and of livestock production systems. Increasing de-
14. Livestock and life below water
mand for seaweed for livestock feed and/or oil (FAO, 2014b), and while that share is dropping,
production could spur the development of a sea- this is due to the rapid growth of aquaculture
weed aquaculture industry. and of its share. Identification and use of alter-
However, overexploitation could affect ma- native feed resources for livestock and farmed
rine biodiversity. Nutrient runoff and leaching fish can therefore do much to prevent further
from livestock waste has serious detrimental ef- depletion of marine stocks.
fects on coastal marine fisheries. Improvement Some progress is already being made. For ex-
in waste management on livestock farms can be a ample, Norwegian farmed salmon currently eat
cost-effective way of reducing river-based nutri- 50 percent less fishmeal than two decades ago
ent loads, which often end up in marine systems because the use of plant proteins in their feed
and contribute to coastal eutrophication. Like- has increased (Miladinovic, 2015). Fishmeal in
wise, decrease in enteric methane and manure- the diets of other fish species such as carp, ti-
based methane from the livestock sector would lapia, trout, eel and shrimp has also decreased
contribute to mitigation of ocean acidification (Tacon and Metian, 2008; Tacon and Metian,
driven by global warming, which can adversely 2015) and its use in the poultry and pig sectors
affect marine biodiversity and ocean-based food has dropped substantially too (FAO, 2006a).
chains. The discussion below revolves around Supplementation with various synthetic amino
enhancing the sustainability of marine systems acids, in particular lysine and methionine, and
by containing the use of fish products in animal enzymes such as phytase and non-starch, poly-
feed, reducing the pollutants produced by the saccharide-degrading enzyme cocktails, enhanc-
livestock sector, and using some marine plant es the use of plant-based feeds in the diets of
resources for livestock feed. many animal species. Alternative feed resources
such as seaweed and other algal by-products, in-
LIVESTOCK AND MARINE LIFE sect meal, biofuel co-products, protein isolates,
DEPLETION protein hydrolysates, and waste food can also
Pressure on global fish resources has been in- replace fishmeal in the diets of aquatic species
creasing steadily in recent decades. In 2013, and livestock, and are receiving growing atten-
about 58 percent of marine stocks were fully tion (Makkar, 2014; Makkar et al., 2014; Tran et
fished, with no potential for increased produc- al., 2015).
tion, and 31.4 percent were overfished, with Integrated fish farming produces fish in
production increases only possible after suc- combination with other agricultural/livestock
cessful restocking. Furthermore, the ten most operations such as cropping and animal hus-
productive species accounted for almost a third bandry. These systems interconnect in such
of the world’s marine capture fisheries catch – a way that the by-products/wastes from one
clear evidence of unsustainable fishing (FAO, sub-system become valuable inputs for another.
2016e). A significant, but declining, proportion This optimizes a farm’s utilization of land and
of the world fish catch is processed into fishmeal water resources, maximizes and diversifies out-
(mainly for high-protein feed) and fish oil (as a put, and minimizes financial and labour costs
feed additive in aquaculture, but also for human (Sasikala et al., 2013). Such systems are more
consumption). Fishmeal and oil can be pro- sustainable than isolated fish, crop or livestock
duced not only from whole fish but also from systems. Farming fish in this way is expected to
fish remains or other fish by-products: nonethe- reduce pressure on ocean fisheries. Alternative
less overall demand keeps growing and mak- feed and systems can do much to enhance the
ing a substantial contribution to the depletion sustainable development and use of marine re-
of marine stocks. Pigs and chickens currently sources, and to make livestock production more
use about 27 percent of global fishmeal output sustainable too.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
LIVESTOCK AND MARINE POLLUTION The biggest task is applying and adapting ex-
Nutrient runoff and leaching from livestock isting technologies to local conditions in devel-
waste has serious environmental consequences oping countries in order to reduce nutrient pol-
if not properly managed and can be detrimen- lution and conserve marine resources. One way
tal to coastal marine fisheries (IAASTD, 2009). of doing so is to use the Integrated System of
Leaching rates vary depending on climatic and Phytodepuration (ISP) for agroindustrial waste-
soil conditions, which can differ significantly water. ISP performance was tested on various
between countries or regions within a country production systems and returned a mean effi-
(de Vries and de Boer, 2010). Best management ciency value of well over 85 percent in remov-
practices to reduce coastal eutrophication must, ing Chemical Oxygen-Demanding (COD) sub-
therefore, be context-specific, taking land and stances from marine systems (Petroselli et al.,
land-use data into consideration. In regions with 2016). One of the plants used in ISP is Phrag-
high livestock density, improving waste man- mites australis, or common reed, an invasive spe-
agement (SDG 7) can be a cost-effective way of cies from Europe. A significant drawback is that
reducing river-based nitrogen loads, which of- introduction of invasive alien species can pose a
ten end up in marine systems and contribute to major threat to biodiversity (in the United States
coastal eutrophication (Arheimer et al., 2004). of America, Phragmites is costing the economy
Bioactive compounds in enteric methane,
in seaweed to ruminant reduced pollution
Increase in animal
Bioactive compounds
production and
in seaweed and microalgae
product quality
Increase sustainability of the marine system Nutrients in excreta,
by reducing: if not managed properly
- Release of pollutants produced by
the livestock sector
- Use of fish products in the animal Increase marine
feed sector pollution
Increase sustainability of the livestock system
by increasing:
- Use of non-fish marine resources for
livestock feeding
14. Livestock and life below water
more than USD 120 billion annually) (Pimentel sector (Gerber et al., 2013). Being a powerful
et al., 2005). Phragmites can however be con- greenhouse gas (GHG), methane contributes
trolled by adopting a simple, affordable counter- to global warming and increased ocean acid-
measure – livestock grazing. Experimental field ity, with dire effects on marine life. For further
tests have shown that rotational goat grazing discussion of reducing pollutants from the live-
(where goats are given no choice but to graze stock sector, readers are directed to the chapter
Phragmites) can reduce common reed cover by on climate change and its impact. With its ho-
80 percent, and that cows and horses also relish listic approach, FAO’s Blue Growth Initiative
this plant (Silliman et al., 2014). (FAO, 2016f) enhances collaboration among
Grazing by large domestic herbivores, such different production sectors, including fisher-
as cows, horses, sheep, and goats, is not only ies and livestock, and aims for more effective
effective in suppressing dominant plants (Es- coastal and watershed planning. Supporting the
selink et al., 2000), but also has reciprocal posi- initiative will also help reduce the adverse im-
tive effects for humans by generating valuable pact of livestock on fisheries.
goods, including meat, milk, leather, and wool
to support local economies. Employing both LIVESTOCK AND
mitigation systems (Phragmites against COD in MARINE RESOURCES
marine systems, and Phragmite as animal feed) Farming seaweed can make an important contri-
while guarding against excessive spread of this bution to helping the fisheries and livestock sec-
species can help abate pollutants and at the same tors develop sustainably. Some seaweeds are good
time increase livestock production, a win-win sources of protein and bioactive compounds, in-
combination. Likewise, aquatic plants such as cluding prebiotics, for increasing production in
duckweed and azolla, which can also be used to a sustainable manner. Seaweed is also a source
reduce COD in polluted water, not only make of various minerals that can be added to the feed
good animal and fish feed but can serve as a of aquatic species and livestock, increasing their
feedstock for biofuel as well (FAO, 2012c, 2014; productivity and saving finite, land-based min-
Muradov et al., 2014; Makkar et al., 2016). eral resources (Makkar et al., 2016). Algae for
More needs to be done, however, to reduce bio-oil production can be grown in seawater too.
aquatic pollution, including, importantly, meas- The oil can be processed into biofuel (helping
ures to prevent increasing nutrient runoff to promote SDG 7) while any algal residues can be
water courses from livestock production. Pro- reused as a source of protein in fish and livestock
ducing feed requires large amounts of natural feeds, reducing fishmeal use, and with it, overex-
resources, but also great quantities of fertiliz- ploitation of seas and oceans (Oilgae, 2016). So
ers, pesticides, weedkillers and other chemicals. far, fish oil has been used the diets of farmed fish,
(FAO, 2016g). If applied excessively and not especially salmon, to increase omega-3 fatty acids
managed properly, they run off into water- in fish muscle (considered beneficial to human
courses and water bodies, and eventually end up health). Now, albeit slowly, fish oil is being re-
polluting seas and oceans. Increased efficiency placed by oil from algae, algae-like microorgan-
in feed production, with a corresponding de- isms and plants rich in omega-3, which serve the
crease in the use of chemicals and fertilizers, can same function (Lenihan-Geels et al., 2013; Ji et
therefore substantially mitigate damage to ma- al., 2015). Moreover, feeding seaweed and mac-
rine ecosystems. roalgal products to ruminants effectively reduces
Another problem with feed production is that enteric methane emissions from rumen fermen-
it generates methane, which, together with en- tation (Li et al., 2016), mitigating environmental
teric methane from animals, accounts for almost pollution (synergy with SDG 13) from cattle and
85 percent of total methane from the livestock other grazing animals. Finally, increased demand
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
for seaweed and/or oil for livestock feed could tion of world fisheries production is processed
encourage the development of seaweed aquacul- into fishmeal (mainly for high-protein feed) and
ture industries in least-developed countries and fish oil (as a feed additive in aquaculture, for hu-
small island developing states. Overexploitation man and livestock consumption, or as medicinal
of seaweed could however affect marine biodi- products). They can be obtained from whole
versity (trade-off with SDG 15). fish, fish remains or other fish by-products. In
2012, about 35 percent of world fishmeal pro-
CONCLUSION duction originated from fish residues. More
Goal 14 promotes the sustainable use of marine effective coastal/watershed planning and close
and coastal ecosystems. The world’s ocean fish collaboration between different sectors – live-
are seriously endangered. The main threat is stock, feed production and aquaculture – would
overexploitation by fisheries, affecting the size help increase the sustainability of both land- and
and viability of wild fish populations, the genet- marine-based food systems. However, technol-
ics of target species, and their food webs and ogies to translate them into large-scale applica-
ecosystems. A significant, but declining, propor- tions are in a nascent stage.
©Werner Lampert GmbH/Ramona Waldner
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
grasslands, savannahs, shrublands, some desert use, ecosystem services and biodiversity, fol-
lands, alpine terrains, marshes and meadows). lowed by conclusions.
Livestock populate about 70 percent of that area
(Mottet et al., 2017), while 33 percent of crop- LIVESTOCK AND
lands are used for fodder production. In recent ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
years, awareness and scrutiny has grown regard- SDG 15 is directly linked to the regulating and
ing the livestock sector’s impact on biodiversity, supporting ecosystem services provided by live-
land use and climate change. However, whether stock through their direct interaction with land,
livestock benefits or damages the environment vegetation, soil and habitat. Ecosystem services
depends not only on the kind of production sys- are defined by the Millennium Ecosystem As-
tem used, but also on how it is used. sessment as the benefits humans obtain from
Despite their many synergies, natural ecosys- ecosystems. They include provisioning services
tems and agricultural production systems are such as food and nutrition, skins and fibre, wa-
often regarded as mutually exclusive. But this ter, and various raw materials; regulating ser-
view not only overlooks the ecosystem services vices that buffer the impact of climate, disease
provided by livestock and other agricultural and waste, and maintain water quality; cultural
systems: it also fails to consider that agricultural services that provide recreational, aesthetic and
biodiversity contributes to general biodiversity. spiritual benefits; and supporting services such
Few appreciate that many “natural” ecosystems as soil formation, weed control and nutrient cy-
have co-evolved with farming and livestock (Big- cling. Other classifications separate habitat ser-
gane and McCracken, 1996; Benton et al., 2002; vices from supporting services to emphasize the
FAO, 2014c; DeVries et al., 2002). When consid- role of landscapes, including agricultural land-
ering the role of livestock in the management of scapes, in providing habitats for biodiversity
terrestrial ecosystems, all environmental factors and wildlife (FAO, 2014c).
and trade-offs must be taken into account. One Most regulating and supporting services arise
recent study in Uruguay, for example, conclud- from the direct interaction of animals with their
ed that intensive livestock systems do more en- environment, and are therefore related to land
vironmental damage than extensive systems, but management practices, especially in grazing sys-
only after comparing them in terms of carbon tems. Herbivores can, for example, influence
balance, soil erosion and nutrients and energy competition between plant species and help
use (Modernel et al., 2012). Dikshit and Birthal determine the structure of the grass sward due
(2013) quantified the beneficial contribution of to their selective grazing behaviour, nutrient
livestock to mixed farming systems in India. In a redistribution (dung and manure), treading and
2014 study, FAO highlighted the interconnected seed distribution (Wrage et al., 2011). Among
nature of supporting, regulating and habitat eco- the ecosystem services provided by livestock,
systems services. FAO (2014c) highlighted their importance, as
This chapter provides evidence of both the shown by the following list of key functions:
positive and negative impacts from livestock waste recycling and weed control; biological
on deforestation, desertification, land degrada- control and animal/human disease regulation;
tion, and ultimately biodiversity depending on maintenance of soil structure and fertility (nu-
how land is used and what kind of livestock trient cycling and distribution, organic matter,
system is implemented. It also describes how, etc.); prevention of land degradation and ero-
beyond influencing biodiversity, livestock are sion; climate regulation; management of wa-
in fact an integral part of biodiversity and pro- ter flow and quality; moderation of extreme
vide valuable ecosystem services. The last sec- events (shrub control and maintenance of fire
tion offers examples of synergies between land breaks, prevention of landslides and avalanches);
15. Livestock and life on land
pollination and seed dispersal; and habitat ser- chapter focuses on habitat change, while the
vices (facilitating the life cycles of animals and aspect of livestock’s contribution to climate is
plants, preventing succession to less-valuable discussed in more detail under SDG 13, and live-
ecological states through encroachment of un- stock and pollution is addressed under various
desirable species, and conserving wildlife and other SDGs. Livestock’s impact on biodiversity,
protected areas found in co-evolved landscapes). due to its intrinsic complexity and the lack of
The study (FAO, 2014c) reported that live- agreed metrics, has received less attention in en-
stock grazing is frequently used in protected vironmental assessments of the livestock sector
areas to improve ecosystem services delivery. than other criteria, such as greenhouse gas emis-
It suggested that the goals of livestock produc- sions. Nevertheless, livestock have considerable
tion and nature conservation are not necessarily effects (both positive and negative) on wild spe-
antagonistic. As an integral part of agroecosys- cies and their habitats and it is therefore impor-
tems, livestock are, as noted, providers of eco- tant to expand efforts to monitor their impact
system services; but as part of human activity (FAO, 2016h).
they are also clearly consumers of services such Principles for the assessment of livestock im-
as natural biomass production, water resources pacts on biodiversity, the title of FAO’s afore-
and soil structure and fertility. The balance be- mentioned study, illustrates the ways in which
tween provision and consumption varies greatly, livestock influence wild biodiversity and shows
depending on the production system. Another that pressure and benefits are often two sides of
type of trade-off often exists between the pro- the same coin. On the one hand, pristine habi-
visioning services and other categories: for in- tats can be destroyed, as in the conversion of
stance, intensive systems tend to yield more primary forest to pastures or feed crops (e.g.
food, at the expense of regulating and support- soybean) in the Brazilian Amazon (although it
ing services, when inputs of synthetic nutrients should be noted that livestock are not the only
and pest control agents are increased. Regarding driver of deforestation (FAO, 2006b) and that
the cultural services provided by livestock, the reduction in forest cover has been diminishing
FAO study suggests a positive relationship be- significantly since 2004) (UN, 2016d). On the
tween cultural diversity, landscape heterogene- other hand, in some places with a long history
ity and biodiversity. of livestock grazing, a unique biodiversity has
specifically adapted to habitats that host graz-
LIVESTOCK AND BIODIVERSITY ing animals. This may be related to herbivory
In 2014, the Secretariat of the Convention on being a factor shaping biodiversity in many
Biological Diversity (SCBD) evaluated progress ecosystems (Frank, 2005), with livestock, when
at mid-term towards meeting the objectives of under proper management, taking over the role
the 2010–2020 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity. of wild herbivores (Bond and Parr, 2010). A case
The SCBD’s main finding was that, based on study on plant diversity in traditional livestock
current socio-economic trends, pressure on systems in the Irish Aran Islands showed that
ecosystems will continue to increase, with a moderately grazed areas are more species-rich
consequent decline in biodiversity. The Secre- than under- or overgrazed areas (FAO, 2016h).
tariat therefore called for additional action to Livestock pressure on biodiversity is not only
keep the Plan on course, noting the importance exerted in terrestrial habitats. Aquatic biodiver-
of restoring ecosystem services in agricultural sity is also impacted since most of the water used
landscapes. The livestock sector clearly has an by agriculture is linked to livestock production
important role to play here. (Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2012), and nutrient
The complex relationship between livestock loading from fertilization or manure affects wa-
and biodiversity is shown in Figure 40. This ter quality (Sutton et al., 2013). Lastly, livestock
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
pollution Detrimental
Habitat creation practices
and maintenance Habitat
Nutrient change
Ecotoxicity Landscape
effects on
Disease Climate
spread change
GHG emissions
Control exploitation C storage
Competition with
large mammals
Livestock as
keystone species
Source: Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership. FAO, 2016h.
15. Livestock and life on land
for forest management, desertification control residues, and 96 percent is inedible by humans
and the fight against land degradation. Already, (Mottet et al., 2017). This has major implications
one-third of the world’s cropland is being used for the long-running “food versus feed” debate
to grow animal feed, and any additional con- (on whether humans are misusing natural plant
version of other ecosystems, such as forests, resources by feeding them to livestock). Mottet
to produce more fodder will clearly have ma- et al. (2017) also go on show that 57 percent of
jor consequences on ecosystem services. And the land used for feed production (including
while a fully-housed, intensive livestock farm grass, crop residues and other forages) is not
can minimize its environmental impact by suitable for food production. The map in fig-
adopting full nutrient capture and water and ure 41 gives an overview of grasslands suited and
waste recycling, it is still likely to drive changes unsuited to crop production, revealing that, in
in ecosystem services on the land where its feed huge areas of the world, rangeland-based live-
is sourced and produced. stock production systems are the only option.
It should be noted, however, that feeding The message here is that there is less competi-
ruminants in general requires less land than tion than is generally believed between land use
industrially-raised monogastrics. Industrial pig for food crops and land for feed crops.
and chicken systems primarily use grains and Land use for animal feed production can have
processed agri-food by-products whereas in a positive influence on the carbon balance, if
ruminant livestock systems globally, less than the soil acts as a carbon sink instead of being a
5 percent of the total feed basket comes from source of emissions (e.g. through deforestation).
crops (Mottet et al., 2017). In ruminant livestock This is rarely the case in cropland, although
systems 89 percent of animal feed supply comes conservation agriculture allows for better soil
from fibrous feeds, including grass and crop cover and thus promotes natural carbon capture.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
15. Livestock and life on land
Intensification + Land spared through ++ Increased delivery of -- A trade-off is usually - Higher stocking rates
through feed productivity gains – animal products observed between high leading to overgrazing
supplementation, improved efficiency in levels of productivity if grazing poorly
++ increased productivity
improved natural resource use can (provision of food) and managed
animal health, spare natural habitats for the other categories of
animal genetics, biodiversity ecosystem services
fertility and herd
-- Loss of animal genetic ++ reduced GHG
diversity due to use emissions and
of fewer, but more contribution to climate
specialized breeds change
Silvopastoralism ++ Richer landscapes and ++ Increased productivity + Improved nutrient ++ Less erosion and
(association of species diversity cycles resulting degradation
grazing and trees)
++ Silvopastoralism + Carbon sequestration
can act as a buffer and
++ Improved resilience
prevent deforestation
to climate and
economic shocks
Shift from ++ land spared ++ Higher productivity -- Loss of regulating -- Shrub encroachment
ruminants to per unit of land and supporting services if not well-managed
-- loss of biodiversity-
monogastrics associated with
rich grassland habitats -- Loss of productive land: ++ Forest and
maintained by ruminants rangelands grazed by landscape restoration if
due to land–use change ruminants are unsuitable -- Loss of grassland and properly managed
for feed crop production traditional agricultural
-- abandonment of
for monogastrics landscapes
grazing in biodiversity-
rich grassland habitats ++ Possible services
would naturally turn associated with the
them into forests in the ecosystems replacing
absence of maintenance grasslands (e.g. forests)
by ruminants if properly managed
Note: + = positive effect, ++ = strong positive effect, - = negative effect, -- = strong negative effect.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
of rangelands are still poorly understood (FAO, improvement through fertilization does reduce
2016h). Nevertheless, in combination with pe- biodiversity but can improve forage yields, live-
doclimatic factors, livestock, through overgraz- stock productivity and thus food supply.
ing (Asner et al., 2004), can contribute to land The ability to produce strong synergies be-
damage in the absence of proper management tween the different components of SDG 15 is a
(FAO, 2014c). key specificity of the livestock sector. Through
Improved management of the world’s range- improved grazing management in particular,
lands could in fact not only halt but also reverse livestock has the potential to deliver benefits at
degradation. It could, in addition, sequester 12– multiple levels: land restoration, animal genetic
20 billion metrics tonnes of carbon over a 50-year resource preservation, biodiversity conservation
period (assuming two-thirds of the historic loss and ecosystem services provision. Striking a bal-
can be re-sequestered) (Lal, 2003; Henderson et ance between under- and overgrazing is crucial
al., 2015). Land-use and management strategies for the healthy functioning of grassland ecosys-
to sequester soil organic carbon include affor- tems. Measures helping reverse land degradation
estation with suitable tree species, soil manage- include the adjustment of the timing, intensity
ment on cropland for fodder production (such and spatial distribution of grazing (e.g. rotation,
as applying manure or vegetative mulches), and fencing), nutrient management, and grassland
pasture management on rangelands. productivity improvements such as light ferti-
Pasture management practices vary by loca- lization and legume introduction (IPCC, 2007;
tion and region but may include controlled graz- Soussana et al., 2010).
ing at an ecologically sustainable stocking rate, The restoration of degraded rangelands makes
sowing legumes and other improved grazing it possible to sequester high quantities of carbon
species, prescribed burning, agroforestry, and (FAO, 2009b, 2013b). Moreover, proper grazing
erosion management (Abel and Blaikie, 1989; management and land restoration also enhance
Schuman et al., 2002). In addition to promoting other ecosystem services such as the mainte-
carbon sequestration, these various strategies nance of soil structure and fertility, and water
contribute to grassland restoration, improve nu- retention. In addition, grazing is key for vegeta-
trient cycling, and, to varying degrees, facilitate tion biomass productivity as it fosters regrowth,
water infiltration as well as greater resilience to removes dead material and helps prevent fires.
extreme weather conditions. Regarding the total While under- and overgrazing can lead to deser-
amount of land used by livestock, Mottet et al. tification and shrub encroachment, and lower
(2017) put the figure at 2.5 billion ha and con- biodiversity levels, sound grazing management
clude that even modest improvements in feed- has a direct effect on vegetation species richness
use efficiency can reduce further expansion. through improved fertility, selective control of
dominant species and contribution to seed dis-
Land use, deforestation, desertification, biodi- Diverse and productive vegetation in grass-
versity and ecosystem services are all interlinked, lands also provides a high-quality habitat and
but the relationship is not always straightfor- resources for a wide range of species. Improved
ward. For example, whether increased biodiver- grazing management can also aim at maintain-
sity results in more ecosystem services depends ing biodiversity beyond grassland ecosystems.
largely on the specific type of service involved Specifically, different types of buffers can be
and on the specific biodiversity facet (CBD, used to help control deforestation (e.g. silvopas-
2014). While plant species richness might lead toralism acts as a buffer between pastures and
to higher vegetation biomass productivity in forests) and to avoid nutrient and ecotoxic sub-
natural grasslands (Grace et al., 2007), grassland stances that damage biodiversity spilling over
15. Livestock and life on land
into neighbouring natural terrestrial and aquatic the globe, natural resources are deteriorating,
habitats. ecosystems are under stress and biological diver-
Most local breeds of ruminants are found in sity is depleted. While the livestock sector plays
extensive grazing systems. Combining the use a part in biodiversity reduction, land degrada-
of locally adapted breeds with improved graz- tion and deforestation, it also provides invalu-
ing management could be a win-win solution able services that protect, restore and promote
for animal genetic resources, biodiversity and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, combat
ecosystem services. Agricultural biodiversity desertification, reverse land degradation and halt
and well-adapted livestock are essential com- biodiversity erosion. It is, however, critical to put
ponents in this respect, particularly in harsh negative livestock contributions into geographic,
environments where crop farming is difficult or socio-economic and animal husbandry systems
impossible. Diverse livestock breeds adapted to context. In arid and semi-arid areas (e.g. the Sa-
different environments form an integral part of hel in Africa), livestock rearing can be a most ef-
agrobiodiversity. However, the adaptation of spe- ficient and viable option to valorize scarce natu-
cific species and breeds to particular environmen- ral resources. When livestock have detrimental
tal challenges needs to be better understood (FAO, effects, it is generally because of the way they are
2015a). Synergies within SDG 15 could lead to managed, usually for short-term gain, with no
other synergies and benefits across SDGs given, concern for sustainability. Livestock production
for example, that improved grazing management can be instrumental in, for example, supporting
can also lead to higher productivity (SDG 2) and sustainable rangeland management, preserving
to climate change mitigation (SDG 13). wildlife, and enhancing soil fertility and nutri-
ent cycling. Promoting the services livestock
CONCLUSION provide on behalf of ecosystems, in combination
Goal 15 focuses on reducing degraded natural with moderate improvements in feed-use effi-
habitats and fighting biodiversity loss. Across ciency, are key to achieving this goal.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
©FAO/Kai Wiedenhoefer
peace and
changes and related resource loss further exac-
erbate their insecurity. Civil unrest and human-
social stability
itarian crises take a harsh toll on the livestock
sector as collective insecurity quickly translates
into higher livestock mortality, lower produc-
INTRODUCTION tivity and reduced access to local and national
Peaceful and safe communities provide a secure markets. Ecosystems and biodiversity, which
environment for sustainable livestock produc- well-managed livestock help protect and pre-
tion, making animal protein more widely avail- serve, are hit hard under such conditions too.
able for communities. It follows that the global According to the United Nations, many
and sustainable development of the livestock countries still face protracted violence and
sector cannot be achieved without broad pro- armed conflict, and far too many people suf-
gress in good governance, which fosters secu- fer under weak institutions and lack access to
rity, justice and peace. Lack of sound govern- justice, information and other fundamental
ance tends to produce a spiral of social unrest freedoms. There is much to be done to achieve
followed by higher food prices, lessened food SDG 16’s vision of peaceful and inclusive so-
security and, in the worst cases, full-blown cieties based on human rights, the rule of law,
conflict and famine – and this in a sector al- and good governance and institutions. This
ready highly exposed to a variety of stresses, chapter describes how the livestock sector can
including climate change, natural disasters, and help communities and countries get there, em-
livestock diseases. phasizing the interconnections and dynamics
Poor governance and absence of law provide between governance, peace, livestock develop-
fertile ground for conflict over land use and ment, climate and ecosystems and social stabil-
management, which jeopardize the livelihoods ity in rural and urban areas.
of pastoralists who depend on readily available
16. Livestock, peace and social stability
Vaccination campaigns are used as an entry point also talk about issues of potential conflict and
to bring together and promote dialogue among possible solutions. Such peace-building compo-
conflicting farming and pastoralist communities. nents were included in FAO livestock health pro-
All have a common interest in keeping their ani- grammes in South Sudan and the Central African
mals healthy. The fear of losing livestock to dis- Republic.
ease is seen as greater than that of conflict. While
discussing the vaccination campaign, the groups Source: FAO, 2017c
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Social Food
instability security
zoonoses, which make people sick too, can trig- healthy goats produce 60 percent more meat and
ger full-blown food and economic crises – with milk than unhealthy ones.
violence a short step away. Animal diseases, including zoonoses involv-
Rinderpest, the highly lethal livestock disease, ing humans, can spread quickly and, if not dealt
caused food insecurity and social instability in with immediately, can develop into major social
large areas of Africa for two decades during the and economic regional or global crises, seriously
1970s and 1980s. In the past two decades, Peste affecting animal and human health, and food se-
des Petits Ruminants (PPR) has spread rapid- curity. Examples of such high-impact epidemics
ly, mostly in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, are H5N1 Highly Pathogenic avian influenza in
which are home to some 80 percent of the world’s Asia and Africa; Ebola in West Africa; Lumpy
2.1 billion small ruminants. Sheep and goats are skin disease in the Middle East and Europe; Rift
critical assets for poor rural households, provid- valley fever in West and Eastern Africa; and PPR
ing protein, milk, fertilizer, wool and fibre, as in Africa and Central Asia. Animal health pro-
well as often representing essential social capital grammes can include peacebuilding components
and access to financial credit. PPR causes more that promote dialogue between groups.
than USD 2 billion in losses each year. Beyond Unless resolved promptly, animal diseases
the economic loss, sick animals add to the food can lead to escalating social instability or pre-
insecurity and nutritional challenges faced by cipitate major regional or global crises, with
the more than 300 million vulnerable households serious effects on animal and human health, the
who raise sheep and goats in the regions affected economy and food security. There is evidence
by PPR. Ensuring animal health is a key element that poor and politically marginalized commu-
in maintaining food security among vulnerable nities, especially in rural areas, are dispropor-
populations. It has been found, for instance, that tionately affected by recurrent animal health
16. Livestock, peace and social stability
BOX 10
Cross-border pastoralist communities including people and women were enlisted for conflict reso-
the Turkana and Pokot in Kenya, the Toposa in lution through youth peace caravans and women’s
Sudan and the Karamajong in Uganda have been peace crusades respectively.
involved in many intertribal conflicts over the FAO has been strengthening the capacity of
years. The conflicts erupted because of growing pastoral communities most vulnerable to drought
competition over scarce resources, and social, by setting up Pastoralist Field Schools (PFS) as
economic and political marginalization stemming a way to not only help reduce and prevent inter-
from unfavourable government policies. This community conflicts, but also to promote a learn-
was compounded by several consecutive years ing environment where community members ex-
of drought in the region, leading to widespread change information, best practices, and learn about
reduced livelihoods. The conflict was marked grassroots ways of coping with drought risks and
by cattle raiding, banditry and growing violence related challenges (FAO, 2016j). Livestock corri-
fuelled in part by the proliferation of small arms. dors with water points are being introduced in ar-
Several measures have been taken to resolve these eas of Africa and, with the support of farmer field
conflicts, including setting up community institu- schools, can help reduce conflicts between agricul-
tions for resource management and conflict me- ture farmers and pastoralists over scarce land and
diation, and many disarmament campaigns. Young water resources.
emergencies. Trust and confidence in govern- Changes in land use from rural to urban can
ment and institutions, and robust institutions create major problems for livestock farmers. Ur-
and infrastructure quickly breakdown at times ban pressure can influence the development of
of civil unrest. the livestock farming sector in urban areas and
can encourage a more efficient use of livestock
LIVESTOCK AND LAND (reduced herd sizes), and are more productive,
Land rights issues can also be potentially explo- maintaining close contact with markets. This can
sive in marginalized communities, especially in facilitate social integration and closer contact
wide swathes of Africa where pastoralists are with stakeholders along value chains as well as
entirely dependent on rangeland resources and consumers, while also promoting employment
grazing areas for their livestock. Land conflict in other urban sectors. Much depends on appro-
resolution, involving complex issues of land priate land-use planning and on policies being in
tenure and rights, and access to water, is key to place to facilitate the integration and adaptation
averting conflicts. In the Democratic Republic of livestock farming in urban settings. Urban
of the Congo, for example, land disputes repre- livestock offer a number of benefits, supporting
sent 80 percent of all conflicts in the violence- the social resilience of local communities, pro-
riven eastern part of the country, with most viding communities with fresh products, espe-
clashes involving livestock farmers and pasto- cially in times of crisis, and linking urban dwell-
ralists. Farmer–herder conflicts are on the rise ers with nature.
across the Sahel due to growing populations of Together with natural disasters and land rights,
both animals and pastoralists. resource scarcity and chronic inequality have
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
16. Livestock, peace and social stability
©FAO/Marco Longari
key to sustaining peace.
While lack of good governance, infrastructure
and regulations leads to a decline in societies,
livestock are a major component of the econo-
my even in countries affected by instability or
crisis, accounting for more than 40 percent of
agricultural GDP. In other words, in these and
other conflict-torn nations, animal production Between 2012 and 2013 only USD 4.1 million
provides some remaining measure of social and in meat products and USD 13.8 million in milk
economic security by offering access to food to products were exported (FAO STAT, 2016).
residents in towns and villages, and ensuring Damage to the Syrian livestock sector is es-
that the population balance remains sustainable timated at some USD 5.5 billion in the past six
between rural and urban areas. years. The loss of animals, which either die from
Despite six years of crisis in the Syrian Arab extreme hardship and animal diseases, or are
Republic, for example, the agriculture sector killed or stolen, is particularly high in conflict ar-
still accounts for an estimated 26 percent of eas (FAO, 2017d). How the absence of govern-
GDP and provides a critical safety net for the 6.7 ment authority inevitably translates into strife is
million Syrians, including those internally dis- exemplified in the eastern part of the Democratic
placed, who remain in rural areas (FAO, 2017d). Republic of the Congo, where land disputes rep-
In this context, livestock played a major role in resent 80 percent of all the conflicts waged there
the Syrian economy before the crisis, contribut- in the past two decades (FAO, 2016j). However,
ing 40 percent of total agricultural production with the re-establishment of proper governance,
and absorbing 20 percent of rural employment, the solution to land issues is relatively simple –
while generating approximately USD 450 mil- to plan land use in a way that reflects the views
lion per annum in exports. The Syrian Arab of livestock herders and to establish joint land-
Republic has, however, seen its herds and flocks use agreements that recognize and protect group
shrink significantly since the beginning of the land rights and prevent conflict over resources.
war. Today, there are 30 percent fewer cattle, 40 The main contesting parties – for example, land
percent fewer sheep and goats, and a staggering administration and customary authorities, farm-
60 percent less poultry − traditionally the most ers, private actors and armed groups – are invited
affordable source of animal protein in the coun- to help identify underlying causes around natu-
try. Exports have been dramatically reduced. ral resource access using a Participatory Negoti-
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
ated Territorial Development (PNTD) approach livestock communities, and strengthening house-
(FAO, 2016j). Rural areas with those arrange- hold food security is clearly a priority objective
ments and agreements can be used as models to in post-conflict development in order to enable
promote agriculture and livestock development populations to live in peace once more under
and sustainability. functioning institutions. (FAO, 2016j).
Improved governance of livestock and animal
health systems is an effective way to attract pri- CONCLUSION
vate and public investments in livestock devel- Goal 16 envisages peaceful and inclusive socie-
opment, thus providing an additional defence ties. A stable and peaceful environment is the
against insecurity and instability. There is now a basis for sustainable development. In many
clearer understanding of the benefits, not only to communities in developing countries, social
countries in crisis but to the international com- and economic well-being is closely linked to the
munity at large, of applying livestock policies and livestock sector. During crises, and particularly
programmes at national level that promote and in post-crisis situations, livestock are essential in
safeguard sustainable livestock production, and, order to restore the supply of animal protein. In
along with it, public health and food safety. Im- terms of public health, animal disease outbreaks
proving land and property rights and food securi- can spread quickly and evolve into major health,
ty, and reducing inequality through the livestock social and economic crises at regional or global
sector is a firm basis for economic and social de- level. Disputes among populations over land
velopment. Support to agriculture and livestock- and pastures can be sources of conflict, since
based livelihoods can effectively contribute to grazing land is a valuable commodity that is in-
peacebuilding and post-conflict recovery and creasingly coming under pressure. Mechanisms
rehabilitation in rural crisis areas. People stay in such as well-defined property rights, clear leg-
rural areas when they feel safe to do so, or when islation, sound livestock policies, confidence in
the right conditions are created for the return of local institutions, and robust infrastructure can
refugees, migrants and displaced people. Rehabil- enhance the sector’s role as a catalyst for social
itation of agricultural production, particularly in peace and stability.
©FAO/Cristiano Minichiello
in support of SDG
areas of development that are closely intercon-
nected is imperative.
The breadth of knowledge, experience and
expertise required for SDG implementation
also implies mobilizing a broad range of compe-
INTRODUCTION tences and the participation of non-state actors,
The adoption of the Sustainable Development such as civil society organizations, producer
Goals (SDGs) marks a turning point in the organizations, the private sector, academia and
global community’s approach to development. research institutions. This will be fundamental
The SDGs embrace economic, social and envi- to the achievement of all SDGs along the three
ronmental aspects of development and highlight dimensions of sustainable development – eco-
the importance of the linkages between them. nomic, social and environmental. This chapter
SDG 17 calls for multi-stakeholder partnerships therefore focuses on the challenges associated
between various actors to help provide financial, with strengthening the livestock sector in the
knowledge sharing and institutional support to context of a collective, coordinated effort in-
spur progress across different sectors. By work- cluding an unprecedented range of public and
ing together in partnership, all stakeholders can private actors in both policy formulation and
help achieve transformative change. implementation.
Strong commitment to global partnership As a major user of natural resources such as
and cooperation is central to the implementa- feed, land and water, the livestock sector must,
tion and achievement of Goal 17. Key stake- in order to develop sustainably, make itself en-
holders are needed to ensure access to finance vironmentally sound, socially responsible and
and investments, markets, technology, knowl- economically viable. This will require the de-
edge sharing and capacity development as well ployment of multi-stakeholder actions aimed at
as policy support for better decision-making. building stronger knowledge-based policies and
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
also involve the sharing of knowledge (including World Food Security (CFS) in its 2016 report,
local knowledge), technology and expertise, and Sustainable agricultural development of food
financial resources. security and nutrition: what roles for livestock?
The report indicates that livestock, as part of the
THE NEED FOR sustainable development of agriculture, are es-
A HOLISTIC APPROACH sential for poverty reduction and achieving food
Following the 2002 Monterrey and the 2015 security and nutrition.
Addis Ababa Conferences on financing for de-
velopment, it was broadly agreed that Overseas LEVERAGING INSTRUMENTS FOR
Development Assistance (ODA) from tradi- SDG IMPLEMENTATION
tional bilateral and multilateral donors is not As mentioned, with multidimensional and
sufficient to tackle the social, environmental and interconnected global goals and an increas-
economic development challenges facing the ingly diverse range of actors at all levels, the
world – and the developing world in particular. 2030 Agenda emphasizes that the “means of
There is now broad consensus in the United Na- implementation” of the proposed global part-
tions and Member States that financing develop- nership go beyond finance and relate both to
ment through multiple sources and establishing systemic issues and context-specific measures.
partnerships with non-state actors are both es- While the Monterrey Consensus focused on
sential in order to achieve the SDGs. All stake- domestic resources and private-sector flows, as
holders are urged to continue learning, innovat- well as financial and technical cooperation as
ing, transforming, and sharing knowledge as engines of development, the Addis Ababa Ac-
they work together, pooling financial resources, tion Agenda (AAAA) envisages a wider range
experiences and expertise. of levers including science, technology, trade,
In other words, a holistic approach is needed innovation and capacity-building. With the
to ensure that the livestock sector develops sus- SDGs, all countries and actors are called on to
tainably and contributes effectively to eradi- undertake sustainable public and private meas-
cating hunger, malnutrition and rural poverty. ures that impact other countries and the global
Mobilizing the technical, human and financial commons – notably global corporate and civil
resources to that end will require North-South, society networks.
South-South and Triangular Cooperation (TC) As noted, many of the AAAA action areas
to provide improved access to science, tech- are reflected in SDG 17, e.g. the emphasis on
nology and innovation. Knowledge sharing, South-South (SSC) and Triangular Cooperation
capacity-building and the strengthening of (TC), as well as Public-Private Partnerships
technical expertise are also central pillars, as is (PPPs). There is a growing international con-
the promotion of a universal, rules-based, non- sensus that SSC and TC are effective in achiev-
discriminatory and equitable multilateral trad- ing food security, catalysing agricultural devel-
ing system. opment and reducing poverty. Good practices
Provisions should also be made for adequate and solutions are often to be found in policies,
institutional support. While respecting each institutions and programmes in the South, and
country’s autonomy in responding to local chal- can be replicated. For instance, some producer
lenges, partnerships among different key actors organizations and small and medium enterpris-
can address global and regional challenges and es have recently helped small producers to raise
contribute to better policy coordination and productivity, access funding and markets and
coherence at local level. The livestock sector’s increase their incomes. FAO plays an active role
central role is underlined by the High-Level as a facilitator of SSC initiatives in the context
Panel of Experts (HLPE) of the Committee on of the 2030 Agenda. Leveraging SSC/triangular
17. Partnerships in support of SDG implementation
cooperation for the deployment of expertise opment has been delivered so far. This may also
helps disseminate development solutions, tech- apply to PPPs, although they have the advan-
nologies, capacities, and best practices while tage of directing much-needed resources to the
also providing hands-on training, including in public sector, while also allowing governments
the livestock sector. to share the risks associated with investing in
The 2030 Agenda also highlights the role of agriculture.
the private sector in development cooperation, Public-Private Partnerships have the poten-
particularly as regards ending hunger and mal- tial to improve agricultural productivity and
nutrition. Goal 17 recognizes the private sector drive sustainable growth in the sector.4 As the
as a critical stakeholder and PPPs as key instru- 2030 Agenda urges all stakeholders to continue
ments in promoting economic development to learn, innovate, transform, and share knowl-
and improved livelihoods. Some of the lead- edge when working together, FAO supports
ing global commitments for the mobilization countries in implementing inclusive and cross-
of the private sector are the Busan Partnership cutting policies. The Organization is well placed
for Effective Development Cooperation (2011) to foster coherence across a number of issues
and the AAAA. Both emphasize the need for and areas, including the livestock sector, and en-
more active engagement and contributions courages bottom-up decision-making based on
from the corporate sector. They also stress the countries’ needs and experiences.
importance of identifying the complementa-
ry roles that the corporate sector can play. It
should be mentioned, however, that the private 4
Examples of agri-PPP successes can be found in FAO’s Review of
international experiences of agri-PPP (2016). The publication includes 70
sector’s engagement comes with risks as well as case studies from 15 developing countries, drawing appropriate lessons
and providing advice on the establishment and operational aspects of PPPs
opportunities because it affects the way devel- to ensure maximum impact.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
17. Partnerships in support of SDG implementation
Every company along the value chain, large LIVESTOCK PARTNERSHIPS IN ACTION
and small, has the potential to make a signifi- The livestock sector benefits from a number of
cant contribution towards shared and sustain- multi-stakeholder partnerships with recognized
able economic, social and environmental devel- work at global and regional levels on sustainable
opment. FAO, however, highlights the need to livestock development.
evolve from short-term, company-led, ad-hoc
partnerships to transformative and systematic al- GLOBAL AGENDA FOR
liances ensuring long-term commitment. In this SUSTAINABLE LIVESTOCK (GASL)
context, the private sector is required to move The Agenda addresses sustainable livestock and
beyond purely Corporate Social Responsibil- covers aspects related to livelihoods, economic
ity (CSR) and make changes in its core business and social impacts, public health, animal health
strategies. Allowing a meaningful engagement and welfare, environmental impacts, land use
of stakeholders from civil society in SDG im- and tenure as well as biodiversity. This global
plementation requires putting principles into partnership depends on the active engagement
practice. FAO’s Strategy for partnerships with of governments as well as NGOs, social move-
civil society organizations, (FAO, 2013f) such ments and community-based organizations, the
as producer organizations (MBOs), NGOs and private sector, donors, academia and research
social movements, facilitates the establishment of institutions, and intergovernmental and mul-
transparent and participatory processes at global, tilateral organizations together with founda-
regional and national levels. The Strategy places tions. The Agenda fosters knowledge and co-
due emphasis on the participation of civil soci- ordination mechanisms through Focus Area
ety in the design and implementation of public Groups and Knowledge Networks. GASL has
policies and regulatory frameworks. Supporting developed a 2016-2018 Action Plan on “Facili-
and helping strengthen producer organizations, tating dialogue, generating evidence and adopt-
including the services they provide to their mem- ing good practices in support of the UN 2030
bers, is key to ensuring they can contribute to Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
priority thematic areas (e.g. international regula-
tory frameworks, climate change, and nutrition). LIVESTOCK ENVIRONMENTAL
The adoption of the SDGs has created fresh op- ASSESSMENT AND PERFORMANCE (LEAP)
portunities to increase partnerships with academia PARTNERSHIP
and the research community. Through such part- LEAP is a multi-stakeholder initiative com-
nerships, participants can access and promote the mitted to improving the environmental perfor-
latest proven knowledge, tools and information mance of livestock supply chains while ensuring
for the enhanced delivery of programmes. They their economic and social viability. In order to
may also help raise awareness among students help shape evidence-based policies and business
and teaching staff about the key role they have strategies, LEAP has developed a comprehensive
in contributing to sustainable food and agricul- guidance and a harmonized methodology for as-
ture production for the overall achievement of the sessing the environmental performance of live-
2030 Agenda. The success of the new development stock supply chains. LEAP involves stakehold-
agenda through the 17 SDGs, will require policy ers across the livestock sector including private
coherence at all levels to ensure that all initiatives actors, governments, academia, and civil society.
work to support inclusive development for pov-
erty reduction and food security. In the livestock GLOBAL PASTORALISTS
sector, FAO is well placed to foster coherence KNOWLEDGE HUB
across areas through bottom-up decision-making The objective of the hub is to fill knowledge
based on country needs and experiences. gaps on pastoralism and bring attention to the
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
17. Partnerships in support of SDG implementation
knowledge; facilitate better policy-making; and Member States. The Commission brings togeth-
support evidence-based advocacy for invest- er representatives from governments to exchange
ment in livestock development. ALIVE devel- experiences in policies and programmes for sus-
ops policy notes, toolkits in related areas such as tainable livestock development. Its objective is to
dairy production and drought management, and support the preparation of policy frameworks for
undertakes assessments of programmes. FAO the livestock sector as well as the design and for-
provides technical assistance. mulation of technical cooperation programmes
and strategies. Main topics of discussion involve
COMMISSION ON LIVESTOCK regulatory and technical issues associated with
DEVELOPMENT FOR LATIN AMERICA animal health, sustainable livestock production,
AND THE CARIBBEAN (CODEGALAC) climate change, family livestock farming and the
CODEGALAC is the FAO technical advisory sector’s development trends.
forum on sustainable livestock production for Many ‘bilateral’ partnerships between develop-
the Latin American and Caribbean Regional ment agencies, civil society organizations, the pri-
Conference. The Commission was established in vate sector, academia and research institutions and
1986 by the FAO Council at the request of its UN agencies have activities directed at aligning
BOX 11
Texas A&M University and FAO committed to standards. Improving quality control is critical
promoting quality in feed analysis laboratories for sustainable development of the livestock sec-
worldwide to advance knowledge and the use of tor. Now celebrating its third year, the partner-
enabling technology in the livestock sector. Sys- ship offered a course in 2015 which benefited 25
tems that ensure repeatable and defensible ana- participants from laboratories from 17 countries.
lytical results are critical to the safety and quality This targeted capacity-building initiative is con-
of regulated products. In the global marketplace, sidered of great relevance and practical use as
the integrity of sample testing is essential for fair participants are immediately able to use the con-
trade and the protection of consumer health. To cepts and skills learned into the daily operations
strengthen quality laboratory systems in devel- of their laboratories. The course’s dual focus on
oping countries, FAO, Texas A&M University, laboratory quality systems knowledge and the
and the Office of the Texas State Chemist de- practical skills needed to apply this knowledge
veloped Laboratory Quality Systems, an online is especially useful for laboratory personnel who
training (E-course) offered for both professional are in the initial stage of developing a laboratory
and graduate credit. The course has been offered quality system or implementing an ISO system.
since 2013, and it provides laboratory profes- This mechanism helps build capacity to gener-
sionals with the breadth of knowledge needed to ate quality data on the chemical constituents and
obtain laboratory data and results that are reli- nutritional value of feed and feed ingredients
able, interpretable, repeatable, and defensible. efficiently and at low cost. The FAO Regional
Course topics include chain of custody, method Offices in Africa and Asia (respectively in Ghana
development, information management, labora- and Bangkok) actively sponsor candidates from
tory accreditation, and international laboratory the regions.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
methods and practices as well as enhancing knowl- nutritional value of feed and feed ingredients ef-
edge and capacities. By combining integrated and ficiently and at low cost. The FAO Regional Of-
results-driven approaches with various actors, fices in Africa and Asia (respectively in Ghana
these partnerships highlight the critical impor- and Bangkok) actively sponsor candidates from
tance of targeted commitments to adequately re- the regions.
sourced fields of expertise. One example is FAO’s
partnership with Texas A&M University. CHALLENGES
Texas A&M University and FAO committed A significant role in SDG implementation is
to promoting quality in feed analysis laboratories played by data acquisition, monitoring, ac-
worldwide to advance knowledge and the use of countability and capacity-building. Document-
enabling technology in the livestock sector. Sys- ing progress and developing evidence-based
tems that ensure repeatable and defensible ana- analysis is also crucial for decision-makers to
lytical results are critical to the safety and quality enhance the effectiveness of policies and ensure
of regulated products. In the global marketplace, the success of the 2030 Agenda. There is a clear
the integrity of sample testing is essential for fair challenge in bringing the role of the private sec-
trade and the protection of consumer health. To tor up to its full potential while ensuring that the
strengthen quality laboratory systems in devel- interventions of private entities are in line with
oping countries, FAO, Texas A&M University, national priorities. The same applies to civil so-
and the Office of the Texas State Chemist de- ciety organizations, which are key actors in the
veloped Laboratory Quality Systems, an online design and implementation of public policies
training (E-course) offered for both professional and regulatory frameworks. A noteworthy chal-
and graduate credit. The course has been offered lenge to the transformation needed for SDG im-
since 2013, and it provides laboratory profes- plementation is the need to leverage knowledge
sionals with the breadth of knowledge needed to from academia and the research community.
obtain laboratory data and results that are reli- Below are some issues of key interest which
able, interpretable, repeatable, and defensible. may be taken into consideration when examin-
Course topics include chain of custody, method ing partnerships in the context of SDG imple-
development, information management, labora- mentation.
tory accreditation, and international laboratory PPPs can be an innovative means to finding
standards. Improving quality control is critical the increased financing and other “means of
for sustainable development of the livestock sec- implementation” called for in Goal 17. Since
tor. Now celebrating its third year, the partner- large-scale investments are needed, PPPs can
ship offered a course in 2015 which benefited 25 offer opportunities for the public and the pri-
participants from laboratories from 17 countries. vate sectors to work together in the provision
This targeted capacity-building initiative is con- of public goods. New knowledge and technical
sidered of great relevance and practical use as innovation could be a mechanism for sharing
participants are immediately able to use the con- risks. PPPs could bring together a broad range
cepts and skills learned into the daily operations of actors from business, government, smallhold-
of their laboratories. The course’s dual focus on er farmers and civil society who have the poten-
laboratory quality systems knowledge and the tial to improve productivity and drive inclusive,
practical skills needed to apply this knowledge sustainable growth in food and agriculture.
is especially useful for laboratory personnel who Such multi-stakeholder partnerships support
are in the initial stage of developing a laboratory governments and other development partners in
quality system or implementing an ISO system. the design of good policies, programmes and le-
This mechanism helps build capacity to gener- gal frameworks. They can enable collective and
ate quality data on the chemical constituents and coherent action in support of the livestock sector,
17. Partnerships in support of SDG implementation
BOX 12
• Partnerships with private sector entities, civil so- • Partnerships with civil society organizations
ciety and producer organizations, academia and contribute to the establishment of transparent
research institutions provide additional means and participatory processes at all levels, from
for strengthening and enhancing the effective- local to national, especially concerning the de-
ness of government strategies and policies. sign and implementation of public policies and
• Partnerships with private sector entities need regulatory frameworks. Supporting producer
to address responsible investments, sustain- organizations is key to SDG implementation.
able trade and innovative and inclusive business • Partnerships with academia and research bod-
models. Local needs and transparency must be ies generate knowledge, and, most importantly,
considered in selecting private partners when evidence-based analysis in support of decision-
the allocation of land and/or the granting of making. They can facilitate access to the latest
land-use rights/concessions, or the use of natu- available knowledge, tools and information for
ral resources and other assets, are at issue. When the enhanced delivery of programmes, and in-
introducing new knowledge and technological crease policy coherence. They also help raise
innovations as well as when addressing policy awareness among students and teachers, thus
coherence, the contribution of the private sec- contributing to a transformative agenda in SDG
tor should include a transparent mechanism for implementation.
sharing information and risks, and jointly re-
sponding to local challenges.
as previously illustrated. The leveraging of in- sector and civil society to achieve universally
struments such as South-South cooperation sustainable development. At global and region-
and triangular cooperation can be strategic for al levels, the livestock sector features several
sharing best practices, scaling up and replicating multi-stakeholder partnerships that: a) serve
experiences. Addressing the specificity of local to maintain sustainable growth to meet rising
needs is essential for effective South-South co- global demand for ASF; and b) simultaneously
operation. All available instruments, approaches address key environmental, social and econom-
and initiatives in support of SDG implementa- ic challenges. Despite the widely known ben-
tion face the challenge of acting in an integrated efits of multi-stakeholder partnerships, a major
manner recognizing SDG interlinkages. factor in their effectiveness is the establishment
of governance structures appropriate to their
CONCLUSION mission and composition, and able to address
Goal 17 focuses on revitalizing partnerships any potential asymmetries of power and con-
and bringing together governments, the private flicts of interest.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
©FAO/Giulio Napolitano
and SDGs:
mote sustainable development policies together
with inter-sectoral coordination mechanisms
and focused plans and programmes.
Many daunting challenges remain. One in
and policy
eight people live in extreme poverty; 795 mil-
lion are undernourished; 1.3 billion tonnes of
food are wasted every year; six million children
die before their fifth birthday; some 200 million
people are unemployed, including 75 million
INTRODUCTION young women and men; three billion people rely
In January 2016, the United Nations officially on air-polluting wood, coal, charcoal or animal
launched the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable De- waste for cooking and heating; the earth’s soils,
velopment, with its 17 Sustainable Development freshwater, oceans, forests and biodiversity are
Goals and 169 targets. The SDGs build on the being rapidly degraded; and climate change is
success of the 2000–2015 Millennium Develop- placing growing pressure on vital resources,
ment Goals (MDGs) and aim to do even more disrupting lives and national economies (UN,
to end poverty and hunger. They seek to ad- 2016a).
dress, in a sustainable manner, the root causes of This is also a time of immense opportuni-
poverty and the universal need for development. ties – including for livestock. The sector can
The SDGs cover the three dimensions of sus- play a key role in resolving many present chal-
tainable development: economic growth, social lenges by: providing the world with adequate
inclusion and environmental protection. Gov- and reliable supplies of safe, healthy and nutri-
ernments are expected to take ownership and tious food; creating employment opportunities
establish national frameworks for their achieve- upstream and downstream in the food chain;
ment. Implementation and success will depend strengthening families’ financial, physical, and
18. Livestock and SDGs: interactions and policy framework
social assets; and generating fiscal revenue and more sustainable development of the sector (see
foreign exchange. In order to fulfil its potential, Figure 44). This section reviews the key linkages
the sector will have to face a new set of intersect- between livestock and development, as reflected
ing challenges. Increased demand for livestock in the 2030 Agenda, and highlights some key
products will, for example, add pressure on eco- policy messages.
systems, biodiversity and the environment; live-
stock producers will encounter greater competi- KEY MESSAGES
tion for capital, labour, land, water and energy;
intensified production could prompt the emer- Goal 1 calls for a multidimensional approach
gence and spread of infectious diseases and, with to ending poverty. Given the livestock sector’s
increased use of antibiotics, heighten the threat expected rapid growth, and the assumption that
to global public health posed by antimicrobial- many of the poor rely on livestock for their live-
resistant pathogens. lihoods, livestock’s contribution to poverty re-
A wide range of policy instruments are avail- duction has sometimes been taken for granted.
able to strengthen the positive effects or mitigate Livestock can indeed play a catalytic role in
the negative outcomes of interventions. None- strengthening the assets used by rural house-
theless, the achievement of some of these tar- holds to achieve their livelihood objectives, and
gets could conflict with accomplishing others. in increasing the resilience of families to cope
Indeed, all parties concerned will likely soon with shocks. However, the sector’s capacity to
realize that trade-offs and gains in one area may turn fast sectoral growth into reduced poverty
determine losses in others. To better support in- will vary depending on countries, production
tegration of livestock policies and practices with systems, and on a combination of macroeco-
sustainable development strategies, this chapter nomic and microeconomic factors. These in-
synthetizes the key linkages involved, examines clude, on the macro side, the size of the livestock
some interactions and suggests how livestock sector in the economy, its growth rate, and the
can actively help achieve sustainability goals. participation of the poor in that growth. On the
Global trends indicate that between 2017 and micro side, these include the capacity of produc-
2030, world population will increase by one bil- ers to use their livestock-related assets to gen-
lion (UN, 2017). Most people – 60 percent of erate income, the ability of workers to link to
the world’s population – will live in towns and expanding employment opportunities; and the
cities (UN, 2014), while the global economy will possibility for consumers to benefit from more
grow at 2.8 percent per annum (OECD, 2012). competitive prices.
The combination of population growth, urbani-
zation and rising incomes is expected to increase Goal 2 seeks to end hunger and all forms of mal-
global demand for animal-source food (ASF) nutrition. The livestock sector can contribute
(OECD and FAO, 2017). All this could result significantly at different levels and from different
in an enhanced contribution to the SDGs by the angles. At the household level, it can increase the
livestock sector. direct consumption of ASFs and help generate in-
While livestock production relates directly come; at the rural community level, it can support
or indirectly to each of the SDGs, linkages with the creation of employment opportunities; at the
some goals and targets are stronger than with national economy level, it can reduce ASF prices,
others. These relationships are often defined by generate fiscal revenue, and earn foreign exchange;
a two-way linkage in which, on the one hand, and at the global level, it can provide the world
the development of the sector helps achieve with sufficient and reliable supplies of meat,
some targets; while, on the other, the achieve- milk, eggs and dairy products. The sector must,
ment of a target creates the right conditions for a however, overcome some new, interconnected
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Indirect Opportunities
Induced Challenges
challenges. Increased demand for livestock prod- Goal 3 aims to ensure health and well-being for
ucts will add to existing pressure on ecosystems; all at all ages. While the benefits provided by
livestock producers will face greater competition livestock are well-recognized, animals can, if not
for resources so that, while productivity should managed properly, transmit communicable and
increase, it will likely do so more slowly; and non-communicable human illnesses and diseases.
the ongoing transformation of the sector’s mar- Many microorganisms harboured by livestock
ket structure may hinder small producers and are harmful to humans. Overconsumption of ASF
poor consumers from benefiting from economic leads to the spread of non-communicable human
growth and productivity improvements. diseases. Inappropriate use of antimicrobials in
18. Livestock and SDGs: interactions and policy framework
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
able to exploit the reserves of energy contained likely to yield higher social and economic re-
in plant biomass that are not edible by humans. turns. They can also attract further investments
New institutions and technologies will be need- focusing on infrastructure development and in-
ed, however, to greatly expand manure-based novation.
biogas generation. The use of clean energy to
substitute fossil fuels in feed production must Goal 10 calls for reducing inequalities in in-
also be increased. come. Institutional reforms in the livestock
sector can be very effective at stimulating small-
Goal 8 promotes sustainable economic growth holder entrepreneurship and closing inequal-
and full and productive employment. The val- ity gaps. Livestock rearing is a potent catalyst
ue of livestock production accounts for almost for smallholder income growth, with relatively
40 percent of agricultural output in developed low investment, input, and labour costs. How-
countries and for 20 percent in developing ones. ever, weak or discriminatory property rights
However, the contribution of livestock to over- remain an important constraint on the capacity
all economic growth through numerous vertical of smallholders to expand sustainably. Enabling
and horizontal multiplier effects goes well be- livestock to contribute effectively thus means
yond simple production. In developing coun- going beyond policies and investments specific
tries, the livestock sector is highly segmented to the sector. It requires, among other things,
and the level of labour productivity differs spending on infrastructure to link lagging re-
widely between processing and production, and gions; improving access to services, including
also between commercial and subsistence farm- financial services for all; framing effective so-
ers. Thus, simply multiplying the same kind cial protection programmes, including pension
of opportunities could just result in underem- schemes; adopting migration policies that take
ployment. Livestock economic growth models into account the needs of people moving with
should therefore put special emphasis on in- their animals; and implementing free trade
creasing labour productivity and focus on high- agreements for trade in livestock and livestock
value-added and labour-intensive activities. products from least-developed and developing
Goal 9 focuses on infrastructure development,
industrialization and innovation. Livestock of- Goal 11 aims to make cities sustainable. To-
fer some of the best opportunities for adding day’s urbanization represents one of the most
value, given the fact that ASF products exhibit rapid and profound shifts in the history of hu-
higher levels of complexity than crops. Ac- man settlements. Livestock production has a
cordingly, they have greater potential to in- variable and controversial, but often essential
crease the value of exports, promote economic role to play in and for cities, especially in de-
growth, and improve livelihoods. At the same veloping countries. The main benefits of urban
time, however, the sector is characterized by livestock production include the generation of
rapid market concentration, largely due to ma- income, the creation of jobs, and the delivery of
jor gaps in infrastructure, technology and inno- improved food security and nutrition. Yet urban
vation, which limit the field to a relatively few livestock also present significant risks since, in
actors with higher investment capacity. Poli- the absence of proper sanitation and infrastruc-
cies that encourage economically and environ- ture, they can pose environmental and public
mentally sustainable industrialization, shifting health hazards. In order to make cities more sus-
more workers towards more productive and tainable, specific measures to reduce such risks
profitable activities, and integrating small-scale are required, including improved coordination
producers in the growth of value chains, are between health, agriculture, municipal and en-
18. Livestock and SDGs: interactions and policy framework
©FAO/Giuseppe Carotenuto
are resource-hungry – they use huge amounts
of land, water, nutrients and energy, and con-
tribute significantly to greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions. Unsustainable production and con-
sumption not only contribute to inefficient
use of resources, but also entail lost economic
opportunities, environmental damage, health
problems and poverty. There are many oppor-
tunities and existing technologies for increas- efficiency. However, measures that go beyond
ing the sustainability of the livestock sector the farm gate are also required, including insti-
through gains in efficiency. Improvements in tutional changes, disaster risk management, and
animal health, feeding, reproduction practices, social safety nets.
manure and grazing management can contrib-
ute to closing the yield gaps that exists in all Goal 14 promotes the sustainable use of marine
production systems and regions. Reducing and coastal ecosystems. The world’s ocean fish
waste and loss at all stages of the supply chains are seriously endangered. The main threat is
can spur significant progress. However, adapt- overexploitation by fisheries, affecting the size
ing and enforcing new technologies in local en- and viability of wild fish populations, the genet-
vironments, and instituting supporting policies ics of target species, and their food webs and eco-
and infrastructure to encourage adoption, will systems. A significant, but declining, proportion
be the greater challenge. of world fisheries production is processed into
fishmeal (mainly for high-protein feed) and fish
Goal 13 calls for urgent action to combat cli- oil (as feed additives in aquaculture, for human
mate change and its impacts. The relationship and livestock consumption, or as a medicinal
between livestock and climate change works products). They can be obtained from whole
two ways. On the one hand, livestock make a fish, fish remains or other fish by-products. In
significant contribution to climate change. In 2012, about 35 percent of world fishmeal pro-
2010, direct livestock greenhouse gas emissions duction was obtained from fish residues. More
amounted to 2.4 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent, effective coastal/watershed planning and close
about 21 percent of total emissions from agri- collaboration between different sectors – live-
culture, forestry and other land uses, and 5 per- stock, feed production and aquaculture – would
cent of total anthropogenic GHG emissions. On help increase the sustainability of both land- and
the other hand, climate change affects livestock marine-based food systems.
production, for example through the quality and
availability of feed and forage, and the incidence Goal 15 focuses on reducing degraded natural
and prevalence of animal diseases. A number habitats and fighting biodiversity loss. Across
of technical mitigation and adaptation options the globe, natural resources are deteriorating,
are available to improve natural resource-use ecosystems are being stressed and biological di-
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
versity depleted. While the livestock sector plays to maintain sustainable growth to meet rising
a part in biodiversity reduction, land degrada- global demand for ASF; and b) simultaneously
tion and deforestation, it also provides invalu- address key environmental, social and economic
able services that protect, restore and promote challenges. Despite the widely known benefits
the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, of multi-stakeholder partnerships, a major fac-
combat desertification, reverse land degradation tor in their effectiveness is the establishment of
and halt biodiversity erosion. When livestock governance structures not only appropriate to
have detrimental effects, it is generally because their mission and composition but also able to
of the way they are managed, usually for short- address any potential asymmetries of power and
term gains, with no concern for sustainability. conflicts of interest.
Livestock production can be instrumental in,
for example, supporting sustainable rangeland INTERACTIONS, SYNERGIES AND
management, preserving wildlife, and enhancing TRADE-OFFS
soil fertility and nutrient cycling. Promoting the The 2030 Agenda is considered an integrated
services livestock provide on behalf of ecosys- agenda and defined as an “indivisible whole”.
tems, in combination with moderate improve- The social, environmental and economic pillars
ments in feed-use efficiency, are key to achieving of sustainable development are all interlinked
this goal. within, but also cut across, the Agenda. Indeed,
while each goal has a clear starting point in one
Goal 16 envisages peaceful and inclusive soci- of the pillars, most goals are in effect, embedded
eties. A stable and peaceful environment is the in all three dimensions (OECD, 2015). Tradi-
basis for sustainable development. In many tionally, however, livestock sustainability analy-
communities in developing countries, social sis has used a partial, sectoral approach that
and economic well-being is closely linked to the gauges the effects of development of the sector
livestock sector. During crises, and particularly on a single dimension of sustainability.
in post-crisis situations, livestock are essential in One pitfall in this approach is that it fails to
order to restore the supply of animal protein. In take account of simultaneous contributions,
terms of public health, animal disease outbreaks feedback effects, dynamics, synergies and trade-
can spread quickly and evolve into major health, offs between different policy goals and targets.
social and economic crises at regional or global This is particularly important because of the
level. Furthermore, disputes among populations complex, non-linear interactions at play in the
over lands and pastures can be sources of con- SDGs, where the achievement of one target can
flict, since grazing land is a valuable commod- have positive, neutral or negative effects on one
ity that is increasingly coming under pressure. or several others. The analysis presented below
Mechanisms such as well-defined property is not intended as exhaustive or address each of
rights, clear legislation, sound livestock poli- the SDGs, but to use one goal (SDG2) as an ex-
cies, confidence in local institutions, and robust ample of the potential synergies and trade-offs
infrastructure can enhance the sector’s role as a between targets.
catalyst for social peace and stability. There are significant positive and mutually
supportive interactions in Goal 2, which aims
Goal 17 focuses on revitalizing partnerships to end hunger and all forms of malnutrition
and bringing together governments, the pri- by 2030. They include: developing sustainable
vate sector and civil society to achieve univer- food production systems; increasing the pro-
sally sustainable development. At global and ductivity of livestock to meet the growing de-
regional levels, the livestock sector features sev- mand for ASFs; ensuring equal access to land,
eral multi-stakeholder partnerships that: a) serve financial services, and opportunities to increase
18. Livestock and SDGs: interactions and policy framework
BOX 13
Around 0.5 million hectares of available arable land that are not edible by humans (e.g. straws, stovers,
are used for the production of animal feed (Steinfeld oilseed cakes, brewers’ grains) into valuable food for
et al., 2006). According to Mottet et al., (2017), pro- human populations (FAO, 2012a). For example, in
ducing 1 kg of boneless meat in ruminant systems re- India, dairy cattle and buffalo, which are almost ex-
quires an average of 2.8 kg of grains that humans too clusively fed on crop residues and by-products, pro-
can eat, and 3.2 kg in monogastric systems. How- duce enough milk to cover the caloric needs of some
ever, livestock also graze on grasslands and convert 115 million people and the protein requirements of
large amounts of residues from processing crops about 230 million people. (Herrero et al., 2010).
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
BOX 14
Within breeds, the genetic diversity of Holstein to local context (climate, feed, culture, etc.). De-
cattle has decreased substantially over time (Kim cisions should be consistent with national policy
and Kirkpatrick, 2009). Artificial insemination is on animal genetic resources. Crossbreeding pro-
extremely effective at increasing productivity, but grammes, particularly with imported breeds,
a recent genomic study has revealed that all of the should be accompanied by conservation efforts.
Holstein bulls (N > 250) available commercially In-breed genetic improvements should seek to
for artificial insemination in the United States of balance improvements in productivity with main-
America descend from only two ancestors (Yue et tenance of genetic variability. Strengthening na-
al., 2015). Genetic “improvement” is a powerful tional capacity for the management of animal ge-
tool, but care should be taken to manage genetic netic resources is a critical need in many countries
resources properly, with due consideration given (FAO, 2007, 2015a).
BOX 15
Pastoralism provides multiple benefits in the perse seeds, and prevent fires. The cultural practic-
world’s drylands, highlands, wetlands, shrublands es of pastoralists encompass valuable indigenous
and other fragile ecosystems. It helps produce not knowledge and regulate land use in a sustainable
only meat, milk, skins and animal fibres, but also and inclusive manner. Cultural services that main-
manure and animal power in support of agricultur- tain landscapes also provide recreational value for
al activities. Pastoralism also provides important tourists and society at large. Mobility serves as a
ecosystem services that contribute to improving way of connecting different regions and countries,
rangelands and the general environment. Animals linking isolated communities and providing them
on the move help maintain biodiversity and soil with news, information and knowledge.
fertility, sequester carbon, regulate waters, dis-
change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and food security, is well grounded in conventional
other disasters, and reduce their capacity to pro- economic theory. However, potential gains from
gressively improve land and soil quality. trade liberalization are not necessarily reflected
Correcting and preventing trade distortions in in all countries and socio-economic groups.
world agricultural markets, including through Specifically, there are likely to be significant
the elimination of all forms of agricultural ex- differences between developed and developing
port subsidies and similar measures, is one of the countries.
SDG 2 targets. The argument that openness to Growing globalization, regional integra-
trade contributes to economic growth and that tion, and trade mean that the pursuit of goals
this can, in turn, benefit poverty reduction and in one region or country can interact with the
18. Livestock and SDGs: interactions and policy framework
goals in another (UN, 2016d). For example, it prices. However, the effects will be felt differ-
is projected that by 2020 the abolition of milk ently from one region to another, as shown in
quotas in the European Union (Member Or- Figure 45. While production and agricultural
ganization) will lead to a 4 percent increase in income increase in some regions, they will
milk output, and a 10 percent decrease in milk decrease in others. Total agricultural income
would decline due to lower average milk prices,
but the dairy industry of the European Union
(Member Organization) would benefit since
prices of dairy products are expected to decline
less than raw milk prices. If a full transmis-
1. Identifying key linkages sion of lower raw milk prices is assumed, the
main beneficiaries of the end of the milk quotas
2. Mapping synergies and trade-offs
would be consumer (Witzke et al., 2009).
Clearly, the linkages between livestock de-
3. Generating analytical evidence
velopment and the SDGs are complex. In the
4. Mapping the policy landscape
sustainable development policy arena, discus-
sions about coherence and interlinkages in the
5. Analysing the policy framework 2030 Agenda have generally focused on the ex-
istence of trade-offs and synergies; however, in
6. Considering the political economy the livestock policy debate this is an area were
conceptual and scientific underpinning is still
Source: Based on FAO, 2017 and Nilsson et al., 2016. weak. To address this gap, the next section ex-
plores the development of a “Livestock–SDGs
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
Capital Social services
2018 2030
Policy Framework” which aims to support poli- suggests a Livestock–SDGs Policy Framework
cymakers, stakeholders and investors in identi- (see Figure 46) as a tool to enhance the impact
fying ways to enhance the contribution of the of livestock policy analysis in accomplishing
livestock sector to the achievement of the 2030 the 2030 Agenda.
Agenda in a coherent manner. The main objectives of this policy framework
are: i) guide the identification of windows of op-
TOWARDS A LIVESTOCK–SDGS portunity for policy change, providing empiri-
POLICY FRAMEWORK cal evidence on the ability of the sector to make
In the global livestock policy arena, recent dis- effective contributions to the SDGs; ii) strength-
cussions have revolved around the potential en the capacities of governments and stakehold-
contribution of the sector to the 2030 Agenda ers to analyse the contribution of the livestock
for Sustainable Development. However, at pre- sector to the SDGs, mapping linkages, synergies
sent, there is no comprehensive policy frame- and trade-offs; iii) support the generation of
work to assess and more effectively support analytical evidence that assesses the contribu-
the integration of issues relating to livestock tion of the livestock sector to the SDGs, and the
and sustainability into national policy process- likely impact of policies and programmes; iv)
es. To better support integration of livestock promote the use of methods and tools to moni-
policy and practices with sustainable develop- tor the contribution of the livestock sector to
ment strategies around the world, this chapter the SDGs, supporting the uptake of information
18. Livestock and SDGs: interactions and policy framework
The development of the sector can directly enable or constrain the achievement of a target, e.g.
3 Direct
increase the agricultural productivity of small-scale food producers
The development of the sector sets a condition that enables or constrains the achievement of a target,
2 Indirect
e.g. ensure access by all people to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round
Pursuit of the target enables or constrains the contribution of the sector to other targets, e.g. increase
1 Induced
investment in infrastructure, research and extension, and technology development to enhance productivity
A neutral relationship where the development of the sector does not interact significantly with the
0 None
respective target, e.g. provide legal identity for all, including birth registration
The strongest form of positive interaction in which one target is inextricably linked to the
3 Indivisible
achievement of another
2 Reinforcing One objective directly creates conditions that lead to the achievement of another
1 Enabling An interaction where the pursuit of one target enables the achievement of another
0 Consistent A neutral relationship where the achievement of one target does not significantly affect another
A mild form of negative interaction where the pursuit of one target sets a condition or places a
-1 Constraining
constraint on the achievement of another
-2 Counteracting An interaction where the pursuit of one target counteracts with the achievement of another
The most negative interaction, where progress in one target makes it impossible to achieve another
-3 Cancelling
target and can lead to a deterioration of the second
Source: Adapted from Nilsson et al., 2016.
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
frame, a spatial dimension, with linkages divided evidence should aim to quantify the sector’s
into four categories. The system interacts with current and potential contribution to specific
the SDGs through input requirements, the pro- targets, including possible synergies and trade-
duction and distribution processes it generates, offs supporting the establishment of a baseline.
and the outputs it creates. These inputs, pro- This evidence should help to answer the follow-
cesses, and outputs, can affect the SDGs locally ing questions.
or globally, directly or indirectly. Linkages may • What is the potential for increasing/reduc-
be induced or altogether absent. It is important ing the contribution of the livestock sector
to note that this figure does not intend to be a to a specific target?
precise representation of the production system. • What would be the direct and indirect im-
The structure and boundaries of the system plications of affecting the contribution of
should support the identification of key linkag- the livestock sector?
es. However, prioritization of linkages is impor- • What would be the potential positive and
tant, otherwise the process will be too vague to negative externalities of inducing that pol-
be effective. It is not easy to define and agree on icy change?
criteria that give priority to one linkage over an- Acosta et al. (2017) provide a set of tentative
other, since this ultimately depends on the point indicators to assess the sector’s contribution to
of entry and perspective of the relevant actor. some of the SDGs targets. However, one of the
Nevertheless, the analytical process will have to major challenges will be to identify and access
confront this aspect. To help policymakers and relevant official information.
stakeholders to prioritize linkages we use an or- Some of this information derives from differ-
dinal scale to rank the level of importance of the ent sources, including existing official reports,
linkages from 3 to 0 depending on how strong national databases (such as agricultural censuses
the linkage is. These linkages can be either posi- or living-standard measure surveys) or global
tive or negative. databases (such as the FAO smallholder farm-
With the aim of starting to unpack the com- ers’ data portrait, FAO’s Global Livestock En-
plex interlinkages between the livestock sector vironmental Assessment Model (GLEAM) or
and the SDGs, this section explores some of the the Domestic Animal Diversity Information
synergies and trade-offs within and between System (DAD-IS)). It will be important, how-
the 2030 Agenda goals and targets in relation ever, to compile and link the different sources
to livestock. Building from the work developed of information in a systematic manner that al-
by Nilsson et al. (2016) to clarify SDG interac- lows for monitoring and reporting. Table 18,
tions, the framework presented here uses a sev- for example, presents information related to the
en-point scale indicating the type of interaction percentage of income from on-farm livestock
with other targets, and the extent to which the activities in selected countries.
relationship is positive or negative.
It should be noted that the position of a given MAPPING THE POLICY LANDSCAPE
interaction on the scale is rarely absolute or ge- Once the linkages, together with livestock’s con-
neric. The position and characterization or the tribution to achieving the SDG targets, and the
interaction depends on the context in which the various potential synergies and trade-offs have
interaction occurs. been clarified, the next step is to identify, collect
and analyse the main policy measures that affect,
GENERATING AND COMPILING or could affect, how much the sector effectively
ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE contributes. A first step in mapping the policy
Policies and investments based on rigorous landscape is to collate the policy documents that
evidence lead to better outcomes. Analytical can affect the sector’s contribution to the SDGs
18. Livestock and SDGs: interactions and policy framework
positively or negatively, both in the short and and action plans, instruments often aimed at
long term. This policy framework analysis should increasing productivity, production, or access
help answer the following questions: to markets. In addition to national polices and
• Which are the main macroeconomic and strategies, countries have specific sets of norms
sectoral policies affecting the sector? and regulations, such as on the control of ani-
• Which are the main agricultural policies? mal diseases.
• Which are the existing livestock policies,
strategies and action plans? ANALYSING THE POLICY FRAMEWORK
A number of countries have developed spe- The aim of this section is to identify and analyse
cific Livestock Development Strategies (LDSs) the impact of specific policy measures on the
to guide the sector’s development. However, contribution of the livestock sector to achiev-
a wide range of policy measures exist, both ing specific SDG targets, and to provide policy
in and outside the sector, that can also affect recommendations to enhance livestock’s role. It
its level of sustainability and its contribution also reviews synergies and trade-offs between
to the SDGs. These include macroeconomic different objectives of livestock policies and
policies (trade, fiscal, monetary), agricultural strategies and the achievement of SDGs targets.
sector policies (land, credit, infrastructure), A major aspect of the policy framework analy-
and livestock-specific policies (animal health, sis is the identification of options for policy
breeding and breed conservation, animal wel- change/reform leading to improvements in the
fare). Countries also have a range of produc- existing policy framework and enhancement of
tion system or value chain-specific strategies the sector’s contribution to SDG targets. Policy
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
BOX 16
Many livestock policies and strategies open with nutrition. Central to this vision is the transforma-
a broad statement identifying the enhancement tion of smallholder subsistence farmers into mar-
of food security and nutrition as the main goal ket-oriented producers, predominantly through
of the proposed measures. However, food secu- technology transfer. However, the proposed
rity and nutrition are usually understood in these policies/strategies are often blind to the context
strategic documents as food availability, with in which smallholder farmers operate and their
limited, if any, consideration given to access, consequent capacity and willingness to adopt
utilization and stability. Furthermore, the gen- technologies that might increase output on the
eral perspective is often one of striving to meet one hand, but would increase production costs
food demand and reduce import dependency and risks on the other. Following this paradigm,
and foreign exchange expenditure, rather than the main areas of public investment tend to be
satisfying basic nutritional needs. Consequently, extension and training, research, maintenance of
increasing production, productivity, and sector agro and natural biodiversity, plant pest/animal
competitiveness are set as the major policy goals, disease control, marketing support and, in some
theoretically leading to higher producer incomes cases, input provision and agriculture-specific in-
and improved rural and urban food security and frastructure (FAO and EU, 2017).
framework analysis should help to answer the CONSIDERING THE POLITICAL ECONOMY
following questions: Policy change is a complex process, especially
• What would be the contribution of the sec- in sectors like livestock, which frequently fea-
tor to a specific target if a particular measure ture a wide range of competing objectives and
were modified? a variety of producers. The process of aligning
• Which policy measure change is needed and the livestock sector towards the SDGs involves
why? looking for the best ways to influence the policy
• What would be the impact of the change agenda. While policy analysis can yield various
on other policy objectives and across SDG technically viable options for livestock policy
targets? adjustment, these may be politically unfeasible.
A livestock policy framework seeking to en- It is therefore important to understand the po-
hance the sector’s contribution to the SDGs litical economy behind public policies and deci-
should view that contribution in broad terms sion-making. This section should help to answer
and acknowledge that no single policy or strat- the following questions:
egy is likely to guide the development of the • Who are the stakeholders in the livestock
sector, but that a set of conditions needs to be sector, what stakes do they have and how
in place. Specific policy measures may have to far can they influence policy-making?
be sharpened or relaxed occasionally in order to • What is the feasibility of reforms in the con-
realize a desired, positive effect. Box 16 presents text of the national political economy; who
issues concerning the rationale of livestock food stands to benefit and who stands to lose?
security and nutrition polices/strategies often • What are the strategic options for promot-
found in policy frameworks. ing policy change?
18. Livestock and SDGs: interactions and policy framework
A prerequisite for the success of any policy The livestock sector can contribute directly
reform is consistency with the government’s or indirectly to each of the SDGs: strengthening
political objectives and alignment with overall the assets that rural households use to achieve
national policy. As policy change redistributes their livelihood objectives; increasing the direct
resources within society, some groups tend to consumption of animal-source foods; helping
benefit more than others, while others may ac- to generate income; supporting the creation
tually lose. The likely consequences, whether of employment opportunities; providing the
intended or not, of proposed changes in policy world with sufficient and reliable supplies of
affecting various sectors of society should be un- meat, milk, eggs and dairy products; improving
derstood beforehand. They will determine who children’s cognitive and physical development
is likely to support the policy change, who may as well as school attendance and performance;
oppose it, and who may remain indifferent. Re- empowering rural women; improving natural
ich (1995) has proposed a framework including resources-use efficiency; broadening access to
the following five dimensions to be considered clean and renewable energy; supporting sustain-
if the reform is to succeed: i) the consequence able economic growth; generating fiscal revenue
of policy reform efforts, i.e. who benefits and and earning foreign exchange; offering oppor-
who loses; ii) stakeholders’ objectives (and how tunities for value addition and industrialization;
the proposed policy change would affect them); stimulating smallholder entrepreneurship and
iii) likely support or opposition from key play- closing inequality gaps; promoting sustainable
ers; iv) the relationship of players in the policy consumption and production patterns; increas-
framework; and v) the construction of strategies ing the resilience of households to cope with
for change. climate shocks; and bringing together multiple
stakeholders to achieve all these goals.
CONCLUSION However, a number of complex interac-
We are facing a time of immense challenges: one tions also need to be addressed. These include
in eight people in the world live in extreme pov- low levels of factor endowments in develop-
erty; 815 million people are undernourished; ing countries might prevent poor livestock
1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted every year; keepers from benefiting from the sector’s fast
six million children die before their fifth birth- economic growth; increasing short-term pro-
day each year; 202 million people are unem- duction through the overuse of resources can
ployed; three billion people rely on wood, coal, result in lowered productivity in the long term;
charcoal or animal waste for cooking and heat- although emission intensity is declining, a rise
ing; our soils, freshwater, oceans, forests are be- in production will lead to higher overall GHG
ing rapidly degraded, biodiversity eroded; and emissions; competition over land for the pro-
climate change is putting even more pressure duction of feed can constrain the availability of
on resources we depend on, disrupting national resources to produce food; emergence or spread
economies and blighting many people’s lives. of transboundary animal diseases can threaten
For decades, the livestock debate has focused public health and upset trade; promoting a more
on how to increase production in a sustainable competitive sector with higher levels of market
manner. The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable concentration will likely hamper the capacity
Development has added a new and broader di- of small-producers to participate in markets.
mension to the debate. It has shifted the empha- Overarching all these issues is the need to curb
sis of the conversation from fostering sustainable the negative effects of livestock production on
production per se, to enhancing the contribution biodiversity and the environment and to halt the
of the sector to the achievement of the Sustain- improper use of antimicrobials in animal health.
able Development Goals (SDGs). Failure to address these interactions could result
World Livestock • Transforming the livestock sector through the SDGs
in positive synergies being precluded and in the policies and strategies. The SDGs and targets
predominance of negative trade-offs. are aspirational and global. Thus, each country
In other words, enhancing livestock’s con- will have to decide how the role of livestock
tribution to the SDGs will require a profound in the SDGs should be incorporated into na-
transformation of the sector. This will involve, tional planning processes, policies and strate-
inter alia, looking beyond policies and invest- gies, and how to set national targets guided not
ments specific to livestock. It will require the only by the global level of ambition but taking
formulation of strategies to remove the barri- into account national contexts. To better sup-
ers keeping poor livestock farmers from access port integration of livestock policy and prac-
to productive assets and rural services; to allow tices with sustainable development strategies,
ASF prices to better reflect negative externali- World Livestock presents a Livestock–SDGs
ties; to strengthen livestock organizations, with Policy Framework as a tool to enhance the im-
emphasis on small-scale producers together with pact of livestock policy analysis in accomplish-
their associations and cooperatives. It means ing the 2030 Agenda. The main objectives of
that efforts to increase productivity must focus this policy framework are to: i) strengthen the
on small producers; and that extension services capacities of governments and stakeholders to
must be more gender-responsive. Equally im- analyse the contribution of the livestock sec-
portant is the institutionalisation of planning tor to the SDGs, mapping linkages, synergies
in routine disease prevention, including gen- and trade-offs; ii) guide the identification of
eralized adoption of One Health (One Health, windows of opportunity for policy change; iii)
2018) approaches. Essential too are trade reform, support the generation of analytical evidence
investment in infrastructure, better access to fi- that assesses the likely impact of policies and
nancial resources, technology innovation and in- programmes; iv) promote the use of methods
stitutional development, while livestock markets and tools to monitor the contribution of the
must be made more transparent and efficient. livestock sector to the SDGs; and v) facilitate
A major challenge will be to translate the high-level policy discussion on emerging live-
role of livestock in the SDGs into national stock and sustainable development issues.
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For decades, the livestock debate has focused on how to increase production in a sustain-
able manner. However, the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has shifted the
emphasis from fostering sustainable production per se, to enhancing the contribution of
the sector to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This publica-
tion examines the sector’s interaction with each of these Goals, as well as the potential
synergies, trade-offs, and complex interlinkages. This global report is intended to serve as
a reference framework that Member States and stakeholders can use as they engage in
the transformation process of the livestock sector towards sustainability. It calls for an
integrated approach towards livestock sustainable development, highlights the effective
adaptation of the SDGs into specific and targeted national policy action as the major
challenge ahead, and flags the steps in the implementation road map.