Membranes 12 00792 v4
Membranes 12 00792 v4
Membranes 12 00792 v4
Seawater Reverse Osmosis Performance Decline Caused by
Short-Term Elevated Feed Water Temperature
Thomas Altmann 1 , Paulus J. Buijs 2,3 , Andreia S. F. Farinha 2 , Vitor R. Proença Borges 2 , Nadia M. Farhat 2, *,
Johannes S. Vrouwenvelder 2 and Ratul Das 1,3, *
1 Innovation and New Technology, ACWA Power, 41st Floor, The One Tower, Sheikh Zayed Road,
Dubai P.O. Box 30582, United Arab Emirates
2 Water Desalination and Reuse Center (WDRC), Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering (BESE)
Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia
3 KAUST ACWA Power Center of Excellence (KAPCOE), Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia
* Correspondence: [email protected] (N.M.F.); [email protected] (R.D.)
Abstract: The shortage of fresh water resources has made the desalination of seawater a widely
adopted technology. Seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) is the most commonly used method for
desalination. The SWRO process is energy-intensive, and most of the energy in SWRO is spent on
pressurizing the seawater to overcome the osmotic barrier for producing fresh water. The pressure
needed depends on the salinity of the seawater, its temperature, and the membrane surface proper-
ties. Membrane compaction occurs in SWRO due to hydraulic pressure application for long-term
operations and operating temperature fluctuations due to seasonal seawater changes. This study
investigates the effects of short-term feed water temperature increase on the SWRO process in a
full-scale pilot with pretreatment and a SWRO installation consisting of a pressure vessel which
Citation: Altmann, T.; Buijs, P.J.;
contains seven industrial-scale 8” diameter spiral wound membrane elements. A SWRO feed water
Farinha, A.S.F.; Borges, V.R.P.; temperature of 40 ◦ C, even for a short period of 7 days, caused a permanent performance decline
Farhat, N.M.; Vrouwenvelder, J.S.; illustrated by a strong specific energy consumption increase of 7.5%. This study highlights the
Das, R. Seawater Reverse Osmosis need for membrane manufacturer data that account for the water temperature effect on membrane
Performance Decline Caused by performance over a broad temperature range. There is a need to develop new membranes that are
Short-Term Elevated Feed Water more tolerant to temperature fluctuations.
Temperature. Membranes 2022, 12,
792. Keywords: reverse osmosis; SWRO; specific energy consumption (SEC); membrane compaction;
membranes12080792 membrane permeability
Academic Editors: Fu Liu and
Kaisong Zhang
The energy consumed in the RO section depends primarily on the osmotic barrier
of feedwater, which is determined by its salinity and the hydraulic water permeability of
the membrane. The SEC generally benefits from membranes having higher permeability,
selectivity, and tolerance to fouling [15]. Several studies focus on how SEC can be decreased
by using membranes with a higher permeability [16–21]; a higher permeability allows for a
lower pressure required to achieve the same permeate flux [22]. Membrane deformation or
compaction due to increased hydraulic pressure and changes in feed water temperatures is
observed in SWRO [23–25], which reduces the permeability of the membrane and requires
the need for higher pressures to maintain a constant permeate flux [26]. Compaction is
primarily irreversible [27], and membrane deformation has been verified through mem-
brane autopsies after their use [25]. The fundamental behavior of compaction and its effect
on SWRO performance remains poorly understood. Studies focusing on experimental
compaction verification primarily address membrane deformation due to high hydraulic
pressures [28–31]. Few studies report on the variations of SWRO performance due to
expansion and shrinkage of membrane materials resulting from variations in feed water
temperatures, as is the case for SWRO in the Middle East. The seawater temperatures in
the Middle East vary seasonally due to the arid and semi-arid climate. Temperatures can
reach as high as 38 ◦ C in peak summers and as low as 19 ◦ C in winters. Figure S1 shows
the typical annual variations of seawater temperatures for this region. Global warming
and climate change have exposed the region to evident warming of seawater tempera-
tures. It is estimated that seawater temperatures in these regions can increase anywhere
between 0.02 and 0.07 ◦ C/year [32–34]. The seasonal extremities in temperatures affect
the performance of SWRO. Even pressurization of seawater to higher than 60 bar pressure
increases its temperature due to the inefficiencies of the pumps [35]. It is known that high
temperatures tend to impact membrane salt rejection and scaling negatively. In contrast,
low temperatures require higher pressures (more energy) to achieve the same permeate
water flux [36]. Due to the seasonal highs and lows in seawater temperatures in the region,
the membranes are subjected to thermal stress, which causes their deformation, reducing
permeability and hence affecting the SEC in the process [26]. Hence, a critical question
remains to be answered, “How do variations in seawater temperature affect the performance of
SWRO membranes in the long term?”.
In light of the aforementioned, in the present study, we analyze the performance
of commercially available 8” Polyamide thin-film composite (TFC) spiral wound SWRO
membranes operating in a full-scale SWRO pilot. The pilot test unit consisted of ultrafiltra-
tion and reverse osmosis fed by Red Sea seawater. To simulate the seasonal variations in
seawater temperatures in the Middle East and their effect on the SEC of the SWRO process,
we ran the pilot in recirculation mode and controlled the SWRO inlet seawater temperature.
Figure 1. Schematic
Figure 1. Schematic of
of the
the seawater
seawater reverse
reverse osmosis
osmosis pilot
pilot used
used for
for the
the study, operated with
study, operated with seven
8” diameter spiral wound SWRO membrane modules in
8” diameter spiral wound SWRO membrane modules in series.series.
Table 2. Pilot operating Phase during the different
conditions Water phases. Time
Phase Operation Mode
Description Temperature (°C) (day)
Operation Phase Water
Phase Time (day) Once Mode
Operation Recircula-
Description Temperature (◦ C)
Through tion
Once Through Recirculation
1a Not regulated * 0 to 16 X
1a Stabilization of of
Stabilization membranes
Not regulated * 0 to 16 X
1b membranes
25 17–18 X
1b 25 17–18 X
2 Temperature increase From 25 to 40 19–20 X
2 Operation From 25 to 40 19–20 X
increase at high
3 40 20–27 X
Operation at
3 40 20–27 X
high temperature decrease
4 35, 30, and 25 27–30 X
reaching 25 °C
* natural seawaterdecrease
35, 30, and 25 27–30 X
reaching 25 C
* natural seawater temperature.
3. Results
This study looked at the effects of short-term feed water temperature increase on the
3. Results
SWROThis process
study performance in a full-scale
looked at the effects pilot
of short-term containing
feed pretreatment
water temperature andonan
increase theSWRO
process performance in a full-scale pilot containing pretreatment and an SWRO installation.
showsthethe pH
pH and
and conductivity
conductivity trends
trends of
of the
the feed,
feed, permeate,
permeate, andandbrine
streams during the pilot run. Figure S2 shows the oxidation reduction potential(ORP)
during the pilot run. Figure S2 shows the oxidation reduction potential (ORP)ofof
measurementswere weredonedonewith
sensors. The
ThepHpH and
and conductivity
conductivity trends seen in
trends seen in Figure
Figure 22 were
Figure 3 summarizes the entire pilot operation for 30 days. It shows the variation in
normalized flux, feed pressure, and temperature during the pilot operation (a detailed nor-
malization procedure is described in Section S1 of Supplemental Materials). As mentioned
earlier, the pilot was operated in two phases at a constant recovery of 40% (Figure S3).
The first phase was to stabilize membrane performance and test the pilot equipment and
instrumentation. The system stabilization was confirmed by the feed pressure and the
permeate conductivity readings. During the second phase, the pilot was operated in a
recirculation mode under controlled temperatures, which was maintained by the heat of
the HP pump and a water-cooled heat exchanger. The permeate conductivity increased
at a higher temperature (Figure 4); however, when the temperature was lowered to 25 ◦ C,
the conductivity was lower than during the conditioning phases, signaling membrane
structural changes. Figure 5 below shows the operational data (feed pressure and salt
and instrumentation. The system stabilization was confirmed by the feed pressure and the
permeate conductivity readings. During the second phase, the pilot was operated in a
recirculation mode under controlled temperatures, which was maintained by the heat of
the HP pump and a water-cooled heat exchanger. The permeate conductivity increased at
Membranes 2022, 12, 792 a higher temperature (Figure 4); however, when the temperature was lowered to 25 6 of°C,
the conductivity was lower than during the conditioning phases, signaling membrane
structural changes. Figure 5 below shows the operational data (feed pressure and salt re-
jection) during
rejection) duringthe
operation; seawater
seawater feed
feed temperature to the
temperature to the RO
RO varied
between 25◦°C to 40
between 25 C to 40 C. ◦°C.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Operating
Operating data
data of
of the
the pilot
pilot test,
test, data
data captured
captured from
from the
the distributed
distributed control
control system
system (DCS).
The plots (A) show the variation in normalized flux and (B) feed pressures with changes
The plots (A) show the variation in normalized flux and (B) feed pressures with changes in feed in feed
temperature. The dotted vertical lines indicate the period where the feed water temperature was
temperature. The dotted vertical lines indicate the period where the feed water temperature was
maintained at 40 °C.
maintained at 40 ◦ C.
Figure 3. Operating data of the pilot test, data captured from the distributed control system (DCS).
Membranes 2022, 12, 792 The plots (A) show the variation in normalized flux and (B) feed pressures with changes in feed 7 of 14
temperature. The dotted vertical lines indicate the period where the feed water temperature was
maintained at 40 °C.
Figure 4. Variations
Variations ininthe permeate
the conductivity
permeate and flux
conductivity andduring the pilot
flux during operation.
the pilot operation.
Figure 5. Pilot operating data during recirculation operation. (A) Variation in feed pressure with
Figure 5. Pilot operating data during recirculation operation. (A) Variation in feed pressure with
temperature(B) (B)Variation
salt rejection
rejection with
with temperature under constant
temperature under constantrecovery
and feed
flow 3 /h. 3
7.5ofm7.5 m /h.
It can be seen from Figure 5A that a lower pressure was required to maintain a con-
stant recovery at an elevated temperature. Permeate flux increased as the feed tempera-
ture increased. The viscosity of seawater decreased as temperature increased, and the wa-
ter permeation rate through the membrane increased. Permeate flux typically increased
Membranes 2022, 12, 792 8 of 14
It can be seen from Figure 5A that a lower pressure was required to maintain a con-
stant recovery at an elevated temperature. Permeate flux increased as the feed temperature
increased. The viscosity of seawater decreased as temperature increased, and the water
permeation rate through the membrane increased. Permeate flux typically increased with
temperature linearly with viscosity [39–41]. When the RO feed temperature increased from
25 ◦ C to 40 ◦ C, the feed pressure reduced from 56.5 bar to 54.8 bar. On the contrary, when
the RO feed temperature decreased from 40 ◦ C to 25 ◦ C, the feed pressure increased from
56.7 bar to 60.25 bar. The additional pressure buildup during the reduction in operating
temperature resulted from operation at higher water temperature, possibly causing com-
paction of the membrane surface. Higher temperatures also increased the solubility of the
solute, and a higher diffusion rate of the solute through the membrane was possible [41],
causing a reduction in salt rejection by the membrane, as observed in Figure 5B. Figure 5B
shows that when the RO feed temperature increased from 25 ◦ C to 40 ◦ C, salt rejection
decreased. However, when the feed water temperature returned to 25 ◦ C, we saw an
Membranes 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of
increase in salt rejection by 0.2%. This improvement in salt rejection possibly results from
membrane surface compaction, but it comes at the cost of additional energy expenditure,
as discussed earlier. Salt rejection is calculated as follows:
𝑆𝑅(%%) = 11− σpermeate ∗ 100
SR 𝜎 ∗ 100 (1)
where σ denotes electrical conductivity.
where σ denotes electrical conductivity.
Figure6 below
Figure 6 below presents
presents the normalized
the normalized operation
operation data fordata for the
the pilot pilot (a nor-
(a detailed detailed no
malization procedure
procedure is described
is described in Section
in Section S1 of Supplementary
S1 of Supplementary Materials).
Figure Normalized operation
operation datadata forpilot.
for the the pilot. NPF denotes
NPF denotes the normalized
the normalized permeatepermeate
flow; NDP,flow; ND
the normalized differential
differential pressure;
pressure; andthe
and NSP, NSP, the normalized
normalized saltEach
salt passage. passage. Each line to
line corresponds correspon
to the
the axisaxis
withwith similar
similar color. color.
The normalized data presented clearly shows a significant decrease in NPF, a redu
tion in NSP, and a constant increase in NDP. The continuous increase in normalized d
ferential pressure can be attributed to the deposits on the membrane surface during t
pilot run. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, Agilent 7500cx) an
ysis was performed to check the major elemental composition of deposits on the mem
brane and feed spacer at the end of the 30-day study when the membrane element w
autopsied. The deposits contained primarily Iron, Nickel, Magnesium, and Mangane
(Table 3). A detailed elemental composition of the deposits on the feed spacer and mem
brane surface can be found in Supplementary Materials (Table S3 and Section S2).
Membranes 2022, 12, 792 9 of 14
The normalized data presented clearly shows a significant decrease in NPF, a reduction
in NSP, and a constant increase in NDP. The continuous increase in normalized differential
pressure can be attributed to the deposits on the membrane surface during the pilot run.
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, Agilent 7500cx) analysis was
performed to check the major elemental composition of deposits on the membrane and
feed spacer at the end of the 30-day study when the membrane element was autopsied.
The deposits contained primarily Iron, Nickel, Magnesium, and Manganese (Table 3). A
detailed elemental composition of the deposits on the feed spacer and membrane surface
can be found in Supplementary Materials (Table S3 and Section S2).
Table 3. The feed spacer and membrane surface coupon major elemental composition from the
membrane autopsy.
From Figure 6, it can be seen that there was a 0.43 bar increase in normalized differential
pressure (NDP), corresponding to a 2.5% decrease in normalized permeate flow (NPF)
during the once-through operation mode. There was a subsequent increase of 0.3 bar in
NDP and a corresponding 13.9% decrease in NPF during the recirculation operation mode,
which raised the temperatures to 40 ◦ C. Hence, the increase in NDP was certainly not the
reason behind the steep decrease in NPF, which increased the pressure required to maintain
the recovery rate. There was also a reduction of 0.2% in normalized salt passage (NSP) post
recirculation operation, which points toward a possible membrane surface compaction.
The changes in NPF and NSP are with reference to the initial conditions at the startup
of the experiments; hence, they represent the actual change in the parameter rather than
measurement errors.
The changes that occurred to the membrane surface due to high-temperature operation
directly impacted the specific energy consumption (SEC) of the RO process (Figure 7).
Additional energy (higher pressure) was required to maintain recovery ratios (constant
permeate flux), as shown in Figure 7. When the RO inlet temperature was increased from
25 ◦ C to 40 ◦ C, a decrease of 2.5% in the SEC of the process was seen (Figure 7). The
SEC decrease was due to an increase in the water permeation rate through the membrane
resulting from a reduction in viscosity of the RO feed at higher inlet temperatures. However,
when the feed temperature returned to 25 ◦ C, we saw an increase in SEC of the process
by 7.5%. It was expected that as the viscosity of the fluid returned to its original value
of 25 ◦ C, the SEC would increase back by the same amount of 2.5%, which was not
the case. The additional energy required to maintain production was attributed to the
possible compaction of the membrane surface, which resulted from surface deformations
of the porous support due to thermal stress [42–44]. Figure 8 shows a scanning electron
microscopy image of the used membrane after operation, where the thickness of the
polyamide layer was observed to be 28 µm. This same virgin membrane had a polyamide
layer thickness of 40 µm, as reported by [45], which was also confirmed by the membrane
OEM. Compaction is primarily irreversible, and these structural changes permanently
impact the energy consumption of the RO process [27].
support due to thermal stress [42-44]. Figure 8 shows a scanning electron microscopy im-
age of the used membrane after operation, where the thickness of the polyamide layer was
observed to be 28 µm. This same virgin membrane had a polyamide layer thickness of 40
µm, as reported by [45], which was also confirmed by the membrane OEM. Compaction
Membranes 2022, 12, 792
is primarily irreversible, and these structural changes permanently impact the energy10con-
of 14
sumption of the RO process [27].
Figure 8. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of the used membrane after operation.
Figure 8. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of the used membrane after operation.
Structural changes
in in thin-film
thin-film composite
composite (TFC)(TFC) polyamide
polyamide RO membranes
RO membranes com-
with with changes
changes in solvent
in solvent viscosityviscosity anddiffusivity
and solute solute diffusivity
governgovern the relationship
the relationship betweenbe-
inletRO inlet temperature,
temperature, mass transfer,
mass transfer, membranemembrane transport,
transport, and SECandof SEC
RO pro-
cess. Considering
Considering only changes
only changes in and
in solute solute and solvent
solvent propertiesproperties will misconstrue
will misconstrue the im-
the impact of
ROpact of RO
inlet inlet temperature
temperature on the performance
on the performance of RO membranes,
of RO membranes, which has which
beenhas been dis-
cussed theoretically
theoretically by researchers
by researchers [41,46].
[41,46]. The dataThe
pilot the
testpilot test suggested
suggested that the
that the perfor-
mance of TFC polyamide
of TFC polyamide RO membranes
RO membranes is sensitive
is sensitive to changes,
to changes, even temporarily,
even temporarily, in the
ROin inlet
the RO inlet temperature.
temperature. Membrane Membrane manufacturers
manufacturers need tofor
need to account account for the structural
the structural changes
changes in the membranes due to thermal stress and provide flux data for the modules
over a wide temperature range up to 40 °C.
The results presented in this study underscore the importance of seasonal variations
in the temperature of seawater and their potential impact on the SEC of a RO process
(Figure 9). In a water-stressed region such as the Middle East, SWRO is widely adopted
Membranes 2022, 12, 792 11 of 14
in the membranes due to thermal stress and provide flux data for the modules over a wide
temperature range up to 40 ◦ C.
The results presented in this study underscore the importance of seasonal variations
in the temperature of seawater and their potential impact on the SEC of a RO process
(Figure 9). In a water-stressed region such as the Middle East, SWRO is widely adopted
as a low-cost and sustainable clean, fresh water source for human use [3,4,8,9]. There-
fore, a rigorous methodology considering all parameters that affect the SWRO process
efficiency and its SEC is essential to optimize the final water tariff. The energy consumed
by the RO section of an SWRO plant can account for ~40% of the total water cost of a
desalination plant [12,47]. Hence, considering changes in the membrane structure is of
utmost importance in accounting for its effect on the pressure required to achieve a specific
permeate flux. Most desalination project contracts in the Middle East are offered under a
BOO (Build, Own, Operate) structure, with a long concession period (~20–25 years) [8,48].
The contracts have technical guidelines to be met to achieve final water quality, and they
also define the water tariff for the entire concession period. To avoid unforeseen changes
in water cost during the concession period due to changes in energy consumption by the
Membranes 2022, 12,RO process,
x FOR it is of paramount importance that all parameters that account for changes in
feed pressure required to achieve a specific permeate flux are considered during project
design, including the changes in membrane structure due to seasonal variations of seawater
temperature. Concerted computational investigations are needed to develop models to
ing their operation. However, such studies are beyond the scope of this work. The deve
account for increased energy requirements in RO due to membrane structural changes
opment of newer RO membranes with materials that can resist the effects of such therm
during their operation. However, such studies are beyond the scope of this work. The
compaction at elevated temperatures up to 40 °C is also needed [42,47,48].
development of newer RO membranes with materials that can resist the effects of such
thermal compaction at elevated temperatures up to 40 ◦ C is also needed [42,47,48].
5. Conclusions
To summarize, this study provided an experimental verification for the impact
temperature variations on the energy consumption of an SWRO process. It provided in
sights into rationally designing new SWRO projects. The study was conducted at a ful
Membranes 2022, 12, 792 12 of 14
5. Conclusions
To summarize, this study provided an experimental verification for the impact of
temperature variations on the energy consumption of an SWRO process. It provided
insights into rationally designing new SWRO projects. The study was conducted at a
full-scale pilot plant consisting of a seawater intake point, microstrainer, ultrafiltration,
and an SWRO installation consisting of a pressure vessel containing seven industrial-scale
800 diameter spiral wound membrane elements.
Results showed that:
• A SWRO feed water temperature of 40 ◦ C, even during a short period of 7 days,
caused a permanent performance decline, as illustrated by a strong specific energy
consumption (SEC) increase of 7.5%.
• A 7.5% increase in SEC, depending on the plant size, translates into an additional
operating cost of USD 250,000 a year for a 60,000 m3 /day production capacity plant to
USD 2.5 M a year for a 600,000 m3 /day capacity plant [47].
• There are financial consequences, in addition to contractual implications, for the use of
additional energy. Since the energy required by the plant is defined during project de-
velopment, it may require payment of an inflated tariff for the additional consumption.
The authors conclude with the hope that this study heralds coordinated efforts from
the membrane manufacturers to provide insights into the changes in membrane structures
due to temperature variation during RO operation, and that their subsequent effect on
energy consumption is accounted for in membrane projection programs.
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://, Figure S1: Average daily temperature for
the year 2018–2019 for seawater at a full-scale desalination plant in the Arabian Gulf; Figure S2: The
oxidation reduction potential (ORP) profile of the seawater feed used for the pilot test. ORP was
constant, indicating no membrane damage due to chlorination; Figure S3: Pilot operation at a constant
recovery of 40%. Table S1: EC-TDS conversion coefficients; Table S2: Correction Factors used for
normalization; Table S3: Elemental composition of the sticky brown deposit on the feed spacer and
membrane surface. Refs. [41,49–54] are cited on supplementary materials
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.D.; Data curation, A.S.F.F. and R.D.; Formal analysis,
A.S.F.F., N.M.F. and R.D.; Investigation, T.A. and R.D.; Methodology, T.A., P.J.B., N.M.F. and R.D.;
Project administration, P.J.B.; Resources, V.R.P.B.; Supervision, T.A.; Validation, N.M.F., J.S.V. and
R.D.; Writing—original draft, R.D.; Writing—review & editing, T.A., P.J.B., A.S.F.F., V.R.P.B., N.M.F.,
J.S.V. and R.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The authors thank ACWA Power and KAUST Research Translation Funding (REI/1/4455-01-0).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: We thank Muhammad Altaf, Abdulaali T. Alharbi, and Achraf Boussira for their
assistance in the pilot operation. Figure 1 was produced by Ana Bigio, Scientific Illustrator at KAUST.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or
personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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