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ABSTRACT. In Western economies, several agriculture models coexist. For instance, intensive agriculture organization, which has increased
yields while causing major pollution and resource depletion, competes with alternative models, which tackle these sustainability issues and lead
to lower yields. An agronomical typology of current agriculture models in Western societies is proposed that describes multiple sustainability
issues through an agroecological perspective. However, in order to choose between these agroecological pathways, we must understand their
social structure and the principles underlying them. Thus, our purpose is to characterize the institutional aspects of the alternative models using
socioeconomic convention theory. We conducted a series of workshops with specialists in the natural sciences (agronomy, landscape ecology,
and entomology) and social sciences (economics and sociology) to describe sustainable agriculture models. This characterization revealed the
values underlying six different sustainable agriculture models, their forms of organization, and the institutions governing them. We discuss the
implications of the coexistence of these six models in light of sustainable transition issues. From this coexistence perspective, transition (i) refers
to an intertwined process of legitimation and disqualification, and (ii) means seeing pathways as the multiplicity and degree of interconnection
between models. Therefore, we (i) identified the elements in each model that legitimize its mode of organization, and (ii) disqualified the elements
that are incompatible with the principles underlying the model’s practices. Moreover, we emphasize that multiple transition pathways are possible
based on complex, complementary combinations of different models. This revealed the intricate processes of competition and complementarity
involving these models. Finally, our study on the coexistence, interdependence, and coevolution of multiple agriculture models led us to advocate
a precautionary principle so that marginal innovative models are not prevented from emerging.
Key Words: agroecology; convention theory; ecosystem service; farming system; food system; sustainable agriculture; transition
INRA, AGIR, University of Toulouse, INRA, INPT, INP-EI PURPAN, Castanet-Tolosan, France, 2LEREPS, University of Toulouse, France,
INRA, LAE, University of Lorraine, Colmar, France
by asking “who is recognized as dominant in this model?” (i.e., ways in which farmers adapt internal characteristics of their farming
what is the “state of worthiness” in the economies of worth system to account for societal demands for natural resource
grammar), or “how can we know that a figure in this model is preservation. This criterion reflects a wide range of farming system
dominant?” (i.e., what is the “model test” prevailing in this strategies using combinations of inputs that are different in nature
sustainable agriculture model?). (exogenous versus endogenous):
Discussions between natural and social scientists resulted in three . Some farmers try to deal with environmental issues by using
outcomes. First, the agronomical construction of the models was technologies to increase input use efficiency and limit
refined (the socioeconomic descriptions given called for further pollution. One strategy uses agriculture precision technologies
agronomical specifications). Interdisciplinary work then helped the to apply the right product, at the right rate, at the right time
participants reformulate disciplinary questions or issues. and right place (Spiertz 2012). A second practice replaces
Second, discussions led natural scientists to refine the way they chemical inputs with more “environmentally friendly” ones,
described these models to the social scientists (the socioeconomic such as organic fertilizers and exogenous biocontrol
descriptions dissipated misunderstandings in the descriptions). technologies (biopesticides, soil and plant health stimulators,
Third, these exchanges enabled the researchers to settle on the industrially developed organisms involved in soil nutrients,
formal descriptions of the agronomic models in socioeconomic and biological regulation). These two strategies are dominant
terms. The method process is described in Fig. 1. in farming systems 2a and 2b, respectively (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1. Interdisciplinary feedback process. . On the other end of the spectrum, farmers develop and manage
biodiversity to increase ecosystem services to agriculture or
“input services” (Zhang et al. 2007, Duru et al. 2015a). This
practice seeks to replace a large part of synthetic or biological
inputs with natural biological regulators in order to enhance
soil fertility (soil structure and nutrient cycling), water storage,
pollination, and pest regulation. These strategies are dominant
in farming systems 3b and 3c (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Main models of agriculture (from 1 to 3b in blue) with farming systems identified based on their varying degrees of use of
ecosystem services versus anthropogenic exogenous inputs (Y-axis) and connected to globalized food systems or local dynamics (X
axis). Iconic examples are presented in grey. The number 1 is for conventional farming systems outside less-favored areas (1 being
the current, conventional agriculture model). The main alternative agriculture models were grouped into two types of alternatives to reflect
the paradigm shift between input-based (type-2) versus biodiversity-based farming systems (type-3). Submodels labeled a, b, and c
mainly reflect the relationships between farming systems, globalized food systems, and local dynamics. (CA:conservation agriculture;
FS:farming system; ICLS:integrated crop livestock systems).
and possibly 2b, Fig. 2), and integrated landscape approaches economies of worth grammar (Boltanski and Thévenot 2006).
(such as in model 3c, Fig. 2). As such, they increasingly meet We begin by presenting each model, detailing its agronomical and
multiple socioeconomic and environmental objectives at the local institutional features, and then qualify it according to its underlying
or regional level. These forms of farming systems’ territorial compromises. The main elements are summarized in Table 1. We
embeddedness can relate either to upstream or downstream then examine the ways in which some models follow the historical-
activities of agro-food chains: a given farming system can be conventional model fairly closely and merely make adjustments to
linked to a globalized food system for its supply (e.g., industrial it, while others were created in opposition to that model as a
inputs or seeds) but linked to local markets for the distribution of radical break from it.
end products. On the contrary, farming systems can also be part
The historical-conventional model based on an industrial/market
of a local production sector, as with the circular economy, but
retail their end products on global markets.
The historical model of agriculture in Western economies is
INSTITUTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF strongly based on technological innovations (e.g., chemical
AGRICULTURE MODELS synthesis of soil nutrients, genomic and genetic modification of
In this section, we analyze the institutional characteristics of the seeds and livestock) that increased agricultural production. This
sustainable agriculture models in the typology using the type of farming system is traditionally and hereafter called
“conventional” (1 in Fig. 2). It refers to a system of practices
Agriculture models
Historical Technology Biotech model (2b) Circular model (2c) Diversified Relocalized model Integrated-landscape
conventional model (1) intensive model (2a) globalized model (3b) model (3c)
Common worlds involved
Industrial/ Industrial/ Domestic/ Industrial/ Opinion/ Opinion/domestic/ Green/
market market industrial/ green industrial... market… domestic/civic…
Higher common principle
Independence, food Same as in 1 Ethic of nature and Overall efficiency at the Ability to put Same as in 3a Systemic thought,
security, product Efficiency and well human heath cluster scale nature to work and Ability to create biodiversity principle,
diversity being at work “one health” (farm value for farmers “one health” (ecosystem
level) and for the region level)
Form of relevant proof (worth)
Labor productivity, Production costs, Extended socio Waste-production Sustainable use of Same as in 3a Systemic (multilevel,
farm size, balance structure of environmental costs, balance at the cluster nature, opinion of Distance to local multicriteria, multi actor)
sheet, production level, investments, high good sanitary conditions, level, recycling rate peers food system, farmer
agricultural exports tech devices environmental indicators income, added value for
the region
Qualified objects
Petrochemical Same as in 1 Same as in 2a Same as in 2b Natural capital and Same as in 3a Same as in 3a
inputs, mechanical Connected and Biological inputs, Biogas production, ecosystem services, Landscape
infrastructures, high-tech devices recycling farm waste recycling petrochemical and heterogeneity
production standards equipment equipment, coproducts biological inputs
Mode of organization/coordination
Markets, global Same as in 1 Same as in 2a Industrial ecology Peer communities, Same as in 2a Same as in 2b
food systems Technologies shape organization, loop global food system Peer communities, Polycentric
relationship to nature, backed input output local markets organization,
new markets production adaptive governance
oriented toward, organized around, and institutionalized through needed in a given year to limit risks (such as pests) and to
industrial productivity and market-based considerations. These promote plant growth, or antibiotics to ensure animal health, is
industrial and market principles are based on standardizing traditionally done as an “insurance” practice. This system is
infrastructure, production technology (machinery, petrochemical widespread in areas without strong soil and climate limitations.
inputs), and end products that can be mass-produced and
Production strategies are conceived in terms of relatively short
distributed. Striving for efficiency and profitability comes together
time frames (short crop rotations). The global standardization of
in economies of scale and agglomeration, which concentrate
seeds, breeds, production technologies, and products means
production to reduce unit costs. Agricultural practices are
that the specificities of local ecosystems are not really taken into
oriented mainly toward reducing the unpredictable aspects of
account. This system is based on an instrumental relationship
farming. In this sense, using more synthetic inputs than
with nature and the farming system being highly integrated into
the socio-agrotechnical system. Consequently, this conventional The biotech model based on a domestic proximity/
system is fundamentally underpinned by the principle of productivity, industrial efficiency compromise The second sustainable
which institutionalizes and legitimizes the industrial and market- agriculture model (2b in Fig. 2) corresponds to a biological input-
based organization of this system. The common good served by based farming system (which we have termed the biotech model).
this model is national and global food sovereignty; i.e., the idea In this model, farming systems are connected to globalized food
that no one in the world should starve. systems for purchasing biological inputs and selling raw products
to the global composite and bioeconomy markets. Adopting these
The technology-intensive model based on an industrial
“new” biological technologies is motivated by an awareness of the
efficiency/ market profitability compromise The first sustainable
local health (of neighbors and relatives) and environmental effects
agriculture model (2a in Fig. 2) is a chemical input-based farming
of conventional farming practices. Productive efficiency remains an
system (specialized cash crop and livestock farms) embedded in
important goal of these farming systems since they are embedded
industrial, globalized food systems. To reach its (weak) sustainability
in globalized, commodity-based food systems. The common good
objective, the focus is either on developing “smart” agricultural
served in this model is therefore in a state of tension between
technologies (i.e., genetic engineering and precision farming) or health care and environmental preservation at the local scale,
knowledge about landscape features that minimize diffusion of
which makes farmers receptive to environmental ethics, and the
pollutants in aquatic ecosystems (e.g., grassy and riparian buffer
common good of food sovereignty and modernizing agriculture at
strips/zones). Accordingly, we have termed it the technology-
the national or global scale.
intensive model.
In this technology-intensive model, changing farming practices is This tension is a constituent characteristic of this model.
motivated by the idea that technological mastery can meet
Although the efficacy of technologies from the life sciences has
environmental requirements and reduce production costs and thus
been demonstrated for some uses of iconic living inputs, such as
improve farmers’ incomes. By integrating the latest scientific
inoculating Rhizobia into legume cropping systems (Lemanceau et
knowledge in decision support systems, this sustainable agriculture
al. 2015), the actual effects at field level of many ecological inputs
model indeed has the potential to improve agricultural as well as
such as biostimulants have not been conclusively proven.
environmental performance of conventional farming systems
Using these practices is then based on the belief (in the sense of
(reducing pollution in the soil, in water resources, and in the
lack of proof) that they can both improve the productive capacity
atmosphere). Strong economic limitations of markets both upstream
of soils and plants (by stimulating soil activity and plant health) and
(increased cost of inputs) and downstream (market price variability)
limit the environmental and health impacts of agriculture (from the
and environmental regulations also encourage farmers of the
lower ecotoxicity of biological inputs). The health care/
historical-conventional model to increasingly adopt the technology-
environmental value system, therefore, overcomes the lack of
intensive one.
proof to strengthen the idea that the farming practices prevailing in
The economic resilience of this synthetic-input-based farming this model are good practices.
system to price variability and biophysical risks can be supported,
Yet these biological technologies (e.g., biocontrol) require greater
respectively, by contracts and insurance schemes, both provided
consideration of the ecological timescale (for example, when
by globalized food supply chain organizations. These protections
introducing natural enemies). In this model, there are no overall
may lead farmers to increase the share of riskier cash crops,
changes to the production system or broader environmental
thereby resulting in an increased share of monocultures (Müller
concerns (e.g., landscape management). These practices,
and Kreuer 2016). Moreover, as farmers adopt these costly new
therefore, do not result in a strong noninstrumental relationship
technologies, they often increase their acreage to ensure scale
with nature. Organic farming, which has a very different set of
economies. Accordingly, this kind of farming system is often poorly
practices and value systems (see Allaire and Bellon 2014), is
connected with local natural resource management issues and
compatible with this model since the synthetic inputs used in the
strategies, which can lead to conflicts about water shortages due
historical-conventional model and the technology-intensive model
to irrigation, water quality due to pollution, or erosion due to bare
are replaced by biological inputs. However, there is no fundamental
soils (O’Kane 2012).
change in the farming system (e.g., it still uses specialized crop
The search for efficiency and profitability justifies using technology cultures, intensive practices).
by making it part of a compromise between the industrial world
These first two models (technology-intensive and biotech) still
and the market world. Thus, as in the conventional model, human–
follow the conventional model in that the farmers’ primary concern
nature relationships are mediated by increasingly sophisticated
is still to ensure the productive capacity of land and animals by
digital technologies. The common good served by this model is
technologically controlling the uncertainties of farming. Since the
still national and global food sovereignty, but it also involves a
technology-intensive and biotech models do not challenge the
techno-optimistic conception of social progress, which can be
governing values (Argyris and Schön 1996) that shape and give
viewed as an updating of the conventional model. Change with
meaning to the historical-conventional model, they do not require
this type of farming system remains driven mainly by the dynamics
(technological-intensive), or require only minimally (biotech),
of globalized food systems in which power is concentrated in large
rethinking the organizational (market) and institutional forms
retailers (Marsden 2011).
(standardization) that they are based on.
Changes in this model therefore generally require incremental
Instead, these two models make incremental adjustments to the
adaptations of the conventional model (Park et al. 2012). As a
historical-conventional system, which are mainly technological.
result, this sustainable agriculture model is the dominant one in
The depth of these modifications depends on the technology used
Western Europe (Müller and Kreuer 2016).
(optimizing synthetic inputs or using biological inputs) and on the equipment and organizational forms to ensure productivity by
scale of production. The legitimate worlds observed (market/ controlling uncertainty. Implementing new practices thus only
industrial compromise in the technology-intensive model 2a and marginally disrupts the tests through which individual practices
domestic/industrial compromise in the biotech model 2b) result and organizations gain legitimacy.
from these changes in practices and technologies, which are not
The diversified-globalized model based on opinion/
morally neutral.
industrial elements The fourth model (3a in Fig. 2)
The circular model based on industrial ecology corresponds to biodiversity-based farming systems developed in
efficiency compromise The third sustainable agriculture socio-technical niches, such as those related to conservation
model (2c in Fig. 2) refers to a biological-input farming system agriculture, agroforestry, integrated crop– livestock systems, and
embedded in both globalized food systems and a local circular self-sufficient, grassland-based livestock systems. When no other
economy. A circular economy aims at protecting and limiting the solution exists or prices are attractive, farmers sell agricultural
use of finite natural resources by the improved closure of material products in globalized commodity-based food supply chains, like
and energy cycles. This is achieved through recycling loops the two first sustainable agriculture models (technology-intensive
between economic agents (e.g., biogas production, recycling). and biotech). We termed this model the diversified-globalized
Circular economies developed in opposition to linear and open model. Yet diversified crops may be difficult to sell in this type of
management of material and energy flows in industrial supply supply chain. They are then fed to animals (on the same farm or
chains, in which downstream pollution and waste emissions are by trading between crop and animal farms), or farmers sell them
spatially separated from upstream production systems. We directly to consumers, which is a form of alternative food system
termed this model the circular model. directly managed by the farmer.
Developing circular economies may require redesigning This diversified-globalized model adopts production principles
production systems, infrastructure, cultural frameworks, or social based on the work of nature, such as ecosystem services,
systems (Ghisellini et al. 2016). Drawing on industrial ecology, without, however, prohibiting the use of synthetic or biological
the circular model is based mainly on new ways of organizing inputs. As with every biodiversity-based farming system (3a, 3b,
farmers and other stakeholders into productive clusters. and 3c in Fig. 2), farmers in the diversified-globalized model have
Geographical proximity is important in developing exchanges of to integrate adaptive management of uncertainties about nature’s
materials, even energy. These organizations may also help functioning and the effects of practices. New upstream
redefine urban/rural relations. Developing local or regional circular organizational forms of local and generic knowledge exchange
economies enables farming systems to increase their territorial are developed by farmers to deal with these uncertainties; e.g.,
embeddedness by short-circuiting globalized supply chains for peer groups for sharing experience on nature and farming
certain locally managed inputs and products. For example, this practices. Such groups reshape the agronomic “rules of the
model can enable farming systems to substitute biological inputs game;” that is, they redefine what constitutes good farming
(e.g., organic matter) for synthetic ones. practices, a “good” state of the field/farm, or the acceptable level
of production. This way of organizing knowledge circulation takes
This new form of organization is recognized as valid by its
advantage of concern about what others think, while at the same
proponents based on an industrial ethic of nature; i.e., on the
time it enables more firm judgments to be made about the
shared idea that the natural organization of ecosystems is
common good. These peer groups thus establish a test based
inherently efficient in allocating throughput of material and energy
on opinions, which makes the set of production practices stable
to the most useful activities at the ecosystem scale. Yet these
and coherent. These practices are supported by the effects of
organizational forms are only possible if the agents involved in
reputation, with a principle of legitimacy resulting from a
these models conceive of productive efficiency at the local level.
compromise between the industrial world and the opinion world.
In this sense, in the circular model, the relationship with nature is
part of the industrial world: waste and scrap are seen as Two key features differentiate this model from the previous three:
resources to be exploited. (i) nature is viewed as the main factor of production and as a
place for humans to live, and (ii) new social forms of organization
Contrary to the two previous models (technology-intensive and
and of validating practices are introduced, not to increase
biotech), the adjustments to the historical-conventional system in
productive efficiency but to reshape modes of production. Due to
the circular model are mainly organizational. However, the use
profound value differences, practices in the diversified-globalized
of technology in the technological-intensive model and the
model may be incompatible with the informational bases on
circular economy in the circular model both seek to address the
which farmers justify their choices in type-2 models; i.e.
same criticisms about the conventional model’s inefficiency
technology intensive, biotech, and circular models (such as the
(environmental and economic) and productivism. In the biotech
technical references for agriculture associated with specialized
and circular models, however, using technology responds to a
farming systems and varieties/breeds).
deeper criticism of the harmful effects of the conventional model
on nature and humans. Yet with all these type-2 models, the The relocalized model based on opinion/domestic/
criticisms of the conventional model do not question the value market elements The fifth model (3b in Fig. 2) is a
system (productivist principle) on which its legitimacy is based or biodiversity-based farming system integrated into alternative food
its relationship to nature (technological mastery of productive systems that seeks to meet local consumer and lifestyle demands
capacity and the uncertainties of nature). In other words, they do for food quality, added value distribution, localization, and
not question the goal to be reached but rather the means of environmental and human health issues. We termed this model
achieving it by questioning the ability of material and technical the relocalized model, where
local refers to both farming practices (possibly reinforced by circular (farm) and collective levels. On the one hand, supporting integrated
economy) and the scale of product distribution. landscape approaches requires that people be able to assess and
analyze the trade-offs between objectives (including ecosystem
This model may serve local or regional integrated food-energy
services) and to define the associated compromises (Therond et al.
systems. The objective is then to create synergies between food and
2017). On the other hand, managing multiservice landscapes requires
energy production with potential positive influence on climate change.
clarifying the relative effects of landscape configuration and
Developing integrated food-energy systems requires extending
composition and those of cropping systems (field level) for different
analysis, design, and assessment of agro industrial ecology
ecosystem services (e.g., Duru et al. 2015a, Tamburini et al. 2016).
approaches. Organizing exchanges between economic agents and
local populations raises important governance and social organization
issues. The main concerns are natural resource management, ecological
integrity, landscape multifunctionality, human welfare, and local
The upstream features of this model are the same as those in model
social dynamics. This requires acknowledging the environment and
3a, but while production in the latter is targeted to mass distribution
humanity as common goods. The integrated landscape model is
markets, which requires a certain product standardization, in model
then characterized by systemic thinking at the local level, with
3b, products are distributed through local food systems. For farmers,
landscape considered as a social-ecological system in which land
this is justified by the desire to sell products of diversified crops that
use allocation, resource management (including ecosystem services),
are difficult to sell in globalized food systems (as prices are too low
and well-being are key issues. Adopting systemic thought justifies
for the farmer) and the desire to participate in the development of
not only choosing production modes based on the work of nature
local food systems and the local economy. Two organizational forms
(such as ecosystem services and biodiversity) but also including
that reveal two different types of common goods thus coexist: within
agriculture in a circular economy and in local food systems.
peer communities, agronomic practices are submitted to the test of
what constitutes good practices; and selling products within local
food systems confronts farmers with consumers’ judgments as a test The privileged form of organization for landscape-scale integrated
of the environmental, organoleptic, and environmental and health management is the social network. Public projects are often decisive
quality of the products. This production world thus involves elements in structuring these sorts of collective initiatives.
from the worlds of opinion, industry, and market in a compromise This form of organization establishes the fair treatment of all members
that is continually being recreated and may lead to conflict, even as in the civic world. In this model, socially legitimate agricultural
though the general values are shared (Coq-Huelva et al. 2017). practices are those that contribute to local development. This system
Moreover, this compromise extends the social relationship to nature borrows elements of legitimacy from the domestic world (reconsidering
to a market test that puts producers and consumers face-to-face. the local area as a space in which proximity of socioeconomic
This test fosters informal discussions interactions and the environment are particularly important) and the
civic world (fair treatment of the stakeholders in the local network,
with farmers and provides consumers who are qualified in this model possibly extended to equity between localized societies and
(who want to reconnect with nature via their diet) with the more ecosystems).
ecological and local interactions they seek. It also opens the way for forms of justification from the ecological
world (green polity). In this model, nature is understood as an
However, even in this sustainable agriculture model, some raw
organized ensemble of living beings whose actors recognize its
products from biodiversity-based farming systems may still be sold
intrinsic value as well as its productive value.
through globalized food systems. Local and global markets are then
considered to coexist and be complementary. As a result, this model The relocalized (3b) and integrated-landscape (3c) models
is based on a shaky compromise. fundamentally break with the conventional and type-2 models in
which principles from the industrial world predominate. These two
The integrated-landscape model based on green/domestic/
models (3b and 3c), and to a lesser extent the diversified globalized
civic elements
model (3a), are based on very different relationships to nature, which
An integrated landscape approach (3c in Fig. 2), which combines
can be seen in agricultural products with ambitious Designation of
collective multiservice landscape management and the development
Origin Labels, for example. While in type-2 models nature is viewed
of alternative food systems and circular economies, is the sixth
as an uncertain production vector (which therefore must be
sustainable agriculture model, termed the integrated landscape
controlled), in biodiversity-based farming systems (type-3 models),
model. As with the two previous models (diversified globalized and
agricultural ecosystems are seen as living entities, and putting them
relocalized), this one involves biodiversity-based farming systems.
to work requires diagnostics, listening, and possibly “dialogue.” While
Strongly diversified organic farming systems based on ecosystem
in type-2 models most practices are standardized and removed from
service enhancement and management are characteristic of these
the local context, in type-3 models practices are situated locally and
three models (contrary to the organic systems in biotech model 2b).
based on applying agronomic knowledge and even vernacular or
traditional knowledge (such as suitable cover crops, crop rotations).
To develop this model, local populations seek to address the nexus The (re)construction and testing of the effectiveness of this knowledge
of food/nonfood/natural resources, which determines the local to are done in a pragmatic (in the sense of thinking in action) and
global sustainability of agriculture. Integrating the three drivers of experiential way.
diversification (collective, multiservice landscape management and
the development of alternative food systems and circular economies)
is a major concern for management at both individual
sets of arrangements. The historical-conventional model (1) is conventional model. Assuming that the drivers of change are
“conventional” in that it results from a historical process of coherent with the models they seek to change, which is
institutions and organizations aligning with the values that necessary for them to be effective, this second transition path
underlie the main mode of organization in Western economies: has the potential to be revolutionary (Holt-Giménez and Altieri 2012).
industrial and market capitalism. The ways in which the
Finally, our characterization also reveals a third way for change
conventional model responds to criticism from the ecological
(hybridization between models) that questions and complements
world may lead to two types of sustainable transition depending
the “socio-technical transition” identified by Geels and Schot
on whether the criticisms are addressed to the set of
(2007), which they conceive of as “pathways.” These authors
arrangements flowing from the principles of the conventional
argue that the distribution of niches—i.e., networks of actors
model (that is, the principle of justice that underpins it), or, more
that develop outside the dominant regime—is supposed to help
radically, to the principles themselves. Two types of transition
that dominant regime evolve (Geels 2011), yet the conditions
pathways can, therefore, be distinguished according to the kind
of criticism made of the conventional model. Transition is for wide diffusion remain unexplained. Geels and Schot
(2007:402) state that “both niche and regime communities
therefore understood as a matter of intensity of change from
share certain rules that coordinate action,” but they do not
incremental to radical. For example, in the diversified-globalized
explain how those rules can be made compatible, nor do they
(3a) and relocalized (3b) models, it is the principle of opinion in
expand on the importance of moral foundations in rules for
peer groups that ensures the circulation of experiential
collective action. Although the hypothesis of their multilevel
knowledge. Yet this type of knowledge circulation fundamentally
model is that niches are separate spaces where radical
challenges the principle that it should be industry that organizes
innovation occurs, it cannot occur in the dominant regime
knowledge production, diffusion, and even protection through
because it is too locked-in to routines. On the contrary, our
intellectual property rights, as in the technology-intensive model 2a.
analysis offers new avenues for understanding how a new
In the first type of transition (incremental change), the sustainable agriculture model, based on a principle of legitimacy
conventional model requalifies the environmental criticisms that differs from the dominant regime, can spread within that
directed at it by shifting focus to the means (technologies, dominant regime. For example, growing species that improve
practices) used to attain the common good, thereby avoiding diversification (such as grain legumes) and enable rotations to
any discussion of the very foundation or definition of the be lengthened are agricultural practices of the diversified-
common good. The idea is thus to implement the appropriate globalized model (3a). Yet this practice finds a certain legitimacy
means to ensure that productivist objectives continue to be met from the principles of the conventional model since it gives rise
while responding to ecological criticisms. This type of transition to new product outlets that may provide better pay for farmers
for the conventional model is proposed by the technology- (Magrini et al. 2016). The dominant regime can thus rely on,
intensive model based on efficiency (2a), the biotech model and even hybridize, niches that are organized around practices
(2b), and to a lesser extent, by the circular model (2c). The and forms that are, in theory, incompatible. This is because
technological and practical adjustments made to the conventional niches enable the dominant regime to better meet society’s
model thus do not fundamentally call into question the modes demands and to maintain its existence (developing a market for
of organization on which this model is based (Marsden 2012). biological inputs and the biotech model [2b] are such adjustments to the conve
The circular model (2c) constitutes a “new” form of productive
This hybridization between agricultural models based on various
organization that is collectively accepted because it is compatible
registers of action ultimately suggests that the agroecological
with the underlying values of the conventional model (i.e., the
transition of farming systems can be based on a combination of
search for productive efficiency). As a result, the ethical
elements from different models. This complementarity paves
difference in the biotech model (2b) or in the circular model (2c)
the way for a new conceptualization of change in which models
is unlikely to jeopardize the overall organization of the
coevolve by relying on arrangements of varying stability and
conventional model; at most, it helps create an additional
duration. This mode of transition does not relate to intensity, as
market for biological inputs or upscale the way agricultural production is organized.
in the distinction between incremental and radical change, but
The second type of possible transition (more radical change) rather to a change in the nature of transition. Thus, we would
involves a profound challenge to the values underlying the assert that there is a near infinite complexity of the ways in
conventional model (as well as type-2 models). While here, which these models can be combined.
producing value remains an important goal for economic actors
in agriculture, integrating the ways ecosystems work into CONCLUSION
production process implies a different relationship with nature We offer a first attempt at identifying and finely characterizing
and more profound changes in the social values involved. The multiple agriculture models that address sustainability, and do
material, technological, and institutional set of arrangements so in both agronomical and institutional terms. We have
used in conventional and type-2 models are thus challenged, identified the institutional characteristics of seven agriculture
not because they are not productive or cannot improve models initially defined in an agroecological perspective. In
profitability, but because they do not support the value system particular, we have focused on the opposition between the
that makes the diversified-globalized (3a), relocalized (3b), and historical conventional model, based on industrial organization
integrated landscape models (3c) coherent. The nature of this and market principles, and six alternative sustainable agriculture
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