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In the recent past, when computers just entered our lives, we could not even
imagine what today would be like. If we look at the future with the same perspective
today, only one assumption can be made about where technology will go in the near
future; Artificial intelligence applications will be an indispensable part of our lives.
While today’s work is promising, there is still a long way to go. The structures that
researchers define as artificial intelligence today are actually programmed programs
with limits and are result-oriented. Real learning includes many complex features such
as convergence, association, inference and prediction. It has been demonstrated with
an application how to transfer the input layer connections in human neurons to the
artificial learning network with the pre-informing method. When the results are
compared, the learning load (weights) was reduced from 147 to 9 with the proposed
pre-informing method, and the learning rate was increased between 15–30%
according to the activation function used.
1. Introduction
The learning mechanism makes human beings superior to all other creatures.
Despite the fact that today’s computers have much more processing power, the human
brain is still much more efficient than any computer or any artificially developed
Building a perfect learning network requires more than just cell structures and its
weights. The human brain has a very complex network, and each brain is unique for
itself. Today’s technology is not enough to explain all the details of how our brain
works. My observation of how our brain works starts from defining items. Every item
has a key cell in our brain. Defining process is done by visuals, smell, feeling, linguistic
name, hearing its sound. If these key cells match any of these information from body
inputs, thinking and learning continues, if there is no key cell defined before, new cell
is assigned for this item. Then, your brain wants to explore these item’s behavior. You
start to take this item in your hand and start the psychical observation. When the
psychical observation is satisfied, your brain starts to categorize it. After categoriza-
tion, your brain checks other items for same categorization and determines what other
information can be learned. Whenever you see someone has more knowledge from
you, then you want to speak about this newly learned item, or you want to do research
on it. This key cell started to develop itself with explored information. Each key cell
Artificial Neural Networks - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications
and its network can also connect to each other in any part, if there are logical connec-
tions that exist.
Today’s artificial intelligence studies are a little simple compared to reality. Math-
ematical modeling of learning in an artificial cell and solving the problem with an
optimization mechanism has resulted in success in most areas. However, this success
is due to the fast processing capacity of computers rather than the perfect modeling of
machine learning. In this case, researchers need to work on developing artificial neural
networks close to the real learning.
In this study, the pre-informing method and rules in artificial neural networks are
explained with an example in order to establish a more conscious and effective learn-
ing network instead of searching for relationships in random connections.
2. ANN structure
In the literature of ANN design, the first principles were introduced in the middle
of the 20th century [1, 2]. Over the following years, network structures such as
Perceptron, Artron, Adaline, Madaline, Back-Propagation, Hopfield Network,
Counter-Propagation Network, Lamstar were developed [3–10].
The complex behavior of our brain artificially imitated through layers is most
network configuration. Basically, an artificial neural network has 3 types of layer
group: input layer, hidden layers, output layer (See Figure 1). And all cells in these
layers connected each other with artificial weights [1, 2].
Input layer is the cluster of cells present the data that has influence on learning.
Each cell represents a parameter with a variable data value. These values are scaled
Figure 1.
Basic ANN structure.
Pre-Informing Methods for ANNs
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.106906
according to the limits of the activation function used in the next layers. The selection
of input parameters requires knowledge and experience on the subject to be created
artificial intelligence. In fact, this process is exactly the transfer of natural neuron
input parameters from our brain to paper. However, this is not so easy because a
learning activity in our brain is connected by a huge number of networks managed
subconsciously. To explain this situation, sometimes our minds make some inferences
even on subjects we have no knowledge of, and we can make correct predictions about
this subject. In some cases, we feel the result of an event that we do not know, but we
cannot explain it. In fact, the best example of this is falling in love. No one can tell why
you fall in love with a person, it happens and then you look for the reason. This is
proof that the subconscious mind plays a major role in learning. This means that there
may also be some input parameters that we did not notice. Therefore, it is necessary to
focus on this layer and define the input parameters.
Hidden layer(s) is the layer where the data of the input parameters are interpreted,
and the learning capability of the network is defined. Each cell in these layers transfers
the data from the input layer cells or previously hidden layer cells with the defined
activation function and sends it to all cells in the next layer. Learning of nonlinear
behavior takes place in this layer. Increasing the number of layers and cells in this
group does not always work, but provides memorization, not learning. This also
increases the number of connections and thus highly increases the required experi-
enced data to determine the weight values of these connections.
In general, the basic mechanism of an artificial neuron consists of two steps:
summation and activation [1]. Summation is the process of summing the intensities of
incoming connections. Activation, on the other hand, is the process of transforming
the collected signals according to the defined function (See Figure 2).
There are many activation functions. The purpose of these functions is to emulate
linear or non-linear behavior. The sigmoid function is one of the most commonly used
activation functions.
Mathematically, the summation and activation process of an artificial neuron is
expressed as below (See Eqs. (1) and (2)).
u¼ xi ∗ wi θ (1)
y ¼ f ðuÞ (2)
In these equations,
• xi: Input value or previous cell output value for previous layer cells,
Figure 2.
Artificial neuron structure.
Artificial Neural Networks - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications
• θ: Bias value,
In some cases, the learning network cannot find a logical connection between the
results and the inputs, so that this does not stop learning, a bias value can be used for
each cell. A high bias coefficient means that learning is low, and memorization is high.
The output layer is the last layer in the connection and receives inputs from the last
set in the hidden layer. In this layer, data is collected and as a result, output data is
exported in the planned method.
The learning process of the network established with the input, hidden and output
layers is actually an optimization problem. The connection values between the cells of
the network converge to reach the result depending on the optimization technique. A
training set consisting of a certain number of input and output data is used for this
purpose. If desired, a certain amount of data set is also tested to measure the consis-
tency of the network. When the learning is complete, the values of the weights are
fixed, and the network becomes serviceable. If desired, the mathematical equation of
the network can be derived by following the cells from back to forward.
3. Pre-informing of ANNs
4. An artificial neuron cell is placed for each input group in the hidden layer to
represent each group. This cell consists of 3 steps: summation, scaling, activation.
Two or more different activation functions can be used in cells in the hidden
layer. In this case, for each input group, same number of representation cells
should be defined in the hidden layer.
5. The connections of cells in the input layer to the representation cells of other
groups other than their own are considered 0.
6. The representation cells in the hidden layer are directly connected to the output
7. Optimization optimizes the weights of the connections between the hidden layer
cells and the output layer cells.
8. The connection values of the input layer groups to the representation cells in the
hidden layer are determined and fixed for each group using the techniques in the
Pre-Informing Methods for ANNs
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.106906
Figure 4.
AHP hierarchy.
Figure 5.
Pairwise comparison chart of alternatives A and B. B is very inferior compared to A.
3 Little Superior One of the criteria has some superiority based on experience and judgment
5 Superior One of the criteria has many advantages based on experience and
9 Extreme Superior Evidence that one criterion is superior to another has great credibility
Table 1.
Comparison scales and explanations.
Artificial Neural Networks - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications
C1 C2 C3 Cn
Table 2.
Pairwise comparison matrix of criteria.
K1 K2 K3 Kn wi
Table 3.
Obtaining the weights of the normalized comparison values of the criteria.
In next step, each aij value is normalized by dividing by the corresponding column
sum, and the weights shown in the table above are obtained with the corresponding
equation shown in the Table 3 above.
Network connections of input parameters using AHP are explained as shown
above. Next step is how to assign weights. Figure 6 shows how the AHP weights are
defined to the network.
In this way, a large number of connections are canceled and a fast, efficient and
less data-needing network is obtained.
The pre-informed neural network method was used by Turker [13] to predict the
severity of occupational accidents in construction projects. In this study, it has been
estimated how the accidents will result if they happen instead of the possibility of
their occurrence. The scope of the study was made for the 4 most common accident
types in the world. These are falling from high, hit from a thrown/falling object,
structural collapse, electrical contact. In this study, 23 measures to be taken in occu-
pational accidents are discussed in 3 groups. These measures have been associated
with occupational accident severity in the artificial intelligence network (Table 4).
First of all, defined measures in occupational accidents, which are the input
parameters, were turned into a questionnaire by creating paired comparison questions
for comparison within their own groups. Occupational health and safety experts
working professionally in the sector were reached through a professional firm. The
questionnaires were administered online and recorded. Survey results were taken and
converted to weights with AHP matrices. Weights are shown in Tables 5–7.
Pre-Informing Methods for ANNs
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.106906
Figure 6.
Connections of two input groups to three different types of representation cells and implementation of AHP weights.
(TKY-1) Constr. site curtain (KKD-1) Safety Helmet (KEM-1) OHS specialist
system (KKD-2) Protective Goggles (KEM-2) Occupational Doctor
(TKY-2) Colored excavation net (KKD-3) Face Mask (KEM-3) Examination
(TKY-3) Safety rope system (KKD-4) Face Shield (KEM-4) OHS trainings
(TKY-4) Guardrail systems (KKD-5) Working Suit
(TKY-5) Facade cladding (KKD-6) Reflector
(TKY-6) Safety Field Curtain (KKD-7) Parachute Safety Belt
(TKY-7) First aid kit, fire (KKD-8) Working Shoes
extinguisher (KKD-9) Protective Gloves
(TKY-8) Facade safety net
(TKY-9) Mobile electrical dist.
(TKY-10) Warning and info signs
Table 4.
Risk reduction measures in occupational accidents.
Artificial Neural Networks - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications
Code Structural collapse Falling from high Object hit Contact w/ Electricity
Table 5.
AHP weights of collective protection measures group.
Code Structural collapse Falling from high Object hit Contact w/ electricity
Table 6.
AHP weights of personal protective equipment group.
Code Structural collapse Falling from high Object hit Contact w/ electricity
Table 7.
AHP weights of control, training, inspection group.
35 datasets were collected and a total of 120 datasets were used in training the network
and 20 datasets were used in testing the network.
Three alternative network structures were trained with the same data. As a result,
the pre-informed neural network provided a better learning rate of 5% in the training
Pre-Informing Methods for ANNs
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.106906
Number of Hidden 1 1 1
Output function f ð xÞ ¼ x f ð xÞ ¼ x f ð xÞ ¼ x
Scaling Method (x- x̄) / Standard Dev. (x- x̄) / Standard Dev. (1–x) * 10
Table 8.
3 alternative ANN structures.
set and 15% in the test set compared to the neural network without a pre-informed
stage. The configuration using parabolic activation function from pre-informed arti-
ficial neural networks provided 1% better learning rate in the training set and 15%
better in the test set compared to the configuration using hyperbolic tangent. Other
configurations with activation functions were not included in the comparisons
because of their low learning rates. As a result, it has been seen that the preliminary
information phase significantly increases the learning performance in artificial neural
networks. In addition, it has been observed that the parabolic activation function
performs better than the hyperbolic tangent in relation to the prevention methods in
occupational accidents and the result of the accident (Table 9).
OBJECT HIT Training Set 30/30 (100%) 30/30 (100%) 30/30 (100%)
Table 9.
3 alternative ANN structure results.
Artificial Neural Networks - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications
5. Conclusions
In this study, how the learning ability of artificial neural networks should be
increased with the pre-informing method is explained with rules and demonstrations.
It is not possible to implement this method with the existing ready-made ANN soft-
ware on the market. Instead, ANN should be expressed mathematically, and pre-
informing method should be applied using programming languages such as MATLAB,
Excel VBA, Python.
In this section, the application of this method has been demonstrated in an artifi-
cial neural network in which the precautions in occupational accidents are associated
with the results of the accident and high performance has been achieved. With the
application of the specified rules, this method can be used to solve many problems. In
future studies, it can be investigated which other methods such as AHP can be used
for the preliminary information phase.
Conflict of interest
Author details
Mustafa Turker
Gorkem Construction Company, Ankara, Turkiye
© 2022 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Pre-Informing Methods for ANNs
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.106906