CV Julio Ce - Sar Vargas Nava Ingles

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foto Julio César Vargas Nava

Computer Systems Engineer

+52 5527571092

[email protected]

Santa María la Ribera, Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City


• Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Systems Engineer 2008-2012 ESCOM - IPN

• Introduction to C Programming 2008 CIC - IPN
• Basic PHP 2010 CIC - IPN
• Advanced MVC Development 2016 CIC - IPN


Computer System Engineer with about 11 years of experience as a developer in many

languages and frameworks as Anypoint Studio using DataWeave for Mulesoft, Business
Works for TIBCO, Visual Studio mainly using C#, Java SpringBoot using Eclipse IDE.
Also, I have knowledge in databases as SQL and Oracle.
Nowadays I am working as a certified Mulesoft developer for an american company,
creating APIs to integrate areas according of the rules of the requirement.


• Point of sale for pharmacy

• Certified Mulesoft Developer - Psyncopate (Assigned to FOX)
- Create APIs for different areas of the company.
- Work with queues to send and consume message by subscriber or consume operation
- Create http requests for GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods. These APIs are testing by
- DataWeave transformations to send custom json object as output
- Code versioning by GitHub
- Integration of the APIs with Salesforce, BOX and Splunk systems
- Create schedulers flows to process payloads at custom time
Technologies: Anypoint Platform, Anypoint Studio, Postman, Splunk, GIT, Jenkins, DataWeave

• TIBCO Developer - IDS (Assigned to CitiBanamex)

March 2021 – December 2021
- Create flows with Business Works
- Integration with Web service
- Integration with MQ Channels to get data from third party system
- Unit Testing
- Integration with SQL and Oracle databases
- Generate schedule process
Technologies: TIBCO Designer, TIBCO Business Works, SQL Server, Oracle SQL, GIT
• .Net Senior Developer -GoNet (Assigned to Aeroméxico)
March 2020 – March 2021
- Participation as a Senior Developer from the scratch of the development.
- Analysis of requirements and development of new methods in WebApi for backend. All
changes are uploaded to GIT. Use of Postman to test methods.
Technologies: WebApi Core C#, GIT, SQL Server 2012, Postman

ASD Robot – Console Application – Windows Service

- Analysis of new requirements and modification to code for implement new rules in the
process. All changes are uploaded to GIT.
- Console application is transformed to windows service and implements CRON to schedule
the times it runs.
Technologies: Console Application C#, SQL Server 2012, Web Services

- Participation as Senior Developer from the start of development.
- Analysis of requirements and development of new methods in console application. The
application is transformed into a windows service and uses CRON to schedule the times it
will be executed.
- Read txt files from workDirectory folder and records are inserted into the
database. Technologies: Console Application C#, SQL Server 2012, XML

• .Net Senior Developer – Sygno (Assigned to Herdez)

March 2017 – March 2020

Point of sale Nutrisa

- Analysis of requirements and development of point of sale with C# framework 4.5.
- Development of WCF services to establish communication between the point of sale and
central database.
- Development of WebApi to establish communication between point of sale and app Nutrisa.
- Development of stored procedures, triggers, indexes, tables, constraints and transact-sql in
SQL Server 2012.
- Analysis of requirements and CFDI 3.3 implementation in billing web portal

- Development of web application to generate business promotions.

Technologies: WebApi C#, WCF C#, VB.Net, SQL Server 2008, MVC Core, JavaScript,
JQuery, AJAX

• .Net Developer – UST Global (Assigned to Walmart)

November 2015 – March 2017

- Migrate systems developed on .Net platform, from Windows server 2003 to Windows
server 2012.
- Migrate systems developed on VB to C#. Configurate informix ODBC’s.
- Create and consume WCF Services. Publishing applications to IIS 8.

Technologies: VB, C#, ODB, SQL Server 2008, IIS 8, WCF.

• .Net SemiSenior Developer – Advanced Business Systems
October 2014 – November 2015
- Analysis of requirements and development of new modules and rules for financial system
with VB6 language and C#.

- Database administration and maintenance SQL Server 2005. Create stored procedures, views,
tables and transact-sql.

- Create gerencial reports with Crystal Reports 10.

Technologies: VB6, C#, SQL Server 2005, Crystal Reports 10.

• .Net Developer – Tasisoft – (Assigned to Comex)
July 2014 – September 2014

- Analysis of requirements and development of new modules for Human Resources web
application with ASP.Net C# language.

- Development and maintenance to WCF services.

- Validate business rules in web system with JQuery and Javascript. SQL Server 2008 Database

Technologies: ASP.Net C#, WCF C#, SQL Server 2008, JQuery, JavaScript

• .Net Junior Developer

July 2013 – June 2014 Secretaría de Desarrollo Social, Oportunidades

- Development of new modules for web system of social programs with ASP.Net C# language.
Validate business rules with JQuery and create requests to web services using AJAX.

- Development of new modules for web system of social programs with PHP language and
HTML. Validate business rules with JQuery and create requests to web services using

- Development of packages and stored procedures with PL-SQL.

Technologies: ASP.Net C#, JQuery, AJAX, PHP, HTML, PL-SQL.

• .Net Junior Developer – FEMSA Logistica Valle de México

February 2011 - July 2012
- Development of a reporting system with C#, download information from server and
manipulate a lot of records with stored procedures.

- Generate Excel files with gerencial information. SQL Server 2008 database maintenance.
Technologies: C#, SQL Server 2008
• Mulesoft Developer


• English: 70%


Knowledge in:
• Angular
• APIs by .Net, Java and Mulesoft
• ASP.NET Core
• ASP.NET MVC 5 Razor
• C++
• C#
• Crystal Reports 10
• JavaScript
• JQuery
• Mulesoft
• SQL Server 2008
• REST Services
• TIBCO Business Works
• Reporting Services
• Visual Basic .Net
• Web API
• Web Services (C#)

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