Shakespearean Comedy
Shakespearean Comedy
Shakespearean Comedy
For example, in THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, there are three love affairs. But
they are on different planes. The sentimental love affair of Lorenzo and Jessica, and rather
homely love affair between Gratiano and Nerissa have nothing common with the romantic
love affair of Bassanio and Portia, yet the first two love affairs indirectly add grace to the
third one and keep it free from such satisty as which is the chief defect of most romances.
Unlike BEN JOHNSON, Shakespeare did not write his comedy in a satirical
vein. On the contrary, it was humour – innocent and healthy humour – what he aimed at.
And his humour was spontaneous. As the action moves on, humour makes its appearance,
as if by an accident, and yet spontaneously filling the auditorium with a tremendous roar
hearty laughter.