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significant risk factor for various forms of dementia, the benefits are believed to be responsible for many citrus related biological
of polyphenols may also extend to brain functions. actions, although several other bioactives are also present
Intriguingly, the mechanistic basis by which polyphenols may in various citrus fruit and juice sources (e.g., anthocyanins,
contribute to brain health and cognition extends further than flavonols, carotenoids, pectins), and are therefore likely to also
those associated with cardiovascular health to include anti- possess bioactive properties (Figure 1).
inflammatory and anti-oxidative capabilities (Vauzour et al.,
2017; Flanagan et al., 2020). In addition, the developing role of
the gut microbiota and its interplay with plant bioactives offers a MARKERS OF BRAIN HEALTH AND
novel route by which physiological effects can be exerted (Kumar FUNCTION
Singh et al., 2019; Catalkaya et al., 2020). Continuing to reveal
the underlying biochemical processes to which these compounds Markers of brain health and disease are key to understanding and
exert their effects is essential to utilizing their potential in treating neurological conditions. Development of sophisticated
brain health and disease, however, the importance of evaluating neuroimaging techniques [e.g., Positron Emission topography
these compounds clinically cannot be underestimated. In this (PET) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)] has
review, we will examine the current evidence on polyphenols enabled subtle differences in brain activity, metabolism and
and their effects on brain health, focusing specifically on citrus structure to be monitored and distinguished between healthy
polyphenols since these are one of the main groups of flavonoids and disease states (Agosta et al., 2013). Future incorporation
in the European diet. of artificial intelligence techniques, e.g., deep learning, will
likely enhance the prospect and feasibility of early detection
of neurological conditions (Noor et al., 2020). However, the
PLANT POLYPHENOLS cost, expertise, and scalability of neuroimaging limits widespread
use. Therefore, biological markers, detectable in the periphery
Synthesized by plants to form either structural/functional tissue, (commonly cerebral spinal fluid or blood) remain equally
or as a defense mechanism against pathogens and herbivores, important, and better suited for screening purposes. Below we
polyphenol describes a compound with a chemical structure discuss some specific markers of brain health in more detail.
containing one or more phenolic rings (Frank et al., 2020).
Further classifications can be made based upon phenolic ring Neurotrophins
numbers, and associated structures binding these rings together Neurotrophins are blood-brain barrier permeable signaling
(e.g., oxygenated heterocycle) (Cutrim and Cortez, 2018). With molecules with a crucial role in synaptic plasticity, neuronal
an estimated 15,000 varieties currently identified, flavonoids cell survival and neurogenesis/synaptogenesis (Gibon and
represent a considerably diverse class of polyphenol (Xiao, Barker, 2017). The presence of neurotrophins in the peripheral
2017). The structural basis of the flavonoid is a 15-carbon atom circulation makes them an ideal candidate for monitoring
structure, forming a C6–C3–C6 heterocyclic skeleton, consisting brain health and function. Of the neurotrophins, brain-derived
of two benzene rings, linked to a heterocyclic ring (flavon neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has been the most extensively
ring). Ubiquitous in plant-based diets, flavonoids are the main studied in the context of brain health, with peripheral levels
polyphenolic component of citrus fruits. Differing heterocyclic associating with cognitive performance and neurological diseases
ring oxidization gives rise to further subclasses: flavanones, (Nascimento et al., 2014; Küster et al., 2017; Palasz et al.,
flavonols, flavones, and anthocyanins (present in blood oranges). 2020). BDNF levels have been reported to increase linearly
Citrus fruits (Rutaceae) such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons to the age of 65, after which their levels markedly decrease
and limes are a particularly rich source of flavanones and (Neshatdoust et al., 2016). Interestingly, this predominantly
are therefore sometimes called citroflavonoids. Flavanones are corresponds to various MRI measures of brain health and
also present in other food sources such as seasoning herbs cognition, although a high level of inter-study heterogeneity
(e.g., rosemary, oregano, peppermint), but in much lower exists (McPhee et al., 2020).
concentrations (Rothwell et al., 2013).
Hesperidin (hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside) is a major citrus Blood-Brain Barrier
flavanone found in all citrus fruits (Jadeja and Devkar, Loss of blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity/function is
2014), reaching concentrations of 25.8–38.3 g/kg in sweet considered an early process of neurodegenerative disease.
oranges (Iglesias-Carres et al., 2019) and up to 520 mg/L Thus, markers of BBB permeability and/or breakdown are
in orange juice (De Rycker et al., 2020). Hesperidin is also being actively explored as measures of brain health and disease
the most common of the flavonoid monomers in European risk. Leakiness of BBB can be determined using MRI (dynamic
diets with an intake of approximately 27 mg/daily (Zamora- contrast-enhanced MRI) or PET with various tracers such as
Ros et al., 2015), although regional variations are observed gadolinium or 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) respectively
(Wang et al., 2015a). Oranges and orange juices also contain (Sweeney et al., 2018). Additionally, MRI (T2∗ -weighted and
naringenin-7-O-rutinoside (narirutin) in addition to smaller susceptibility-weighted imaging MRI) can detect a chronic
quantities of hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside-30 -O-glucoside, 40 -O- accumulation of small blood products, ‘microbleeds,’ thought
methyl-naringenin-7-O-rutinoside (didymin), and eriodictyol-7- to be linked to BBB breakdown. Peripheral markers of BBB
O-rutinoside (eriocitrin) (Kay et al., 2017). Such compounds function have also been established. CSF soluble platelet-derived
FIGURE 1 | Polyphenol categorization – polyphenol describes a compound with a chemical structure containing one or more phenolic rings and can be classified
into four main groups: phenolic acids, lignans, stilbenes, and flavonoids. Flavonoids represent the main polyphenolic component of citrus fruits and can be
subdivided into six further subgroups. Flavanones are particularly abundant in citrus fruits and include hesperidin as one of the major flavanones. Figure created with
growth factor receptor β (sPDGFRβ), shed from pericytes glucose metabolism rates across the brain, which subsequently
(which unsheathe the endothelium of brain capillaries) in correlate to synaptic activity and disease risk (Shivamurthy
response to injury, correlates with neurodegenerative disease et al., 2015). A multitude of other positron-emitting isotope
progression and BBB breakdown (Miners et al., 2019; Nation tracers exist, including [1-11 C]-DHA (Yassine et al., 2017),
et al., 2019; Montagne et al., 2020). Similarly, the ratio of CSF and the incorporation of such tracers can hone in on specific
albumin to serum albumin, is frequently used as an indicator aspects of brain metabolism which may be disease-specific.
of BBB breakdown (Musaeus et al., 2020), although conflicting Furthermore, the ratio of N-acetylaspartate (NAA) and myo-
results have been reported (Skillbäck et al., 2017). Less invasive inositol (MI), two abundant metabolites in the human brain,
methods including measuring circulating tight junction proteins has been reported to be a good predictor of mild cognitive
(occludin, ZO-1 and CLDN5) have also been forwarded as BBB impairment in cognitively normal older adults as measured
breakdown measures (Jiao et al., 2015; Zhu et al., 2017), whilst by 1 H MRS in the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) (Kantarci
serum 14-kDa monomeric form of transthyretin (TTR) and et al., 2013). Finally, peripheral measures of metabolic function
serum concentrations of the astrocytic protein S100B, have been such as insulin resistance and blood glucose, are routinely
suggested as measures of BBB damage (Marchi et al., 2004). determined in clinical trials in which cognitive health is a
primary output, and have been found to correlate with cognitive
Metabolic Function decline (Wium-Andersen et al., 2019), and brain atrophy
Metabolic homeostasis is particularly important for brain health (Erus et al., 2015).
and function due to the energy-demanding nature of the
brain. Brain energy metabolism declines subtly during the Inflammatory Markers
aging process and prior to neurological disease diagnosis Although neuroinflammation is an essential part of the
(Zilberter and Zilberter, 2017), and accumulating evidence brain response to infection or injury (Glass et al., 2010),
demonstrates how this impairment of energy metabolism can sustained neuroinflammatory processes may contribute to the
exacerbate neurodegenerative disease progression (Cunnane progressive neuronal damage observed in aging (Barrientos
et al., 2016; Camandola and Mattson, 2017). Neuroimaging et al., 2015) and aged-related cognitive disorders (Heppner
techniques can effectively indicate metabolic disturbances. For et al., 2015; Herrero et al., 2015). As resident macrophages,
example, FDG-PET is frequently utilized to determine brain activated microglial cells have the capacity to synthesize a wide
range of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines compound, the food matrix, or host factors (age, sex, genetic
and molecular mediators which contribute to the systemic polymorphism, gut microbiota etc.) (Kay et al., 2017; Morand
inflammatory milieu and to the progression of neurodegenerative and Tomás-Barberán, 2019). There is an apparent difference
disease (Perry and Holmes, 2014). As an integral component between the absorption of glycosides and aglycones with the
of numerous neurological diseases, effective monitoring of glycosylation of flavanones increasing their hydrophilicity
neuroinflammation would be highly advantageous. PET may therefore abolishing passive diffusion and thus lowering their
represent a viable option to achieve this (Chandra et al., bioavailability (Najmanová et al., 2019). For example, following
2019; Kreisl et al., 2020), along with a range of markers oral administration of hesperidin, plasma concentrations of
for activated microglia such as Translocator protein (TSPO) flavanone conjugates (e.g., hesperetin-glucuronides and sulfo-
radioligands showing promise both in a preclinical setting and glucuronides) were detected after 3 h and reached a peak
in humans. Optimization of TSPO tracers and identification of between 5 h and 7 h (Manach et al., 2003), highlighting that
more specific neuroinflammatory tracers is, however, warranted the main site for flavanone absorption is the small intestine
to improve upon accuracy (Kreisl et al., 2020). Similar to and the colon. Such results were further confirmed by a more
peripheral markers of metabolic function, although not a direct recent study where fasted participants, aged 51–69 years,
marker of brain inflammation, circulating levels of the pro- received either orange juice or a hesperidin supplement
inflammatory (IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α) and anti-inflammatory (both providing 320 mg hesperidin) versus a control (all
cytokines (IL-1ra and IL-10) indicate a chronic inflammatory matched for sugars and vitamin C content). Total plasma
environment and probably contribute to brain inflammation. flavanone metabolite concentrations were significantly higher
Again, these measures frequently correlate with measures 5 h after the orange juice intervention than after control with
of brain health and disease such as cognitive performance hesperidin-glucuronide and naringenin-7-O-glucuronide,
(Magalhães et al., 2018; Contreras et al., 2020; Ribeiro-Santos largely contributing to the total plasma flavanone concentration.
et al., 2020). Unexpectedly, no significant concentration of hesperidin
metabolites was observed at 5 h following the hesperidin
Cognitive Testing and Sensory supplement intake, which may highlight the importance of
Parameters food matrix in the bioavailability of these compounds (Schär
As well as biological and neuroimaging techniques, brain et al., 2015). In addition to the main phase II metabolites
health can be determined through cognitive assessment. For found in the systemic circulation, the intestinal microflora
this, a wide range of tests can be employed, usually in further degrades aglycones into smaller phenolics. For
combination as a battery, to address multiple aspects of example, the main degradation product of hesperetin is
cognition such as memory, language, executive functions 3-(30 -hydroxy-40 -methoxyphenyl)propionic acid, although
and attention. Memory, a common target of numerous many other compounds have also been reported (see Kay
neurodegenerative disorders, can be separated into specific et al., 2017; Najmanová et al., 2019 for extensive reviews of
memory domains, enabling researchers to pinpoint disruptions flavanones metabolism).
to specific brain systems (e.g., episodic memory; hippocampal– Flavanone bioavailability can differ across citrus source
diencephalic system, working memory; dorsolateral prefrontal and/or form. For example, the bioavailability of hesperidin,
cortex, semantic memory; anterior temporal lobe, executive indirectly determined from excreted hesperetin (main hesperidin
functioning; frontal lobe and beyond) (Kipps and Hodges, metabolite marker) is comparable for both whole orange
2005). Traditionally, such examination has required extensive fruit (1.5%) and orange juice (2.9%), despite the considerably
clinical testing, performed by trained individuals (Kipps and higher flavanone content of the fruit (Aschoff et al., 2016),
Hodges, 2005), however, recent advancements in technology, reflecting potential absorption and metabolic differences. Fresh
e.g., smartphones and internet-based cognitive assessment tools and packaged orange juice, on the other hand, appear to have
may enable screening to take place outside of a clinical relatively similar metabolic kinetics in regards to flavanones,
setting (Coutrot et al., 2019; Hays et al., 2019; Sternin et al., and therefore the higher flavanone content found in packaged
2019). juice (machine pressed) translates to a threefold greater flavanone
Finally, it is worth briefly mentioning sensory parameters, status (Silveira et al., 2014).
particularly olfaction, which are potentially underrated, In addition, a large inter-individual variability in the
and certainly overlooked markers of brain health, despite bioavailability of citrus flavanones has been reported with high,
consistent reports of their predictive capacity in cognitive decline medium, and low flavanone metabolite excreters identified
(Brai et al., 2020). following intake of citrus flavanones and citrus juices (Nielsen
et al., 2006; Brett et al., 2008; Vallejo et al., 2010; Aschoff et al.,
2016). One of the key factors in this variability may reside
BIOAVAILABILITY OF CITRUS in the host–microbiota diversity necessary for the conversion
FLAVONOIDS of the flavanone rutinoside into their aglycone forms (Stevens
et al., 2019), although the impact of lifestyle factors such as
The extent to which citrus flavanones may exert their biological exercise have also been reported (Pereira-Caro et al., 2017).
action is strongly related to their bioavailability which can Despite the demonstrated high inter-individual variability in
be affected by many factors including the structure of the citrus flavanones metabolism, limited evidence is currently
available regarding the role of the gut microbiota composition recently reported to inhibit pathways associated with non-
and no correlation with the effects on brain health biomarkers specific microbial infections via a CD14-dependent mechanism,
has been demonstrated. to suppress the expression of LRP-1 and to protect the BBB
When considering the bioavailability of citrus flavonoids from oxidative stress via NRF2 (NFE2L2) signaling (Hoyles et al.,
from a neurological perspective, one must also consider the 2018). The influence of metabolites such as SCFA produced by
compounds ability to traverse the BBB. The extent to which our ‘gut-biofactory’ has been extensively reviewed by Skonieczna-
specific citrus polyphenols cross the BBB remains to be Żydecka et al. (2020).
fully categorized, however, evidence to date in the form of The considerable inter-individual variability of the gut
in vitro cellular models (e.g., RBE4, b.END5, and hCMEC/D3) microbiota combined with its apparent modifiable/dynamic
(Youdim et al., 2003; Yang W. et al., 2014), and preclinical nature has led to it being identified as a therapeutic target.
approaches (Peng et al., 1998; Tsai and Chen, 2000; Youdim The fact that beneficial shifts could be achieved through non-
et al., 2004) indicate that citrus flavonoids, namely; hesperetin, invasive, relatively safe interventions, e.g., prebiotics, make it
naringenin, as well as their relevant metabolites, are able to an attractive target. The gut microbiota is both modulated
reach the brain. Whether these models fully translate to humans, by, and modulates, polyphenolic compounds (Koudoufio et al.,
particularly when ingested with other complex food sources 2020). Citrus polyphenols appear to be no exception, with
is yet to be proven, however, pursuing this question will neohesperidin recently shown to reverse high-fat-diet-induced
undoubtedly enhance our understanding of citrus polyphenols intestinal microbiota dysbiosis by increasing general microbial
in the context of brain health and disease, elucidating the extent diversity as well as specific strains including Bacteroidetes and
to which their bioactivity stems from direct interaction with the Firmicutes (Lu et al., 2020). A similar experiment in which
brain parenchyma. hesperidin was administered exerted similar prebiotic effects
with treated mice displaying improved metabolic maker profile
(Guirro et al., 2020). These beneficial hesperidin mediated effects
MICROBIOTA: GUT: BRAIN AXIS are in agreement with an earlier experiment, which interestingly
reported upon the concomitant immunomodulatory actions
A healthy gastrointestinal tract is a nutrient-rich environment (Estruel-Amades et al., 2019). In healthy volunteers, continuous
hosting approximately 100 trillion microbes (Lin and Zhang, consumption of commercial pasteurized orange juice for
2017), that constitute the gut microbiota. Gut microbial 2 months improved blood biochemical parameters, such as low-
composition is increasingly recognized as a central factor in density lipoprotein-cholesterol, glucose, and insulin sensitivity
health and disease, protecting the intestinal gut barrier and and positively modulated the composition and metabolic
preventing the establishment of pathogenic microorganisms. activity of the microbiota, increasing the population of fecal
The gut microbiota also provides a large repertoire of genes, Bifidobacterium spp. and Lactobacillus spp. (Lima et al., 2019).
antigens and metabolites that can regulate immune and metabolic In addition, daily consumption of 500 mL of two Brazilian
functions. The gut-brain axis describes a bidirectional system orange juices (e.g., Cara Cara and Bahia juices) for 7 days
that encompasses both neuro-immune (Teratani et al., 2020) increased the abundance of Mogibacteriaceae, Tissierellaceae,
and neuro-endocrine communication as well as a direct Veillonellaceae, Odoribacteraceae, and Ruminococcaceae families
neuronal connection (vagus nerve) (Tan et al., 2020), with in healthy volunteers (Brasili et al., 2019). Furthermore, daily
each mode of transmission receiving microbial modulation consumption of 300 ml of orange juice for 60 days affected the
(Lv et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019). The gut-brain axis levels of Lactobacillus spp., Akkermansia spp., and Ruminococcus
has rapidly emerged in recent decades, with an influx of spp. and improved the glycemia and lipid profiles in 20–35 years
literature implicating gut health and microbial dysbiosis with old healthy female volunteers (Fidélix et al., 2020). These recent
specific neurological diseases/conditions, although the multi- reports emphasize the prebiotic potential of citrus polyphenols,
factorial nature and complexity of these diseases/conditions particularly in metabolic disease, with no specific information
has left mechanistic validation somewhat lagging (Sherwin related to brain functions (e.g., gut-brain axis). With this being
et al., 2018). Indeed, further elucidation of the mechanistic as said, it must be mentioned that current evidence has been
well as the determination of overall therapeutic validity are predominantly provided through preclinical and in particular,
still required (Peterson, 2020). An area in which mechanistic rodent experiments. Therefore, current perspectives derived from
evidence is beginning to gain traction is the synthesis these studies should be cautiously interpreted until validated
and/or regulation of metabolites by the gut-microbiota, with through robust clinical trials since fundamental human to mouse
many derivative metabolites established as neurochemicals or differences, such as microbial composition and gut physiology,
possessing neuromodulatory properties. Short-chain fatty acids may render direct translation inappropriate.
(SCFA) are a relatively well-characterized example of this (Dalile
et al., 2019) and are produced via fermentation of complex
carbohydrates (dietary fibers). SCFA levels are diminished METHOD
in response to antibiotic treatment (Høverstad et al., 1986)
and similarly low levels tend to associate with conditions A non-systematic search was performed in PubMed using
such as depression, Alzheimer’s (AD) and Parkinson’s disease the following keywords to retrieve preclinical and clinical
(Dalile et al., 2019). For example, the SCFA propionate was data: [(Dementia OR depression OR Alzheimer OR Parkinson
OR neurodegeneration OR neuroinflammation) AND (citrus (Table 1). Activation coincided with subsequent reduction of
polyphenol OR flavanone OR hesper∗ OR naring∗ ) AND reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide
(cognition OR brain)]. Articles in English or with English (H2 O2 ), nitric oxide (NO) and other oxidative markers
abstracts were retrieved. All evidence was read and chosen namely malondialdehyde (MDA) and thiobarbituric acid reactive
based on the Authors’ evaluation of relevance. The search was substances (TBARS). Upregulation of the transcription factor
concluded in August 2020 and updated in November 2020, and NRF2 features in a number of these studies (Bai et al.,
included all articles present in PubMed, without temporal limits. 2014; Sugumar et al., 2019; Welbat et al., 2020), and is
likely central to this polyphenol mediated anti-oxidative system
through the activation of the antioxidant response element
PRECLINICAL EVIDENCE FOR CITRUS (Vauzour, 2012). As alluded to, activation of the antioxidant
FLAVONOIDS AND BRAIN defense machinery was generally consistent across the flavonoids
HEALTH/FUNCTION with only a few discrepancies found, mainly confined to
naringenin and hesperetin, where occasionally no effect was
Neurodegeneration describes a process of progressive cell detected (Chtourou et al., 2014; Kheradmand et al., 2018;
dysfunction and eventual neuronal cell death. In diseases Mani et al., 2018). A few studies reported the opposite effect
such as late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease (LOAD) this process for naringenin with SOD and CAT reduced (Chtourou et al.,
can span decades. Although usually categorized based upon 2014; Haider et al., 2020). This reduction associated with
distinct pathologies, the overall process of neurodegeneration naringenin, which is believed to be able to cross the BBB
is one that is multi-factorial, with many neurodegenerative (Youdim et al., 2003), may relate back to its free radical
diseases sharing common pathogenic mechanisms underpinning scavenging capabilities, or arise as a result of the differing disease
disease progression (Jellinger, 2010), potentially explaining models used. In addition to the more common antioxidant
the lack of efficacy of single target drugs. These common machinery influenced, hesperidin and hesperetin upregulated
mechanisms associated with neurodegeneration include: Haem-oxygenase (HO-1) and downregulated the superoxide
neuroinflammatory/neuroimmune responses, oxidative radical generating enzyme Xanthine Oxidase (XO) respectively
stress, impaired bioenergetics/mitochondrial dysfunctions, (Ashafaq et al., 2014).
dysfunction of neurotrophins and abnormal protein dynamics.
The mechanistic understanding of citrus polyphenols in Anti-inflammatory
brain health stems largely from preclinical and in vitro The immunomodulatory capabilities of citrus polyphenols within
studies. The focus of these preclinical studies often centers the brain are similarly evident, and are in some cases coupled to
on mitigating specific disease pathologies. Indeed, a wealth anti-oxidative mechanisms (e.g., HMGB1/RAGE, Yu et al., 2015).
of preclinical evidence has highlighted the multifaceted Again, the molecular targets with which the reviewed citrus
nature of citrus polyphenols neurologically. Interestingly, as polyphenols interact appear to be consistent, with reduction of
highlighted in Table 1, the major citrus polyphenols share pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IFN-γ, and TNF-α,
common mechanistic actions, overlapping considerably with the particularly prolific in the literature (Table 1). This is likely
aforementioned deficits associated with neurodegeneration. mediated through the mitigation of hyperactive immune cells
Below we discuss these mechanisms in more details as is suggested by the reduction of GFAP, and NF-κB which
focusing on the key citrus flavonoids and in particular on governs chemokine and inflammatory mediator transcription
the flavanones hesperidin and naringin along with their (Fu et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2020). In contrast to evidence on
aglycone forms (i.e., hesperetin and naringenin) and the anti-oxidative effects, there was little indication to suggest lack
flavonol, kaempferol. of effect across any of the reviewed flavonoids, supporting the
notion that neuro-inflammatory modulation is inherent across
Anti-oxidative all citrus flavonoids. As with anti-oxidative effects, effective
Oxidative stress is a well-established contributing factor in dosage had a considerable range of 20–300 mg/kg, with efficacy
neurological disorders (Michalska and León, 2020) with high remaining even at lower doses 25–50 mg/kg. This latter dose
metabolic activity combined with a lack of antioxidant defense equates to 145–290 mg human equivalent dose in a 70 Kg
capability leaving the brain particularly susceptible. Although adult, if the animal is a mouse (Nair and Jacob, 2016), which is
citrus polyphenols reportedly demonstrate free radical scavenger achievable through consumption of 0.5–0.75 L of orange juice
capacity in vitro (Di Meo et al., 2013), the current literature (De Rycker et al., 2020).
search unanimously highlighted their ability to stimulate the
endogenous antioxidant defense machinery, with superoxide Bioenergetic
dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione (GSH), glutathione Citrus flavonoids appear to ameliorate mitochondrial
S-transferases (GST), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione dysfunction – damage to the mitochondria which may be due
peroxidase (GPx) activation common across all the citrus to exogenous factors and which can predispose individuals to
polyphenols reviewed (Table 1). Effective dosage ranged certain neurodegenerative conditions. As with anti-inflammatory
from as little as 5 mg/kg up to 300 mg/kg, however, properties, the impact was consistent across the reviewed
dose dependant effects were established in a number of studies with reported dosages of 25–200 mg/kg resulting in
studies, with greater doses usually eliciting greatest effects an increase of mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes
TABLE 1 | Overview of the molecular mechanisms underlying the impact of citrus flavonoids on brain health and disease in preclinical models.
Hesperidin Anti- ↓NF-κB, ↓TNF-α, ↓ IL-1β 100, 200 (15 days) Sodium arsenite treatment, 10-week-old
inflammatory Dose dependant with male Sprague-Dawley rat (Kuzu et al.,
200 more effective 2020)
↓TNF-α, ↓IFNγ, ↓IL-1β, ↓IL-2, ↓IL-6, ↑IL-10 50 (28 days) Intrastriatal injection 6-OHD, 3–6-month
adult male C57BL/6 mouse (Antunes et al.,
↓TNF-α, ↓IL-1β, ↓IL-6, ↓HMGB1, ↓RAGE, ↓p-NFκB, 100 and 200 (three Chronic unpredictable mild stress,
↓p-IκBa times a week for 6–8-week ICR male mouse (Fu et al., 2019)
3 weeks)
↓IL-1β, ↓TNF-α 50(14 days) Concussive head injury, 10–11-week male
NMRI mouse (Kosari-Nasab et al., 2018)
↓IL-1β, ↓IL-6 50 (14 days) Olfactory bulbectomy, male C57BL/6
mouse (Antunes et al., 2016)
↓IL-1β, ↓IL-6, ↓TNF-α, ↑miRNA132 25, 50, 100 (7 days) I.P. LPS, male ICR mouse (Li M. et al.,
↓Iba-1, ↓TGF-β 100 (10 days) Transgenic APP/PS1, 5-month male mouse
(Li et al., 2015)
↓GFAP, ↓iNOS, ↓NF-κB, ↓COX-2 (No quantification) 100 and 200 (15 days) Swiss male albino mouse (Javed et al.,
↓IL-6 25, 50, and 100 I.P. STZ, male albino Wistar rat (El-Marasy
(21 days) et al., 2014)
↓IL-1β, ↓TNF-α, ↓GFAP, ↓iNOS 50 (15 days) Middle cerebral artery occluded, 16-week
male Wistar rat (Raza et al., 2011)
Anti-oxidative ↓MDA, ↓8-OHdG, ↑GSH, ↑GPx, ↑SOD, ↑CAT 100, 200 (15 days) Sodium arsenite treatment, 10-week-old
Dose dependant with male Sprague-Dawley rat (Kuzu et al.,
200 more effective 2020)
↑Glo1, ↓AGE, ↓ROS, ↓MDA, ↑GSH, ↑SOD, ↑Nrf2, 50, 150 (10 weeks) I.P. STZ, adult male Sprague Dawley rat
↑γ-GCS Dose dependant with (Zhu et al., 2020)
150 more effective
↑Nrf2, ↓MDA, ↑SOD activity, ↑GPx activity, ↑CAT 100 (21 days) IV injection Methotrexate, 4–5 weeks male
activity Sprague Dawley rat (Welbat et al., 2020)
↓MDA, ↓NO, ↑GSH, ↑GSH-Px, ↑SOD, ↑CAT 10 (21 days) Acrylamide treated, adult male Wistar
albino rat (Elhelaly et al., 2019)
↓MDA 50↑(14 days) Concussive head injury, 10–11-week male
NMRI mouse (Kosari-Nasab et al., 2018)
↑MDA, ↓GSH, ↓SOD, ↓CAT 25, 50, 100 (14 days) L -Methionine treated, male Wistar rat
Dose dependant with (Hemanth Kumar et al., 2017)
100 more effective
↓TBARS, ↑GSH, ↑SOD, ↑CAT, ↑GPx 100 (60 days) I.P. AlCl3, 10–12-week male albino Wistar
rat (Justin Thenmozhi et al., 2017)
↓TBARS, ↑GSH 100 and 200 (15 days) Intracerebroventricular injection STZ,
Dose dependant with 12-month Swiss male albino mouse (Javed
200 more effective et al., 2015)
↓MDA, (↑GSH did not increase in 100 group) 25, 50, and 100 I.P. STZ, male albino Wistar rat (El-Marasy
(21 days) et al., 2014)
↓H2O2, ↓MDA, ↑GSH, ↑T-AOC 100 (16 weeks) APPswe/PS1dE9, 3-month-old male
mouse (Wang et al., 2014)
↓ROS, ↑GPx, ↑GSH, ↑TRAP, ↑CAT, ↑GPx, ↓GR (SOD 50 (28 days) Intracerebroventricular injection of 6-OHDA,
and GST no change) female C57BL/6 mouse (Antunes et al.,
↓TBARS, ↑NP-SH, ↑GSH, ↑GST, ↑GR, ↓XO 50 (28 days) I.P. STZ, male Wistar rat (Ashafaq et al.,
↓TBARS, ↑GPx, ↑SOD, ↑CAT 50 (15 days) Middle cerebral artery occluded, 16-week
male Wistar rat (Raza et al., 2011)
Anti-Apoptotic/ ↓Caspase-3 100, 200 (15 days) Sodium arsenite treatment, 10-week-old
Proliferative Dose dependant with male Sprague-Dawley rat (Kuzu et al.,
200 more effective 2020)
TABLE 1 | Continued
↑BDNF, ↓p21 positive cells, ↑DCX 100 (21 days) I.V injection Methotrexate, male Sprague
Dawley rat (Welbat et al., 2020)
↑BDNF, ↑NGF, ↑NT3 50 (28 days) Intrastriatal injection 6-OHD, 3–6-month
adult male C57BL/6 mouse (Antunes et al.,
↑Ki-67, ↑BrdU, ↑DCX 100 (21 days) IV injection Methotrexate, male Sprague
Dawley rat (Naewla et al., 2019)
↑BDNF, ↑p-TrkB 100, 200 (3x in Chronic unpredictable mild stress,
21 days) 6–8-week male ICR mouse (Fu et al., 2019)
↑BDNF 100 and 200 (21 days) Concussive head injury, 10–11-week male
NMRI mouse (Kosari-Nasab et al., 2018)
↑BDNF, ↑NGF 50 (14 days) Olfactory bulbectomy, male C57BL/6
mouse (Antunes et al., 2016)
↓BAX, ↑BCL-2 100 (60 days) IP AlCl3, 10–12-week male albino Wistar
rat (Justin Thenmozhi et al., 2017)
↑p-ERK, ↑BDNF (ERK dependent) 25, 50 (3 weeks) Chronic mild stress, 5-week male ICR
mouse (Li C. F. et al., 2016)
↑BDNF 25, 50, and 100 I.P. STZ, male albino Wistar rat (El-Marasy
(21 days) et al., 2014)
Bioenergetic ↓AChE 100, 200 (15 days) Sodium arsenite treatment, 10-week-old
Dose dependant with male Sprague-Dawley rat (Kuzu et al.,
200 more effective 2020)
↓AChE 50 (14 days) Olfactory bulbectomy, male C57BL/6
mouse (Antunes et al., 2016)
↓AChE activity 100 and 200 (15 days) Intracerebroventricular injection STZ,
12-month Swiss male albino mouse (Javed
et al., 2015)
↑ MT complex (I-IV) activity, ↑MTT activity, ↑GSK3b 100 (16 weeks) APPswe/PS1dE9, 3-month-old male
phos mouse (Wang et al., 2014)
↓AChE, ↑Na + -K + ATPase 50 (28 days) I.P. STZ, male Wistar rat (Ashafaq et al.,
Proteinopathy ↓Aβ deposition 100 (10 days) Transgenic APP/PS1–21, 5-month male
mouse (Li et al., 2015)
No change Aβ deposition 100 (16 weeks) Three-month-old male, APPswe/PS1dE9
mouse (Wang et al., 2014)
BBB ↓EB leakage, ↓claudin-5 and ZO-1 disturbance 10 (1 dose prior to Left middle cerebral artery occlusion, male
dysfunction MCAO) 8 weeks ICR mouse (Lee et al., 2020)
Hesperetin Anti- ↓TLR4, ↓GFAP, ↓Iba-1, ↓TNF-α, ↓IL-1β, ↓p-NF-κB 50 (5 weeks) I.P. LPS, 7/8 weeks male C57BL/6N mouse
inflammatory (Muhammad et al., 2019)
↓TNF-a, ↓IL-1b, ↓iNOS 20 (8 days) Hippocampal injection Kainic Acid, mouse
(Kwon et al., 2018)
↓GFAP, ↓NF-κB 50 (1 week) Intrastriatal injection 6-OHDA, male adult
Wistar rat (Kiasalari et al., 2016)
Anti-oxidative ↓MDA, ↑GSH, ↑SOD, ↑CAT (50 only), ↓NO (50 only) 5, 50 (3 days) I.P. scopolamine, male albino mouse (Ishola
et al., 2019)
↑Nrf-2, ↑HO-1 ↓ROS, ↓LPO 50 (5 weeks) I.P. LPS, 7–8-week male C57BL/6N mouse
(Muhammad et al., 2019)
↓MDA, (GSH, CAT, SOD, GPx, GRx No change) 10, 20 (3 weeks) I.P. injection STZ, male Wistar rat
(however effect significant in Nano form) (Kheradmand et al., 2018)
↓TBARS, ↓LOOH and ↓Protein carbonyl content (LPO), 40 (21 days) Subcutaneous injection of Cadmium, male
↓ OH-, ↓NO, ↑GSH, ↑TSH, ↑SOD, ↑CAT, ↑GPx and albino Wistar rat (Shagirtha et al., 2017)
↓MDA, ↑CAT, ↑GSH, (NO No change) 50 (1 week) Intrastriatal injection of 6-OHDA, male adult
Wistar rat (Kiasalari et al., 2016)
Anti-Apoptotic/ ↑BDNF 5, 50 (3 days) I.P. scopolamine, male albino mouse (Ishola
Proliferative et al., 2019)
↓p-JNK, ↓Bax:Bcl2, ↓Caspase-3 50 (5 weeks) I.P. LPS 7-8-week, male C57BL/6N mouse
(Muhammad et al., 2019)
TABLE 1 | Continued
↓Bax, ↓cytochrome c, ↓caspase 3 and 9, ↑Bcl2 40 (21 days) Subcutaneous injection of Cadmium, male
albino Wistar rat (Shagirtha et al., 2017)
↑Bcl2, ↓DNA fragmentation 50 (1 week) Intrastriatal injection of 6-OHDA, male adult
Wistar rat (Kiasalari et al., 2016)
Bioenergetic ↓AChE 5, 50 (3 days) I.P. scopolamine, male albino mouse (Ishola
et al., 2019)
↑AChE, ↑ATPases, ↑ MT complex (I-IV) activity 40 (21 days) Subcutaneous injection of Cadmium, male
albino Wistar rat (Shagirtha et al., 2017)
Proteinopathy ↑Cathepsin, trypsin and pronase activity 40 (21 days) Subcutaneous injection of Cadmium, male
albino Wistar rat (Shagirtha et al., 2017)
Naringenin Anti- ↓GFAP, ↓TNF−α, ↓IL−1β, ↑IL10 250–300 (10 weeks) High-fat diet-fed, 10-month SAMP8 male
inflammatory mouse (Zhou et al., 2020)
↓iNOS 25, 50, 100 (5 days) I.P. MPTP, male C57BL/6J mouse
(Sugumar et al., 2019)
↓IL−6, ↓TNF−α, ↓NFκB, ↓IFN-γ 50, 100 (14 days) Bilateral olfactory bulbectomy, 3-month
BALB/c male mouse (Bansal et al., 2018)
↓NFκB, ↓TNFα, ↓COX2, ↓iNOS, ↓TLR4, ↓GFAP 100 (7 days) I.P. LPS, male albino Wistar rat
(Khajevand-Khazaei et al., 2018)
↓IL−1β, ↓TNF−α (not 25 mg/kg) 25, 50, 100 (5 days) I.P. MPTP, male C57BL/6J mouse (Mani
et al., 2018)
↓NFκB, ↓iNOS, ↓COX2, ↓TNF−α, ↓IL−1β 50 (21 days) Middle cerebral artery occlusion, 16-week
male Wistar rat (Raza et al., 2013)
Anti-oxidative ↑SOD, ↑GSH, ↓MDA, ↓NO 250–300 (10 weeks) High-fat diet-fed, 10 months SAMP8 male
mouse (Zhou et al., 2020)
↓SOD activity, ↑CAT, ↑GPx,↑GSH, ↓MDA 50 (14 days) I.P. AlCl3 + D-gal injection, young albino
Wistar rat (Haider et al., 2020)
↑GSH, ↑GST, ↓MDA, ↓Protein carbonyl content 100 (15 days) Oral MeHg, 5-week male Swiss albino
mouse (Krishna Chandran et al., 2019)
↓LPO, ↑CAT, ↑GR 25, 50, 100 (5 days) I.P. MPTP, male C57BL/6J mouse
(Sugumar et al., 2019)
↑SOD, ↑GSH, ↑CAT, ↓MDA, ↓NO 50, 100 (14 days) Bilateral olfactory bulbectomy, 3-month
BALB/c male mouse (Bansal et al., 2018)
↑Nrf2, ↑CAT, ↑SOD, ↑GSH, ↓MDA 100 (7 days) I.P. LPS, male albino Wistar rat
(Khajevand-Khazaei et al., 2018)
↑SOD, (↑GSH not significant), (↓NO 100 mg/kg not 25,50,100 (5 days) I.P. injection MPTP, male C57BL/6J mouse
significant) (Mani et al., 2018)
↑CAT, ↑SOD, ↑GSH, ↓MDA, ↑GPx, ↓MDA 50 (16 days) Young adult male Albino Wistar rat (Liaquat
et al., 2018)
↓MDA, (SOD and NO No change) 100 (single dose) Dorsal hippocampal Aβ injection, adult male
Wistar rat (Ghofrani et al., 2015)
↓NOD2, ↓RIP2, ↓MMP-9 100 (4 days) Permanent middle cerebral artery
occlusion, male Sprague–Dawley rats (Bai
et al., 2014)
↓ROS, ↓NO, ↓MDA, ↓PCO, ↑ascorbic acid, ↑total thiol 50 (4 weeks) I.P. iron (Fe) injection, 10-week male Wistar
groups ↓SOD, ↓CAT, (GPx No change) rat (Chtourou et al., 2014)
↑Nrf2 and downstream ARE genes, ↓ROS, ↑GSH 70 (4 days) Intastriatal 6-OHDA, 10-week male
C57BL/6 mouse (Lou et al., 2014)
↓TBARS, ↑GSH, ↓NO, ↓MPO activity, ↑SOD activity 50 (21 days) Middle cerebral artery occlusion, 16-week
male Wistar rat (Raza et al., 2013)
Anti-Apoptotic/ ↑BDNF, ↑Shh 50 (5 weeks) Chronic unpredictable mild stress, adult
Proliferative male Wistar rat (Tayyab et al., 2019)
↑BDNF 50, 100 (14 days) Bilateral olfactory bulbectomy, 3-month
BALB/c male mouse (Bansal et al., 2018)
↓DNA Fragmentation 100 (single dose) Dorsal hippocampal Aβ injection, adult male
Wistar rat (Ghofrani et al., 2015)
↓p-JNK, ↓p-p38 70 (4 days) Intastriatal 6-OHDA, 10-week male
C57BL/6 mouse (Lou et al., 2014)
TABLE 1 | Continued
TABLE 1 | Continued
↓AChE activity, ↑MT complex (I-IV) activity 50, 100, and 200 Intracerebroventricular STZ, adult male
(21 days) Wistar rat (Sachdeva et al., 2014)
Proteinopathy ↓Thr231 and Ser396 Tau phos 100 (14 days) STZ treated, C57BL/6 male (9-week)
mouse (Okuyama et al., 2018)
Kaempferol Anti- ↓Iba-1, ↓TNFα, ↓IL-1β, ↓IL-5, ↓IL-6, ↓iNOS, ↓COX-2, 25, 50, 100 (7 days) Cerebral ischemia/reperfusion, rat (Li et al.,
inflammatory ↓NF-κB Dose dependant 100 2019)
most effective
↓Iba-1, ↓IL-1β, ↓IL-6, ↓TNFα, ↓MCP-1, ↓ICAM-1, 20 and 50 (7 days) I.P. LPS, adult male BALB/c mouse (Yang
↓COX-2, ↓HMGB1, ↓TLR4 Dose dependant 50 et al., 2019)
most effective
↓Iba1, ↓IL-1β, ↓IL-6, ↓TNF-α, ↓MCP-1, ↓COX-2, 25, 50, or 100 (7 days) I.P. LPS, adult male BALB/c mouse (Cheng
↓iNOS, ↓HMGB1, ↓TLR4, ↓MyD88 et al., 2018)
↓TNF-α 10 (21 days) Intracerebroventricular injection STZ, OVX
female Wistar rat (Kouhestani et al., 2018)
Anti-oxidative ↑SOD, ↑GSH, ↓MDA 10 (21 days) Intracerebroventricular injection STZ, OVX
female Wistar rat (Kouhestani et al., 2018)
↓MDA, ↑GPx, ↑CAT, ↑SOD, ↑GSK3β – Nrf2 21 (14 days) I.P. Chlorpyrifos daily for 14 days, 8-week
male albino Wistar rat (Hussein et al., 2018)
Bioenergetic ↑AChE activity 21 (14 days) I.P. Chlorpyrifos daily for 14 days, 8-week
male albino Wistar rat (Hussein et al., 2018)
↑TCA cycle flux, ↓acyl carnitines, ↑N-acetyl aspartate 1 (three times: 1, 24, Traumatic Brain Injury, 23–24-day male
48 h) Wistar rat (Chitturi et al., 2019)
BBB protection ↓EB leakage, ↓MMP-3 25, 50, 100 (7 days) Cerebral ischemia/reperfusion, rat (Li et al.,
Dose dependant 100 2019)
most effective
↓ultrastructure destruction (electron microscope), 20 and 50 (7 days) I.P. LPS, adult male BALB/c mouse (Yang
↑occludin, ↑claudin-1, ↑CX-43 Dose dependant 50 et al., 2019)
most effective
↓EB leakage, ↑occludin-1, claudin-1, ↑CX43 25, 50, or 100 (7 days) I.P. LPS, adult male BALB/c mouse (Cheng
et al., 2018)
(I–IV) function and stability. Disturbance of mitochondria Okuyama et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2020), and Aβ deposition
function impairs mitochondrial enzyme bioenergetics, reducing (Yang W. et al., 2014; Li et al., 2015; Zhou et al., 2020),
ATP production, while simultaneously leading to substantial however no effect has also been reported (Wang et al., 2014).
increases in ROS production thus feeding into the other The mechanistic basis for these changes remains relatively
disease processes. weak, although the glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3β)
In addition to mitochondrial function, implications may be a plausible candidate (Yang W. et al., 2014; Zhou
for acetylcholinesterase activity and thus cholinergic et al., 2020). A reduction of α-synuclein, the protein attributed
transmission were apparent. Generally, citrus flavonoids led to parkinopathy has also been described (Mani et al., 2018),
to a reduction in acetylcholinesterase activity, accompanied potentially indicating that the effect extends further than
by subsequent increased acetylcholine levels (Ashafaq Alzheimer’s disease-associated proteins. Higher dosage appears
et al., 2014; Sachdeva et al., 2014; Chtourou et al., 2015; crucial to establish these effects, with <100 mg/kg failing
Javed et al., 2015; Khajevand-Khazaei et al., 2018; Ishola to have any impact. Finally, a report in which hesperetin
et al., 2019; Haider et al., 2020), however the reverse was administered demonstrated restoration of brain proteolytic
(increased acetylcholinesterase activity) has was also reported enzyme levels (Shagirtha et al., 2017), potentially linking citrus
(Chtourou et al., 2014; Shagirtha et al., 2017). Again, these flavonoids to lysosomal degradation processes (Aufschnaiter
discrepancies likely arise as a result of the different models et al., 2017) (Table 1).
used (Table 1).
Proteinopathy Ultimately, neurodegeneration which leads to cognitive
Only a limited amount of preclinical evidence exists to impairment can be defined as the progressive loss of neurons.
support the beneficial effects of citrus on proteinopathies. This Dysregulation of the above-mentioned processes categorically
primarily relates to Alzheimer’s disease, with reports revealing leads to neuronal cell death. Thus, the modulation achieved
improvements in Tau phosphorylation (Yang W. et al., 2014; through citrus flavonoids demonstrates a switch from a
TABLE 2 | Overview of citrus flavonoids on cognitive performance and locomotor activity in preclinical models.
Citrus polyphenol Behavioral test performance Reported effective Dose Model summary/References
Hesperidin No change locomotor activity (OF), ↓anxiety-like behavior 50 (28 days) Intrastriatal injection 6-OHD, 3–6-month adult male
(EPM), ↓depressive symptoms (splash test) C57BL/6 mouse (Antunes et al., 2020)
↓Anxiety-like behavior (EPM, OF), ↓Depressive symptoms 50, 150 (10 weeks) Dose I.P injection STZ, adult male Sprague Dawley rat
(FST) dependent with 150 more (Zhu et al., 2020)
↓Anhedonia (SPT), ↓Depressive symptoms (TST and FST), 100 and 200 (three times a Chronic unpredictable mild stress, 6–8-week ICR
↓Anxiety-like behavior (OF) week for 3 weeks) male mouse (Fu et al., 2019)
↑Recognition memory (NOL and NOR) 100 (21 days) IV injection Methotrexate, male Sprague Dawley rat
(Naewla et al., 2019)
↓Anhedonia (SPT), ↓Depressive symptoms (TST, FST, 50 (14 days) Concussive head injury, 10-11-week male NMRI
Novelty-suppressed feeding) mouse (Kosari-Nasab et al., 2018)
↑Spatial learning and memory (MWM and Y maze) 25, 50, 100 (14 days). Dose L -Methionine treated, male Wistar rat (Hemanth
dependent with 50 and 100 Kumar et al., 2017)
more effective
↓Depressive symptoms (TST and FST) 100 (60 days) I.P. AlCl3, 10-12-week male albino Wistar rat (Justin
Thenmozhi et al., 2017)
↓Anxiety-like behavior (OF), ↓Depressive symptoms (FST, 50 (14 days) Olfactory bulbectomy, male C57BL/6 mouse
rearing, grooming, splash test), ↑Spatial learning and (Antunes et al., 2016)
memory (MWM), ↑Recognition memory (NOR)
↓Anhedonia (SPT), ↓Depressive symptoms (FST), No 25, 50, 100 (7 days) I.P. LPS, male ICR mouse (Li M. et al., 2016)
change OF
↓Anhedonia (SPT), ↓Depressive symptoms (FST) 25, 50 (3 weeks) Chronic mild stress, 5-week male ICR mouse
(Li C. F. et al., 2016)
↑Social behavior (Nest building, resident-intruder assay) 100 (10 days) Transgenic APP/PS1–21, 5-month male mouse
(Li et al., 2015)
↑Spatial learning and memory (MWM) 100 and 200 (15 days) Intracerebroventricular injection STZ, 12-month
Swiss male albino mouse (Javed et al., 2015)
↓Depressive symptoms (FST) 25, 50, 100 (21 days) I.P. STZ, male albino Wistar rat (El-Marasy et al.,
↓Abnormal thigmotaxis (OF), ↑Recognition memory (NOR), 50, 100 (16 weeks) Dose APPswe/PS1dE9, 3-month male mouse (Wang
Spatial reference learning and memory (MWM) dependent with 100 more et al., 2014)
↓Depressive symptoms (TST), ↓Spatial memory (MWM), No 50 (28 days) Intracerebroventricular injection 6-OHDA, female
change OF C57 BL/6 mouse (Antunes et al., 2014)
Hesperetin ↑Spatial learning and memory (MWM and Y-Maze) 50 (5 weeks) I.P. LPS, 7–8-week male C57BL/6N mouse
(Muhammad et al., 2019)
↑Recognition memory (NOR), ↑Spatial learning and 5, 50 (3 days) I.P. scopolamine, male albino mouse (Ishola et al.,
memory (MWM) 2019)
↑Recognition memory (NOR), ↑Associative memory (PAT) 10, 20 (3 weeks) I.P. STZ male Wistar rat (Kheradmand et al., 2018)
Naringenin ↑Spatial learning and memory (MWM and Barnes maze) 250-300 (10 weeks) High-fat diet-fed, 10-month SAMP8 male mouse
(Zhou et al., 2020)
↑Spatial learning and memory (MWM), ↑Recognition 50 (14 days) I.P. AlCl3 + D-gal injection, young albino Wistar rat
memory (NOR), ↑Associative memory (PAT), ↑Working (Haider et al., 2020)
memory (EPM), ↑Social behavior, ↓Depressive symptoms
↑Spatial learning and memory (MWM), ↑Recognition 100 (15 days) Oral MeHg, 5-week male Swiss albino mouse
memory (NOR) (Krishna Chandran et al., 2019)
↓Anxiety-like behavior (OF), ↓Depressive symptoms (FST), 50 (4 weeks) Chronic unpredictable mild stress, adult male
↑Spatial learning and memory (MWM) Wistar rat (Tayyab et al., 2019)
↓Anhedonia (SPT), ↓Depressive symptoms (TST and FST) 25, 50, 100 (5 days) Dose Bilateral olfactory bulbectomy, 3-month BALB/c
dependent with 50 and 100 male mouse (Bansal et al., 2018)
more effective
↑Spatial learning and memory (Y-maze, ↑Recognition 50, 100 (7 days) I.P. LPS male albino Wistar rat (Khajevand-Khazaei
memory (NOR), ↑Associative memory (PAT) et al., 2018)
↑Motor Function (beam walk, vertical grid, horizontal grid) 25, 50, 100 (5 days) I.P. injection MPTP, male C57BL/6J mouse (Mani
et al., 2018)
↑Spatial learning and memory (MWM) 50 (16 days) Young adult male albino Wistar rat (Liaquat et al.,
TABLE 2 | Continued
Citrus polyphenol Behavioral test performance Reported effective Dose Model summary/References
↑Spatial learning and memory (Y-maze, RAM), ↑Associative 100 (single dose) Dorsal hippocampal Aβ injection, adult male Wistar
memory (PAT) rat (Ghofrani et al., 2015)
↓Anhedonia (SPT), ↓Anxiety (Novelty-suppressed feeding 10, 20 (3 weeks) Chronic unpredictable mild stress, 5-week male
test) ICR mouse (Yi et al., 2014)
↑Spatial learning and memory (MWM) 25, 50, 100 (21 days) Intracerebroventricular injection, STZ adult male
Sprague Dawley rat (Yang W. et al., 2014)
↑Motor Function (Rota rod, Grip test, Adhesive-removal 50 (21 days) Middle cerebral artery occlusion, 16-week male
test) Wistar rat (Raza et al., 2013)
Naringin ↑Locomotor activity (Rotarod, Beam-crossing, footprint 40 and 80↑(28 days) Intrastriatal injection quinolinic acid, adult male
analyses), ↓Depressive symptoms (Grooming) Sprague-Dawley rat (Cui et al., 2018)
↑Motor/locomotor activity (Horizontal Bar, Spontaneous 20 and 40 (28 days) Dose Intastriatal injection collagenase, adult female
Motility, Forelimb Flexion, Righting Reflex, Actophotometer, dependent 40 most Wistar rat (Singh et al., 2017)
Rotarod, Paw withdrawal) ↓Depressive symptoms (FST) effective
↑Spatial learning and memory (MWM)
↓Motor abnormalities (Hind limb function test, Grip strength 80 (14 days) I.P. 3-nitropropionic acid, male Wistar rat (Gopinath
test, Print length analysis) and Sudhandiran, 2016)
↑Spatial learning and memory (MWM), ↑Recognition 100 (20 weeks) High-fat diet induced cognitive decline, male
memory (NOR) C57BL/6 mouse (Wang et al., 2015b)
↓Anxiety-like behavior (OF, elevated T maze) 25, 50, 100 (5 weeks) Dose Cisplatin exposed, middle aged Wistar rat
dependent with 100 most (Chtourou et al., 2015)
↑Spatial learning and memory (MWM) ↑Working memory 50, 100, and 200 (21 days) Intracerebroventricular STZ, adult male Wistar rats
(EPM) (Sachdeva et al., 2014)
Kaempferol ↑Sensorimotor behaviors (Whisker stimulation-induced 1 (three times: 1, 24, 48 h) Traumatic Brain Injury, 23–24-day male
motor response, Forelimb usage test) Sprague-Dawley rat (Chitturi et al., 2019)
↑Spatial learning and memory (Y-maze), ↑Recognition 21 (14 days) I.P. Chlorpyrifos daily for 14 days, 8-week male
memory (NOR) albino Wistar rat (Hussein et al., 2018)
↑Spatial learning and memory (MWM) 10 (21 days) Intracerebroventricular injection STZ, OVX female
Wistar rats (Kouhestani et al., 2018)
disease state to an overall anti-apoptotic environment and in occlusion (Raza et al., 2013), and traumatic brain injury
some cases an additional increase proliferation/neurogenesis. (Chitturi et al., 2019).
Amongst markers of these effects, the nuclear protein Ki67
and the microtubule-associated protein doublecortin (DCX)
were reported in addition to the apoptotic regulating proteins HUMAN EVIDENCE FOR CITRUS
Cognitive Outcomes Whilst a wealth of pre-clinical (reviewed above) and in vitro
Unsurprisingly, given the established effects of flavonoids on data exploring neurocognitive outcomes in relation to citrus
key markers of brain health and functionality at molecular and flavonoids is currently available, the same cannot be said for
metabolic levels, in studies where cognition was determined, human trials which remain considerably limited in number.
flavonoid supplementation led to improvements in cognitive In our literature search, we identified 10 human studies (five
performance. Cognitive and behavioral assessment further observational; five interventions) assessing the effects of citrus
supports/demonstrates the neuroprotective properties associated flavonoids on brain health and cognition in healthy adults, or in
with citrus flavonoids (Table 2). Anxiolytic and antidepressant addition to other co-morbidities including depression, dementia,
actions were particularly prominent across the literature and schizophrenia, and stroke.
appeared to be consistent across several disease models,
suggesting modulation of a fundamental anxiety and depression Studies on Healthy Adults
related process. Similarly, citrus polyphenol supplementation The benefits of citrus fruit consumption in the context of healthy
improved deficits in learning and memory, specifically spatial aging were highlighted by a cross-sectional study involving 2031
and recognition memory, which may indicate protection of elderly (aged 70–74 years) Norwegian individuals which explored
medial temporal lobe, particularly vulnerable to Alzheimer’s like the impact of different plant foods on cognitive performance
neurodegenerative diseases. Improvements in motor functions (Nurk et al., 2010). Study participants underwent extensive
and locomotion were also apparent, and impressively remained cognitive testing in addition to completing comprehensive
even in most severe models such as middle cerebral artery food frequency questionnaires. After adjustment for multiple
TABLE 3 | Overview of intervention studies on citrus fruits in brain health and disease in humans.
Lamport et al., 2016 Single blind 40 healthy adults N/A (Healthy adults) High flavanone drink Acute
randomized trial (18–30 years) (70.5 mg)
Alharbi et al., 2016 Double blind 24 healthy males N/A (Healthy adults) Flavonoid rich orange Acute
randomized trial (30-65 years) juice (272 mg)
Kean et al., 2015 Double blind 37 healthy adults N/A (Healthy adults) High flavanone 100% 8 weeks
randomized control trial (60–81 years) orange juice (305 mg)
Park et al., 2020 Randomized single 40 adults (20–30 years) Depressive symptoms Flavonoid rich orange 8 weeks
blind study and microbiota juice (600 mg)
Chang et al., 2016 Prospective cohort 82,643 females (36–55 Depression Total dietary flavonoid 10 year follow up
study and 53–80 years) intake (including
Zhang et al., 2017 Retrospective cohort 13,373 adults Dementia Daily citrus intake 5.7 year follow up
study (>65 years)
Bruno et al., 2017 Open label pilot study 20 adults (age n/a) Cognitive dysfunction in Bergamot polyphenolic 8 weeks
Schizophrenia fraction (1000 mg/day)
Nurk et al., 2010 Cross-sectional study 2031 Elderly adults Cognitive decline Different plant foods N/A
(70–74 years) (including citrus intake)
Goetz et al., 2016 Biracial prospective 20,024 participants Stroke incident Different flavonoid 6.5 years follow up
study (>45 years) intake (including
Cassidy et al., 2012 Prospective cohort 69,622 females Stroke incident Dietary flavonoid intake 14 years follow up
study (30–55 years) (including flavanones)
testing, citrus fruits had the strongest association with cognitive (measure of attention and more broadly executive function) at
test performance. Kendrick object learning, trial making, digit 2 and 6 h respectively. A non-significant trend for higher global
symbol and block design tasks all showed statistically significant cognitive performance (all tests combined) was also observed,
improvements suggestive of better episodic memory, executive as well as an increase in subjective alertness. Interestingly,
function, perceptual speed, and visuospatial skills (Table 3). significant improvements observed in cognition and subjective
Following on from these observations, Kean et al. (2015), alertness at 6 h coincide with an anticipated peak in flavanone
examined the chronic consumption of flavanone-rich orange metabolites at 5–7 h (Manach et al., 2003), although this was not
juice in relation to cognition in 37 healthy volunteers (60– physically measured.
81 years). The study was a double-blind RCT with a crossover As with the previous study, Lamport et al. (2016) assessed
design and involved consumption of a 500 mL high flavanone acute neurological response, this time to a commercially
(daily serving of 305 mg – 549 mg hesperidin/L and 60 mg available high flavanone beverage (HF, 70.5 mg – 42.15 mg
narirutin/L) orange juice daily for 8 weeks. In support of hesperidin, 17.25 mg naringin, 6.75 mg narirutin, 4.3 mg caffeic
the cross-sectional study mentioned above, global cognition acid) and utilizing an additional measure of cerebral blood
increased in response to chronic consumption of the flavanone- flow (CBF). The study was single blind, randomized, cross
rich orange juice relative to control. In addition, high flavanone over, by design involving healthy adult volunteers (aged 18–
intake significantly improved recall and nominally increased 30 years). Participants underwent either cognitive testing 2 h
executive function, although post hoc analysis found this to post consumption (n = 28) or completed an fMRI assessment
be non-significant (p = 0.06). These effects were independent of CBF 2 and 5 h post consumption (n = 16). High flavanone
of mood and blood pressure which both remained unchanged beverage intake significantly increased cerebral perfusion in the
(Table 3). inferior frontal and middle right frontal gyrus in the right
Acute neurological responses to citrus flavonoids hemisphere at 2 h. Similarly, at 2 h, improvement in digit
have similarly been investigated (Alharbi et al., 2016; symbol substitution test (a measure of executive function) was
Lamport et al., 2016). Firstly, in a randomized, double-blind, seen, correlating with the increased regional perfusion of the
placebo-controlled, crossover trial, Alharbi et al. (2016) explored inferior frontal gyrus, known to be involved in executive function
the cognitive benefits associated with flavonoid-rich orange (Aron et al., 2004). Despite the extensive cognitive battery, no
juice (272 mg – 220.46 mg hesperidin, 34.54 mg narirutin, additional effects were found. However, as addressed by the
17.14 mg other flavonoids) at 2 and 6 h post-consumption in 24 authors, this study had a number of limitations. In particular,
healthy middle-aged adults (30–65 years). From the cognitive the fact MRI and cognitive test were performed on separate
battery performed, flavonoid rich orange juice consumption individuals, and that cognitive tests were only performed at
led to higher performance in Simple Finger Tapping (measure 2 h limits comparative potential. Additionally, as stated by the
of psychomotor speed) and Continuous Performance Task authors, the fact that the participants were generally young and
highly educated may have limited the response given they were can attribute these effects to specific neurodegenerative diseases
likely to be optimally functioning (Table 3). and should be considered in future studies (Table 3).
Studies on Depression
Depression is a complex mood disorder which can often be Studies on Schizophrenia
challenging to treat effectively. Preclinical studies have reported Schizophrenia is a complex psychotic condition affecting
anti-depressant effects of flavonoids, usually attributable to their cognition, the cognitive hallmark of schizophrenia being poor
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics, and inhibition learning and retention of verbal information (Bowie and
of monoamine oxidases (Hritcu et al., 2017). An important Harvey, 2006). In an open label pilot study, 20 outpatients
serological marker identified in depression is BDNF (involved diagnosed with schizophrenia receiving second generation
in processes within the central nervous system) which has antipsychotic medication consumed a flavanone-rich bergamot
been observed to be significantly lower in patients with major polyphenolic fraction (BPF) daily at a dose of 1000 mg/day
depressive disorder compared to non-depressed control groups, for 8 weeks. Daily BPF consumption significantly improved
and subsequently recovered antidepressant users (Chen et al., Wisconsin Card Sorting Test “perseverative errors” and semantic
2001). Interestingly, BDNF is often increased in response to fluency test. With a trend for other cognitive variables evident
flavonoid consumption (Neshatdoust et al., 2016). (Bruno et al., 2017) (Table 3).
In a prospective cohort study following 82,643 women with
no previous diagnosis of depression from the Nurses’ Health
Study (NHS; aged 53–80 years) and Nurses’ Health Study II Studies on Stroke and Stroke Risk
(NHSII; aged 36–55 years) throughout a 10-year period, an Factors
inverse association between incident depression and citrus intake, The protective effects of citrus flavonoids in cerebrovascular
with greatest flavanone intake (>64.2 mg/day) resulting in disease are well documented (Testai et al., 2017; Mahmoud
a significant 10% reduction in incident depression risk was et al., 2019) and appears to extend to stroke incidence.
observed. Furthermore, citrus fruit and juice intake of >2 A prospective cohort study, assessing the association of
servings/day had HR of 0.82 (Chang et al., 2016). dietary flavonoid intake toward stroke risk, followed 69,622
These anti-depressant effects of citrus flavonoids were recently women (30–55 years) from the NHS Study throughout a
put to the test by Park et al. (2020), in a single blind, 14-year period (Cassidy et al., 2012). Although flavonoid
randomized control study examining the effects of daily 380 ml intake was not inversely associated with stroke risk, women
flavonoid rich (FR; 600 ± 5.4 mg flavonoid content) orange with greatest intake of flavanones > 62.95 mg/day had a
juice consumption on depressive symptoms and gut microbiota relative risk for experiencing an ischemic stroke of 0.81
for an 8-week period in young adults (aged 20–30 years). compared to lowest intake < 13.72 mg/day. Additionally,
The results in relation to depression were by no means clear an inverse trend was established between citrus fruit/juice
cut, with no apparent significant differences between high intake and risk of ischemic stroke. These apparently
and low flavonoid groups after 8 weeks. However, compared protective effects did not influence haemorrhagic strokes
with baseline the results suggested potential improvement in (Scheffers et al., 2018; D’Elia et al., 2020; Zurbau et al.,
BDNF, and to some extent to the Center for Epidemiological 2020).
Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), a psychiatric screening tool A recent prospective cohort study (Goetz et al., 2016),
used to detect pre-existing mental disorders, although both utilizing ‘The Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in
treatments appeared to improve upon baseline CES-D scores Stroke’ (REGARDS) database, assessed whether any association
(Table 3). exists between flavonoid intake and incident ischemic stroke
in a biracial cohort. 20,024 participants (>45 years) of whom
Studies on Dementia flavonoid consumption was determined from FFQ, were
Despite the preclinical evidence backing the beneficial followed for 6.5 years. After multivariable adjustment,
effect of citrus flavonoids in models of Alzheimer’s and the highest flavanone intake > 48 mg/day was inversely
Parkinson’s diseases, etc. there remains very limited evaluation at associated with incidences of ischemic stroke compared to
the human level. lowest flavanone intake < 3.9 mg/day. With citrus fruit/juice
In a retrospective cohort study (Zhang et al., 2017), examined consumption displaying similarly reduced risk (HR of 0.69).
the association between daily citrus intake and dementia In agreement with the above-mentioned study of total
incidence in 13,373 participants (age ≥ 65 years). FFQs in flavonoids and other flavonoid subclasses did not show any
combination with the Japanese Long-term Care Insurance statistically significant association with incident ischemic stroke,
database were used over a 5.7 years follow up period. Overall, clearly showcasing the importance of the flavanone subclass
an inverse dose-response relationship was established between (Table 3).
weekly citrus fruit intake and incident dementia, with hazard Of particular relevance to the mitigation of stroke risk, and
ratios for citrus fruit consumption 3–4 times/week and every day also neurodegenerative conditions, it is worth briefly mentioning
0.92 (95% CI 0.80, 1.07) and 0.77 (95% CI 0.73, 1.01) respectively. the influence of citrus flavonoid intake on blood pressure, and
As dementia represents a wide range of neurodegenerative vascular functions. RCTs in which flavonoids were administered
diseases, lack of further classification limits the extent to which we in the form of orange juice have established significant reductions
in blood pressure (Morand et al., 2011; Valls et al., 2020), pulse From a human perspective, there is an obvious lack of
pressure (Valls et al., 2020), while also improving flow-mediated human clinical studies which needs to be addressed if a
dilation (Li et al., 2020). robust assessment of therapeutic potential is to be made.
Similarly, very few human studies have followed up on the
mechanistic insights established in the preclinical setting.
FUTURE PERSPECTIVES AND Future human studies should take note of the limitations
CONCLUSION arising from other human studies in which nutraceuticals
were assessed in the context of brain health and disease, for
The preclinical literature search distinguished fundamental example ensuring optimal participant targeting (in demographics
mechanisms central to citrus flavonoids, with protective where significant change is most likely to occur), dosage,
effects linked with anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory action timing, and duration of treatment for measurable effects
particularly well established. Yet, there are a number of areas to be established.
requiring further investigation. First, the overwhelming majority The complex mixtures of polyphenols present in citrus fruits
of studies to date involve relatively young male animals making it and juices and their bioactive nuances likely convey greater
difficult to establish whether or not the observable effects are sex benefit than one purified compound, accumulatively acting upon
or age specific. Nor do we have an understanding of modulation multiple targets, and producing synergistic effects. Given the
by either factor. Second, the models employed tend to lean multifactorial nature of neurodegenerative diseases, one would
toward the severe side of the disease spectrum, thus translation speculate that this complex form would therefore offer greater
to a healthy aging context, or milder conditions, remains to be efficacy, but this is yet to be fully determined.
fully determined, although some initial work provides supportive In conclusion, although significant work remains to fully
results (Liaquat et al., 2018). Third, despite recent attention on establish the benefits of citrus polyphenols in brain health and
the relationship between gut microbiota and polyphenols, and disease, the accumulating in vitro and preclinical data combined
the apparent ability of citrus flavonoids to mitigate LPS associated with the support of steadily emerging human studies indicates
neuroinflammation/NDG, to our knowledge there are no studies future potential.
which have explored the role of the microbiota in combination
with citrus flavonoids in the context of brain health and disease.
Finally, as can be seen in Table 1, the impact of citrus flavonoids
upon BBB integrity/function appears to have emerged over the AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
last couple of years (Cheng et al., 2018; Li et al., 2019; Yang
et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2020), particularly for kaempferol, and MP, MMM, and DV wrote the manuscript. MP, MMM, EC,
therefore should be examined in further studies, especially as MM, and DV contributed to the literature search and edited
BBB integrity has similarly been associated with gut microbiota the manuscript. All the authors contributed to the article and
(Braniste et al., 2014). approved the submitted version.
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