Lecture 1 - Introduction

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One Love. One Future.

Fundamentals of
A s s o c. P r o f. B U I D a n g T h a n h
T h a n h . b u i d a n g @ h u s t. e d u . v n

Assoc. Prof., Dr. BUI Dang Thanh

Lecturer at SEE, Vice-director of ICEA
 Address: Room 305, Hi-tech Building, Hanoi University of Science of Technology
 Phone: 024 3868 3518
 Email: [email protected]
 Education: PhD, ENS Cachan, France - Field: Automation
 Research Directions:
 Wireless Smart Device
 Industrial Instrumentation and Control Systems (PLC, SCADA, DCS)
 Envirronment Monitoring Systems
 IoT Application for Smart Agriculture

Course Objectives

Basic knowledge of instrumentation

Principles of electrical measurement

Principles of non-electrical measurement

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Instrumentation
Chapter 2: Current & Voltage Measurement
Chapter 3: Power & Energy Measurement
Chapter 4: Timing Parameters Measurement
Chapter 5: Overview of Non-electrical Measurement
Course Chapter 6: Temperature Measurement
Chapter 7: Strain & Force Measurement
Contents Chapter 8: Pressure Measurement
Chapter 9: Flow Measurement
Chapter 10: Kinetic Parameters Measurement
Chapter 11: Gas Measurement
Chapter 12: Communication in Measuring System 4
Hanoi University of Science and

Chapter 1. Fundamentals of

One Love. One Future.

1) Micheal Grout, Patrick Salaun, “Instrumentation Industrielle”, L'uisine
nouvelle, 2015
2) Prof. Dr. Murat Aşkar, “EEE342:Lecture 1 - Fundamentals of Measurement”,
İzmir University of Economics,
3) CRCnetBase, “Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook”,
CRC Press LLC, 1999
4) Jon Willson, “Sensor Technology Handbook”, Elsevier Inc, 2005
5) Instrumentation Reference Book, BE Noltingk, Butter Worth Heinemann ,
6) Electronic instrumentation, P.P.L. Regtien, VSSD.
7) Fundamental of Instrumentation and Measurement, Dominique Placko,
Published in Great Britain and the United States in 2007 by ISTE Ltd. 6


History of Measurement

Measurement Classification

Absolute and Relative Errors


 Measurement:
 Determining the value of the
quantity to be measured
 Measurement results are
presented as:

 A: the value of measurement
 X: measured quantity
 X0: unit of measurement
 Measurement signal:
 Carries information about the value of a
 Examples:
Vibration Position scan with light signal
Electric current
Temperature Depth measure
with echo sound
 Digital and Analog Signal (acoustic signal)
 Predetermined and random signal

 A measurand:
 Description of the specific quantity we
intended to measure.
 Should be detailed to avoid any ambiguity.
 Examples:
 the amount of substance concentration of
glucose in plasma
 the depth of the Mariana trench


 Unit of measure:
 SI – International System of Units
 7 base units

The Canadian Standard Kilogram.

Kilogram is the only unit in the
metric defined by an actual object.
History of Measurement

 Unit of measurement based on the human body

Diagram of Egyptian
Relief carving of Acient Greek
definitions of CUBIT and
Measurement using HAND
Diagram of Yup’ik PALM
(Alaska Native) UNITS of LENGTH 12
History of Measurement
 The needs for Measurement:
 With trade and taxation came the need for standardized units

Standard weights from the Indus river valley

Standard weights for measuring A bronze ruler from the

gold dust used by the Asante of Han dynasty in China
History of Measurement
 The first improved unit : the unit of length
– Meter
 18th cen:
 10 times shortest distance from the
North Pole to the equator passing through
 1889:
30 platinum-irridium bars across the globe

History of Measurement
 The first improved unit – Meter
 1960:
As 1.65076373 × 10 wavelength of the radiation from
KRYPTON-86 in space
 1983:
The distance that light travels in 1/299,792,458th of a A Krypton-86 lamp used to
second define the metre between
1960 and 1983.

Measurement Classification

 Direct measurement
 Result is obtained directly from a single measurement.
 Result is the value of the quantity to be measured without having to be
calculated through any expression.

E.g: Ohmmeter to E.g: Ammeter to

measure resistor measure current

Measurement Classification

 Indirect measurement
 Result is derived from the combination of
results of multiple measurements using a
direct measurement.

E.g: Using Ammeter and Volmeter to

measure current and voltage, to calculate
P = U.I
Measurement Classification
 Composite measurement:
 Results are obtained by solving a system of equations with known parameters that
are measured from direct measurements.
 Correlation measurement:
 Complex processes need to be measured
 where it is not possible to establish a direct functional relationship between the
measurand and the quantity to be measured.
 Statistical measurement:
 A measurement that is performed many times
 calculated according to statistical probability
 To find the value of a measurement result with the greatest possible accuracy
Measuring Methods Classification

 Straight convert measuring method (No feedback)

 Concept:

 Measuring process:  Examples:


X0->N0 (Labelling)
X -> NX (Encoding)

Calculate NX/N0
EC EC - Encoding
PC - Processing
DP - Displaying


Measuring Methods Classification
 Comparative measuring method (With feedback)

 Concept:

Measuring Equipment Classification

 Sample (Standards):
 Equipment for restoring a certain physical
 Very high accuracy from 0,001% to 0,1% depends
on each accuracy class and type of equipment.
 Can be devided into 4 classes:
Class 1 – International Standard : in Paris, France
Class 2 – National Standard:
Class 3 – Zone Standard:
Class 4 - Laboratory Standard:
 Measuring Device:
Measuring Equipment Classification

 Sample (Standards):
 Measuring device:
 Process signals
To bring measurement information into a
convenient form for the observer.

Standards and Samples

 International standard:
 Defined by international agreements

 National Standard

 Industry standard

Standards and Samples

 Primary standard

 Secondary standard:
 1st order standard Class 1 sample device

 2nd order standard

Class 2 sample device

Operating measuring device

Measuring device structure
 Simple:

 With amplifier and digital output:

Sensor structure

 Analog:

 Digital:

Instrument Characteristics

 Sensitivity:
 S=const -> x,y have linear relationship.
 S= f(x) -> x,y have nonlinear relationship - > nonlinear
error exists.
 dS/S = s : Sensitivity error of instruments
 Span:
DX=Xmax – Xmin

Instrument Characteristics
 Sensitivity threshold of measuring equipment: εX
 Is the lowest value that instruments can discriminate.

 Dissociation capacity of the device (RX)

 Analogue instruments: RX = DX / εX
is the fraction of the reading that can be read (usually 1/5 of the scale).
 Digital device: RX = DX / εg = Nn
is the threshold of ADC or the value of an LSB of the encoder

Instrument Characteristics
 Includes instrumentation accuracy and
precision Errors

 The electromechanical instruments have

accuracy class: 0.05; 0.1; 0.2; 0.5; 1; 1.5; 2; 2.5 Types of
Absolute Relative Converted Relative

and 4
 Digital measuring equipment with accuracy Causes Systemetrical Random

class: 0.005; 0.01; 0.02; 0.05; 0.1; 0.2; 0.5; 1

Relationship with X Plus Multiple
 Measurement with incompleteness that
causes errors in the measurement results. Input Signal (Xt) Static Dynamic

 Errors: Technical Conditions Basic Extra

 systemmetrical
 random
Absolute error

 The absolute error determined by the deviation of a measuring instrument or

measurement is determined as:
ΔX = |Xreal - Xmeasured|
 ΔX: Deviation of ith measurement of quantity X
 Xmeasured: Result of the first measurement of quantity X
 Xtrue: True value, which is the measurement provided by a sample or the
result of measuring X by the precision grade measuring instrument many
times higher than the measuring device used.

Relative error

 Absolute error does not allow a measurement to be evaluated. Relative error

is used to evaluate the accuracy of a measurement:

 = X/Xreal. 100%

 Xmeasured is the measured value
 Xreal is the true value
 ΔX is the absolute error

Absolute error
ΔX= Δsys+ Δrandom
 Systematic error:
 ΔX: Absolute error.
 Δsys: Systematic error – Due to reasons that can be analyzed and
 Δrandom: Random error whose cause cannot be determined and according to
the law of randomness.

Absolute error
ΔX= Δsys+ Δrandom
 Systematic error:
 Systematic error is caused by frequent factors or factors having laws, making
the measurement results with the same error of each measurement, the
 Due to the tool, the measuring machine is not perfect.
 Due to the method of measurement, how the measurement result is
handled or influencing factors are ignored.

Random error

 Random error is the error caused by abnormal factors, without a law.

 Based on the measured values, it is possible to determine the
changing law of random error thanks to statistical mathematics and
probability theory.
 Most measurements with random error obey the normal distribution law
(Gausse) and are based on the assumption:
 Random errors with the same value (magnitude) have the same probability
 Having a small value, the probability appears large and vice versa
 If the error exceeds a certain limit, it is assumed that the probability of
occurrence is 0, and the mean of the random errors approaches 0 when the
number of measurements reaches infinity.

Random error calculation

 Random error of i-times measurement:

 Gaussian distribution law:

Random error calculation

 Probability distribution density:

Δ is the absolute random error and σ is the square deviation

 Variance D:

 Probability of random error in a given interval:

Random error calculation

 Processing measurement results:

 Mathematical expectations:

 Squared deviation (Bessel's formula):

 Estimate the average deviation of the algebraic mean:

Random error

 Processing measurement results:

 Number of measurement is big enough: n -> ∞:

k is constant in the table

 Number of measurement: n ≥ 20:

 Number of measurement: n < 20:

hst is student constant

Measurement results process

 Measurement results:

 Relative square error:


 We use the voltage measurement with the same precision and

we get the results shown in the following table:

n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
U(V) 200,03 200,05 200,02 199,92 199,98 200,04 199,96 199,97 200,03

 The distribution law is normal and the reliable probability is 0.98 (hst = 1.9).
 Calculate the confidence interval and the relative squared error of the
measurement result


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