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Protector — Type 7825

PC Software for calculating Personal

Noise Exposure
Protector™ is a Windows-based
software package for post-processing,
simulating and archiving noise exposure
data. Designed to work with the family
of Brüel & Kjær sound level meters, noise
dose meters and sound level analyzers,
Protector allows you to quickly download
sample noise profiles for specific locations
or persons. Protector can use this data to
calculate noise exposure for people or
positions under investigation. Protector
calculates noise exposure according to
ISO 9612.2.

For situations where only work point

noise measurements are available, and
workers move about, Protector can
combine workpoint measurements with a
profile of a persons movements, to
simulate their personal noise exposure.

USES ❍ Making comparisons between measured, calculated, and permitted
noise exposure values
❍ Corporate database for all occupational health matters related to
noise exposure
❍ Identifying high-exposure areas and jobs for planning noise-reduction

FEATURES ❍ Import of measurements in common data format from Brüel & Kjær
sound level meters and noise processing software
❍ Data presented in both graphical and tabular formats, exportable to
spreadsheet programs or Windows clipboard
❍ Noise sources assignable to workers according to their daily routine
❍ Drag-and-drop transfer of data between calculation sheets
❍ Fulfils ISO 9612 (1997), including sampling method

Noise Exposure at Work

The effects of noise in the workplace ISO 9612 (1997) provides guidance on the calculation of noise exposure
on the well being of workers is well for an 8-hour period based on sampling techniques and direct measure-
known. Older legislation concerning
ment. This allows more realistic noise exposure values to be calculated.
noise exposure concentrated on noise
levels for particular tasks and Employers and local authorities need to ensure that their noise expo-
machinery at specific locations, but sure calculations have been done in accordance with this standard.
neglected the effects on workers
moving around the workplace and Protector Type 7825 software, used in conjunction with a Brüel & Kjær
being exposed to noise at different sound level meter, noise dose meter, or sound level analyzer is the ideal
locations throughout the day. tool for this job – designed specifically for monitoring, calculating, re-
porting and archiving noise-exposure levels experienced by workers.

Simulation Model

A working point is the place where a Protector simulates the daily work-pattern of a person by combining
person works, typically close to a piece working point noise level measurements (LAeq and Lpk(MaxP)) with the
of machinery or plant. Any number of
work duration at each working point. From this, the personal noise
working points and people can be
included in a Protector project. A exposure (LEX,T) is found.
working point can be associated with
If the noise level at a working point changes, all people that are asso-
more than one person, allowing the
noise sample from a representative ciated with that point automatically have their noise exposure updated
machine to be used with many workers. accordingly.

Data Input

Protector is one of a range of software packages from Brüel & Kjær for
environmental noise measurement. Integrating fully with the range of
Brüel & Kjær environmental noise measuring tools it can import data
❍ Sound level meters/analyzers
❍ Noise dose meters
❍ Other Brüel & Kjær software

Sound Level Meters/Analyzers

The sound level meters supported by Protector are Types 2236, 2237,
2238 and Sound Level Analyzer Type 2260 (see Fig. 1).
Types 2236, 2238 and 2260 are Type 1 precision integrating sound level
meters designed for general use. Combined with Protector, they are
ideal for making working point measurements and other fixed location
Type 2237 has similar functionality to Type 2236, the main differences
being that it is a Type 2 instrument and has no time history logging
During a measurement session, a 2238, for example, equipped with the
logging option produces profiles (time history log, e.g., one set of meas-
ured data per second) and an overall results table. The profile is dis-
played by Protector as a graph, from which a representative noise
sample can be captured and made available to working point folders.
You can connect your Brüel & Kjær sound level meter/analyzer or dosim-
eter directly to a PC running Protector via a serial interface cable as
shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 The various possible inputs to Protector software

AO 1442

Br el & Kj r Type 2260

Sound Level Analyzer 2260

Input from:
Application Dose Evidence Reporter
Software Reporter 7696 7694
Cable BZ 7028 7697

AO 1442
Brüel & Kjær Type 2236

Precision Integrating
Sound Level Meter 2236 or 2238

AO 1442
Brüel & Kjær Type 2236

2237 Personal Computer Protector Noise Evaluator
7825 Explorer 7820/21

Cable AO 0498 +
Cable AO 0507
Noise Dose Meter (Dosimeter)
4436 960482/3e

Noise Dose Meter (Dosimeter)
Type 4436 is a noise dose meter designed specifically to be worn by a
worker and acquire noise data. Using Type 4436 with Protector allows
you to gather noise data as the person moves from one working point
to another. Time history data is available from Type 4436, allowing
individual parts of a persons working day to be identified. Noise data
for specific machines can be extracted from this information and be
used as samples for other workers at similar machines. This reduces
the number of people and working points that have to be measured to
obtain a complete set of samples.

Other Programs
Protector is able to read data from other Brüel & Kjær programs, e.g.,
Types 7694, 7696 and 7697 and BZ 7028. Being able to transfer and re-
use existing data in Protector, allows you to build up your projects/
databases even quicker, since data already available from one of these
programs need not be re-measured.

Project Database

Protector Type 7825 is a combination The Project

of spreadsheet and database routines
tailored by Brüel & Kjær for calculating A project is the complete collection of Protector files in which all per-
personal noise exposure. sonal noise exposure data belonging to one organisation are stored.
The spreadsheet part is used to
determine and present the results of A Protector project has two main folders – Measurement and Organisa-
noise exposure calculations. tion (see Fig. 2).
The database manages all the working
point and personnel data belonging to
a Protector project.

Fig. 2 The main Protector window show-

ing a project tree and graphs of meas-
ured data

Measurement Folder
The Measurement Folder is used to pool data read into Protector from
field measurements.
The measurements can be viewed on the screen as:
❍ Time history graphs
❍ Noise profile graphs
❍ Overall results
❍ Spectra1
❍ Cumulative and level distribution1
After you have inspected the data, you can select relevant parts for
inclusion in working point or person files in the Organisation Folder.

Organisation Folder
The Organisation Folder is the part of a Protector project tree where
the layout of the company/site is modelled.
Fig. 2 shows a typical Protector project tree. You can see that the Or-
ganisation Folder has sub-folders attached to it. Some of these folders
refer to buildings and others refer to people. Typically, working points
are grouped into the buildings in which they are situated and workers
are grouped according to their trade.
Unlimited levels of folders are possible, meaning that a whole factory
site, or indeed all the sites belonging to one company, can be grouped
into one Project tree.

Working Point and Person Files

Each working point or person in a Protector project has a record asso-
ciated with it. This record, usually named after the working point or
person it refers to, contains all the attributes associated with the person
or working point.
Attributes include:
❍ Activity percentage
❍ Effective duration
❍ Noise dose
❍ Keywords
While you are building the Organisational Folder up, you can assign the
time spent at particular working points to each person. This produces
the work-pattern profile, from which the LEX,T is calculated. Once the
work-pattern has been established, the worker and working point data
remain dynamically linked ensuring automatic updating of the files if
something is changed.

Data Extraction

One of Protector’s powerful features is its ability to sort data into

categories before making statistical calculations. Sorting is based on
Keywords are user defined labels by the that can be attached to any
record, and records can have any number of keywords. For example,

1. Dependent on data source

you might define a keyword to be “over 45 years old”. You would then
assign this keyword to all workers over that age, even though they are
likely to be in different work groups, for example tool-cutters and lathe
When you ask Protector to do an analysis, you could specify to only
include workers over 45. Protector would then extract only these people
from the database.
This means you are not tied to analysing data in only one folder at a


Protector fulfils ISO 9612 (1997), part of which describes a sampling

method for determining the uncertainty with which a working point’s
noise level is calculated. Sampling is an attractive solution to noise
measurement since the need for long sampling periods is removed,
allowing more measurements to be made within a given time.
In essence, the sampling technique allows you to take five or more
random samples of short duration at a working point, from which a full
8-hour LAeq is calculated. Since all 8 hours are not measured, there is
a degree of uncertainty with the calculated LAeq.
Protector calculates the uncertainty. This information indicates if a
working point’s noise level lies well above the noise limit, well below
it, or is borderline. Borderline noise levels need further investigation to
find the actual LAeq value, but those working points well above and well
below need no further investigation. Thus a great deal of field testing
time is saved.

Statistical Calculations

The bar chart in Fig. 2 clearly identifies the people subject to more than
the allowed daily noise dose. By presenting the data in this way, you
can easily see the magnitude of the problem.
The cumulative and distribution curves show the same data, but plotted
in a different way. Here you can see how Protector shows you the
number of people that are affected.
The “after” case in Fig. 3 shows the result of noise reduction for one
worker. By reducing the exposure time and the exposure level, the daily
exposure drops below the threshold level.
By regularly updating working point noise level data, you can continu-
ally monitor the personal noise level exposures for all workers.

Fig. 3 Two screen pictures with the
same personal data but with different
working point noise levels. This shows
how Protector helps you identify noise
problems by offering “before and after”


Data in Protector is presented in either tabular or graphical form, both

of which can be copied to the Windows clipboard. This allows you to
include Protector results in other Windows programs, such as Word or
Power Point.
Protector also has a print function that prints tables and graphs directly
to the Windows system printer.

User Interface

Protector Type 7825’s Windows type user interface makes it familiar to

most PC users, with its extensive on-line and context sensitive help,
providing immediate guidance on any queries.

Specifications 7825 (ver. 3.3)

Conforms with the following: 32-bit software for:
• ISO 9612 (1997) • Windows 3.x
• French NF S 31-084, 1987 • Windows 95/98
• German DIN 45 645, part 2, draft 1991 • Windows NT

English, French, German, Italian

Specifications 7825 (ver. 3.3) cont.
Transfer of measurement data via RS232 from the following Definition: A person record combines a number of contribu-
Brüel & Kjær instruments: tions into an overall personal noise exposure taking the work-
• Total measurement and Profile data from Precision Integrat- pattern of this person into account
ing Sound Level Meter Type 2236 Number: Only limited by hard disk space
• Total measurement data from Integrating Sound Level Meter Contributions: Total measurements, Profile classes or working
Type 2237 point record results
• Total measurement, Profiles and spectra from Type 2238 Me- Calculation results:
diator • LEX,T with user-definable T
• Total measurement, Profiles and spectra from Type 2260 In- • Duration
vestigator with BZ 7210, BZ 7201, BZ 7202, BZ 7203 or BZ 7206 • Exposure Time
• Total measurement and Profile data from Noise Dose Meter •E
Type 4436 • Dose
Import of measurement data from Brüel & Kjær software: • Lpk
• Reporter Type 7694
• Evidence Type 7696 DATA COMPARISON
• Dose Reporter Type 7697 Comparison of data at and below user-defined hierarchial level
• Application Software BZ 7028 of organisation
DATA STORAGE • Level distribution
Data is stored in a project containing a hierarchial tree based • Level versus working point/person
on measurements and corporate organisation Filter: Keywords can be defined and assigned to each person
Measurements: Contains measurement data (Profiles, overall or working point allowing quick comparison of user-defined
results, spectra and statistics) data using keyword searches
Organisation: Contains any number of folders, working point
records and person records. OUTPUT
Folders can also contain folders, working point records and On Screen: Results displayed in tabular or graphical from
person records. There are no limits to the number of levels in Windows Clipboard: Tables and screen pictures can be copied
the hierarchy to Windows clipboard for inclusion in other Windows pro-
PROFILE (TIME HISTORY) CONTRIBUTIONS Export: To Excel spreadsheets in .xls format or tab-separated
Display: A Profile of all measured parameters (including LAeq
ASCII format
and LpK(MaxP)) shown graphically as a function of time
Printing: Graphs and tables to all standard Windows output
Classification: Segments of the Profile can be marked to be
excluded or attributed to one of five user-defined classes
WORKING POINT RECORDS On-line context sensitive help
Definition: A working point record combines a number of
contributions into an overall noise level for a place where a RECOMMENDED COMPUTER CONFIGURATION
person works, for example in front of a machine. • Pentium™ based Personal Computer
Number: Only limited by hard disk space • Windows 95/98 or NT
Contributions: Total measurements or Profile classes • 32 MByte RAM
Calculation results: • 20 MByte of free disk space
• LAeq • CD ROM drive
• Uncertainty of LAeq (sampling technique only) • SVGA graphics display/adaptor
• Lpk • Mouse or other pointing device

Ordering Information
Type 7825 – 002 Protector (English Language) Optional Accessories

Type 7825– 003 Protector (French Language)

Type 7825 – 004 Protector (German Language) For use with Types 2236, 2237, 2238 and 2260:
Type 7825 – 005 Protector (Italian Language) AO 1442 9-pin to 25-pin Interface Cable

For use with Type 4436:

AO 0498 LEMO to 25-pin Interface Cable
AO 0507 LEMO to LEMO Interface Cable
BP 1717 – 13

Brüel & Kjær reserves the right to change specifications and accessories without notice

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