Test 2
Test 2
Test 2
Subject:- Procedure for clearance of Foreign Non-scheduled flights
3 The present minimum notice requirement for the flights for traffic
purposes has been changed from ten days to seven working days and,
for overflight/technical halts from 72 hours to three working days. The
minimum notice period requirements, however, may not be insisted
upon in the following cases:
4 The registration of the aircraft and Name & Nationality of the Pilot-in-
Command at Item Nos.7(iii) and 8 respectively of the application form
may not be insisted upon in the following cases provided the aircraft is
not capable of air dropping:
b) Cargo flights operated by International Airlines operating
scheduled passenger service to/from India.
(Satendra Singh)
Deputy Director General
For Director General of Civil Aviation
7. Aircraft Details
a) Type
b) State of Registry/ Nationality
c) Registration
d) Telephony designator (Flight No./
Call Sign)
e) Is the aircraft capable of air-
f) Whether the maximum certified
passenger capacity of the aircraft is
more than 30 seats
g) Whether the maximum payload
capacity of the aircraft is more than
3 tonnes
h) Whetehr the aircraft is fitted with
8. Pilot in Command
a) Name
b) Nationality
9. On board details
a) Name
b) Nationality
c) Address (with telephone/ fax no.)
d) Aircraft operators certificate/ permit
number, if any
13. Charterer
a) Name
b) Address (with telephone/ fax no.)