Test 2

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Subject:- Procedure for clearance of Foreign Non-scheduled flights

Many foreign operators had expressed difficulties in obtaining flight

clearances for their non-scheduled flights. The procedure for clearing the foreign
non-scheduled flights was reviewed in consultation with other departments and it
has been decided to implement the following changes with immediate effect:

1 There is no requirement to obtain flight clearances for aircraft operating

outside the Indian territory which includes the territorial waters but
within Indian the Flight Information Regions (FIRs).

2 A new Application Form (Annexure ‘A’) is to be used for all types of

flight clearances. Any application submitted with incomplete
information would be summarily rejected.

3 The present minimum notice requirement for the flights for traffic
purposes has been changed from ten days to seven working days and,
for overflight/technical halts from 72 hours to three working days. The
minimum notice period requirements, however, may not be insisted
upon in the following cases:

a) Ambulance flight (name and address of the patient and the

doctor to be given);
b) Relief aircraft of scheduled passenger airline due to grounding
of aircraft;
c) Relief flights in case of natural calamities.

4 The registration of the aircraft and Name & Nationality of the Pilot-in-
Command at Item Nos.7(iii) and 8 respectively of the application form
may not be insisted upon in the following cases provided the aircraft is
not capable of air dropping:

a) Series of tourist charter flights like operations to Goa Airport

(total duration not les than one month) provided the following
conditions are met:

i) Application for such flights must be submitted by the

operators at least one month in advance:

ii) Permission in such cases would be given only to

recognised airlines provided the antecedents of the
airlines is certified by DGCA of the country where the
airline is registered;

b) Cargo flights operated by International Airlines operating
scheduled passenger service to/from India.

c) Series of passenger/tourist flight over flying Indian air space

making technical landings (total duration not less than one
month) by major non-scheduled operators whose credentials
are certified by their DGCA and Embassy/High Commission of
that country.

5 Request for operating flights with aircraft capable of air-droppings

require detailed scrutiny/check-up of the application. In such cases, it
may not be possible to clear these flights with in the period stipulated
at para 4 and 5 (a) (i), except when these flights are operated by
International Airlines operating scheduled passenger services to/from
India. Over flying Indian territory with aircraft capable of air droppings
would not be permitted and a technical landing at an International
Airport located nearest to the international border would be insisted.

6 Changes in the flight clearance would normally not be accepted and

would require fresh clearance with proper notice. However, in
exceptional circumstances, one time change may be accepted
provided the replacing aircraft is not capable of air dropping.

7 Applications forwarded by Ministries/Departments of Government of

India, and by the mission of the concerned countries through and duly
supported by Ministry of External Affairs, may be given clearance
notwithstanding the aforesaid guidelines. Such applications are
required to be forwarded by the Ministries/Departments at the level of
Deputy Secretary/Director and above.

(Satendra Singh)
Deputy Director General
For Director General of Civil Aviation




Tourist/ Cargo/ Ambulance/ Relief/
Private etc.)
2. Whether over-flying/ technical landing or
landing in India for traffic purposes

3. ATS Routes(s) to be flown (including

entry and exit in Indian airspace)

4. Complete route itinerary of the proposed

flight with dates and timings (including
true origin and true destination)

5. Arrival and departure timings at airports in

India, if any

6. Airport of last departure before entering

Indian airspace and airport of first landing
after leaving Indian airspace

7. Aircraft Details

a) Type
b) State of Registry/ Nationality
c) Registration
d) Telephony designator (Flight No./
Call Sign)
e) Is the aircraft capable of air-
f) Whether the maximum certified
passenger capacity of the aircraft is
more than 30 seats
g) Whether the maximum payload
capacity of the aircraft is more than
3 tonnes
h) Whetehr the aircraft is fitted with

8. Pilot in Command
a) Name
b) Nationality
9. On board details

a) Name
b) Nationality
c) Address (with telephone/ fax no.)
d) Aircraft operators certificate/ permit
number, if any

10. On board details

a) Number of crew
b) Number of passengers, if any
c) General description of goods
carried, if any
d) Any arms, ammunition, radio active
material or dangerous goods? If so
attach a copy of DGCA permit

11. Any special equipment like aerial

photography, remote sensing cameras,
night vision cameras on baord? If so,
attach a copy of DGCA permit.

12. Number opf passengers or tonnage of

cargo to be uplifted from and set down in

13. Charterer
a) Name
b) Address (with telephone/ fax no.)

14. Travel/ cargo Agent in India

a) Name
b) Address (with telephone/ fax no.)






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