PIC IMP TCM WSU S09 07190 E 1A - CDD - ResB
PIC IMP TCM WSU S09 07190 E 1A - CDD - ResB
PIC IMP TCM WSU S09 07190 E 1A - CDD - ResB
Package: CP03 - Underground Section
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- PIC remind HGU that CDD of External structure at Station -Noted.
09 will be approved once CDR approved.
- Interfaces and combine service drawings for external
structure of Station 09 yet to fully development and finalize,
lead to input data for construction design such as openings,
embedment, layout arrangement and loading of
equipment... cannot be confirmed. HGU is strictly requested
to finalize all interfaces with other packages by ICD before
integrating to Construction design as Contract requirement.
- PIC remind HGU that externals structures are effected by -Noted.
1. the report (or letter) regarding the compliance QCVN Opened on
General M
1 regulation and has yet to be finalized, and any modifications 10/05/2021
that could be required at later.
- PIC remind that waterproof solution for external structure -Noted.
be considered parallel in CDD for structure, for example:
cover slab and entrances accesses shall be applied Class 1,
diaphragm wall applied Class 2, however there are some
structure will use diaphragm wall surface acting as structure
wall. It will be conflicted if Contractor are not clarify in this
- HGU is to clarify reason to change depth of d-wall of -The reasons for the changes of D-wall length
approved Technical design. For example: panel in shaft 3&4 have been mentioned above, and it has been
in the TD have bottom level is-5.84m and CDD change to updated in CDR
bottom level is -7.16m), lead to change design of d-wall. PIC
remind one more time that PIC have no basis to review
design changes as per HGU’ proposal in Construction design
4. General - Part II: - HGU is requested full integration sidewalk level of approval
Volume 2/2 road reinstatement, external and internal interfaces,
architectural design... into construction design drawing of
external structure. To note that some structure will effect by
change ground level, for example: in the Stair 1, sidewalk LV
+8.16m in TD; and +8.4 in CDD of road re-instatement, so