Ba Software-Development 180 en
Ba Software-Development 180 en
Ba Software-Development 180 en
Bachelor of Science
180 ECTS
Classification: Undergraduate
1. Semester
2. Semester
3. Semester
4. Semester
5. Semester
Module DLBSEWDSPP_E: Data Science and object oriented programming with Python
Module Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Course DLBDSIDS01: Introduction to Data Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Course DLBDSOOFPP01: Object oriented and functional programming in Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .257
6. Semester
Module DLBSEWDSPP_E: Data Science and object oriented programming with Python
Module Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
Course DLBDSIDS01: Introduction to Data Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Course DLBDSOOFPP01: Object oriented and functional programming in Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .375
1. Semester
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Sandra Rebholz (Software Engineering Principles)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ binary system
▪ Structure and function of computer systems
▪ Structure and function of communication networks
▪ Software life cycle
▪ Roles, phases, activities in software engineering
Learning Outcomes
Software Engineering Principles
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ students can perform simple calculations in the binary system (Boolean algebra).
▪ students can describe the structure of computer systems and communication networks.
▪ students can distinguish between the phases of a SW life cycle.
▪ students can distinguish roles and phases in the software process.
▪ the students know different process models of SW development.
▪ the students know typical challenges and risks of enterprise SW development.
▪ the students know different programming paradigms and their application.
Links to other Modules within the Study Program Links to other Study Programs of the
This module is similar to other modules in the
fields of Computer Science & Software All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
Development fields
IGIS01_E 15
Course Description
The aim of the course is to give students an insight into the technical and theoretical basics of
software engineering. In addition to the general structure of computer systems, students are
taught typical challenges in the development of enterprise information systems. Furthermore, the
typical phases and activities in software engineering are presented to address these risks.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ students can perform simple calculations in the binary system (Boolean algebra).
▪ students can describe the structure of computer systems and communication networks.
▪ students can distinguish between the phases of a SW life cycle.
▪ students can distinguish roles and phases in the software process.
▪ the students know different process models of SW development.
▪ the students know typical challenges and risks of enterprise SW development.
▪ the students know different programming paradigms and their application.
1. Structure and organization of information systems
1.1 0 and 1 as the basis of all IT systems
1.2 Von Neumann Architecture
1.3 Distributed systems and communication networks
1.4 Enterprise information systems
16 IGIS01_E
IGIS01_E 17
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Pohl, K., & Rupp., C. (2015). Requirements engineering (2nd ed.). Rocky Nook.
▪ Sommerville, I. (2016). Software engineering (10th ed.). Pearson.
▪ Sommerville, I. (2019). Engineering software products: An introduction to modern software
engineering. Pearson.
▪ Jacobson, I., Lawson, H., & Ng, P.-W. (2019). The essentials of modern software engineering.
ACM Books.
18 IGIS01_E
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
IGIS01_E 19
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Maya Stagge (Introduction to Academic Work)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Scientific Theoretical Foundations and Research Paradigms
▪ Application of Good Scientific Practice
▪ Methodology
▪ Librarianship: Structure, Use, and Literature Management
▪ Forms of Scientific Work at IU
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to Academic Work
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand and apply formal criteria of a scientific work.
▪ distinguish basic research methods and identify criteria of good scientific practice.
▪ describe central scientific theoretical basics and research paradigms and their effects on
scientific research results.
▪ use literature databases, literature administration programs, and other library structures
properly; avoid plagiarism; and apply citation styles correctly.
▪ apply the evidence criteria to scientific texts.
▪ define a research topic and derive a structure for scientific texts.
▪ compile a list of literature, illustrations, tables, and abbreviations for scientific texts.
▪ understand and distinguish between the different forms of scientific work at IU.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the University
All Bachelor Programmes in the Business &
This module is similar to other modules in Management field
the field of Methods
Course Description
The application of good scientific practice is one of the basic academic qualifications that should
be acquired while studying. This course deals with the distinction between everyday knowledge
and science. This requires a deeper understanding of the theory of science, as well as the
knowledge of basic research methods and instruments for writing scientific texts. The students
therefore gain initial insight into academic research and are introduced to the basic knowledge
that will help them in the future to produce scientific papers. In addition, the students receive an
overview of the different IU examination forms and insight into their requirements and
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Theory of Science
1.1 Introduction to Science and Research
1.2 Research Paradigms
1.3 Fundamental Research Decisions
1.4 Effects of Scientific Paradigms on Research Design
3. Research Methods
3.1 Empirical Research
3.2 Literature and Reviews
3.3 Quantitative Data Collection
3.4 Qualitative Data Collection
3.5 Mix of Methods
3.6 Critique of Methods and Self-Reflection
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Bell, J., & Waters, S. (2018). Doing your research project: A guide for first-time researchers (7th
ed.). Open University Press McGraw-Hill Education.
▪ Deb, D., Dey, R., & Balas, V. E. (2019). Engineering research methodology: A practical insight for
researchers. Springer.
▪ Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2019). Research Methods for Business Students (8th
ed.). Pearson.
▪ Veal, A. J. (2018). Research Methods for Leisure and Tourism (5th ed.). Pearson.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Requirements Engineering
Module Code: DLBCSRE
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Tobias Brückmann (Requirements Engineering)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Basics of requirements engineering
▪ Enterprise modeling
▪ Requirement determination techniques
▪ Techniques of requirements documentation
▪ Testing and coordination of requirements
▪ Managing requirements
Learning Outcomes
Requirements Engineering
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ describe models of enterprise modeling relevant to IT support and have experience in
▪ understand techniques and methods for determining requirements of IT systems and be
able to distinguish them from each other.
▪ understand techniques for the documentation of requirements on IT systems and have
experience in their use.
▪ describe techniques for testing, coordinating, and managing the requirements of IT systems
and be able to distinguish between them.
▪ independently select suitable techniques and methods of requirements engineering for
given project situations.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
field(s) of Computer Science & Software Technology field(s).
Requirements Engineering
Course Code: DLBCSRE01
Course Description
The early phases of software development are largely characterized by the fact that functional and
technical requirements for the IT system have to be determined. The determination of these
requirements must be carried out extremely carefully because all of the following activities in the
SW development process are planned and executed on the basis of documented requirements. In
this course, procedures, methods, and models are covered, which make it possible to have a
structured and methodical determination and documentation of requirements for operational
information systems.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Fundamentals and Terms of Requirements Engineering
1.1 Requirements Engineering in the Software Process
1.2 Core Activities in Requirements Engineering
1.3 What is a Requirement?
2. Determination of Requirements
2.1 Determination of the System Context
2.2 Determination of the Sources of Requirements
2.3 Selection of the Appropriate Investigative Techniques
2.4 Determine Requirements Using Techniques
4. Documentation of Requirements
4.1 Activities for Documenting Requirements
4.2 Typical Elements of Requirements Documentation
4.3 Forms of Documentation
5. Modeling of Processes
5.1 Basics and Terms
5.2 Modeling with the Business Process Model and Notation
5.3 Modeling with Event Driven Process Chains
6. Modeling of Systems
6.1 Fundamentals of Unified Modeling Language
6.2 UML Use Case Diagram
6.3 UML Activity Diagram
6.4 UML Class Diagram
6.5 UML State Diagram
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Dick, J., Hull, E., & Jackson, K. (2017). Requirements engineering (4th ed.). Springer.
▪ Glinz, M., van Loenhoud, H., Staal, S., & Bühne, S. (2020). Handbook for the CPRE foundation
level according to the IREB standard: Education and training for certified professional for
requirements engineering (CPRE): Foundation level (Version 1.0.0). International
Requirements Engineering Board.
▪ Miles, R., & Hamilton, K. (2006). Learning UML 2.0: A pragmatic introduction to UML. O’Reilly.
▪ Pohl, K., & Rupp, C. (2015). Requirements engineering fundamentals: A study guide for the
certified professional for requirements engineering exam: Foundation level—IREB
compliant (2nd ed.). Rocky Nook.
▪ Silver, B. (2017). BPMN quick and easy using method and style: Process mapping guidelines
and examples using the business process modeling standard. Cody-Cassidy Press.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Code: DLBCSS
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Tobias Brückmann (Specification)
▪ Specification (DLBCSS01)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Basics of specification
▪ Specification of user interfaces (GUIs)
▪ Specification of components and their interfaces
▪ Technical specification of detailed technical data models
▪ Specification of business rules
▪ Specification of data interfaces
▪ Specification of web services
▪ Specification of quality and limiting contraints
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ know the motivation, use cases, and scenarios for the practical use of technical
▪ distinguish techniques from each other for the detailed specification of application
interfaces and business logic of information systems and have experience with their use.
▪ identify and independently specify business objects and components.
▪ describe techniques for the detailed specification of technical interfaces between IT systems
and be able to specify interfaces independently.
▪ explain techniques and procedures for the technical specification of quality properties and
limiting conditions.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
field(s) of Computer Science & Software Technology field(s).
Course Code: DLBCSS01
Course Description
Based on the results of the technical requirements analysis, requirements for IT systems must be
described as precisely as is appropriate for the respective situation. Based on specifications,
project costs are estimated, and decisions are made about the internal design of the system.In
this course different models and techniques that are used for the detailed specification of
requirements for a system, subsystem, or system component are taught. The structure of the
course is based on the structure of typical business information systems. In addition to the
application layers, user interface, business logic, and data layer, the specification of web services
is also covered.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ know the motivation, use cases, and scenarios for the practical use of technical
▪ distinguish techniques from each other for the detailed specification of application
interfaces and business logic of information systems and have experience with their use.
▪ identify and independently specify business objects and components.
▪ describe techniques for the detailed specification of technical interfaces between IT systems
and be able to specify interfaces independently.
▪ explain techniques and procedures for the technical specification of quality properties and
limiting conditions.
1. Introduction to the Specification of Software Systems
1.1 Basics and Terms for Specification
1.2 Elements and Outlines of Specifications
1.3 Structures and Forms of Documentation for Specification
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Balzert, H. (1997): Lehrbuch der Software-Technik. Software-Management, Software-
Qualitätssicherung, Unternehmensmodellierung. Spektrum, Heidelberg/Berlin.
▪ Balzert, H. (2004): Lehrbuch der Objektmodellierung. Analyse und Entwurf mit der UML 2. 2.
Auflage, Spektrum, Heidelberg/Berlin.
▪ Ebert, C. (2010): Systematisches Requirements Engineering. Anforderungen ermitteln,
spezifizieren, analysieren und verwalten. 3. Auflage, dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg.
▪ Eckstein, R./Eckstein, S. (2004): XML und Datenmodellierung. XML-Schema und RDF zur
Modellierung von Daten und Metadaten einsetzen. dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg.
▪ Evans, E. (2003): Domain-Driven Design. Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software.
Addison-Wesley, Boston.
▪ Grady, R. B. (1992): Practical Software Metrics for Project Management and Process
Improvement. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River (NJ).
▪ Overhage, S./Thomas, P. (2005): WS-Specification. Ein Spezifikationsrahmen zur Beschreibung
von Web-Services auf Basis des UDDI-Standards. In: Ferstl, O. K. et al. (Hrsg.):
Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005. eEconomy, eGovernment, eSociety. Physica-Verlag, Bamberg,
▪ Sommerville, I. (2007): Software Engineering. 8. Auflage, Pearson, München.
▪ Turowski, K. (Hrsg.) (2002): Vereinheitlichte Spezifikation von Fachkomponenten.
Memorandum des Arbeitskreises 5.10.3 Komponentenorientierte betriebliche
Anwendungssysteme. (URL:
[letzter Zugriff: 27.02.2017]).
▪ Wallmüller, E. (2001): Software-Qualitätsmanagement in der Praxis. Software-Qualität durch
Führung und Verbesserung von Software-Prozessen. 2. Auflage, Hanser, München.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Damir Ismailovic (Object-oriented Programming with Java)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Introduction to the Java language
▪ Java language constructs
▪ Introduction to object-oriented system developement
▪ Inheritance
▪ Object-oriented concepts
▪ Exception handling
▪ Interfaces
Learning Outcomes
Object-oriented Programming with Java
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ describe the basic concepts of object-oriented modeling and programming, distinguishing
them from one another.
▪ describe the basic concepts and elements of the Java programming language and have some
experience in their use.
▪ independently create Java programs to solve concrete problems.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
field(s) of Computer Science & Software Technology field(s).
Course Description
Operational information systems are usually planned and programmed to be object-oriented.
Therefore, this course teaches the basic skills of object-oriented programming. Theoretical
concepts are presented and practiced directly with the programming language Java.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Introduction to Object-Oriented System Development
1.1 Object Orientation as a Way of Looking at Complex Systems
1.2 The Object as a Basic Concept of Object Orientation
1.3 Phases in the Object-Oriented Development Process
1.4 Basic Principle of Object-Oriented System Development
5. Inheritance
5.1 Modeling and Inheritance in the Class Diagram
5.2 Programming Inheritance in Java
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Freeman, E., Robson, E., Bates, B., & Sierra, K. (2014). Head first design patterns (A brain
friendly guide). O’Reilly Media.
▪ Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R., & Vlissides, J. (1995). Design patterns: Elements of re-usable
object-oriented software. Addison-Wesley.
▪ Liang, Y. D. (2018). Introduction to Java programming and data structures. Pearson Education.
▪ Liguiori, L. & Liguori, P. (2008). Java pocket guide: Instant help for Java. O’Reilly Media.
▪ Oracle (2017). The Java tutorials. Available online.
▪ Samoylov, N. (2019). Learn Java 12 programming: A step-by-step guide to learning essential
concepts in Java SE 10, 11, and 12. Packt Publishing.
▪ Weisfeld M. (2019). The object-oriented thought process (5th ed.). Addison-Wesley.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Ralf Kneuper (Database Modeling and Database Systems)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Fundamentals of relational databases
▪ Simple database queries
▪ Entity/Relationship (E/R) Diagrams
▪ database development
▪ Complex database queries across multiple tables
▪ Changing data in databases
▪ NoSQL database systems
Learning Outcomes
Database Modeling and Database Systems
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ describe the basic concepts of the relational data model and distinguish them from each
▪ visually model data schemas.
▪ know SQL queries, read data from databases, change the data stock, and have experience in
their use.
▪ design, create, and modify SQL queries and data schemas for SQL databases, and have
experience using them.
▪ independently design database schemas and create database queries to solve concrete
▪ know the most important NoSQL concepts and distinguish them from each other.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
field(s) of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Technology field(s).
Course Description
Stored data form the basis of many value chains of an information and knowledge society. The
methodical structuring of data through data schemas therefore forms an important basis for
storing information in such a way that it can be retrieved and processed quickly and easily. In
addition to the structured storage of data, structured access to large amounts of data must also
be possible.This course teaches students how to store data in relational data models and how to
access stored data with SQL. In addition to relational database systems, modern DB systems
(NoSQL) for storing and accessing data will be presented.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ describe the basic concepts of the relational data model and distinguish them from each
▪ visually model data schemas.
▪ know SQL queries, read data from databases, change the data stock, and have experience in
their use.
▪ design, create, and modify SQL queries and data schemas for SQL databases, and have
experience using them.
▪ independently design database schemas and create database queries to solve concrete
▪ know the most important NoSQL concepts and distinguish them from each other.
1. Fundamentals of Relational Databases
1.1 Basic Concepts of the Relational Data Model
1.2 Find and Delete Records in the Database
1.3 SQL and Relational Database Systems
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ 46th VLDB (2020). Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
▪ Date, C.J. (2019). Database design and relational theory: Normal forms and all that jazz (2nd
ed.). Apress.
▪ Documentation of Mondial Database (2010). Mondial Database.
▪ Elmasri, R., Navathe, S. B. (2016). Fundamentals of database systems. Pearson Education
▪ Foster, E., Godbole, S. (2016). Database systems. A pragmatic approach. (2nd ed.). Apress.
▪ Sumathi, S. et al (2010). Fundamentals of relational database management systems. Springer.
▪ W3Schools (2020). SQL Tutorial.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
2. Semester
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Damir Ismailovic (Data Structures and Java Class Library)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Programming style
▪ Working with objects
▪ External packages and libraries
▪ Data structures
▪ Strings and calendar
▪ File system and data streams
Learning Outcomes
Data Structures and Java Class Library
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand typical data structures and distinguish them from each other.
▪ independently create solutions in the Java programming language using the data structures.
▪ understand scenarios and strategies for comparing objects and implement them in Java.
▪ describe the possible uses and functions of character strings and calendar objects in Java
and have experience using them.
▪ describe the possible uses and functions of streams in Java and have experience using them.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
field of Computer Science & Software Technology fields
Course Description
Based on the contents of the course "Basics of object-oriented programming with Java", this
course deepens the knowledge of object-oriented programming. In particular, data structures,
their use cases, and their implementation in the Java language are considered. In addition,
strategies and scenarios of object comparisons, the use of functions of the "String" data type, the
use of calendar objects, and the use of streams are taught.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand typical data structures and distinguish them from each other.
▪ independently create solutions in the Java programming language using the data structures.
▪ understand scenarios and strategies for comparing objects and implement them in Java.
▪ describe the possible uses and functions of character strings and calendar objects in Java
and have experience using them.
▪ describe the possible uses and functions of streams in Java and have experience using them.
1. Programming Style
1.1 Code Documentation
1.2 Code Annotations
1.3 Code Conventions
4. Data Structures
4.1 Arrays
4.2 Collections
4.3 Working with Collections
4.4 Lists
4.5 Quantities (Sets)
4.6 Associative Memory (Maps)
4.7 Stacks (Basement)
4.8 Queues (Snakes)
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Bloch, J. (2017). Effective Java (3rd ed.). Addison-Wesley.
▪ Oracle. (2018a). Java platform standard edition 10 API specification. (Available online).
▪ Oracle. (2018b). String (Java platform SE 10). (Available online).
▪ Oracle. (2018c). Date (Java platform SE 10). (Available online).
▪ Oracle. (2018d). (Java platform SE 10). (Available online).
▪ Oracle. (2019). The Java language specification: Java SE 11 edition. (Available online).
▪ Seidl, M. (2015). UML@Classroom: An introduction to object-oriented modeling. Springer.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Collaborative Work
Module Code: DLBCSCW
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Karin Halbritter (Collaborative Work)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Self-Directed and Collaborative Learning
▪ Networking and Cooperation
▪ Performance in (Virtual) Teams
▪ Communication, Arguments, and Being Convincing
▪ Potentials for Conflict and Managing Conflicts
▪ Self-Management and Personal Skills
Learning Outcomes
Collaborative Work
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ design their own learning processes both self-directed and collaborative with analog and
digital media.
▪ initiate face-to-face and virtual cooperation and select suitable methods for shaping
collaboration even in an intercultural context and across disciplinary boundaries.
▪ assess different forms of communication in relation to the goals and requirements of
different situations and to reflect on their own communication and argumentation behavior
in order to be able to shape conducive collaboration also in an interdisciplinary context.
▪ recognize social diversity including cultural and professional differences as a value, and to
name and apply tools to deal with them constructively.
▪ explain conflict potentials and the role of emotions in conflicts and to describe the use of
systemic methods in the target- and solution-oriented handling of conflicts.
▪ analyze one's own resources, present methods of self-leadership and self-motivation, and
derive appropriate strategies.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the Business &
fields of Business Administration & Management Management fields
Collaborative Work
Course Code: DLBCSCW01
Course Description
The course supports the students in building up and expanding important interdisciplinary
competences for our networked world, and in doing so, students can take advantage of the
opportunities for constructive cooperation with others. It presents essential forms and design
possibilities of collaborative learning and working, imparts basic knowledge and tools for self-
managed, flexible, and creative thinking, learning and acting and familiarizes students with the
topics of empathy and emotional intelligence. Students are also encouraged to use the course
contents. In this way, they promote their autonomous competence to act and their competence in
the interactive application of tools and in interacting in heterogeneous groups.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ design their own learning processes both self-directed and collaborative with analog and
digital media.
▪ initiate face-to-face and virtual cooperation and select suitable methods for shaping
collaboration even in an intercultural context and across disciplinary boundaries.
▪ assess different forms of communication in relation to the goals and requirements of
different situations and to reflect on their own communication and argumentation behavior
in order to be able to shape conducive collaboration also in an interdisciplinary context.
▪ recognize social diversity including cultural and professional differences as a value, and to
name and apply tools to deal with them constructively.
▪ explain conflict potentials and the role of emotions in conflicts and to describe the use of
systemic methods in the target- and solution-oriented handling of conflicts.
▪ analyze one's own resources, present methods of self-leadership and self-motivation, and
derive appropriate strategies.
1. Learning for a Networked World in a Networked World
1.1 Requirements and Opportunities of the VUCA World
1.2 Learning, Information, and Dealing with Knowledge and Ignorance
1.3 C-Model: Collective – Collaborative – Continuous – Connected
1.4 Checking Your Own Learning Behaviour
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Baber, A., Waymon, L., Alphonso, A., & Wylde, J. (2015): Strategic connections. The new face of
networking in a collaborative world. New York: AMACOM.
▪ Boulton, J. G., Allen, P. M., & Bowman, C. (2015): Embracing complexity. Strategic perspectives
for an age of turbulence. 1. ed. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
▪ Chang, B., & Kang, H. (2016): Challenges facing group work online. In:
Distance Education
37 (1), S. 73–88. DOI: 10.1080/01587919.2016.1154781.
▪ Duhigg, C. (2013): The power of habit. Why we do what we do and how to change. London:
Random House Books.
▪ Fisher, R., & Ury, W. (2012): Getting to yes. Negotiating an agreement without giving in.
Updated and rev., 3. ed. London: Random House Business Books.
▪ Kaats, E., & Opheij, W. (2014): Creating conditions for promising collaboration. Alliances,
networks, chains, strategic partnerships. Berlin, Heidelberg, s.l.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
(SpringerBriefs in Business).
▪ Martin, S. J., Goldstein, N. J., & Cialdini, R. B. (2015). The small BIG: Small changes that spark
BIG influence. London, England: Profile Books.
▪ Oettingen, G. (2014). Rethinking positive thinking: Inside the new science of motivation. New
York, NY: Current.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Werning (Web Application Development)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Architectural Foundations
▪ Tools of web development
▪ Javascript
▪ Web application testing and security
Learning Outcomes
Web Application Development
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ identify important elements and describe the structure of current web application
▪ write simple static web pages using HTML.
▪ design simple web pages using CSS.
▪ store and handle structured information using XML.
▪ program simple dynamic web content using PHP.
Links to other Modules within the Study Program Links to other Study Programs of the
This module is similar to other modules in the
field of Computer Science & Software All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
Development. Technology field.
Course Description
TThis course aims to empower students to program simple web applications using established
technologies. At first, they will gain important insights into the typical structure of current web
application architectures. Based on that knowledge, the students will learn the hypertext markup
language (HTML) to develop simple web pages. Next, they will familiarize themselves with the most
important and common elements of the cascading stylesheet (CSS) standard to layout the content
written in HTML. To implement simple dynamic web pages, students learn how to use Javascript
and exemplary supporting frameworks. This is combined with the use of relevant tools for the
development and source code management of web pages. Finally, they will learn the very basics of
the web page testing and security.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ identify important elements and describe the structure of current web application
▪ write simple static web pages using HTML.
▪ design simple web pages using CSS.
▪ store and handle structured information using XML.
▪ program simple dynamic web content using PHP.
1. Architectural Foundations
1.1 Structure and History of the Internet
1.2 Internet protocols and URIs
1.3 Web application architecture
1.4 Current trends
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Ferguson, R. (2019). Beginning JavaScript: The ultimate guide to modern JavaScript
development (3rd ed.). Apress.
▪ Sunyaev, A. (2020). Internet computing: Principles of distributed systems and emerging
internet based technologies. Springer
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Paul Libbrecht (Algorithms, Data Structures, and Programming Languages)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Data structures
▪ Algorithm design
▪ Important algorithms
▪ Programming paradigms and the basic terms of programming languages
▪ Programme analysis tools
▪ Overview of common programming languages
Learning Outcomes
Algorithms, Data Structures, and Programming Languages
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ explain basic data structures and compare and apply them in concrete applications.
▪ explain basic algorithms.
▪ design, select and apply suitable algorithms and data structures for specific applications
▪ analyse sketched or programmed algorithms when or before running them
▪ explain and compare the common programming paradigms and programming languages.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
field(s) of Computer Science & Software Technology field(s).
Course Description
Programming essentially consists of selecting suitable algorithms and data structures for a
specific task and converting them into program code. There are many different programming
languages, which are based on different procedures and in which algorithms and data structures
are implemented differently. In this module, these concepts, which have so far been dealt with
using concrete examples, are systematically presented and applied more broadly in order to give
students the necessary tools to develop a systematic approach to programming.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ explain basic data structures and compare and apply them in concrete applications.
▪ explain basic algorithms.
▪ design, select and apply suitable algorithms and data structures for specific applications
▪ analyse sketched or programmed algorithms when or before running them
▪ explain and compare the common programming paradigms and programming languages.
1. Basic Concepts
1.1 Algorithms, Data Structures, and Programming Languages as the Basics of Programming
1.2 Detailing and Abstraction
1.3 Control Structures
1.4 Types of Data
1.5 Basic Data Structures (List, Chain, Tree)
2. Data Structures
2.1 Advanced Data Structures: Queue, Heap, Stack, Graph
2.2 Abstract Data Types, Objects, and Classes
2.3 Polymorphism
3. Algorithm Design
3.1 Induction, Iteration, and Recursion
3.2 Methods of Algorithm Design
3.3 Correctness and Verification of Algorithms
3.4 Efficiency (complexity) of algorithms
4. Basic Algorithms
4.1 Traversing and Linearization of Trees
4.2 Search Algorithms
4.3 Sorting Algorithms
4.4 Search in Strings
4.5 Hash Algorithms
4.6 Pattern Recognition
5. Measuring Programmes
5.1 Type inference and IDE interactive support
5.2 Cyclomatic and referential complexity
5.3 Digesting code documentation
5.4 Compiler optimization
5.5 Code coverage
5.6 Unit and integration testing
5.7 Heap analysis
6. Programming Languages
6.1 Programming Paradigms
6.2 Execution of Programs
6.3 Types of Programming Languages
6.4 Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics
6.5 Variables and Type Systems
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Gumm H. P. /Sommer M. (2013): Einführung in die Informatik. 10. Auflage. Oldenbourg,
▪ Harel, D. (2006): Algorithmik. Die Kunst des Rechnens. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York.
▪ Cormen, T.,Leiserson, C., Rivest, R., Stein, C. (2009) Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd edition, MIT
Press, Cambridge, Mass., USA
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Tobias Brückmann (Software Quality Assurance)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Systematic quality assurance of requirements, architectures, and processes
▪ Systematic testing of software
▪ Dynamic quality assurance: Testing
▪ Static quality assurance: Surveying and measuring
▪ Constructive quality management
▪ Organization and planning of software quality
▪ Introduction to software quality assurance
Learning Outcomes
Software Quality Assurance
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand motivation, use cases, and scenarios for aspects of quality management in the
software process.
▪ understand important terms and the basis for the conception and execution of software
▪ understand techniques and methods for constructive quality management and be able to
distinguish them from each other.
▪ understand techniques and methods for analytical quality management and be able to
distinguish them from one another.
▪ understand the general course of test activities and be able to select suitable methods and
techniques for quality assurance for various artefacts and activities in the software process.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
field(s) of Computer Science & Software Technology field(s).
Course Description
Quality assurance is one of the accompanying activities of a software process. From the beginning,
all created artefacts (documents, models, and program codes) must be quality-assured because
the later an error in a system is detected, the more expensive it is to fix it.The course teaches
techniques and procedures for accompanying quality assurance, starting with requirements
analysis through to specification, architecture and design, and implementation. Even the quality
assurance activities must be quality assured so that the software systems can be delivered at a
good standard.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand motivation, use cases, and scenarios for aspects of quality management in the
software process.
▪ understand important terms and the basis for the conception and execution of software
▪ understand techniques and methods for constructive quality management and be able to
distinguish them from each other.
▪ understand techniques and methods for analytical quality management and be able to
distinguish them from one another.
▪ understand the general course of test activities and be able to select suitable methods and
techniques for quality assurance for various artefacts and activities in the software process.
1. Introduction to Software Quality Assurance
1.1 Motivation and Terms
1.2 Principles of SW Quality Assurance
1.3 Principles in Software Testing
1.4 Cost of Quality
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Balzert, H. (1997): Lehrbuch der Software-Technik. Software-Management, Software-
Qualitätssicherung und Unternehmensmodellierung. Spektrum, Heidelberg.
▪ Liggesmeyer, P. (2009): Software-Qualität. Testen, Analysieren und Verifizieren von Software. 2.
Auflage, Spektrum, Heidelberg.
▪ Pol, M./Koomen, T./Spillner, A. (2002): Management und Optimierung des Testprozesses. Ein
praktischer Leitfaden für erfolgreiches Testen von Software mit TPI und TMap. 2. Auflage,
dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg.
▪ Schneider, K. (2012): Abenteuer Softwarequalität. Grundlagen und Verfahren für
Qualitätssicherung und Qualitätsmanagement. 2. Auflage, dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg.
▪ Seidl, R./Sneed, H. S./Baumgartner, M. (2006): Der Systemtest. Anforderungsbasiertes Testen
von Software-Systemen. Hanser, München.
▪ Spillner, T. et al. (2011): Praxiswissen Softwaretest. Testmanagement. Aus- und Weiterbildung
zum Certified Tester. 3. Auflage, dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg.
▪ Spillner, E./Linz, T. (2012): Basiswissen Softwaretest. Aus- und Weiterbildung zum Certified
Tester. 5. Auflage, dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg.
▪ Wallmüller, E. (1990): Software-Qualitätssicherung in der Praxis. Hanser, München.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
IAMG_E 101
IT Architecture Management
Module Code: IAMG_E
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Tobias Brückmann (IT Architecture Management)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Basic Terms and Foundations of IT Enterprise Architectures Management
▪ IT Application Portfolio Management
▪ Architecture Governance
▪ Modeling of IT Enterprise Architectures
▪ Frameworks using TOGAF as an Example
▪ Reference Models and Sample Catalogues
102 IAMG_E
Learning Outcomes
IT Architecture Management
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ describe and explain the basic principles of IT strategy, governance, and architecture
management, differentiating between them.
▪ explain and differentiate the typical activities of IT architecture management, their
interrelationships, and their dependencies.
▪ explain suitable models of IT architecture management, distinguish between them, and
explain their intended purpose.
▪ explain and describe selected IT architectural frameworks as well as reference models and
sample catalogues.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
field of Computer Science and Software Technology field.
IT Architecture Management
Course Code: DLBCSEITPAM02
Course Description
In addition to concrete IT projects, such as the development of a new IT system or the
introduction of standard software, a strategic management system for organizational-wide IT
infrastructure – that is, for all IT hardware and software systems – must be used.Strategic
management is the responsibility of the IT enterprise architect, who operates IT architecture
management. Their task is to strategically align IT infrastructure with an organization's business
and IT strategy.This course covers the typical concepts, methods, procedures, and IT models of
architecture management.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ describe and explain the basic principles of IT strategy, governance, and architecture
management, differentiating between them.
▪ explain and differentiate the typical activities of IT architecture management, their
interrelationships, and their dependencies.
▪ explain suitable models of IT architecture management, distinguish between them, and
explain their intended purpose.
▪ explain and describe selected IT architectural frameworks as well as reference models and
sample catalogues.
1. Basic Terms and Foundation for the Management of IT Enterprise Architectures
1.1 IT Enterprise Architecture
1.2 Goals of Enterprise Architecture Management
1.3 Processes in the Management of IT Enterprise Architectures
3. Architecture Governance
3.1 Organizational Structure
3.2 Policy Development and Enforcement
3.3 Project Support
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Bernard, S. A. (2020): An Introduction to holistic Enterprise Architecture: Fourth Edition,
AuthorHouse, 4th Edition, 322 pages.
▪ G. R&A (2015): Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture Wierda, 252 pages
▪ Ross, J. W./ Weill, P./Robertson, D. C. (2006): Enterprise Architecture as Strategy. Creating a
Foundation for Business Execution. Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, MA.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
3. Semester
IPWA2-01_E 111
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Programming Information Systems with Java EE)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Component-Based Web User Interfaces
▪ Connecting View and Model
▪ Component Libraries
▪ Programming of Business Logic
▪ Programming of Database Connections
112 IPWA2-01_E
Learning Outcomes
Programming Information Systems with Java EE
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ describe relevant technologies, standards, and frameworks for building enterprise web
applications by using the Java technology stack and distinguish between them.
▪ use various web technologies for the implementation and integration of
▪ application interfaces, business logic and data layer.
▪ independently create suitable web applications to solve specifically described problems.
Links to other Modules within the Study Program Links to other Study Programs of the
This module is similar to other modules in the
fields of Computer Science & Software All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
Development fields
IPWA02-01_E 113
Course Description
Building on the course "Web Application Development", this course focuses on the Java technology
stack for building web applications. After an introduction to developing web application interfaces
with JSF, functions for validating and converting input and programming error messages are
covered.Subsequently, concepts for the implementation of navigation structures are taught.
Finally, concepts and technologies for the connection to database systems are presented and
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ describe relevant technologies, standards, and frameworks for building enterprise web
applications by using the Java technology stack and distinguish between them.
▪ use various web technologies for the implementation and integration of
▪ application interfaces, business logic and data layer.
▪ independently create suitable web applications to solve specifically described problems.
1. Component-Based Web User Interfaces
1.1 Introduction to Java Server Faces (JSF)
1.2 JSF Components
3. Component Libraries
3.1 Component Libraries
3.2 PrimeFaces
114 IPWA02-01_E
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Beernink, J./ Tijms, A. (2019): Pro CDI 2 in Java EE 8: An In-Depth Guide to Context and
Dependency Injection. Apress, New York.
▪ Juneau, Josh (2020): Jakarta EE Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach. Apress, New York.
▪ Scholz, B./Tijms, Arjan (2018): The Definitive Guide to JSF in Java EE 8: Building Web
Applications with JavaServer Faces. Apress, New York.
▪ Sutherland, J./Clarke, D. (2013): Java Persistence. (URL:
Java_Persistence [letzter Zugriff: 22.06.2021]).
IPWA02-01_E 115
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
116 IPWA02-01_E
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Marian Benner-Wickner (Ethics and Sustainability in IT)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Introduction Ethics and Sustainability in IT
▪ Fundamentals of Ethics
▪ Establishment of Sustainable IT
▪ Social Sustainability
▪ Ecological Sustainability
▪ Ethical & Sustainable Issues on Case Studies
Learning Outcomes
Ethics and Sustainability in IT
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ comprehend the motivation, solution approaches and challenges of sustainable information
▪ understand the essential theories and concepts of building a sustainable information
▪ understand the essential principles and methods for shaping the social and environmental
dimensions of information technologies.
▪ comprehend the essential theories and concepts of ethics that are relevant to the critical
reflection of ethical challenges needed in the context of information technologies including
Artificial Intelligence.
▪ apply the knowledge acquired to analyze the social, environmental, and ethical challenges
related to information technologies and develop responses to these.
Links to other Modules within the Study Program Links to other Study Programs of the
This module is similar to other modules in the
field of Computer Science & Software All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
Development field
Course Description
Sustainable management is playing an increasingly important role in business and society.
Information Technologies (IT) also face the challenge of integrating ecological, social and ethical
requirements in the development and use of systems. In this lecture, the main theories and
concepts for building sustainable IT will be presented. After the general introduction, social,
ecological and ethical basics and current examples are dealt with in depth, which can be used to
discuss current issues and challenges.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Introduction to Ethics and Sustainability in IT
1.1 Motivation, History and Concept of Sustainability
1.2 IT as a Problem and Solution for Sustainability
1.3 Ethics in IT (Robot Laws According to Asimov)
2. Fundamentals of Ethics
2.1 Overview: Ethics, Morality and Social Norms
2.2 Introduction of Ethical Paradigms (Utilitarianism, Virtue and Duty Ethics)
2.3 Ethics Relevance for IT
3. Establishment of Sustainable IT
3.1 Basics and Features
3.2 Impact Cycle
3.3 Measures and Implementation at the Process Level
4. Social Sustainability
4.1 Introduction to Human Rights, Data Protection & Privacy
4.2 Basics of the Data Protection Regulation
4.3 Anonymization of Data Using k-Anonymity
5. Ecological Sustainability
5.1 Introduction to Green Computing (Power Management, Cloud, Energy Savings,
5.2 Ecological Footprint & Trends in Information Technology
5.3 Risks of Discrimination and Biasses in IT Approaches
5.4 Circular Economy of Information Technology: Production, Usage and Recycling
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Beever, J./ McDaniel, R./ Stanlick, N.A. (2019): Understanding Digital Ethics: Cases and
Contexts. 1st edition, Routledge, London.
▪ Cappiello C., Fugini M., Pernici B., Plebani P. (2011): Green Information Systems for Sustainable
IT. In: D'Atri A., Ferrara M., George J., Spagnoletti P. (eds) Information Technology and
Innovation Trends in Organizations. Physica-Verlag HD.Newton, L. (2013): Ethical Decision
Making: Introduction to Cases and Concepts in Ethics. Springer Verlag, Wiesbaden.
▪ Curry, E./ Donnellan, B. (2014): Implementing sustainable IT strategy: the case of Intel. J Info
Technol Teach Cases 4, 41–48.
▪ Lange, S./ Pohl, J./ Santarius, T. (2020): “Digitalization and energy consumption. Does ICT
reduce energy demand?” Ecological Economics 176, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
IT Project Management
Module Coordinator
N.N. (IT Project Management)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Basic terms and foundations of IT project management
▪ Large and small planning techniques
▪ Techniques for prioritization, cost-estimation, and project controlling
▪ Techniques for stakeholder, communication, and risk management
▪ Organization and structure in IT project management
▪ Schools of thought in IT project management
Learning Outcomes
IT Project Management
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ explain and differentiate between the basic principles and tasks of IT project management.
▪ explain the important practical techniques and methods necessary for the implementation
of IT project management.
▪ describe the basic procedural models and explain their advantages and disadvantages as
well as their possible applications.
▪ identify possible project risks on the basis of given practical scenarios and select suitable
measures from IT project management in order to minimize them in a targeted manner.
Links to other Modules within the Study Program Links to other Study Programs of the
This module is similar to other modules in the
fields of Computer Science & Software All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
Development fields
IT Project Management
Course Code: DLBCSEITPAM01
Course Description
In this course, typical problems in the management of Software projects are discussed and the
methods and techniques used to address challenges conveyed.In addition, standard procedural
models for IT project management are explained and their strengths and weaknesses specifically
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ explain and differentiate between the basic principles and tasks of IT project management.
▪ explain the important practical techniques and methods necessary for the implementation
of IT project management.
▪ describe the basic procedural models and explain their advantages and disadvantages as
well as their possible applications.
▪ identify possible project risks on the basis of given practical scenarios and select suitable
measures from IT project management in order to minimize them in a targeted manner.
1. Basics Terms and Foundations of IT Project Management
1.1 Definition of a Project and Types of IT Projects
1.2 IT Project Lifecycle
1.3 Multi-Project Management – The Project in the Context of the Organization
2. Planning Techniques
2.1 Large-Scale Planning: Milestones, Sub-tasks, and Work Packages
2.2 Large-Scale Planning: Gantt Charts
2.3 Planning and Organization of Work Packages: Kanban Board
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Project Management
Institute (2017). Newtown Square, PA, USA, 6th Ed., 589 pages.
▪ IPMA Individual Competence Baseline for Project, Programme & Portfolio
Management International Project Management Association (2015). 4th Ed., 416 pages.
▪ IPMA Organisational Competence Baseline International Project Management Association
(2016). 112 pages.
▪ Nexus™ Guide Schwaber, K. (2015)., Boston, MA, USA, 11 pages.
▪ Phillips, J. (2010): IT Project Management. On Track from Start to Finish. 3. Auflage, McGraw-
Hill, New York, NY.
▪ Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling Kerzner,
H. (2017). Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA, 12th Ed., 848 pages.
▪ Project Management: A Managerial Approach Meredith, J.R., Mantel, S.J. (2015). Wiley & Sons,
Hoboken, NJ, USA, 9th Ed., 512 pages.
▪ Schwalbe, K. (2010): Information Technology Project Management. 6. Auflage, Course
Technology, Independence, KY.
▪ The Scrum Guide™ Schwaber, K., Sutherland (2013)., Boston, MA, USA, 16 pages.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
IWNF1_E 131
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Techniques and methods for agile software development)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
132 IWNF1_E
Module Contents
▪ Characteristics and Principles of Agility
▪ Agility in Small Teams with SCRUM
▪ Agile Portfolio and Project Management
▪ Agile Requirements and IT Architecture Management
▪ Agile Testing
▪ Agile Delivery and Deployment
Learning Outcomes
Techniques and methods for agile software development
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ analyse and evaluate problems and risks of industrial SW development and their
consequences for development processes.
▪ know and understand the basic principles of No-Frills Software Engineering.
▪ analyse practical scenarios and independently apply suitable methods and tools of No-Frills
Software Engineering.
Links to other Modules within the Study Program Links to other Study Programs of the
This module is similar to other modules in the
fields of Computer Science & Software All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
Development field
IWNF01_E 133
Course Description
The goal of the course is to give students a deeper insight into the topic of agile software
development. First of all, the basic characteristics and principles of agility are presented and
discussed. Afterwards, it is shown how small projects and teams can use agile software
engineering and how agile principles can be transferred and applied to large projects. Afterwards,
agile techniques are taught for selected core activities in software engineering, with a focus on
testing, delivery and deployment.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ analyse and evaluate problems and risks of industrial SW development and their
consequences for development processes.
▪ know and understand the basic principles of No-Frills Software Engineering.
▪ analyse practical scenarios and independently apply suitable methods and tools of No-Frills
Software Engineering.
1. Characteristics and Principles of Agility
1.1 Features and Challenges of Software Projects
1.2 Classification of Uncertainty
1.3 Comparison of Agile and Classic Software Development
1.4 Principles of Agility
134 IWNF01_E
5. Agile Testing
5.1 Basic Principles and Requirements for the QA Organization
5.2 Test Levels and Agility
5.3 Test Automation
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Biffl, S. et al. (Hrsg.) (2005): Value-Based Software Engineering. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg.
▪ Cockburn, A. (2007): Agile Software Development. The Cooperative Game. 2nd edition,
Addison-Wesley, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
▪ Cohn, M. (2005): Agile Estimating and Planning. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
▪ Crispin, L. (2008): Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams. Addison Wesley,
Upper Saddle River, NJ.
▪ Highsmith, J. (2009): Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products. Addison Wesley,
Upper Saddle River, NJ.Layton, M. C. (2012): Agile project management for dummies. John
Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.
▪ Rubin, K. S. (2012): Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process.
Addison Wesley, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
▪ Schwaber, K. (2014): Agile Project Management with Scrum. Microsoft Press, Redmond, WA.
IWNF01_E 135
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
136 IWNF01_E
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
IWMB1_E 137
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Mobile Software Engineering)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Basics of Mobile Software Development
▪ Android System Architecture
▪ Programming Environment
▪ Core Components of Android Apps
▪ Interaction between Application Components
▪ Advanced Methods
138 IWMB1_E
Learning Outcomes
Mobile Software Engineering
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ recognize and describe the variances and specific features of software development for
mobile systems.
▪ distinguish between different activities, parts and risks in the creation, operation and
maintenance of mobile software systems .
▪ explain and differentiate the architecture and technical features of the Android Platform.
▪ autonomously create mobile software systems to solve concrete problems for the Android
Platform .
Links to other Modules within the Study Program Links to other Study Programs of the
This module is similar to other modules in the
fields of Computer Science & Software All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
Development fields
IWMB01_E 139
Course Description
Using the mobile platform Android as an example, the course explains how the programming of
mobile applications (Apps) differs from the development of browser-based information systems,
gives an overview of technologies and programming concepts deployed and describes common
challenges in the development of apps for industrial applications.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ recognize and describe the variances and specific features of software development for
mobile systems.
▪ distinguish between different activities, parts and risks in the creation, operation and
maintenance of mobile software systems .
▪ explain and differentiate the architecture and technical features of the Android Platform.
▪ autonomously create mobile software systems to solve concrete problems for the Android
Platform .
1. Basics of Mobile Software Development
1.1 Special Features of Mobile Devices
1.2 Special Features of Mobile Software Development
1.3 Classification of Mobile Devices
1.4 The Android Platform
3. Programming Environment
3.1 Android Studio
3.2 First App and Emulator Test
3.3 Application Deployment
140 IWMB01_E
6. Advanced Methods
6.1 Threading
6.2 Application memory
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Eason, J. (2014): Android Studio 1.0. (URL:
2014/12/android-studio-10.html [letzter Zugriff: 12.06.2015]).
▪ Google Inc. (Hrsg.) (2015): Android Developer Guide. (URL:
▪ Google Inc. (Hrsg.) (2015): App Components. (URL:
components/index.html [letzter Zugriff: 12.06.2015]).
▪ Google Inc. (Hrsg.) (2015): Installing the Android SDK. (URL: http:// [letzter Zugriff: 13.05.2015]).
▪ Google Inc. (Hrsg.) (2015): Resources Overview. (URL:
topics/resources/overview.html [letzter Zugriff: 12.06.2015]).
▪ Hipp, Wyrick & Company, Inc. (Hrsg.) (2015): SQLite Webseite. (URL:
index.html [letzter Zugriff: 12.06.2015]).
IWMB01_E 141
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
142 IWMB01_E
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
ISSE_E 143
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Seminar: Software Engineering)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
The seminar deals with current topics in software engineering. Participants are required to
formulate a research question pertaining to a selected topic and present the findings in the form
of a written paper.
144 ISSE_E
Learning Outcomes
Seminar: Software Engineering
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ independently familiarize themselves with a given topic from the field of "Software
▪ outline important characteristics, connections and findings in the form of a written
▪ present the results obtained in their independent work in the form of a written document.
Links to other Modules within the Study Program Links to other Study Programs of the
This module is similar to other modules in the
fiels of Computer Science & Software All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
Development fields
ISSE01_E 145
Course Description
In this seminar, students write a seminar paper on a specific topic and present their results. In this
way, students demonstrate the ability to independently familiarize themselves with a software
engineering topic and document and present the knowledge gained in a structured manner.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ independently familiarize themselves with a given topic from the field of "Software
▪ outline important characteristics, connections and findings in the form of a written
▪ present the results obtained in their independent work in the form of a written document.
▪ The seminar deals with current topics in software engineering. Participants are required to
formulate a research question pertaining to a selected topic and present the findings in the
form of a written paper.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Booth, W. C. (2018): Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago
Style for Students and Researchers (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing). 9th
Edition, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
▪ Ford, N. (2020): Fundamentals of Software Architecture: An Engineering Approach. A
Comprehensive Guide to Patterns, Characteristics, and Best Practices. O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA.
▪ Martin, R. C. (2008): Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship (Robert C.
Martin Series). 1st Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
▪ Martin, R. C. (2017): Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design
(Robert C. Martin Series). 1st Edition, Pearson, London.
▪ Zobel, J. (2015): Writing for Computer Science. 3rd Edition, Springer, Berlin.
146 ISSE01_E
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
ISSE01_E 147
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
4. Semester
IWNF2_E 153
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Project: Agile Software Engineering)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Realization and documentation of projects using agile techniques as well as consolidation of
selected topics in the field of agile software development.
154 IWNF2_E
Learning Outcomes
Project: Agile Software Engineering
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ address typical problems in various project situations through the targeted use of agile
techniques and methods.
▪ document the design and project-specific use of techniques and tools.
Links to other Modules within the Study Program Links to other Study Programs of the
This module is similar to other modules in the
fields of Computer Science & Software All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
Development fields
IWNF02_E 155
Course Description
Building on their knowledge of agile software development, students in this course independently
implement projects in this subject area and document their results in the form of a written paper.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ address typical problems in various project situations through the targeted use of agile
techniques and methods.
▪ document the design and project-specific use of techniques and tools.
▪ Implementation and documentation of a project using agile techniques as well as deepening
of knowledge in the field of agile software development.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Schwaber, K., & Sutherland, J. (2020). The Scrum guide. The definitive guide to Scrum: The
rules of the game. Kenn Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland.
▪ Sutherland, J. (2001). Agile can scale: Inventing and reinventing SCRUM in five compa- nies.
Cutter IT Journal, 14(12), 5—11.
▪ Raps, S. J. (2017). Scrum of Scrums: Scaling up Agile to create efficiencies, reduce redun-
dancies. Defense AT&L, 46(5), 34—37.
▪ Tanner, M., & Dauane, M. (2017). The use of Kanban to alleviate collaboration and com-
munication challenges of global software development. Issues in Informing Science &
Information Technology, 14, 177—197.
▪ Beck, K., Beedle, M., Van Bennekum, A., Cockburn, A., Cunningham, W., Fowler, M., Gren- ning, J.,
Highsmith, J., Hunt, A., Jeffries, R., Kern, J., Marick, B., Martin, R. C., Mellor, S., Schwaber, K.,
Sutherland, J., & Thomas, D. (2001b). Principles behind the Agile manifesto. http://
▪ Debois, P. (2008). Agile infrastructure and operations: How infra-gile are you? Agile
development conference, AGILE 2008 (pp. 202—207). IEEE.
156 IWNF02_E
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
IWNF02_E 157
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
IT Infrastructure
Module Code: DLBSEPITI_E
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Marian Benner-Wickner (IT Infrastructure)
▪ IT Infrastructure (DLBSEPITI01_E)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Fundamentals of Operating Systems
▪ Processes
▪ Data-Storage
▪ Virtualization
▪ Networks
▪ Remote Access
▪ Infrastructure Provisioning
Learning Outcomes
IT Infrastructure
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand main aspects of the operation of computers.
▪ manipulate and manage computer operations using shells and more visual user-interfaces.
▪ understand, analyze and configure simple IP network structures.
▪ manipulate and manage basic orchestrated sets of containers.
Links to other Modules within the Study Program Links to other Study Programs of the
This module is similar to other modules in the
field of Computer Science & Software All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
Development field
IT Infrastructure
Course Code: DLBSEPITI01_E
Course Description
This course describes the internal basic structure of computers and how they operate: Starting
from the basic models of operating systems, the essential manipulation methods (shells and
other user-interfaces) are structured and experimented. Networking basics are introduced far
enough that they can be practiced. Contemporary network and virtualization structures and
practices are explained so that students can experiment them on their own.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Fundamentals of Operating Systems
1.1 The User, the Inventor, the Maker, the Developer and the Support
1.2 Standard Ingredients
1.3 Kernel, APIs, Application Programs
1.4 WIMP
1.5 REPL Shell
2. Processes
2.1 Process-Scheduling, Traps and Threads
2.2 Process-Management
2.3 Process Security
3. Data-Storage
3.1 Hard-Disk, Blocks, Formatting
3.2 Files and their Manipulation
3.3 Permissions of Files
3.4 Data Pipes
3.5 Network Data Storage
4. Virtualization
4.1 Concepts of Virtual Machines and Containers
4.2 Virtual Machines
4.3 Containers
4.4 Sharing Resources
5. Networks
5.1 Transmission Media, Commutation, Packet Switching
5.2 TCP/IP and Related Communication Standards
5.3 Web-Servers
5.4 Public Key Cryptography
5.5 Network Security
6. Remote Access
6.1 Remote Shell
6.2 Remote UI
6.3 Web-Services
6.4 Challenges of Distributed Computing
7. Infrastructure Provisioning
7.1 Specification and Planning of Containers
7.2 Orchestration of Containers
7.3 Horizontal and Vertical Scaling
7.4 Load-Testing and Monitoring
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Albing, C./ Vossen, J. (2017): bash Cookbook. 2nd Edition, O’Reilly, Massachusetts.
▪ Grigorik, I. (2013): High Performance Browser Networking. O’Reilly, Massachusetts.
▪ Miell, I./ Sayers I. A. (2016): Docker in Practice. Manning Publications, New York.
▪ Tanenbaum, A./ Bos, H. (2014): Modern Operating Systems. 4th edition, Pearson, London.
▪ Tanenbaum, A. (2010): Computer Networks. Pearson, London.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
IT Service Management
Module Code: DLBCSITSM-01
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. André Köhler (IT Service Management)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ IT Service Management Basics and Terms
▪ ITIL 4 - Basics and Four Dimensions
▪ ITIL 4 - Service Value System
▪ ITIL 4 - Principles
▪ ITIL 4 - Practices
▪ Information Security Management with the IT Baseline Protection Framework of the BSI
Learning Outcomes
IT Service Management
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ identify the fundamentals and challenges of IT service management.
▪ describe the motivation and structure of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), distinguish four
dimensions, apply the service value system and identify concrete practices.
▪ describe and apply fundamentals of IT security management.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
field of Computer Science & Software Technology field.
DLBCSITSM01-01 169
IT Service Management
Course Code: DLBCSITSM01-01
Course Description
IT service management is an approach to align and understand a company's IT as a service
provider and supporter of operational and business processes. This course uses the IT
Infrastructure Library (ITIL) to teach concepts, procedures and best practices in the area of IT
service management (IT operations). In other words, it looks at the management of activities that
take place after an IT system has been developed: IT operations as a continuous run of the
productive day-to-day business of a company's IT departments.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. IT Service Management Basics and Terms
1.1 IT Services
1.2 IT Service Management
1.3 ITSM Frameworks
170 DLBCSITSM01-01
4. ITIL 4 - Principles
4.1 Overview
4.2 Value Orientation
4.3 Iterative Procedure and Feedback
4.4 Establish Collaboration and Visibility
4.5 Optimize and Automate
5. ITIL 4 - Practices
5.1 Overview
5.2 General Management Practices
5.3 Service Management Practices
5.4 Technical Practices
6. Information Security Management with the IT Basic Protection Framework of the BSI
6.1 Structure and Elements of BSI Basic Protection Framework
6.2 Information Security Process
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Berger, D., & Shashidhar, N., & Varol, C. (2020). Using ITIL 4 in Security Management. 2020 8th
International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS), Digital Forensics and
Security (ISDFS), 2020 8th International Symposium On, 1–6. https://doi-
▪ Limited, A. (2019). ITIL 4 Foundation [electronic resource] : ITIL 4 Edition. London The
Stationery Office Ltd, 2019.
▪ Limited, A. (2020). ITIL 4 [electronic resource] : Digital and IT Strategy. London The Stationery
Office Ltd, 2020.
▪ Limited, A. (2020). ITIL 4 [electronic resource] : Direct, Plan and Improve. Norwich TSO, 2020.
▪ Limited, A. (2020). ITIL 4 [electronic resource] : High Velocity IT. Norwich TSO, 2020.
▪ Limited, A. (2020). ITIL 4 [electronic resource] : Drive Stakeholder Value. Norwich TSO, 2020.
▪ Limited, A. (2020). ITIL 4 [electronic resource] : Create, Deliver and Support. Norwich TSO,
DLBCSITSM01-01 171
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
172 DLBCSITSM01-01
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
IWMB2-01_E 173
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Project: Mobile Software Engineering)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Design, implementation and documentation of small, mobile applications based on a specific
174 IWMB2-01_E
Learning Outcomes
Project: Mobile Software Engineering
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ autonomously design and prototype small mobile applications to solve a specific task.
▪ identify typical problems and challenges in the practical implementation of small mobile
▪ document the creation and implementation of small, autonomously designed and
implemented mobile applications .
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
fields of Computer Science & Software Technology field
IWMB02-01_E 175
Course Description
With the material conveyed in the course "Mobile Software Engineering Using the Android Platform
as an Example", students autonomously create a mobile application and document its design and
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ autonomously design and prototype small mobile applications to solve a specific task.
▪ identify typical problems and challenges in the practical implementation of small mobile
▪ document the creation and implementation of small, autonomously designed and
implemented mobile applications .
▪ Design, implementation and documentation of small, mobile applications based on a
specific example. Possible topics are, for example:
▪ A radio app to improve the exchange between listeners and station in general, and
particularly between listeners and radio presenters.
▪ An app that allows a group of board game fans to better organize their regular evening
game schedule.
▪ An app that enables the supervisors of assignments at IUBH to improve their support
176 IWMB02-01_E
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Becker, A./Pant, M. (2015): Android 5. Programmieren für Smartphones und Tablets. 4. Auflage,
dpunkt, Heidelberg.
▪ Eason, J. (2014): Android Studio 1.0. (URL:
android- studio-10.html [letzter Zugriff: 12.06.2015]).
▪ Franke, F./Ippen, J. (2012): Apps mit HTML5 und CSS3. Rheinwerk Verlag, Bonn.
▪ Google Inc. (Hrsg.) (2015): Android Developer Guide. (URL:
▪ Google Inc. (Hrsg.) (2015a): App Components. (URL:
components/ index.html [letzter Zugriff: 12.06.2015]).
▪ Google Inc. (Hrsg.) (2015b): Installing the Android SDK. (URL: http:// installing/index.html [letzter Zugriff: 13.05.2015]).
▪ Google Inc. (Hrsg.) (2015c): Resources Overview. (URL:
topics/ resources/overview.html [letzter Zugriff: 12.06.2015]).
▪ Hipp, Wyrick & Company, Inc. (Hrsg.) (2015): SQLite Webseite. (URL:
index.html [letzter Zugriff: 12.06.2015]).
▪ Künneth, T. (2016): Android 7. Das Praxisbuch für Entwickler. 4. Auflage, Rheinwerk, Bonn.
IWMB02-01_E 177
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
178 IWMB02-01_E
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Cloud Programming
Module Code: DLBSEPCP_E
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Marian Benner-Wickner (Cloud Programming)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
The students employ and polish their knowledge of distributed computer systems so as to be able
to plan, create, test, and document a scalable service deployed in the cloud. The module is
focused on a practical realization and its documentation: Through the testable deployment,
students guarantee that their project can be realized and has requirements of a cloud system,
through the documentation, the student demonstrates the qualities of the realization and of its
creation process.
Learning Outcomes
Cloud Programming
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ associate characteristics of a cloud infrastructure as discussed in business with concrete
implications for the machines deployed in the cloud.
▪ create a plan for a chosen cloud infrastructure provider and measure the achievement of
this plan.
▪ specify by means of scripts, programs, documented web-platform usage, how the elements
of a cloud service are created and measured.
▪ describe the risks, the protection measures, and the reaction measures of a cloud-service.
▪ demonstrate a running cloud-service created by the student and allow it to be tested in all
its possible usage dimensions.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
fields of Computer Science & Software fields
Cloud Programming
Course Code: DLBSEPCP01_E
Course Description
The usage of commodity computing in the form of a service offered over a network interface is a
major technical aspect of services made by IT organizations: The services function within a server
environment and the ubiquity of the network make the service reachable from everywhere with
high availability guarantees and flexible scalability. The course aims at a documented realization
of a cloud service which displays all the attributes of a cloud service. In doing so the students
employ and deepen their knowledge of distributed computer systems so as to be able to plan,
create, deploy, test, measure, and document a scalable service in the cloud.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ In this course, students create a cloud service which demonstrates the core aspects of cloud
service programming by an explicit documentation and by a measurable concrete realization.
To do so, they choose a PaaS cloud service hoster, set-up a service, describe its interfaces
(API) and how the core characteristics of cloud services are achieved:
▪ Horizontal or vertical scalability: How the service can be enlarged or diminished in its
usage of resources in order to react to variation to the demand.
▪ High-availability: What guarantees a failover in case a component of the service is
made inoperable and what kind of degradation can happen.
▪ Measurability: How the usage of resources is measured and how these measures can
allow a proactive planning.
▪ Orchestration and provisioning: How the service is deployed and changes in its
resources allocations are performed as needed by the usage of the service.
The cloud service should be testable and demonstratable by external users; a plan how to
test it should be part of the documentation including the dimensions of the usage as well as
the API definitions of the service. The service should fulfill a recognizable business need and
be documented by an API definition and a user-interface for its usage runnable on any
platform that has access to the internet. Being a service on the internet, its security
restrictions should be accessible and understandable. Based on these ingredients, the
students realize a work in the form of software artifacts in a versioning system and a human
readable documentation of the realization and its process. The realization and its
documentation should follow current trends in cloud engineering.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Johnston, C., Advanced Platform Development with Kubernetes. Springer,
▪ Jonas, E., Schleier-Smith, J., Sreekanti , V., Tsai, C.-c., Khandelwal ,A., Pu, Q., Shankar, V., Carreira,
J., Krauth, K., Jayant Yadwadkar, N., Gonzalez, J., Popa, R.A., Stoica, I., Patterson, D.: Cloud
Programming Simplified: A Berkeley View on Serverless Computing. CoRR abs/1902.03383
▪ Talia, D., A view of programming scalable data analysis: from clouds to exascale, Journal of
Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (2019-02-01).
▪ Ponelat, J.S., Rosenstock, L.L., Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI, Manning
Publications, ISBN 9781617296284,
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Ralf Kneuper (Introduction to Data Protection and Cyber Security)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Fundamentals of IT Security
▪ Data Protection
▪ IT Security Management
▪ Network and Communication Security
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to Data Protection and Cyber Security
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ explain the terms and concepts of IT security and know the typical procedures and
techniques which exist in each area.
▪ cite the legal regulations on data protection and explain their implementation.
▪ discuss in-depth IT security management and suitable measures for implementation.
▪ use their overview knowledge of activities and strategies for IT security in software and
system development.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
field(s) of Computer Science & Software Technology field(s).
Course Description
In this course, the students are familiarized with important concepts from the field of IT security.
Basic terms are introduced and discussed, and typical application fields, areas of IT security
application, and typical procedures and techniques are introduced and described.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ explain the terms and concepts of IT security and know the typical procedures and
techniques which exist in each area.
▪ cite the legal regulations on data protection and explain their implementation.
▪ discuss in-depth IT security management and suitable measures for implementation.
▪ use their overview knowledge of activities and strategies for IT security in software and
system development.
1. Fundamentals of Data Protection and Cyber Security
1.1 Conceptual Bases, Protection Goals
1.2 Attacks and Threats
1.3 Security Strategy
1.4 Legal Regulations
2. Data Protection
2.1 Data Protection as a Personal Right
2.2 Basic Principles of Data Protection
2.3 EU General Data Protection Regulation
2.4 Further International Regulations on Data Protection
2.5 Cross-Border Data Flow
2.6 Data Protection in Everyday Life
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Arnold, R. (2017). Cybersecurity: A business solution. An executive perspective on managing
cyber risk. Threat Sketch.
▪ Mattord, H., & Whitman, M. (2017). Management of information security. Cengage.
▪ European Parliament and Council of the European Union. (2016). EU General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR): Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the council of 27
April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal
data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data
Protection Regulation). Official Journal of the European Union. Chapters 1—3
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
5. Semester
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Marian Benner-Wickner (DevOps and Continuous Delivery )
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ The DevOps Approach
▪ Service Architectures
▪ DevOps Environment
▪ Continuous Integration and Deployment
▪ Automated Testing
▪ Information Security in DevOps
Learning Outcomes
DevOps and Continuous Delivery
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ discuss key aspects of DevOps culture,
▪ apply hands-on experience with techniques related to DevOps and continuous deployment,
▪ create, configure and deploy platform as a service container,
▪ manage (micro-)service architectures using platform as a service technique,
▪ construct and maintain a continuous deployment pipeline to develop and deploy an
application iteratively and incrementally.
Links to other Modules within the Study Program Links to other Study Programs of the
This module is similar to other modules in the
field of Computer Science & Software All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
Development field
Course Description
When developing modern applications from scratch, emerging approaches like microservice
architectures, agile techniques and virtualization are becoming important. Agile development
stands for very quick releases of small software increments. Since important recurring tasks for
each release like testing, configuration and deployment are time-consuming, a highly automated
software development and deployment process is required. As well, development and deployment
more and more becomes one single task, triggered by a single code commit. Implementing a fully
automated continuous delivery pipeline and putting development and operations into one
DevOps team holistically responsible for one microservice are essential for modern software
development. In this course, both approaches are introduced with a strong focus on tool practice.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. The DevOps Approach
1.1 Issues in Classic Approaches
1.2 Goals of DevOps
1.3 DevOps Case Studies
1.4 DevSecOps
2. Service Architectures
2.1 Microservice
2.2 Domain-Driven Design
2.3 Containerization and Platform as a Service
2.4 Practical Examples
3. DevOps Environment
3.1 Version Control Concepts
3.2 Version Control Tools
3.3 Code Repositories
3.4 Package Manager
3.5 Virtualization
5. Automated Testing
5.1 Basic Concepts
5.2 Static Analysis Tools
5.3 Unit Testing Tools
5.4 UI and Acceptance Tests Tools
5.5 Performance Testing Tools
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Hills, M. (2020): Introducing DevOps Techniques in a Software Construction Class. 2020 IEEE
32nd Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), Software
Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), 2020 IEEE 32nd Conference On, 1–5.
▪ Chatley, R./ Procaccini, I. (2020): Threading DevOps Practices through a University Software
Engineering Programme. 2020 IEEE 32nd Conference on Software Engineering Education and
Training (CSEE&T), Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), 2020 IEEE 32nd
Conference On, 1–5.
▪ Farcic, V. (2016): The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit. Packt Publishing, Birmingham.
▪ Kim, G./ Humble, J./ Debois, P./ Willis, J. (2016): The devops handbook : : how to create world-
class agility, reliability, and security in technology organizations. IT Revolution Press, OR,
United States.
▪ Leszo, R. (2019): Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins: Create secure applications by
building complete CI/CD pipelines. 2nd Edition, Packt Publishing, Birmingham.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
N.N. (User Interface Design and Ergonomics )
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Introduction, Terms, Basics
▪ Human-Centered Design Process
▪ Information Architecture
▪ User Interface Design Elements
▪ Responsive User Interfaces
▪ Usability
Learning Outcomes
User Interface Design and Ergonomics
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ name and describe central concepts for the design of user interfaces and apply the basic
principles of the design process.
▪ describe the benefits and use of information architectures for the design of user
▪ interface and create macro- and micro-information architectures.
▪ name and describe the design elements of user interfaces.
▪ name, describe and delimit the central concepts for responsive user interfaces.
▪ explain the terms usability and accessibility, represent their relation to the
▪ design of user interfaces and apply important concepts from those terms in the design of
user interfaces.
Links to other Modules within the Study Program Links to other Study Programs of the
This module is similar to other modules in the
fields of Computer Science & Software All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
Development fields
Course Description
In this course, fundamentals and important concepts for the design of user interfaces are
presented and discussed. Here, a focus is placed on web and mobile UIs. After a brief introduction
to the topic of UI design and ergonomics, the general flow of UI design processes will be
presented and discussed. Then the concept of information architecture will be introduced, which
is an essential model for structuring the content of UIs. Thereafter typical design elements in UIs
will be presented and described. This is followed by the topic of designing responsive user
interfaces. The topics of usability and accessibility conclude this course.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ name and describe central concepts for the design of user interfaces and apply the basic
principles of the design process.
▪ describe the benefits and use of information architectures for the design of user
▪ interface and create macro- and micro-information architectures.
▪ name and describe the design elements of user interfaces.
▪ name, describe and delimit the central concepts for responsive user interfaces.
▪ explain the terms usability and accessibility, represent their relation to the
▪ design of user interfaces and apply important concepts from those terms in the design of
user interfaces.
1. Introduction, Terms, Basics
1.1 Clarification of Terms: User Interface, Ergonomics, Usability
1.2 Types of User Interfaces
1.3 Challenges in the Design of User Interfaces
1.4 Standards and Guidelines
3. Information Architecture
3.1 Types of Websites
3.2 Macro Information Architecture
3.3 Micro Information Architecture
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Grant, Will. 2018. 101 UX Principles : A Definitive Design Guide. Expert Insight. Birmingham:
Packt Publishing.
▪ Mayhew, Deborah J. 2010. The usability engineering lifecycle: A practitioner’s handbook for
user interface design. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
▪ Peterson, Clarissa. 2014. Learning responsive web design: a beginner’s guide. Sebastopol:
▪ Rosenfeld, Louis, Jorge Arango, und Peter Morville. 2015. Information architecture: for the Web
and beyond. 4. Sebastopol: O’Reilly.
▪ Stone, Deborah L. und Open University. 2005. User interface design and evaluation. San
Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Dr. Reza Shahbazfar (Introduction to Programming with Python)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
▪ Python as a programming language for data science
▪ Variables and built-in datatypes
▪ Statements and functions
▪ Error and exception handling
▪ Important Python data science modules
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to Programming with Python
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ use fundamental Python syntax.
▪ recollect common elementary data types.
▪ recognize foundational programming concepts and their realization in Python.
▪ understand error handling and logging.
▪ create working programs.
▪ list the most important libraries and packages for data science.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
field(s) of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence. Technology field(s).
Course Description
This course provides students with a foundational understanding of the Python programming
language. Following an introductory exposition to the importance of Python for data science-
related programming tasks, students will be acquainted with fundamental programming concepts
like variables, data types, and statements. Building on this basis, the important notion of a
function is explained and errors, exception handling, and logging are explicated. The course
concludes with an overview of the most widely-used library packages for data science.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Introduction
1.1 Why Python?
1.2 Obtaining and installing Python
1.3 The Python interpreter , IPython, and Jupyter
3. Statements
3.1 Assignment, expressions, and print
3.2 Conditional statements
3.3 Loops
3.4 Iterators and comprehensions
4. Functions
4.1 Function declaration
4.2 Scope
4.3 Arguments
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Barry, P. (2016). Head first Python: A brain-friendly guide. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
▪ Kapil, S. (2019). Clean Python: Elegant coding in Python. Berkeley, CA: Apress.
▪ Lubanovic, B. (2019). Introducing Python (2nd ed.). Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly.
▪ Lutz, M. (2013). Learning Python (5th ed.). Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly.
▪ Matthes, E. (2015). Python crash course: A hands-on, project-based introduction to
programming. San Fransisco, CA: No Starch Press.
▪ Müller, A. C., & Guido, S. (2016). Introduction to machine learning with Python: A guide for data
scientists. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
▪ Ramalho, L. (2015). Fluent Python: Clear, concise, and effective programming. Sebastopol, CA:
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Marian Benner-Wickner (Project: Software Development)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
The Software Development Project offers students the opportunity to gain practical experience in
the field of software development based on the subject-specific study components. For this
purpose, any kind of software is to be implemented, for example a comprehensive mobile or web
app, or a set of cloud-hosted microservices that together fulfill a complex business need. However,
the software should be able to solve a relevant problem from practice, either way.
Learning Outcomes
Project: Software Development
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ identify relevant problems from the professional environment of software developer and
explain them to an interested audience,
▪ apply established procedures to find a software-based solution to the problem,
▪ find relevant technologies, programming languages and software libraries for the solution
and deploy them on any suitable infrastructure,
▪ evaluate the result in terms of its suitability for solving the practical problem,
▪ present the problem, the solution and the way to get there in a comprehensible and
descriptive way.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
field of Computer Science & Software field
Course Description
In the course of the studies, a variety of different concepts, methods and techniques were
introduced that are relevant to the professional practice of a software developer. This project
offers the opportunity to use the accumulated knowledge and skills to solve a relevant practical
problem independently and on one's own responsibility. The result should be a software that has
been fully implemented, tested and that is deployable. The software shall profoundly demonstrate
how the practical problem can be solved. The result has to be made available as open source to
other students and to the tutor on a platform provided for this purpose.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ identify relevant problems from the professional environment of software developer and
explain them to an interested audience,
▪ apply established procedures to find a software-based solution to the problem,
▪ find relevant technologies, programming languages and software libraries for the solution
and deploy them on any suitable infrastructure,
▪ evaluate the result in terms of its suitability for solving the practical problem,
▪ present the problem, the solution and the way to get there in a comprehensible and
descriptive way.
▪ At the beginning of the project the students choose a concrete task in coordination with the
tutor. The task shall be derived from a relevant practical problem. Possible problems and use
cases can be found in any industry from insurance to healthcare. Problems are also found in
cross-sectional topics like, for example, in the areas of smart services, smart home, business
information systems, artificial intelligence, sustainability, accessibility, data analytics or
robotic process automation. The solution approach can consider mobile apps, web apps, web
services, microservices, embedded software or even batch jobs hosted on mainframes.
Students work on the task with the help of an integrated development environment that fits
the subject of the task. The environment is intended to focus on software (e.g. technology-
specific development environments such as Eclipse IDE, Android Studio or matlab) but can
also be extended to hardware environment (e.g. prototyping boards such as the Arduino). To
complete the task, students apply the concepts, methods and tools taught throughout the
curriculum. The result is evaluated in terms of its suitability to solve the previously selected
problem. Aspects such as complexity, creativity and practical relevance play a role.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Beck, K. (2003): Test-driven development: by example. Addison-Wesley, Boston.
▪ Eric Evans (2002): Domain Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Business
Software. Addison-Wesley, Boston.
▪ Martin, R. C. (2018): Clean architecture: a craftsman’s guide to software structure and design.
Pearson, London.
▪ Martin, R. C. (2009): Clean code: A handbook of agile software craftsmanship. Pearson,
▪ Newman, S. (2015): Building microservices: designing fine-grained systems. O’Really,
Sebastopol, California.
▪ Thomas, D., & Hunt, A. (2020): The pragmatic programmer: your journey to mastery. 2nd
Edition, Addison-Wesley, Boston.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Mathematics Basics
Module Code: DLBSEWMG_E
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Veronica Mas (Mathematics I) / Prof. Dr. Leonardo Riccardi (Mathematics II)
▪ Mathematics I (DLBCSM101)
▪ Mathematics II (DLBCSM201)
Mathematics I
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
Mathematics II
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Mathematics I
▪ Basic Definitions and Terms of Discrete Mathematics
▪ Sets and Propositional Logic
▪ Number Systems such as Decimal and Binary Systems
▪ Graphs and Mappings
▪ Selected Topics of Elementary Number Theory
▪ Cryptography
Mathematics II
▪ Selected Topics of Linear Algebra
▪ Selected Chapters on Graphs and Algorithms
Learning Outcomes
Mathematics I
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand basic terms of discrete mathematics as well as describe them and distinguish
them from each other.
▪ understand concepts of number theory and their application in IT and technology and be
able to solve tasks independently by applying these concepts.
Mathematics II
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand basic concepts of linear algebra, their interrelations, and their application in IT
and technology and be able solve tasks independently using these concepts.
▪ understand and distinguish the basic concepts and important algorithms for graphs and
trees from the field of discrete mathematics as well as their application in IT and technology.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the University
All Bachelor Programmes in the Business &
This module is similar to other modules in the Management field.
field of Methods.
DLBCSM101 223
Mathematics I
Course Code: DLBCSM101
Course Description
Many practical concepts in IT and technology are based on the findings of discrete mathematics.
For an in-depth understanding of, for example, data structures, the construction of
communication networks, or of solutions to algorithmic problems, a basic understanding of their
mathematical background is necessary. This course therefore introduces discrete mathematical
terms and concepts, with specific areas of number theory also taught.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand basic terms of discrete mathematics as well as describe them and distinguish
them from each other.
▪ understand concepts of number theory and their application in IT and technology and be
able to solve tasks independently by applying these concepts.
1. Mathematical Basics
1.1 Basic Concepts
1.2 Proof Techniques
1.3 Finite Sums
2. Sets
2.1 Properties and Calculation Rules for Sets
2.2 Equivalence Relations
3. Propositional Logic
3.1 Statements and Logical Connections
3.2 Truth Tables
3.3 Computational Rules of Propositional Logic
3.4 Simplification of Expressions in Propositional Logic
224 DLBCSM101
4. Number Systems
4.1 Decimal System
4.2 Binary System
4.3 Hexadecimal System
5. Mappings
5.1 Mappings and Graphs
5.2 Special Properties of Mappings
7. Prime Numbers
7.1 Definition and Properties of Prime Numbers
7.2 Prime Number Test
8. Modular Arithmetic
8.1 The Euclidean Algorithm
8.2 Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
9. Applications in Cryptography
9.1 The Shift Cryptosystem
9.2 Symmetric vs Asymmetric Cryptosystems
9.3 The RSA Cryptosystem
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Rosenthal, D., Rosenthal, D., Rosenthal, P. (2018). A Readable Introduction to Real
Mathematics (2nd ed.). Springer.
▪ Vaudenay, S. (2006). A Classical Introduction to Cryptography (1st ed.). Springer.
DLBCSM101 225
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
226 DLBCSM101
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
DLBCSM201 227
Mathematics II
Course Code: DLBCSM201
Course Description
This course continues the introduction to topics of discrete mathematics which began in the
module "Mathematics Fundamentals I". In this course, the concepts of linear algebra are
introduced and knowledge about graphs and algorithms for graphs is deepened. Typical questions
of applied computer science are selected, and students are shown how they can be solved with
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand basic concepts of linear algebra, their interrelations, and their application in IT
and technology and be able solve tasks independently using these concepts.
▪ understand and distinguish the basic concepts and important algorithms for graphs and
trees from the field of discrete mathematics as well as their application in IT and technology.
1. Introduction to Matrices
1.1 Basic Concepts of Matrices
1.2 Addition of Matrices
1.3 Scalar Multiplication and Product
2. Inverting Matrices
2.1 Multiplication of Matrices
2.2 Properties of Matrix Multiplication
2.3 Inverse Matrices
228 DLBCSM201
4. Introduction to Graphs
4.1 Undirected Graphs
4.2 Further Properties of Graphs
4.3 Adjacency Matrix
8. Trees
8.1 Properties of Trees
8.2 Root Tree
8.3 Spanning Tree
8.4 Minimal Spanning Tree
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Benjamin, A., Chartrand, G., and Zhang, P. (2017). The fascinating world of graph theory.
Princeton University Press.
▪ Erciyes, J. (2021). Discrete mathematics and graph theory: A concise study companion and
guide. Princeton University Press.
▪ Lewis, H., & Zax, R. (2019). Essential discrete mathematics for computer science. Princeton
University Press.
DLBCSM201 229
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
230 DLBCSM201
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Robert Graf (Mathematics: Linear Algebra) / Prof. Dr. Robert Graf (Mathematics: Analysis)
Mathematics: Analysis
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Mathematics: Analysis
▪ Sequences and Series
▪ Functions and Reverse Functions
▪ Differential Calculus
▪ Integral Calculus
Learning Outcomes
Mathematics: Linear Algebra
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ explain fundamental notions in the domain of linear equation systems.
▪ exemplify properties of vectors and vector spaces.
▪ summarize characteristics of linear and affine mappings.
▪ identify important relations in analytical geometry.
▪ utilize different methods for matrix decomposition..
Mathematics: Analysis
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ summarize the basic concepts of analysis.
▪ illustrate the terms "consequences" and "series".
▪ explain the concept of function and to understand the concept of the inverse function.
▪ explain basic statements of the differential and integral calculus.
▪ explain the relationship between differentiation and integration.
▪ master the derivation of higher-dimensional functions.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the University
All Bachelor Programmes in the Business &
This module is similar to other modules in the Management field.
field of Methods.
Course Description
Linear algebra is a fundamental subject in mathematics. Its historical origin lies in the
development of solution techniques for systems of linear equations arising from geometric
problems. Numerous scientific and engineering applications can be solved using its methods. This
course introduces the foundations of linear algebra and its basic notions like vectors and
matrices. It then builds upon this foundation by introducing the derivation of solution techniques
for problems in analytical geometry.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Foundations
1.1 Systems of Linear Equations
1.2 Matrices: Basic Terms
1.3 Matrix algebra
1.4 Matrices as compact representations of linear equations
1.5 Inverse and trace
2. Vector Spaces
2.1 Definition
2.2 Linear Combination and Linear Dependance
2.3 Basis, Linear Envelope, and Rank
4. Analytical Geometry
4.1 Norm
4.2 Scalar Product
4.3 Orthogonal Projections
4.4 Outlook: Complex Numbers
5. Matrix Decomposition
5.1 Determinant
5.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
5.3 Cholesky Decomposition
5.4 Eigenvalue Decomposition and Diagonalisation
5.5 Singular Value Decomposition
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Mathai, A. M., & Haubold, H. J. (2017). Linear algebra, a course for physicists and engineers (1st
ed.) De Gruyter.
▪ Neri, F. (2019). Linear algebra for computational sciences and engineering (2nd ed.) Springer.
▪ Shilov, G. E. (1977). Linear algebra. Dover Publications.
▪ Strang, G. (2020). Introduction to linear algebra. (5th ed.) Cambridge Press.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Mathematics: Analysis
Course Code: DLBDSMFC01
Course Description
Analysis is one of the essential basic subjects of mathematics. Originally developed to be able to
formulate and solve problems of classical mechanics mathematically, in its present rigorous form
it has become indispensable in numerous applications in the natural sciences and technology.
This module aims to introduce the basic hand tool of differential and integral calculus and to
explain their mutual interrelations. In addition, the differential calculus is generalized to
multidimensional spaces.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Sequences and series
1.1 Sequences and series
1.2 Convergence of infinite series
1.3 power series
3. Differential calculus
3.1 Derivatives and higher derivatives
3.2 curve discussion
3.3 Rules (chain rule, product rule, quotient rule ...)
3.4 Taylor Rows
4. Integral calculus
4.1 The Riemann Integral
4.2 Specific and indefinite integrals
4.3 The fundamental theorem of differential and integral calculus
4.4 Volumes and shells of rotary bodies
4.5 Paths and lengths
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Deisenroth, M.P., Faisal, A.A., & Ong, C.S. (2020). Mathematics for Machine Learning. Cambridge
University Press.
▪ Magnus, R. (2020). Fundamental Mathematical Analysis. Springer International Publishing.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Statistics Basics
Module Code: DLBSEWSG_E
Module Coordinator
Dr. Stefan Stöckl (Statistics: Probability and Descriptive Statistics ) / Dr. Stefan Stöckl (Statistics -
Inferential Statistics)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Learning Outcomes
Statistics: Probability and Descriptive Statistics
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ define probability, random variable, and probability distribution.
▪ understand the concept of Bayesian statistics.
▪ grasp the definition of joint and marginal distributions.
▪ calculate expectation values and higher moments.
▪ comprehend important inequality equations and limit theorems.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the University
All Bachelor Programmes in the Business &
This module is similar to other modules in Management fields
the field of Methods
Course Description
Statistical description and analysis are the foundations for data-driven analysis and prediction
methods. This course introduces the fundamentals, beginning with a formal definition of
probabilities and introduction to the concepts underlying Bayesian statistics.Random variables
and probability density distributions are then discussed, as well as the concept of joint and
marginal distributions. The importance of various discrete and continuous distributions and their
applications is stressed.Characterizing distributions is an important aspect of describing the
behavior of probability distributions. Students are familiarized with expectation values, variance,
and covariance. The concepts of algebraic and central moments and moment-generating functions
complement the characterization of probability distributions.Finally, this course focuses on
important inequalities and limit theorems such as the law of large numbers or the central limit
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Probability
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Independent events
1.3 Conditional probability
1.4 Bayesian statistics
2. Random Variables
2.1 Random Variables
2.2 Distribution functions and probability mass functions
2.3 Important discrete probability distributions
2.4 Important continous probability distributions
3. Joint Distributions
3.1 Joint distributions
3.2 Marginal distributions
3.3 Independent random variables
3.4 Conditional distributions
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Downey, A.B. (2011). Think stats (2nd ed.). Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly
▪ Kim, A. (2019). Exponential Distribution—Intuition, Derivation, and Applications. Available
▪ Wasserman, L. (2004). All of Statistics: A concise course in statistical inference. New York, NY:
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
Statistical analysis and understanding are the foundations of data-driven methods and machine
learning approaches.This course gives a thorough introduction to point estimators and discusses
various techniques to estimate and optimize parameters. Special focus is given to a detailed
discussion of both statistical and systematic uncertainties as well as propagation of
uncertainties.Bayesian statistics is fundamental to data-driven approaches, and this course takes
a close look at Bayesian techniques such as Bayesian parameter estimation and prior probability
functions.Furthermore, this course gives an in-depth overview of statistical testing and decision
theory, focusing on aspects such as A/B testing, hypothesis testing, p-values, and multiple testing
which are fundamental to statistical analysis approaches in a broad range of practical
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Point Estimation
1.1 Method of moments
1.2 Sufficient statistics
1.3 Maximum likelihood
1.4 Ordinary least squares
1.5 Resampling techniques
2. Uncertainties
2.1 Statistical and systematic uncertainties
2.2 Propagation of uncertainties
4. Statistical Testing
4.1 A/B testing
4.2 Hypothesis tests & test statistics
4.3 P-values & confidence intervals
4.4 Multiple testing
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Wasserman, L. (2004). All of statistics: A concise course in statistical inference. Springer.
▪ Downey, A. B. (2014). Think stats (2nd ed.). O’Reilly.
▪ Downey, A.B. (2013). Think bayes. O’Reilly.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Thomas Zöller (Introduction to Data Science) / Prof. Dr. Max Pumperla (Object oriented
and functional programming in Python)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
This course introduces the students to the advanced programming concepts of object orientation
and functional programming and how they are realized in the Python programming language.
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to Data Science
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ define data science and its relation to other fields.
▪ comprehend data science activities.
▪ recognize the origins of data and the challenges of working with data.
▪ understand how data science methods are integrated into business settings.
▪ grasp fundamental statistical concepts.
▪ appreciate the importance of machine learning in data science.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
fields of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Technology fields
Course Description
Data science emerged as a multi-disciplinary field aimed at creating value from data. This course
starts with an overview of data science and related fields and then defines data types and
sources. Special focus is put on the assessment of data quality and electronic data processing.Use
of data-driven methods has become vital for businesses, and this course outlines how data-driven
approaches can be integrated within a business context and how operational decisions can be
made using data-driven methods.Finally, this course highlights the importance of statistics and
machine learning in the field of data science and gives an overview of relevant methods and
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Introduction to Data Science
1.1 Definition of the term „data science“
1.2 Data science and related fields
1.3 Data science activities
2. Data
2.1 Data types and data sources
2.2 The 5Vs of data
2.3 Data curation and data quality
2.4 Data engineering
4. Statistics
4.1 Importance of statistics for data science
4.2 Important statistical concepts
5. Machine Learning
5.1 Role of machine learning in data science
5.2 Overview of machine learning approaches
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Akerkar, R., & Sajja, P. S. (2016). Intelligent techniques for data science. New York, NY: Springer
International Publishing.
▪ Hodeghatta, U. R., & Nayak, U. (2017). Business analytics using R—A practical approach. New
York, NY: Apress Publishing.
▪ Runkler, T. A. (2012). Data analytics: Models and algorithms for intelligent data analysis. New
York, NY: Springer.
▪ Skiena, S. S. (2017). The data science design manual. New York, NY: Springer International
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
This course builds upon basic knowledge of Python programming (Introduction to Programming
with Python, DLBDSIPWP) and is concerned with the exposition of advanced Python programming
concepts. To this end, important notions of object-oriented programming like classes and objects
and pertaining design principles are outlined. Starting from an in-depth discussion of advanced
features of Python functions, functional programming concepts and their implementation in
Python are conveyed.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ This course provides students with a thorough introduction to important notions and
concepts from the domain of object-oriented programming such as classes, objects,
abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, composition, and delegation.
Additionally, the functional programming paradigm and pertaining ideas like functions as
first class objects, decorators, pure functions, immutability and higher order functions are
conveyed. Pursuant to the portfolio course type, the aforementioned concepts and ideas are
explored by hands-on programming projects.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Lott, S. F. (2018): Functional Python programming: Discover the power of functional
programming, generator functions, lazy evaluation, the built-in itertools library, and monads.
2nd ed., Packt Publishing, Birmingham.
▪ Lutz, M. (2013): Learning Python. 5th ed., O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA.
▪ Phillips, D. (2018): Python 3 object-oriented programming: Build robust and maintainable
software with object-oriented design patterns in Python 3.8. 3rd ed., Packt Publishing,
▪ Ramalho, L. (2015): Fluent Python: Clear, concise, and effective programming. O'Reilly,
Sebastopol, CA.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Marian Benner-Wickner (Introduction to the Internet of Things) / N.N. (Embedded
Embedded Systems
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Embedded Systems
▪ Embedded Systems Architecture
▪ Embedded Hardware
▪ Embedded Software
▪ Distributed Systems and IoT Architecture
▪ Embedded Operating Systems
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to the Internet of Things
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ grasp the distinctive features of Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT systems.
▪ understand the social and economic importance of Internet of Things.
▪ identify the most important standards for communication between IoT devices.
▪ differentiate between various techniques for storing and processing data in IoT systems.
▪ identify different architectures and technologies for structuring IoT systems.
▪ recognize challenges of data protection and data security in IoT systems.
Embedded Systems
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the architecture of embedded systems.
▪ understand real-time embedded systems.
▪ design the main architecture of embedded systems for robotics, automation and IoT
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
fields of Computer Science & Software and Technology fields
Course Description
The aim of this course is to give students an insight into technical and theoretical basics of the
Internet of Things (IoT) and its fields of application. In addition to the general structure of IoT
systems and the technology standards used in them, students are also taught the importance of
Internet of Things for economy and society. Furthermore, this course demonstrates how data is
exchanged, stored and processed in IoT.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ grasp the distinctive features of Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT systems.
▪ understand the social and economic importance of Internet of Things.
▪ identify the most important standards for communication between IoT devices.
▪ differentiate between various techniques for storing and processing data in IoT systems.
▪ identify different architectures and technologies for structuring IoT systems.
▪ recognize challenges of data protection and data security in IoT systems.
1. Internet of Things Fundamentals
1.1 The Internet of Things - Basics and Motivation
1.2 Evolution of the Internet - Web 1.0 to Web 4.0
6. Applicability
6.1 Smart Home / Smart Living
6.2 Ambient Assisted Living
6.3 Smart Energy / Smart Grid
6.4 Smart Factory
6.5 Smart Logistics
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Firouzi, F., Chakrabarty, K., & Nassif, S. (2020). Intelligent Internet of Things: From device to fog
and cloud. Springer.
▪ Hanes, D., Salgueiro, G., Grossetete, P., Barton, R., & Henry, J. (2017). IoT fundamentals:
Networking technologies, protocols, and use cases for the Internet of Things. Cisco Press.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Embedded Systems
Course Code: DLBROES01_E
Course Description
To realize working engineering systems, embedded systems are required. Through embedding
microprocessor-based systems capable of networking, data exchange and processing, the
functionality of products and systems can be enhanced in terms of features, precision, accuracy,
dynamic properties, intelligence. Actually, an embedded system is where everything begins. This
course provides the basics on embedded system, by focusing on the architectural patterns of
modern systems and platforms. The embedded hardware and software aspects are addressed.
This course also introduces connectivity and networking aspects, which are required to build
distributed systems for the internet of things and the industrial internet of things (finally yielding
Cyber-Physical Systems).
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Introduction
1.1 Embedded Systems Overview
1.2 Hardware Elements of an Embedded System
1.3 Standards, Compilers and Programming Languages
2. Elements of a Microcontroller
2.1 Central Processing Units
2.2 Volatile and non-volatile memory
2.3 Digital/Analog Input/Output
2.4 Timing peripherals
2.5 Communication peripherals
3. Programming a Microcontroller
3.1 Bone Structure of a Microcontroller Software
3.2 Low-Level Programming
3.3 Usage of Middle-Level Libraries
3.4 Common IDEs and Tools
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Barkalov, A./Titarenko, L./Mazurkiewicz, M. (2019): Foundations of Embedded Systems. In:
Kacprzyk, J.: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Volume 195, Springer Nature, Chams.
▪ Lacamera, D. (2018): Embedded systems architecture: explore architectural concepts,
pragmatic design patterns, and best practices to produce robust systems. Packt Publishing,
▪ Noergaard, T. (2013): Embedded Systems Architecture. Elsevier Inc, Amsterdam.
▪ Siegesmund, M. (2014): Embedded C Programming. Elsevier Inc, Amsterdam.
▪ Simon, D. E. (1999): An embedded software primer. Addison Wesley, Boston, MS.
▪ White, E. (2011): Making Embedded Systems. O’Reilly, Sebastopol, CL.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Matthias Eifler (Introduction to Robotics) / Prof. Dr. Mario Boßlau (Production Engineering)
Introduction to Robotics
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam or
Written Assessment: Written Assignment,
90 Minutes
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam or Written
Assessment: Written Assignment, 90 Minutes
Production Engineering
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Introduction to Robotics
▪ Introduction to Robotics
▪ Trends
▪ Industrial Robots
▪ Mobile Robots
▪ Applications
Production Engineering
▪ Introduction to Manufacturing Technology
▪ Main Production Groups According to DIN 8580
▪ Additive Manufacturing Processes
▪ Rapid Prototyping
▪ Rapid Tooling
▪ Direct/Rapid Manufacturing
▪ Cyber-Physical Production Plants
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to Robotics
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ name important developments in the field of robotics.
▪ understand the mechanical structure and characteristics of robots.
▪ name characteristics and challenges of industrial robots.
▪ name characteristics and challenges of mobile robots.
▪ understand the role of robots in applications.
▪ name and understand current trends in the field of robotics.
Production Engineering
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the basic concepts and interrelationships of production engineering.
▪ understand current changes in manufacturing technology due to technologies such as
additive manufacturing and megatrends such as cyber physical systems.
▪ assign different manufacturing processes to the main manufacturing groups according to
DIN 8580.
▪ understand the basic principle of additive manufacturing processes.
▪ distinguish between different additive manufacturing processes.
▪ understand the terms Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling, and Direct Manufacturing and name
individual processes and application examples.
▪ understand the elements and properties of cyber-physical production plants.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
fields of Engineering and Computer Science & Technology fields
Software Development
Introduction to Robotics
Course Code: DLBROIR01_E
Course Description
Robotics is experiencing very interesting developments, which experts describe as being a
transition to a new generation of robots. We have moved from the “4Ds” of Robotics 1.0 (dull, dirty,
dumb, dangerous) to the “4Ss” of Robotics 2.0 (smarter, safer, sensors, simple), but we still need to
proceed further to the “4Ms” of Robotics 3.0 (multitasking, emotive, morphing, multiagent). This
course, thus, provides the required background to understand the main development of robotics
looking at industrial as well as at mobile robots, their main characteristics, issues, challenges,
applications, and development trends.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. What is Robotics?
1.1 Basics and Definitions
1.2 History and Cultural Influence
1.3 Challenges and Trends (from Robotics 1.0 to Robotics 3.0)
2. Robots
2.1 Mechanical Structure
2.2 Kinematic Chains
2.3 Market Overview
3. Industrial Robots
3.1 Components of Industrial Robot Systems
3.2 Characteristics
3.3 Common Industrial Robots
3.4 Applications
3.5 Trends
4. Mobile Robots
4.1 Components of Mobile Robot Systems
4.2 Characteristics
4.3 Common Mobile Robots
4.4 Applications
4.5 Trends
5. Applications
5.1 Industrial Robots
5.2 Healthcare
5.3 Agriculture or Field Robotics
5.4 Space and Defense
5.5 Warehouse and Logistics
5.6 Construction
5.7 Wearables
5.8 Social Robots
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Mihelj, M., Bajd, T., Ude, A., Lenarcic, J., Stanovnik, A., Munih, M., Rejc, J., & Slajpah, S. (2019).
Robotics(2nd ed.). Springer.
▪ Ben-Ari, M., & Mondada, F. (2017). Elements of robotics. Springer.
▪ Siciliano, B., & Khatib, O. (Eds.). (2016). Springer handbook of robotics. Springer
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
100 h 0h 25 h 25 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
100 h 0h 25 h 25 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Production Engineering
Course Code: DLBDSEAR01
Course Description
The aim of the course is to provide students with an overview of the processes that have
influenced and still influence production processes through technological developments under
the generic term Industry 4.0, based on traditional, standardized manufacturing techniques. These
include, in particular, technological advances in additive manufacturing processes that enable
applications such as rapid prototyping, rapid tooling, and direct manufacturing. Finally, the course
deals with the consequences of the digitalization and networking of production facilities and their
elements in the sense of a cyber-physical system.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Introduction to Manufacturing Technology
1.1 Basic Terms and Contexts in Manufacturing Theory
1.2 Historical Development of Production
1.3 The Discussion About the Long Tail
4. Rapid Prototyping
4.1 Definition
4.2 Strategic and Operational Aspects
4.3 Application Areas and Examples
5. Rapid Tooling
5.1 Definition, Strategic, and Operational Aspects
5.2 Indirect and Direct Procedures
6. Direct/Rapid Manufacturing
6.1 Potentials and Requirements for Procedures
6.2 Implementation, Application Areas, and Examples
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Anderson, C. (2012): Makers. The new industrial revolution. Crown Business, New York.
▪ Gebhardt, A. (2012): Understanding Additive Manufacturing. Rapid Prototyping – Rapid Tooling
– Rapid Manufacturing. Hanser, München/Cincinnati.
▪ Gibson, I., Rosen, D., Stucker, B., & Khorasani, M. (2021). Additive Manufacturing Technologies
(3rd ed.). Springer International Publishing.
▪ Groover, M. P., (2019). Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and
Systems (7th ed.). Wiley.
▪ Kalpakjian, S., & Schmid, S.R. (2020). Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (8th ed.).
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Black-Branch (International Management) / N.N. (Leadership 4.0)
International Management
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Leadership 4.0
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
International Management
▪ Globalization and the internationalization of business
▪ Assessment of political, legal, economic, and cultural Contexts
▪ Strategy in international business
▪ Organization in international business
▪ Marketing in international business
▪ Human resource management in international business
Leadership 4.0
▪ Conventional understanding of leadership
▪ Management tools
▪ Leadership versus management
▪ Integral concept of humankind as future-oriented model
▪ Characteristics and competencies of leaders
▪ Leadership models
▪ Agile Leadership instruments
Learning Outcomes
International Management
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ recognize and explain the cultural, social, economic, historical, and political differences that
affect strategic decision making on an international/global scale.
▪ gather specific information and conduct reliable assessments of the opportunities and risks
related to business activities in different geographical market regions and specific national
▪ describe the impact of culture on international business activities.
▪ identify different options for market entry and market development and participate in
strategic planning activities that address these issues.
▪ design and evaluate different organizational structures for international businesses and
design measures to optimize organizational structures for international operations.
▪ design, evaluate, and optimize human resource management practices for global and
multinational companies.
▪ explain options for international marketing and select an appropriate marketing mix relative
to specific products/services and the target market.
▪ identify and manage challenges associated with operating in an international/global
business environment, such as the procurement and coordination of resources and human
resource management.
▪ develop business plans that implement specific organizational, marketing, and distribution
strategies in selected regions/countries.
Leadership 4.0
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the classical theories of leadership and new leadership models.
▪ distinguish between the terms leadership and management.
▪ reflect on the understanding of successful leadership models against the background of
economic changes.
▪ develop an understanding of the need for alternative forms of organizational directing.
▪ implement appropriate leadership methods according to a company’s level of complexity.
▪ draw upon a sound theoretical understanding that they can practice in applied research.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programs in the Business &
field of Business Administration & Management Management field
286 BWINT01
International Management
Course Code: BWINT01
Course Description
Globalization presents multiple opportunities and challenges to product and service industries.
Many companies previously engaged in local markets must consider global trends and
international markets, both on the demand and on the supply side. With this, comes new
opportunities to market products and services. At the same time, complexity in daily business
increases and managers have to face ambiguities and frequently changing contexts. With more
competition, more diverse markets, and cultural, political, and legal challenges abroad, it has
become more difficult to manage a company efficiently. All these factors call for managers to
adopt a global mindset and sufficient cultural sensitivity.The course is designed to cover the
economic, organizational, and cultural underpinnings that students need to grasp in order to
better understand the managerial challenges that global organizations of all types and sizes have
to cope with. Participants of this course will be provided with empirical knowledge and first-hand
experiences of international management. Through multiple case studies within the course book,
online lectures, and tutorials, students will develop a detailed understanding of the strategies and
operational patterns necessary to successfully operate in international markets.
BWINT01 287
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ recognize and explain the cultural, social, economic, historical, and political differences that
affect strategic decision making on an international/global scale.
▪ gather specific information and conduct reliable assessments of the opportunities and risks
related to business activities in different geographical market regions and specific national
▪ describe the impact of culture on international business activities.
▪ identify different options for market entry and market development and participate in
strategic planning activities that address these issues.
▪ design and evaluate different organizational structures for international businesses and
design measures to optimize organizational structures for international operations.
▪ design, evaluate, and optimize human resource management practices for global and
multinational companies.
▪ explain options for international marketing and select an appropriate marketing mix relative
to specific products/services and the target market.
▪ identify and manage challenges associated with operating in an international/global
business environment, such as the procurement and coordination of resources and human
resource management.
▪ develop business plans that implement specific organizational, marketing, and distribution
strategies in selected regions/countries.
1. Introduction to International Management
1.1 What is Globalization?
1.2 Facts about Globalization and the Global Economy
1.3 Theoretical Explanations for Globalization
288 BWINT01
7. International Marketing
7.1 Marketing in International Business
7.2 Strategic Choices in International Marketing
7.3 Marketing Mix Choices in International Marketing
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Rugman, A. M., & Collinson, S. (2012). International business (6th ed.). Harlow: Pearson
▪ Deresky, H. (2013). International management (8th ed.). Harlow: Prentice Hall International.
▪ Peng, M. W., & Meyer, K. (2011). International business. London: Cengage Learning Emea.
▪ Daniels, J. D., Radebaugh, L. H., & Sullivan, D. P. (2013). International business, environments
and operations (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
▪ Johnson, G., Scholes, K., & Whittington, R. (2008). Exploring corporate strategy (8th ed.).
Harlow: Pearson Prentice Hall.
▪ Morgan, G., Kristensen, P. H., & Whitley, R. (Eds.). (2001). The multinational firm: Organizing
across institutional and national divides. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
▪ Wall, S., Minocha, S., & Rees, B. (2010). International business (3rd ed.). Harlow: Prentice Hall.
BWINT01 289
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Leadership 4.0
Course Code: DLBWPLS01_E
Course Description
Today, competitiveness depends more than ever on continuous innovation. This puts new
demands on the management of companies. The task of successful leaders in innovation and
business is no longer to offer direction and solutions, but to create a framework in which others
develop innovations. This change, which is currently taking place with full force in companies,
requires further developments on classic leadership concepts and its principles.Against the
background of digital change and the advance of artificial intelligence, established business
models are constantly being put to the test. On the one hand, it is important to work on several
projects simultaneously and to adapt flexibly to changing conditions at any time; on the other
hand, employees want to be integrated into the work process in a different way. Consideration and
flexibility for their personal and family situation play an increasing role. Innovation and business
leaders can only meet all these diverse challenges with Leadership by inspiring others to think
ahead and act inter-divisionally, in other words, to be visionary. This course tries to convey
knowledge, understanding and tools for this challenging field of work.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Basics of the Leadership Concept
1.1 Definition of the Leadership Concept and Leadership Actions
1.2 Development of the Understanding of Leadership
1.3 The Role of Communication in Leadership
1.4 New Challenges for Leadership
5. Management Tools
5.1 Definition, Differentiation and Challenges
5.2 Use of Direct Management Tools
5.3 Use of Indirect Management Tools
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Au, C. v. (eds.) (2017): Characteristics and competencies of leaders. Mindfulness, self-
reflection, soft skills and competence systems. Springer, Wiesbaden.
▪ Creusen, U./Eschemann, N. -R./Joahnn, T. (2010): Positive leadership. Psychology of successful
leadership. Advanced strategies for the application of the grid model. Gabler, Wiesbaden.
▪ Furtner, M. R. (2017): Empowering Leadership. With self-responsible employees to innovation
and top performance. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
▪ Furtner, M. R./Baldegger, U. (2016): Self-Leadership and Leadership. Theories, models and
practical implementation. Second edition, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
▪ Manager Magazine Publishing Company (ed.) (2015): Harvard Business Manager Special:
Leadership. How does leadership work in the age of digital transformation? A booklet about
management in change. 37th year
▪ Hofer, S. (2016): More agile leadership. Simple measures for better teamwork, better
performance and higher creativity. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
▪ Kauffeld, S. (Hrsg.) (2014): Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology for Bachelor. 2nd
edition, Springer, Berlin.
▪ Maxwell, J. C. (2016): Leadership. The 21 most important management principles. 8th edition,
fountain, pouring.
▪ Wilber, K. (2012): Integral Psychology. Mind, consciousness, psychology, therapy. Arbor,
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Caterina Fox (International Marketing ) / Caterina Fox (International Brand Management)
International Marketing
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
International Marketing
▪ International marketing strategy
▪ Cultural differences and their significance for marketing
▪ International marketing mix (product, price, promotion, and distribution decisions in an
international environment)
▪ International market research and consumer behavior
▪ Ethical aspects in international marketing
▪ International marketing controlling and six sigma
Learning Outcomes
International Marketing
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand basic aspects of international strategic marketing.
▪ analyze cultural differences and their impact on international marketing.
▪ apply selected concepts of the international marketing mix.
▪ describe the possibilities of international market research and its influence on consumer
▪ recognize the necessity of international brand controlling and quality management.
▪ reproduce theoretical knowledge using case studies.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the University
All Bachelor Programmes in the Marketing &
This module is similar to other modules in Communication fields
the fields of Marketing & Sales
International Marketing
Course Code: DLBDSEIMB01
Course Description
Students are taught the necessity for strategic marketing in an international context. They will
learn about essential cultural differences and their influences on international marketing
management. The basic decisions, standardizations, and adaptations in international marketing
are experienced by the students on the basis of different concepts in the international marketing
mix. The necessity of international market research, strategic planning, and control are taught to
the students, along with the ethical aspects in international marketing. The students analyze
current topics in international marketing management and reflect on them in connection with the
concepts they have learned in this course.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Strategic International Marketing
1.1 Internationalization
1.2 Theoretical Foundations of International Market Entry Strategies
1.3 Forms of International Market Entry
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., & Opresnik, M. O. (2019). Marketing: An introduction (14th ed.).
▪ Green, M. C., & Keegan, W. J. (2020). Global marketing (10th ed.). Pearson.
▪ Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations—Software of the
mind: Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival. McGraw-Hill.
▪ Hollensen, S. (2020). Global marketing (8th ed.). Pearson.
▪ Mooij, M. (2018). Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes (5th
ed.). Sage Publications.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
The aim of this course is to deepen and expand the knowledge acquired in the introductory
elective course International Marketing. The value of a brand is a decisive competitive advantage
for companies in international business. Brands create long-term and profitable customer
relationships. Brands are therefore valuable assets for companies and organizations. Students
learn the basics of brand management before moving on to the concepts and success factors of
international brand management. Students also become familiar with the structure of brand
architectures and the possibilities of brand extensions. The fact that different stakeholder groups
must be taken into account in brand management is communicated to the students on the basis
of the stakeholder concept. In addition, the students get to know the various methods for
measuring brand value and brand controlling. The aspects of trademark protection that are
particularly important in an international environment will be dealt with conclusively.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ recognize the significance of a brand and the general conditions under which brands
operate, as well as the associated tasks of brand management.
▪ describe the components of a brand and its management.
▪ explain the positioning of brands on regional, national and international markets.
▪ understand the role of brand evaluation and compare the most common measurement
▪ give an overview of the importance of trademark protection and suggest strategies for
preventing counterfeiting.
▪ conceive of brand strategies and measures for the avoidance or occurrence of brand crises.
1. Basics of Brand Management
1.1 Brand Significance and Brand Understanding
1.2 Market Conditions
1.3 Tasks and Goals of Brand Management
3. Brand Strategies
3.1 The Challenges for Brand Strategies
3.2 Brand Strategies for New Products
3.3 Trademark Licensing
4. International Branding
4.1 Importance of Branding for International Companies
4.2 Brand Concepts for International Brands
4.3 Factors for Successful International Brands
7. Brand Expansion
7.1 Basics of Brand Extension
7.2 Opportunities and Risks of Brand Extension
7.3 Ideal Typical Sequence of the Brand Extension Process
9. Brand Control
9.1 Basics of Brand Controlling
9.2 Importance and Measurement of Brand Value
9.3 Practical Methods for Measuring Brand Value
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Beverland, M. (2021). Brand management: Co-creating meaningful brands (2nd
ed.). SagePublications Ltd.
▪ Burmann, C., Riley, N. M., Halaszovich, T., & Schade, M. (2017). Identity-based brand
management:Fundamentals—strategy—implementation—controlling. Springer Gabler.
▪ Kapferer, J. N. (2012). The new strategic brand management: Advanced insights and
strategicthinking (5th ed.). Kogan Page.
▪ Keller, K. L., & Swaminathan, V. (2019). Strategic brand management: Building,
measuring, andmanaging brand equity (5th ed., Global ed.). Pearson.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Applied Sales
Module Code: DLBDSEAS
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Patrick Geus (Applied Sales I) / Prof. Dr. Patrick Geus (Applied Sales II)
Applied Sales I
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
Applied Sales II
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Applied Sales I
▪ Fundamentals of Applied Sales
▪ The Distribution System
▪ Personal Sales
▪ Sales Plans
▪ New Customer Acquisition
▪ A Sales Visit
▪ Conversational Tactics
▪ Conducting Negotiations
▪ Other Sales Channels
Applied Sales II
▪ Marketing and Sales
▪ Customer Satisfaction as a Success Factor
▪ Personalities in Sales
▪ Customer-Oriented Communication
▪ Presentation and Rhetoric
▪ Customer Loyalty
▪ Networking
▪ Case Study
Learning Outcomes
Applied Sales I
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the fundamentals of applied sales and place them in the context of the
▪ understand the interaction of the individual facets of applied sales.
▪ differentiate between and evaluate individual sales systems.
▪ describe current sales types and sales characteristics.
▪ oversee and classify the entire sales process from customer acquisition to customer
▪ understand the basics of sales and negotiation management and apply them.
▪ name the usual sales instruments, recognize their advantages and disadvantages, and reflect
on essential fields of application and possibilities.
Applied Sales II
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the interaction and the respective areas of responsibility of marketing and sales.
▪ reflect on and classify the goals and measures within the framework of the applied sales
▪ assess the relevance of customer satisfaction and retention. In addition, the students will be
familiar with the central design elements of CRM.
▪ reflect on and assess alternative approaches to customer loyalty and relationship
management and apply them in business practice.
▪ understand the meaning of the terms customer life cycle and customer value, and develop
approaches to manage them in the sense of the respective sales targets.
▪ use descriptive presentation techniques in order to convince customers and other sales
▪ understand the relevance of networking and develop strategies to broaden the contact base.
▪ develop and evaluate their own market analyses and sales concepts on the basis of practical
experience within the framework of the case study.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the University
All Bachelor Programmes in the Marketing &
This module is similar to other modules in Communication fields
the fields of Marketing & Sales
Applied Sales I
Course Code: DLBDSEAS01
Course Description
The demands on sales thinking are growing every day. Globalized demand combined with high
competition is making it increasingly difficult for companies to compete for customers. At the
same time, customers are becoming better informed, while traditional supply markets are
saturated and at overcapacity. In order to be successful in such an environment, sales thinking
and action are required along with a new type of salesperson. Within the course Applied Sales I
(Introduction), the participants are familiarized with the basic concepts of applied sales. You will
learn about sales organization, dealing with alternative sales channels, and get to know the
dedicated sales planning process. The contents of the module are complemented by the
successful acquisition of new customers, whereby particular attention is paid to the organization
and implementation of customer visits and the conduct of discussions and negotiations.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the fundamentals of applied sales and place them in the context of the
▪ understand the interaction of the individual facets of applied sales.
▪ differentiate between and evaluate individual sales systems.
▪ describe current sales types and sales characteristics.
▪ oversee and classify the entire sales process from customer acquisition to customer
▪ understand the basics of sales and negotiation management and apply them.
▪ name the usual sales instruments, recognize their advantages and disadvantages, and reflect
on essential fields of application and possibilities.
1. Fundamentals of Applied Sales and Distribution
1.1 Tasks and Forms of Applied Distribution
1.2 Marketing as the Basis of Sales
1.3 Distribution, Sales, and Other Terms
1.4 Sales in Different Economic Sectors
3. Personal Sales
3.1 The "New Sellers"
3.2 Requirements for Sales Personalities
3.3 The Key Account Manager
3.4 Task of Sales Managers
4. Sales Plan
4.1 Tasks and Objectives of Sales Management
4.2 Observation of Competition in the Context of Sales Management
4.3 Potential Analyses and Sales Planning
4.4 Sales Control and Visit Strategies
7. Conversational Tactics
7.1 Structured Conversation Preparation
7.2 Goal-Oriented Conversation: The D.A.L.A.S Model
7.3 Questioning Techniques
8. Conducting Negotiations
8.1 Psychology of Negotiation
8.2 Negotiation Structure
8.3 Objection Handling
8.4 Price Negotiations
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Bloomfield, J. (2020). NeuroSelling: Mastering the customer conversation using the surprising
science of decision making. Axon Publishing.
▪ Jobber, D., Lancaster, G., & Le Meunier-FitzHugh, K. (2019). Selling and sales
management (10th ed.). Pearson.
▪ Peppers, D., & Rogers, M. (2016). Managing customer experience and relationships: A strategic
framework (3rd ed.). Wiley.
▪ Pink, D. H. (2012). To sell is human: The surprising truth about moving others. Riverhead
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Applied Sales II
Course Code: DLBDSEAS02
Course Description
The course Applied Sales II builds on the basics taught in the course "Applied Sales I" and
broadens and deepens them. First, the tension between marketing and sales is examined in more
detail. Based on this, essential backgrounds and central target figures for successful sales
management (e.g., customer satisfaction and loyalty as well as the customer life cycle) are derived
and operationalized in order to create the basis for efficient and effective customer relationship
management. As the process progresses, attention will also be paid to mental processes and
consumer behavior in general. In addition, strategies and paths to successful negotiation are
deepened and supplemented by convincing communication techniques. The course concludes
with a case study in the course of which the students have the opportunity to apply what they
have learned in a practice-oriented manner.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the interaction and the respective areas of responsibility of marketing and sales.
▪ reflect on and classify the goals and measures within the framework of the applied sales
▪ assess the relevance of customer satisfaction and retention. In addition, the students will be
familiar with the central design elements of CRM.
▪ reflect on and assess alternative approaches to customer loyalty and relationship
management and apply them in business practice.
▪ understand the meaning of the terms customer life cycle and customer value, and develop
approaches to manage them in the sense of the respective sales targets.
▪ use descriptive presentation techniques in order to convince customers and other sales
▪ understand the relevance of networking and develop strategies to broaden the contact base.
▪ develop and evaluate their own market analyses and sales concepts on the basis of practical
experience within the framework of the case study.
1. Marketing and Sales
1.1 Marketing and Business Philosophy
1.2 Sales Marketing in Different Economic Sectors
1.3 Relationship Marketing
1.4 (International) Marketing and Sales Integration
3. Customer Retention
3.1 Customer Retention Management
3.2 Customer Retention Tools
3.3 Complaints Management
4. Customer-Oriented Communications
4.1 Communication and Sales Promotion by Sales Staff
4.2 Sales Promotion by Sales Team
4.3 Sales Promotion by the Company
5. Personalities in Sales
5.1 Sales Personalities
5.2 Selling in Teams
5.3 Negotiating with Committees
7. Networking
7.1 Organizational Networks and Networking
7.2 Building and Shaping Relationships
7.3 Networking via Social Media
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Jobber, D./Lancaster, G./Le Meunier-Fitzhugh, K. (2019): Selling and Sales Management, 11th
Ed.; Pearson
▪ Johnston, M.W./Marshall (2021): Sales Force Management: Leadership, Innovation, Technology;
▪ Jordan, J./Vazzana, M. (2011): Cracking the Sales Management Code: The Secrets to Measuring
and Managing Sales Performance; 13th Ed.; McGraw Hill
▪ Kumar, V./Reinartz, W. (2018): Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and
Tools; 3rd Ed.; Springer Texts in Business and Economics
▪ Marcos, J./Davies, M. (2019): Implementing Key Account Management: Designing Customer-
Centric Processes for Mutual Growth; KoganPage
▪ Peppers, D./Rogers, M. (2011): Managing Customer Relationships : A Strategic Framework; 2nd
Ed.; Wiley
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Hubert Vogl (Supply Chain Management I ) / Sebastian Stütz (Supply Chain Management
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Learning Outcomes
Supply Chain Management I
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ explain the importance of cross-company value creation processes.
▪ understand common concepts for modeling cross-company value creation processes.
▪ understand dynamic effects in supply chains and can systematize their causes and effects.
▪ explain important theoretical concepts for describing the characteristics and challenges of
cross-company value creation processes.
▪ explain the approaches and problem categories commonly used in the context of supply
chain management.
▪ understand important reference and/or management models for the concretization of
supply chain systems.
▪ name and detail important roles and tasks in the SCM network.
▪ deal with the coordination problem of SCM and describe the common solution approaches.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the Transport &
fields of Logistics & Transportation Logistics fields
Course Description
SCM proves to be an extremely multi-faceted construct from both a theoretical and a practical
point of view. An adequate understanding of the problem dimensions and modes of action of
(global) cross-company value creation networks requires a multidimensional approach. It starts by
considering logistical processes, with modern process, flow, and network standards forming an
important basis for SCM. On the basis of such an approach, students should gain a fundamental
understanding of SCM. From the point of view of a holistic approach, it also makes sense to also
examine a number of other typical problem areas in addition to the logistical challenges of this
concept. This includes IT aspects of SCM (e.g., APS systems), and questions to do with the
collaboration and coordination of network partners. This course also considers selected industry
specific SCM solutions (ECR or VMI).
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Fundamentals of the Supply Chain Concept
1.1 Terminological and Conceptual Fundamentals
1.2 Supply Chain Typology According to Otto
1.3 Supply Chain Typology According to Bechtel/Jayaram
1.4 Dynamic Aspects of Supply Chains
4. SCM Model
4.1 Basic Information on the Term SCM Models
4.2 SCOR Model
4.3 SCM Task Model
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Bolstorff, P., & Rosenbaum, R. (2011). Supply chain excellence: A handbook for dramatic
improvement using the SCOR model. AMACOM.
▪ Bowersox, J., Closs, D., & Cooper, M. B. (2020). Supply chain logistics management (5th ed.).
McGraw Hill Education.
▪ Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2019). Supply chain management: Strategy, planning, and
operation (7th ed., Global ed.). Pearson Education.
▪ Kurbel, K. E. (2013). Enterprise resource planning and supply chain management: Functions,
business processes and software for manufacturing companies. Springer.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
From the perspective of strategic management research and practice, the activities covered by the
term SCM are closely related to efforts to build and/or maintain a stable operational competitive
advantage. A fundamental discussion of this relationship forms the starting point for the course.
On this basis, a differentiated analysis of strategy-relevant activities and instruments in the Plan,
Source, Make, Deliver, and Return process categories is then carried out using the SCOR model.
Special attention is given to the practice-relevant areas of SCM, e.g., order-promising (plan),
supplier-relation-management (source), postponement (make), and the ECR-concept (deliver).
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Strategic Aspects of SCM
1.1 Strategic Thinking and Action: General Information
1.2 Competition Focus and SCM
1.3 Competition Location and SCM
1.4 Competition Rules and SCM
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Chopra, S. (2019). Supply chain management: Strategy, planning and operation (Global
ed., 7thed.). Pearson.
▪ Hill, A., & Hill, T. (2018). Essential operations management (2nd ed.). Palgrave.
▪ Hugos, M. (2011). Essentials of supply chain management (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
6. Semester
Mathematics Basics
Module Code: DLBSEWMG_E
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Veronica Mas (Mathematics I) / Prof. Dr. Leonardo Riccardi (Mathematics II)
▪ Mathematics I (DLBCSM101)
▪ Mathematics II (DLBCSM201)
Mathematics I
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
Mathematics II
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Mathematics I
▪ Basic Definitions and Terms of Discrete Mathematics
▪ Sets and Propositional Logic
▪ Number Systems such as Decimal and Binary Systems
▪ Graphs and Mappings
▪ Selected Topics of Elementary Number Theory
▪ Cryptography
Mathematics II
▪ Selected Topics of Linear Algebra
▪ Selected Chapters on Graphs and Algorithms
Learning Outcomes
Mathematics I
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand basic terms of discrete mathematics as well as describe them and distinguish
them from each other.
▪ understand concepts of number theory and their application in IT and technology and be
able to solve tasks independently by applying these concepts.
Mathematics II
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand basic concepts of linear algebra, their interrelations, and their application in IT
and technology and be able solve tasks independently using these concepts.
▪ understand and distinguish the basic concepts and important algorithms for graphs and
trees from the field of discrete mathematics as well as their application in IT and technology.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the University
All Bachelor Programmes in the Business &
This module is similar to other modules in the Management field.
field of Methods.
DLBCSM101 341
Mathematics I
Course Code: DLBCSM101
Course Description
Many practical concepts in IT and technology are based on the findings of discrete mathematics.
For an in-depth understanding of, for example, data structures, the construction of
communication networks, or of solutions to algorithmic problems, a basic understanding of their
mathematical background is necessary. This course therefore introduces discrete mathematical
terms and concepts, with specific areas of number theory also taught.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand basic terms of discrete mathematics as well as describe them and distinguish
them from each other.
▪ understand concepts of number theory and their application in IT and technology and be
able to solve tasks independently by applying these concepts.
1. Mathematical Basics
1.1 Basic Concepts
1.2 Proof Techniques
1.3 Finite Sums
2. Sets
2.1 Properties and Calculation Rules for Sets
2.2 Equivalence Relations
3. Propositional Logic
3.1 Statements and Logical Connections
3.2 Truth Tables
3.3 Computational Rules of Propositional Logic
3.4 Simplification of Expressions in Propositional Logic
342 DLBCSM101
4. Number Systems
4.1 Decimal System
4.2 Binary System
4.3 Hexadecimal System
5. Mappings
5.1 Mappings and Graphs
5.2 Special Properties of Mappings
7. Prime Numbers
7.1 Definition and Properties of Prime Numbers
7.2 Prime Number Test
8. Modular Arithmetic
8.1 The Euclidean Algorithm
8.2 Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
9. Applications in Cryptography
9.1 The Shift Cryptosystem
9.2 Symmetric vs Asymmetric Cryptosystems
9.3 The RSA Cryptosystem
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Rosenthal, D., Rosenthal, D., Rosenthal, P. (2018). A Readable Introduction to Real
Mathematics (2nd ed.). Springer.
▪ Vaudenay, S. (2006). A Classical Introduction to Cryptography (1st ed.). Springer.
DLBCSM101 343
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
344 DLBCSM101
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
DLBCSM201 345
Mathematics II
Course Code: DLBCSM201
Course Description
This course continues the introduction to topics of discrete mathematics which began in the
module "Mathematics Fundamentals I". In this course, the concepts of linear algebra are
introduced and knowledge about graphs and algorithms for graphs is deepened. Typical questions
of applied computer science are selected, and students are shown how they can be solved with
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand basic concepts of linear algebra, their interrelations, and their application in IT
and technology and be able solve tasks independently using these concepts.
▪ understand and distinguish the basic concepts and important algorithms for graphs and
trees from the field of discrete mathematics as well as their application in IT and technology.
1. Introduction to Matrices
1.1 Basic Concepts of Matrices
1.2 Addition of Matrices
1.3 Scalar Multiplication and Product
2. Inverting Matrices
2.1 Multiplication of Matrices
2.2 Properties of Matrix Multiplication
2.3 Inverse Matrices
346 DLBCSM201
4. Introduction to Graphs
4.1 Undirected Graphs
4.2 Further Properties of Graphs
4.3 Adjacency Matrix
8. Trees
8.1 Properties of Trees
8.2 Root Tree
8.3 Spanning Tree
8.4 Minimal Spanning Tree
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Benjamin, A., Chartrand, G., and Zhang, P. (2017). The fascinating world of graph theory.
Princeton University Press.
▪ Erciyes, J. (2021). Discrete mathematics and graph theory: A concise study companion and
guide. Princeton University Press.
▪ Lewis, H., & Zax, R. (2019). Essential discrete mathematics for computer science. Princeton
University Press.
DLBCSM201 347
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
348 DLBCSM201
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Robert Graf (Mathematics: Linear Algebra) / Prof. Dr. Robert Graf (Mathematics: Analysis)
Mathematics: Analysis
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Mathematics: Analysis
▪ Sequences and Series
▪ Functions and Reverse Functions
▪ Differential Calculus
▪ Integral Calculus
Learning Outcomes
Mathematics: Linear Algebra
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ explain fundamental notions in the domain of linear equation systems.
▪ exemplify properties of vectors and vector spaces.
▪ summarize characteristics of linear and affine mappings.
▪ identify important relations in analytical geometry.
▪ utilize different methods for matrix decomposition..
Mathematics: Analysis
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ summarize the basic concepts of analysis.
▪ illustrate the terms "consequences" and "series".
▪ explain the concept of function and to understand the concept of the inverse function.
▪ explain basic statements of the differential and integral calculus.
▪ explain the relationship between differentiation and integration.
▪ master the derivation of higher-dimensional functions.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the University
All Bachelor Programmes in the Business &
This module is similar to other modules in the Management field.
field of Methods.
Course Description
Linear algebra is a fundamental subject in mathematics. Its historical origin lies in the
development of solution techniques for systems of linear equations arising from geometric
problems. Numerous scientific and engineering applications can be solved using its methods. This
course introduces the foundations of linear algebra and its basic notions like vectors and
matrices. It then builds upon this foundation by introducing the derivation of solution techniques
for problems in analytical geometry.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Foundations
1.1 Systems of Linear Equations
1.2 Matrices: Basic Terms
1.3 Matrix algebra
1.4 Matrices as compact representations of linear equations
1.5 Inverse and trace
2. Vector Spaces
2.1 Definition
2.2 Linear Combination and Linear Dependance
2.3 Basis, Linear Envelope, and Rank
4. Analytical Geometry
4.1 Norm
4.2 Scalar Product
4.3 Orthogonal Projections
4.4 Outlook: Complex Numbers
5. Matrix Decomposition
5.1 Determinant
5.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
5.3 Cholesky Decomposition
5.4 Eigenvalue Decomposition and Diagonalisation
5.5 Singular Value Decomposition
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Mathai, A. M., & Haubold, H. J. (2017). Linear algebra, a course for physicists and engineers (1st
ed.) De Gruyter.
▪ Neri, F. (2019). Linear algebra for computational sciences and engineering (2nd ed.) Springer.
▪ Shilov, G. E. (1977). Linear algebra. Dover Publications.
▪ Strang, G. (2020). Introduction to linear algebra. (5th ed.) Cambridge Press.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Mathematics: Analysis
Course Code: DLBDSMFC01
Course Description
Analysis is one of the essential basic subjects of mathematics. Originally developed to be able to
formulate and solve problems of classical mechanics mathematically, in its present rigorous form
it has become indispensable in numerous applications in the natural sciences and technology.
This module aims to introduce the basic hand tool of differential and integral calculus and to
explain their mutual interrelations. In addition, the differential calculus is generalized to
multidimensional spaces.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Sequences and series
1.1 Sequences and series
1.2 Convergence of infinite series
1.3 power series
3. Differential calculus
3.1 Derivatives and higher derivatives
3.2 curve discussion
3.3 Rules (chain rule, product rule, quotient rule ...)
3.4 Taylor Rows
4. Integral calculus
4.1 The Riemann Integral
4.2 Specific and indefinite integrals
4.3 The fundamental theorem of differential and integral calculus
4.4 Volumes and shells of rotary bodies
4.5 Paths and lengths
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Deisenroth, M.P., Faisal, A.A., & Ong, C.S. (2020). Mathematics for Machine Learning. Cambridge
University Press.
▪ Magnus, R. (2020). Fundamental Mathematical Analysis. Springer International Publishing.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Statistics Basics
Module Code: DLBSEWSG_E
Module Coordinator
Dr. Stefan Stöckl (Statistics: Probability and Descriptive Statistics ) / Dr. Stefan Stöckl (Statistics -
Inferential Statistics)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Learning Outcomes
Statistics: Probability and Descriptive Statistics
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ define probability, random variable, and probability distribution.
▪ understand the concept of Bayesian statistics.
▪ grasp the definition of joint and marginal distributions.
▪ calculate expectation values and higher moments.
▪ comprehend important inequality equations and limit theorems.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the University
All Bachelor Programmes in the Business &
This module is similar to other modules in Management fields
the field of Methods
Course Description
Statistical description and analysis are the foundations for data-driven analysis and prediction
methods. This course introduces the fundamentals, beginning with a formal definition of
probabilities and introduction to the concepts underlying Bayesian statistics.Random variables
and probability density distributions are then discussed, as well as the concept of joint and
marginal distributions. The importance of various discrete and continuous distributions and their
applications is stressed.Characterizing distributions is an important aspect of describing the
behavior of probability distributions. Students are familiarized with expectation values, variance,
and covariance. The concepts of algebraic and central moments and moment-generating functions
complement the characterization of probability distributions.Finally, this course focuses on
important inequalities and limit theorems such as the law of large numbers or the central limit
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Probability
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Independent events
1.3 Conditional probability
1.4 Bayesian statistics
2. Random Variables
2.1 Random Variables
2.2 Distribution functions and probability mass functions
2.3 Important discrete probability distributions
2.4 Important continous probability distributions
3. Joint Distributions
3.1 Joint distributions
3.2 Marginal distributions
3.3 Independent random variables
3.4 Conditional distributions
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Downey, A.B. (2011). Think stats (2nd ed.). Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly
▪ Kim, A. (2019). Exponential Distribution—Intuition, Derivation, and Applications. Available
▪ Wasserman, L. (2004). All of Statistics: A concise course in statistical inference. New York, NY:
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
Statistical analysis and understanding are the foundations of data-driven methods and machine
learning approaches.This course gives a thorough introduction to point estimators and discusses
various techniques to estimate and optimize parameters. Special focus is given to a detailed
discussion of both statistical and systematic uncertainties as well as propagation of
uncertainties.Bayesian statistics is fundamental to data-driven approaches, and this course takes
a close look at Bayesian techniques such as Bayesian parameter estimation and prior probability
functions.Furthermore, this course gives an in-depth overview of statistical testing and decision
theory, focusing on aspects such as A/B testing, hypothesis testing, p-values, and multiple testing
which are fundamental to statistical analysis approaches in a broad range of practical
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Point Estimation
1.1 Method of moments
1.2 Sufficient statistics
1.3 Maximum likelihood
1.4 Ordinary least squares
1.5 Resampling techniques
2. Uncertainties
2.1 Statistical and systematic uncertainties
2.2 Propagation of uncertainties
4. Statistical Testing
4.1 A/B testing
4.2 Hypothesis tests & test statistics
4.3 P-values & confidence intervals
4.4 Multiple testing
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Wasserman, L. (2004). All of statistics: A concise course in statistical inference. Springer.
▪ Downey, A. B. (2014). Think stats (2nd ed.). O’Reilly.
▪ Downey, A.B. (2013). Think bayes. O’Reilly.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Thomas Zöller (Introduction to Data Science) / Prof. Dr. Max Pumperla (Object oriented
and functional programming in Python)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
This course introduces the students to the advanced programming concepts of object orientation
and functional programming and how they are realized in the Python programming language.
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to Data Science
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ define data science and its relation to other fields.
▪ comprehend data science activities.
▪ recognize the origins of data and the challenges of working with data.
▪ understand how data science methods are integrated into business settings.
▪ grasp fundamental statistical concepts.
▪ appreciate the importance of machine learning in data science.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
fields of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Technology fields
Course Description
Data science emerged as a multi-disciplinary field aimed at creating value from data. This course
starts with an overview of data science and related fields and then defines data types and
sources. Special focus is put on the assessment of data quality and electronic data processing.Use
of data-driven methods has become vital for businesses, and this course outlines how data-driven
approaches can be integrated within a business context and how operational decisions can be
made using data-driven methods.Finally, this course highlights the importance of statistics and
machine learning in the field of data science and gives an overview of relevant methods and
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Introduction to Data Science
1.1 Definition of the term „data science“
1.2 Data science and related fields
1.3 Data science activities
2. Data
2.1 Data types and data sources
2.2 The 5Vs of data
2.3 Data curation and data quality
2.4 Data engineering
4. Statistics
4.1 Importance of statistics for data science
4.2 Important statistical concepts
5. Machine Learning
5.1 Role of machine learning in data science
5.2 Overview of machine learning approaches
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Akerkar, R., & Sajja, P. S. (2016). Intelligent techniques for data science. New York, NY: Springer
International Publishing.
▪ Hodeghatta, U. R., & Nayak, U. (2017). Business analytics using R—A practical approach. New
York, NY: Apress Publishing.
▪ Runkler, T. A. (2012). Data analytics: Models and algorithms for intelligent data analysis. New
York, NY: Springer.
▪ Skiena, S. S. (2017). The data science design manual. New York, NY: Springer International
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
110 h 0h 20 h 20 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
This course builds upon basic knowledge of Python programming (Introduction to Programming
with Python, DLBDSIPWP) and is concerned with the exposition of advanced Python programming
concepts. To this end, important notions of object-oriented programming like classes and objects
and pertaining design principles are outlined. Starting from an in-depth discussion of advanced
features of Python functions, functional programming concepts and their implementation in
Python are conveyed.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ This course provides students with a thorough introduction to important notions and
concepts from the domain of object-oriented programming such as classes, objects,
abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, composition, and delegation.
Additionally, the functional programming paradigm and pertaining ideas like functions as
first class objects, decorators, pure functions, immutability and higher order functions are
conveyed. Pursuant to the portfolio course type, the aforementioned concepts and ideas are
explored by hands-on programming projects.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Lott, S. F. (2018): Functional Python programming: Discover the power of functional
programming, generator functions, lazy evaluation, the built-in itertools library, and monads.
2nd ed., Packt Publishing, Birmingham.
▪ Lutz, M. (2013): Learning Python. 5th ed., O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA.
▪ Phillips, D. (2018): Python 3 object-oriented programming: Build robust and maintainable
software with object-oriented design patterns in Python 3.8. 3rd ed., Packt Publishing,
▪ Ramalho, L. (2015): Fluent Python: Clear, concise, and effective programming. O'Reilly,
Sebastopol, CA.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Marian Benner-Wickner (Introduction to the Internet of Things) / N.N. (Embedded
Embedded Systems
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Embedded Systems
▪ Embedded Systems Architecture
▪ Embedded Hardware
▪ Embedded Software
▪ Distributed Systems and IoT Architecture
▪ Embedded Operating Systems
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to the Internet of Things
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ grasp the distinctive features of Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT systems.
▪ understand the social and economic importance of Internet of Things.
▪ identify the most important standards for communication between IoT devices.
▪ differentiate between various techniques for storing and processing data in IoT systems.
▪ identify different architectures and technologies for structuring IoT systems.
▪ recognize challenges of data protection and data security in IoT systems.
Embedded Systems
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the architecture of embedded systems.
▪ understand real-time embedded systems.
▪ design the main architecture of embedded systems for robotics, automation and IoT
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
fields of Computer Science & Software and Technology fields
Course Description
The aim of this course is to give students an insight into technical and theoretical basics of the
Internet of Things (IoT) and its fields of application. In addition to the general structure of IoT
systems and the technology standards used in them, students are also taught the importance of
Internet of Things for economy and society. Furthermore, this course demonstrates how data is
exchanged, stored and processed in IoT.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ grasp the distinctive features of Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT systems.
▪ understand the social and economic importance of Internet of Things.
▪ identify the most important standards for communication between IoT devices.
▪ differentiate between various techniques for storing and processing data in IoT systems.
▪ identify different architectures and technologies for structuring IoT systems.
▪ recognize challenges of data protection and data security in IoT systems.
1. Internet of Things Fundamentals
1.1 The Internet of Things - Basics and Motivation
1.2 Evolution of the Internet - Web 1.0 to Web 4.0
6. Applicability
6.1 Smart Home / Smart Living
6.2 Ambient Assisted Living
6.3 Smart Energy / Smart Grid
6.4 Smart Factory
6.5 Smart Logistics
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Firouzi, F., Chakrabarty, K., & Nassif, S. (2020). Intelligent Internet of Things: From device to fog
and cloud. Springer.
▪ Hanes, D., Salgueiro, G., Grossetete, P., Barton, R., & Henry, J. (2017). IoT fundamentals:
Networking technologies, protocols, and use cases for the Internet of Things. Cisco Press.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Embedded Systems
Course Code: DLBROES01_E
Course Description
To realize working engineering systems, embedded systems are required. Through embedding
microprocessor-based systems capable of networking, data exchange and processing, the
functionality of products and systems can be enhanced in terms of features, precision, accuracy,
dynamic properties, intelligence. Actually, an embedded system is where everything begins. This
course provides the basics on embedded system, by focusing on the architectural patterns of
modern systems and platforms. The embedded hardware and software aspects are addressed.
This course also introduces connectivity and networking aspects, which are required to build
distributed systems for the internet of things and the industrial internet of things (finally yielding
Cyber-Physical Systems).
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Introduction
1.1 Embedded Systems Overview
1.2 Hardware Elements of an Embedded System
1.3 Standards, Compilers and Programming Languages
2. Elements of a Microcontroller
2.1 Central Processing Units
2.2 Volatile and non-volatile memory
2.3 Digital/Analog Input/Output
2.4 Timing peripherals
2.5 Communication peripherals
3. Programming a Microcontroller
3.1 Bone Structure of a Microcontroller Software
3.2 Low-Level Programming
3.3 Usage of Middle-Level Libraries
3.4 Common IDEs and Tools
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Barkalov, A./Titarenko, L./Mazurkiewicz, M. (2019): Foundations of Embedded Systems. In:
Kacprzyk, J.: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Volume 195, Springer Nature, Chams.
▪ Lacamera, D. (2018): Embedded systems architecture: explore architectural concepts,
pragmatic design patterns, and best practices to produce robust systems. Packt Publishing,
▪ Noergaard, T. (2013): Embedded Systems Architecture. Elsevier Inc, Amsterdam.
▪ Siegesmund, M. (2014): Embedded C Programming. Elsevier Inc, Amsterdam.
▪ Simon, D. E. (1999): An embedded software primer. Addison Wesley, Boston, MS.
▪ White, E. (2011): Making Embedded Systems. O’Reilly, Sebastopol, CL.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Matthias Eifler (Introduction to Robotics) / Prof. Dr. Mario Boßlau (Production Engineering)
Introduction to Robotics
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam or
Written Assessment: Written Assignment,
90 Minutes
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam or Written
Assessment: Written Assignment, 90 Minutes
Production Engineering
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Introduction to Robotics
▪ Introduction to Robotics
▪ Trends
▪ Industrial Robots
▪ Mobile Robots
▪ Applications
Production Engineering
▪ Introduction to Manufacturing Technology
▪ Main Production Groups According to DIN 8580
▪ Additive Manufacturing Processes
▪ Rapid Prototyping
▪ Rapid Tooling
▪ Direct/Rapid Manufacturing
▪ Cyber-Physical Production Plants
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to Robotics
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ name important developments in the field of robotics.
▪ understand the mechanical structure and characteristics of robots.
▪ name characteristics and challenges of industrial robots.
▪ name characteristics and challenges of mobile robots.
▪ understand the role of robots in applications.
▪ name and understand current trends in the field of robotics.
Production Engineering
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the basic concepts and interrelationships of production engineering.
▪ understand current changes in manufacturing technology due to technologies such as
additive manufacturing and megatrends such as cyber physical systems.
▪ assign different manufacturing processes to the main manufacturing groups according to
DIN 8580.
▪ understand the basic principle of additive manufacturing processes.
▪ distinguish between different additive manufacturing processes.
▪ understand the terms Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling, and Direct Manufacturing and name
individual processes and application examples.
▪ understand the elements and properties of cyber-physical production plants.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
fields of Engineering and Computer Science & Technology fields
Software Development
Introduction to Robotics
Course Code: DLBROIR01_E
Course Description
Robotics is experiencing very interesting developments, which experts describe as being a
transition to a new generation of robots. We have moved from the “4Ds” of Robotics 1.0 (dull, dirty,
dumb, dangerous) to the “4Ss” of Robotics 2.0 (smarter, safer, sensors, simple), but we still need to
proceed further to the “4Ms” of Robotics 3.0 (multitasking, emotive, morphing, multiagent). This
course, thus, provides the required background to understand the main development of robotics
looking at industrial as well as at mobile robots, their main characteristics, issues, challenges,
applications, and development trends.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. What is Robotics?
1.1 Basics and Definitions
1.2 History and Cultural Influence
1.3 Challenges and Trends (from Robotics 1.0 to Robotics 3.0)
2. Robots
2.1 Mechanical Structure
2.2 Kinematic Chains
2.3 Market Overview
3. Industrial Robots
3.1 Components of Industrial Robot Systems
3.2 Characteristics
3.3 Common Industrial Robots
3.4 Applications
3.5 Trends
4. Mobile Robots
4.1 Components of Mobile Robot Systems
4.2 Characteristics
4.3 Common Mobile Robots
4.4 Applications
4.5 Trends
5. Applications
5.1 Industrial Robots
5.2 Healthcare
5.3 Agriculture or Field Robotics
5.4 Space and Defense
5.5 Warehouse and Logistics
5.6 Construction
5.7 Wearables
5.8 Social Robots
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Mihelj, M., Bajd, T., Ude, A., Lenarcic, J., Stanovnik, A., Munih, M., Rejc, J., & Slajpah, S. (2019).
Robotics(2nd ed.). Springer.
▪ Ben-Ari, M., & Mondada, F. (2017). Elements of robotics. Springer.
▪ Siciliano, B., & Khatib, O. (Eds.). (2016). Springer handbook of robotics. Springer
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
100 h 0h 25 h 25 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
100 h 0h 25 h 25 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Production Engineering
Course Code: DLBDSEAR01
Course Description
The aim of the course is to provide students with an overview of the processes that have
influenced and still influence production processes through technological developments under
the generic term Industry 4.0, based on traditional, standardized manufacturing techniques. These
include, in particular, technological advances in additive manufacturing processes that enable
applications such as rapid prototyping, rapid tooling, and direct manufacturing. Finally, the course
deals with the consequences of the digitalization and networking of production facilities and their
elements in the sense of a cyber-physical system.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Introduction to Manufacturing Technology
1.1 Basic Terms and Contexts in Manufacturing Theory
1.2 Historical Development of Production
1.3 The Discussion About the Long Tail
4. Rapid Prototyping
4.1 Definition
4.2 Strategic and Operational Aspects
4.3 Application Areas and Examples
5. Rapid Tooling
5.1 Definition, Strategic, and Operational Aspects
5.2 Indirect and Direct Procedures
6. Direct/Rapid Manufacturing
6.1 Potentials and Requirements for Procedures
6.2 Implementation, Application Areas, and Examples
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Anderson, C. (2012): Makers. The new industrial revolution. Crown Business, New York.
▪ Gebhardt, A. (2012): Understanding Additive Manufacturing. Rapid Prototyping – Rapid Tooling
– Rapid Manufacturing. Hanser, München/Cincinnati.
▪ Gibson, I., Rosen, D., Stucker, B., & Khorasani, M. (2021). Additive Manufacturing Technologies
(3rd ed.). Springer International Publishing.
▪ Groover, M. P., (2019). Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and
Systems (7th ed.). Wiley.
▪ Kalpakjian, S., & Schmid, S.R. (2020). Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (8th ed.).
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Black-Branch (International Management) / N.N. (Leadership 4.0)
International Management
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Leadership 4.0
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
International Management
▪ Globalization and the internationalization of business
▪ Assessment of political, legal, economic, and cultural Contexts
▪ Strategy in international business
▪ Organization in international business
▪ Marketing in international business
▪ Human resource management in international business
Leadership 4.0
▪ Conventional understanding of leadership
▪ Management tools
▪ Leadership versus management
▪ Integral concept of humankind as future-oriented model
▪ Characteristics and competencies of leaders
▪ Leadership models
▪ Agile Leadership instruments
Learning Outcomes
International Management
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ recognize and explain the cultural, social, economic, historical, and political differences that
affect strategic decision making on an international/global scale.
▪ gather specific information and conduct reliable assessments of the opportunities and risks
related to business activities in different geographical market regions and specific national
▪ describe the impact of culture on international business activities.
▪ identify different options for market entry and market development and participate in
strategic planning activities that address these issues.
▪ design and evaluate different organizational structures for international businesses and
design measures to optimize organizational structures for international operations.
▪ design, evaluate, and optimize human resource management practices for global and
multinational companies.
▪ explain options for international marketing and select an appropriate marketing mix relative
to specific products/services and the target market.
▪ identify and manage challenges associated with operating in an international/global
business environment, such as the procurement and coordination of resources and human
resource management.
▪ develop business plans that implement specific organizational, marketing, and distribution
strategies in selected regions/countries.
Leadership 4.0
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the classical theories of leadership and new leadership models.
▪ distinguish between the terms leadership and management.
▪ reflect on the understanding of successful leadership models against the background of
economic changes.
▪ develop an understanding of the need for alternative forms of organizational directing.
▪ implement appropriate leadership methods according to a company’s level of complexity.
▪ draw upon a sound theoretical understanding that they can practice in applied research.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programs in the Business &
field of Business Administration & Management Management field
404 BWINT01
International Management
Course Code: BWINT01
Course Description
Globalization presents multiple opportunities and challenges to product and service industries.
Many companies previously engaged in local markets must consider global trends and
international markets, both on the demand and on the supply side. With this, comes new
opportunities to market products and services. At the same time, complexity in daily business
increases and managers have to face ambiguities and frequently changing contexts. With more
competition, more diverse markets, and cultural, political, and legal challenges abroad, it has
become more difficult to manage a company efficiently. All these factors call for managers to
adopt a global mindset and sufficient cultural sensitivity.The course is designed to cover the
economic, organizational, and cultural underpinnings that students need to grasp in order to
better understand the managerial challenges that global organizations of all types and sizes have
to cope with. Participants of this course will be provided with empirical knowledge and first-hand
experiences of international management. Through multiple case studies within the course book,
online lectures, and tutorials, students will develop a detailed understanding of the strategies and
operational patterns necessary to successfully operate in international markets.
BWINT01 405
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ recognize and explain the cultural, social, economic, historical, and political differences that
affect strategic decision making on an international/global scale.
▪ gather specific information and conduct reliable assessments of the opportunities and risks
related to business activities in different geographical market regions and specific national
▪ describe the impact of culture on international business activities.
▪ identify different options for market entry and market development and participate in
strategic planning activities that address these issues.
▪ design and evaluate different organizational structures for international businesses and
design measures to optimize organizational structures for international operations.
▪ design, evaluate, and optimize human resource management practices for global and
multinational companies.
▪ explain options for international marketing and select an appropriate marketing mix relative
to specific products/services and the target market.
▪ identify and manage challenges associated with operating in an international/global
business environment, such as the procurement and coordination of resources and human
resource management.
▪ develop business plans that implement specific organizational, marketing, and distribution
strategies in selected regions/countries.
1. Introduction to International Management
1.1 What is Globalization?
1.2 Facts about Globalization and the Global Economy
1.3 Theoretical Explanations for Globalization
406 BWINT01
7. International Marketing
7.1 Marketing in International Business
7.2 Strategic Choices in International Marketing
7.3 Marketing Mix Choices in International Marketing
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Rugman, A. M., & Collinson, S. (2012). International business (6th ed.). Harlow: Pearson
▪ Deresky, H. (2013). International management (8th ed.). Harlow: Prentice Hall International.
▪ Peng, M. W., & Meyer, K. (2011). International business. London: Cengage Learning Emea.
▪ Daniels, J. D., Radebaugh, L. H., & Sullivan, D. P. (2013). International business, environments
and operations (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
▪ Johnson, G., Scholes, K., & Whittington, R. (2008). Exploring corporate strategy (8th ed.).
Harlow: Pearson Prentice Hall.
▪ Morgan, G., Kristensen, P. H., & Whitley, R. (Eds.). (2001). The multinational firm: Organizing
across institutional and national divides. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
▪ Wall, S., Minocha, S., & Rees, B. (2010). International business (3rd ed.). Harlow: Prentice Hall.
BWINT01 407
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Leadership 4.0
Course Code: DLBWPLS01_E
Course Description
Today, competitiveness depends more than ever on continuous innovation. This puts new
demands on the management of companies. The task of successful leaders in innovation and
business is no longer to offer direction and solutions, but to create a framework in which others
develop innovations. This change, which is currently taking place with full force in companies,
requires further developments on classic leadership concepts and its principles.Against the
background of digital change and the advance of artificial intelligence, established business
models are constantly being put to the test. On the one hand, it is important to work on several
projects simultaneously and to adapt flexibly to changing conditions at any time; on the other
hand, employees want to be integrated into the work process in a different way. Consideration and
flexibility for their personal and family situation play an increasing role. Innovation and business
leaders can only meet all these diverse challenges with Leadership by inspiring others to think
ahead and act inter-divisionally, in other words, to be visionary. This course tries to convey
knowledge, understanding and tools for this challenging field of work.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Basics of the Leadership Concept
1.1 Definition of the Leadership Concept and Leadership Actions
1.2 Development of the Understanding of Leadership
1.3 The Role of Communication in Leadership
1.4 New Challenges for Leadership
5. Management Tools
5.1 Definition, Differentiation and Challenges
5.2 Use of Direct Management Tools
5.3 Use of Indirect Management Tools
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Au, C. v. (eds.) (2017): Characteristics and competencies of leaders. Mindfulness, self-
reflection, soft skills and competence systems. Springer, Wiesbaden.
▪ Creusen, U./Eschemann, N. -R./Joahnn, T. (2010): Positive leadership. Psychology of successful
leadership. Advanced strategies for the application of the grid model. Gabler, Wiesbaden.
▪ Furtner, M. R. (2017): Empowering Leadership. With self-responsible employees to innovation
and top performance. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
▪ Furtner, M. R./Baldegger, U. (2016): Self-Leadership and Leadership. Theories, models and
practical implementation. Second edition, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
▪ Manager Magazine Publishing Company (ed.) (2015): Harvard Business Manager Special:
Leadership. How does leadership work in the age of digital transformation? A booklet about
management in change. 37th year
▪ Hofer, S. (2016): More agile leadership. Simple measures for better teamwork, better
performance and higher creativity. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
▪ Kauffeld, S. (Hrsg.) (2014): Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology for Bachelor. 2nd
edition, Springer, Berlin.
▪ Maxwell, J. C. (2016): Leadership. The 21 most important management principles. 8th edition,
fountain, pouring.
▪ Wilber, K. (2012): Integral Psychology. Mind, consciousness, psychology, therapy. Arbor,
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Caterina Fox (International Marketing ) / Caterina Fox (International Brand Management)
International Marketing
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
International Marketing
▪ International marketing strategy
▪ Cultural differences and their significance for marketing
▪ International marketing mix (product, price, promotion, and distribution decisions in an
international environment)
▪ International market research and consumer behavior
▪ Ethical aspects in international marketing
▪ International marketing controlling and six sigma
Learning Outcomes
International Marketing
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand basic aspects of international strategic marketing.
▪ analyze cultural differences and their impact on international marketing.
▪ apply selected concepts of the international marketing mix.
▪ describe the possibilities of international market research and its influence on consumer
▪ recognize the necessity of international brand controlling and quality management.
▪ reproduce theoretical knowledge using case studies.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the University
All Bachelor Programmes in the Marketing &
This module is similar to other modules in Communication fields
the fields of Marketing & Sales
International Marketing
Course Code: DLBDSEIMB01
Course Description
Students are taught the necessity for strategic marketing in an international context. They will
learn about essential cultural differences and their influences on international marketing
management. The basic decisions, standardizations, and adaptations in international marketing
are experienced by the students on the basis of different concepts in the international marketing
mix. The necessity of international market research, strategic planning, and control are taught to
the students, along with the ethical aspects in international marketing. The students analyze
current topics in international marketing management and reflect on them in connection with the
concepts they have learned in this course.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Strategic International Marketing
1.1 Internationalization
1.2 Theoretical Foundations of International Market Entry Strategies
1.3 Forms of International Market Entry
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., & Opresnik, M. O. (2019). Marketing: An introduction (14th ed.).
▪ Green, M. C., & Keegan, W. J. (2020). Global marketing (10th ed.). Pearson.
▪ Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations—Software of the
mind: Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival. McGraw-Hill.
▪ Hollensen, S. (2020). Global marketing (8th ed.). Pearson.
▪ Mooij, M. (2018). Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes (5th
ed.). Sage Publications.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
The aim of this course is to deepen and expand the knowledge acquired in the introductory
elective course International Marketing. The value of a brand is a decisive competitive advantage
for companies in international business. Brands create long-term and profitable customer
relationships. Brands are therefore valuable assets for companies and organizations. Students
learn the basics of brand management before moving on to the concepts and success factors of
international brand management. Students also become familiar with the structure of brand
architectures and the possibilities of brand extensions. The fact that different stakeholder groups
must be taken into account in brand management is communicated to the students on the basis
of the stakeholder concept. In addition, the students get to know the various methods for
measuring brand value and brand controlling. The aspects of trademark protection that are
particularly important in an international environment will be dealt with conclusively.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ recognize the significance of a brand and the general conditions under which brands
operate, as well as the associated tasks of brand management.
▪ describe the components of a brand and its management.
▪ explain the positioning of brands on regional, national and international markets.
▪ understand the role of brand evaluation and compare the most common measurement
▪ give an overview of the importance of trademark protection and suggest strategies for
preventing counterfeiting.
▪ conceive of brand strategies and measures for the avoidance or occurrence of brand crises.
1. Basics of Brand Management
1.1 Brand Significance and Brand Understanding
1.2 Market Conditions
1.3 Tasks and Goals of Brand Management
3. Brand Strategies
3.1 The Challenges for Brand Strategies
3.2 Brand Strategies for New Products
3.3 Trademark Licensing
4. International Branding
4.1 Importance of Branding for International Companies
4.2 Brand Concepts for International Brands
4.3 Factors for Successful International Brands
7. Brand Expansion
7.1 Basics of Brand Extension
7.2 Opportunities and Risks of Brand Extension
7.3 Ideal Typical Sequence of the Brand Extension Process
9. Brand Control
9.1 Basics of Brand Controlling
9.2 Importance and Measurement of Brand Value
9.3 Practical Methods for Measuring Brand Value
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Beverland, M. (2021). Brand management: Co-creating meaningful brands (2nd
ed.). SagePublications Ltd.
▪ Burmann, C., Riley, N. M., Halaszovich, T., & Schade, M. (2017). Identity-based brand
management:Fundamentals—strategy—implementation—controlling. Springer Gabler.
▪ Kapferer, J. N. (2012). The new strategic brand management: Advanced insights and
strategicthinking (5th ed.). Kogan Page.
▪ Keller, K. L., & Swaminathan, V. (2019). Strategic brand management: Building,
measuring, andmanaging brand equity (5th ed., Global ed.). Pearson.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Applied Sales
Module Code: DLBDSEAS
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Patrick Geus (Applied Sales I) / Prof. Dr. Patrick Geus (Applied Sales II)
Applied Sales I
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
Applied Sales II
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Applied Sales I
▪ Fundamentals of Applied Sales
▪ The Distribution System
▪ Personal Sales
▪ Sales Plans
▪ New Customer Acquisition
▪ A Sales Visit
▪ Conversational Tactics
▪ Conducting Negotiations
▪ Other Sales Channels
Applied Sales II
▪ Marketing and Sales
▪ Customer Satisfaction as a Success Factor
▪ Personalities in Sales
▪ Customer-Oriented Communication
▪ Presentation and Rhetoric
▪ Customer Loyalty
▪ Networking
▪ Case Study
Learning Outcomes
Applied Sales I
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the fundamentals of applied sales and place them in the context of the
▪ understand the interaction of the individual facets of applied sales.
▪ differentiate between and evaluate individual sales systems.
▪ describe current sales types and sales characteristics.
▪ oversee and classify the entire sales process from customer acquisition to customer
▪ understand the basics of sales and negotiation management and apply them.
▪ name the usual sales instruments, recognize their advantages and disadvantages, and reflect
on essential fields of application and possibilities.
Applied Sales II
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the interaction and the respective areas of responsibility of marketing and sales.
▪ reflect on and classify the goals and measures within the framework of the applied sales
▪ assess the relevance of customer satisfaction and retention. In addition, the students will be
familiar with the central design elements of CRM.
▪ reflect on and assess alternative approaches to customer loyalty and relationship
management and apply them in business practice.
▪ understand the meaning of the terms customer life cycle and customer value, and develop
approaches to manage them in the sense of the respective sales targets.
▪ use descriptive presentation techniques in order to convince customers and other sales
▪ understand the relevance of networking and develop strategies to broaden the contact base.
▪ develop and evaluate their own market analyses and sales concepts on the basis of practical
experience within the framework of the case study.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the University
All Bachelor Programmes in the Marketing &
This module is similar to other modules in Communication fields
the fields of Marketing & Sales
Applied Sales I
Course Code: DLBDSEAS01
Course Description
The demands on sales thinking are growing every day. Globalized demand combined with high
competition is making it increasingly difficult for companies to compete for customers. At the
same time, customers are becoming better informed, while traditional supply markets are
saturated and at overcapacity. In order to be successful in such an environment, sales thinking
and action are required along with a new type of salesperson. Within the course Applied Sales I
(Introduction), the participants are familiarized with the basic concepts of applied sales. You will
learn about sales organization, dealing with alternative sales channels, and get to know the
dedicated sales planning process. The contents of the module are complemented by the
successful acquisition of new customers, whereby particular attention is paid to the organization
and implementation of customer visits and the conduct of discussions and negotiations.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the fundamentals of applied sales and place them in the context of the
▪ understand the interaction of the individual facets of applied sales.
▪ differentiate between and evaluate individual sales systems.
▪ describe current sales types and sales characteristics.
▪ oversee and classify the entire sales process from customer acquisition to customer
▪ understand the basics of sales and negotiation management and apply them.
▪ name the usual sales instruments, recognize their advantages and disadvantages, and reflect
on essential fields of application and possibilities.
1. Fundamentals of Applied Sales and Distribution
1.1 Tasks and Forms of Applied Distribution
1.2 Marketing as the Basis of Sales
1.3 Distribution, Sales, and Other Terms
1.4 Sales in Different Economic Sectors
3. Personal Sales
3.1 The "New Sellers"
3.2 Requirements for Sales Personalities
3.3 The Key Account Manager
3.4 Task of Sales Managers
4. Sales Plan
4.1 Tasks and Objectives of Sales Management
4.2 Observation of Competition in the Context of Sales Management
4.3 Potential Analyses and Sales Planning
4.4 Sales Control and Visit Strategies
7. Conversational Tactics
7.1 Structured Conversation Preparation
7.2 Goal-Oriented Conversation: The D.A.L.A.S Model
7.3 Questioning Techniques
8. Conducting Negotiations
8.1 Psychology of Negotiation
8.2 Negotiation Structure
8.3 Objection Handling
8.4 Price Negotiations
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Bloomfield, J. (2020). NeuroSelling: Mastering the customer conversation using the surprising
science of decision making. Axon Publishing.
▪ Jobber, D., Lancaster, G., & Le Meunier-FitzHugh, K. (2019). Selling and sales
management (10th ed.). Pearson.
▪ Peppers, D., & Rogers, M. (2016). Managing customer experience and relationships: A strategic
framework (3rd ed.). Wiley.
▪ Pink, D. H. (2012). To sell is human: The surprising truth about moving others. Riverhead
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Applied Sales II
Course Code: DLBDSEAS02
Course Description
The course Applied Sales II builds on the basics taught in the course "Applied Sales I" and
broadens and deepens them. First, the tension between marketing and sales is examined in more
detail. Based on this, essential backgrounds and central target figures for successful sales
management (e.g., customer satisfaction and loyalty as well as the customer life cycle) are derived
and operationalized in order to create the basis for efficient and effective customer relationship
management. As the process progresses, attention will also be paid to mental processes and
consumer behavior in general. In addition, strategies and paths to successful negotiation are
deepened and supplemented by convincing communication techniques. The course concludes
with a case study in the course of which the students have the opportunity to apply what they
have learned in a practice-oriented manner.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the interaction and the respective areas of responsibility of marketing and sales.
▪ reflect on and classify the goals and measures within the framework of the applied sales
▪ assess the relevance of customer satisfaction and retention. In addition, the students will be
familiar with the central design elements of CRM.
▪ reflect on and assess alternative approaches to customer loyalty and relationship
management and apply them in business practice.
▪ understand the meaning of the terms customer life cycle and customer value, and develop
approaches to manage them in the sense of the respective sales targets.
▪ use descriptive presentation techniques in order to convince customers and other sales
▪ understand the relevance of networking and develop strategies to broaden the contact base.
▪ develop and evaluate their own market analyses and sales concepts on the basis of practical
experience within the framework of the case study.
1. Marketing and Sales
1.1 Marketing and Business Philosophy
1.2 Sales Marketing in Different Economic Sectors
1.3 Relationship Marketing
1.4 (International) Marketing and Sales Integration
3. Customer Retention
3.1 Customer Retention Management
3.2 Customer Retention Tools
3.3 Complaints Management
4. Customer-Oriented Communications
4.1 Communication and Sales Promotion by Sales Staff
4.2 Sales Promotion by Sales Team
4.3 Sales Promotion by the Company
5. Personalities in Sales
5.1 Sales Personalities
5.2 Selling in Teams
5.3 Negotiating with Committees
7. Networking
7.1 Organizational Networks and Networking
7.2 Building and Shaping Relationships
7.3 Networking via Social Media
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Jobber, D./Lancaster, G./Le Meunier-Fitzhugh, K. (2019): Selling and Sales Management, 11th
Ed.; Pearson
▪ Johnston, M.W./Marshall (2021): Sales Force Management: Leadership, Innovation, Technology;
▪ Jordan, J./Vazzana, M. (2011): Cracking the Sales Management Code: The Secrets to Measuring
and Managing Sales Performance; 13th Ed.; McGraw Hill
▪ Kumar, V./Reinartz, W. (2018): Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and
Tools; 3rd Ed.; Springer Texts in Business and Economics
▪ Marcos, J./Davies, M. (2019): Implementing Key Account Management: Designing Customer-
Centric Processes for Mutual Growth; KoganPage
▪ Peppers, D./Rogers, M. (2011): Managing Customer Relationships : A Strategic Framework; 2nd
Ed.; Wiley
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Hubert Vogl (Supply Chain Management I ) / Sebastian Stütz (Supply Chain Management
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Learning Outcomes
Supply Chain Management I
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ explain the importance of cross-company value creation processes.
▪ understand common concepts for modeling cross-company value creation processes.
▪ understand dynamic effects in supply chains and can systematize their causes and effects.
▪ explain important theoretical concepts for describing the characteristics and challenges of
cross-company value creation processes.
▪ explain the approaches and problem categories commonly used in the context of supply
chain management.
▪ understand important reference and/or management models for the concretization of
supply chain systems.
▪ name and detail important roles and tasks in the SCM network.
▪ deal with the coordination problem of SCM and describe the common solution approaches.
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Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the Transport &
fields of Logistics & Transportation Logistics fields
Course Description
SCM proves to be an extremely multi-faceted construct from both a theoretical and a practical
point of view. An adequate understanding of the problem dimensions and modes of action of
(global) cross-company value creation networks requires a multidimensional approach. It starts by
considering logistical processes, with modern process, flow, and network standards forming an
important basis for SCM. On the basis of such an approach, students should gain a fundamental
understanding of SCM. From the point of view of a holistic approach, it also makes sense to also
examine a number of other typical problem areas in addition to the logistical challenges of this
concept. This includes IT aspects of SCM (e.g., APS systems), and questions to do with the
collaboration and coordination of network partners. This course also considers selected industry
specific SCM solutions (ECR or VMI).
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Fundamentals of the Supply Chain Concept
1.1 Terminological and Conceptual Fundamentals
1.2 Supply Chain Typology According to Otto
1.3 Supply Chain Typology According to Bechtel/Jayaram
1.4 Dynamic Aspects of Supply Chains
4. SCM Model
4.1 Basic Information on the Term SCM Models
4.2 SCOR Model
4.3 SCM Task Model
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Bolstorff, P., & Rosenbaum, R. (2011). Supply chain excellence: A handbook for dramatic
improvement using the SCOR model. AMACOM.
▪ Bowersox, J., Closs, D., & Cooper, M. B. (2020). Supply chain logistics management (5th ed.).
McGraw Hill Education.
▪ Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2019). Supply chain management: Strategy, planning, and
operation (7th ed., Global ed.). Pearson Education.
▪ Kurbel, K. E. (2013). Enterprise resource planning and supply chain management: Functions,
business processes and software for manufacturing companies. Springer.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
From the perspective of strategic management research and practice, the activities covered by the
term SCM are closely related to efforts to build and/or maintain a stable operational competitive
advantage. A fundamental discussion of this relationship forms the starting point for the course.
On this basis, a differentiated analysis of strategy-relevant activities and instruments in the Plan,
Source, Make, Deliver, and Return process categories is then carried out using the SCOR model.
Special attention is given to the practice-relevant areas of SCM, e.g., order-promising (plan),
supplier-relation-management (source), postponement (make), and the ECR-concept (deliver).
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Strategic Aspects of SCM
1.1 Strategic Thinking and Action: General Information
1.2 Competition Focus and SCM
1.3 Competition Location and SCM
1.4 Competition Rules and SCM
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Chopra, S. (2019). Supply chain management: Strategy, planning and operation (Global
ed., 7thed.). Pearson.
▪ Hill, A., & Hill, T. (2018). Essential operations management (2nd ed.). Palgrave.
▪ Hugos, M. (2011). Essentials of supply chain management (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Business Intelligence
Module Code: DLBCSEBI
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Werning (Business Intelligence ) / Prof. Dr. Sebastian Werning (Project: Business
Business Intelligence
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Business Intelligence
▪ Motivation and Conceptualization
▪ Data Provision
▪ Data Warehouse
▪ Modeling of Multidimensional Data Spaces
▪ Analysis Systems
▪ Distribution and Access
Learning Outcomes
Business Intelligence
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ explain the motivation, use cases, and basics of Business Intelligence.
▪ identify and explain techniques and methods for providing and modeling data, as well as
types of data relevant to BI, differentiating between them.
▪ explain techniques and methods for the generation and storage of information and
independently select suitable methods on the basis of concrete requirements.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
fields of Computer Science & Software Technology fields
Business Intelligence
Course Code: DLBCSEBI01
Course Description
Business Intelligence (BI) is used to obtain information from company data that is relevant for
targeted corporate management and the optimization of business activities. This course
introduces and discusses techniques, procedures, and models for data provision, information
generation, and analysis, as well the distribution of the information obtained. You will then be
able to explain the various subject areas of data warehousing and independently select methods
and techniques to meet specific requirements.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Motivation and Conceptualization
1.1 Motivation and Historical Development
1.2 BI as a Framework
2. Data Provision
2.1 Operative and Dispositive Systems
2.2 The Data Warehouse Concept
2.3 Architectural Variations
3. Data Warehouse
3.1 ETL Process
3.2 DWH and Data Mart
3.3 ODS and Metadata
5. Analysis Systems
5.1 Free Data Research and OLAP
5.2 Reporting Systems
5.3 Model-Based Analysis Systems
5.4 Concept-Oriented Systems
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Grossmann, W., & Rinderle-Ma, S. (2015). Fundamentals of business intelligence. Springer.
▪ Kolb, J. (2013). Business intelligence in plain language: A practical guide to data mining and
business analytics. Createspace.
▪ Sharda, R., Delen, D., & Turban, E. (2014). Business intelligence and analytics: Systems for
decision support. Pearson.
▪ Sherman, R. (2014). Business intelligence guidebook: From data integration to analytics.
Morgan Kaufmann.
▪ Vaisman, A., & Zimányi, E. (2016). Data warehouse systems: Design and implementation.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
Using well-known methods and techniques from the field of Business Intelligence, students will
work independently on a practical question in this course.At the end of the course you will be able
to independently design and prototype Business Intelligence applications based on concrete
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ Implementation and documentation of practical questions regarding the use of Business
Intelligence applications. Typical scenarios are, for example, “Management of BI projects”,
“Design of multidimensional data models” and “Prototypical implementation of small BI
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Christoph Meinel, Hasso Plattner, Larry Leifer (2011): Design Thinking: Understand – Improve –
Apply; Springer Berlin Heidelberg
▪ Jeanne Liedtka (2018): Why Design Thinking Works. In: Havard Business Review, Issue: 2018/09,
▪ Christoph Meinel, Larry J. Leifer (2021): Design Thinking Research: Interrogating the Doing;
Springer International Publishing
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Smart Devices
Module Code: DLBINGSD_E
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Smart Devices I) / N.N. (Smart Devices II)
Smart Devices I
• Study Format "Fernstudium": Exam,
90 Minutes
Smart Devices II
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Written
Assessment: Project Report
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Smart Devices I
▪ Overview and introduction
▪ Smart devices
▪ Technological features
▪ Communication and networking
▪ User interfaces
▪ Ubiquitous computing
Smart Devices II
▪ Overview and introduction
▪ Smart devices
▪ Technological features
▪ Communication and networking
▪ User interfaces
▪ Ubiquitous computing
Learning Outcomes
Smart Devices I
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ recall the historical development of assistance systems towards smart devices.
▪ classify and define different types and examples of smart devices with regard to their
▪ know typical features of smart devices.
▪ identify different communication standards with which smart devices can communicate with
their environment.
▪ recognize different approaches with which smart devices can be controlled.
▪ classify smart devices as elements of ubiquitous computing.
Smart Devices II
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ have an in-depth understanding of the technologies and standards in the context of smart
▪ apply technologies in the context of smart devices using a simple practical example.
▪ design a hardware or software prototype for a selected task.
▪ document design and development activities in the form of a project report.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
fields of Computer Science & Software fields
Smart Devices I
Course Code: DLBINGSD01_E
Course Description
In this course, students are familiarized with the properties and applications of smart devices. In
doing so, the possible applications in the context of Industry 4.0 are specifically highlighted. For
this purpose, current trends in microsystems technology are discussed alongside assistance
functions in production, e.g. through data glasses or other wearables. In addition to the typical
technological features, this course also teaches the basics of various interfaces with which a
smart device interacts with its environment. These include, on the one hand, wireless system ports
linked to other devices and, on the other hand, various selections for controlling the devices via a
user interface. This course concludes with a classification of smart devices in the field of
ubiquitous computing.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Overview and Introduction
1.1 Historical Development of Smart Devices
1.2 Technological Pioneers for Smart Devices
1.3 Smart Devices in the Internet of Things
3. Technological Features
3.1 Processors
3.2 Sensors
3.3 Radio Interfaces
5. User Interfaces
5.1 Touch Control
5.2 Gesture Control
5.3 Voice Control
5.4 Multimodal Control
6. Ubiquitous Computing
6.1 Aims and Basic Properties of Ubiquitous Systems
6.2 Examples for Ubiquitous Systems
6.3 Context Sensitivity
6.4 Autonomy
6.5 Smart Device Management
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Fortino, G./Trunfio, P. (2014): Internet of Things Based on Smart Objects. Technology,
Middleware and Applications. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
▪ López, Tomás Sánchez et al. (2011): Taxonomy, Technology and Applications of Smart Bbjects.
In: Information Systems Frontiers, No. 13, Issue 2, p. 281–300.
▪ McTear, M./Callejas, Z./Griol, D. (2016): The Conversational Interface. Talking to Smart Devices.
Springer International Publishing, Cham.
▪ Nihtianov, S./Luque, A. (2014): Smart Sensors and MEMS. Intelligent Devices and Microsystems
for Industrial Applications. Woodhead, Burlington.
▪ Poslad, S. (2009): Ubiquitous Computing. Smart Devices, Environments and Interactions. 2nd
edition, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
▪ Sendler, U. (Ed.) (2018): The Internet of Things – Industrie 4.0 Unleashed. Springer, Berlin.
▪ Vinoy, K. J. et al. (Ed.) (2014): Micro and Smart Devices and Systems. Springer India, New Delhi.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Smart Devices II
Course Code: DLBINGSD02_E
Course Description
In this course, students select one assignment from the provided topic catalogue in consultation
with the tutor. They work on the task with the help of a prototyping environment that fits the
subject matter of the assignment. The environments can be hardware (e.g. prototyping boards) or
software (e.g. technology-specific development environments). To complete the task, students
apply concepts, methods and tools taught in the Smart Devices I course. They document their
results in a project report.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ have an in-depth understanding of the technologies and standards in the context of smart
▪ apply technologies in the context of smart devices using a simple practical example.
▪ design a hardware or software prototype for a selected task.
▪ document design and development activities in the form of a project report.
▪ A catalogue with currently available assignments is provided on the online learning platform.
It provides the content basis of the module and can be supplemented or updated by the
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Smart Factory
Module Code: DLBDSESF
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Mario Boßlau (Smart Factory I) / Prof. Dr. Mario Boßlau (Smart Factory II)
Smart Factory I
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Smart Factory II
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Written
Assessment: Project Report
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Smart Factory I
▪ Motivation and Definition of Terms
▪ Development of Automation
▪ Technological Basics and Standards
▪ Basic concepts of a Smart Factory
▪ Reference Architectures
▪ Smart Factory Engineering
▪ Safety and Security
Smart Factory II
A catalogue with the currently provided tasks is provided on the online platform of the module. It
provides the content basis of the module and can be supplemented or updated by the seminar
Learning Outcomes
Smart Factory I
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the term Smart Factory in the context of Industry 4.0.
▪ be able to trace the development of automation to a fully autonomous, non-centrally
organized production plant.
▪ understand the basic technologies and standards used to design and operate a Smart
▪ understand the essential concepts of a Smart Factory.
▪ identify and differentiate between the individual elements of a Smart Factory using different
reference architectures.
▪ understand the special engineering challenges in the Smart Energy context.
▪ understand the special safety risks of digitized and networked production plants and assign
concrete recommendations for action.
Smart Factory II
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ have a deeper understanding of the technologies and standards in the context of Smart
▪ apply technologies in the context of Smart Factory to a simple practical example.
▪ design a hardware or software prototype for a selected task.
▪ document, design, and develop activities in the form of a project report.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
fields of Computer Science & Software Technology fields
Smart Factory I
Course Code: DLBDSESF01
Course Description
In this course, students will gain a deeper insight into the networking and digitization of
production facilities by examining a Smart Factory. For this purpose, they will be familiarized with
the basic goals of a Smart Factory in the context of the research complex Industry 4.0. After a brief
introduction to the history of automation, students will learn the technical basics and standards
required to design and operate a Smart Factory. Building on this, they will learn how these
individual technologies are used to implement the central concepts of a Smart Factory. In order to
understand which components a Smart Factory consists of, different reference architectures are
presented and compared. The course concludes with the special engineering challenges of an
autonomously acting and decentralized production plant. Above all, this includes IT security, which
is particularly relevant due to the digital networking of production facilities and products.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Motivation and Definition of Terms
1.1 Goals of Smart Factory
1.2 Internet of Things
1.3 Cyber-Physical Systems
1.4 Cyber-Physical Production Systems
1.5 Smart Factory as a Cyber-Physical (Production) System
2. Development of Automation
2.1 Automation Pyramid
2.2 Networked, Decentralized Organization of Production
2.3 Future Challenges
5. Reference Architectures
5.1 Purpose and Properties of Reference Architectures
5.2 Overview of Standardization Initiatives
5.3 CyProS Reference Architecture
5.4 RAMI 4.0 (DIN SPEC 91345)
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Butun, I. (2020). Industrial IoT: Challenges, design principles, applications, and security.
▪ Drossel, W. G., Ihlenfeldt, S., Lanzger, T., & Dumitrescu, R. (2019). Cyber-physical systems. In R.
Neugebauer (Ed.), Digital transformation (pp. 189—213). Springer.
▪ Durakbasa, N. M., & Gençyılmaz, M. G. (Eds.). (2021). Digital conversion on the way to Industry
4.0. Springer.
▪ Ustundag, A., & Cevikcan, E. (2018). Industry 4.0: Managing the digital transformation. Springer.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Smart Factory II
Course Code: DLBDSESF02
Course Description
In this course, students select a concrete task from the catalog of topics provided in consultation
with the seminar leader. They will work on the task in a prototyping environment suited to the
task, which can be either a hardware (e.g., prototyping boards) or software (e.g., technology-
specific development environments) environment. To complete the task, students apply the
concepts, methods, and tools taught in the Smart Factory I course. They document their results
with a project report.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ have a deeper understanding of the technologies and standards in the context of Smart
▪ apply technologies in the context of Smart Factory to a simple practical example.
▪ design a hardware or software prototype for a selected task.
▪ document, design, and develop activities in the form of a project report.
▪ A catalogue with the currently provided tasks is provided on the online platform of the
module. It provides the content basis of the module and can be supplemented or updated
by the seminar leader.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Smart Mobility
Module Code: DLBINGSM_E
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Smart Mobility I) / N.N. (Smart Mobility II)
Smart Mobility I
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Smart Mobility II
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Written
Assessment: Project Report
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Smart Mobility I
▪ Introduction and Definitions
▪ Overview over traditional mobility infrastructure approaches
▪ Alternative approaches to mobility
▪ Services for smart mobility
▪ Overview over relevant technologies and standards
▪ Car2X Communication
▪ Examples and use-cases
Smart Mobility II
In-depth analysis of a specific topic in the context of Smart Mobility in form of a prototype report.
Learning Outcomes
Smart Mobility I
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ remember several types of mobility.
▪ understand distinct reasons for designing intelligent mobility systems.
▪ analyze diverse types of mobility infrastructure regarding their properties and access
▪ understand various alternative mobility approaches.
▪ remember a range of services that relevant for Smart Mobility.
▪ understand the relevant technologies and standards for connecting infrastructure elements
and services.
▪ understand use cases for Car2X communication and the relevant standards and
▪ remember example projects in the context of Smart Mobility.
Smart Mobility II
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ have an in-depth understanding of the technologies and standards in the context of Smart
▪ apply technologies in the context of Smart Mobility using a simple practical example.
▪ design a hardware or software prototype for a selected task.
▪ document design choices and development tasks in the form of a project report.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
fields of Computer Science & Software fields
Smart Mobility I
Course Code: DLBINGSM01_E
Course Description
This course gives an introduction and overview into the future of mobility. Starting from an
understanding of traditional and current mobility infrastructure, alternative approaches are
introduced. The course discusses a range of services that are typical for smart mobility solutions.
The course includes a detailed discussion on technologies and standards relevant for smart
mobility, in particular in Car2X communication. A range of projects and examples are discussed to
illustrate the application of smart mobility approaches in a real-life context.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Introduction and Definitions
1.1 Types of Mobility
1.2 Smart Mobility and Smart City
1.3 Efficient use of energy
1.4 Emissions
1.5 Security
1.6 Comfort
1.7 Cost Effectiveness
6. Car2X Communication
6.1 Use Cases
6.2 Elements of a Car2X System
6.3 Technologies and Standards
6.4 Sample Implementations
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Fluegge, B. (2017): Smart Mobility – Connecting Everyone: Trends, Concepts and Best Practices
Paperback. Springer/Vierweg, Wiesbaden.
▪ Handke, V./Jonuschat, H. (2013): Flexible Ridesharing. New Opportunities and Service
Concepts for Sustainable Mobility. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg.
▪ Inderwildi, O./King, D. (Eds.) (2012): Energy, Transport, & the Environment. Addressing the
Sustainable Mobility Paradigm. Springer, London.
▪ Nathanail, E./Karakikes, I. (2018): Data Analytics: Paving the Way to Sustainable Urban
Mobility: Proceedings of 4th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility (CSUM2018). Springer,
▪ Papa, R./Fistola, R./Gargiulo, C. (2018): Smart Planning: Sustainability and Mobility in the Age
of Change (Green Energy and Technology). Springer, London.
▪ Planing, P. et al (2020): Innovations for Metropolitan Areas: Intelligent Solutions for Mobility,
Logistics and Infrastructure designed for Citizens. Springer, London.
▪ Sashinskaya, M. (2015): Smart Cities in Europe. Open Data in a Smart Mobility Context.
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Smart Mobility II
Course Code: DLBINGSM02_E
Course Description
In the course Smart Mobility II, students are asked to choose an assignment provided by the
course tutor to apply the concepts and methods covered in Smart Mobility I in a specific use case
or application area. The students will develop a prototype focused on a specific topic related to
smart mobility. The prototype can be developed either as a hardware setup or a software solution.
The students document their results in a project report.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ have an in-depth understanding of the technologies and standards in the context of Smart
▪ apply technologies in the context of Smart Mobility using a simple practical example.
▪ design a hardware or software prototype for a selected task.
▪ document design choices and development tasks in the form of a project report.
▪ A catalogue with currently available assignments is provided on the online learning platform.
It provides the content basis of the module and can be supplemented or updated by the
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Smart Services
Module Code: DLBINGSS_E
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Smart Services I) / N.N. (Smart Services II)
Smart Services I
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Smart Services II
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Written
Assessment: Project Report
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Smart Services I
▪ Digitization and disruption
▪ Potential of Smart Services
▪ Development and specification of Smart Services
▪ Service architectures
▪ Integration platforms
▪ Technologies for Smart Services
▪ Quality and operation of Smart Services
Smart Services II
Learning Outcomes
Smart Services I
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ recognize the relevance of Smart Services in the context of digitization in general and
Industry 4.0 in particular.
▪ identify special features of digital business models and demonstrate them using the
example of digital intermediaries.
▪ apply methods to uncover digitization potentials and use the Business Model Canvas to
classify them in a business model.
▪ know and use models for the multi-perspective specification of services.
▪ know selected architectures for the design and integration of services.
▪ distinguish different technologies that are required for the development of services.
▪ define the quality of services by means of Service Level Agreements.
Smart Services II
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ have an in-depth understanding of the technologies and standards in the context of Smart
▪ apply technologies in the context of smart services using a simple practical example.
▪ design a hardware or software prototype for a selected technical task.
▪ document design and development activities in the form of a project report.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
fields of Computer Science & Software fields
Smart Services I
Course Code: DLBINGSS01_E
Course Description
In this course, students study concepts and methods for the development of Smart Services. For
this purpose, an introduction of the term in the context of digitization and Industry 4.0 will be
given. Based on this, this course shows how innovative services can have a disruptive effect on
existing business models or even markets using the example of digital intermediaries.
Subsequently, students will be taught selected methods and techniques with which digitization
potentials can be recognized and modelled. In addition, selected architectures and platforms for
the integration of services are presented. Finally, relevant technologies for the implementation of
smart services are taught and it is briefly described how the quality of services can be agreed
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ recognize the relevance of Smart Services in the context of digitization in general and
Industry 4.0 in particular.
▪ identify special features of digital business models and demonstrate them using the
example of digital intermediaries.
▪ apply methods to uncover digitization potentials and use the Business Model Canvas to
classify them in a business model.
▪ know and use models for the multi-perspective specification of services.
▪ know selected architectures for the design and integration of services.
▪ distinguish different technologies that are required for the development of services.
▪ define the quality of services by means of Service Level Agreements.
1. Introduction and Motivation
1.1 Digitization and Cyber-Physical Production Systems
1.2 Smart Services in Industry 4.0
1.3 Examples of Smart Services
5. Service Architectures
5.1 Infrastructure/Platform/Software-as-a-Service
5.2 Everything-as-a-Service
5.3 Service-oriented Architectures
5.4 Micro Services
6. Integration Platforms
6.1 Features and Purpose of Integration Platforms
6.2 Enterprise Integration Patterns
6.3 External Integration with Zapier, IFTTT & Others
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Chignell, M. et al. (Hrsg.) (2010): The Smart Internet. Current Research and Future
Applications. Springer, Berlin.
▪ Evans, E. (2003): Domain-Driven Design. Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software.
Addison-Wesley, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
▪ Hohpe, G./Woolf, B./Brown, K. (2012): Enterprise Integration Patterns. Designing, Building, and
Deploying Messaging Solutions. 16th edition, Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA.
▪ Nielsen, L. (2013): Personas – User Focused Design. Springer, London.
▪ Osterwalder, A/Pigneur, Y. (2010): Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries,
Game Changers, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Smart Services II
Course Code: DLBINGSS02_E
Course Description
In this course, the students select a concrete technical task from the provided topic catalogue in
consultation with the seminar leader. They work on the task with the help of a prototyping
environment that is suitable for the subject of the task. The environments can be hardware (e.g.
prototyping boards) or software (e.g. technology-specific development environments). To complete
the task, students apply the concepts, methods and tools taught in the Smart Services I course.
They document their results in a project report.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ have an in-depth understanding of the technologies and standards in the context of Smart
▪ apply technologies in the context of smart services using a simple practical example.
▪ design a hardware or software prototype for a selected technical task.
▪ document design and development activities in the form of a project report.
▪ A catalogue with currently available assignments is provided on the online learning platform.
It provides the content basis of the module and can be supplemented or updated by the
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
IT Security Consulting
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Technical and Operational IT Security Concepts) / N.N. (Project: Configuration and Application
of SIEM Systems)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Learning Outcomes
Technical and Operational IT Security Concepts
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ analyze and evaluate IT systems and networks and detect vulnerabilities.
▪ develop enterprise specific protection profiles.
▪ design and implement tools for sensor based network monitoring, intrusion detection and
▪ use Big Data fusion mechanisms, evaluate and assess the IT-system network security status
and decide and initiate incident response measures.
▪ evaluate the security status of IT systems and networks and provide guidance for
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Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programs in the fields of IT &
fields of Computer Science & Software Technology
Course Description
IT-Systems and Networks containing and processing highly sensitive information and data as well
as IT-Infrastructure in support of business-critical processes or national critical infrastructure
require higher security mechanism regarding confidentiality, integrity and availability. Based on
specific “Protection Profiles” high sophisticated tools, mechanisms and procedures need to be
designed, implemented, configurated and operated.With this course the student will be able to
evaluate given IT-Infrastructure, support the security-design of new IT-Systems and Networks by
developing specific Protection Profiles, evaluate which technical and operational security
measures and application are required and how these are integrated, configured and operated.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Network Analysis and Evaluation
1.1 Layer Specific Threats and Vulnerabilities
1.2 DATA Flow, Interdependencies and Interrelationships
1.3 Vulnerability Scanning and Detection
1.4 Supporting Tools and Techniques
2. Protection Profiles
2.1 Reference Architecture Technology and Networking
2.2 Risk Assessment, Residual Risk and Risk Management
2.3 Security Requirements and Safeguards
2.4 Security Evaluation of IT-Security Products
2.5 Accreditation of IT-Systems and Networks
4. Network Monitoring
4.1 Threat Protection Systems
4.2 Wireless Sensor Networks Technology
4.3 Threat Information Sharing
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) (2018): IT-Grundschutz Profiles - Structural
Description - COMMUNITY DRAFT.
▪ Hayden, L. (2010): IT Security Metrics: A Practical Framework for Measuring Security &
Protecting Data. McGraw-Hill Education, New York City, NY.
▪ McNab, C. (2016): Network Security Assessment: Know Your Network. 3. Auflage, O'Reilly UK
Ltd., London.
▪ Miller, D. R. et al. (2011): Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Implementation.
McGraw-Hill Education, New York City, NY.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
This course will give students hands-on experience in the challenging task of implementing a
Security Incident Event Management (SIEM) Tool into an Enterprise IT-Environment. Students will
need to consider practical aspects such as different data sources, data fusion and big data
analytics methods and processing, as well as constraints such as data availability and multiple
data formats. Furthermore, students will face the challenge to transfer technical data into
operational Information to initiate valid responses. By the end of this course, students will have
obtained well-founded knowledge of the integration of SIEM into enterprise IT infrastructure,
applications and services.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ This course focuses on practical aspects of the implementation of a SIEM into an enterprise
IT infrastructure environment. Students start with a chosen use case and SIEM and then
evaluate requirements which need to be fulfilled so that the SIEM can be used as part of an
enterprise IT system / network. Students need to evaluate requirements for sensors, network
monitoring, intrusion detection, data fusion, big data analytics, and translating technical data
into operational information.
▪ Based on the available information, valid responses – including automated responses - will
be identified and processed.
▪ All relevant artifacts and considerations are documented by the students in a project report.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Al-Sakib, K. P. (2016): The State of the Art in Intrusion Prevention and Detection. Routledge,
▪ Miller, D. et al (2011): Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Implementation.
McGraw-Hill Education, New York City, NY.
▪ Mitchell, H. B. (2007): Multi-Sensor Data Fusion: An Introduction. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
BWCN_E 507
Business Consulting
Module Code: BWCN_E
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Business Consulting I) / N.N. (Business Consulting II)
Business Consulting I
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Business Consulting II
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
508 BWCN_E
Module Contents
Business Consulting I
▪ Introduction to Business Consulting
▪ Forms and Functions of Business Consulting
▪ The Market for Business Consulting
▪ History, pioneers and concepts
▪ Consulting fields
Business Consulting II
▪ Business Modell of Business Consulting
▪ Forms and Functions of Business Consulting
▪ Marketing of Consulting Services
▪ Consultant Liability, Contract Drafting and Professional Law
▪ The Consulting Project
Learning Outcomes
Business Consulting I
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand the various definitions of business consulting.
▪ explain the tasks and approaches of business consultants.
▪ name the characteristics of business consultancies.
▪ explain business consulting as a highly specialized service.
▪ identify the specifics of the consultant-client relationship.
Business Consulting II
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ explain the special framework conditions of consulting companies.
▪ identify the approaches in marketing for consulting services.
▪ explain the strategic and operational direction of consulting companies.
▪ understand the challenges of human resource management in consulting companies.
▪ explain the operational phases of the consulting process.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programs in the Business &
field of Business Administration & Management Management field
BWCN01_E 509
Business Consulting I
Course Code: BWCN01_E
Course Description
Business consulting is a professional service whose overall economic significance is increasing.
Business consultants provide professional consulting services for client companies. This requires
the ability to analyze and evaluate specific corporate and market situations with the help of
modern management concepts. Based on their analyses, business consultants make
recommendations for optimizing corporate strategies, structures and processes and - if desired -
accompany them during implementation and realization. In order to fulfill successfully the various
functions and tasks of business consulting, business consultants require a differentiated profile of
technical-methodical and personal-social competencies. The center of professional competencies
is composed of basic and specialized knowledge in consulting and business administration. They
include analytical skills for understanding corporate and market situations as well as the ability to
plan, implement and control consulting projects. The development of personal and social
competences aims at the client-centeredness of the students in the sense of the ability to adapt
to the individual consulting needs of clients.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Introduction to Business Consulting
1.1 Business Consulting - Management Consulting
1.2 Business Consulting as a Subject of Science
510 BWCN01_E
5. Consulting Fields
5.1 Strategy Consulting
5.2 Organization and Transformation Consulting
5.3 IT Consulting
5.4 Personnel Consulting/HR Consulting
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Cerruti, C./Tavoletti, E./Grieco, C. (2019): Management consulting: a review of fifty years of
scholarly research. In: Management Research Review, Vol. 42, No. 8, pp. 902-925.
▪ Curuksu, J.D. (2018): Data Driven. An Introduction to Management Consulting in the 21st
Century. Springer, Cham/Switzerland.
▪ da Costa, R. L. et al. (2013): The „Fashionable Knowledge“ of Management Consulting. In:
Journal of Management and Sustainability, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 180-188.
▪ FEACO (2019): Survey of the European Management Consultancy 2018/2019. (URL: http://
▪ [letzter
Zugriff: 03.03.2021].
▪ Kubr, M. (2002): Management Consulting: A Guide to the Profession. 4. Ed., International
Labour Office, Genf.
▪ Nippa, M./Petzold, K. (2002): Economic functions of management consulting firms – an
integrative theoretical framework. In: Academy Of Management Proceedings & Membership
Directory, S. B1–B6.
BWCN01_E 511
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
512 BWCN02_E
Business Consulting II
Course Code: BWCN02_E
Course Description
Business consultants offer professional consulting services for client companies. The object of
business consulting is therefore the acquisition, planning and implementation of business
consulting projects. The content of these consulting projects is diverse and, depending on the
task, can include aspects of strategic corporate management, challenges in the area of financing
and cost reduction, the introduction of new technologies, working methods and systems, internal
communication, restructuring, mergers/acquisitions or outsourcing of companies or individual
company divisions. Consulting projects and consulting processes are characterized by recurring
elements, the understanding and application of which significantly influence the success of a
consulting service. The competence and quality of contract acquisition and project management is
determined by the management of the consulting firm itself. Depending on the consulting
philosophy, consulting concept, consulting organization and service marketing, success or failure
is reached in consultant-client relationships. Participation in the course requires successful
completion of the Business Consulting I course.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. The Business Model of Business Consulting
1.1 The Business Consultancy as a Professional Service Firm
1.2 The Value Creation Model of Business Consulting
1.3 The Market Environment of the Consulting Company
BWCN02_E 513
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Block, P. (2011): Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used. 3. Ed., Pfeiffer,
San Francisco.
▪ Chereau, P., & Meschi, P.-X. (2018): Strategic Consulting. Tools and methods for successful
strategy missions. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham/Switzerland.
▪ Kaiser, S. et al. (2015): Human Resource Management in Professional Service Firms: Learning
from a framework for research and practice. In: Zeitschrift Für Personalforschung, Vol. 29, No.
2, pp. 77-101.
▪ Kubr, M. (2002): Management Consulting: A Guide to the Profession. 4. Ed., International
Labour Office, Genf.
▪ Skjølsvik, T., Pemer, F., & Løwendahl, B. (2017): Strategic management of professional service
firms: Reviewing ABS journals and identifying key research themes. In: Journal Of Professions
& Organization, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 203-239.
514 BWCN02_E
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality) / N.N. (X-Reality Project)
X-Reality Project
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Written
Assessment: Project Report
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
X-Reality Project
Learning Outcomes
Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ name the characteristics and differences of augmented, mixed, and virtual reality
▪ describe the importance of sensual perception in AR and VR.
▪ explain the basic technical features of AR and VR systems.
▪ explain the different interaction possibilities in AR and VR applications.
▪ perform selected development processes for AR and VR applications.
X-Reality Project
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ implement a small AR/VR application by themselves.
▪ experiment with the concept of AR/VR applications.
▪ discuss challenges and issues in AR/VR software development.
▪ document the concept and implementation of independently developed AR/VR applications
and accumulated experience in a project report.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
fields of Computer Science & Software fields
Course Description
Augmented, mixed and virtual reality (AR, MR and VR) technologies are becoming increasingly
important in a wide range of application areas. In this context, novel hardware devices and forms
of interaction are used. In addition to the technical foundations, this course covers aspects of
human perception and approaches for developing AR/VR applications. To give the students a
knowledge of the field, the terms augmented, mixed, and virtual reality will be defined and
differentiated and examples of their use will be demonstrated. In order to simulate the existence
of a virtual world or virtual objects to users, aspects of human perception have to be used. Based
on the fundamentals of human information processing, the course highlights the phenomena,
problems, and solutions that have to be considered in AR and VR applications. AR and VR systems
can be implemented in different ways. This course addresses different output forms, tracking
methods and interaction possibilities. In addition, other techniques that are specifically relevant
in the AR field will be represented. Software development in the AR and VR field may require the
application of special processes. This course teaches selected approaches that are helpful in
designing, prototyping, and testing AR and VR applications. The course concludes with a view at
the future applications and the research potential of augmented, mixed, and virtual reality.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ name the characteristics and differences of augmented, mixed, and virtual reality
▪ describe the importance of sensual perception in AR and VR.
▪ explain the basic technical features of AR and VR systems.
▪ explain the different interaction possibilities in AR and VR applications.
▪ perform selected development processes for AR and VR applications.
1. Introduction to Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality
1.1 Definition and Differentiation of Terms
1.2 Fields of Application and Examples
5. Input Devices
5.1 Controller and Other Devices
5.2 Touchpads
5.3 Voice Commands
5.4 Finger Tracking
5.5 Eye Tracking
5.6 Neurofeedback
7. Aspects of Development
7.1 Iterative Development Approaches for VR/AR Applications
7.2 Design Techniques
7.3 Prototyping
7.4 Evaluation
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Billinghurst, M./Clark, A./Lee, G.: "A Survey of Augmented Reality". In: Foundations and Trends
in Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 8, Nr. 2-3, S.73-272.
▪ Jerald, J. (2016): The VR Book. Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality. ACM und Morgan &
▪ Schmalstieg, D./Höllerer, T. (2016): Augmented Reality. Principles and Practice. Addison-
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
X-Reality Project
Course Code: DLBMIAMVR02_E
Course Description
The students create an application from the field of augmented or virtual reality by themselves
and document its conception and implementation as well as collected experiences. The
development of an AR/VR application may include special steps that are not known from classic
software applications. In this context, AR- or VR-typical elements of the application should be
explicitly highlighted and challenges and problems should be addressed.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ The students work on a project from the field of augmented or virtual reality. They design
and implement an AR/VR application based on a concrete task. The development of the
application as well as collected experiences are documented in a project report. The project
report first presents the project goal as well as the topic and context of the application. Then
the requirements, the conception and the implementation of the application are described.
During the documentation, AR- or VR-typical elements will be explicitly highlighted. The
report concludes by highlighting the challenges and issues that arose during development.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Buttfield-Addison, P., Manning, J., Nugent, T. (2019): Unity Game Development Cookbook:
Essentials for Every Game. O’Reilly.
▪ Linowes, J. (2015): Unity virtual reality projects. Explore the world of virtual reality by building
immersive and fun VR projects using Unity 3D. Packt Publishing.
▪ Linowes, J./Babilinski, K. (2017): Augmented Reality for Developers. Build practical augmented
reality applications with Unity, ARCore, ARKit, and Vuforia. Packt Publishing.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Digital Business
Module Code: DLBBWWDM_E
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Mario Boßlau (Digital Business Models) / N.N. (Project: Design Thinking)
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Learning Outcomes
Digital Business Models
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand what a business model is and how to describe it systematically.
▪ outline the basic features of the historical development of business models.
▪ describe key digital business models and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.
▪ establish the relationship between a business model and a business plan to independently
derive and analyse the positioning of a company.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the Business &
fields of Business Administration & Management Management and Design, Architecture &
and Design. Construction fields.
Course Description
A business model contains the depiction of the logic of how a company generates, delivers and
secures value. The progressing digitalization of many processes, products and services has made
possible a large number of innovations in the area of business models in recent years. The subject
of this course rounds up the presentation, the underlying patterns and the main factors that
influence these digital business models.Starting from a general definition of the concept of a
business model, a system is developed to describe the essential factors of a business model. An
overview of the historical development of important business models and in particular the
influence of digitization on newer business models allows a classification of the concept and an
understanding of the framework.Then the most important alternative digital business models of
recent years are systematically presented, analyzed and evaluated with regard to their respective
strengths and weaknesses.Finally, the role of business models in the creation process of a
business plan is described. Students learn the central approaches to developing an independent
corporate positioning and are enabled to examine and evaluate the central factors influencing
corporate success in digital business.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Meaning, Origin and Definition of the Term "Digital Business Model
1.1 Goals and Functions of Digital Business Models
1.2 Business Model - Origin of the Term and its Meaning in the Digital Economy
1.3 Definition of the terms Business Model and Digital Business Model
1.4 Differentiation from Other Terminologies of the Digital Economy
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Gassmann, O., Frankenberger, K., & Csik, M. (2014). The business model navigator: 55 models
thatwill revolutionise your business. FT Publishing.
▪ Weil, P., & Woerner, S. L. (2013). Optimizing your digital business model. MIT Sloan
ManagementReview, 54(3), 71—78.
▪ Weil, P., & Woerner, S. L. (2018). What’s your digital business model? Six questions to help you
tobuild the next-generation enterpreise. Harvard Business Review Press.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
In this course students will receive a practical introduction to Design Thinking. In addition to
teaching the individual basic principles, the procedures in Design Thinking will also be examined
in detail. In order not only to understand Design Thinking but also to experience it, selected
methods for the individual process steps will be presented and practiced on an example project.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Basic Principles of Design Thinking
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Brown, T. (2008): Design Thinking. In: Harvard Business Review, June, p. 84–95.
▪ Brown, T./Kātz, B. (2019): Change by design: How design thinking transforms organizations and
inspires innovation (Revised and updated edition). Harper Busienss, New York City, NY.
▪ IDEO (2015): The field guide to human-centered design: Design kit. 1st edition, IDEO, San
Francisco, CL.
▪ Lewrick, M./Patrick, L./Leifer, L. (2018:. The design thinking playbook: Mindful digital
transformation of teams, products, services, businesses and ecosystems. JOHN WILEY & Sons,
Hoboken, NJ.
▪ Lewrick, M./Patrick, L./Leifer, L. (2020). Design Thinking Toolbook. JOHN WILEY & Sons,
Hoboken, NJ.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Marian Benner-Wickner (IT Operations Management) / N.N. (Project: IT Service
IT Operations Management
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
IT Operations Management
▪ Foundations of IT Infrastructure
▪ IT Service Management
▪ IT Operations Management
▪ Cloud Operations
▪ A Modern Approach to IT Operations Management: DevOps
All phases of an ITIL/IT project are carried out as part of an independent project.
Learning Outcomes
IT Operations Management
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ describe the elements of a company’s IT infrastructure.
▪ use IT service management standards and frameworks to organize a company’s IT
▪ name and describe certain aspects of IT operations management, such as monitoring,
security management and virtualization.
▪ select and use an appropriate cloud infrastructure for a given scenario and to name critical
aspects in cloud operations.
▪ to use DevOps as a modern approach to IT operations management.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
field of Computer Science & Software field
IT Operations Management
Course Code: DLBSEWIO01_E
Course Description
The course introduces the topic of IT Operations Management to students. It addresses how to
operate and maintain a company’s IT infrastructure. Therefore, students will learn about the
foundations of IT infrastructure and how to organize the outcome of the IT service department
into IT services. Selected aspects of IT operations management, such as monitoring, security
management, and virtualization will be addressed. Furthermore, cloud operations as well as the
DevOps approach will be explained in detail.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Foundations of IT Infrastructure
1.1 Hardware
1.2 Software
1.3 Networks and Distributed Systems
1.4 Data Center
1.5 Enterprise Information Technology
2. IT Service Management
2.1 Overview on IT Service Management
2.2 The ISO/IEC 20000 Standard
2.3 The ITIL Framework
2.4 The FitSM Framework
3. IT Operations Management
3.1 Deployment
3.2 Monitoring
3.3 Event Management
3.4 Availability Management
3.5 Security Management
3.6 Recovery Management
3.7 Virtualization & Containers
4. Cloud Operations
4.1 On-premises vs. Cloud Operations
4.2 Cloud Operation Models
4.3 Hardware and Software Architectures for Cloud Operations
4.4 Infrastructure as Code
4.5 Cloud & Compliance: Security, Data Privacy, and Licensing
4.6 Vendor Management: Contracts and Service Levels
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Davis, J./Daniels, R. (2016): Effective DevOps: Building a Culture of Collaboration, Affinity, and
Tooling at Scale. O'Reilly Media, Inc, Massachusetts.
▪ Erl, T./ Puttini, R./ Mahmood, Z. (2013): Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology &
Architecture. Prentice Hall Press, Hoboken.
▪ Farcic, V. (2016): The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit. Packt Publishing, Birmingham.
▪ Geisler, R. (2016): Industrial Software Applications: A Master’s Course for Engineers. De
Gruyter, Oldenbourg.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
Based on the contents of the course “IT Service Management”, selected aspects of the core
processes of ITIL are deepened, discussed, selected, and applied within the framework of a project
in a concept-related manner. All theoretical methods are considered and evaluated.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ analyze typical problems and company situations from the area of IT service management in
different project variations.
▪ develop, plan, and implement proposed solutions.
▪ convert theory into a pragmatic approach to a solution with the help of methodical tools
from IT service management and project management.
▪ draw and apply the right conclusions in relation to their specific project environment.
▪ conceptually apply their theoretical knowledge to company-specific environmental factors.
▪ Analysis, evaluation, and development of recommendations for taking action within the
scope of concrete questions concerning aspects of IT Service Management. This is aided by
the creation and planning of a project in the theoretical-theme context through all phases of
project management.
▪ The quality assurance of the artefacts created is carried out both by the tutor and by
students from the project groups.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Al-Ashmoery, Y., Haider, H., Haider, A., Nasser, N., & Al-Sarem, M. (2021). Impact of IT Service
Management and ITIL Framework on the Businesses. 2021 International Conference of
Modern Trends in Information and Communication Technology Industry (MTICTI), Modern
Trends in Information and Communication Technology Industry (MTICTI), 2021 International
Conference Of, 1–5.
▪ Limited, A. (2020). ITIL 4. Create, Deliver and Support. TSO.
▪ Limited, A. (2020). ITIL 4: Direct, Plan and Improve. TSO.
▪ Limited, A. (2019). ITIL foundation: ITIL (4th edition). The Stationery Office Ltd.
▪ Shastri, A., & Thampi, G. T. (2021). Automation of IT Service Management Processes. 2021
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, and Control (ICAC3),
Advances in Computing, Communication, and Control (ICAC3), 2021 International Conference
On, 1–4.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Data Engineer
Module Code: DLBDSEDE
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Data Engineering ) / N.N. (Project: Data Engineering)
Data Engineering
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Data Engineering
▪ understand important foundational concepts in data engineering.
▪ recognize established and commonly-employed NoSQL datastores and their salient
▪ comprehend common architectural patterns for data processing at scale.
▪ explain the concept of containerization as a virtualization approach.
▪ analyze operational challenges in the set-up and maintenance of data pipelines.
▪ demonstrate familiarity with concepts relating to data security and protection.
Learning Outcomes
Data Engineering
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ understand important foundational concepts in data engineering.
▪ recognize established and commonly-employed NoSQL datastores and their salient
▪ comprehend common architectural patterns for data processing at scale.
▪ explain the concept of containerization as a virtualization approach.
▪ analyze operational challenges in the set-up and maintenance of data pipelines.
▪ demonstrate familiarity with concepts relating to data security and protection.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programmes in the IT &
field(s) of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence. Technology field(s).
Data Engineering
Course Code: DLBDSEDE01
Course Description
This course explores concepts of data engineering. Data engineering is concerned with the
infrastructure aspects of data science such as data storage and provision, as well as the
provisioning of suitable operational environments.After laying out foundational notions and
concepts of the discipline, this course addresses important developments in storage technology;
aspects of systems architecture for processing data at scale; containerization as a modern take on
virtualization; and the logic of data pipelines and associated operational aspects. Important
issues pertaining to data security and protection are also given appropriate attention.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. Foundations of Data Engineering
1.1 Reliability
1.2 Scalability
1.3 Maintainability
2. NoSQL In Depth
2.1 Fundamentals of NoSQL
2.2 Established NoSQL solutions
4. Containerization In Depth
4.1 Docker containers
4.2 Container management
6. Operational Aspects
6.1 Defining principles of DataOps
6.2 Building and maintaining data pipelines
6.3 Metrics and monitoring
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Kleppmann, M. (2017). Designing data-intensive applications: The big ideas behind reliable,
scalable, and maintainable systems. Sebastopol, CA: O‘Reilly.
▪ Marz, N., & Warren, J. (2015). Big data: Principles and best practices of scalable realtime data
systems. Shelter Island, NY: Manning Publications.
▪ Matthias, K., & Kane, S. P. (2018). Docker: Up & running (2nd ed.). Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.
▪ Miell, I., & Sayers, A. (2019). Docker in practice (2nd ed.). Shelter Island, NY: Manning
▪ Muhammad, S., & Akhtar, F. (2018). Big data architect's handbook. Birmingham: Packt
▪ Schenker, G. N. (2018). Learn Docker - Fundamentals of Docker 18.x: Get up and running with
the concepts of Docker. Birmingham: Packt Publishing.
▪ Wilson, J., Redmond, E., & Perkins, L. (2018). Seven databases in seven weeks (2nd ed.).
Raleigh, NC: Pragmatic Bookshelf.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
The focus of this course is the implementation of a real-world data engineering use case in the
form of a student portfolio. To this end, students choose a project subject from the various sub-
domains of data engineering. Examples include setting up a Docker container environment or
dockerized service; implementing a data pipeline according to DataOps principles; and setting up
an NoSQL data store.The goal is for students to demonstrate they can transfer theoretical
knowledge to an implementation scenario that closely mimics practical work in a professional
data engineering setting.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ This course covers the practical implementation of approaches and techniques covered in
the preceding methodological course in a project-oriented setting. Each participant must
produce a portfolio detailing and documenting the work. Porfolio themes are chosen from a
list, or suggested by the students in accord with the tutor.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Kleppmann, M. (2017). Designing data-intensive applications: The big ideas behind reliable,
scalable, and maintainable systems. Sebastopol, CA: O‘Reilly.
▪ Marz, N., & Warren, J. (2015). Big data: Principles and best practices of scalable realtime data
systems. Shelter Island, NY: Manning Publications.
▪ Matthias, K., & Kane, S. P. (2018). Docker: Up & running (2nd ed.). Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.
▪ Miell, I., & Sayers, A. (2019). Docker in practice (2nd ed.). Shelter Island, NY: Manning
▪ Muhammad, S., & Akhtar, F. (2018). Big data architect's handbook. Birmingham: Packt
▪ Schenker, G. N. (2018). Learn Docker - Fundamentals of Docker 18.x: Get up and running with
the concepts of Docker. Birmingham: Packt Publishing.
▪ Wilson, J., Redmond, E., & Perkins, L. (2018). Seven databases in seven weeks (2nd ed.).
Raleigh, NC: Pragmatic Bookshelf.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
User Experience
Module Code: DLBMIUEX_E
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Katharina Bredies (User Experience) / N.N. (UX-Project)
User Experience
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "myStudies": Written
Assessment: Project Report
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Written
Assessment: Project Report
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
User Experience
▪ Basics of User Experience
▪ Customer Journey
▪ Selected UX Techniques
▪ UX Evaluation
▪ Information Design
▪ UX on a Large Scale
Learning Outcomes
User Experience
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ describe, classify, and delimit the term user experience and its concepts.
▪ analyze touchpoints, create customer journey maps and describe personas.
▪ describe suitable techniques for user experience design and select them for a specific task.
▪ describe techniques for evaluating UX and identify appropriate ones for specific tasks.
▪ describe and delimit selected techniques for information design.
▪ describe and delimit concepts and approaches for designing user experience at the process,
service and enterprise levels.
▪ engage in interdisciplinary team work and communicate comprehensively with UX
professionals with complementary backgrounds and skill sets.
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ independently carry out small and medium-sized project tasks in the field of UX and produce
an appropriate result.
▪ define a suitable approach to UX projects and identify appropriate techniques and methods
▪ critically reflect and document the work process and the achieved result regarding the target
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the University
All Bachelor Programs in the Design, Architecture
This module is similar to other modules in & Construction fields
the field of Design
User Experience
Course Code: DLBMIUEX01_E
Course Description
The term user experience (UX) generally refers to the experience that users and customers have in
relationship to the products and services that a company offers. It is not only about improving the
usability of IT systems, but also about analyzing, designing and evaluating the experience of users
and customers. After an introduction to the topic of user experience, some methods for analyzing
the user experience will be explained and their application will be discussed. Then, selected
techniques for designing user experience and suitable approaches to information design are
introduced. After that specific techniques for evaluating UX are discussed. Finally, it will be
explained how UX can be designed specifically at the level of services and companies.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ describe, classify, and delimit the term user experience and its concepts.
▪ analyze touchpoints, create customer journey maps and describe personas.
▪ describe suitable techniques for user experience design and select them for a specific task.
▪ describe techniques for evaluating UX and identify appropriate ones for specific tasks.
▪ describe and delimit selected techniques for information design.
▪ describe and delimit concepts and approaches for designing user experience at the process,
service and enterprise levels.
▪ engage in interdisciplinary team work and communicate comprehensively with UX
professionals with complementary backgrounds and skill sets.
1. UX Basics
1.1 Terms, Concepts, History
1.2 User Experience Design and Management
1.3 Selected Scenarios from Practice
2. Analysis
2.1 Contextual Inquiry
2.2 Touchpoint Analysis
2.3 Customer Journey Map
2.4 Persona
3. Finding Ideas
3.1 Use Cases
3.2 User Stories
3.3 Storyboards
5. Evaluation
5.1 Usability Testing
5.2 Observation Techniques
5.3 Interview Techniques and Questionnaires
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Buxton, William. Sketching User Experience: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design.
San Francisco, Calif.: Morgan Kaufmann, 2007. Book.
▪ Garrett, Jesse James. The Elements of User Experience : User-Centered Design for the Web
and Beyond. Voices That Matter Ser. Vol. 2nd ed., New edition, revised, Berkeley: New Riders,
2010. Book.
▪ Kuniavsky, Mike, Andrea Moed, and Elizabeth Goodman. Observing the User Experience
[Electronic Resource] : A Practitioner's Guide to User Research. Waltham, MA Morgan
Kaufmann, 2nd ed, 2012.
▪ Norman, Don. The Design of Everyday Things : Revised and Expanded Edition. Vol. Revised
and expanded edition, New York: Basic Books, 2013. Book.
▪ Saul, Greenberg, Carpendale Sheelagh, Marquardt Nicolai, and Buxton Bill. Sketching User
Experiences: The Workbook. Waltham, Mass: Morgan Kaufmann, 2012. Book.
▪ Brown, Diana DeMarco. Agile User Experience Design a Practitioner's Guide to Making It Work.
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier MK, 2013. Monograph.
▪ Robier, Johannes. "Ux Redefined. Winning and Keeping Customers with Enhanced Usability
and User Experience." Belgium, Europe: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Code: DLBMIUEX02_E
Course Description
The aim of the module is to apply the already acquired knowledge and skills on the subject of
User Experience in a practical project. The students work on a self-organized project with focus on
User Experience.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ independently carry out small and medium-sized project tasks in the field of UX and produce
an appropriate result.
▪ define a suitable approach to UX projects and identify appropriate techniques and methods
▪ critically reflect and document the work process and the achieved result regarding the target
▪ The knowledge acquired in the course User Experience is applied to projects. The approach,
the results achieved and the critical reflection are documented in a written project report.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Barnum, Carol M. . Usability Testing Essentials : Ready, Set...Test! Amsterdam: Morgan
Kaufmann, 2011. eBook.
▪ Cooper, Alan, Robert Reimann, David Cronin, and Christopher Noessel. About Face: The
Essentials of Interaction Design. 4th ed. Hoboken: Wiley, 2014. eBook.
▪ Hartson, Rex, and Pardha S. Pyla. the Ux Book: Agile Ux Design for a Quality User Experience.
2nd ed. Cambridge: Morgan Kaufman, 2019. eBook.
▪ Robier, Johannes. "Ux Redefined. Winning and Keeping Customers with Enhanced Usability
and User Experience." Belgium, Europe: Springer International Publishing, 2016. eBook.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
AI Specialist
Module Code: DLBDSEAIS
Module Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kerzel (Artificial Intelligence) / N.N. (Project: Artificial Intelligence)
Artificial Intelligence
• Study Format "myStudies": Exam, 90 Minutes
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Exam,
90 Minutes
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Artificial Intelligence
▪ History of AI
▪ Modern AI systems
▪ Reinforcement learning
▪ Natural language processing
▪ Computer vision
This course focuses on developing a simple AI system for a specific application and domain. A
current list of topics is located in the Learning Management System.
Learning Outcomes
Artificial Intelligence
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ chart the historical developments in artificial intelligence.
▪ understand the approach of contemporary AI systems.
▪ comprehend the concepts behind reinforcement learning.
▪ analyze natural language using basic NLP techniques.
▪ scrutinize images and their contents.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
This module is similar to other modules in the All Bachelor Programs in the IT & Technology
fields of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence fields
Artificial Intelligence
Course Code: DLBDSEAIS01
Course Description
The quest for artificial intelligence (AI) has captured humanity’s interest for many decades and
has been an active research area since the 1960s. This course will give a detailed overview of the
historical developments, successes, and set-backs in AI, as well as modern approaches in the
development of artificial intelligence.This course gives an introduction to reinforcement learning, a
process similar to how humans and animals experience the world: exploring the environment and
inferring the best course of action.This course also covers the principles of natural language
processing and computer vision, both of which are key ingredients for an artificial intelligence to
be able to interact with its environment.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
1. History of AI
1.1 Historical Developments
1.2 AI Winter
1.3 Expert Systems
1.4 Notable Advances
2. Modern AI Systems
2.1 Narrow versus General AI
2.2 Application Areas
3. Reinforcement Learning
3.1 What is Reinforcement Learning?
3.2 Markov Chains and Value Function
3.3 Time-Difference and Q Learning
5. Computer Vision
5.1 Introduction to Computer Vision
5.2 Image Representation and Geometry
5.3 Feature Detection
5.4 Semantic Segmentation
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Bear, F./Barry, W./Paradiso, M. (2006): Neuroscience: Exploring the brain. 3rd ed., Lippincott
Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD:
▪ Bird S./Klein, E./Loper, E. (2009): Natural language processing with Python. 2nd ed., O‘Reilly,
Sebastopol, CA.
▪ Chollet, F. (2017): Deep learning with Python. Manning, Shelter Island, NY.
▪ Fisher, R. B., et al. (2016) : Dictionary of computer vision and image processing. John Wiley &
Sons, Chichester.
▪ Geron, A. (2017): Hands-on machine learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow. O’Reilly,
Boston, MA.
▪ Goodfellow, I./Bengio, Y./Courville, A. (2016): Deep learning. MIT Press, Boston, MA.
▪ Grus, J. (2019): Data science from scratch: First principles with Python. O’Reilley, Sebastopol,
▪ Jurafsky, D./Martin, J. H. (2008): Speech and language processing. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
River, NJ.
▪ Nilsson, N. (2009): The quest for artificial intelligence. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
▪ Russell, S./Norvig, P. (2009): Artificial intelligence: A modern approach. 3rd ed., Pearson, Essex.
▪ Sutton, R./Barto, A. (2018): Reinforcement learning: An introduction. 2nd ed., MIT Press,
Boston, MA.
▪ Szelski, R. (2011): Computer vision: Algorithms and applications. 2nd ed., Springer VS,
▪ Szepesvári, C. (2010): Algorithms for reinforcement learning. Morgan & Claypool, San Rafael,
▪ Wiering, M./Otterlo, M. (2012): Reinforcement learning: State of the art. Springer, Berlin.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
90 h 0h 30 h 30 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Course Description
This project course will give students hands-on experience in the challenging task of designing
and developing an AI system for a specific application and domain. Students will need to consider
requirements and practical constraints as well as the desired output of the AI system.Following
this course the students will get holistic overview of developing a specific AI-based application.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ This project course focuses on understanding and implementing a simple AI system. Based
on the course Artificial Intelligence (DLBDSEAI01), students will design and implement a
simple AI system. In the first step, students will choose a specific application and domain
and then use the methods from the course to analyze the requirements and outcomes
before implementing their own AI application. All relevant artifacts and considerations are
documented by the students in a course portfolio.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Bear, F./Barry, W./Paradiso, M. (2006): Neuroscience: Exploring the brain. 3rd ed., Lippincott
Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD:
▪ Bird S./Klein, E./Loper, E. (2009): Natural language processing with Python. 2nd ed., O‘Reilly,
Sebastopol, CA.
▪ Chollet, F. (2017): Deep learning with Python. Manning, Shelter Island, NY.
▪ Fisher, R. B., et al. (2016) : Dictionary of computer vision and image processing. John Wiley &
Sons, Chichester.
▪ Geron, A. (2017): Hands-on machine learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow. O’Reilly,
Boston, MA.
▪ Goodfellow, I./Bengio, Y./Courville, A. (2016): Deep learning. MIT Press, Boston, MA.
▪ Grus, J. (2019): Data science from scratch: First principles with Python. O’Reilley, Sebastopol,
▪ Jurafsky, D./Martin, J. H. (2008): Speech and language processing. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
River, NJ.
▪ Nilsson, N. (2009): The quest for artificial intelligence. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
▪ Russell, S./Norvig, P. (2009): Artificial intelligence: A modern approach. 3rd ed., Pearson, Essex.
▪ Sutton, R./Barto, A. (2018): Reinforcement learning: An introduction. 2nd ed., MIT Press,
Boston, MA.
▪ Szelski, R. (2011): Computer vision: Algorithms and applications. 2nd ed., Springer VS,
▪ Szepesvári, C. (2010): Algorithms for reinforcement learning. Morgan & Claypool, San Rafael,
▪ Wiering, M./Otterlo, M. (2012): Reinforcement learning: State of the art. Springer, Berlin.
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
120 h 0h 30 h 0h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Studium Generale
Module Code: DLBSG_E
Module Coordinator
N.N. (Studium Generale I) / N.N. (Studium Generale II)
Studium Generale I
• Study Format "Distance Learning": See
Selected Course
Studium Generale II
• Study Format "Distance Learning": See
Selected Course
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Studium Generale I
In principle, all IU bachelor courses can be selected as courses for the "Studium Generale", so that
the content can be chosen from the entire breadth of the IU distance learning program.
Studium Generale II
In principle, all IU bachelor courses can be selected as courses for the "Studium Generale", so that
the content can be chosen from the entire breadth of the IU distance learning program.
Learning Outcomes
Studium Generale I
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ apply acquired key competencies to issues in their field of study and/or in their professional
▪ to deepen one's own skills and abilities in a self-directed manner.
▪ to look beyond the boundaries of their own area of expertise.
Studium Generale II
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ apply acquired key competencies to issues in their field of study and/or in their professional
▪ to deepen one's own skills and abilities in a self-directed manner.
▪ to look beyond the boundaries of their own area of expertise.
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the
Program University
It is a stand-alone offering with possible All IU Distance Learning Bachelor Programs
references to various required and elective
DLBSG01_E 575
Studium Generale I
Course Code: DLBSG01_E
Course Description
In the course "Studium Generale I", students deepen their knowledge in a self-selected subject
area by completing an IU course outside their applicable curriculum. This gives them the
opportunity to look beyond their own subject area and acquire further competencies. The
associated option enables students to self-determine their study content to focus even more on
issues relevant to them and/or to strengthen or develop selected competencies.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ apply acquired key competencies to issues in their field of study and/or in their professional
▪ to deepen one's own skills and abilities in a self-directed manner.
▪ to look beyond the boundaries of their own area of expertise.
▪ The course "Studium Generale I" offers students the opportunity to take courses outside of
their curriculum and the result can be credited as an elective subject. In principle, all IU
bachelor courses that fulfill the following requirements are creditable for this purpose:
▪ They are not part of an integral part of the applicable mandatory curriculum.
▪ They do not have admission requirements or students can prove that they have met the
admission requirement.
▪ The examination of the selected courses must be taken in full and finally passed in order to
be credited as part of the 'Studium Generale' .
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ See course description of the selected course
576 DLBSG01_E
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
100 h 0h 25 h 25 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
DLBSG02_E 577
Studium Generale II
Course Code: DLBSG02_E
Course Description
In the course "Studium Generale II", students deepen their knowledge in a self-selected subject
area by completing an IU course outside their applicable curriculum. This gives them the
opportunity to look beyond their own subject area and acquire further competencies. The
associated option enables students to self-determine their study content to focus even more on
issues relevant to them and/or to strengthen or develop selected competencies.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ apply acquired key competencies to issues in their field of study and/or in their professional
▪ to deepen one's own skills and abilities in a self-directed manner.
▪ to look beyond the boundaries of their own area of expertise.
▪ The course "Studium Generale II" offers students the opportunity to take courses outside of
their curriculum and the result can be credited as an elective subject. In principle, all IU
bachelor courses that fulfill the following requirements can be chosen for this purpose:
▪ They are not part of an integral part of the applicable mandatory curriculum.
▪ They do not have admission requirements or students can prove that they have met the
admission requirement.
▪ The examination of the selected courses must be taken in full and finally passed in order to
be credited as part of the 'Studium Generale' .
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ See course description of the selected course
578 DLBSG02_E
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
100 h 0h 25 h 25 h 0h 150 h
Instructional Methods
Bachelor Thesis
Module Code: DLBBT
Module Coordinator
Degree Program Advisor (SGL) (Bachelor Thesis) / Degree Program Advisor (SGL) (Colloquium)
Bachelor Thesis
• Study Format "myStudies": Written
Assessment: Bachelor Thesis
• Study Format "Distance Learning": Written
Assessment: Bachelor Thesis
• Study Format "myStudies": Presentation:
• Study Format "Distance Learning":
Presentation: Colloquium
Weight of Module
see curriculum
Module Contents
Bachelor Thesis
▪ Bachelor's thesis
▪ Colloquium on the bachelor's thesis
Learning Outcomes
Bachelor Thesis
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ work on a problem from their major field of study by applying the specialist and
methodological skills they have acquired during their studies.
▪ independently analyze selected tasks with scientific methods, critically evaluate them, and
develop appropriate solutions under the guidance of an academic supervisor.
▪ record and analyze existing (research) literature appropriate to the topic of their bachelor's
▪ prepare a detailed written elaboration in compliance with scientific methods.
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ present a problem from their field of study using academic presentation and communication
▪ reflect on the scientific and methodological approach chosen in their bachelor's thesis.
▪ demonstrate that they can actively answer subject-related questions from the subject
experts (reviewers of the bachelor’s thesis).
Links to other Modules within the Study Links to other Study Programs of the University
All bachelor programs in distance learning
All modules in the bachelor program
DLBBT01 581
Bachelor Thesis
Course Code: DLBBT01
Course Description
The aim and purpose of the bachelor's thesis is to successfully apply the subject-specific and
methodological competencies acquired during the course of study in the form of an academic
dissertation with a thematic reference to the major field of study. The content of the bachelor's
thesis can be a practical-empirical or theoretical-scientific problem. Students should prove that
they can independently analyze a selected problem with scientific methods, critically evaluate it,
and work out proposed solutions under the subject-methodological guidance of an academic
supervisor. The topic chosen by the student from their respective field of study should meet the
acquired scientific competences, deepening their academic knowledge and skills in order to meet
the future needs of the field.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ work on a problem from their major field of study by applying the specialist and
methodological skills they have acquired during their studies.
▪ independently analyze selected tasks with scientific methods, critically evaluate them, and
develop appropriate solutions under the guidance of an academic supervisor.
▪ record and analyze existing (research) literature appropriate to the topic of their bachelor's
▪ prepare a detailed written elaboration in compliance with scientific methods.
▪ The bachelor's thesis must be written on a topic that relates to the content of the respective
major field of study. In the context of the bachelor's thesis, the problem, as well as the
scientific research goal, must be clearly emphasized. The work must reflect the current state
of knowledge of the topic to be examined by means of an appropriate literature analysis. The
student must prove their ability to use the acquired knowledge theoretically and/or
empirically in the form of an independent and problem-solution-oriented application.
582 DLBBT01
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Turabian, K. L. (2013). A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, theses, and dissertations (8th
ed.). University of Chicago Press.
▪ Lipson, C. (2018). How to write a BA thesis. A practical guide from your first ideas to your
finished paper (2nd ed.). University of Chicago Press.
▪ Selection of literature according to topic
DLBBT01 583
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
270 h 0h 0h 0h 0h 270 h
Instructional Methods
584 DLBBT01
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
270 h 0h 0h 0h 0h 270 h
Instructional Methods
DLBBT02 585
Course Code: DLBBT02
Course Description
The colloquium will take place after the submission of the bachelor’s thesis. This is done at the
invitation of the experts. During the colloquium, students must prove that they have
independently produced the content and results of the written work. The content of the
colloquium is a presentation of the most important work contents and research results by the
student as well as the answering of questions by experts.
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, students will be able to
▪ present a problem from their field of study using academic presentation and communication
▪ reflect on the scientific and methodological approach chosen in their bachelor's thesis.
▪ demonstrate that they can actively answer subject-related questions from the subject
experts (reviewers of the bachelor’s thesis).
▪ The colloquium includes a presentation of the most important results of the bachelor's
thesis, followed by the student answering the reviewers' technical questions.
Compulsory Reading
Further Reading
▪ Subject specific literature chosen by the student
586 DLBBT02
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
30 h 0h 0h 0h 0h 30 h
Instructional Methods
DLBBT02 587
Student Workload
Self Study Contact Hours Tutorial Self Test Independent Study Hours Total
30 h 0h 0h 0h 0h 30 h
Instructional Methods