CIPP Art 36436-10
CIPP Art 36436-10
CIPP Art 36436-10
review article
Multilingualism creates possibilities of personal growth, one, and 2) a local L1-speaking self. Therefore, classroom in-
which influences the sense of self-esteem and self-identity. struction should include teaching materials focused on the
This paper reviews topics related to its impact on the ac- L2 culture, and respect students’ aspirations for personal
tivity of the individual. The relationship between L2 (un- development through foreign language education. More-
derstood both as a second and/or a foreign language, with over, the students should have control over their own learn-
a focus on learning English as a foreign language) linguistic ing, which could be achieved by promoting oracy, student-
achievement, motivation, intercultural competence, and centred instruction and cooperative learning.
the development of L2 identity depending on foreign lan-
guage speaking skills are discussed. Some learners aspire to key words
acquire a “bicultural” identity, which involves 2 versions of motivation; self-regulation; foreign languages; global self-
the learner: 1) a usually English-speaking, globally involved identity
corresponding author – Marta Łockiewicz, Ph.D., Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University
of Gdansk, 4 Bażyńskiego Str., 80-309 Gdansk, Poland, e-mail: [email protected]
authors’ contribution – A: Study design · B: Data collection · C: Statistical analysis · D: Data interpretation ·
E: Manuscript preparation · F: Literature search · G: Funds collection
to cite this article – Łockiewicz, M. (2019). The role of motivation in learning foreign languages: towards a global
self-identity – a literature analysis. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 7(2), 81–90.
received 24.11.2017 · reviewed 01.03.2019 · accepted 01.03.2019 · published 17.04.2019
Motivation and languages: towards a global self-identity
influence the factors that comprise Integrative Moti- The Ought-to L2 Self represents a more extrinsic mo-
vation. Specifically, they impact Integrativeness and tive to meet other people’s expectations and avoid
Attitudes toward the Learning Situation (but not Mo- potential negative outcomes resulting from a failure
tivation). Integrativeness indicates a willingness to to achieve an expected level of proficiency (Dörnyei,
learn L2 to identify with an emotionally important L2 2005, 2009), despite effort taken (Dörnyei & Ushioda,
community and openness to intergroup differences. 2011). L2 Learning Experience refers to executive mo-
Such identification might even lead to withdrawal tives to react to the immediate teaching environment
from an L1 group (Dörnyei, 2003), and is more likely to and experience. Ideal L2 Self explains L2 motivation
happen in a multilingual society, or in a country where (40% of the variance, as reported by Dörnyei & Ushi-
the learner’s L2 is L1. Attitudes toward the Learning oda, 2011) in multilingual and monolingual language
Situation are directed at the teacher, the course, the environments, including language globalisation, when
course materials, other students, etc. (Gardner, 2001). an internationally used language, e.g. English, links to
Subsequently, both Integrativeness and Attitudes in- a global culture (Dörnyei, 2005), which underlines the
fluence Motivation (effort and enjoyment of learning importance of self-identity and autonomy for foreign
a language), which further influences achievement, languages learning. When compared to the integra-
rooted in Language Aptitude. Ganschow and Sparks tiveness factor as proposed in Gardner’s (2001) theo-
(1996) argue to include the learners’ native and for- ry, the ideal L2 self reflects a more basic identification
eign language skills in motivation studies. In fact, process within the individual’s self-concept, rather
learners with poorer L1 literacy skills manifest more than an actual or metaphorical integration into an L2
negative attitudes about L2 learning, but their anxiety community (Dörnyei, 2003). However, Dörnyei (2005)
and inhibitions may be reduced by practice opportu- argues that his theory is highly compatible with pre-
nities, extra instruction, and adjusted grading (Scott, vious approaches in the L2 motivation research.
Bell, & McCallum, 2009). The achievement in formal The Ideal and Ought-to selves are effective for mo-
and informal situations results in linguistic (language tivational purposes if the learner has a developed, rea-
proficiency) and nonlinguistic (anxiety, willingness to sonable future self, adequately different from the cur-
communicate) outcomes (Bernaus & Gardner, 2008; rent one, and consistent with the expectations of the
Gardner, 2001), which have a direct bearing on lan- learner’s family, peer group, and community (Dörnyei
guage production. Moreover, Bernaus and Gardner & Ushioda, 2011). A discrepancy between the actual
(2008) found that Integrativeness, Attitudes toward and ideal self state is linked with negative emotions,
the Learning Situation (specifically toward the Eng- such as disappointment and sadness (Higgins, 1987).
lish Teacher and Course Evaluation), and Instrumen- Learners must activate this future self-image regular-
tal Orientation contribute to individual differences in ly in their working self-concept and use procedural,
L2 learning motivation, while Motivation and Atti- e.g. self-regulatory, strategies (Dörnyei & Ushioda,
tudes toward the Learning Situation influence English 2011). Possible selves trigger certain behaviours, in-
Achievement, positively and negatively, respectively. cluding those stemming from a desire to achieve
The discussed model was developed in a multi- mastery, thus linking motivation, cognition, and ac-
lingual Canadian society (Dörnyei, 2005), where L2 tion (Markus & Nurius, 1986). Such mastery could be
learners communicate with L2 native speakers on related to L2 proficiency, especially if learners have
a daily basis. However, Masgoret and Gardner (2003) developed reliable L2 Ideal Selves and are proactively
believe that its assumptions can be generalized out- involved in improving their language skills.
side the Canadian environment. A meta-analysis of Four profiles were identified within the L2 Motiva-
Gardner and associates’ studies revealed that the L2 tional Self System in a group of Hungarian learners of
achievement correlates consistently and positively English (Csizer & Dörnyei, 2005). The least motivated,
with integrative and instrumental orientations (Mas- group 1, manifested no interest in foreign languages,
goret & Gardner, 2003). The availability of L2 in the cultures, and language learning. The most motivated,
immediate environment did not moderate these rela- group 4, developed a salient ideal L2 self, associated
tionships. Thus, a need for identification with the L2 with a general interest in foreign languages. Group 2
community becomes an important motivating factor had more positive attitudes toward the L2 culture
in L2 learning, even if the learner does not have di- and community than group 3, which was superior
rect contact with that community. in instrumental aspects and more motivated by the
In fact, the next theory I would like to discuss, the Ought-to L2 self. Neither of the two middle groups
L2 Motivational Self System theory, assumes that L2 developed a strong ideal L2 self. These findings in-
becomes a part of an individual’s identity (Dörnyei, dicate that a general interest in foreign languages
2005), which includes: Ideal L2 Self, Ought-to L2 Self, results in an increased planned effort to learn. How-
and L2 Learning Experience (Dörnyei, 2005, 2009). ever, as learners’ motivational profiles vary according
Ideal L2 Self is based on integrative aspirations to to the specific L2, target languages interfere with the
reduce the perceived discrepancy between the actual positivity of their attitudes. In the studied group, the
and the Ideal Self and to achieve proficiency in L2. preferred language was English. This is not a surpris-
ing finding, as English has become a “lingua franca” when this particular vision is actually being realized,
in the contemporary world. However, this preference for example when learners try to change their life-
is not necessarily universal. For example, Chinese styles. In a classroom, a Directed Motivational Current
university students, though they exhibited a positive would be introduced via a project assignment, which
attitude towards English and were motivated to study gives the learners a lot of autonomy and self-control
it, believed that their own L1 was superior (Liu, 2011). in the selection and execution of the presentation.
Moreover, their families did not appreciate their chil- Kormos, Kiddle, and Csizér (2011) developed
dren being able to associate with English culture. It a learner-centred, interactive model of learning lan-
seems that certain cultures are more conducive than guage motivation, an extension of Dörnyei’s (2005)
others to the development of a self-concept that in- theory of the L2 motivational self-system, to which it
cludes L2, which may depend not only on psychologi- adds goals, social contextual factors, and their inter-
cal, but also on social factors, as motivation to learn L2 action. In this approach, motivation consists of inter-
stems partly from the attitude of the learner’s family, active personal factors. The hierarchically organised
peer group, and community towards both L2 and L2 levels include: 1) motivated behaviour, 2) self-guides
culture. Moreover, the desire to conform to communi- and attitudes, 3) distal goals of language learning.
ty expectations varies significantly among countries Motivated behaviour controls effort and persistence
and cultures (Triandis, 2018). This finding indicates in language learning and relates to the actual lan-
a need for further studies on the L2 Motivational Self guage learning activity. Future self-guides consist of
System in a variety of cultures, as certain modifica- the Ought-to L2 self (the learners’ self-efficacy beliefs
tions to the original theory might be necessary, due to and the beliefs of their community members) and the
a different cultural background of the learners. Some Ideal L2 self (the learners’ own beliefs about the val-
of the apparently culture-specific factors related to L2 ue of L2 learning), which are unrelated in secondary
learning motivation and self concept already identi- school students (but their ideal L2 self is influenced
fied are presented in the following section. by parental views), but related in university students
So far, the validity of the L2 Motivational Self Sys- and adult learners. Distal instrumental and integra-
tem has also been confirmed for Chinese (Li, 2014) tive goals include international posture, which is
and Pakistani (Islam, Lamb, & Chambers, 2013) learn- a tendency to interact with other cultures, e.g. work
ers. Pakistani students identified their future English abroad and a non-ethnocentric attitude (Yashima,
proficiency with the development and international 2002). The students’ desire to become an active mem-
reputation of their native country (a National Interest ber of the world-wide community of English speakers
factor) (Islam et al., 2013). However, Lamb (2012) did influences their future self-guides, and is the most im-
not clearly identify the Ought-to L2 self in a group portant learning goal (Kormos et al., 2011).
of adolescents in Indonesia, who were motivated In Polish studies, Iwaniec (2014) found that intrin-
by the Attitudes toward their Learning Experience. sic motivation, motivated behaviour, and the Ideal L2
Moreover, effort put into studying depended on the Self predicted self-regulated language learning. Sec-
teacher, and the Ideal L2 self contributed to L2 learn- ondary school learners’ goals were associated with
ing motivation only in the urban areas (but not rural knowledge, international orientation, and the impor-
or provincial areas, where the parental and familial tance of English for their professional careers. Parents
influence was the greatest), but it was not strong encouraged their children to study languages. Pawlak
enough to persuade students to put effort into learn- (2012) noted that while within a month the reasons
ing, though they were benevolently disposed towards of Polish high school students for learning English –
English. Likely, students in rural areas were more instrumentality, international posture (the most im-
guided by their desire to fulfil the significant others’ portant ones), the ideal language self, the Ought-to
expectations, while students in urban areas depended Self, the L2 learning experience and knowledge ori-
more on self-regulation and aspirations to achieve the entation –remained relatively stable, the intensity of
Ideal L2 Self level of L2 proficiency. This explanation motivation fluctuated, even during one lesson, being
is consistent with Bender, Fedor, and Carlson (2011)’s higher towards the end. Students were more moti-
study that demonstrated that children from rural ar- vated intrinsically than extrinsically, though external
eas are more attached to adults, while those from ur- motives were crucial for those students who strug-
ban ones are more able to self-regulate. gled to pass the finals. Those learners who exhibited
A development of the L2 Motivational Self Sys- long-term goals spent more time on self-study and
tem is a Directed Motivational Current (DMC; Muir developing effective learning strategies.
& Dörnyei, 2013), in which a sequence of organized Generally, all the aforementioned theories un-
behaviours leads to a well-defined vision of a person- derline the importance of identification with an L2
ally relevant future self. This allows a high level of mo- speaking community for the effectiveness of L2 learn-
tivation to be sustained for a long time, which is nec- ing. Such identification relates to globalisation and
essary for achieving success in language learning, as exposure to certain lifestyles and communication
students become inherently motivated. This happens patterns available through the media, not necessarily
actual migration, and correlates with L2 achievement. or coursebooks using L2. The aforementioned tech-
Openness to other cultures and tolerance to diversity niques are conducive to making L2 an important
are, nevertheless, conducive to choosing international element of personal development, immersing the
environments, travelling, and work abroad. Identifi- learners in a foreign culture, and focusing on self-
cation with an L2 culture facilitates internalisation regulated behaviour, even at a very young age.
of the importance of L2 learning, and creating a per- This tendency continues in older learners’ instruc-
sonally relevant Ideal L2-Self. Therefore, self-control- tion. Komorowska (2001) claims that adults who
led and self-regulated behaviours seem crucial for study foreign languages are often motivated instru-
achievement in L2 learning in different age groups. mentally (Azabdaftari, Gharehaghaji, & Akbari, 2014),
which requires long-term planning, sustained moti-
vation, and self-controlled behaviour. Imposing the
Motivation to learn foreign English officialisation policy (English obligatory as
languages in children, an official language of the institution, both in course
adolescents, and adults instruction and administrative matters) was more ap-
preciated by those administrative officers in a Korean
Students who were exposed to English and/or start- university who were extrinsically motivated and un-
ed formal education in English earlier obtain better motivated than those who were interested in learn-
grades in English as L2 even as late as college educa- ing about English-speaking countries’ cultures (Kim
tion (Al-Qahtani, 2013). The onset of FL acquisition & Choi, 2014). However, extrinsic motivation, linked
in pre-school, when children are particularly linguis- with less autonomy in L2 learning and less confidence
tically sensitive, relates to a higher future FL compe- in speaking competence, was typical in this group.
tence (Olpińska-Szkiełko, 2015). In fact, Hidaka and Adults who learn foreign languages are also mo-
collaborators (2012) report that the neural founda- tivated by the ability to communicate with peers,
tion for FL processing develops as early as during learning about a foreign culture, school progress
3-5 years of age, and Polish 3-5-year-olds differenti- (Ausubel, 1964; Kormos et al., 2011), and the feeling
ated Polish as L1 and English as a Foreign Language of autonomy (Dickinson, 1995). Graham, Courtney,
discourse (Łockiewicz, Sarzała-Przybylska, & Lipow- Tonkyn, and Marinis (2016) reported that adolescents
ska, 2018). As compared to adults, children acquire valued learning French as L2 for travel and commu-
correct pronunciation more easily, and are less self- nication; their self-confidence and progress expecta-
conscious about communication in L2 (Ausubel, tions, however, gradually decreased. Thus, the English
1964). Therefore, L2 instruction should start early, be- classroom should include practical sessions during
fore formal L1 literacy instruction begins, so that the which students would communicate in English (Al-
young speakers can achieve a feeling of being com- Qahtani, 2013) and utilize digitalized technology ac-
fortable when communicating in L2. Preschool FL tivities, such as reading stories online (Hsin-Chou,
instruction should aim to develop the young learn- 2013) and virtual world gaming (Kruk, 2016b), which
ers’ positive motivation, create a base for systematic they use in their everyday life. The perceived freedom
linguistic work (Komorowska, 2009), and provide ex- of choice and personal competence correlate with
posure to a FL (Komorowska, 2009; Kondrat, 2015). more self-determined forms of motivation (Noels
L2 instruction for young learners uses implicit, et al., 2003), as learners employ cognitive, meta-cog-
fun-focused techniques, such as games, nursery nitive, and social language learning strategies (Al-
rhymes, and songs (Aguirre, Bustinza, & Garvich, Qahtani, 2013). Cognitive and metacognitive learn-
2016). In Poland, the Good Start Method for English ing strategies mediate between L2 learners’ extrinsic
bases each class on a nursery rhyme to develop L2 and intrinsic motivation and vocabulary learning due
literacy skills through multimodal activities (Bogda- to their proactive nature (Zhang, Lin, Zhang, & Choi,
nowicz, Bogdanowicz, & Łockiewicz, 2015). Students 2017). However, Dörnyei (2003) noted that in educa-
can suggest their own activities, which increases tional psychology the term “learning strategy” has
their autonomy and self-control. Through singing been reconceptualised as “self-regulatory learning”,
traditional rhymes children share experience with which underlines the significance of autonomy and
their English-speaking peers and learn about English self-control for motivation and learning. Similarly,
folklore. Drama activities, e.g. performing in musi- elderly female learners in South Korea (Kim & Kim,
cals, allows the students to use English meaningfully 2015) were motivated by self-actualization (satisfac-
and appropriately through role-play and cooperation tion, achievement, enjoyment, and the importance
(Lei & Huang, 2012). As developing their own school- of English in a local environment and worldwide),
books in L1 impacts the students’ meta-knowledge, the Ideal L2 Self, the Ought-to L2 Self, face-saving,
meta-cognition, meta-learning, and self-awareness and instrumentality (related to the desire to pass an
about their own production of culture, which facili- exam), and demotivated by the pressure of external
tates learning competences (Uszyńska-Jarmoc & Żak, exam taking, even though they were preparing for
2013), they could also create their own exercises and/ a national external exam. The learners with an un-
attainable Ideal L2 Self assessed environmental and focus on the elements and structure of the language
internal factors related to English as L2 learning as instruction, e.g. dictation, grammar, listening, and
negative, and learning English as increasingly dif- reading exercises, translation, addressing questions to
ficult, and lost their self-confidence. Thus, the ideal the whole class. This approach uses the IRE teaching
L2 self might be either a motivating or demotivating exchange model: initiation (a teacher’s (closed) ques-
factor, depending on whether it is both challenging tion) – response (a student’s (recall) answer) – evalu-
and realistic. Moreover, even in situations when L2 ation (a teacher’s feedback: correct/incorrect) (Alex-
instruction is ostensibly focused on passing exams, ander, 2012). It does not reflect the natural flow of
the role of L2 in a learner’s identity and intrinsic mo- conversation in everyday life and limits the learners’
tivation are most important for L2 achievement. possibility to express their thoughts. Innovative strat-
Certain differences in teaching strategies designed egies (Bernaus & Gardner, 2008) are more student-
for younger and older learners stem mostly from cog- centred and based on activities in which students
nitive, emotional, and social developmental changes. interact with each other and the teacher to solve
Adolescents, as compared to children, process infor- problems and complete projects, e.g. pair work con-
mation faster and more accurately, think abstractly versations, small group work, games, self-evaluation,
and hypothetically, can focus attention purposefully, teacher evaluation. However, in the reported study
and develop their interests (Obuchowska, 2001). This only those strategies which were recognised by the
cognitive development allows them to set long-term students influenced their motivation and attitudes.
goals and organise their activeness accordingly. Thus, Therefore, teachers should assess their students’ per-
adolescents and adults may base their L2 education ceptions of the used strategies, as only perceived, not
on instrumental goals of better career opportunities- actual use is effective. The innovative strategies reflect
similar factor in every age group, though, is the need dialogic teaching, which uses 5 principles: collectivity,
for self-regulation and self-control. reciprocity, support, cumulation, and purposefulness
(Alexander, 2010). This type of instruction, in which
teachers and students cooperate, communicate in an
Motivation to learn languages authentic way, and students talk to learn and learn
– the role of the teacher to talk (Alexander, 2010), serves to promote students’
oracy skills, which contribute to developing literacy,
Children are motivated by the teachers’ kindness reasoning, communication, learning, self-advocacy,
(Ausubel, 1964; Komorowska, 2001), adolescents by active citizenship (Alexander, 2012), social func-
their competence; they value lessons with an attrac- tioning, and intercultural competence skills, which
tive textbook that covers interesting topics, which would have a positive impact on intrinsic motiva-
they can choose themselves (Komorowska, 2001). tion through integrative orientation. The promotion
Motivation may change during a single lesson and/ of language teaching methods that support the inde-
or a course of lessons. This is influenced by factors pendence of thought, evaluation, and action has been
connected to the lesson (e.g. attractiveness and dif- advocated by the Council of Europe (Coste, North,
ficulty), learners (e.g. age, abilities), and school (e.g. Sheils, & Trim, 2003). When teachers use open lesson
timetable, workload) (Kruk, 2016a). A process model planning, authentic, not simulated, linguistic commu-
of L2 motivation involves generating, sustaining, and nication in L2 is possible (Żylińska, 2003). However,
evaluating motivations and actions, which has been Graham, Courtney, Tonkyn, and Marinis (2016) found
conceptualized in three stages, involving different no relation between the learners’ attitudes to, and
motivational influences: choice motivation (attitudes self-efficacy for, learning French as L2 and receiving
towards the L2 and its speakers), executive motivation either an oracy (focus on speaking and listening) or
(sense of autonomy, self and social image related to a literacy (focus on reading and writing) instruction.
the quality of the learning experience, knowledge and Despite this lack of difference, the participants report-
use of self-regulatory strategies), and motivational ed that they wanted more fun/games, more speaking/
retrospection (self-concept beliefs, e.g. self-confidence interaction and more group work to be included in
and self-worth) (Dörnyei, 2003). Thus, to initialize and the class instruction. All these activities are character-
sustain motivation, a supportive atmosphere, materi- istic for an oracy approach. Possibly, the students did
als relevant for the learners, increasing the learners’ not recognize the innovative strategies used, which
goal-orientedness, promoting cooperation and self- diminished their impact on attitudes, as Bernaus and
motivating strategies, and encouraging positive retro- Gardner (2008) suggested. More research is needed in
spective self-evaluation that allow the learners to take this area to determine the effectiveness of the oracy
control over their learning process should be used. approach to foreign language learning.
Unfortunately, teachers sometimes prefer tradi- Another student-centred teaching strategy is co-
tional over innovative strategies for English instruc- operative learning, in which students work in small
tion (Bernaus & Gardner, 2008). Traditional strategies teams throughout the semester (each team usually
are more teacher-centred than student-centred, and consists of 4 members), and which is based on the
rules of positive interdependence and individual ac- The oracy-oriented approach to language instruction
countability (Kagan & Kagan, 2009; Ning & Hornby, reflects the facilitation of dialogic skills. The intercul-
2014). Even though the students carry out team as- tural method of instruction develops both linguistic
signments, they are assessed individually to appreci- and intercultural and intracultural skills (Żylińska,
ate individual effort (Kagan & Kagan, 2009). Coop- 2003). Congruence between extrinsic and intrinsic
erative learning increased intrinsic (but not extrinsic) motives and goals promotes acculturation (that is ad-
motivation in university students, giving them a sense aptation to a dissimilar culture) to the L2 culture (Ru-
of accomplishment, competence, self-control, and au- benfeld, Sinclair, & Clément, 2007). Intercultural mo-
tonomy (Ning & Hornby, 2014). Moreover, the stu- tives of learners in L2 acquisition have been reflected
dents receive meaningful feedback from teachers and in modern theories on the notions of international
peers, and more positively experienced cooperation, posture (cf. Yashima, 2002), integrativeness (cf. Ber-
as the personal success of each learner (through rep- naus & Gardner, 2008; Gardner, 2001), and ideal L2
resenting the team) benefited the entire team. self (cf. Dörnyei, 2005, 2009).
To conclude, L2 learning motivation can be influ- Sustained learning requires the recognition of
enced by teaching materials, methodology, and the the personal importance of language acquisition, as
teacher’s competence. Autonomy-support strategies students who internalized the reason for L2 learning
are particularly successful in fostering both motiva- reported being more comfortable and persevering in
tion level and educational attainment (Vibulphol, their work (Noels et al., 2003). A way of internalizing
2016). The use of this approach, as contrasted with the necessity of studying L2 is to include it in the Ideal
a teacher-focused one, allowed learners’ motivation L2 Self. Currently, L2 motivation is reconceptualised
to be initiated and maintained, as opposed to de- and reconstructed using contemporary notions of self
creasing to no activity at all. and identity (Al Othman & Shuqair, 2013; Ushioda
& Dörnyei, 2009), which are included in all models of
motivation to learn foreign languages discussed in the
Motivation, cultural paper (see Table 1). Nowadays, most people develop
competence, and bicultural a global, or a “bicultural” identity, in addition to their
self-identity local one, for example through exposure to the me-
dia, and identify themselves with a worldwide culture
L2 learning is a linguistic, social and cultural activ- (Arnett, 2002). Such a global identity allows them to
ity, which requires the assimilation of some elements communicate with people from diverse cultures, ei-
of the L2 culture (Dörnyei, 2003). The learners de- ther in person or online. This can be achieved usually
velop an intercultural competence, while remaining through learning English as L2 in the globalised mul-
members of their own culture. Linguistic and cultural tilingual world (Lamb, 2004). A bicultural identity in-
competences in L1 and L2 influence and complement volves 2 versions of the learner: 1) an English-speak-
each other (Coste et al., 2003). ing, globally involved one, and 2) a local L1-speaking
The willingness to communicate in L2 depends on: self. However, the process of developing such identity
one’s perceived communication competence, greater might be culture-dependant. For example, Chinese
interest in international affairs, occupations, and ac- students who took an English course in New Zealand
tivities, while an international orientation influences had a stronger L2 Ideal Self that those who studied
motivation to study L2, which links to self-confidence in China (Li, 2014). Interaction with native or fluent
(Yashima, Zenuk-Nishide, & Shimizu, 2004). Integra- speakers may facilitate imagining oneself as a pro-
tively oriented learners study L2 for cultural pur- ficient L2 user. The relationships between L2 learn-
poses (Azabdaftari et al., 2014), for example to learn ing motivation, ideal L2 self, ought-to self, and other,
more about the foreign culture and to interact with sometimes culturally specific influences vary between
L2 native speakers (Graham et al., 2016). Learning an cultures and age groups. The studies discussed in this
L2 in order to develop knowledge, travel abroad, and paper generally emphasize the importance of a learn-
develop friendships (the latter to a smaller degree) er’s belief in the personal relevance of L2 learning, as-
are related to the feelings of competence and autono- piration to identify with the L2 community, and self-
my (Noels et al., 2003), which facilitate motivation to regulation for L2 achievement. However, self-control
learn L2 and final linguistic achievement. and autonomy might be less crucial for learners from
Using a comparison with a foreign culture, the collectivistic, as compared with individualistic, cul-
learners understand better their own culture and tures, as they would be more dependable on expecta-
language, and become more open to different ap- tions of their significant others. Therefore, this issue
proaches (Kapica-Curzytek, 2003), thus reconstruct- requires more studies in different countries.
ing their own identity. Diminishing ethnocentrism To conclude, students themselves generally mani-
and increasing tolerance play an important role in the fest a positive approach to foreign languages they
cooperation and understanding between people from study, and aspire to develop personally, which often
different cultures, and facilitate open communication. includes striving toward a global ideal self-identity,
Table 1
Models of L2 motivation and the learner’s identity
that would incorporate L2 linguistic proficiency and Al Othman, F. H. M., & Shuqair, K. M. (2013). The Im-
intercultural competence. As a higher interest in oth- pact of Motivation on English Language Learning
er cultures relates to a more salient ideal L2 self, class- in the Gulf States. International Journal of Higher
room instruction should also include materials and Education, 2, 123–130.
exercises focused on increasing the students’ famili- Al-Qahtani, M. F. (2013). Relationship between Eng-
arity with a different culture. Parental encouragement lish Language, Learning Strategies, Attitudes, Mo-
and positive disposition toward L2 are also crucial, es- tivation, and Students’ Academic Achievement.
pecially in younger learners. Moreover, the students Education in Medicine Journal, 5, 19–29.
should be given more control over their own learn- Arnett, J. J. (2002). The psychology of globalization.
ing, which could be achieved by promoting oracy, American Psychologist, 57, 774–783.
student-centred instruction and cooperative learning. Ausubel, D. P. (1964). Adults versus Children in Sec-
ond-Language Learning: Psychological Consid-
erations. Modern Language Journal, 48, 420–424.
Endnote Azabdaftari, F., Gharehaghaji, N., & Akbari, M. H.
(2014). Motivation in Learning English among the
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a limited or no possibility at all to communicate Bender, S. L., Fedor, M. C., & Carlson, J. S. (2011).
and interact with L2 native speakers. The acquisi- Examining protective factors and risk factors in
tion of a language as L2 refers to the learners hav- urban and rural Head Start preschoolers. Journal
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