This document provides an overview of cybernetics that can be installed on characters to replace or enhance body parts. Cybernetics have armor and break points instead of affecting a character's toughness. They come in variants with different costs, properties, and benefits. Installation of cybernetics may cause prejudice from others depending on how many are visible. Examples of eye and head cybernetics are presented.
This document provides an overview of cybernetics that can be installed on characters to replace or enhance body parts. Cybernetics have armor and break points instead of affecting a character's toughness. They come in variants with different costs, properties, and benefits. Installation of cybernetics may cause prejudice from others depending on how many are visible. Examples of eye and head cybernetics are presented.
This document provides an overview of cybernetics that can be installed on characters to replace or enhance body parts. Cybernetics have armor and break points instead of affecting a character's toughness. They come in variants with different costs, properties, and benefits. Installation of cybernetics may cause prejudice from others depending on how many are visible. Examples of eye and head cybernetics are presented.
This document provides an overview of cybernetics that can be installed on characters to replace or enhance body parts. Cybernetics have armor and break points instead of affecting a character's toughness. They come in variants with different costs, properties, and benefits. Installation of cybernetics may cause prejudice from others depending on how many are visible. Examples of eye and head cybernetics are presented.
INTRODUCTION • Cybernetics cannot gain benefits from a Character’s
The Cybernetics Splatbook is a commissioned 100DOS Splatbook built Toughness or Mythic Characteristics unless specified to be used alongside other Splatbooks. These are optional Character otherwise. Modifications that a GM may allow to be used in their campaigns. This Splatbook is balanced towards Mythic and The Armory, but there is ARMOR AND BREAK POINTS no reason it couldn’t also be used with others to make your own Cybernetics use Armor instead of the Character’s Toughness Modifier settings and unique campaigns. and Mythic Toughness. This Armor stacks with worn Armor. Attacks that deal Damage to a Cybernetic will always deal Break Point Damage USE IN YOUR GAMES to that Cybernetic. Under certain circumstances, Damage to the Some aspects of the Cybernetics Splatbook may be considered more Cybernetic will also deal Wounds to the Character. powerful than the GM might intend for their campaign. Soldier Types Arm and Leg Cybernetics use Break Points instead of dealing like Spartan IIs, who already receive major benefits at Character Damage to the Character’s Wounds. Any Sublocation Cybernetic that Creation, can heavily compound their capabilities by gaining even are not installed onto a Location Cybernetic will deal Wounds to the further, similar benefits. Players should always ask for permission Character, regardless of the Location it is on. before using this Splatbook. LIMB REPLACEMENTS CYBERNETICS Limb Replacements are just as they sound, they replace Arms or Legs Cybernetics are body replacements, enhancements, or last-ditch- of the Character. Limb Replacements have their own Break Points and effort tools that Characters can get access to. The capabilities, Armor based on the Tier of the Replacement. Attacks that strike Limb strengths, and benefits are incredibly varied, based on a the Replacements do not Damage a Character’s Wounds. Characters can Cybernetic being purchased. only take one Limb Replacement per Limb. Each Body Hit Location has its own series of Cybernetics that can be applied to a Character, such as Limb Replacements. Each CYBERNETIC ENHANCEMENTS Body Hit Location has optional Sublocation Cybernetics. These include Cybernetic Enhancements are cybernetics that implant into existing things like Eye Cybernetics, Hand Cybernetics, etc. Body Locations. Cybernetic Enhancements have Break Points and can offer Armor, but Attacks that strike Enhancements will deal Damage VARIANTS to Wounds if they are not installed onto a Limb Replacement. Cybernetics have Variants that determine the Price, Break Points, Enhancement Armor on Sublocations will not give its Armor Armor, and benefits that the Cybernetic gives. Each Variant will have to the Character’s Wounds, the Armor is only for figuring Break Point its own description within the Information section of the table. Damage for the Cybernetic. Only one Cybernetic Enhancement can be installed per PRICING Location and Sublocation. For example, a Character cannot take the Cybernetics have a Base Price listed. This Base Price is the lowest price LCX-50 Eye Enhancement and the FSL Core-Sight Enhancement at the offered for the Cybernetics. Each Variant will have its own listed price same time. under the description of the item. CYBERNETIC SHELLS LOCATION CYBERNETIC Cybernetic Shells are encasings that are installed onto a Character’s A Location Cybernetic is a Cybernetic that replaces or is installed into Body Location. These Shells will replace the skin and some segments an entire Body Location. These Cybernetics include full Limb of the Character’s muscular system on the Location installed. Shells replacements, Limb Enhancements, and Cybernetic Shells. have Break Points and offer extra Armor against Attacks that ignore Armor or when the Character is not currently wearing Armor. Attacks SUBLOCATION CYBERNETIC that deal Damage to Shells will still damage the Character’s Wounds. A Sublocation Cybernetic is a Cybernetic that is installed onto or replaces a Sublocation of the body. These include things like Ear and CYBERNETIC ATTACHMENTS Eye Cybernetics, or even Heart or Forearm Cybernetics. These may be Cybernetic Attachments are Cybernetics that are built into, or onto installed onto Location Cybernetics. Sublocation Cybernetics have Cybernetic Replacements and Shells. These can only be installed onto Armor and Break Points of their own, but if installed onto a Location Body Locations that have a Shell or Replacement. Cybernetic, they will take the Armor of that Location Cybernetic. AUGMENTATION PREJUDICE CYBERNETIC LIMITATIONS Characters with a large amount of Cybernetics are generally looked The following list limits what Cybernetics cannot be used for. This down on, fears, or avoided. Characters that heavily alter their body helps make sure that Characters do not abuse this system and are often treated as untrustworthy, as well. There are groups that become too powerful or misuse the system out of misunderstanding may accept them more openly, like groups of other augmented users, how it works. Please make sure to read through this section as there or Characters with a fondness for the idea of cybernetics. are not many limitations but are still important. A good way to handle this is for every two visible Cybernetics the Character has, others dealing with that Character will • Characters cannot use Cybernetics to gain extra limbs their lower their Disposition towards them. The Disposition Chart is found race does not normally have. in the GM Section of the Mythic Handbook. • Characters cannot take more than one of the same type of Cybernetic per Location, whether it be Location or Sublocation. HEAD ENHANCEMENT CYBERNETICS CYBERNETIC LOCATION INFORMATION COST Basic Eye Eye Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Eye or Right Eye 20 cR A standard Eye replacement. Indistinguishable from a regular eye. EMP Special Rule will Blind the Character for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant costs 20 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant costs 40 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant costs 300 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. LCX-50 Both Eyes Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Eye and Right Eye 100 cR Telescopic Eye Multiplies the Character’s Perceptive Range based on one of three Tiers of this Cybernetic. EMP Special Rule will Blind the Character for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant increases Perceptive Range multiplier by 1.5 and costs 100 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant increases Perceptive Range multiplier by 2 and costs 300 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant increases Perceptive Range multiplier by 2.5 and costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. FSL Core-Sight Both Eyes Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Eye and Right Eye 100 cR Augmentation Reduces all Penalties from Blinding, Bright, Low-Light, and Darkness. EMP Special Rule will Blind the Character for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant reduces Penalties by 10 and costs 100 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant reduces Penalties by 15 and costs 300 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant reduces Penalties by 20 and costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. Lightwave Both Eyes Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Eye and Right Eye 100 cR Detection Gives Bonuses to seeing Camouflaged and Cloaked Characters. Cannot stack with VISR or other similar Equipment. Augmentation EMP Special Rule will Blind the Character for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant gives a +5 Bonus and costs 100 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant gives a +10 Bonus and costs 300 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant gives a +15 Bonus and costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. Basic Ear Ear Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Ear or Right Ear 20 cR A standard Ear replacement. Indistinguishable from a regular ear. EMP Special Rule will Deafen the Character for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant costs 20 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant costs 40 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant costs 300 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. ACX-50 Tactile Both Ears Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Ear and Right Ear 100 cR Enhancement Gives the Character the ability to track the direction that sounds are coming from as an Extended Action. If the Suite Character stays still and focuses for two Full Actions, they may roll a -(X) Investigation Skill Test. If Successful, the Character will know the direction the sound is coming from, but not the direct location. EMP Special Rule will Deafen the Character for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant gives a -30 Penalty to the Test and costs 100 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant gives a -25 Penalty to the Test and costs 300 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant gives a -20 Penalty to the Test and costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. Smart Noise Both Ears Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Ear and Right Ear 100 cR Cancellation Allows the Character to reduce the effects of loud noises causing the Character to go Deaf. Does not reduce the effects of EMP causing deafness. Smart Noise Cancellation reduces the length of any Hearing Loss or Deafening effects, to a minimum of one Half Action. EMP Special Rule will Deafen the Character for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant reduces Deafness and Hearing loss by 1 Half Action and costs 100 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant reduces Deafness and Hearing loss by 2 Half Actions and costs 300 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant reduces Deafness and Hearing loss by 3 Half Actions and costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. ACX-Audio Both Ears Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Ear and Right Ear 100 cR Filtering Suite Allows the Character to filter out all audio sources except for a set amount of desired audio sources based on the Variant purchased. This includes only tracking one or two voices, tracking a vehicle and multiple voices, etc. Cannot filter noises such as close gunshots, explosions, and loud machinery. EMP Special Rule will Deafen the Character for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant can filter one audio source clearly and costs 100 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant filter up to two audio sources clearly and costs 300 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant filter up to three audio sources clearly and costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. Internal Nose Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Nose 100 cR Olfactive A sinus and Nose enhancement cybernetic that allows the Character to filter out toxic atmosphere for a set amount Filtration Unit of Minutes per Variant. Takes 1 hour to filter to be usable again regardless of the Variant. EMP disables the device and stops the Character from being able to smell for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant can filter toxic atmosphere for 3 Minutes and costs 100 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant filter toxic atmosphere for 5 Minutes and costs 300 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant filter toxic atmosphere for 8 Minutes and costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. HEAD ENHANCEMENT CYBERNETICS CYBERNETIC LOCATION INFORMATION COST Doplofi X-Ray Both Eyes Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Eye and Right Eye 200 cR Detection Eyes Using various forms of precision wavelengths, these eyes attempt to produce a replication of movement on the other side of walls for the user. The eyes will pulse out wavelengths and attempt to wait for a change in frequency to detect movement through walls and to attempt to map out characters. When the data is received, each variant has a Bonus given to a Perception Test and a limit to how thick of a wall the Doplofi can work through. When used, it takes a Half Action of focusing to properly send and receive the data. During this, the Character makes a Perception Test with the modifier given by the Doplofi variant used. The Doplofi will always bring back results of what it may think but depending on the success or failure of the Test, the Character could be given misinformation. This means that if a Character were to attempt to make an Attack through a wall at where they believe a Character would be the Character gains a -20 Penalty To Hit for each Degree of Failure received on the Test. Doplofi can only be used if the Character is standing still. If the Targets on the other side of the wall are moving more than 6 Meters before the Turn the Doplofi was used, the Perception Test gains an extra -10 Penalty. EMP Special Rule will Blind the Character for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant has a -10 to the Perception Test and can only be used with 4cm or thinner walls. Costs 200 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant has no Penalty or Bonus to the Perception Test and can only be used with 8cm or thinner walls. Costs 400 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant has a +10 to the Perception Test and can only be used with 16cm or thinner walls. Costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. Social Engineer Both Eyes Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Eye and Right Eye 150 cR Eye The S.E.E (Social Engineer Eye) is able to scan the behavior and facial movement of a Target, once per Turn. At the beginning of the next Turn, S.E.E will attempt to let the User know the current Disposition of the Character and offer likely responses that would assist the User in Social Skill Tests and how to react with the Character. To use S.E.E, the User must first roll a Charisma Test with the listed Penalty based on the Variant being used. If Successful, S.E.E will give the User the Disposition of the Target and a +30 to their next Social Skill Test with the Characters scanned. S.E.E is always active and is a Free Action to use. Each variant can scan a set amount of people in a Round. It takes a Half Action the following Turn for the User to access and read through the data that was given. EMP Special Rule will Blind the Character for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant has a -10 to the Charisma Test and can scan one Character. Costs 150 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant has no Penalty or Bonus and can scan two Characters. Costs 300 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant has a +10 to the Charisma Test and can scan three Characters. Costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points.
CYBERNETIC LOCATION INFORMATION COST ACX Applied Heart Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Heart 100 cR Heart Pump Forces the Character’s heart to beat while unconscious, alongside regulating blood flow. Reduces Bleedout Damage. Engine EMP disables the device and stops the Character from gaining these benefits for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant reduces Bleedout Damage by 1 per Turn and costs 100 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant reduces Bleedout Damage by 2 per Turn and costs 300 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant reduces Bleedout Damage by 3 per Turn and costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. Optican Lungs Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Both Lungs 100 cR Titanium Lung Allows the Character to hold their breath longer. Each variant also allows the Character to make Charge and Run Actions if the Character is missing a Lung. EMP disables the device and stops the Character from gaining these benefits and forces the Character to hold their breath for the duration of the EMP Effect. Each variant also uses its multiplier given to increase how long the Character can Run and move during Narrative Time. • Economy Variant doubles total time Character can hold their breath and costs 100 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant triples total time Character can hold their breath and costs 300 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant quadruples total time Character can hold their breath and costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. ACX Stomach Stomach Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Stomach 100 cR Platform A series of filters and storage units that collect water and filter toxins. EMP disables the device and stops the Character from gaining these benefits for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant increases time needed before Starvation and Dehydration begins by 1 day and costs 100 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant increases time needed before Starvation and Dehydration begins by 2 days and costs 300 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant increases time needed before Starvation and Dehydration begins by 3 days and costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. Advanced Liver Liver Sublocation Enhancement Cybernetic: Liver 150 cR Filters A Liver Attachment System that acts as a series of pre-filtration units before reaching the Liver. The ALF Unit also better separates and stores glucose and nutrients for energy and blood health. This unit also makes the Character unable to become intoxicated. EMP disables the device and stops the Character from gaining these benefits for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant recovers from 1 extra level of Fatigue per hour and costs 150 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant recovers from 2 extra levels of Fatigue per hour and costs 400 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant recovers from 3 extra levels of Fatigue per hour and costs 750 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. ARM ENHANCEMENT CYBERNETICS CYBERNETIC LOCATION INFORMATION COST Force Both Arms Location Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Arm and Right Arm 150 cR Amplification Force Amplification Struts are installed through the Arms. These give Strength Characteristic upgrades. Struts EMP disables the device and stops the Character from gaining these benefits for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant increases the Strength Characteristic by 3 and costs 150 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant increases the Strength Characteristic by 5 and costs 450 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant increases the Strength Characteristic by 7 and costs 700 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. FSL Muscular Both Arms Location Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Arm and Right Arm 150 cR Supports Muscular Supports that increase the Character’s Melee Damage for Punch and Elbow Attacks. EMP disables the device and stops the Character from gaining these benefits for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant increases Melee Damage by 3 and costs 150 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant increases Melee Damage by 5 and costs 300 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant increases Melee Damage by 7 and costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points.
CYBERNETIC LOCATION INFORMATION COST Stride Package Both Legs Location Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Leg and Right Leg 150 cR Leg Enhancers Muscular-level implant struts that increase the Character’s Agility Characteristic. EMP disables the device and stops the Character from gaining these benefits for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant increases the Agility Characteristic by 3 and costs 150 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant increases the Agility Characteristic by 5 and costs 400 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant increases the Agility Characteristic by 7 and costs 750 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. FSL Strike Force Both Legs Location Enhancement Cybernetic: Left Leg and Right Leg 150 cR Melee Muscular Supports that increase the Character’s Melee damage for Kick and Knee Attacks. Kick Attacks can also be made as an Attack that does not cost extra Melee Attacks to perform, but the Damage is reduced by 4. EMP disables the device and stops the Character from gaining these benefits for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant increases Melee Damage by 3 and costs 150 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant increases Melee Damage by 5 and costs 400 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant increases Melee Damage by 7 and costs 750 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points.
CYBERNETIC LOCATION INFORMATION COST SynMuTech Both Arms Location Shell Cybernetic: Left Arm, Right Arm, and Chest 300 cR MK2 [A] and Chest Advanced Skin Shell Replacement that uses sophisticated synthetic muscle structures to give the Character Mythic Strength. EMP disables the device and stops the Character from gaining these benefits for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant increases Mythic Strength by 1 and costs 300 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant increases Mythic Strength by 2 and costs 600 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant increases Mythic Strength by 3 and costs 1,200 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. Ampu EMP Both Arms Location Shell Cybernetic: Left Arm and Right Arm 150 cR Shield and Chest EMP Shielding that helps reduce the effects of EMP Special Rule Attacks and Effects. Reduces EMP (X) of an Attack or Effect that strikes the Character by a set amount, to a minimum of 0. • Economy Variant reduces EMP (X) of the Attack by 1 and costs 150 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant reduces EMP (X) of the Attack by 2 and costs 300 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant reduces EMP (X) of the Attack by 3 and costs 600 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points.
CYBERNETIC LOCATION INFORMATION COST SynMuTech Both Legs Location Shell Cybernetic: Left Leg and Right Leg 300 cR MK2 [L] Advanced Skin Shell Replacement that uses sophisticated synthetic muscle structures to give the Character Mythic Agility. EMP disables the device and stops the Character from gaining these benefits for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant increases Mythic Agility by 1 and costs 300 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant increases Mythic Agility by 2 and costs 600 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant increases Mythic Agility by 3 and costs 1,200 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. Freefall Shock Both Legs Location Shell Cybernetic: Left Leg and Right Leg 150 cR Absorbers Reduces the amount of dice rolled during Falling Damage as long as the Character lands on their feet. EMP disables the device and stops the Character from gaining these benefits for the duration of the EMP Effect. • Economy Variant reduces Falling Damage by one D10 and costs 150 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant reduces Falling Damage by two D10 and costs 400 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant reduces Falling Damage by three D10 and costs 750 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. CYBERNETIC LIMB ATTACHMENTS CYBERNETIC LOCATION INFORMATION COST ACX Quickdraw Chosen Sublocation Cybernetic Attachment: Chosen Bicep or Thigh 150 cR Compartment Bicep or An attachment that adds a compartment for Concealable and Dual Wield Weapons. This compartment is able to Thigh store or attach to these weapons that allows the Character to draw the weapon as a Free Action. EMP disables the device and will not allow for a Free Action to draw the weapon. May also be used with Equipment that can be fit within the compartment and is not limited to only weapons. • Economy Variant compartment for 0.9 kg and lighter weapons and costs 150 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant compartment for 1.3kg and lighter weapons and costs 400 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant compartment for 1.8kg and lighter weapons and costs 750 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points. Slingblade Chosen Sublocation Shell Cybernetic: Chosen Bicep 50 cR* Platform Bicep The Slingblade Platform installs two folding Melee Weapons into the Bicep of the Character. One may be installed per Arm. Each Variant has a weight limitation that the weapon may be. The Slingblade Platform extends the weapons out of the biceps as Melee Weapons, while leaving the hands free. Folding and Unfolding the Slingblade Platform takes a Half Action. The Character may make a Melee Attack while unfolding the Slingblade Platform. This Attack is at a -10 Penalty To Hit but will deal +3 Damage. Any Melee or Range Attacks made with the hands while the Slingblade Platform is unfolded will be at a -30 Penalty To Hit. EMP disables the device, and the Slingblade Platform cannot extend and unfold. If already unfolded, cannot be put away during the duration of the EMP effect. *The Melee Weapon must be purchased separately at triple the standard price of the weapon, as it must be made custom to work with the Slingblade Platform. • Economy Variant weight limit is 0.6 kg and costs 50 cR. 50 Break Points. • Standard Variant weight limit is 1 kg costs 100 cR. 65 Break Points. • Combat Variant weight limit is 2 kg and costs 150 cR. 10 Armor and 75 Break Points.
CYBERNETIC INFORMATION COST Economy Artificial Bionic limb replacement. If this limb takes 50 damage, it is destroyed. Has a natural Armor Rating of 5, which 10 Limb Replacement stacks with the armor that is being worn. It has no Toughness Modifier and cannot gain any benefits from Mythic Characteristics. For every 10 points of damage the arm takes, Actions with the arm are at a -5. If destroyed, the limb is useless or gone, depending on the severity of the damage taken. Adds 2 kg to the Character’s Weight. If used as a Leg replacement for a Character with Mythic Agility, the Character halves the Mythic Agility benefits gained for Movement Speed. Standard Artificial Bionic limb replacement. If this limb takes 75 damage, it is destroyed. Has a natural Armor Rating of 8, which 50 Limb Replacement stacks with the armor that is being worn. It has no Toughness Modifier and cannot gain any benefits from Mythic Characteristics. For every 15 points of damage the arm takes, Actions with the arm are at a -5. If destroyed, the limb is useless or gone, depending on the severity of the damage taken. Adds 2 kg to the Character’s Weight. If used as a Leg replacement for a Character with Mythic Agility, the Character halves the Mythic Agility benefits gained for Movement Speed. Combat Artificial Bionic limb replacement. If this limb takes 100 damage, it is destroyed. Has a natural Armor Rating of 10, which 150 Limb Replacement stacks with the armor that is being worn. It has no Toughness Modifier but can gain benefits from Mythic Strength and Mythic Agility. For every 20 points of damage the arm takes, Actions with the arm are at a -5. If destroyed, the limb is useless or gone, depending on the severity of the damage taken. Adds 2 kg to the Character’s Weight.