Philhealth Orientation-Part1 PDF

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What is PhilHealth?

T he country’s largest social

health insurance that….

aims for universal coverage

ensures comprehensive and

responsive medical care
benefits for program members
and beneficiaries
Social Solidarity thru PhilHealth

Pooling of funds
• The rich subsidizes the poor
• The healthy subsidizes the sick
• The young subsidizes the old
• The employed subsidizes the unemployed
Current NHIP Members


This member category includes a wide range This category is for those who are 60
This member category includes those with of individuals and sectors ranging from the years old and above and are not
formal contracts and fixed terms of self-earning to migrant workers currently covered by any of the
employment including workers in the existing membership categories of
government and private sector, whose premium PhilHealth
contribution payments are equally shared by
the employee and the employer

To this category belong persons who
This category is for members who have have no visible means of income, or This category includes members whose
reached the age of retirement under the law whose income is insufficient for contributions are being paid for by
and have paid at least 120 monthly premium another individual, government
contributions. family subsistence, as identified by
the Department of Social Welfare agencies, or private entities
and Development (DSWD), based on
specific criteria
Members in the Formal Economy
(Automatic/mandatory members of the Program)

Private/Government Sector

Uniformed members of the


Barangay Officials (per DILG

Memo. Circular # 2002-66)

Household Helpers and Family

Drivers (per Kasambahay Law, RA
Premium Contribution-employed sector
(2.5% of the Basic Salary)
Premium Contribution-employed sector
(2.5% of the Basic Salary)
Reminder for Employers
PhilHealth Cashiers shall no longer
accept premium payments from
the employed sector starting
July 1, 2015.
Please pay via accredited collecting
agents or through e-facilities.
RA 10361 “Kasambahay Law”
(Formal Economy Sector)
Employers are required to register their house
help with the Corporation.

The employer shall shoulder the monthly

contribution (P200.00) of their “Kasambahays”
earning below P5,000.
Members in the Informal
Individuals in the informal sector
(street vendors, hawkers, pedicab/tricycle/jeepney/taxi
drivers, construction workers, home-based industries and
Self-Earning Individuals (No employer-employee
relationship) e.g. Practicing Professionals- doctors,
lawyers, athletes and such other individuals.

Migrant Workers

Filipinos With Dual Citizenship

Naturalized Filipino Citizenship

Citizens of other country working and/ or

residing in the Philippines.
Informal Economy

If income is below P25,000.00

Quarterly Premium Contribution to be paid within
the applicable quarter:
P600.00 per quarter or
P2,400 per year
Self-Earning Individual Professionals
under the Informal Economy

If income is above P25,000.00

Quarterly Premium Contribution to be

paid within the applicable quarter.
Who are considered practicing professionals?
• Accountant • Nutritionist • Guidance Counselor
• Architect • Optometrist • Interior Designer
• Criminologist • Pharmacist • Industrial Engineer
• Customs Broker
• Dentist • Physical & Occupational Therapist • Media
• Dietician • Professional Teacher – Actor/actresses
• Engineer • Radiologist & X-ray Technician – Director
• Geologists • Social Worker – Scriptwriter
• Landscape Architect • Sugar Technologist – News Correspondent
• Law Practitioner
• Librarian • Veterinarian • Professional Athletes
• Marine Deck Officer Other Professionals • Coach, Trainor, Referee
• Marine Engineer Officer • Agriculturist
• Master Plumber • Artist
• Medical Technologist • Businessman/Business Owner
• Medical Doctor
• Midwife • Consultant
• Naval architect • Environment Planner
• Nurse • Fisheries Technologist
• Forester
Migrant Workers
Premium Contribution

DATE OF PAYMENT: Jan. 27, 2015
Membership validity: Jan. 27, 2015 to Jan. 26, 2016.
Member must renew on or before the validity expires to avoid gaps in contributions and
prevent temporary suspension of availment of benefit.
PhilHealth Identification Number Card

To be issued to all members to facilitate

identification, eligibility verification and utilization
Your PhilHealth Identification Number (PIN) is
your lifetime number. In case of loss or wear and
tear of card, fill up a request form for its
Lifetime Program Members
A member who has reached the age of retirement under the
law and has paid at least 120 monthly contribution.

55 y/o- underground miners

56 y/o- uniformed personnel (AFP, PNP, BJMP)
70 y/o- members of the judiciary
60 y/o- others
Premium contributions of retirees/senior citizens who are still
gainfully employed shall be compulsory.
Lifetime Member’s ID
(Retiree / Pensioner)
Senior Citizens
• RA 10645 “Mandatory PhilHealth Coverage for all
Senior Citizens”
• Covers all senior citizens who are not currently covered under
the NHIP:
a. not yet issued with a PIN;
b. a member of the formal or informal economy sectors but has no
qualifying contribution to be entitled to the Program benefits;
c. not an identified Indigent member under the NHTS-PR or
Listahanan of the DSWD
d. not currently a Sponsored Member;
e. not yet qualified as a Lifetime Member;
f. a qualified dependent of a NHIP member who has been declared in
PhilHealth’s membership database.
Senior Citizens
• Inpatient: All Case Rates
• Outpatient: Day Surgeries, Radiotherapy,
Hemodialysis, Outpatient Blood Transfusion
• Z Benefits: Catastrophic Illnesses
• MDG Related: Out patient malaria, Out patient
HIV-AIDS, TB-DOTS, Voluntary Surgical
Contraception, Animal Bite Treatment Package
Sponsored Member
A member whose contribution is being paid
by another individual, government agency or
private entity according to the rules as maybe
prescribed by the Corporation. (not included in
the NHTS-PR listing of the DSWD)

Those from the informal sector from the lower income segments who do
not qualify for full subsidy of the National Government under the means
test rule of the DSWD

Orphans, abandoned minors, out-of-school youths, street children, PWDs, senior

citizens, battered women under DSWD custody or any of its accredited

Women about to give birth (as determined by DSWD means test)

Barangay health workers, nutrition scholars, etc.
Indigent Member

A person who has no

visible means of
income, or whose
income is insufficient
for the family
subsistence, as
identified by the DSWD.
Every year, the National Government subsidizes
the premium contributions of the poorest of the
poor who are listed under the NHTS-PR or
Qualified Dependents
Legitimate spouse (not a PhilHealth member)

Children 20 y/o and below

(Unmarried and unemployed legitimate, legitimated, acknowledged,
illegitimate children & legally adopted or stepchildren below 21 y/o).

Children 21 y/o above (Suffering from congenital disability, either physical

or mental, or any disability that renders them totally dependent on the member
for support)
Parents 60 years old and above (Not enrolled as a member and whose
monthly income is below an amt. to be determined by the Corporation.
Foster Child (as defined in the R. A. 10165 otherwise known as the
Foster Care Act of 2012)

Parents with permanent disability regardless of age as determined by the

Corporation, that renders them totally dependent on the member for subsistence.
Enrollment of Members and Dependents

Registration - New
(as of end of April 2013; in millions)

A person intending to
register as member
(including declaring
dependents) shall submit a
properly accomplished
Member Registration Form.

The member shall certify the

truthfulness and accuracy of
the information provided
including the list of qualified As a general rule, the Corporation will not require
dependents. documentary requirements unless warranted
(Section 9)

Updating of Records

• Use the PMRF when effecting changes in your

PhilHealth membership
– Declaration of dependents
– Change of membership category
– Change of address
Enrollment of Members and Dependents
(as of end of April 2013; in millions)
Entitlement to Benefits
Members and their dependents are entitled to avail of the
benefits if EITHER of the following is met:


3 months within the last

6 months
OR full premium for the calendar year

For Indigent, Sponsored

and OFW members

Enrollment of Members and Dependents
(as of end of April 2013; in millions)

No Balance Billing
No other fees or expense shall
be charged in government
health care institutions
(PhilHealth Ward)

Health care professionals must
not charge over and above the
professional fees provided by
the Program for members
admitted to a service bed. NBB is for Indigent/Sponsored
Citizen, Kasambahay and their
Section 43

Enrollment of Members and Dependents
(as of end of April 2013; in millions)

Excluded Benefits

RA 7875 as amended RA 10606 Transitory Provision

(Section 223)

Non prescriptions drugs and Until such time that the

devices Corporation shall not Corporation and the DOH
Alcohol abuse or dependency cover expenses for has determined their cost
treatment health services which effectiveness through
Cosmetic surgery the Corporation and the
health technology
Optometric services DOH consider cost
assessment, all health
5th and subsequent normal ineffective through
obstetrical deliveries health technology services not currently
Cost-ineffective procedures which assessment compensable shall
shall be defined by the Corp remain as such


* A member has 45 days allowance for room and board per

Calendar Year and another 45 days per Calendar Year for all


Refers to a confinement or series of confinements of the same
illness not separated from each other by 90 days within a
calendar year.

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