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exercised by a governing body comprised of Spaniards, either

f. 1046; Bradlaugh v. Clarke, 1883, 8 App. Cas. 354, 361,

Svantovit, was surrendered, the Wends agreeing to accept

of the current passing through it, and hence the rate at

the southern lands, successively as Achaeans, Gauls, Goths

P. J. Pidal, Historia de las alteraciones de Aragon en

excited by the arrival of an Anglo-French fleet in May 1882,

M'. Manius.

277). An action in rem asserts a right to a particular

group can only be justified on the ground of convenience.

shaped as to break up into well-defined pieces; the external

sent to India to report on the establishment of the hierarchy

Fuorcla d'Urezzas (Ardez to Galtur), snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,564

food has to go to the maintenance of the animal as a living

latter force is, by Maxwell's hypothesis or by the dynamical

Die neueren Algensysteme (Zurich, 1847); F. Oltmanns,

part through deep gorges. The river then traverses the plains

is a high official, ranking immediately belaw a ras,

believed, by the intercession of the Holy Virgin, she

ADAMS, HERBERT (1858- ), American sculptor, was born at West

After M. H. Klaproth had discovered the presence of potassium

angles to the axis.--If rays issuing from O (fig. 5) be

The number and nature of rounds allotted to any fortress

the Kenites. When the Israelites were journeying from Egypt

plains, arrests all tributaries seeking to effect a junction

constitution and administration of the empire. The style is

tried to curb their activities, had he been spared. The rift

disposal at a low price in case of necessity. (3) Care of

of Alfieri consists in powerful delineation of dramatic

the small mountain streams. The turtle and frog also appear.

and The New England Tragedies (1868), he depicted colonial

produced has to make up for the loss on the alkali.

the one lie the focal lines of the first kind, on the other

eminent astronomer, mathematician and scholiast of Bhaskara,

principal phase of which is expressed by the equation Na2SO4

treating of agriculture, natural history, military science,

detachments, (2) field hospitals, (3) flying hospitals,

by a strong fort. (See ERITREA and SUDAN, History.)

Alphonso died almostimmediately after, on the 12th of May 1357.

suppose that these are indicated by absolute height above the

and attracted not only Frank residents, but great numbers of

and others use it of association of ideas and action; in

eventful periods of Russian history; but it must be admitted that

copies have been preserved, one by the Corporation of London

worthy of the name, in wood and stone. They are inseparable

ages, viz. Crete, so much so that, for the present, we

a word which Poggio himself interprets Mendaciorum Officina.

Hottentots. The penetration of the forest area must certainly

in all markets,and its many other agricultural products are

The distinguishing feature of the period 1870-1880 was

which never occurred in the ancestry of the coloured parent,

theorists, known as formalists, regarded beauty as formal

is only one course open there is said to be no alternative.

in 1711, and was general of the Dutch forces in 1712, being

successful general of Roman extraction might be proclaimed

products; (4) minerals. Of the first named the most important

connexion with the decline of the strictly rural population.

Ostanes1 the Mede, a name mentioned several times in the

forty scholars. Catherine II. formed it into a separate

Thrasydaeus was expelled after an unsuccessful war with Hiero

where there beckoned the unknown world of the Ganges and

(1851); H. M. Dexter, Congregationalism of the Last

close of the 18th century, the discoveries of Priestley gave

over. Vicksburg, Gettysburg and Chattanooga ended the crisis

men. The introduction at the end of the 18th century of the

subject of the relation between a newspaper proprietor and

From this standpoint Acts no longer seems to end

Ferrara. In 1903 he was named vice-chancellor of the Roman Church.

Notes upon the Whole Book of Psalms (1651, 4to), as its date

opening from the Gulf of Venice, the city of that name has

had been introduced in the shape of a brine where its value

the state to see that the evil is checked. The intention

guns. These vessels go to sea for periodical practice. When

between the Indus and the Persian Gulf. A great part of the

N.W. from the southern shore. The inner harbour covers 464

sects Amen became the name of an angel, and in post-biblical

in one person, and the rights of presentation in another.

the Bible) that Providence even in its revolutions is

Fasilidas in 1633, they were all sent out of the country, after
legal process--mandates, warrants, citations, compulsories,

by him shipped to Alexandria. The money raised by the sale

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