Laminar Flow

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Assignment – Behaviour of real fluid and laminar flow

1. Explain various forces acting on moving fluid.

2. Derive the N-S equation with its applications in the problems of fluid flows.
3. Explain types of flows.
4. Write short note on Reynold’s experiment.
5. Derive an equation for velocity distribution in viscous flow between two parallel
6. Derive the equation for the loss of pressure head for viscous flow through a pipe.
7. Differentiate between hydro-dynamically smooth and rough boundaries.
8. Obtain the Hagen-Poiseuille equation for viscous flow through a circular pipe.
9. Derive the expression for Reynolds shear stress in a turbulent flow field by use of Prandtl mixing
length theory and state its utility.
10. Derive an expression for the velocity distribution of viscous flow through a circular pipe and prove
that the ration of maximum velocity to average velocity is 2.
11. List out the various methods to determine dynamic viscosity and explain rotating cylinder method and
capillary tube method along with neat sketches

1. Crude oil of μ = 1.5 poise and relative density 0.9 flows through a 20 mm diameter vertical pipe. The
pressure gauges fixed 20 m apart read 600 KN/sq.m and 200 KN/sq.m. Find the direction and rate of flow
through the pipe.
2. An oil of viscosity 0.15 NS/sq.m and specific gravity 0.9 is flowing through a circular pipe of diameter
30mm and of length 3m at 1/10 th of critical velocity for which Reynolds number is 2450. find
i) the velocity of flow through pipe
ii) The head in meters of oil across the pipe lenght required to maintain the flow
iii) The power required to overcome viscous resistance to flow of oil.
3. A smooth pipeline of 100mm diameter carries 2.27 m3/minute of water at 20°C with kinematic
viscosity of 0.009 stokes. Calculate:
a) Friction factor, b) Maximum velocity, c) Shear stress at the boundary.
4. The velocity of flow in a badly corroded 7.5 cm pipe is found to increase 20% as a pitot tube is moved
from a point 1 cm from the wall to a point 2 cm from the wall. Estimate the height of roughness elements.
5. Water is flowing through a rough pipe of diameter 600mm at the rate of 550 liters/second. The wall
roughness is 3mm. Find the power lost for 1.2 km length of pipe.
6. A fluid of viscosity 0.98 poise and relative density 0.9 is flowing through a horizontal circular pipe of
diameter 100mm and of length 12m. Calculate the difference of pressure at the two ends of the pipe, if
120 kg of fluid is collected in a tank in 30 seconds.
7. An oil of viscosity 0.12 N-s/m2 and density 900 kg/m3 flows between two large parallel plates which
are kept at a distance of 20 mm apart. The maximum velocity of flow is 1.5 m/s. Determine (a) The
average velocity (b) The velocity at 5 mm from the plates (c) The discharge per m width (d) The velocity
gradient at the plates (e) The shear stresses at the plates and (f) The difference in pressure between two
points 10 m apart.
8. For a laminar flow of an oil having dynamic viscosity μ = 1.766 in a 0.3-meter diameter pipe the
velocity distribution is parabolic with a maximum point velocity 3m/s at the center of the pipe. Calculate
the shear stress at 60 and 90 mm from the
pipe wall.
9. A smooth wrought iron pipe 0.2 meter in diameter carries crude oil at a velocity of 2.5m/s. Find the
loss of head per 100 meter and the power required to maintain the flow Take kinematic viscosity as 0.4
stokes and specific gravity as 0.90.

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