APL - Reefer - Commodity Handling Table PDF
APL - Reefer - Commodity Handling Table PDF
APL - Reefer - Commodity Handling Table PDF
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Cabbage, 21-42 32-36 0-2.2 15 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.4 -
Green (Early) 41 0.9
Cabbage, 90-180 32-36 0-2.2 15 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.4 -
Green (Late) 41 0.9
Cabbage, Red 21-42 32-36 0-2.2 15 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.4 -
(Early) 41 0.9
Cabbage, Red 90-180 32-36 0-2.2 15 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.4 -
(Late) 41 0.9
Cactus 14-21 41-50 5-10 closed none 36- 2.2 to Discoloration can
Steams - 55 12.8 occur due to chilling
Nopales injury if stored
longer than 3 weeks
at 41°F.
Calabaza 60-90 50 10 15 none 50- 10 to
55 12.8
Cantaloupe 12-21 37-41 2.8-5 30 fair 36- 2.2 to 10 29.9 - Avoid setting temp
50 1.2 at 35°F or below.
Carrots, 28-180 32-41 0-5 15 slight 30- -1.1 to 29.5 -
Topped 44 6.7 1.4
Cauliflower 21 33 0.6 30 fair 31- -0.6 to 5 30.6 - Transit time more
41 0.8 than 21 days not
Celeriac 180-240 33-34 0.6-1.1 15 slight 31- -0.6 to 5 30.3 -
41 0.9
Celery 35-49 33 0.6 15 fair 32- 0-5 31.1 - Freezing injury will
41 0.5 be initiated at
Chard 10-14 34 1.1 45 none 32- 0-5 31.9 -
41 0.1
Chayote 28-42 45 7.2 closed none 32- 0-12.8 31 -
55 0.6
Chicory 14-28 33-34 0.6-1.1 45 none 31- -0.6 to 5
Chives 14-21 33-34 0.6-1.1 45 none 32- 0-5
Collards 10-14 33-34 0.6-1.1 45 none 31- -0.6 to 5 30.6 -
41 0.8
Corn, Sweet 7 33-34 0.6-1.1 45 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.9 - Due to high rate of
41 0.6 respiration &
conversion of sugars
to starch, transit
time more than 7
days not
Freezing injury will
be initiated at
Cucumbers 10-14 50-55 10-12.7 15 fair 45- 7.2-15.6 30.1 - Avoid setting temp
60 1.1 at 50°F or below.
Transit time more
than 14 days not
Daikon - 60-120 34 1.1 15 none 31- -0.6 to 5
Black Radish 41
Dasheen - 42-140 50 10 closed none/slight 45- 7.2-12.8
Taro & Eddo 55
Eggplant 10-14 50-54 10-12.2 15 fair 45- 7.2-18.3 30.6 - Avoid setting temp
65 0.8 at 49°F or below.
Transit time more
than 14 days not
Endive - 14-28 34 1.1 30 good 32- 0-5 31.9 -
Escarole 41 0.1
Garlic 90-210 31 -0.6 15 good 31- -0.6 to below - R/H 60-70%
46 7.8 30 1.1 preferred. Garlic
cloves must be
properly cured prior
to shipping. Avoid
temp range 41-
Ginger 90-180 56 13.3 15 none/slight 50- 10 to R/H 65% preferred.
66 18.9 Ginger roots must
be cured properly
prior to shipping.
Avoid temp below
Greens, Leafy 10-14 32-33 0-0.6 30 none 32- 0 to 5 31.7 -
41 0.2
Horseradish 300-351 34 1.1 closed none/slight 30- -1.1 to 28.7 -
39 3.9 1.8
Jicama 30-60 55 12.7 closed none 55- 12.8 to
65 18.3
Kale 10-14 33 0.6 30 none 32- 0 to 5 31.1 -
41 0.5
Kiwanus 180 50 10 45 none 50- 10 to
60 15.6
Kohlrabi, 60-90 33-34 0.6-1.1 15 none/slight 31- -0.6 to 5 30.2 -
Topped 41 1.0
Leeks, Green 60-90 32 0 30 good 32- 0 to 5 30.7 -
41 0.7
Lettuce, 12-14 33 0.6 15 good 32- 0 to 5 31.7 - Freezing damage
Crisphead or 41 0.2 can occur at 31.7°F
Iceberg or below. Extremely
sensitive to
Lettuce, 14-21 33 0.6 15 good 32- 0 to 5 31.7 - Same as
Romaine or 41 0.2 iceberg/crisphead
Cos lettuce. Avoid using
propane fork-lift for
Malanga - 42 50 10 closed none/slight 55- 12.8 to
Cocoyam, 66 18.9
Manioc - 21-35 41 5 closed none/slight 38- 3.3 to
Cassava, 45 7.2
Melons, Bitter 14-21 54-55 12.2-12.8 closed none 54- 12.2 to
60 15.6
Melons, 21-28 50 10 45 fair 50- 10 to 30.1 -
Casaba 65 18.3 1.1
Melons, 14-21 50 10 45 good 45- 7.2 to 30.1 -
Crenshaw 60 15.6 1.1
Melons, 21-28 45 7.2 15 good 41- 5 to 15.6 30.9 -
Honeydew 60 0.6
Melons, 14-21 50 10 45 good 45- 7.2 to 30.6 -
Persian 65 18.3 0.8
Melons, 14-21 50-59 10-15 15 none/slight 50- 10 to 30.9 - Watermelons are
Water 60 15.6 0.6 prone to chilling
(Seeded or injury when stored
Seedless) at 45°F or below.
Mushrooms 12-17 33-34 0.6-1.1 45 fair 31- -0.6 to 5 30.4 - Freezing injury will
41 1.1
Scorzonera - 180 33-34 0.6-1.1 15 good 32- 0 to 5
Black Salsify 41
Shallots 21-28 32 0 30 good 31- -0.6 to 5
Spinach 10-14 33-34 0.6-1.1 45 fair 32- 0 to 5 31.5 - Freezing injury will
41 0.3 be initiated at
Summer 10-14 41-50 5-10 15 none/slight 41- 5 to 12.8 31.1 - Summer squash are
Squash 55 0.5 chilling sensitive at
temp below 41°F.
Swiss Chard 30-60 33-34 0.6-1.1 30 good 31- -0.6 to
34 1.1
Tomato, 14-21 55-60 12.8-15.5 15 good 50- 10-18.3 30 - Tomatoes are
Mature-green 65 1.1 chilling sensitive at
temp below 50°F.
Tomato, Light 10-14 50-55 10-12.8 15 good 50- 10-18.3 30 - Tomatoes are
Red 65 1.1 chilling sensitive at
temp below 50°F.
Water 100-128 33-34 0.6-1.1 15 none 32- 0 to 10
Chestnuts 50
Watercress 14-21 33 0.6 45 none 32- 0 to 5 31.5 -
41 0.3
Watermelons, 14-21 50-59 10-15 15 none/slight 50- 10 to 30.9 - Watermelons are
Seeded or 60 18.3 0.6 prone to chilling
Seedless injury when stored
at 45°F or below.
The above mentioned temperature and fresh-air exchange settings for each commodity are only recommended set points.
The post-harvest life expectancy and best temperature management for each commodity also vary by cultivars and post-
harvest handlings.
Recommended temperature and fresh-air exchange settings are for general guidance only. These recommendations are based
on standardized assumptions and industry research. Optimum settings may differ depending on the specific commodity, post-
harvest handling and other variables. Shippers are responsible for determining the optimum settings best suited for their
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