APL - Reefer - Commodity Handling Table PDF

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The document provides guidelines for optimal storage conditions of various fresh fruits and vegetables to maximize shelf life during transportation in refrigerated containers.

Recommended temperature ranges and humidity levels are provided for over 50 different produce items. In general, temperatures between 31-41°F and humidity between 30-60% are recommended.

Ideal storage conditions can vary depending on produce variety, harvest maturity, and post-harvest handling procedures. Other factors like transit duration and susceptibility to chilling injury must also be considered.

APL: Reefer - Commodity Handling Table

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Reefer - Commodity Handling Table

Recommended long-term storage conditions for container transportation
Contents: Fresh Vegetables and Melon | Fresh Fruit | Fresh Meat | Processed Meat | Dairy | Frozen Horticultural | Frozen Meat |
Frozen Seafood | Miscellaneous


Commodity Post- Recommended Recommended Benefit Acceptable Highest  Remarks

harvest Fresh Air from Receiving Freezing
Life Temperature Exchange Modified/ Pulp Point
(days) Settings (CFM) Controlled Temperature
Atmosphere Range
°F °C °F °C °F °C
Amaranth 10-14 34 1.1 45 none 32- 0 to 1.1      
Leaves 34
Anise 14-21 32-36 0-2.2 closed none 32- 0 to 1.1      
Aravi - Yams 50-115 56-60 13.3-15.6 closed none/slight 56- 13.3 to 30 -  
60 15.6 1.1
Artichokes, 14-21 32-33 0-0.6 45 good 32- 0 to 5 29.9 -  
Globe 41 1.2
Artichokes, 100-150 33-34 0.6-1.1 15 none 30- -1.1 to 5 27.5 -  
Jerusalem 41 2.5
Asparagus, 14-21 33-36 0.6-2.2 45 good 35- 1.7 to 5 30.9 - Asparagus is
Green 41 0.6 sensitive to chilling
injury after 10 days
at 32°F.
Bean Sprouts 7-9 32 0 45 none 32- 0 to 6.7      
- Mung Beans 44
Beans, Lima, 7-10 37-39 2.8-3.9 45 none 37- 2.8 to 31 -  
Shelled 45 7.2 0.6
Beans, Lima, 7-10 41-43 5-6.1 45 none 37- 2.8 to 31 -  
Unshelled 45 7.2 0.6
Beans, Snap 10-14 38-40 3.3-4.4 30 fair 36- 2.2 to 30.7 -  
or Green 42 5.5 0.7
Beans, 28 50 10 closed none 50- 10 to      
Winged 60 15.6
Beets, Bunch 10-14 34 1.1 15 slight 32- 0 to 5 31.3 -  
41 0.4
Beets, Root 90-150 34 1.1 closed slight 31- -0.6 to 5 30.3 -  
41 0.9
Belgian 7-14 34-36 1.1-2.2 60 good 32- 0 to 5      
Endive - 41
Bok Choy 30-60 32-34 0-1.1 30 good 31- -0.6 to 5      
Broccoli 7-14 32-33 0-0.6 30 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.9 - Avoid setting temp
41 0.6 at 31°F or below.
Brussels 21-35 32-33 0-0.6 30 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.5 -  
Sprouts 41 0.9
Cabbage, 30-60 32-36 0-2.2 15 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.4 -  
Chinese - 41 0.9

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APL: Reefer - Commodity Handling Table

Cabbage, 21-42 32-36 0-2.2 15 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.4 -  
Green (Early) 41 0.9
Cabbage, 90-180 32-36 0-2.2 15 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.4 -  
Green (Late) 41 0.9
Cabbage, Red 21-42 32-36 0-2.2 15 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.4 -  
(Early) 41 0.9
Cabbage, Red 90-180 32-36 0-2.2 15 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.4 -  
(Late) 41 0.9
Cactus 14-21 41-50 5-10 closed none 36- 2.2 to     Discoloration can
Steams - 55 12.8 occur due to chilling
Nopales injury if stored
longer than 3 weeks
at 41°F.
Calabaza 60-90 50 10 15 none 50- 10 to      
55 12.8
Cantaloupe 12-21 37-41 2.8-5 30 fair 36- 2.2 to 10 29.9 - Avoid setting temp
50 1.2 at 35°F or below.
Carrots, 28-180 32-41 0-5 15 slight 30- -1.1 to 29.5 -  
Topped 44 6.7 1.4
Cauliflower 21 33 0.6 30 fair 31- -0.6 to 5 30.6 - Transit time more
41 0.8 than 21 days not
Celeriac 180-240 33-34 0.6-1.1 15 slight 31- -0.6 to 5 30.3 -  
41 0.9
Celery 35-49 33 0.6 15 fair 32- 0-5 31.1 - Freezing injury will
41 0.5 be initiated at
Chard 10-14 34 1.1 45 none 32- 0-5 31.9 -  
41 0.1
Chayote 28-42 45 7.2 closed none 32- 0-12.8 31 -  
55 0.6
Chicory 14-28 33-34 0.6-1.1 45 none 31- -0.6 to 5      
Chives 14-21 33-34 0.6-1.1 45 none 32- 0-5      
Collards 10-14 33-34 0.6-1.1 45 none 31- -0.6 to 5 30.6 -  
41 0.8
Corn, Sweet 7 33-34 0.6-1.1 45 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.9 - Due to high rate of
41 0.6 respiration &
conversion of sugars
to starch, transit
time more than 7
days not
Freezing injury will
be initiated at
Cucumbers 10-14 50-55 10-12.7 15 fair 45- 7.2-15.6 30.1 - Avoid setting temp
60 1.1 at 50°F or below.
Transit time more
than 14 days not
Daikon - 60-120 34 1.1 15 none 31- -0.6 to 5      
Black Radish 41
Dasheen - 42-140 50 10 closed none/slight 45- 7.2-12.8      
Taro & Eddo 55
Eggplant 10-14 50-54 10-12.2 15 fair 45- 7.2-18.3 30.6 - Avoid setting temp
65 0.8 at 49°F or below.
Transit time more
than 14 days not

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APL: Reefer - Commodity Handling Table

Endive - 14-28 34 1.1 30 good 32- 0-5 31.9 -  
Escarole 41 0.1
Garlic 90-210 31 -0.6 15 good 31- -0.6 to below - R/H 60-70%
46 7.8 30 1.1 preferred. Garlic
cloves must be
properly cured prior
to shipping. Avoid
temp range 41-
Ginger 90-180 56 13.3 15 none/slight 50- 10 to     R/H 65% preferred.
66 18.9 Ginger roots must
be cured properly
prior to shipping.
Avoid temp below
Greens, Leafy 10-14 32-33 0-0.6 30 none 32- 0 to 5 31.7 -  
41 0.2
Horseradish 300-351 34 1.1 closed none/slight 30- -1.1 to 28.7 -  
39 3.9 1.8
Jicama 30-60 55 12.7 closed none 55- 12.8 to      
65 18.3
Kale 10-14 33 0.6 30 none 32- 0 to 5 31.1 -  
41 0.5
Kiwanus 180 50 10 45 none 50- 10 to      
60 15.6
Kohlrabi, 60-90 33-34 0.6-1.1 15 none/slight 31- -0.6 to 5 30.2 -  
Topped 41 1.0
Leeks, Green 60-90 32 0 30 good 32- 0 to 5 30.7 -  
41 0.7
Lettuce, 12-14 33 0.6 15 good 32- 0 to 5 31.7 - Freezing damage
Crisphead or 41 0.2 can occur at 31.7°F
Iceberg or below. Extremely
sensitive to
Lettuce, 14-21 33 0.6 15 good 32- 0 to 5 31.7 - Same as
Romaine or 41 0.2 iceberg/crisphead
Cos lettuce. Avoid using
propane fork-lift for
Malanga - 42 50 10 closed none/slight 55- 12.8 to      
Cocoyam, 66 18.9
Manioc - 21-35 41 5 closed none/slight 38- 3.3 to      
Cassava, 45 7.2
Melons, Bitter 14-21 54-55 12.2-12.8 closed none 54- 12.2 to      
60 15.6
Melons, 21-28 50 10 45 fair 50- 10 to 30.1 -  
Casaba 65 18.3 1.1
Melons, 14-21 50 10 45 good 45- 7.2 to 30.1 -  
Crenshaw 60 15.6 1.1
Melons, 21-28 45 7.2 15 good 41- 5 to 15.6 30.9 -  
Honeydew 60 0.6
Melons, 14-21 50 10 45 good 45- 7.2 to 30.6 -  
Persian 65 18.3 0.8
Melons, 14-21 50-59 10-15 15 none/slight 50- 10 to 30.9 - Watermelons are
Water 60 15.6 0.6 prone to chilling
(Seeded or injury when stored
Seedless) at 45°F or below.
Mushrooms 12-17 33-34 0.6-1.1 45 fair 31- -0.6 to 5 30.4 - Freezing injury will

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APL: Reefer - Commodity Handling Table

41 0.9 likely occur at temp

30.9°F. As
mushrooms will
continue to develop
after harvest,
remove field heat
Okra 7-14 45-50 7.2-10 15 fair 45- 7.2 to 28.7 -  
55 12.8 1.8
Onions, Dry 30-270 33-34 0.6-1.1 30 none 31- -0.6 to 5 30.6 - Avoid temp range
41 0.8 41-68°F (will sprout
and decay rapidly).
Onions, 21-28 33 0.6 30 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.4 -  
Green 41 0.9
Parsley 30-60 33-34 0.6-1.1 30 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30 -  
41 1.1
Parsnips 120-150 33-34 0.6-1.1 closed none/slight 31- -0.6 to 5 30.4 -  
41 0.9
Peas, Snow 7-14 33-34 0.6-1.1 30 good 31- -0.6 to 5 30.9 -  
and Sanp pod 41 0.6
Peppers, Bell 21-35 41-45 5-7.2 15 fair 41- 5-12.8 30.7 - Avoid setting temp
- Sweet 55 0.7 41°F or below.
Peppers Chilling injury will
occur if stored at
41°F for longer than
2 weeks.
Peppers, Hot 14-21 50 10 15 slight 45- 7.2 to 30.7 -  
Chili 55 12.8 0.7
Potatoes, 21-35 55 12.8 15 none/slight 50- 10 to 30.5 - Storing immature
Early 70 21.1 0.8 potatoes below 55°F
may cause the
accumulation of
reducing sugars,
leading to excessive
browning during
However, it will
allow extended
storage life.
Potatoes, 150 45 7.2 15 none/slight 36- 2.2 to 10 30.5 - Avoid exposure to
Late 50 0.8 bright light which
will induce
Potatoes, 90-180 56 13.3 closed none/slight 56- 13.3 to 29.7 -  
Sweet - 66 18.9 1.3
Pumpkins & 60-180 55-59 12.8-15 15 none/slight 50- 10 to 30.5 - Pumpkins and
Winter 70 21.1 0.8 winter squash are
Squash very chilling
sensitive when
stored below 50°F.
Radicchio 14-21 34 1.1 45 none 32- 0 to 5      
Radishes, 21-28 33 0.6 15 none/slight 31- -0.6 to 5 30.7 -  
Red (topped) 41 0.7
Radishes, 90-120 33 0.6 15 none/slight 31- -0.6 to 5 30.7 -  
Daikon-type 41 0.7
Rhubarb 14-21 34 1.1 15 none 31- -0.6 to 5 30.3 -  
41 0.9
Rutabagas 60-120 33-34 0.6-1.1 15 none/slight 31- -0.6 to 5 30.1 -  
41 1.1
Salsify 60-120 33-34 0.6-1.1 15 none/slight 31- -0.6 to 5 30.1 -  

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APL: Reefer - Commodity Handling Table

41 1.1
Scorzonera - 180 33-34 0.6-1.1 15 good 32- 0 to 5      
Black Salsify 41
Shallots 21-28 32 0 30 good 31- -0.6 to 5      
Spinach 10-14 33-34 0.6-1.1 45 fair 32- 0 to 5 31.5 - Freezing injury will
41 0.3 be initiated at
Summer 10-14 41-50 5-10 15 none/slight 41- 5 to 12.8 31.1 - Summer squash are
Squash 55 0.5 chilling sensitive at
temp below 41°F.
Swiss Chard 30-60 33-34 0.6-1.1 30 good 31- -0.6 to      
34 1.1
Tomato, 14-21 55-60 12.8-15.5 15 good 50- 10-18.3 30 - Tomatoes are
Mature-green 65 1.1 chilling sensitive at
temp below 50°F.
Tomato, Light 10-14 50-55 10-12.8 15 good 50- 10-18.3 30 - Tomatoes are
Red 65 1.1 chilling sensitive at
temp below 50°F.
Water 100-128 33-34 0.6-1.1 15 none 32- 0 to 10      
Chestnuts 50
Watercress 14-21 33 0.6 45 none 32- 0 to 5 31.5 -  
41 0.3
Watermelons, 14-21 50-59 10-15 15 none/slight 50- 10 to 30.9 - Watermelons are
Seeded or 60 18.3 0.6 prone to chilling
Seedless injury when stored
at 45°F or below.


The above mentioned temperature and fresh-air exchange settings for each commodity are only recommended set points.
The post-harvest life expectancy and best temperature management for each commodity also vary by cultivars and post-
harvest handlings.
Recommended temperature and fresh-air exchange settings are for general guidance only. These recommendations are based
on standardized assumptions and industry research. Optimum settings may differ depending on the specific commodity, post-
harvest handling and other variables. Shippers are responsible for determining the optimum settings best suited for their

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