In The Past
In The Past
In The Past
The advent of the internet has enabled people to work remotely from home rather than commuting daily to work.
Like most new technologies, this has some obvious benefits, but also some less obvious downsides, and both of
these must be assessed.
On the positive side, the ability to work from home gives a person more freedom. For one thing, they do not have
to endure the daily commute, sitting in heavy traffic for hours each day as their stress levels rise just to sit in an
office all day. Moreover, working from home allows a person to manage their own time. For example, some people
like to work slowly and steadily, while some people like to work in short bursts. Besides, working at home
does not mean staying inside all day long, people can choose to work in their garden or
backyard, wherever makes them feel convenient to work. Moreover, employees are under
less stress with a flexible working schedule. However, in an office environment, people are usually under
pressure to make it seem like they are working even if they are not.
On the other hand, it is often said that modern society leads to feelings of isolation and working from home
might exacerbate this. Having no one around to chat with might actually make people more stressed and have
worse effects on their mental health than working in an office. Not to mention, the internet has created a world of
distractions that may be hard to resist if someone is sitting in their living room rather than in a cubicle. Also, by
doing work from home, employees don't get sufficient training and fieldwork. When any new employee joins the
organization, he/she doesn't get proper training as well as a proper orientation session. New employees remain unaware of
Furthermore, everyone who has ever tried to organize a
the Organisational environment and the co-workers.
conference call knows that face-to-face interactions are normally more time-efficient and productive than
trying to communicate remotely.
Overall, it seems that working from home is a mixed bag. The freedom of not having to come to a certain place to
work each day is appealing, but human’s are social creatures and having everyone in their homes all day is
probably not the best solution either.