Islam by Fatma Amer
Islam by Fatma Amer
Islam by Fatma Amer
Fatma Amer
What is a Muslim? 4
The five acts of worship 6
Muhammad, the last prophet 8
Muhammad's migration to Madinah 10
The Qur'an 12
Visiting a mosque 14
Festivals and celebrations 16
Family traditions 18
The Hajj 20
The spread of Islam 22
Holy cities 24
Art and craft 26
Activity 28
Glossary 30
Index 31
Notes for parents and teachers 32
What is a Muslim?
Islam around the world
Muslim is a follower of Islam, the
Muslims believe that the
◄ These Muslims
are praying at the Muslims believe that
London Central Allah spoke to the
prophets through his
angels, who then
delivered his message
to people. The chain of
prophets starts with
Adam. It includes
Ibrahim (Abraham),
Musa (Moses) and
‘Say (0 Muslims). “We believe Isa (Jesus), and ends
in Allah and that which has with Muhammad.
been sent down to us.'"
Qur'an 2:136
The five acts of worship
The second pillar
slam is based on five acts (duties) The second pillar is Salah,
More messages
The angel visited the prophet
Muhammad many more times
to reveal more of Allah's words.
Muhammad memorized them and
recited them to his companions,
who memorized them in turn. All
the words were recorded in the
book that came to be known as
the Qur'an.
Leaving Makkah
Soh t^^nttobuy
'dols any longer. As a result
migration to Madinah
Twelve years had passed since the Allah told Muhammad to ask the
angel had first visited Muhammad. Muslims to go from Makkah' to the
The number of people becoming city of Madinah, where they would
Muslim in Makkah grew, but they be welcomed and could live
began to be bullied by some rich peacefully. It was much to ask, as
merchants, called the Quyrash, who they would be torn away from their
did not like what Muhammad had families and would have to leave
to say. The merchants were worried their homes behind. Muhammad
that they would lose their powerful stayed behind until almost everyone
position in the city if people began had gone. He finally left one night
to follow Allah. To prevent this, they with Abu Bakr, his best friend and
stopped people trading or being most trusted companion.
friends with Muslims.
So that the Quraysh would
not immediately suspect
Muhammad was leaving,
his cousin Ali stayed
behind in his bed. The
Quraysh were furious
when they found out that
Muhammad has escaped,
and pursued him at once.
Muhammad and his
friend Abu Bakr rode
through the desert all
night, but the next day it
was too hot to ride and
they hid in a cool cave This threw the Quraysh off the scent as they
to rest. In order to protect did not believe that anyone could possibly
his prophet, Allah caused a have entered the cave without destroying the
spider to spin its web over web or scaring the dove away. Muhammad
the entrance to the cave, and Abu Bakr were able to continue their
and a dove to build her journey and were welcomed by everyone
nest and lay eggs nearby. when they at last reached Madinah.
The Qur’an
he Qurbn, the sacred book of Islam, is written in the Arabic
◄ Some copies
of the Qur’an
are very highly
decorated with
striking patterns
in rich colours.
Each day during Ramadan, Muslim families
gather at sunset to eat a meal together. They
eat after first saying prayers and breaking the
▼ Children
fast with dates and milk. All adults fast during
dance to
Ramadan, and some parents let their children celebrate the
fast for a few hours each day, too. Children who breaking of
the fast
manage to fast for any length of time are
normally given special treatment to encourage
them. Daily fasting ends with the
Festival of Eid-ul Fitr.
Festival of
Breaking the fast
Eid-ul Fitr (festival of
Eid-ul Adha (festival
breaking the fast)
of sacrifice) is when
starts at the end
Muslims remember
of Ramadan.
the story of the prophet
Families gather
Ibrahim, who was asked
in the homes
by Allah to sacrifice his
of their eldest
son, Is'mail (Ishmael),
relative to exchange
in order to show
gifts and prepare special
his love for Allah.
sweet dishes to be shared and
▲ Almond biscuits At the last minute.
eaten together. It is an especially are baked and
Allah spared Is'mail
joyful time for the children because served at festivals
and told Ibrahim
they get new clothes and extra
to kill a sheep in
pocket money.
his son’s place
I Beat the butter and sugar Divide the dough into Place the biscuits on a
• in the bowl until light and 2 equal-sized small balls 3 baking sheet and bake in
fluffy. Mix in the flour with Place an almond on top of the oven at 150'C (350 ’F)
your hands until the mixture each ball and flatten the for 30 minutes. Let the
forms a dough Add a little balls with your fingers to biscuits cool, then sprinkle
water, if needed form biscuit shapes. with icing sugar
Family traditions
mportant stages in a
Islamic teaching encourages
Muslims to marry and to start
their own families. Marriage is
seen as the joining of two
families, not just two people,
and parents often choose the
marriage partner for their sons
and daughters. Family and
friends gather to celebrate the
marriage and to give the
newlyweds their blessing. There ▲ A traditional Muslim
may be two wedding ceremonies: one at wedding in Cairo, Egypt
Mushms except pork and alcohol. Dates and with the face turned
towards Makkah.
milk are popular ingredients in many dishes
and are often eaten to break a fast These
two foods are always offered to guests as a
welcome. The dates symbolize sweetness
and the milk symbolizes purity.
The Hajj
Muslim merchants spread
Muhammad, Islam spread rapidly
across Asia, Africa and Europe. their faith to North Africa,
The early Muslims came from the where it remained close to
deserts of Arabia, but they soon the trade routes. From there,
learned to adapt to new environments Muslims moved into Spain
and mix with people of different and established an Islamic
traditions and cultures. Today, there civilization which lasted for
are one billion Muslims worldwide. 700 years. Many Spanish
cities had magnificent Muslim
palaces and impressive
▼ Inside the Mezquita mosque mosques. Today, about one
in Cordoba, Spain million Muslim people live
throughout Spain
China and
Southeast Asia
Arab traders reached seekers
China, where a group To seek knowledge is
gained the permission a good act in Islam, so
of the Chinese emperor Muslim scholars travelled
to settle in his land. in order to learn and
Today, there are around to see the world. They
200 million Muslims in usually travelled with
China. Muslim merchants and trade caravans that
traders were also the reason ese Muslims crossed new lands.
•unq at a Qur'an
why Islam reached countries Many of them settled
in Southeast Asia, including in the Countries they
present-day Brunei, Malaysia visited and established
and Indonesia. Indonesia now new communities
has the largest Muslim of Muslims. Others
population in the world. preferred to write
Holy cities
akkah, Madinah and Jerusalem are the three holiest cities
Makkah .
Makkah is the holiest city tn Islam. The city of
Muslims believe that its sacre^ Makkah is in
Saudi Arabia, in
building, the Ka'ba, was originally the Middle East
built by the prophet Adam and
then rebuilt by Ibrahim. It houses
a black stone which Muslims
believe the Angel Jibril gave to
Ibrahim from heaven In the past,
it took pilgrims months to reac
Makkah, either on foot or by
camel. These days pilgrims amve
by aircraft in a matter of hours.
Ret ri!
v II ' ■ ”
The radiant city
Madinah is the second holiest city
in Islam. Its name means 'the
radiant city' because the arrival
of Muhammad was thought to be
a new spiritual beginning for the
people who lived there. The mosque,
which Muhammad helped to build,
became the centre of the new
community. Muhammad made
Madinah his home and lived there
until he died. Pilgrims often come to
the city to visit the Prophet's Mosque
▲ The Prophet's Mosque
after their journey to Makkah.
in Madinah.
The Al-Aqsa mosque
* The
is near the Dome of
Dome of the
Rock is built the Rock, in Haram
over the al-Sharif, or the Noble
sacred rock.
You can still Sanctuary - a complex
see the rock of buildings, gardens
inside the
and fountains.
The name 'Al-Aqsa'
means 'farthest
mosque'. It was to the
Jerusalem, in Israel, is the third holiest city in Islam. Al-Aqsa mosque
It is home to the third holiest mosque, the Al-Aqsa, that Muhammad came
and also to The Dome of the Rock. This is the place from Makkah on the
where Muhammad led all the prophets and night he visited the
messengers in prayer. Muslims believe that it was sacred rock.
from here that Muhammad was lifted up to
heaven, where God told him that Muslims must
pray five times a day.
/Art and craft
lmost everything in a Muslim home or building, including the
Carpet and rug making Calligraphy
Muslim craftspeople are very talented at Some Muslim artists
making carpets and rugs. Carpets made in Iran, specialize in the art of
Afghanistan and Turkey are some of the finest calligraphy. There are
made anywhere in the world. Carpet makers
many different styles
compete among themselves to make the most of calligraphy. In the
stunning and complicated designs. past, it was done by
£- Draw arch shapes, each Z2 For the mosque's dome. Ask an adult to use
** about 2cm wide, along
the inside of the L-shape
” cover the yoghurt pot
with gold paper, or paint or
7 scissors to cut away the
rim of the yoghurt pot Glue
Cut them out to make holes spray it gold (Ask an adult or tape the finished dome
for the windows to help!) onto the top of your mosque.
1 ’hi it1'
• pierce a small hole in
the top of the dome and
another in the minaret.
Carefully push one cocktail
stick through each one.
Place your mosque on top
of the carpeted area of
the card base
Allah The Arabic word for God.
meditate To think or reflect in a calm
Arabic The language spoken in Arab manner
countries such as Egypt. Iraq, Saudi
Arabia and Morocco. Muslims believe that migrated To journey from one place
the angel Jibril spoke in Arabic when he or country to live in another
told Allah's message to Muhammad.
mihrab An alcove in the wall of the mosque
calligraphy Beautiful handwriting It is which the worshippers should face. It
thought of as a type of art People who indicates the direction of the city of Makkah.
write calligraphy as their job are called
minaret A tower on a mosque Traditionally
used for calling Muslims to prayer
caravan A group of traders or other
mosque A building or place where Muslims
travellers journeying together.
worship and study together.
fast A fast is a period of time during
pilgrimage A special journey to a place
which you do not eat any food.
of religious importance People go on
idol A statue or picture worshipped pilgrimages to show their devotion to god.
as a god People who are on a pilgrimage are
called pilgrims.
Imam A Muslim teacher, or leader
of the Muslim prayer. prophet A person who receives a message
from God and spreads the message on
Janazah Prayers for the forgiveness Earth
of the dead.
Ramadan The ninth month of the Muslim
Jerusalem A city in Israel. It is the third most calendar Muslims fast during daylight hours
holy city in Islam and is home to the Al-Aqsa of Ramadan.
mosque and The Dome of the Rock.
recite To repeat aloud from memory.
Ka'ba The first place built for the worship
of Allah. Muslims face it when they pray.
Abraham 5,17, 24 hafiz 13 12.13,18. 20. 21. 22, 25
Abu Bakr 10-11 Hagar 21 Musa 5
acts of worship 6-7 Haji 7, 20-21, 30
Adam 5.14. 20. 24 halal 18.19, 30 pilgrimage 7, 20-21. 30
Africa 22 haram 18 pilgrims 20-21
Al Aqsa mosque 25. 26 Hira 8 prayer 6.15. 20. 25
Ali 11 prophets 4, 5, 8-9,18. 30
Allah 4. 8-9.10-11,13,17. Ibrahim 5,17. 20. 21. 25
20,30 idols 9, 30 Qur'an 4. 9. 12-13,18, 26
angels 5, 8.10,12, 24. 30 Imam 15, 30 Quraysh 10-11
Arabic 5.12.15. 30 Indonesia 23
art 26-27 Is'mail 17, 21 Ramadan 7.13.16,17, 30
Asia 22 reciting 13, 30
Jamral 21
birth 18 Janazah 19. 30 Safa 21
Jerusalem 25, 30 salah 6, 30
calligraphy 12, 27. 30 Jesus 5 Satan 21
caravans 23, 30 Jibril 8,12. 24 Saudi Arabia 4
carpets 27 sawm 7. 30
charity 7 Ka'ba 7,14, 20. 21, 24, 30 shahadah 6.18, 30
China 23 soul 7
Madinah 9,10-11, 25, 30 Spain 22
death 19 Makkah 7, 8,10,14,15,19, sura 13
declaration of faith 6 20-21, 24, 25. 30
Dome of the Rock 25. 26 marriage 19 Taj Mahal 26
Marwa 21 Topkapi Palace 6
Eid-ul Adha 17, 21, 30 meditate 8, 30 traditions 18-19
Eid-ul Fitr 16-17, 30 migrate 9, 30
mihrab 15, 30 worship 6.14
fasting 7,16.17. 30 Mina 20
festivals 16-17 minaret 15, 30 zakah 7, 30
five Pillars 6-7 Moses 5
food 17.19 mosque 6. 9,14-15, 25,
26-27, 30
Gabriel 8,12 Mount Arafat 21
God 4, 5, 8,13. 20, 21. 25 Muhammad 4, 5, 6. 8-9,10.
Notes for parents
and teachers
Religions guidelines For educational resources, artefacts and
This book is an accessible introduction to the children's literature contact:
beliefs and practices of the Muslim faith It does The Islamic Foundation: www islamic-
not aim to be a comprehensive guide but gives foundation org uk
plenty of opportunity for further activities and study The Muslim Educational Trust: www.muslim-ed-
The content is closely linked to the non-sfatutory
Discover Islam www.discoverislam com
framework for Religious Education, particularly
the OCA schemes of work listed below. The
To arrange for group/school visits or
topics selected also overlap with locally agreed
to find out about how mosques work
RE syllabuses
Unit 1A: What does it mean to belong? The East London Mosque
Unit ID: Beliefs and practice
Unit 2C: Celebrations The Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre (Al Manor):
Unit 2D: Visiting a place of worship
Unit 3A: What do signs and symbols mean in
religion? Projects for the children to try
Unit 4D: What religions are represented in our • Create an Eid postcard for an imaginary
pen-friend in Australia and write a message
on the back describing what you sow and how
Unit 5A: Why is Muhammad important to
how you felt when you visited a mosque with
your school.
Unit 5B: How do Muslims express their beliefs
through practices? • Make a list of names of your Muslim friends.
Find out about their meanings in English and
Unit 6B: Worship and community: what is the role
in your friends' own longuagefsl
of the mosque?
Unit 6C: Why are sacred texts Important? • Invite your friends to on Eid party and serve
Unit 60 What is the Qur'an and why is it them almond Eid biscuits.
important to Muslims?
For the activity on page 13. the following
list of some useful websites: websites show the alphabet in Arabic and English:
Islamic Awareness Week:
Islamic Relief: hnp://
Muslim Aid: hflp//www,
Muslim Heritage
The Virtual Classroom uk/virtual/newsite
Pid you know.
Followers of Islam are called Muslims and their religion
is based on the teachings of the Qur’an, its sacred book?
The word Islam means ‘peace’ and ‘submission’?
Muslims believe that their prophet, Muhammad, was
visited by an angel who revealed Allah’s words?