Module 9 - Group 3 PDF
Module 9 - Group 3 PDF
Module 9 - Group 3 PDF
1. Research on the common abbreviations, acronyms and symbols used in prescription and medication orders.
Reading recommendation: Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Calculations latest edition
2. Provide the correct meaning for each abbreviation listed here.
3. Each member should provide 1 Prescription that used any abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols. List down
what are commonly used. Identify if the instruction is for the pharmacist or for the patient.
4. Translate the prescription directions listed here.
Abbreviations/Acronyms/Symbols used:
1. IV = Intravenous
2. Sig = Signa
3. m = million
Abbreviations/Acronyms/Symbols used:
1. S= Signa
2. g= gram
3. mg= milligram
4. tab= tablet
Abbreviations/Acronyms/Symbols used:
1. disp. - dispense
2. caps. - capsule
3. mg - milligram
4. Sig. - signa
5. caps. - capsule
6. hrs - hora/hours