SCCM Interview Questions

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SCCM is abbreviated as a Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager. It is used for

managing the system servers of an organization. It was designed by Microsoft organization to
manage a large number of computers that work on various operating systems and devices. Hence
the demand for skilled professionals who can manage the systems is also very high.
Here in this blog, we have presented a group of Frequently asked SCCM interview questions.
Practicing these questions would help you in cracking the interview and will land you in your
dream job as an SCCM developer. Without wasting much time let's get into the interview
questions and answers.

1. What is SCCM?

Ans: The software management suite that is designed and developed by Microsoft is called as
System Centre Configuration Manager (SCCM). It allows users to manage computer systems
running either on Windows or macOS or Linux. SCCM is even available on a limited trial basis.

2. What are the features of SCCM?

Ans: Features of SCCM are:

• Deploys operating systems

• Update and patch systems

• Tracks the software and hardware assets

• Remotely controls and support a client

• Can be Used for software for customization

• Desired system configuration

3. What is System Center?

Ans: System Center is a brand name for Microsoft management tools. It represents a way to
integrate technologies with system management tools to hand system operations, planning,
management services, and troubleshooting.

4. How does System Center Configuration Manager Works?

Ans: SCCM purely depends on system aspect named Software Update Point (SUP). This
aspect must be installed on the WSUS server. When the setup is ready, the configuration
manager can manage update catalogs and package updates, including WSUS and update
product languages. Once these updated packages are created, SUP can be deployed with SCCM
deployment point to utilize its robust schedule.

5. What is a Primary Site?

Ans: Primary site is mainly used to manage clients in a well-defined network. It consists of four
main characteristics, they are

This site can have direct access to SQL database, it can be administered by the configuration
manager console, it can have its child nodes and even can act like a child for another primary site
and Clients have direct access to the site
6. What is a Central Site?

Ans: A central site acts as a configuration manager for the initial site, which is present at the top
of the configuration manager hierarchy. All the database information from the top node to the
bottom node is collected by the configuration manager database of the central site. The central
site can supervise any site which is under it or bottom of it in the hierarchy and can also send data
to the same sites as well.

7. What is a Secondary Site?

Ans: Secondary site has four main characteristics, which include

This site does not have access to the SQL database, the secondary site can be administered by
primary site only and always acts as a child site for the primary site. The secondary site does not
have its own child sites, clients do not have direct access to the site

8. Can we change a secondary site to a primary site?

Ans: No, the secondary site cannot be modified or changed to the primary site, because it is
always a secondary data storage site for SCCM. It cannot be changed or upgraded without
reinstalling it or deleting it.

9. What is SUP?

Ans: This is an essential component for software updates. After the installation process, the SUP
is displayed as the system crucial role in the configuration manager console. This Software
Update Point must be created on the system server which has WSUS 3.0 installed in it.

10. What are the boundaries in SCCM?

Ans: SCCM boundaries are defined in the console of configuration manager and these
boundaries consist of IP ranges, Active Directory site names, IP subnet, and IPv6 prefix. These
are mainly used to assign clients to a specific system center 2007 and must be unique to each
site. Whenever we define site boundaries, we should ensure that we do not define the same
boundary for different configuration manager sites. If we assign the same boundaries it will lead
to a state called boundaries overlapping site.
11. How can we download the Patches in SCCM?

Ans: To download patches in SCCM we must add the SUP role to the site. After adding, we need
to configure the products, active SUP, sync settings, and classifications. To complete the
download, we should go to update repository node and then execute the run synchronization
action from the primary site. Once the synchronization is done, we will find the downloaded
patches in the console.

12. Why do we use BITS in SCCM?

Ans: Using BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) in configuration manager will make
data transfers use only the available bandwidth and will never choke the network while delivering
information to the clients.

13. What is the Content Library?

Ans: The Content library is the new storage format which is introduced in the configuration
manager 2012. It is also called a single instance store, having only one instance for each file. By
default, all the contents are stored in the distribution points with the help of the content library.

14. Does a Configuration Manager support a 64-bit operating system?

Ans: Yes, the design of the configuration manager console is a 32-bit program, which supports
both 32-bit operating system and a 64-bit operating system.

Brief Overview of SCCM Version History

SCCM 2019 Version – Current Branch

• SCCM 1902 - Released March 2019

SCCM 2018 Version

• SCCM 1810 - Released December 2018

• SCCM 1806 - Released July 2018

• SCCM 1802 - Released March 2018

SCCM 2017 Version

• SCCM 1710 - Released November 2017

• SCCM 1706 - Released July 2017

• SCCM 1702 - Released March 2017

SCCM 2016 Version

• SCCM 1610 - Released November 2016

• SCCM 1606 - Released July 22, 2016

• SCCM 1602 - Released March 11, 2016

SCCM 2015 Version

• SCCM 1511 - Released November 2015

SCCM 2012 Version

• SCCM 2012 - Released 2012

SCCM 2007 Version

• SCCM 2007 - Released 2007

SCCM 2003 Version

• SCCM 2003 - Released 2003

SCCM 1999 Version

• SCCM 2.0 - Released 1999

SCCM 1996 Version

• SCCM 1.2 - Released 1996

SCCM 1995 Version

• SCCM 1.1 - Released 1995

SCCM 1994 Version

• SCCM 1.0 - Released 1994

15. What’s new in SCCM 2012?

Ans: Configuration Manager 2012 is a major release for client administrator. This version 2012
was designed to manage heterogeneous devices and also introduces a new way to deploy
applications. It provides more capabilities which allow client administrator to enable
consumerization of IT. Moreover, it offers unique SCCM features such as enhanced setting
management, reduced infrastructure, and role-based administration
16. Name the component products present in the System Center 2012?

Ans: The component products which are included in SC 2012 are:

1. System Centre 2012 service manager

2. System Centre 2012 data protection manager

3. System Centre 2012 configuration manager

4. System Centre 2012 app controller

5. System Centre 2012 operation manager

17. Is there any need for new Active Directory schema extensions in System Centre

Configuration Manager 2012?

Ans: No, there is no such extension for system center configuration manager 2012. The new
active directory schema for SCCM 2012 remains constant from those of SCCM 2007. Once we
extend the schema for system center 2007, we don't need to extend schema again for
configuration manager 2012.

18. Have the site types changed from SCCM 2012?

Ans: System center configuration manager 2012 has made changes to both secondary and
primary sites present in SCCM 2007, while the new site type is the central administrative site.
This new type replaces the initial(primary) site which is referred to as top-level multi-primary site
hierarchy. This central site type will coordinate a shared database across the hierarchy and also
provide centralized configuration and reporting to the entire hierarchy.

19. Can SCCM 2012 provide clients with unique client configurations without installing


Ans: Yes, SCCM 2012 provides a hierarchical-level of default client settings, which impact
additional changes on the client by utilizing custom-client settings assigned to collections. This
presents a malleable method of delivering custom-built client settings to any one of the clients in
the hierarchy, in spite of whether it is assigned to site or network location.
20. List the key features of SCCM 2012?

Ans: The key features of configuration manager 2012 include,

• Application catalog and software center

• Software distribution based on dependency

• Collection-based configuration settings

• Remediation of configuration setting

• User-centric management

21. What is limiting collection in SCCM 2012 and why we should use it?

Ans: In the configuration manager 2012, all the collections access must be limited to the
membership of another collection. Whenever we create a collection, we need to specify a limiting
collection. A collection is always a subset of the limiting collection.

22. Is there any chance to upgrade existing configuration manager 2007 to SCCM 2012


Ans: Many changes are made in SCCM 2012 to prevent in-place upgrade. The configuration
manager 2012 supports migration from SCCM 2007 with a side-by-side deployment. For example,
let us consider system center 2012 with a database which is optimized and shared over all the
sites. Moreover, the site types and site relationships have been changed. So, these changes will
not provide any ways to upgrade hierarchies.

23. Does the SCCM 2012 support the same client installation methods as of configuration

manager 2007?

Ans: Yes, the Configuration Manager 2012 supports the same installation methods as that of
SCCM 2007. Some of the client installation methods include,

• Image-based

• Grouping policy

• Software-based update

• Login script
24. Which objects can be migrated from configuration manager 2007 to SCCM 2012?

Ans: The following objects that can be migrated are:

• Configuration items

• Configuration Baselines

• Packages distributing software

• Virtual application packages

• Task sequences

• Software update deployment templates

• Collections and boundaries

25. What are the enhancements available in Configuration manager 1610?

Ans: The configuration manager provides various upgradations in the version 1610; they are:

• Integration of Windows 10 upgrade analytics allows to access and analyze device

compatibility and readiness.

• Deployment of Office 365 apps to benefit clients and also track Office 365 usage.

• Provides simpler way to manage configuration manager clients on the internet.

• Improvements in software centre

26. What’s new in SCCM 2018 version 1802?

Ans: System Centre Configuration 1802 manager was released in the year 2018, which has more
advanced features, improvements and also many changes have been made to this version to
avoid product issues. The issues which are fixed in SCCM 1810 are:

1. Configuration of manager console

2. Setting software updates management

3. Content Management and software distribution

4. Installing of new site systems

This new version of SCCM is available as an in-console update that must be installed at the top-
tier site in the hierarchy.
27. What are the crucial features of SCCM 1802?

Ans: The key features of Configuration manager 2018 version 1802 are:

• Windows delivery optimization

• Auto-pilot Windows device information

• Deploying of phases for task sequences

• Designing dashboards for surface devices

• Making improvements for cloud management gateway

28. What are the changes made by site infrastructure of SCCM 2018 version 1802?

Ans: Configuration manager 1802, site infrastructure provides many improvements for better
efficiency and outcomes. The main changes made in site infrastructure of SCCM 1802 are:

• Reassigning the distribution points

• Supports Windows 10 ARM64 devices

• Enhanced support for CONG certificates

• Fallback of boundary groups for management points

• Point site affinity for cloud distribution

• Configuring of windows delivery optimization to make use of boundary groups

29. What are the management insights in SCCM 2018 version 1802?

Ans: The management insights in the configuration manager 1802 provides information
regarding the current state of the environment. The information is based on how the data is
analyzed from the site database. By using insights, we can better understand our situation and
also can take the necessary actions if needed.

30. List the insights in configuration manager 1802?

Ans: The insights that are available in SCCM 1802 are:

• Applications: Without the deployment

• Cloud Services
The cloud services are

• Modernizing access infrastructure and identity

• Enabling devices to be hybrid active Azure directory-joined

• Access for the co-management readiness

• Upgrading of clients to Windows 10, version 1709 or above

• Collections

• Simplified management excluding outdated client versions

• Use the new version of the software center

• Configuring commercial ID key and Windows telemetry

31. Will the cloud management gateway in SCCM 2018 version 1802 support for Azure

Resource Manager?

Ans: Yes, while creating an instance for cloud management gateway, the wizard provides a way
for creating Azure resource manager deployment. When we deploy Azure resource manager with
cloud management gateway, the site utilizes the Azure directory to create and authenticate the
necessary cloud resources. This deployment continues to support cloud services, which the cloud
service provider doesn’t require.

32. Mention the improvements made to Configuration manager console in SCCM 2018

version 1802?

Ans: The following are the improvements made by console are,

• Suppose if the collection is the member of other collection, it will be renamed first and the new
name is updated in the membership list.

• When we control clients remotely with multiple monitors at various DPI scaling, the mouse
now maps correctly between them.

• List of compatible devices is displayed on the Office 365 Client Management Dashboard when
graph divisions are selected.

• Enabling of device and user affinity client settings for the site to connect a primary user with
the device.

33. What is the role of application management in configuration manager 1802?

Ans: Application manager will allow the users to interact while installing an application. It also
approves application requests for users per each device. Furthermore, it configures an application
deployment not automatically to upgrade any suppressed version.
34. How do we install multiple applications in the software center?

Ans: If the end user wants to install multiple applications on the device. Software center is one of
the controls which supports installing multiple apps. This control allows the user to be more
efficient while installation.

35. What’s new in SCCM 2018 version 1806?

Ans: This version is also the same as that of configuration manager 1802, and this in-console
update brings a new capability to check the status of the devices in the real-time. In this
configuration version system hierarchy supports for site server high availability.

36. List the essential features of SCCM 2018 configuration manager 1806?

Ans: The new features of SCCM 1806 include:

• Improved cloud management gateway

• Enhanced management insights

• CMPivot

• Configuring manager tools

37. Why is CMPivot a key feature in SCCM 1806?

Ans: CMPivot is a new console utility tool which is mainly released to obtain real-time results on
the state of your connected devices. This plays a major role in the configuration manager 1806
as it allows the IT admins to quickly analyze the devices and respond immediately to security

38. Explain content management in SCCM 2018 version 1806?

Ans: Content management in configuration manager 1806 can be fulfilled by some actions, they

• Configuring of remote control library to the site server

• Supporting Azure resource manager using the cloud distribution point

• Enabling distribution points to use network congestion control

• Provides peer downloads with boundary group options

• Improving peer cache location status

39. Define enhanced HTTP site system in client management?

Ans: Enhanced HTTP site systems improves the way in which the clients communicate with the
site systems. This pre-release feature enables the new users to use certificates of the
configuration manager to access HTTP site systems.

40. Define Azure AD device identity in SCCM 1806?

Ans: Azure AD device identity is a cloud-based identity which is used to authenticate securely
with cloud management gateway and the management point.

41. What does cloud management dashboard provide?

Ans: This dashboard provides a centralized view of the usage of the cloud management gateway.
This feature includes CMG connection analyzer to aid troubleshooting in the real-time verification.

42. What are the key features of SCCM 2018 version 1810

Ans: The key features that are included in the SCCM 1810 are:

1. Provides hierarchy support for the site server high availability

2. Improvements to setup prerequisites

3. Ensures support for Windows server 2019

4. Permissions for client notification actions

43. What improvements are made to set up prerequisites in configuration manager 1810?

Ans: The improvements which are made to set up prerequisites in SCCM 2018 version 1810 are:

• Checks additional register keys for Windows feature

• Introducing SQL client native version

• Provides enhanced site systems on Windows cluster node

• Changing SQL for track cleanup

44. What is the latest version of SCCM?

Ans: The latest version of Configuration Manager is System Centre 1902 Configuration Manager,
which was released in the month of March 2019.
45. What is real-time management in configuration manager 1902?

Ans: Real-time management is carried out in two steps in the SCCM 1902, the two steps are:

1. Running CMPivot on the central site administrator

2. Copy or edit PowerShell scripts

46. What are the improvements made to Package Conversion Manager?

Ans: SCCM version 1902 provides the following improvements to Package Conversion Manager,

• Scheduled package analysis runs for every seven days by default

• Converting packages and PowerShell cmdlets for analyzing

• Improvements and bug fixes

47. What is the role of the Software Centre in the SCCM 2019 version 1902?

Ans: The software center in the SCCM replaces the toast notifications with dialog window and it
also configures user device affinity as well as default views.

48. Why do we need to use .NET 4.7 in configuration manager?

Ans: To enhance the console accessibility we must use .NET 4.7 in the System center
configuration manager.

49. What are the improvements made to OS deployment?

Ans: The improvements made to OS deployment are:

• Availability of new View default action in the task sequence

• Enable a PXE responder on the distribution point without windows deployment services
50. Difference Between SCCM & WSUS?


51. What is the SMS Provider?

Ans: The SMS Provider is a WMI provider that allows both read and write access to
the Networking Configuration Manager 2007 site database. The SMS Provider is used by the
Configuration Manager console

The SMS Provider can be installed on the site database server computer, site server computer
or another server class third computer during Configuration Manager 2007 Setup. After setup has
completed, the current installed location of the SMS Provider is displayed on the site properties
general tab

52. What is ITMU?

Ans: SMS 2003 Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates

53. What is the use of WSUS (Windows Server Update Service)?

Ans: It enables administrators to deploy the latest Microsoft product updates to computers that
are running the Windows operating system.

54. Can you assign clients to a secondary site?

Ans: No. If you have a secondary site, the client must be assigned to the primary parent of the
secondary site. However, Configuration Manager knows how to manage clients at the child
secondary site. If there is a distribution point at the secondary site that has the content the clients
need, the clients will probably get the content from the local distribution point instead of crossing
the WAN link to the primary site.

55. Can Configuration Manager 2007 be used to package software for distribution?

Ans: No. Configuration Manager 2007 delivers command lines to clients and can force those
command lines to run with administrative rights using the Local System account. Configuration
Manager 2007 command lines can be batch files, scripts, Windows Installer files with .msi
extensions, executable files – any file that the operating system can run, Configuration Manager
2007 can distribute. However, Configuration Manager 2007 does not actually package any
software for distribution.

56. Can computers show up in the Configuration Manager console before they have the

Configuration Manager client installed?

Ans: Yes. If you use a discovery method, Configuration Manager can find many resources and
create data discovery records (DDRs) for them, and those DDRs are stored in the database.
However, you cannot use Configuration Manager features such as software distribution, software
updates management, and inventory until you install the client components.

57. Can a site have more than one default management point?

Ans: No. You can configure more than one management points in a site, but only one of those
management points can be configured as the default management point to support intranet clients
in the site. If you are concerned about performance, you can configure more than one
management point, configure them to be part of a Network Load Balancing (NLB) cluster, and
them configure the NLB cluster as the default management point.

58. Can a secondary site have child sites?

Ans: No. A secondary site cannot have a primary or secondary site reporting to it. Secondary
sites are always child sites to a primary site.

59. Can you install the Configuration Manager Client components without discovering the

computer first?

Ans: Yes. Client Push Installation is the only client installation method that requires clients to be
discovered first.
60. How many types of sites are there in SCCM 2007?

• Primary Site: Manages clients in well-connected networks.
• Secondary site: Controls content distribution for clients in remote locations across links that
have limited network bandwidth.
• Parent Site: It is a site at the top level in the hierarchy & it does not come under any other
• Child Site: A site which comes under a site in a structure & gets information from that site
(Higher Level) known as child site.

61. How many types of sites are there in SCCM 2012?

1. CAS (Central administration site):- The central administration site coordinates inter-site
data replication across the hierarchy by using Configuration Manager Database replication. It
also enables the administration of hierarchy-wide configurations for client agents, discovery, and
other operations. Use this site for all administration and reporting for the hierarchy.
2. Primary Site: Manages clients in well-connected networks.
3. Secondary site: Controls content distribution for clients in remote locations across links that
have limited network bandwidth.

62. What is Site server, Site system & Site system Roles?

Site Server: The site server is the computer on which you install Configuration Manager 2007 or
2012, and it hosts services required for Configuration Manager.
Site System: A site system is any computer running a supported version of Microsoft Windows
or a shared folder that hosts one or more site system roles.
Site System Role: A site system role is a function required to be able to use Configuration
Manager 2007 or to use a feature of Configuration Manager.

63. What is the Difference between Native mode and mixed mode?

• Native Mode: More secure solution than mixed mode because it provides better
authentication, encryption, and signing using standard industry security protocols. Supports
Internet-based client management and can integrate with existing PKI deployment.
• Mixed Mode: Does not require a PKI deployment, so it has no external dependencies.
Supports clients running SMS 2003. Supports WINS for the means by which clients locate
their default management point if Active Directory and DNS cannot be used.

64. What are the Discovery Methods & DDR available in SCCM 2007 & 2012?

Ans: Discovery Data Records:-

When Discovery runs, it creates discovery data records (DDRs). The information contained in a
DDR varies depending upon the discovered resource. For example, it can include the NetBIOS
name of a computer, the IP address and IP subnet of a computer or device, and the computer
operating system name.
The approximate size of an individual DDR is 1 KB. Discovery Methods:-
1. Active Directory System Discovery – Discovers computers from the specified locations in
Active Directory Domain Services.
2. Active Directory User Discovery – Discovers user accounts from the specified locations in
Active Directory Domain Services.
3. Active Directory Security Group Discovery – Discovers security groups, including local,
global, and universal groups from the specified locations in Active Directory Domain Services.
4. Active Directory System Group Discovery – Discovers additional information about
previously discovered computers from the specified locations in Active Directory Domain
Services. This information includes the OU and group membership of the computer. Active
Directory System Group Discovery does not discover information about new resources that
did not previously exist in the Configuration Manager site database.
5. Heartbeat Discovery – Used by active Configuration Manager clients to update their
discovery records in the database. Because it is initiated by an active client, Heartbeat
Discovery does not discover new resources.
6. Network Discovery – Searches your network infrastructure for network devices that have an
IP address. This allows you to discover devices that might not be found by other discovery
methods, including printers, routers, and bridges.
7. Forest Discovery – SCCM 2012 has a new discovery method which discovers another forest
in the network.

65. What are the Boundaries in SCCM?

Ans: Configuration Manager Boundaries are defined in the Configuration Manager console and
are defined by IP subnet, Active Directory site name, IPv6 Prefix, IP ranges. Boundaries are used
to assign clients to a specific Configuration Manager 2007 site and should be unique to each site.
When defining site boundaries for sites, ensure that you do not define the same boundary for
more than one Configuration Manager 2007 site, doing so leads to a situation called overlapping
site boundaries.

66. What is MP, DP, FSP, Reporting Service Point, Application Catalog web service point,

Application Catalog website point?

Ans: MP:- It is a primary point of contact between Configuration Manager Clients and the
Configuration Manager Site server.
DP:- It is a point that stores packages for clients to install.
FSP:- A fallback status point helps you monitor client installation and identify the clients that are
unmanaged because they cannot communicate with their management point.
Reporting Service Point:- A reporting services point integrates with SQL Server Reporting
Services to create and manage reports for Configuration ManageApplication Catalog web service
Application Catalog web service point:- It provides software information to the Application
Catalog website from the Software Library.
Application Catalog website point:- Application Catalog website point provides a list of
available software to users.

67. What is Software metering?

Ans: Software Metering in Configuration Manager allows you to monitor and collect software
usage data on Configuration Manager Clients.

68. What is BDP?

Ans: Branch distribution points provide an option for efficient package distribution to a small office
with limited bandwidth, depends on a standard distribution point from which it receives its content.
To function properly, a branch distribution must contact a BITS-enabled standard distribution.

69. What is Internet-based client management?

Ans: Internet-based client management allows you to manage Configuration Manager 2007
clients when they are not connected to your company network but have a standard Internet
70. What is inventory in SCCM?

Ans: The inventory gives you system information (such as available disk space, processor type,
and operating system, Applications) about each computer. There are two types of inventory:

1. Software Inventory

2. Hardware Inventory

71. What are the packages can distribute through ITMU or WSUS?

Ans: All Microsoft package, hotfixes, patches & Software Updates, Service pack, Critical
Updates, Update Rollups.

72. What is SMS Executive?

Ans: It is an Executive Service that Host process for thread components. It Monitored Service
Component Log file smsexec. log.

73. What is Maintenance Window in SCCM?

Ans: Maintenance windows provide administrators with a way to define a period of time that limits
when changes can be made on the systems that are members of a collection. These windows
restrict the running of operating system advertisements, as well as software update deployments
and software distribution advertisements.
When a maintenance window is applied to the collection, configuration changes to collection
member systems cannot normally be made outside of this time frame through Configuration
Manager. This provides a safety net for administrators to ensure that client configuration changes
only occur during periods when little or no impact on the organization will occur.

74. Why do we use BITS in SCCM?

Ans: With BITS, the data Transfer uses only the available bandwidth and will never choke your
network while delivering something to clients or to Sites. 2. With BITS if we have a suspended
data to be transferred, it will resume from the same point at which it was suspended.

75. What is Content Library?

Ans: The content library is a new concept that was introduced in SCCM 2012. In a nutshell, the
content library stores all the Configuration Manager content efficiently on the disk. If the same file
is part of two different packages, it stores only one copy in the content library. However,
references are kept indicating that the file is part of both the packages.

76. What is Wake on LAN in SCCM?

Ans: This is the feature of SCCM by which SCCM sends wake up transmission packets to clients
for a particular Deployment or a Task Sequence to run.

77. What is Asset Intelligence in SCCM?

Ans: The Asset Intelligence Configuration Manager feature allows administrators to inventory and
management software in use throughout the Configuration Manager hierarchy. Asset Intelligence
enhances the inventory capabilities of Configuration Manager 2007 and Configuration Manager
2007 SP1 to help manage software in use and software license management in the enterprise.
Many additional Asset Intelligence specific inventory classes improve the breadth of information
gathered about hardware and software assets.

78. What should you choose Primary Site vs Secondary Site vs Distribution Point?

Ans: Primary Site: Choose a Primary Site when you want to manage Clients Directly.
Distribution point: Choose Distribution point at almost most of the time.
Secondary Site: Scenarios where:

1. You want to manage the Upwards flow of Data Upwards,

2. You want to have a local SUP ( Software Update Point),

3. You want to have a local Management Point so that Clients Pick up policies and report to this
Local MP, and your low bandwidth site has more than 400 or 500 Client Machines.

79. Determine If You Need a Server Locator Point for Configuration Manager Clients?

Ans: Server locator points are used in a Configuration Manager 2007 hierarchy to complete client
site assignment on the intranet and help clients find management points when they cannot find
that information through Active Directory Domain Services.
Intranet clients use Active Directory Domain Services as their preferred method to complete site
assignment and find management points. However, clients must use a server locator point if,
1. Active Directory schema is not extended for Configuration Manager 2007 or the site is not
published to Active Directory Domain Services, or
2. if clients do not belong to the same Active Directory forest as the site server’s forest.
80. What is Out of Band Management?

Ans: Out of band management in System Center Configuration Manager provides a powerful
management control for computers that have the Intel vPro chipset and a version of Intel Active
Management Technology (Intel AMT) that Configuration Manager supports.
Out of band management lets an administrative user connect to a computer’s AMT management
controller when the computer is turned off, in hibernation, or otherwise unresponsive through the
operating system. In contrast, in-band management is the classic approach that Configuration
Manager and its predecessors use, whereby an agent runs in the full operating system on the
managed computer, and the management controller accomplishes tasks by communicating with
the management agent.

Out of band management supplements in-band management. While in-band management

supports a wider range of operations because its environment is the full operating system, in-
band management might not be functional if the operating system is not present or is not
operational. In these situations, by using the supplementary capabilities of out of band
management, administrative users can manage these computers without requiring local access
to the computer.

Out of band management tasks include the following:

1. Powering on one or many computers (for example, for maintenance on computers outside
business hours).
2. Powering off one or many computers (for example, the operating system stops responding).
3. Restarting a non-functioning computer or booting from a locally connected device or known
good boot image file.
4. Re-imaging a computer by booting from a boot image file that is located on the network or by
using a PXE server.
5. Reconfiguring the BIOS settings on a selected computer (and bypassing the BIOS password
if this is supported by the BIOS manufacturer).
6. Booting to a command -based operating system to run commands, repair tools, or diagnostic
applications (for example, upgrading the firmware or running a disk repair tool).
7. Configuring scheduled software deployments to wake up computers before the computers
are running.

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