G8 - Environmental Audit
G8 - Environmental Audit
G8 - Environmental Audit
Group Members
● The central and various levels governments ISO 14001 Focuses on the processes involved in the
should increase the inputs in pollution creation, management and elimination of
governance to enhance R&D. pollution, rather than solely on directly
reducing pollution
● In associated audit work, all departments need
plan as a whole and announce at any time the Local Agenda 21 Program run by the United Nations (UN)
clue and problems that they discover related to sustainable
development and was the planet’s first
summit to discuss global warming related
● Competent authority should formulate unified issues
environmental information disclosure standard
EMS within Growing awareness of the effect of
as soon as possible, including disclosure modes,
Construction construction activities on the environment
disclosure contents and so on, in order to ensure Sites
the comparability and usefulness of
environmental information.
Benefit of EMS
Management System
1. Enhanced regulatory compliance
● An environmental management system (EMS) is a 2. Prevent pollution to environment
system that can be developed by an organization to
3. Increased resource efficiency or
minimize environmental impacts and implement
environmental policy through some processes and reduce costs
practices. 4. Enhanced employee morale
5. Enhanced business reputation
● An EMS helps an organization to efficiently use its
6. Competitive and financial
resources while compliance with the organization's
environmental policy include reducing environmental advantage
impacts of its products, services and operating
activities or increasing their positive effects.
ISO 14001- International
Organization for Standardization
● Helps businesses to manage ecological risks effectively and improve their environmental
performance. The standard applicable for all types of company whether large or small,
private or public sector and any activity or sector.
and Policy
Review Planning
Evaluation Implementation
Five Main Stages of an EMS 3. Implementation
Implementing the action plan in operation using the necessary
1. Commitment and Policy resources. An important component of EMS is employee
training and awareness for all employees. Other main steps in
Organizations commit to improve environmental performances
implementation steps are documentation, following operating
and establish the organization’s environmental policy based on
procedures and setting up internal and external
EMS framework.
communication lines.
2. Planning
Then, the organization uses its environmental policy as a basis for
4. Evaluation
An organization continuously monitors its operations to
planning, sets objectives and targets to improve environmental
evaluate whether its achieve their objectives and target. If the
performance. Firstly, an organization needs to identify
objectives and target are not being achieved, the organization
environmental aspects of its operations. Environmental aspects
should implement corrective action.
are those operations that involve negative impact to the
environment such as water pollutants, air pollutants or hazardous 5. Review
waste. Then organization analyze which aspects are significant Top management of the organization reviews
by choosing criteria considered most important by the the results of the evaluation to see whether the
organization. system is effectively implemented or not.
An organization sets its objectives and targets when significant The plan is then altered to increase
environmental aspects are determined. Lastly, an organization the EMS's efficiency. The review
initiate an action plan to meet the targets including segregate stage creates a loop of continuous
● An environmental audit typically contains three elements: agreed metrics (what should be
measured and how), performance measured against those metrics, and reporting on the
levels of compliance or variance
● Environmental impacts are now recognized as essential by all companies, and they
realize that their environmental performance will be scrutinized by a wide range of
interested parties
● Some companies conduct internal audits while others hire external auditors,
partially to improve the audit's credibility and partly due to a lack of internal
Types of environmental audit When to perform environmental
1. Compliance audit
• Notification from Department of Environment (DOE)
• Evaluates organization’s compliance status to the • Require for Condition of Approval for the Environmental
regulatory requirements relevant to that organization Impact Assessment or as Condition of License
• Provides an indication of the environmental risk that it • Environmental liabilities and insurance costs
poses • Investment and decisions to buy facilities
• Detailed investigation of specific issues
2. Environmental Management Systems Audit
• Corporate image and marketing opportunities
• Helps the organization or company understand how it is • Concern about the environmental impact of the
performing on its own environmental performance organization
standards. • Past environmental accidents
• Comparison of actual conditions to expected conditions,
and a determination as to whether one is in
conformance or not in conformance.
Limitations of environmental audit
• Time-consuming and expensive - not suitable for small
3. Environmental Risk Assessment businesses with limited financial resources.
• Address specific environmental risks that have been • Insincere - the company may simply want to take advantage
identified either by way of communication from of positive publicity without actually
interested parties, or detected by DOE through its intending to be environmentally responsible.
enforcement activities or as a result of the environmental • Biased - may lead to a consistently good
Who does it? Performed by external Performed by external and/or internal auditors.
auditors However, compliance audit can only performed by
competent external auditors registered under DOE
Methodology Based on accounting Varies between auditors and companies
standards. Etc: Malaysian
Financial Reporting
Standards (MFRS)
Access to audit The results are public Very few audits are public, although some results
documents in the form of are often published in the Environmental Reports
annual reports
Liability Auditors are partially liable With few exceptions that are negotiated between
for their reports. They have auditor and auditee, there is no external liability
The types of preliminary
❑ The organization must submit the preliminary
information information to the auditor within 14 calendar days of
the date the request is received. The Lead Auditor shall
● organization’s site layout showing key notify DOE if the organization does not submit the
activities, preliminary information within this or other agreed
● description of key activities (process timeframe. If the organization seeks exclusion of areas
flow) to be audited from the audit scope, the Lead Auditor
● an outline of environmental monitoring shall document this in the environmental audit report.
programs ❑ If the organization is unwilling to include the discoveries
● EIA conditions of approval in the scope of the audit, the auditor shall carry on with
● Conditions of licenses the agreed scope and at the same time the auditor
● Written approvals shall notify DOE immediately. The new discovery and
● Environmental Management Plans the reasons for the unwillingness of the organization to
● Erosion Control and Sedimentation enlarge the audit scope shall be documented in the
Plans environmental audit report.
● Any other approvals related to the
Environmental Quality Act 1974
● Other relevant document
Preparing the Audit administrative details
Necessary details:
environmental audit report i. DOE Audit Tracking v. Audit Scope/Areas
Importance of audit report: Number vi. Audit Criteria
● Prompt reporting secures the non-compliance as quickly as ii. Organization vii. Audit Site Visit Date
possible to minimize further environmental damage. Therefore, the
reporting period has been established to reflect the importance of
iii. Audit viii. Date of Report
the audit exercise and shall prevail unless otherwise agreed upon Location/Address ix. Lead Auditor
or notified by DOE iv. Organization x. Auditors
The audit report shall be prepared for submission to the Department of
Environment (DOE) according to the guidelines provided. Basically, the
Regulatory compliance summary
report should contain the following item:
● Audit administrative details
• To facilitate the administrative processing of
● Regulatory compliance summary the audit reports that will be submitted to the
● Main report – (Audit findings and recommendations)
• Useful for quick review on the audit findings by
● Attachments the higher management of the organization
Audit findings
The findings will fall into the following categories:
● Compliance - There is sufficient and appropriate evidence to demonstrate the particular
regulatory requirement has been complied with
● Non-compliance - Clear evidence has been collected to demonstrate the particular
regulatory requirement has not been complied with
Notes of non-compliance:
✓ If the organization has begun the process of compliance however the DOE still
considers that the organization is not in compliance, the Lead Auditor should ensure
that the mitigating circumstances are noted when documenting the non-compliance
✓ When writing non-compliances for air pollution control equipment, the non-
compliances shall be cited separately for each equipment. In addition, all instances
of scheduled waste found not in compliance with the regulation can be grouped
when citing the specific regulation
● Observations - Issues of environmental concern were observed which did not strictly
relate to the scope of the audit or assessment of compliance. Further observations
are considered to be indicators of potential noncompliance or areas
Stage 4: Promulgate “pathogen” Stage 5: Give a prescription with: Stage 6: Supervise the
in discovering the reasons for proposing targeted suggestion implementation by carrying out
former unsatisfactory follow-up work
governance result.
• Enhance R&D in pollution
governance • The auditor should examine
• Inadequate of fund for • Planning as a whole in associated whether organizations adopt
environmental protection audit work and announcing the effective measures to improve the
• Inconformity of data problems discovered at any time environmental conditions.
standard from various • Competent authority should • If organizations reject to fulfill their
department causes failure of formulate unified environmental responsibility, audit institutions
communication in information disclosure standard as should enforce and enact proper
environmental information soon as possible punishment so that the authority
• The environmental of environmental audit be
information disclosure safeguarded to improve
system is not normative the governance
of environmental
Case study - EMS with Construction Site: Kelantan, Malaysia
Aim of conducting EMS
1. Awareness of EMS among the construction players in Kelantan State is very low.
implementation survey:
• Although most of the construction players understand what EMS is, yet they did not
i. To check for the existence of implement and apply the system within the construction sites.
environmental management • They understand an EMS and its obligation, but some of them, indicated that it is not
skill and experience among important to be implemented, as they are doing projects just to get the profit.
the construction players • Although, the construction players understand an EMS, but they do not have any skills and
within construction site experiences in implementing EMS within construction site.
ii. To know their awareness and 2. The construction players level of knowledge of an EMS was very poor.
understanding of • They do not really know and understand which of the EMS framework, standards and
Environment Management specification they should follow and based on.
System (EMS) 3. Most of the construction companies do not have an environmental or sustainability policy,
iii. To access the responsibilities they do not have intention to develop an EMS and also do not have EMS steering
and acceptance of EMS committee or management team to lead the EMS.
among the construction
players in their construction
activities and their
understanding to the The construction players should have more environmental training
and they should know the EMS so that in the future can create
implementation of EMS in
order to create a sustainable sustainable environment and avoid any negative impacts on the
development environment.