Research Question: How does students’ lifestyle affect their academic performance?
Thesis Statement: Students’ lifestyle directly impacts students’ academic performance in that a
healthier lifestyle of students is positively correlated to their academic performance, while high-
stress level has a negative influence.
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Topic: Promoting Students’ Lifestyle
I. Introduction
enough sleep, managing stress, and having a strong spiritual foundation, are well-
established components of maintaining a good and healthy lifestyle, lowering the risk of
illness, and improving each student's wellbeing. All students' academic performance is
correlated with their healthy behaviors, indicating that leading unhealthy lifestyles may
Health is important, the way a person learn and remember information depends on
their physical and mental well-being. A student’s lifestyle observed to have a significant
enough of sleep, eating well, exercising, managing stress, and more are associated in
both positive and negative lifestyle practices. Students who have unhealthy lifestyle tends
Many of them have a healthy lifestyle practice that result to positive impact on the
on the academic performance of the students. This study helps to determine the
relationship between healthy lifestyle and academic performance, to identify the positive
and negative impact of healthy lifestyle in academic performance, and to examine the
learning institution, everyone has a lifestyle that affects day-to-day activities in a learning
environment. Now, Lifestyle has been one of the central subjects of increasing research
health status. The World Health Organization (2021) defines health as a state of complete
physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease. It adds
behavior and lifestyle and even suggested recommendations that a Healthy Lifestyle can
reduce the risk of avoidable health problems and improve a person’s quality of life.
“state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of
disease. According to Farhud (2015) lifestyle has a significant influence on physical and
mental health of human being. There are different forms of such influences. Nowadays,
students at university have a different lifestyle due to tight academic timetables, rules and
unhealthy trends, such as insufficient nutrition, lack of rest, and physical activities.
Students with an unhealthy lifestyle commonly have less nutrients and physical activity
and are identified as more depressed and weaker in mind and physique. Past studies show
that unhealthy students are more likely to deal with difficulty in learning and thus impact
lifestyle inherited from university will affect the student’s quality of life. Therefore, the
university’s top management needs to inspire their students to improve health and well-
C. A growing number of studies have been performed regarding the positive effect of
children and show that students who are less physically active obtain lower grades and
academic behaviour, and cognitive skills and attitudes. According to Maniaci et al.
(2021) Academic performance was positively correlated with good diet, perceived social
with high versus low correct grade point averages in relation to lifetime and current use
of illegal drugs. Last, academic performance was negatively correlated with Internet use,
perceived stress, and bad diet. A multiple regression analysis was conducted to predict
academic achievement based on good diet, physical activity, self-esteem, sleep hours,
perceived stress, problematic Internet use, perceived social support, and lifetime
substance use while controlling for age, gender, and years of education. As expected,
habits are interrelated, and it significantly predict perceived stress. The more the students
follow a healthier lifestyle, the less they perceive stress. Unhealthy lifestyle activities
may be linked to stressful student life, and a negative correlation may exist between
lifestyle habits and perceived stress levels. According to a study conducted by Vogel &
that are more stable. Stress, however, severely weakens memory retrieval, increasing the
students may lead to anxiety or problems with their cognitive functioning, and some
withdrawn, and hostile toward their peers. These situations may lead to unhealthy coping
mechanisms that could bring about unhealthy habits to their lifestyle, consequently
B. How Stress and Habits Impacts Students Well-Being and Academic Performance
A study conducted by Dubuc et al. (2019) concludes that favorable lifestyle habits
research have examined the impact of student stressors on student performance. Students
that lead unhealthy lifestyles suffer negative effects on their academic achievement as
well. Poor lifestyle habits have a significant impact on students' well-being, which can
therefore have an impact on their academic performance, attendance, and attention span.
The relationship between stress and academic success is determined by lifestyle.
Stressors seems significantly predicted by lifestyle. The more frequently the students lead
healthier lifestyles, the less stress they experience. Stress can be found to escalate with
age and educational level. According to research done by Shah et al. (2010), stress was
found to negatively affect academic performance. Stressful student life may be correlated
performance is through stress. Though researchers have made efforts to understand the
impact of stress on academic performance in several countries across the globe for
college students, extremely limited studies focus on adolescent stressors and their
both directly and indirectly. While stress has a negative association with academic
performance, obesity seems not to affect student exam scores. Stress is positively related
performance as well.
results, and those who did not performed worse academically. It is well known that using
certain substances can decrease learning and memory capacity and produce cognitive
problems in the short, medium, and long term. Specifically, the students who consumed
tobacco, alcohol, and other substances, namely cocaine, hashish, LSD, and glue, obtained
worse academic results than those who did not consume them. In addition, abstinence
from using tobacco, alcohol, and other substances was linked to better academic
performance in general, and early exposure to these substances was linked to worse
academic results. Health education and promotion programs are implemented in schools
to not only promote healthy lifestyles and improve health outcomes among the student
population, but also to improve their academic performance. Further, health education
and promotion of healthy lifestyles should be integrated into the educational strategies