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APPIM PT. MITRA PINASTHIKA MUSTIKA ‘Travel Settlement No: Ts;u2aMPMHotoaza23 Name LIRFAR SHODIK Employee 03 rade a ‘Orpanzation (CORPORATE MARKETING STRATEGY Homebase Posion DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGER Purpose PO SURABAYA, Durston 3 Days (24 Jan 2023-26 Jan 2028) Request No Poioozsmpunons2023 Roquast Date (08 Mar 2023 Bank Code ul Branch Name: al Account Number oy Account Name Holder rut ‘ravelexpense JAAR SHODIK (24 Jan 2023-26 Jan 2029) Expense Name Nomiat Amountt | Cash Advance" | Cash Roum Remark 703.0000, 009 0.00 [MEAL 700,00000 00 (0.00 BENS %29,000°00 000 000 Total Expense 23,000.00 cashasvance 000 cash Return 000 Balance de to Employee 523,000.00 Balance de to company “in acoounting cuency ‘TRAVEL PERIOD (from _to loaso complete al highlighted yellow fields. TER must be attached with al origin! receipts "EMPLOYEE NAME (Full Nae) Travel Expense Report (TER) ce ee EMPLOYEE 1D| GRADE ‘ORGANIZATION UNIT Page 1 of POSTION ‘COST CENTER ‘Total Cash Advance Please pay to the Employee the amount of Ba D00. Dare n 2 3 az 5 . T tlolo vocamnons sccomuoparion emerranwenr| _onien wfaln Craven) carer wea taunony |"Mortnemal?”| expenses | gTOTAL e|r|t reinburtenet Samah’ | wearer " Tra Coes ase a5 8 a Tost 708 a BOOBS 20.000 Torr] I ae] roo aa Expense Pod By Employee 403.000 | Requested By, Approved, Daily Allowance Fillin no, of day's): Ss) 2000 | (Employes) (Direct Manager) way 4 L vy Cash Advance: —_— ——— resort net Name: te Sothe—_ Nane Nain fates fret one "Shas Nae awe 53-000 [Employee Authorization: Vhereby declare that ll de Information | statedin page 1 and 2 of the business travel rembureemant report i Travel Expense Report (TER) Details Page 2012 Description of une] {Guest Name Position Company Entertainment Purpose of Entertainment ‘Amount Tora Colum 7 Catinin 3 MEAL exclode enerainmen Calum 3- TRANSPORT Tolurin 6 OTHER EXPENSES Line Breakfast tunch | oinner Line | Description Please specty in deta) | Amount | Line| Description please specify in deal) ‘Amount ParkirInap 1 - Bandara Soekarno 1 | Coffee Garde y 3 jen 200,000. Z| Sop Janda Sur ¥ Please complet Travel Request Form (TRF) Please nce that one TRF is only used for one businoss tp. the yellow field below and obtain necessary approval. When approved, submit a copy to HR Service. MEM Employee Name NP ‘Organization Unit Position Tie Grade ‘Cost Genter Jafar Shodik 085. “Marketing Strategy” Digital Planning & insight Manager é T2101 Travel Type (cross one) Purpose of Business Travel [iining Seminar, crcl one [Mowing (rail Group) crete one Mesting MPM Mulia [omer loose spect, |Please cross tis check box and write det below f you have to upgrade hotel ecommodation with your superiorlother senior lve for business purpose 1nd Hotel Details Travel Period date Visits/Training/Meeting Schedule “Type of Transpon (lick | Transpo Departure Gi New From To Dato “Time (start Finish) the dropdown) Provider'* | Time(hh:mm)™= zoel Nome! Bean 3 Bin Balen 25 50.00 Wi. ‘Aine Compan Purpose of Entertainment ‘LunehvDinnee LunehyDinner ‘LunehyDinner Extemal witiem © MEM Mula, Lunch/Dinner each in Ts for 1 entrainment purpose, therefore if you enterain the same guest for few Unes, should be writen in diferent line Requested By, aaa Approved By, (Corporate Dig Marketing Stategy Oi-Hesd) Shs

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