BENLAC - Financial Literacy

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Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

Bayambang Campus
College of Teacher Education
Bayambang, Pangasinan


in Building and Enhancing New Literacies
Across the Curriculum

Module 8: Financial Literacy

Financial Stability • 10 Strategies in reaching Financial Stability • Signs of Being
Financially Stable • Integrating Financial Literacy into the Curriculum

Submitted by:
Hazel C. Cariaga

Submitted to:
Mr. Mike Kelvin Nicole N. Buted

October 2022
Detailed Lesson Plan in Prof. Ed. 110
Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

I. Objectives:
a. Define financial stability and identify the signs of being financially stable.
b. Apply the 10 strategies in reaching financial stability
c. Justify the cognitive understanding of financial components and skills such us
personal financial management

Values Integration: Cooperation, teamwork, obedience and helpfulness

II. Subject Matter/Topic:

A. References
De Leon, Elmer B. (2020). Building and Enhancing New Literacies
Across the Curriculum. Lorimar Publishing, Inc. Metro Manila

B. Materials
Marker, Illustration Board, Visual Aids, PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities:
- Greetings

Good Morning Class. Good Morning Teacher.

Please all stand for the prayer (Students will stand up)

- Prayer (A student will lead the prayer)


- Checking of Attendance

You may now take you seat

and let’s check who’s absent
for today’s lesson.

I see that everyone is present.

- Set classroom rules.

Respect and listen to the

Raise your hand to
Be prepared for class.
Be quiet when the
teacher is talking.

B. Review

What we have learned last About Life Insurance

Based from the last discussion, It is a contract between an insurer
what have you understand about and a policy owner. A life insurance
life insurance? policy guarantees the insurer pays a
sum of money to named beneficiaries
when the insured dies in exchange
for the premiums paid by the
policyholder during their lifetime.

I see that you understand and

learned a lot from our previous
discussion. Today, we will
continue and unlock a new
lesson and learning. But before
we start, let’s play first a game.

C. Motivation

Group Activity

(The teacher will divide the class

into four groups.)

1. Each group will have an
illustration board and marker.
2. Teacher will pick a letter and
each group will give a word
that connects to “Financial or
Financial Stability”.
3. Each word will be scored to 5
or 10.
4. For the next letter to pick,
another member of the group
will play and answer.
5. The group who got highest (Member who won from the game
score will receive a prize. will get their prize from teacher.)

D. Presentation of the Lesson

From the game that we played,

what do you think will be our
lesson for today? About Financial Stability

From your state right now, can Yes…

you say that you are already
financially stabled? If yes, how No….
would you say that you are
financially stabled?

Do you have any plan to do how Yes…

to become financially stabled?

E. Development of the
Lesson/Lecture Proper
What do we mean by Financial It is a living a life without worrying
Stability? Any idea? about how to pay next bill, and
becoming stress-free about money
while focusing energy on other
parts of life.

Yes, very good!

Do you have any strategies to do Yes, Teacher.

how to save money?

What does saving money means Saving money means controlling

to you and how do you do it? spending money, and prioritize
what we need most.

Babauta (2007) suggests 10 1. Making saving automagical

habits toward financial stability
and success. What are these? 2. Control your impulsive

3. Evaluate your expenses and

live frugally

4. Invest in your future

5. Keep your family secure

6. Eliminate and avoid debt

7. Use the envelope system

8. Pay bills immediately

9. Read about personal


10. Look to grow your net worth

Is there anyone here who have a Yes, Teacher.

part-time job?

There are signs of a financially (Read from the slides)

stable person and some of it
presented by Rose (2019).

Aside from strategies and signs

of being financially stable, there
are is also an Integrating
Financial Literacy into the

How does education and Financial education in school should

financial relates to each other? be part of a collaborative national
strategy to ensure relevance a long-
term sustainability.
Does financial education Yes, and Financial Education should
important? ideally be a core part of the school

F. Generalization

In you own words and Financial Stability means you are not
understanding, what is financial worried about your financial situation,
stability? worriless about paying bills, debt-free
and you save most of your money for
your future goals and emergency

From the strategies we have Control your impulsive spending.

discussed, give at least 1 and lessen and control spending money
state how can you apply this in with unimportant things, and control
your own life. our cravings if we could have it in our
home instead of ordering and eating

I can see that all of you have

learned and could apply
everything we have discussed for
today’s discussion.

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Choose the best answer.

1. Financial Stability is not about being rich but rather more of a _______.
a. money
b. success
c. mindset
d. bill

2. Below are some signs of being financially stable, EXCEPT one.

a. You’re a natural debtor.
b. You don’t worry about losing your job.
c. You pay your bills ahead of time.
d. You’re confident about your future.

3. It means saving should be you top priority.

a. Use envelope system.
b. Pay bills immediately.
c. Invest in your future.
d. Make saving auto magical.

4. Financial literacy has a wide percussion outside the family circle and more
precisely, in school. It is according to?
a. Barry (2019)
b. Babauta (2007)
c. Rose (2019)
d. Silva (2019)
5. Set aside three amounts in budget each payday, withdraw those amounts
and put them in three separate envelopes.
a. Use the envelope system.
b. Look to grow your net worth.
c. Keep your family secure.
d. Control impulsive spending.

6. Some are signs of being financially stable, EXCEPT one.

a. You’re a natural saver.
b. You could survive for months without a paycheck.
c. You pay your bills ahead of time.
d. You lose sleep over finances.

7. ____________ can give a range of “real-life” contexts across a range of

a. Financial Stability
b. Financial Education
c. Financial Literacy
d. Financial Institutions

8. The education system and profession should be involved in the

development of the _____________.
a. strategy
b. pedagogy
c. subjects
d. curriculum

9. A strategy in reaching financial stability except for.

a. Eliminate and avoid dept.
b. Rad about personal finances.
c. Make saving auto magical.
d. Keep your family unsecure.

10. According to Silva 2016, Financial Stability is living a life without worrying
about how to pay next bill, and becoming stress-free about money while
focusing energy on other parts of life.
a. True
b. False

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. B

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