Reading Job Advertisements 4 PDF

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Test Your Reading Skills

Reading Job Advertisements 4

Read the following extracts from job advertisements. Complete the gaps using the words
below, then match each extract (1-10) to a sentence (a-j):

conditions home part time exp dependent

benefits applicants pay discussion role

1. Work from _____.

2. Previous ________ need not apply.

4. ____ preferred but not essential.

3. Excellent terms and __________.

Starting salary
5. Your ___ will include… 6.
on experience.

7. Excellent _________ include 25 days’ paid holiday.

8. For an informal ________ about this post, please

telephone Emma Peet on 01332 9487604.

9. Good rates of ______.

10. Full and ________ Vacancies.

a) If you get the job, you will be well looked-after by the company.
b) If you have applied for the same job before, please do not reapply.
c) Here are some of the duties.
d) If you would like to talk about the job in more detail, please contact…
e) The money you will earn will vary depending on what you have done in the past.
f) You can apply even if you have never done this job before.
g) You will be well rewarded financially.
h) There are jobs with various hours available.
i) You don’t need to go to work every day.
j) Good annual leave entitlement is one of the perks of the job.
Test Your Reading Skills
Reading Job Advertisements 4


1. Work from home.

2. Previous applicants need not apply.

4. Exp preferred but not essential.

3. Excellent terms and conditions.

Starting salary
5. Your role will include… 6.
dependent on

7. Excellent benefits include 25 days’ paid holiday.

8. For an informal discussion about this post, please

telephone Emma Peet on 01332 9487604.

9. Good rates of pay.

10. Full and Part Time Vacancies.

a) 3.
b) 2.
c) 5.
d) 8.
e) 6.
f) 4.
g) 9.
h) 10.
i) 1.
j) 7.

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