OTOLOGY Sir Babar Ospe
OTOLOGY Sir Babar Ospe
OTOLOGY Sir Babar Ospe
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Aural hematoma Perichondritis Keloid formation
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osteoma ~
Chronic suppurative
Acute mastoiditis auditory canal otitis
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Malignant otitis
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Examination of ear
Qt.q_Lqglgj Examination
How is Mastoid?
Is f!nJJA Normal?
Is t.~M Normal?
Is TM Normal?
~mlllYll.r Examination
How Is Hearing on Voice Tests [What is the type of hearing Loss]?
Tuning Fork Tests [ What is the 'Type of Hearing Loss]?
Is facial nerve normal?
Is there NY.$_t~m_~ [Yes/No
Facial nerve
Examination: Ear
Size and shape of the gjoo~
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Classical symptoms : deafness, tinnitus, discharge (0!9rrh.Q~). pain
(Q!s!g.@) and vertigo.
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.400 ·300 ·200 .,oo O .,oo •200 . 0 -300 ·200 .,oo O .,oo .200
pink dot s~ow
X.r:ay mastoids Oblique lateral view
Mastoid air cells
Tympanic cavity
Temporomandibular joint
Qura! plate
Sinus plate
• Smgle radiolucent shadow is seen. It can be present in sclerotic as well as normal mastoid
• Dlfferentlal diagnosis:
• Cholestcatoma
• Operated mllstoldectomy
• Large antral cell
• Large pen-antral cell
Radloluccnt mastoid
• Malignancy
• Chronic masto1dlt1s with granulations
• Eosinophllic gra nuloma
• Tuberculosis
• Multiple myeloma
• Skull metastases from kidney, bronchus. breast etc.