Marija Zdravkovic-Ls-Our Precious Food

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Our precious food

Marija Zdravkovic
Scientix Learning ScEnario

Our precious food

Marija Zdravkovic

Cooking represents everyday necessity, but not always we do it properly. Students will start
to broaden their horizon concerning the quality and the quantity of the food they eat. Food
waste is also a global problem. We are trying to solve it locally.

Food, cooking, composting, making a video

Attribution ShareAlike CC BY-SA. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your
work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the original creation and license
their new creations under the identical terms.

Subject(s) Biology, ICT, English Language

Topic(s) Food :

Age of students 14

Preparation time English language : 1 hour

Biology : 1 hour
ICT : 30 minutes

Teaching time English language – 2 hours

Biology – 45 minutes
IT – 45minutes
Interdisciplinary class – 45 minutes to 1 hour

Online teaching Microsoft Teams (all the links are given in the class’s virtual classroom)
material Learning Apps : English:
Biology :
YouTube :
TedEd Talks

Offline teaching English : 70cm x 100cm white paper, sticky notes(different colours for
material different groups),
ICT : Power Point presentation : Video editing

Biology : a wooden box, shovel, dirt.

Resources used TedED video: School myths: food

Youtube video on composting

Aim of the lesson

Students will be able to name different kinds of food.
Students will be able to describe the process of preparing a meal.
Students will be able to record and edit a video.
Students will be able to make a compost.


Student Centered Learning: students and their needs are at the centre of the learning


Assessment: the focus of assessments is shifting from "what you know" to "what you can do."

Project-Based Learning: students get fact-based tasks, problems to solve and they work in

groups. This kind of learning usually transcends traditional subjects.

BYOD: Students bring their own mobile devices to the classroom.

STEM Learning: Increased focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

subjects in the curriculum

21st century skills

Communication – students will work on their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills
to engage in productive discussions.
Collaboration – students work in pairs and groups to complete activities and tasks.
Creativity and innovation – students create and develop new ideas and learn how to address
Critical thinking – students explore ideas and discuss, respect, and credit other points of
Problem-solving – students engage in solving real-world problems and develop the ability to
find a solution/answer.
Leadership and responsibilities – students develop the ability to guide and motivate each

STEM Strategy Criteria

Elements and criteria How is this criterion addressed in the learning

Personalization of learning The learning scenario intends to address different learning
needs and students’ interests. Students can excel at
different spheres of interest – English language, Biology –
agriculture, ICT – video making and editing
Problem and project-based The teacher provides open-ended questions and lets
learning (PBL) students find a solution. Students have the destination
they need to reach, but their journey is a unique
Inquiry-Based Science Education Students are encouraged to investigate, make
(IBSE) conclusions and solve the problems.
Curriculum implementation
Emphasis on STEM topics and The curriculum highlights STEM topics and competences,
competencies whereas the language is an instrument.
Interdisciplinary instruction This Learning Scenario will help us examine and
implement a variety of activities in a wide spectrum of
subjects, ranging from English as a second language
(non-STEM) biology, chemistry and IT (STEM).
Contextualization of STEM Real-world problems and experiences are presented to
teaching the students. Food waste is a global problem. We are
trying to solve it locally.
Continuous assessment Formative assessment is conducted in several ways :
teacher observation, task completion.
Summative assessment is done at the end of the LS.
Personalized assessment After presenting their video, students give feedback and
receive it from their teacher and peers. ( Teachers give
feedback at the interdisciplinary lesson, Padlet is used for
peer`s feedback.)
Professionalization of staff
Highly qualified professionals Different layers of this LS and professional support given
by ICT teacher and biology teacher.
Existence of supporting Our support staff play an important role in ensuring the
(pedagogical) staff students are learning in a safe and encouraging learning
Professional development Our school provides avenues for all staff’s professional
development, especially in teacher capacity building.
School leadership and culture
School leadership Existence of a governing board and management teams.
High level of cooperation among Staff are encouraged to support one another and work
staff together, having the space and time to do so.
Inclusive culture All opinions matter and are valued in our school.
With industry Professionals could be invited to the classroom.

Elements and criteria How is this criterion addressed in the learning
With parents/guardians Parents present their profession through school activities.
Since this LS is originally planned for the satellite
classroom which is located in the nearby village, parents
are invited to support and advise the making of compost.
With other schools and/or The learning scenario can be presented at a staff meeting.
educational platforms
With universities and/or research An ecologist or other professionals in the field could be
centers invited to the classroom.
With local communities Students are aware of ecological problems, locally.
School infrastructure
Access to technology and There is internet access at the school, an ICT classroom
equipment with computers and a projector in every classroom
High quality instruction classroom The school and its staff are encouraged to create high
materials quality personalized resources.

Lesson Plan
Lesson 1 : English as a second language ( 60min)
Name of Procedure Duration
Brainstorming Students in randomly made groups of 4-5, write different names of 15 min
food on sticky notes (1 word per note, every group has a pack of
differently coloured notes). It is important that groups don’t see
each other’s words.

Food Students do an exercise on Learning Apps 25 min

pyramid ( ) (they do it individually, but
are still grouped). After analysing the results as a class, the teacher
hangs a replica of a food pyramid from the Learning Apps exercise
(paper 70 x 100). Groups take turns to add words (sticky notes) to
the pyramid. The rule is that they can add words which haven’t
been mentioned in the exercise. Each new word is one point. The
winners can pick their pair for the final activity.
What should Words to pre-teach: debunk, obesity, lump, diabetes, heart 20 min
we eat? disease, sparingly, mislead, emphasis.
Students watch TedEd video (School myths: food and discuss: What should we eat?

Lesson 2 : Biology (45 minutes)

Name of Procedure Duration
Intro Students answer the question: 5 min
What is food waste?
Can we reuse it?

Recycling of Backyard composting – Students are explained what composting 25 min
food waste is and what it is used for. Students watch the video
Checking the understanding : Students do an activity at Learning
Apps ( )
To compost Students to an activity ‘’To compost or not to compost?’’ ( 10 min
or not to ), after the explanation that
compost? not all the food can be composted. Teacher gives any further
explanations, if needed.
Deal for the Students are told to gather their food waste and bring it to school, 5 min
future weekly, to compost. The fertilizer will be used for gardening at
school. Teacher gives detailed instructions.

Lesson 3: English ( 45 minutes)

Name of Procedure Duration
Cooking Students match cooking verbs to the pictures. 10 min
The process Students are explained that they are going to prepare a meal and 15 min
make a video of their cooking. Students fill in the example of giving
instructions. ( )

Closer to the Teacher explains that students are going to make a video while 20 min
goal preparing a meal of their choice. The members of the winning group
from the previous class can choose their pair for this activity, the
second placed group chooses afterwards and so on. Students work
in pairs, but each one has to record a video of their own. The point
of this pairing is that they will need help doing the task, a student
alone can’t cook and film at the same time. In order to complete the
task, students have to pick a recipe, read the ingredients, and
explain what they are doing while cooking.
When they film the video and edit it, they’ll need to post their video
on the Padlet wall.
Students ask questions.

Lesson 4 : ICT ( 45 minutes)

Name of Procedure Duration
Revision Students are shown a presentation to revise editing a video (Video 5 min
editing.pptx ).

Getting Students edit their videos by accomplishing several demands: 40 min

things done
1. Add a title sequence
2. Add background music
3. Add the text of a recipe
4. Add your video to the Padlet wall:

5. Comment on three other videos and explain your choice;
Say whether you’d like to try The cookin’

Interdisciplinary lesson
Name of Procedure Duration
The 45-60
presentation Students present their videos. min
of the work After all the presentations, students give their feedback on .

The final activity is a form of an assessment: students present their videos, whereas English
language skills are assessed by an English Language teacher (appropriate vocabulary,
correct grammar, fluency) and the quality of the video edited is assessed by an ICT teacher
(by the given criteria:
1. Add a title sequence
2. Add background music
3. Add the text of a recipe
4. Add your video to the Padlet wall
5. Comment on three other videos and explain your choice; Say whether you’d like to
try The cookin’).

Student feedback
After the final class students give their feedback on They answer the
following questions: The lessons were…, Were the activities interesting?, How do you feel

Teachers’ remarks
Add here your comments and evaluation AFTER the implementation of this lesson, if any.

About Scientix
Scientix, the community for Science Education in Europe, promotes and supports a Europe-
wide collaboration among STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other STEM education professionals. If
you need more information, check the Scientix portal, or contact either the Scientix National
Contact Point or Scientix Ambassadors in your country.

Add here any annex(es) for the Learning Scenario, if needed.

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