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Exploration Fund; A.

Mariette-Bey, The Monuments of Upper

preserved at South Kensington, nearly half the vestment is

Constitution. -- The sovereignty over the territory was

by the Buddha just before his death (Book of the Great

and the sea. They claim to be Arabs, but are more akin to

gods descending the Maranon and another ascending the Amazon

John Abernethy (see above), was born in London on the 3rd of

Gye, the theatrical manager. Her stage name of Madame

ff., and Lagercrantz, Zur griechischen Lautgeschichte (Upsala, 1898).

Piz Linard . . . . . . . . . . 11,201 Vesulspitze. . . . . . . . . . . 10,145

ft. From this he was led to the final value of 6.566 for

during recent years in the more important articles of food.

turn to the fortunes of the painter, whose pictures were now


and even discharged by heat it has been referred by some

their effects on the human body, and chemistry profited by

Sir Hyde Parker at Gros Islet Bay in Santa Lucia. In May M.

paper Liberty (1892 sqq.); Instead of a Book, by one too

TABLE XXV.--Imports of Live Stock from Ireland into Great

to Kimberley, with a junction at De Aar with that from Port

artist, was born on the 8th of .fanuary 1836, at Dronrijp, a

in the duchy. A few years later he was chosen director of the

Edinburgh he practised at the bar for some years with very fair

manner. From the germ of maize--which must be separated

``heirs'' go into abeyance like baronies by writ has been

daughter, to mediate a truce between his father-in-law and

the Deity--we never can have any ``scientific'' ground for

by the Anglo-Russian agreement of 1873 in favour of the Afghan

in any case, the goods may, by agreement between the shipowner


were allowed to compete for prizes being reduced to three

them. An attack on Quintus Cicero (brother of the orator),

precinct and the outbreak of hostilities. This inference

who, as appeareth by his treatise, then taught Arithmetike,

AUTHORITIES.---Jose R. Carricido, El P. Jose de Acosta

one of the ports whence Solomon's fleet sailed to Ophir.

nature that had lately grown up in French literature; and,

Dittmar). All the ammonia contained in an aqueous solution

in the presence of sunlight. The presence of phycocyanin,

(Old Red Sandstone) des Iles Britanniques et de Russie.

Gurma } Momfu { with Pygmy

Kokchetav (5000); and Petropavlovsk (21,769 in 1901).

resentment in Portugal, and the government, unable to obtain

this narrow foundation was raised a vast super- structure,

post for him at Berlin, but the offer did not reach Norway

movement of the index needle. In order that this may take

Thellusson. Owing, however, to the heavy expenses, the amount

the maintenance of order in the principal coast towns. The

occasion the prizes offered amounted to close upon L. 5000 in

e.g. in chemistry, may show that what was thought to

to his home in the valley from the hut (a small building on

unintelligible without knowledge of the runic alphabet) was

on the 31st of March 1741 it was incorporated as the Royal

the patronage of the great. The two leading spirits of the

his elevation to the House of Lords. Except under the brief

voice, and appeared first in opera in London under Colonel

through a conduit 5 m. long, which is connected with the

amendments of the Food Acts; these, as at present interpreted

ratifying this agreement on the 22nd of November proposed

quasi-judicial.11 A distinction is taken between entrusting

in Ambrose Philips's Distressed Mother when Macready made

of the current renders its navigation very difficult, and

empress Judith for a redivision of the empire in favour of

the resulting soda-ash is not of the first quality, but it is

the rights of a subject are infringed by the illegal action

marriage, and became king of Jerusalem in right of his wife in

manhood, he became successively secretary of the Embassy in

beautifully developed crystals so abundant in crystal-lined

the chief cause of the aberrations of the Munster fanatics.

so that when it has burnt down to this hole one of the side

the front, and in 1762 he was appointed sole architect to the

females. The percentage of illegitimacy is about 7. The

to Menaechmus two methods of solving the equation x3=a

ways and up inclined planes of earth, which were afterwards

value, they would be received as just payment; but if they

to 20 m. along the whole course of the river; by peasant

church. Aconcio sought to find the common denominator of

the Incorporated Tamworth Pig Breeders' Association.

Trans. Roy. Soc. (vol. cxc., London, 1898); E. Janczewski,

into all substances, even the most opaque, the absorption

duchy of Austria with Styria in 1282, Carinthia and Carniola in

a man of education and intelligence, superior to those among

previously overthrown Ben-hadad and his thirty-two kings, who

missions, two Russian, three French and one British, were

antikeitai. Having reached this conclusion, he was able to

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