FP0002 Economics PDF
FP0002 Economics PDF
FP0002 Economics PDF
James Abdey
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Interrelated courses 3
Syllabus 3
Examination advice 8
For example, take a look at this geographically accurate map of the London Underground
where the lines are simply overlaid onto a regular city map https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/
tube-map/. In contrast to the schematic map, we can see that this one accurately represents the
precise geographic locations of stations. If you were to follow the schematic map outright, you
could end up taking a longer route.
The route from Holborn to Temple appears quite far away on the schematic map, requiring at
least two trains and lines to get there. When in fact, geographically, they are only around ten
minutes apart by foot.
Also, even line names can be a model. Most notably, the Circle line (in yellow) is clearly not a true
circle. Does it matter? Well, the Circle line forms a loop and it is an easy name to remember, so
arguably here the simplification of the name outweighs the slight depature in reality from a true
Our key takeaway is that models inevitably involve trade-offs. As we further simplify reality (a
benefit), we further depart from reality (a cost). In order to determine whether or not a model is
‘good’, we must decide whether the benefit justifies the cost. Resolving this cost-benefit trade-off
is subjective – further adding to life’s complexities!
Interrelated courses
As you embark on the International Foundation Programme it is important to appreciate the
links across courses. Indeed, as you recognise the connections between disciplines there
will be economies of scale in your studies, allowing you to obtain a deeper understanding of
content and become more efficient at studying!
For example, economists are keen consumers of economic statistics – data on variables
of interest (such as the price of crude oil, the level of unemployment and foreign exchange
rates). Of course, when analysing data we need to apply data visualisation and descriptive
statistics as covered in Units 12 and 13 of FP0001 Mathematics and Statistics. Also, when
interested in exploring the relationship between variables, such as price and quantity when
modelling demand and supply, we use algebra to form mathematical equations (as seen in Unit
2 of FP0001 Mathematics and Statistics).
Assuming rational behaviour, a firm makes a decision on its level of production in order to
maximise profits and differential calculus can solve such an ‘unconstrained optimisation problem’
(as seen in Unit 7). Whereas in your mathematics course you focus on the mathematics of
calculus, the economic interpretation of such results is of importance in your study of economics.
Government intervention in markets, as well as the tax-and-spend decisions of government
(known as fiscal policy) are clearly political decisions with links to FP0004 Politics, while
FP0003 International Relations can be useful when understanding the challenges when
forming international agreements such as trade blocs.
The course is divided into six units, each of them further divided into two to five smaller sections.
You should be aware, however, that they are not mutually exclusive, that is the sections do not
cover completely separate issues, and you will soon start to find links between them. The best
way to study is to work through the subject guide starting with Unit 1, as each subsequent unit
builds on everything else covered before.
to consider different mechanisms by which society determines what, how and for whom to
You should be aware, however, that the above topics are not mutually exclusive, that is the
sections do not cover separate issues and you will soon start to find links between them, as well
as links to other disciplines. The best way to study is to work through the subject guide in order,
as each subsequent topic builds on everything else covered before in a cumulative way.
Microeconomics is concerned with modelling the behaviour of individual consumers and
firms. Consumers decide what quantity to buy of different goods and services based on a
variety of factors such as price, income, tastes and preferences. Firms produce the goods and
services which consumers buy and can be assumed to be profit-maximising, i.e. firms decide
on their output subject to the price, for example, the revenue they receive per unit, as well as
their cost of production, with profits being the difference between revenues and costs.
Demand and supply curves can be used to illustrate the relationship between price and
quantity from the consumer’s and firm’s perspectives, respectively. Equilibrium is achieved
when demand equals supply. Throughout the microeconomics units you will see several links
to the mathematics part of FP0001 Mathematics and Statistics, and these connections will
be emphasised in this subject guide. This is because economic relationships can be modelled
mathematically as well as graphically.
The price which a firm receives per unit of output sold will depend on the market structure, i.e.
how many firms operate in a particular market. At one extreme there is a pure monopoly (only
one firm in the market), while at the other extreme there is perfect competition (in principle an
infinite number of firms). The type of market structure affects the influence the firm has over the
price and hence revenues.
Market failure sometimes occurs whereby the price mechanism fails to allocate resources
efficiently. In such circumstances there is a possible role for government intervention to
achieve a socially-acceptable allocation. We will look at reasons for market failure and examples
of how and when governments should intervene.
Other topics which you will meet in microeconomics include elasticities (the sensitivity of demand
to changes in a variable), consumer and producer surplus, tax, social welfare and labour markets.
Macroeconomics considers an economy at the aggregate level, sacrificing analysis of individual
consumers and firms for an economy as a whole. The concepts of demand and supply met
in microeconomics will be extended to aggregate demand and aggregate supply when
summed over all individual units. When you hear economic stories in the news, these usually
concern macroeconomic variables such as economic growth, unemployment and inflation – all
of which will be discussed in this course.
Given the prevalence of macroeconomics in the news, you will no doubt see several time series
graphs of macroeconomic data. When you do, relate these to the data exploration units (Units 12
and 13) of FP0001 Mathematics and Statistics.
The primary macroeconomic policy tools are monetary policy (the setting of interest rates
by central banks) to combat inflation (among possible other objectives) and fiscal policy
(the tax-and-spend decisions of governments). A graphical treatment will allow us to consider
how different policy mixes, for example, an expansionary monetary policy combined with a
contractionary fiscal policy, can affect the economy.
Introduction to the course 7
Modern economies trade with each other, and we will explore the international economy
through a study of exchange rates (the price of one currency in terms of another) and the
impact these have on the balance of payments (which compares the value of imports and
exports), as well as international trade in general.
Finally, we will look at different measures of economic development. While economic
development may seem desirable, how do we quantify this? A purely monetary measure may be
misleading, so different measures will be introduced enabling you to critique each one.
Background reading
The subject guide gives you a comprehensive commentary on the issues discussed and will help
you to understand the main ideas – you should always refer to it first as the subject guide
represents the definitive examinable content.
Once you have read the subject guide, you may wish to deepen your knowledge by reading
relevant sections from the following textbooks:
• Anderton, A. and D. Gray (Ed) Economics. (Lancashire: Anderton Press, 2015) 6th edition
[ISBN 9780993133107].
• Gillespie, A. AS & A Level Economics through diagrams. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009)
3rd edition [ISBN 9780199180899].
Further reading
The following texts, although not compulsory, can help you gain more knowledge of economics
as a whole. If you have time, you may want to read some of the following:
• Davies, H. The financial crisis - who is to blame? (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2010) [ISBN
• Frank, R.H. The economic naturalist: why economics explains almost everything. (New York: Virgin
Books, 2008) [ISBN 9780753513385].
• Harford, T. The undercover economist. (London: Abacus, 2007) [ISBN 9780349119854].
• Jevons, M. The fatal equilibrium. (New York: Penguin Random House, 1986) [ISBN
• Klein, G. and Y. Bauman The cartoon introduction to economics, Volume I: Microeconomics. (New
York: Hill and Wang, 2010) [ISBN 9780809094813].
• Klein, G. and Y. Bauman The cartoon introduction to economics, Volume II: Macroeconomics.
Introduction to the course 8
Examination advice
Important: the information and advice given in the following section are based on the
examination structure used at the time this subject guide was written. We strongly advise you to
check both the current Regulations for relevant information about the examination and the VLE
where you should be advised of any forthcoming changes. You should also carefully check the
rubric/instructions on the paper you actually sit and follow those instructions.
You may think it is too early to think about your examination, but you could not be further from
Introduction to the course 9
the truth! The year will pass quickly, and without even realising it you will soon be only a few
weeks away from your final assessment - a two-hour unseen written examination.
The examination will seek to test the following specific areas and skills:
1. subject knowledge applied to short qualitative and quantitative questions
2. ability to respond and apply economic knowledge/theory to data provided, i.e. ‘stimulus
3. ability to consider at length a particular area of economics and then to write an answer in a
coherent and structured way. This answer must include knowledge, analysis and judgements
based on an objective review of the evidence presented. It must clearly consider different
Economics cannot be learned by heart through memorisation. It must be understood and
this is a gradual process taking both time and effort. Here are a few useful study tips to help you
prepare for the final examination.
Be systematic – do not leave all the work until the last moment. It is impossible to squeeze
the whole course into one month before the examination. Neither is it possible to do well by
learning only selected topics. Remember that all topics are interrelated.
The examination consists of questions of similar difficulty to activities in this subject guide
and on the VLE, testing your knowledge of the course material, your analytical skills and your
ability to apply tools learned in the course to real-life situations. Therefore, the best way is to
regularly complete the activities. You will not learn simply by accessing the answers before
you try the questions on your own!
Graphs are essential – the best way to learn is to draw them several times. When drawing
a graph, make sure you explain what it is showing. Label the axes and key points of your
diagram, such as any points of intersection of curves, as well as any shifts of curves.
Mind maps and revision sheets – after each topic create a mind map or a revision sheet
which highlights the most important ideas that you have learned so far. Do not rewrite the
whole book because a summary should be short and informative. Doing this will save you a
lot of time when revising for the final examination.
Glossary – definitions in economics are very important. You may want to learn some of these
by heart, but it is always more useful to try to explain the concepts using your own words. As
there are many new terms to learn, you are advised to review the glossary at the end of the
subject guide.
Last, but not least, here is a little secret about economics – it’s not all that complicated. It’s
really all about us and our behaviour. With this subject guide, you will very soon discover how
exciting and universal it is.
Good luck!
James Abdey
Unit 1: The nature and scope of economics
Introduction to Unit 1
Aims 11
Learning outcomes 11
Background reading 11
Further reading 11
This unit aims to:
introduce you to the concepts of the basic economic problem and opportunity cost
provide you with a general overview of different economic systems
provide you with tools which support the critical evaluation of the productive capacity of a
given economy.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, and having completed the background reading and activities, you should
be able to:
define the concepts of the basic economic problem, scarcity, efficiency, opportunity cost and
explain the main features of different economic systems
explain what is meant by the production possibility frontier and analyse its position and
Background reading
• Anderton, A. and D. Gray (Ed) Economics. (Lancashire: Anderton Press, 2015) 6th edition
[ISBN 9780993133107].
Please read the following units from Anderton (2015):
• Unit 3, pp. 12–16
• Unit 4, pp. 17–21
• Unit 5, pp. 22–25
• Unit 6, pp. 26–31.
Further reading
• Frank, R.H. The economic naturalist: why economics explains almost everything. (London: Virgin
Books, 2008)
• Introduction.
Unit 1: The nature and scope of economics 12
Introduction 13
Opportunity cost 14
Think of Planet Earth, home to around seven billion people, as the provider of resources for
the population such as food and shelter. Ideally, we would wish to allocate resources such that
everyone’s wants, or demands, are satisfied. Of course, the planet has finite resources while our
individual wants can be infinite. Therefore, we need to make choices and decide how to allocate
scarce resources between competing uses in the best possible way. This notion is referred to as
the basic economic problem.
Due to the scarcity of resources, it is impossible to meet the demands of all of us as individuals
and collectively – we cannot completely reconcile limited resources with our infinite wants.
Hence economics looks at what, how and for whom society produces goods and services.
Scarcity itself can be thought of as having to distribute a fixed stock of resources to best meet
our insatiable wants. However, what are these ‘resources’?
Formally, we view these economic resources as factors of production – the means for
producing the goods and services which people demand. We consider the four factors of
production, known as CELL for short:
Capital – human-made assets, such as machinery or buildings.
Entrepreneurship – the ability and originality to combine all factors of production to make
profits. ‘Confidence’ is sometimes also considered as part of entrepreneurship.
Land – all naturally-occurring resources, such as soil, air, water, minerals, flora and fauna.
Labour – people who provide physical and intellectual skills (human capital).
Some resources are renewable (they can be replaced), while others are not. Almost all resources,
however, are limited (at least in the short term) – there is a finite amount of water, oil, land, coal,
and so on, which is why economists say that these resources are scarce. For example, if you want
to buy a car, you can only purchase the one which you can afford. If the latest high-performance
car is beyond your budget, you cannot have it. If a government wants to build a new hospital,
it needs resources. If there is not enough money to fund it, no hospitals can be built. All goods
which are scarce are called economic goods. However, not all resources are limited. Take air as
an example. There is more air than anyone could ever need. All such goods which are (effectively)
infinite are called free goods. Although, you may argue that clean, breathable air is in short
supply in some of the world’s most polluted cities, as well as underwater!
Explain the difference between human needs and wants.
If we would all like more money, why does the government not print a lot more? Could it
not thereby solve the problem of scarcity instantly?
Unit 1: The nature and scope of economics • Section 1.1: The basic economic 14
problem, opportunity cost and economic systems
Opportunity cost
Economists think about ‘costs’ in a slightly different way to most people. They use the term
opportunity cost to represent the cost of the best alternative forgone. It is a cost associated
with engaging in a certain activity evaluated as the value of the best alternative you must give
up pursuing it.
Every day we face the same problem – what to do with our time. An hour has only 60 minutes; a
day has only 24 hours. The average life expectancy of a person born today is around 79 years (of
course, there are significant regional variations, as well as sex differences). Time is one of the most
valued of all scarce resources. Each of us needs to decide what to do with the finite amount of
time we have, to decide between leisure and study or work. Parents must decide how much time
to devote to their work and how much time they spend with their children. Every extra hour at
work means one less hour with family. Finding the right ‘work-life balance’ is difficult as it means
deciding which aspects of your life should be prioritised – what is most important in your life?
As you consider your university options you will face opportunity costs. You can only enrol in
one degree programme at one institution. You cannot take multiple degrees at the same time
(dual degree programmes aside!), so you must decide which discipline to study and where to
study. Some career destinations may require a certain type of degree. For example, if you want
to become a doctor you will need to study medicine, whereas if you aspire to be an economist
then an economics degree would be appropriate. Therefore, pursuing a BSc in Economics would
typically prevent you from becoming a doctor – there is an opportunity cost from specialising in
a particular discipline.
Admittedly, some professions may have a degree as an entry requirement, but are not specific
about the subject area. Therefore, any degree in a broad class of subjects may be sufficient.
However, employers may place different weights on the degree-awarding institution. For
example, an internationally-recognised degree from the University of London (regardless of
subject) would be deemed of higher quality than degrees awarded by many other universities.
As such, the university you choose to study at has an opportunity cost in terms of the best
alternative university forgone!
consider both sides of the argument. Indeed, we have already considered the benefit and cost of
working with models (simplicity versus departure from reality). Here, we consider the advantages
and disadvantages of the division of labour.
The advantages of the division of labour are that:
a person who spends time focused on one task quickly becomes highly-skilled
no time is wasted in moving from one job to another
capital equipment (such as machinery) can be used continuously in production
less time is required to train workers for specific tasks, as they only need to focus on one task
at a time
there is more choice of jobs for workers and they can specialise in tasks to which they are best
suited (in other words, if you are not good at something, you can focus on something else).
These benefits lead to a higher output per worker (a type of mean, or average) and help to
reduce the cost of single-unit production. Overall, the standards of living within the population
There are, however, also some drawbacks.
Disadvantages of the division of labour are that:
repetition of the same, easy tasks often creates monotony and boredom for the workers
in a large plant, where workers focus only on their own task, there might be a widespread
feeling of alienation due to the lack of interaction between workers
breaking down production into different tasks makes it easier to replace skilled workers with
machines, leading to structural unemployment
specialisation creates interdependence in production – if one group of workers goes on strike,
it could halt production across the whole industry.
Describe any three innovations which you would implement to minimise the
disadvantages of the division of labour.
pursuing their own self-interest which is meant to be optimal for society overall. Critics argue
that market failure can sometimes occur, leading to third-party effects such as pollution
(an example of an externality which will be discussed in Section 3.3) for which government
intervention is required.
In a centrally-planned economy, the central authority, i.e. the government, decides which
goods are to be produced. Such decisions were taken in the former Soviet Union in the 1930s, for
example, and were carefully described in so-called ‘Five-Year Plans’. Each plan dealt with virtually
all aspects of development (such as the use of natural resources, production of consumer goods
and education) with the aim of creating an advanced industrial economy. The growth of the
economy was visibly boosted under Stalin, but at the cost of severe human suffering. Not only
is it impossible for one person to be able to determine the right amount of output, but the
whole process of gathering data is costly, time-consuming and liable to error. Most 21st-century
economists agree that, unless there is a sound reason to believe that the solution offered by the
market is not the best from society’s point of view, for example when there is monopolistic
pricing and supernormal profits (which will be discussed briefly later in the course), price and
quantity decisions should be left to demand and supply forces.
In practice the majority of developed countries (such as France and Germany) can be classified as
mixed economies, as their governments intervene to improve efficiency, correct market failures
(for example, in the education or health sectors) or provide public goods, such as defence. In all
systems, however, production decisions do not come without a cost.
Unit 2 will begin by introducing the price mechanism as the means to resolve differences in
demand and supply. While the price mechanism is central to the capitalist system, Section
2.3 will examine the impact of taxation (where governments raise revenue for spending and/
or redistributing to combat income or wealth inequality) and Section 3.3 will look at market
failure including examples of government intervention to correct this, as can be seen in mixed
Rank the following economies from the most centrally-controlled to the least centrally-
North Korea
United Kingdom.
Unit 1: The nature and scope of economics 18
Introduction 19
Inefficient production 21
Shapes of PPFs 24
One of the main objectives for governments is the sustained economic growth of their
country – the long-term expansion of the productive potential of the economy. This, however, is
not easy to achieve because of the issues discussed in the previous section (for example, scarce
resources and the need to choose between them, as well as the associated opportunity costs).
The following question naturally arises – is there any way to represent the productive potential
of the economy? The answer is ‘yes’, with a production possibility frontier (PPF). This is our
first example of an economic model, i.e. a simplified way of representing a real-world economic
A PPF shows all the possible combinations of two or more goods or services which can be
produced in an economy if all the available resources are fully and efficiently used with the best
available technology. Therefore, if an economy is fully utilising its resources, it is producing on
the frontier. Throughout this course, we will keep the analysis rather simple – from now on we
will consider only two goods. However, the model and its conclusions can easily be extended
to include more goods and services. It is possible to consider two goods as one specific good
(such as coffee) and ‘everything else’. Note that although this is an extreme simplification (given
the vast number of available goods and services), it still allows us to analyse the specific good in
detail, so serves us well as a model (we gain simplicity without departing from reality too much).
Figure 1.1 is a typical PPF showing the possible combinations of the two goods, A and B,
which can be produced by an economy. All points on and below the PPF are feasible points
of production, with the points on the frontier itself representing the full and efficient use of
Figure 1.1: A simple production possibility frontier for an economy producing two
goods, A and B.
Imagine that the economy can produce only food and shelter and that all raw resources (the
CELL factors of production - capital, entrepreneurship, land and labour) are needed to produce
both. If all resources are devoted to the production of food, then there are no resources available
to build shelter. This situation is represented in Figure 1.2 as point Q0 (with no shelter), where
Q stands for ‘quantity’ (note the same notation used in Unit 2 of FP0001 Mathematics and
Alternatively, if all resources are used to build shelter, then there would be no resources available
to grow food. This situation is represented by point Q1 (with no food). If resources were divided
Unit 1: The nature and scope of economics • Section 1.2: Production possibility 20
between the two - a mixture of food and shelter - then a range of combinations of the two
goods is available. Consider point X. Here the economy is producing Q2 of food and Q3 of shelter.
However, point Y (Q4 of food and Q5 of shelter) is also possible. Similarly, there are other points on
the frontier representing different combinations of food and shelter which the economy could
potentially produce. The set of all points for which all resources are fully utilised is the curve itself,
known as the PPF.
Any combination of outputs represented by a point on the frontier is said to be productively
efficient, since no resources are wasted. The only way of producing more food is by producing
less shelter; the only way to build more shelter is by reducing the production of food. Therefore,
the PPF (or more precisely, its slope) also illustrates the concept of opportunity cost. This is
calculated by finding out how many units of shelter must be sacrificed to obtain one more unit
of food. For example, in Figure 1.2 the opportunity cost of moving from X to Y, and so producing
Q4 rather than Q2 units of food, is by giving up Q3 – Q5 units of shelter.
Figure 1.2: Opportunity cost of moving from point X to point Y, sacrificing shelter for
more food.
So far, we have established that a PPF represents all combinations of goods which can be
produced when all resources are used efficiently, but exactly which combination should the
economy choose? How do we decide?
In a free-market economy, forces of demand and supply ensure that the correct
equilibrium is reached (the concept of equilibrium is formally discussed later in the course).
Suppose that there is a sudden increase in the need for shelter. To meet the increased demand,
the economy will need to build more houses. As a result, this sector would need more resources
and the price paid for those resources would increase. Therefore, suppliers would be willing
to sell their goods to house builders rather than to food producers because they would get
more money for the same products from house builders. As a result, resources would be shifted
away from food production and towards the construction of shelter. The very same market
forces which trigger an increase in demand for one product will also ensure that the necessary
resources for production are available.
For example, by the late 1970s Kodak (founded in 1888) products accounted for approximately
90 per cent of the US traditional film and camera market. However, the 21st century presented
a great challenge for the company. The sales of traditional photography devices started to
decline as the market for new digital photography grew rapidly. As a result, Kodak had to
Unit 1: The nature and scope of economics • Section 1.2: Production possibility 21
transfer all of its resources to digital-oriented production; otherwise it would not have been able
to keep up with market demand.
Inefficient production
The ideal situation of productive efficiency is, unfortunately, rarely achieved in practice. This is
because the curve is only a hypothetical concept and so can only be estimated. For example,
some resources which may be needed may not yet be known, or the cost of accessing others
might be too high. Therefore, even the best economies are very often producing inefficiently.
This can be represented graphically as a point within the PPF, such as point W in Figure 1.3.
Figure 1.3: Points W and S, where W is inefficient and S is not feasible. Production at
W is inefficient due to some unused resources and the possibility of increasing output
without any opportunity cost. Production at point S is not feasible due to the lack of
available resources.
In this example, the production of one or both goods can be increased without the need to
sacrifice production of the other. There is no opportunity cost involved, as there are still some
spare resources which can be used, i.e. there is slack in the economy since it is not producing at
full capacity. What about point S? Since it lies outside the PPF, even though it would be desirable,
it is not feasible as there are not enough resources and technology to be able to produce at that
Another reason for an economy not to produce at the frontier is time trade-offs. For example,
you could put money into a bank account now and go on holiday with the money next year or,
alternatively, you could spend the money now on new clothes. In a similar manner, we can use
all of our available resources now or, alternatively, save some of them for future generations. By
sacrificing some of our current consumption, we increase consumption for future generations.
So, let us summarise what we have learned so far:
a PPF represents all the different combinations of goods (and/or services) which can be
produced within the economy if all resources are used efficiently
only one point on the curve can be produced – which demonstrates the need for choice
if all resources are fully utilised, to produce more of one good some quantity of other goods
must be sacrificed – therefore, the slope of a PPF represents the opportunity cost
Unit 1: The nature and scope of economics • Section 1.2: Production possibility 22
production of all goods is not always achievable. All points outside a PPF are points the
economy would want to achieve but cannot reach due to resource scarcity
all points within a PPF are feasible, but not desirable, as there are some spare resources which
are not fully utilised. There is no opportunity cost of expanding production from any point
within a PPF
some economies may choose to produce within a PPF because of time trade-offs.
Figure 1.4: Scenario A showing an increase in the productive capacity of the economy.
Scenario B: At a recent international summit it was agreed that Country 1 should get its fertile
land back from Country 2. So, from Country 1’s perspective, it gains more land on which to
cultivate food and/or build shelter. Given it is fertile land, it would be better suited to producing
food rather than shelter. So, although the PPF would shift outward, it would expand further in the
direction of food, as indicated in Figure 1.5.
Unit 1: The nature and scope of economics • Section 1.2: Production possibility 23
Figure 1.5: Scenario B showing a country gaining more fertile land which is better-
suited to food production rather than building shelter.
Scenario C: Following the opening of a country’s frontiers and market liberalisation (freer
markets), the net outflow of people aged between 20 and 45 doubled. People in this age group
are likely to be some of the most productive in the economy. Therefore, the productive capacity
would decrease significantly due to the net emigration of this age group. Given building shelter
is likely to be more labour-intensive than food production, there would be a greater effect on
shelter capacity than on food production. Therefore the PPF would shift inwards, as shown in
Figure 1.6.
Figure 1.6: Scenario C showing how emigration of the prime workforce reduces
the productive capacity of the economy, with labour-intensive shelter being more
severely affected.
Scenario D: A new, faster and cheaper way of building houses has been discovered by a team
of researchers. This is effectively a new technological discovery, and hence the PPF expands
Unit 1: The nature and scope of economics • Section 1.2: Production possibility 24
outward although food production techniques are unchanged so if the economy only produced
food there would be no change to the total amount of food produced. The PPF expansion would
be as shown in Figure 1.7.
Note that the shift of a PPF does not have to be parallel as a new technology can benefit some
goods more than others. Even if increased productivity affects only one of the goods, production
of all goods can increase. This is because resources saved on production of one good can be
transferred to the production of all other goods. For example, if fewer people are required to
produce food, those people could be used to build more shelter.
Shapes of PPFs
The most common shape of a PPF is the one we have drawn so far – concave to the origin
(curved like a circle). This is because we assume that the opportunity cost is not the same along
the curve due to diminishing marginal returns (that is, the more resources you use, the less
productive one extra unit becomes). However, this shape is not the only one which can exist.
Suppose you can read twenty pages of a history book per hour or forty pages of a Harry Potter
book per hour. If your reading speed does not change with time (suppose you do not become
tired), then no matter how long you read, the opportunity cost of reading one more page of the
history book is to give up two pages of Harry Potter. The situation described here represents a
constant opportunity cost. Therefore, the relevant PPF would be a (downward-sloping) straight
line, as shown in Figure 1.8. (You will cover straight lines mathematically in Unit 2 of FP0001
Mathematics and Statistics.)
Unit 1: The nature and scope of economics • Section 1.2: Production possibility 25
In real life, things are often much more complicated than the examples given above.
Nevertheless, the idea of the PPF helps us to illustrate and understand general principles. As
previously discussed, a model is not reality, but a good model allows us to represent the main
features of reality, which the above PPFs achieve.
Suppose a country can produce combinations of cars and boats each day. Making full
use of the available factors of production (CELL) the country can produce the following
possible combinations of each:
Concluding comments
This introductory unit has outlined the basic economic problem of how to reconcile unlimited
wants with finite resources. The concept of an opportunity cost was defined, with a brief
discussion of the different types of economic systems along with their main characteristics.
Our first graphical economic model, the production possibility frontier, enabled us to show
opportunity costs visually as the slope of the frontier. Shifts of the PPF under different scenarios
allowed us to demonstrate a fundamental idea of economic analysis, i.e. what happens when
something changes.
For interested students, you may wish to read Appendix A which provides a summary of
economic history, including some of the main historical figures who have contributed to the
development of modern economics. Although this material is non-examinable, it is always
beneficial to understand what came before, ahead of studying current developments.
Introduction to Unit 2
Aims 28
Learning outcomes 28
Background reading 29
References cited 29
Section 2.1 describes the individual human objectives and motivation behind demand and
supply curves, and seeks to explain their shape, slope and how interaction between the two
forces should result in a stable equilibrium price and quantity. Section 2.2 deals with elasticities
and their importance in determining the response to changes in the demand and supply
environment. Section 2.3 explains the benefits which can accrue to the consumer and to the
producer and investigates the effect of outside action and ‘interferences’. Section 2.4 discusses
the consumer choice problem of maximising utility subject to a budget constraint, an example
of constrained optimisation.
This unit aims to:
introduce you to the demand and supply model
introduce you to the concepts of elasticities and their real-life applications
provide tools which support you in the critical evaluation of the impact of taxes on the
consumer, producer and social welfare
explain the consumer choice problem.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, having completed the background readings and activities, you should be
able to:
define the concepts of demand and supply and list their determinants
distinguish between movements along, and shifts of, curves in relation to demand and supply
explain how the price mechanism helps to allocate scarce resources
define price elasticity of demand, price elasticity of supply, income elasticity and cross-price
elasticity and explain their importance for making decisions
identify consumer and producer surplus
explain how taxes influence social welfare
model the consumer choice problem.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer 29
Background reading
Anderton, A. and D. Gray (Ed) Economics. (Lancashire: Anderton Press, 2015) 6th edition
[ISBN 9780993133107].
Please read the following units from Anderton (2015):
Section 2.1 – Units 8 (pp. 36–43), 11 (pp. 61–68) and 12 (pp. 69–75)
Section 2.2 – Units 9 (pp. 44–53) and 10 (pp. 54–68)
Section 2.3 – Unit 14 (pp. 81–86)
Section 2.4 – Unit 15 (pp. 87–90).
References cited
Arnold, R.A. Economics (Mason, USA: Cengage Learning, 2008) 9th edition, p.64
Free exchange, ‘As price goes up, so does demand: Are the Giffen goods of legend real?’ (July
2007) www.economist.com/free-exchange/2007/07/18/as-price-goes-up-so-does-demand
(last accessed 31/08/2018)
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer 30
Introduction 31
Broadly speaking, a market is a ‘place’ where buyers and sellers ‘meet’ to exchange goods and
services. Some markets, like flower stalls and grocery shops, are limited to a specific time and
location. They require buyers and sellers to meet physically. Others, such as Alibaba, Amazon or
eBay, are online and global. In the latter kind of market, buyers and sellers seldom actually meet.
In all cases, however, for trade to be successful both sides need to agree the price at which the
goods and services should be exchanged. How can we model this behaviour in economics? Well,
this introduces the ideas of demand and supply.
With respect to Figure 2.1, let p denote price (on the y-axis) and q denote quantity (on the x-axis).
The inverse demand function is when we represent price as a function of quantity, whereas
the demand function is when we represent quantity as a function of price. Suppose in Figure
2.1 the y-intercept was at £20 (i.e. when q = 0), then the inverse demand function would be:
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.1: Demand, 32
supply and price determination
p = 20 – q
and the demand function would be:
q = 12 – p.
This ensures that these pass through the points (0, 20) and (6, 10). Of course, in reality demand
for a good will not follow such a linear equation exactly. However, as an approximating model it
offers a sufficiently simplified way of thinking about demand. Strictly speaking, a demand ’curve’
should be precisely that, i.e. a curve, although linear demand equations (as above) are simpler
for us to deal with unlike non-linear demand equations. As usual, we face the familiar trade-off
between our preference for simplicity and our desire for a realistic model!
2008, p.64). This is shown in Figure 2.2 – when the price of a good increases, the demand curve
for complementary goods shifts to the left.
Figure 2.2: Impact of the change in price of tennis rackets on the demand for tennis
balls. The demand curve for tennis balls shifts to the left from D to D’.
Buses and private cars are substitutes – if the price of maintaining a car increased, fewer people
would be able to afford to drive one. They would, therefore, need to find a cheaper alternative
method of transport and so the demand for buses, for example, would go up. This is shown in Figure
2.3 – when the price of a good increases, the demand curve for substitute goods shifts to the right.
Figure 2.3: Impact of the change in the price of private cars on the demand for public
The demand curve for public transport shifts to the right from D to D’.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.1: Demand, 34
supply and price determination
The amount of money you earn determines what you can afford and in which quantities. If
you start earning more money, you can afford a better car and your demand for better cars will
increase. You can also afford better quality food and, therefore, instead of consuming cheap fast
food, for example, you may decide to switch to organic meat and vegetables (which are usually
more expensive). As a result, your demand for fast food will decrease.
The goods for which demand goes up as income increases remember are called normal goods.
Inferior goods, on the other hand, are goods for which demand decreases when income
increases. This is shown in Figure 2.4 – when income increases, the demand curve shifts to the
right for normal goods and shifts to the left for inferior goods.
Figure 2.4: Impact of an increase in income on the demand for normal and inferior
goods. When income increases the demand curve for normal goods shifts to the right
(from D to D’), while for inferior goods it shifts to the left (again, from D to D’).
Wealth, or your net worth, means the difference between the value of everything you own (for
example, cars, houses and shares in companies, i.e. assets) and the value of everything you owe
(for example, mortgages, credit card debt and other loans, i.e. liabilities). The higher the value of
your wealth (i.e. the richer you are), the higher your credit rating is (ceteris paribus1) which means
that banks are more likely to give you a loan (or allow you to borrow more). Therefore, even if
you do not have enough liquid funds now to buy something (perhaps your wealth is tied up in
long-term investments), you can borrow money and pay it back later – therefore your spending
decisions are more flexible.
Latin term for ‘other things equal’. This means that other things which could change are, for the moment, assumed not
to. The term allows us to isolate the relationship between two economic variables controlling for all other variables.
For example, the demand curve represents the effect of a price change on the quantity demanded assuming all other
determinants of demand (such as income, tastes or preferences) remain unchanged. Beware, though, that in the real
world other things are rarely equal -– when one variable changes there is usually a change in at least one other variable!
Nevertheless, when conducting economic analysis ‘ceteris paribus’ is a very convenient way of investigating the effect of one
variable on another without the complexity of worrying about other variables.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.1: Demand, 35
supply and price determination
Note wealth is different from income. Wealth is a stock variable, i.e. wealth is fixed at a particular
point in time, while income is a flow variable considered over a period of time, such as annual
income. Of course, changes to your net, i.e. after-tax, income may change your wealth.
Some goods (such as ice-cream and winter coats) are only needed in certain weather conditions.
For example, winter coats are usually bought during cold winter months rather than in the
middle of a hot summer.
Total market demand for goods increases with a higher number of people (for example, due to
a higher birth rate, or immigration) – there might be only one pharmacy in a small village, but
there would be many more in a larger city where there is a larger population and, therefore, more
demand for pharmaceutical goods and services.
Young people and old people have completely different needs. Therefore, we observe more bars
and nightclubs in cities mainly inhabited by students than in areas comprised mainly of pensioners.
Figure 2.5: The difference between movements along the demand curve and a shift
of the demand curve. A price change leads to a movement along the demand curve,
while a change in any of the other determinants of demand leads to a shift of the
demand curve (here, from D to D’).
The inverse supply function is when we represent price as a function of quantity, whereas the
supply function is when we represent quantity as a function of price. Suppose in Figure 2.6 the
y-intercept was at £0 (i.e. when q = 0), then the inverse supply function would be:
p = 4q
and the supply function would be:
q= p.
This ensures that these pass through the points (0, 0) and (20, 80). As with demand, in reality
supply of a good will not follow such a linear equation exactly. However, as an approximating
model it offers a simplified way of thinking about supply.
Note how (inverse) demand functions are usually downward-sloping as represented by a
negative slope coefficient, while (inverse) supply functions are upward-sloping as represented
by a positive slope coefficient. Consumers demand more of a product as its price decreases;
producers are willing to supply more of a product as its price increases.
The better the technology available to firms, the more efficient is the process of production.
Fewer resources are used up per item, which results in a lower per-unit cost and the ability to
supply more at the same price.
Weather conditions
Production of some goods, agricultural ones in particular, greatly depends on weather
conditions. For example, in years of drought or excessive flooding, food harvests are limited.
During good years, on the other hand, farmers enjoy bumper crops.
Cost of inputs
The amount of goods which suppliers are willing to offer at any given price depends first and
foremost on their costs of production. These costs, in turn, mainly depend on the cost of inputs –
labour, capital and raw materials. If the cost of any of these inputs increases, then the cost of the
whole production process will increase, and therefore fewer goods would be offered at the old price.
The supply of certain goods or services may be regulated by government or other institutions.
Common examples include goods, such as electricity, and services, such as rented
accommodation. Governments may also implement some import quantity quotas.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.1: Demand, 38
supply and price determination
Figure 2.7: A shift of the supply curve caused by new firms entering the market. More
firms means more total production and an outward shift of the supply curve, from S to
Figure 2.8: The difference between movements along the supply curve and a shift of
the supply curve. A price change leads to a movement along the supply curve, while a
change in any of the other determinants of supply leads to a shift of the supply curve,
such as from S to S’.
By referring to the above determinants of supply, explain how:
a. the supply of coffee beans could decrease
b. the supply of commercial flights could increase.
Consider the market for fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas). For each case below, explain
whether there is a movement along the supply curve (including the direction of the
movement) or a shift of the supply curve (to the left or right).
a. The government imposes a pollution tax on the use of fossil fuels.
b. New oil, coal and gas fields are discovered.
c. Consumers becoming more environmentally conscious.
d. The price of energy increases.
e. Prolonged very cold weather.
Determining equilibrium
Let us recall what we have learned so far:
A market is a place (either physical or virtual) where buyers and sellers meet to exchange
goods and services.
Demand is the relationship between price and quantity which tells how many units of a
certain good consumers are willing to buy at every possible price.
Supply is the relationship between price and quantity which tells us how many units of a
certain good firms are willing to produce at every possible price.
Movements along the curves are caused by price changes, while changes of other demand or
supply determinants result in shifts of the curves.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.1: Demand, 40
supply and price determination
It is no secret that sellers and buyers often have different valuations of various goods and services
which they either own or want to own. So, what determines the actual price and amount of
goods traded in the market? It is the price mechanism – the ‘invisible hand’ which responds to
changes in demand and/or supply of a certain good or service to maintain the balance in the
market. The price mechanism has three main functions:
rationing – it allocates scarce resources to those who are willing to pay the most for them
signalling – changing prices indicate changes in market conditions (demand and/or supply)
incentivising – changing prices give incentives to sellers to either increase or decrease their
In short, the price mechanism is responsible for maintaining equilibrium in different markets.
Equilibrium is when the demand for a certain good is exactly the same as the supply of that
good, i.e. where the demand and supply curves intersect.
Section 2.3.3 of FP0001 Mathematics and Statistics shows the application of simultaneous
equations to demand and supply analysis in economics. Figure 2.9 illustrates, graphically, the
determination of the equilibrium point as the intersection of the demand and supply curves (or
rather lines!).
equilibrium point S
O q
Figure 2.9: Determining the equilibrium point, as shown in Section 2.3.3 of FP0001
Mathematics and Statistics.
Assume that the equations for demand and supply of a specific good are:
qD = 100 – 3p and qS = 4 + 5p.
Calculate the equilibrium price and quantity.
In other words, when in equilibrium, economists would say that the ‘market clears’. There is
neither excess demand nor excess supply. Existence of either excess demand or excess supply is
referred to as disequilibrium – a situation where the quantity demanded is different from the
quantity supplied so the market cannot clear.
Excess demand happens when, at the given price, people are willing to buy more goods than
producers are willing to offer. In this case, the price will continue to rise until equilibrium is
reached. Excess supply, on the other hand, is a situation when, at the given price, firms are
offering more goods than consumers are willing to buy. In this case, the price will fall until the
market clears again. These cases are illustrated in Figure 2.10.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.1: Demand, 41
supply and price determination
Figure 2.10: Two cases of disequilibrium in a market: excess demand (demand exceeds
supply) when the price is below the market equilibrium, and excess supply (supply
exceeds demand) when the price is above the market equilibrium.
Figure 2.11: Impact of lower petrol prices on the taxi market. The supply curve shifts
from S to S’, ultimately leading to a new equilibrium with a lower price and a higher
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.1: Demand, 42
supply and price determination
Figure 2.12: Impact of a government health campaign on the olive oil market. The
demand curve shifts from D to D’, ultimately leading to a new equilibrium with a
higher price and a higher quantity.
In real life, markets are rarely in equilibrium and so prices are constantly adjusting due to excess
demand and excess supply.
Price controls
In certain cases, governments may want to intervene in markets to control prices. They usually do
this by setting either the minimum price or maximum price which can be charged for particular
A minimum price, also known as a price floor, is the legally-established threshold value below
which the market price cannot fall. It will, however, only have an impact on the market, when the
minimum price is set above the equilibrium price (otherwise the market price would settle at
the equilibrium price, which would be above the price floor). As a result, excess supply would be
created. A well-known example of a price floor is the minimum wage, which will be considered
in Section 3.4 in the context of labour markets.
A maximum price, also known as a price ceiling, is the legally-established threshold value
above which the market price cannot rise. It will, however, only have an impact on the market
when the maximum price is set below the current equilibrium price (otherwise the market price
would settle at the equilibrium price, which would be below the price ceiling). As a result, excess
demand would be created.
A well-known example of this is rent control, as illustrated in Figure 2.13. Suppose the
government imposes a maximum price pmax which can be charged for apartments, that is
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.1: Demand, 43
supply and price determination
(significantly) below the current equilibrium price p*. The government’s objective is to increase
the affordability of accommodation. The number of people willing to rent an apartment
increases while the amount of apartments offered decreases. As a result, there are plenty of
people willing to pay but are still unable to rent an apartment.
Without a price ceiling, the ‘invisible hand’ would tend to raise the price to p*, therefore reducing
demand and increasing supply.
Figure 2.13: Excess demand as a result of rent control. The price ceiling of pmax is below
the market equilibrium, p*, creating excess demand.
A similar situation to the one described above happened in New York when soldiers returned
home at the end of World War II. Another example of a maximum price would be the Sri Lankan
government’s introduction, in 2008, of price restrictions after the price of rice significantly increased.
Figure 2.14: Impact of a bad olive harvest on the olive market. The supply curve shifts
from S to S’.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.1: Demand, 44
supply and price determination
Olive oil, as its name suggests, is a product mainly made from olives. Therefore, olives are inputs
in olive oil production. With a bad harvest, the price of olives increases, meaning that a core input
for the olive oil producers is more expensive and harder to obtain (as there was a bad harvest,
olives become scarcer). Therefore, the supply curve of olive oil shifts to the left. As a result, olive
oil gets more expensive and fewer units are supplied, as shown in Figure 2.15 where the supply
curve of olive oil shifts from S to S’, resulting in a change in equilibrium price (from p0 to p1) and
equilibrium quantity (from q0 to q1).
Figure 2.15: Impact of a decrease in the availability of olives on the olive oil market.
The increase in the cost of production of olive oil shifts the supply curve from S to S’,
resulting in a new equilibrium with a higher price and lower quantity.
Other cooking oils are close substitutes for olive oil – i.e. sunflower oil performs a very similar
function to olive oil, and so it can easily act as a substitute. As the price of olive oil increased
significantly, some consumers will no longer be able to afford olive oil so they will switch to
cheaper substitutes (note that we assume that olive oil is more expensive than other cooking
oils, which is quite a realistic assumption). In this case, more consumers will demand other
cooking oils, so the demand curve for these substitute oils will shift to the right. As a result,
both the equilibrium price and quantity of other cooking oils will increase, as shown in Figure
2.16 where the demand curve of other cooking oils shifts from D to D’, resulting in a change in
equilibrium price (from p0 to p1) and equilibrium quantity (from q0 to q1).
Figure 2.16: Impact of an increase in the price of olive oil on the market for other
cooking oils. The demand curve for these substitute goods shifts from D to D’,
resulting in a new equilibrium with a higher price and a higher quantity.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.1: Demand, 45
supply and price determination
Recall the earlier remark that rarely in life are ‘other things equal’ (ceteris paribus). Indeed, the
interrelationships between markets show how a change in one market can have knock-on
consequences for equilibrium price and quantity in other markets. These small examples help to
illustrate the complexity of the real world in which prices are constantly adjusting due to excess
demand and excess supply.
Assuming the market is initially in equilibrium, how will the following changes affect the
market price of petrol-powered cars? Support your answers in each case using a suitable
a. The price of electric-powered cars decreases.
b. The price of petrol decreases.
c. Public transport becomes unreliable due to strike action by trade unions.
d. Raw materials to produce petrol-powered cars become more expensive.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer 46
Introduction 47
Elasticity is the responsiveness of one variable to changes in a different variable. In economics
we distinguish between price elasticity of demand, price elasticity of supply, income
elasticity of demand and cross-price elasticity of demand.
The value of the elasticity, in absolute terms, varies between zero and infinity. The sign of the
elasticity depends on the directions in which the two variables are moving. If both of them move
in the same direction, the elasticity is positive. If they move in opposite directions, however, the
sign of the elasticity is negative. The sign only shows the direction of the movement, it does not
show the actual elasticity.
Let us explain the concept of elasticities further using price elasticity of demand. The price
elasticity of demand (PED) is the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in the price
of a good.
The PED for normal and inferior goods would be negative because when the price increases, the
quantity demanded decreases. Therefore, the two variables move in opposite directions.
The PED for Giffen goods (these are goods where people consume more as the price increases),
on the other hand, would be positive because when the price of Giffen goods increases, the
quantity demanded increases as well. The two variables move in the same direction.
We define the PED as follows, where P denotes price and Qd denotes quantity demanded:
Figure 2.17: Perfect elasticity (or infinite elasticity) occurs when consumers demand
an unlimited quantity at a particular price. The demand curve is horizontal.
Figure 2.18: Perfect inelasticity (or zero elasticity) occurs when there is complete price
unresponsiveness, i.e. quantity demanded is fixed regardless of price. The demand
curve is vertical.
Note that, as is common practice in economic formulae, the letter Y is used to refer to income.
Normal goods have positive YEDs because demand for them increases when income increases.
For example, people tend to spend more money on holidays abroad when their salaries (i.e.
incomes) increase. Inferior goods, on the other hand, have negative YEDs – when incomes rise,
people demand less fast food, for example, because they switch to healthier, more expensive
options which they can now afford.
The cross-price elasticity of demand (XED) is the responsiveness of quantity demanded for
one good to changes in the price of another, defined as (for goods A and B):
Figure 2.19: When the price of cars increases, the quantity of public transport
demanded also increases. The cross-price elasticity of demand is positive.
Complementary goods, on the other hand, are characterised by negative XEDs (remember,
complements are goods which are consumed together).
As mentioned before, tennis rackets and tennis balls are complements. When the price of tennis
rackets increases, fewer people would play tennis and so they would require fewer tennis balls.
Therefore, the demand for tennis balls would decrease. Figure 2.20 shows the relationship
between the price of tennis rackets and the quantity demanded of tennis balls. As complements,
the XED is negative.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.2: Elasticities 50
Figure 2.20: When the price of tennis rackets increases, the quantity of tennis balls
demanded decreases. The cross-price elasticity of demand is negative.
Empirical example
Due to an increase in air passenger tax, a small low-cost airline had to raise their one-way ticket
prices from £50 to £57. It was observed that the number of customers travelling on that route
decreased from 1.2 million to 0.95 million.
What is the price elasticity of demand of the flight services offered by this airline?
Step-by-step approach
The price has increased by £7, which is equivalent to a 14 per cent increase ((£57– £50)/£50 ×
The quantity demanded has fallen by 0.25 million which is equivalent to a 20.8 per cent
decrease in the number of passengers ((0.95 million – 1.2 million)/1.2 million × 100%). We now
calculate the PED:
percentage change in quantity demanded –20.8%
PED = = = –1.49.
percentage change in price 14%
Therefore, the PED = –1.49. Do not forget about the sign! The PED is negative here as flights are
normal goods (although as this is for a low-cost airline, i.e. a budget airline, this might in fact be
an inferior good – see below). This means that a 1 per cent increase in price coincides with a 1.49
per cent decrease in quantity demanded.
Step-by-step approach
The number of passengers increased by 0.15 million which is equivalent to a 16 per cent increase
((1.1 million - 0.95 million)/0.95 million x 100%). Income has increased by an average of 12 per
cent. We now calculate the YED:
percentage change in demand 16%
YED = = = 1.33.
percentage change in income 12%
Since 1.33 is greater than 1, we have elastic changes in demand. A 1 per cent increase in income
is associated with a 1.33 per cent increase in demand.
So, are flights a normal or inferior good? Based on the above calculation, since the income
elasticity of demand is positive for airline tickets, which means that the number of tickets bought
increases with income, we conclude this is a normal (rather than an inferior) good.
Example 2.3
We can see how the price elasticity of demand changes as we move along the demand curve
(which, for simplicity, we assume is linear). Consider the demand schedule in the first two
columns of the table below. As we proceed from one row to the next, the percentage change in
quantity demanded and price, respectively, are calculated. The ratio of these percentage changes
is then the price elasticity of demand, which is then classified as being either ‘elastic’ or ‘inelastic’.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.2: Elasticities 52
The price elasticity of demand changes quite dramatically, from –10.00 to –0.22. This means that
for very high prices, such as between 10 and 9, a 1 per cent decrease in price will lead to a 10
per cent increase in the quantity demanded. At the other extreme, at relatively low prices, from
2 to 1, a 1 per cent decrease in price will lead to only a 0.22 per cent increase in the quantity
demanded. Therefore, here elasticity falls as the price falls.
productive capacity – the greater the spare capacity, the easier it is for firms to increase
production, so supply becomes more flexible
length of production period – the quicker the production process, the easier it becomes to
respond to price changes
perishability of the product – some foods are very hard to store (in terms of staying fresh,
like fruit, vegetables and flowers), and so their supply tends to be more inelastic.
Price elasticity of demand and supply: short run vs. long run
Over time price elasticities can change. As such it is possible to consider how the PED and PES
change between the short run and the long run as time allows for an adjustment to elasticities.
We begin with PED. The longer the time period allowed for adjustment, the greater the PED.
Consider Figure 2.22. We begin in an equilibrium situation with market price Pe and quantity
demanded Qe. Suppose the price increases to P1. In the short run, demand decreases to Q1. Over
time, which allows consumers to adjust (perhaps discovering substitute goods), the demand curve
rotates around the original equilibrium point, initially from D1 to D2, and then in the long run all the
way to D3. Note how the demand curve gets flatter over time, reflecting the greater PED.
1 10 10 – –
2 9 18 –10.00 Elastic
3 8 24 –4.50 Elastic
4 7 28 –2.67 Elastic
5 6 30 –1.75 Elastic
6 5 30 –1.20 Elastic
7 4 28 –0.83 Inelastic
8 3 24 –0.57 Inelastic
9 2 18 –0.38 Inelastic
10 1 10 –0.22 Inelastic
We see that in the elastic range of the demand curve total revenue increases when price
decreases (consumers increase demand by a greater percentage than the percentage reduction
in price), whereas in the inelastic range of the demand curve total revenue increases when price
increases (consumers decrease demand by a smaller percentage than the percentage increase in
price). Figure 2.24 shows the relationship between price elasticity of demand and total revenue.
Figure 2.24: The relationship between price elasticity of demand and total revenue.
When demand is elastic, total revenue can be increased by reducing price; when
demand is inelastic, total revenue can be increased by increasing price. At a point
where demand is unit elastic, total revenue does not change with a change in price, as
the effect on total revenue due to the price change is exactly offset by the change in
quantity demanded.
For unitary elastic demand the effects of price and demand changes exactly offset each other,
resulting in no change to total revenue. Constant price elasticity of demand corresponds to a
demand curve which actually curves in such a way that the PED remains constant. An example is
shown in Figure 2.25. For example, at points A and B we have that the total revenue is the same,
i.e. P1Q1 = P2Q2 = 32.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.2: Elasticities 56
Figure 2.25: Here the demand curve is structured in such a way that total revenue
remains constant regardless of price. This is a situation of unit elasticity everywhere.
We can summarise the relationship between price changes, PED and total revenue as follows:
Figure 2.26: The effect of price elasticity of demand on total revenue when
prices change.
So, there is also a close relationship between price elasticity of demand and firms’ revenues. The
total amount that people spend is exactly the same as the total sales revenue that firms receive.
As a result, the formula for price elasticity of demand could be stated in terms of percentage
changes in firms’ sales revenue rather than in terms of percentage changes in demand.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.2: Elasticities 57
Write out the table below and complete the empty cells by reporting the different types
of elasticities numerically and commenting on the nature of the demand and supply
curves (i.e. horizontal, vertical, upward-sloping or downward-sloping).
Elasticity in Corresponding Corresponding
absolute terms demand curve supply curve
Perfectly inelastic
Unitary elastic
Elastic >1
Perfectly elastic
A bus operator knows the following elasticities of demand: (i) PED = –1.2; (ii) XED with
respect to train fares = 2.1; and (iii) YED = –0.5.
The bus operator is contemplating shutting down a loss-making service between two
cities (which are already connected by rail). Discuss how the demand elasticities could
help the bus operator make a decision on the future of the bus route.
Are there any other factors which could help management make a decision? (Think
about the options available to the bus operator, i.e. increase or decrease price, and how
this would affect demand.)
The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a group of major oil-
producing countries who collectively decide on each member’s supply of oil to the
market. How does the price elasticity of demand affect OPEC’s decision to affect the price
of oil through its supply decision?
Explain why we would expect the price elasticity of demand and the price elasticity of
supply to change in the long run.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer
Introduction 59
Taxes 62
Deadweight loss 66
Having introduced the concepts of demand and supply in Section 2.1, we now examine social
welfare by considering the surpluses which accrue to consumers and producers. The role
of government has been briefly mentioned previously, although in this section we formally
introduce the role of taxation (levied by governments), the different types of taxation, as well as
the impact taxation has on social welfare.
Figure 2.27: The red shaded area represents consumer surplus for market equilibrium
price P. At the equilibrium price the consumer satisfaction (or utility) from
consumption of the marginal unit of the good is equal to the price P. All previous units
resulted in utility greater than the price P, reflecting that consumers would have been
willing to pay more for these units of the product than the actual market equilibrium
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.3: Consumer 60
and producer surplus, tax and social welfare
As you may already have realised, consumer surplus varies with the price. When the price goes
up, the consumer surplus decreases; when the price decreases the consumer surplus increases
(as consumers, paying less for something makes us happy; paying more for something makes us
Figure 2.28 assumes that the supply curve shifts from S to S1, leading to an increase in the market
price from P to P’. Assuming no change in the demand curve, this new market equilibrium price is
higher, which inevitably reduces the area below the demand curve and above the (now higher)
price, and so there is a reduction in the consumer surplus.
The grey shaded area represents the loss of consumer surplus as a result of the supply curve shift.
Remember the determinants of supply in Section 2.1 which offer possible explanations for the
supply curve shift seen in Figure 2.28 (for example, weather conditions, cost of inputs and access
to raw materials).
Figure 2.28: A reduction in consumer surplus caused by an upward shift in the supply
curve, which increases the market price.
Producer surplus is the welfare gain to firms resulting from the fact that the price they receive
for their product is higher than the minimum price at which they are willing to supply the
product. The welfare gain is the extra earnings obtained by the producer. Remember that a
supply curve tells us how many units of a certain good firms are willing to sell at every possible
price, therefore the supply curve reflects the minimum price at which firms are willing to supply
their goods or services.
Graphically, Figure 2.29 depicts a (linear) supply curve. If the market price is P, then the producer
surplus is given by the area above the supply curve and below the market price received, i.e.
the green shaded area. At any point along the supply curve segment from the origin to point E,
producers are willing to supply the particular quantity and receive a price P which is above the
price at which they are willing to sell.
In practice, firms are not identical and vary in terms of how efficient they are at supplying a good.
At a given market price which just sufficiently incentivises the least efficient producer to supply
the good, it must mean that all other active producers are more efficient and hence they earn
more in terms of producer surplus.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.3: Consumer 61
and producer surplus, tax and social welfare
Figure 2.29: The green shaded area represents producer surplus for market price P.
Producer surplus, as with consumer surplus, also varies with price changes. It increases when the
price increases and decreases when the price falls. Consumer and producer surpluses vary with
the price changes in opposite directions to each other – consumers prefer lower prices, while
producers prefer higher prices. Both of them, however, are affected by taxes.
Figure 2.30 assumes that the demand curve shifts from D to D1, leading to a decrease in the
market price from P to P’. Assuming no change in the supply curve, this new market equilibrium
price is lower, which inevitably reduces the area above the supply curve and below the (now
lower) price and so there is a reduction in the producer surplus.
The grey shaded area represents the loss of producer surplus as a result of the demand curve
shift. Remember the determinants of demand in Section 2.1 which offer possible explanations
for the demand cure shift seen in Figure 2.30 (for example, income, tastes, preferences and
Figure 2.30: A reduction in producer surplus caused by an inward shift in the demand
curve, which decreases the market price.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.3: Consumer 62
and producer surplus, tax and social welfare
A tax is a compulsory payment, or levy, charged by a government and imposed either on firms
or consumers. Taxes are levied by governments to raise revenue for spending on public services
such as education, healthcare and defence (overall spending is called government spending)
as well as redistributing income to combat inequality.
We can be taxed directly and indirectly. Direct taxes are applied to the income and wealth
earned by households and firms. Examples of direct taxes are income taxes, corporation taxes
and wealth taxes. Direct taxes are progressive, which means that the amount of tax paid
depends on the level of income, or wealth, of the taxpayer. Direct taxes are paid straight to the
government by a person or institution on whom the tax was imposed.
Indirect taxes, on the other hand, are usually levied on goods and services which we consume.
Examples of indirect taxes are excise taxes and value added tax (VAT). Indirect taxes can either
be charged as a fixed amount per unit sold (known as specific taxes) or as a percentage of the
price of the good (known as ad valorem taxes). An example of a specific tax is an excise tax.
Value added tax (VAT) on clothes and computer programmes is an example of an ad valorem tax.
Indirect taxes are regressive, which means that the same (fixed) amount of tax is paid
independent of the income or wealth of the taxpayer. Therefore, such taxes are regressive in the
sense that a fixed amount of tax is a less significant proportion of the income or wealth of higher
income or wealthier taxpayers, with the impact of the tax disproportionately hurting those on
lower incomes or the less wealthy.
Figure 2.31: Impact of income tax on the demand curve. Higher income taxes shift the
demand curve inward.
When combined with a supply curve, as shown in Figure 2.32, it is seen that the inward shift
of the demand curve results in a new equilibrium at a lower price (P1 to P2), but with a lower
quantity demanded (Q1 to Q2).
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.3: Consumer 63
and producer surplus, tax and social welfare
Figure 2.32: The impact of income tax on equilibrium price and quantity.
In contrast, indirect taxes affect the supply curve. Specific taxes (also called unit taxes) cause a parallel
shift upward in the curve (shown in the first graph of Figure 2.33), while ad valorem taxes cause a
pivotal rotation (shown in the second graph of Figure 2.33).
Figure 2.33: Impact of specific and ad valorem taxes on the supply curve. Specific taxes
cause a parallel shift upward of the supply curve, while ad valorem taxes cause a pivotal
rotation of the supply curve.
When combined with demand curves, as shown in Figure 2.34, it is seen that for both specific and ad
valorem taxes the shift upward of the supply curve results in a new equilibrium at a higher price (P1 to
P2) and a lower quantity demanded (Q1 to Q2).
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.3: Consumer 64
and producer surplus, tax and social welfare
Figure 2.34: The impact of specific and ad valorem taxes on equilibrium price and
Figure 2.35: Changes to consumer surplus (CS) and producer surplus (PS) resulting
from the imposition of tax.
In Figure 2.35, before the tax was imposed the total consumer surplus consisted of the orange
and pink areas, while the total producer surplus was equal to the sum of the two blue areas. After
the tax (the height of the arrow in the figure) has been imposed, both consumer and producer
surpluses decrease. The new consumer surplus is only the orange triangle, while the new producer
surplus is now equal to the dark blue area only, as indicated. The effect of the imposition of the tax
has been to make both consumers and producers worse off in a welfare sense.
The amount of tax paid by each party is called the tax incidence. Tax incidence is a term used
to describe the division of the tax burden between consumers and producers. In the case of
income tax, it is the consumer (the individual taxpayer) who fully bears the tax – we saw above
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.3: Consumer 65
and producer surplus, tax and social welfare
how this affected the demand curve. Indirect taxes affect the supply curve and our discussion
below focuses on specific taxes, i.e. parallel shifts of the supply curve.
Figure 2.36 illustrates a situation where the imposition of a specific tax is borne equally by
consumers and producers. The total tax revenue received by the government is the sum of the
pink and blue areas, where the equal size of the pink and blue areas shows the equal division of
the tax by consumers and producers. Clearly, we would not expect such an equal distribution of
tax liabilities across both groups in all situations.
Figure 2.36: Consumers and producers bearing equal amounts of a specific tax.
Tax incidence depends mainly on two things:
1. price elasticities
2. time horizon.
The more inelastic demand is, the steeper the demand curve, and hence the lower the
responsiveness from consumers will be to price changes so producers can place more of the tax
burden on them. Therefore, with a rather inelastic demand, most of the tax is paid by consumers.
However, elasticity increases with time. So once consumers start finding cheaper alternatives,
their demand becomes more elastic as they identify substitutes to which they can switch in the
longer run. As a result, most of the tax burden is subsequently borne by producers. Therefore, in
the short run most of the tax is paid by consumers, while in the long run producers suffer more.
As demand becomes more elastic over time, the slope of the demand curve becomes flatter,
therefore affecting the tax burden placed on consumers and producers.
Figure 2.37 considers the case of elastic demand. The imposition of a specific tax (of amount
denoted by the distance BE1) shifts the supply curve from S to S’. The equilibrium price increases
from P to P1, with a corresponding decrease in the equilibrium quantity from Q to Q1. Due to the
elastic demand, a small percentage increase in price is met with a larger percentage decrease in
quantity demanded (as shown by the fact that P1 – P < Q – Q1), i.e. a small price increase results
in a very large decrease in quantity sold. Overall, this will impact firms’ profitability due to a much
lower level of sales and as a result lower profits (despite the higher price).
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.3: Consumer 66
and producer surplus, tax and social welfare
Figure 2.37: Tax incidence when demand is elastic. A small increase in price following
the imposition of a specific tax leads to a large reduction in quantity demanded due
to elastic demand being price sensitive.
Figure 2.38 considers the case of inelastic demand (note the steeper slope of the demand curve).
Again, the imposition of a specific tax (of amount denoted by the distance BE1) shifts the supply
curve from S to S’. Here the price increase is large, but the decrease in the quantity sold is very
small (as shown by the fact that P1 – P > Q – Q1). Consumers bear most of the tax in the form of
a high price. The fact that demand is inelastic means the producer can transfer most of the tax
burden on to the consumer as demand is price insensitive.
In Figures 2.37 and 2.38, the distance CE1 is the tax borne by the consumer, and BC is the tax
borne by the producer. See how the relative burden changes with the price elasticity of demand.
Figure 2.38: Tax incidence when demand is inelastic. A large increase in price
following the imposition of a specific tax leads to a small reduction in quantity
demanded due to inelastic demand being price insensitive.
Deadweight loss
No tax comes without a cost to society, which economists call a deadweight loss. The
deadweight loss from a tax is the extent to which its impact is reduced due to side-effects.
For example, an increase in income tax provides a disincentive to work (the government takes
a greater share of your income) resulting in workers reducing their working hours, or even
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.3: Consumer 67
and producer surplus, tax and social welfare
withdrawing from the labour market entirely. This reduces the total tax receipts received by the
In terms of consumer and producer surplus, the deadweight loss is the reduction in these
surpluses when the quantity of the product sold is less than the optimum efficient level which
would occur under perfect competition without the tax.
Deadweight loss is a cost to society resulting from the loss of economic efficiency. This can be
represented as a part of consumer surplus and a part of producer surplus which is now lost, as
illustrated in Figure 2.39. Note the shaded areas represent only the deadweight loss, not the
total reduction in consumer surplus and producer surplus. The deadweight loss is the total
(combined) reduction in consumer and producer surpluses minus the total tax raised (the total
tax revenue shown in Figure 2.36). This difference is the overall cost to society and hence is the
deadweight loss.
Figure 2.39: The deadweight loss (DWL) resulting from the imposition of a tax.
Figure 2.40 shows demand and supply curves with equilibrium price P and quantity Q. The total
consumer surplus is the red area, i.e. the triangle ABP, while the producer surplus is the green
area, i.e. the triangle cornered at the origin and AP. In the event that a tax of CD was imposed, this
would restrict quantity to Q1, resulting in the price paid by the consumer increasing to P1, with
consumer surplus reduced by the amount ACE. Meanwhile producers receive the price P2, with
producer surplus reduced by the amount ADE.
Figure 2.40: The deadweight loss with the tax of amount CD.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.3: Consumer 68
and producer surplus, tax and social welfare
Find examples of direct, indirect, income, specific and ad valorem taxes in your country
by creating and completing a table like the one shown below.
Ad valorem
In the absence of taxes, how does the price elasticity of demand affect the level of
consumer surplus? Also, how does the price elasticity of supply affect the level of
producer surplus?
Analyse how price elasticity of supply influences tax incidence.
‘Imposing specific taxes is fair’. Do you agree?
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer 69
Introduction 70
Utility 70
Indifference curves 71
Budget constraint 77
Conclusion 80
In Section 2.3 (Consumer and producer surplus, tax and social welfare) we introduced the
concept of utility as a form of ‘customer satisfaction’ when consumers realise a consumer surplus,
paying a price which is less than their maximum willingness to pay. Here, we formally model the
utility which consumers derive from their consumption of bundles of goods and services.
The topic of consumer choice focuses on the decisions consumers make when choosing
between different consumption bundles. We frame this as a utility maximisation problem
such that consumers seek to achieve maximum utility (satisfaction) while simultaneously being
constrained by their budget.
We formally define utility as the satisfaction (or pleasure) which a consumer obtains from the
consumption of a good or service. Utility is an abstract or subjective concept and as such there
are no units of measurement associated with utility (we could think of units of utility as ‘utils’, but
this is purely a theoretical measure).
In Section 1.2 (Production possibility frontiers), we considered a simplified world in which there
are only two goods. Although we noted this was an extreme simplification of reality (for example,
think about the amount of choice you face in a supermarket) we said it was possible to view
the two goods as one specific good (such as coffee) and ‘everything else’. Here, we assume a
consumer is choosing between just two goods, X and Y. The actual quantity consumed of each
good will be denoted by lower case letters, i.e. x and y, respectively.
A utility function is a (mathematical) function which returns the total utility a consumer derives
from consuming x units of good X, and y units of good Y. We represent this as:
u(x, y).
For example, suppose the utility function for a consumer was of the mathematical form:
u(x, y) = x + y.
In this case the total amount of utility the consumer obtains from consuming two units of X
(i.e. x = 2) and three units of Y (i.e. y = 3) would be:
u(2, 3) = 2 + 3 = 5.
Therefore, the utility from consuming six units of X (i.e. x = 6) and four units of Y (i.e. y = 4) would
u(6, 4) = 6 + 4 = 10.
However, how should we view ‘5’ units of utility versus ‘10’ units of utility, given that utility is
subjective? Since there are no observable units of measurement associated with utility, it is not
possible to come up with an absolute measure of utility, but it is sensible to consider ordinal
This means that we can assign a rank-order to different consumption bundles such that it is
possible to say whether a consumer prefers one bundle to another. Higher values of utility
indicate strictly-preferred consumption bundles. A utility function assigns numbers to different
possible consumption bundles such that more-preferred bundles are assigned larger utility
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.4: Consumer 71
Therefore, the magnitude of utility is only important as far as the ranks of different consumption
bundles are concerned. The size of the utility difference between any two consumption bundles
does not matter, which is why we refer to this as ordinal utility.
Suppose we let consumption bundle A be two units of X and three units of Y, while we let
consumption bundle B be six units of X and four units of Y. The respective utilities of bundles A
and B, calculated above, can then be expressed as:
Indifference curves
We have seen that we can determine a consumer’s preference for one consumption bundle over
another by comparing the utility values. In the example above, bundle B was preferred to bundle
A because:
uC(4, 1) = 4 + 1 = 5.
Bundles A and C both result in a utility level of 5, and so this consumer is indifferent between
these two bundles as the consumer is equally satisfied consuming either bundle (with both
strictly less preferred than bundle B due to its higher utility level of 10).
In fact, we can consider other bundles which also result in a utility level of 5. Assuming only
non-negative integer quantities of goods X and Y can be consumed, then for the utility function
u(x, y) = x + y we can obtain the following set of bundles with the same utility level of 5:
So a consumer with utility function u(x, y) = x + y is equally satisfied with any of these six bundles
(0, 5), (1, 4), (2, 3), (3, 2), (4, 1) and (5, 0), as they all result in a utility level of 5.
We now plot these bundles in Figure 2.41.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.4: Consumer 72
Suppose we now allow for non-negative fractional amounts of X and Y to be consumed. This
now opens up a continuum of possible consumption bundles where each yields a utility level of
5. Note we impose the constraint that the consumption levels must be non-negative, as it is not
possible to consume a negative amount of a good!
Mathematically, suppose we fix the utility level to be the constant value of 5. For the utility
function u(x, y) = x + y, then we have:
which we can rearrange to give:
y = 5 – x.
From FP0001 Mathematics and Statistics, you should recognise this as the mathematical
equation of a line, with a y-intercept of 5, and a slope of –1. This line is plotted in Figure 2.42 to
depict an example of an indifference curve (which here is a line, rather than a curve!).
Figure 2.42: An indifference curve such that all consumption bundles on the line
provide the consumer with the same level of utility. Here u(x, y) = x + y = 5 at every
point on the line.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.4: Consumer 73
which we can rearrange to give:
y = k – x.
This is the mathematical equation of a line with a y-intercept of k, and a slope of –1. For different
values of k, we can draw multiple indifference curves which, for this utility function, will be
parallel lines.
Remember that utility is ordinal, so the higher the value of k, the consumption bundles along
an indifference curve will be strictly preferred to the bundles of any indifference curve below it.
However, we cannot say by how much these bundles are preferred.
Figure 2.43 shows indifference curves for a consumer with utility function u(x, y) = x + y = k, for k
= 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
So far we have only considered indifference ‘curves’ which are straight lines. This is due to the
linear utility function of u(x, y) = x + y = k. As you might expect, other forms of utility functions are
possible, including non-linear functions. For example, consider the utility function:
u(x, y) = xy.
For a given level of utility k, we can solve for y as a function of x:
xy = k ⇔ y =x.
Figure 2.44 sketches indifference curves for this utility function for the values k = 1, 2 and 3. Note
that since 1 < 2 < 3, the consumer strictly prefers being on higher indifference curves, i.e. utility
increases when we travel in a north-easterly direction away from the origin.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.4: Consumer 74
u(x, y) = x + y.
This leads to utility being constant along indifference curves (as seen in Figure 2.43) and it assigns
a higher utility level to more-preferred bundles. For example, a total of 10 pens makes you
happier than only 5 pens (regardless of their design).
As we have ordinal utility, this is not the only possible utility function for perfect substitutes. In
general, perfect substitutes are represented by utility functions of the form:
u(x, y) = ax + by
where a and b are some positive constants which measure the value of goods X and Y to the
consumer. Note that all indifference curves based on such a utility function will have a slope of
Let the number of left shoes be denoted by X, and the number of right shoes be denoted by Y.
We use the “min” function to form the utility function, such that:
Figure 2.45: L-shaped indifference curves for perfect complements which are
consumed in fixed proportions of one-to-one. Higher indifference curves correspond
to higher utility levels.
How do we deal with cases when the two goods are consumed in fixed proportions other than
Suppose you drink coffee with sugar, and that you use two teaspoons of sugar with every cup of
coffee (by the way, I do not endorse such excessive sugar consumption!).
Let X denote the number of cups of coffee, and let Y denote the number of teaspoons of sugar.
Given our preference for two teaspoons of sugar per cup of coffee, we have the utility function of:
Figure 2.46: L-shaped shaped indifference curves for perfect complements which are
consumed in fixed proportions of two-to-one. Higher indifference curves correspond
to higher utility levels.
In general, a utility function to describe preferences for perfect complements is of the form:
u(x, y) = xy.
This is a special case of what is known as a Cobb-Douglas utility function (named after the
economists Charles Cobb and Paul Douglas). The general form of the Cobb-Douglas utility
function is:
u(x, y) = xayb
where a and b are positive constants, this describes the preferences of the consumer. The
indifference curves shown in Figure 2.44 have a = b = 1.
Indifference curves can take other forms, although we will not consider these in this course. If you
study economics at undergraduate level, you will almost certainly meet these other forms then.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.4: Consumer 77
Budget constraint
So far, we have looked at modelling the utility, i.e. satisfaction, which the consumer derives from
consuming the bundle (x, y). We now turn our attention to the consumer’s budget.
Goods are rarely free, so let us denote the prices of goods X and Y by pX and pY, respectively,
where clearly pX > 0 and pY > 0. Therefore, the consumer’s total expenditure when consuming x
units of X and y units of Y is:
pX x + pY y
that is, price times quantity for each good.
Suppose the consumer has an income of M. Assuming no access to savings or borrowing, the
consumer cannot spend more than his or her income. As such the consumer faces a constraint
in that total expenditure on X and Y must be no greater than income. This is known as a budget
constraint. Mathematically, this is:
pX x + pY y ≤ M.
For simplicity, we will assume the consumer spends all of his or her income on goods X and Y,
without any saving, i.e. the full income M is spent. This makes the constraint binding, such that:
pX x + pY y = M.
We now rearrange this equation to solve for y as a function of x. In doing so, we obtain:
M p
y = p – pX x .
This is a linear equation relating y and x, with a y-intercept of M/pY and a slope of -pX/pY.
We can draw this as shown in Figure 2.47. Note the y-intercept corresponds to all income spent
on good Y, hence the consumer can afford M/pY units of Y only. Similarly, if the consumer spends
all the income on good X, then the consumer can afford M/pX units of X only. This means that the
budget constraint has an x-intercept of M/pX.
Figure 2.47: The linear budget constraint of pXx + pYy = M. The shaded area represents
all affordable (i.e. feasible) consumption bundles for the consumer when faced with
prices pX and pY with income M. Any point on the budget constraint itself represents all
income spent on some combination of the two goods.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.4: Consumer 78
Returning to the original income M, an increase in the price of good X, i.e. pX, means X is now
more expensive, which makes the consumer worse off. A change in pX affects the slope and also
the x-intercept of the budget constraint. An increase in pX pivots the budget constraint inward as
shown in Figure 2.49. Note that the y-intercept is unaffected as this is M/pY, and we are assuming
M and pY are unchanged.
Figure 2.49: An increase in pX pivots the budget constraint inward about the
y-intercept, reducing the affordable set of consumption bundles. The affordable set is
given by all points on or below the (new) budget constraint.
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.4: Consumer 79
Returning to the original income M and original pX, a decrease in the price of good Y, i.e. pY,
means Y is now less expensive, which makes the consumer better off. A change in pY affects the
slope and y-intercept of the budget constraint. A decrease in pY pivots the budget constraint
outward as shown in Figure 2.50. Note that the x-intercept is unaffected as this is M/pX, and we
are assuming M and pX are unchanged.
Figure 2.50: A decrease in pY pivots the budget constraint outward about the
x-intercept, increasing the affordable set of consumption bundles. The affordable set
is given by all points on or below the (new) budget constraint.
Figure 2.51: The standard consumer choice problem of utility maximisation subject to
a budget constraint. The consumer wants to be on the highest affordable indifference
curve, when faced with income M and prices pX and pY. Here point A is the optimal
point resulting in the optimal consumption bundle (x*, y*).
At undergraduate level you would consider this exercise for different types of indifference curves
(such as for perfect substitutes, perfect complements and other types of preferences) while
changing any of M, pX and pY. In this course, we will only consider the basic problem for generic
indifference ‘curves’ and the initial budget constraint as depicted in Figure 2.51, just to give you a
sense of what constrained optimisation problems look like. You will likely meet these problems
both graphically and mathematically in the future.
We have modelled the consumer choice problem of utility maximisation subject to a budget
Consumers gain utility from their consumption, where utility is the pleasure or satisfaction they
experience. As such, economists think of consumers as utility maximisers. An indifference
curve depicts consumption bundles which result in the same level of utility and hence
consumers are indifferent between them. The exact shape of indifference curves depends on the
consumer’s tastes and preferences (which vary from individual to individual).
Thinking back to the basic economic problem of resolving our unlimited wants with scarce
resources, here the scarce ‘resource’ is income. When faced with a fixed income and prices,
consumers have a budget constraint, such that they are unable to spend beyond this. The
affordable set of bundles are all those on or below the budget constraint.
Combining indifference curves and the budget constraint on a single diagram, the consumer
faces a constrained optimisation problem – to maximise utility (by being on the highest possible
indifference curve) subject to the budget constraint.
Next time you are out shopping and deciding what to buy, remember you are choosing to buy
items to make you as happy as possible but you cannot spend more than your budget. Therefore,
this economic model is a deliberate simplification of our own real-world behaviour!
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer • Section 2.4: Consumer 81
Suppose you consider goods X and Y to be perfect substitutes, although you get twice as
much utility from good X as you do from good Y.
a. Write down a suitable utility function to represent your preferences.
b. Draw some examples of indifference curves for the utility function in part a.
Suppose you consider goods X and Y to be perfect complements, although you consume
X and Y in the fixed proportions of three-to-one, i.e. you consume three units of X with
every one unit of Y.
a. Write down a suitable utility function to represent your preferences.
b. Draw some examples of indifference curves for the utility function in part a.
a. Explain why a consumer would prefer to be on a higher indifference curve rather than
a lower one.
b. Is it possible to state how much more preferred consumptions bundles on the higher
indifference curve are to those on the lower indifference curve? Explain your answer.
Show on a diagram how the budget constraint changes when:
a. income decreases
b. the price of good X decreases
c. the price of good Y increases.
Consider Figure 2.51.
a. What would need to change in order for the consumer to end up consuming at
point B?
b. What would need to change in order for the consumer to end up consuming at
point C?
Unit 2: Microeconomics I: markets and the consumer
Concluding comments
This unit forms the basis of the study of microeconomics. It introduced demand and supply,
along with their respective determinants, and price determination in equilibrium when demand
equals supply. Different types of elasticities were defined, including how to calculate and
interpret them. Determinants of price elasticities, as well as short-run and long-run effects, were
examined. Social welfare, with specific reference to consumer and producer surplus, and the
different types of taxation were modelled, including the deadweight loss to society. Finally, the
consumer choice problem of utility maximisation subject to a budget constraint was analysed.
Introduction to Unit 3
Aims 84
Learning outcomes 84
Background reading 85
This unit aims to introduce you to:
the production decisions of firms
different types of market structure
market failure and its causes
inefficiencies resulting from externalities
government interventions which aim to reduce market failure
features of labour markets.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, and having completed the background reading and activities, you should
be able to:
define the production problem of firms
explain the different types of market structure
define the concept of market failure and explain how it arises
define externalities and give real-life examples
define costs (social, private and external) and benefits (social, private and external)
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production 85
Background reading
• Anderton, A. and D. Gray (Ed) Economics. (Lancashire: Anderton Press, 2015) 6th edition
[ISBN 9780993133107].
Please read the following units from Anderton (2015):
• Section 3.1 – Units 45 (pp. 265–268) and 48 (pp. 283–288)
• Section 3.2 – Unit 49 (pp. 289–295)
• Section 3.3 – Units 60 (pp. 367–376) and 61 (pp. 377–389)
• Section 3.4 – Units 63 (pp. 395–399), 64 (pp. 400–411) and 65 (pp. 412–424).
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production 86
Introduction 87
Profit maximisation 87
Technology 88
Examples of technology 89
Cost functions 92
Conclusion 95
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.1: Production 87
Production uses the same tools as consumer choice, so having studied Section 2.4 of Unit 2, this
material should seem somewhat familiar. Actually, production is simpler than consumer choice
as we consider the output of a firm (which is observable) instead of utility (which is not).
We initially consider the profit maximisation problem of firms, cross-referencing with your
FP0001 Mathematics and Statistics course. A discussion of technology follows, which
determines how a firm can convert inputs (factors of production) into outputs. This gives rise
to ‘isoquants’ which are very similar to indifference curves. We then explore cost functions,
leading to the cost minimisation problem of the firm, namely deciding the most cost-efficient
way of producing an amount of output, which takes into account the cost of each input and the
available technology.
Profit maximisation
Section 7.2.4 of FP0001 Mathematics and Statistics considers an economic application of
optimisation, namely profit maximisation, when a firm wants to determine the level of
production which maximises its profit.
Assuming the firm produces only one product, the quantity it produces is denoted by q. We
define profits as the difference between revenues and costs, i.e.
profits = revenues – costs.
In mathematical notation, we have:
π = profits
R = revenues
C = costs.
However, each of these variables will depend on the level of q. As such, each variable is a
function of q, giving rise to the concepts of a profit function, a revenue function, and a cost
function, where:
π(q) = profit function
R(q) = revenue function
C(q) = cost function.
Therefore, the profit function is defined as:
R(q) − pq.
As a result, the profit function is:
π(q) = pq − C(q).
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.1: Production 88
p = pD(q).
Unlike a perfectly competitive firm, a pure monopoly is a price-setter, or price-maker, such that
price is no longer a fixed constant. As a result, the revenue function becomes:
R(q) = qpD(q).
This then leads to a profit function of:
In practice, the output of a firm requires factors of production. In Section 1.1 we identified
these by CELL (capital, entrepreneurship, land and labour). Here, our focus will be on the amount
of input(s) rather than the type of input(s).
All firms face technological constraints, in that ‘nature’ restricts how factor inputs can be
combined to produce a desired output through the available technology.
A production set shows all possible combinations of inputs and outputs which are
technologically feasible. Since factor inputs typically cost the firm money, any firm will want to
produce the maximum output for a particular level of input. As such, a firm will produce at the
boundary of the production set.
A production function (similar to a production possibility frontier) is the function which
describes this boundary. Assuming an output amount of q, and an input amount of x, then
mathematically the production function could be represented as:
q = f (x).
This represents the maximum amount of output, q, for a particular amount of input, x.
Figure 3.1 shows an example of a production set, where the boundary of the set (the production
function) shows that output, q, is an increasing function of an input, x (more of the input is
required to produce more of the output).
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.1: Production 89
Figure 3.1: A production set showing possible amounts of output which can be
produced with a given amount of input. The production function is the boundary of
this set.
The production function depicted in Figure 3.1 assumed only a single input, x. Of course, we can
extend production analysis to more than one input. Suppose there are two inputs. We could
denote the amounts of these two inputs by x1 and x2. Mathematically, the production function is
q = f (x1, x2).
This represents the maximum amount of output, q, for x1 units of input 1 and x2 units of input 2.
With two inputs, it is straightforward to model production relationships using isoquants. An
isoquant is the set of all possible combinations of inputs 1 and 2 which are (just) sufficient to
produce a particular amount of output, q. The prefix ‘iso’ means ‘same’, so all points along an
isoquant result in the same quantity being produced.
Isoquants are similar to indifference curves (along an isoquant there is the same quantity
of output; along an indifference curve there is the same level of utility). However, there is a
crucial difference. Output is actually observed and quantifiable, and is subject to the available
technology. In contrast, utility is an arbitrary value with only ordinal properties.
Examples of technology
In Section 2.4 we examined consumer preferences for perfect substitutes and perfect
complements. We adopt a similar approach here when considering different types of
We begin with perfect substitutes. Suppose you can use pens and/or pencils to write your
homework. Let x1 denote the number of pens, and x2 the number of pencils. As far as writing
instruments are concerned, in practice these are perfect substitutes such that the total amount
of homework produced is determined only by the total number of pens and pencils combined.
Here, the production function can be expressed as:
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.1: Production 90
Figure 3.2: Isoquants when the factor inputs x1 and x2 are perfect substitutes. Higher
isoquants represent greater levels of output.
Now suppose the two factor inputs are people and machines, such that to produce output we
need to combine people and machines in fixed proportions, for example one person operates
one machine.
If there are more people than machines, then the extra people contribute nothing to production,
similarly if there are more machines than people, then the extra machines contribute nothing
to production. So, the total amount of output which can be produced is the minimum of the
number of people and machines. The production function is therefore:
Figure 3.3: Isoquants when the factor inputs x1 and x2 are used in fixed proportions.
Higher isoquants represent greater levels of output.
In general, production functions for inputs used in fixed proportions take the form:
q = f (1, 1) = A × 1a × 1b = A.
The parameters a and b measure the responsiveness of output to changes in the inputs.
Isoquants for Cobb-Douglas production functions resemble the smooth curves seen for Cobb-
Douglas indifference curves. An example is shown in Figure 3.4.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.1: Production 92
Cost functions
Earlier, when defining the profit function, we saw that the cost function was one component of this.
In the real world, factor inputs are not free (for example, labour and machinery both cost money),
so we need to model the total cost of production, which we do using cost functions.
We continue to assume two factor inputs. Suppose the cost (or price) of one unit of input 1 is w1,
and the cost (or price) of one unit of input 2 is w2, where clearly w1 > 0 and w2 > 0. The choice of
the letter ‘w’ can be explained by it representing the ‘wage’ of each input.
Mathematically, the firm’s total cost of production, c, when using x1 units of input 1 and x2 units of
input 2 is:
c = w1x1 + w2x2
i.e. unit cost times quantity for each input. Note the similarity to the consumer’s total expenditure
seen in Section 2.4.
We now rearrange this equation to express x2 as a function of x1. Doing so, we obtain:
c w1
x2 =
– x
w2 1
which notice is a linear equation relating x2 and x1, with an x2-intercept of c/w2 (here the y-axis
variable is x2) and a slope of -w1/w2. We can draw this as shown in Figure 3.5. At any point along
this line, the value of c is the same, so we call this line an isocost line, remembering that
the prefix ‘iso’ means ‘same’ so all points along an isocost line result in the same total cost of
Note the x2-intercept corresponds to the total cost of production when only input 2 is used (i.e.
when x1 = 0). Similarly, the x1-intercept corresponds to the total cost of production when only
input 1 is used (i.e. when x2 = 0).
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.1: Production 93
Figure 3.5: The linear isocost line of c = w1x1 + w2x2. Any point on the isocost line leads
to the same total cost of production, c, when the unit cost of input 1 is w1 and the unit
cost of input 2 is w2.
Figure 3.6: An increase in w1 pivots the isocost line inward about the x2-intercept,
reducing the amount of input 1 which can be used in the production process when
there is a fixed production budget of c.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.1: Production 94
Returning to the original w1, and still assuming a fixed production budget of c, a decrease in the
cost of input 2, i.e. w2, now means factor 2 is less expensive which makes the firm better off (it
costs less to use the same amount, x2, of input 2).
A decrease in w2 pivots the isocost line outward as shown in Figure 3.7. Note that the x1-intercept
is unaffected as this is c/w1, and we are assuming c and w1 are unaffected (there is a fixed
production budget of c, and w1 does not change). The new x2-intercept is c/w2’ and represents
the amount of input 2 used when x1 = 0.
Figure 3.7: A decrease in w2 pivots the isocost line outward about the x1-intercept,
increasing the amount of input 2 which can be used in the production process when
there is a fixed production budget of c.
Figure 3.8: The standard producer choice problem of cost minimisation to produce
q units of output subject to the production function. The producer wants to be on
the lowest possible isocost line, when faced with factor input prices w1 and w2, and
technology represented by the production function q = f(x1, x2).
At undergraduate level you would consider this exercise for different types of isoquants
(such as for perfect substitutes, fixed proportions and other types of production functions)
while changing w1 and w2. In this course, we will only consider the basic problem for generic
isoquants and isocost lines as depicted in Figure 3.8, just to give you a sense of what constrained
optimisation problems in production can look like. You will likely meet these problems both
graphically and mathematically in the future.
We have modelled the producer choice problem of cost minimisation subject to a production
Producers have to pay production costs to make output, where they are constrained by the
technology which is available. A production function models how technology converts inputs
into outputs. As such, economists think of producers as cost minimisers. An isoquant depicts
input combinations which result in the same level of output. The exact shape of isoquants
depends on the type of technology.
Combining isocost lines and an isoquant (for producing q units of output) on a single diagram,
the producer faces a constrained optimisation problem - to minimise the cost of producing q (by
being on the lowest possible isocost line) subject to the production function.
Suppose inputs 1 and 2 are perfect substitutes, although two units of input 1 are
required to produce a unit of output, while only one unit of input 2 is required.
a. Write down a suitable production function for this technology.
b. Draw some examples of isoquants for the production function in part a.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.1: Production 96
Suppose inputs 1 and 2 are used in fixed proportions in a production process. Three units
of input 1 are needed with each unit of input 2 to produce one unit of output.
a. Write down a suitable production function for this technology.
b. Draw some examples of isoquants for the production function in part a.
Explain why a producer would prefer to be on a lower isocost line rather than a higher
Show on a diagram how the isocost line changes when:
a. the cost of input 1 decreases
b. the cost of input 2 increases.
Technology changes over time. In the long run, how would you expect isoquants to
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production 97
Introduction 98
Conclusion 106
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.2: Market 98
Market structure refers to how a market is organised. In this section we focus on examining
the main characteristics of different types of market structure, as well as the degree of seller
concentration, including ways to quantify the amount of concentration. A discussion of barriers
to entry and exit follows, as the absence or presence of these can affect the level of increase or
decrease in competition levels.
Figure 3.9: The market structure spectrum spanning from perfect competition (the
most competitive) to monopoly (the least competitive). As the market structure
approaches monopoly, the degree of market concentration increases.
The characteristics of each type of market structure are now discussed, followed by examples of
concentration measures.
Perfect competition
In this extreme form of market structure, there are many buyers alongside many firms (sellers),
with each firm acting independently, producing a homogeneous product such that the
production decisions of a single firm are so negligible that there is no impact on the market
price. As mentioned in Section 3.1, such firms are price-takers and can take as given the market
price of p, determined through aggregate market demand and supply.
Due to the homogeneity of the product, consumers regard the output of each firm as being
identical such that there is no practical difference between the output of different firms. As
such, there is no product differentiation (discussed later in this section). There is free entry
and exit from the market, and so no barriers to entry or exit exist (also covered later in this
section). Finally, it is assumed that buyers and sellers in the market have perfect knowledge of
products and prices.
With a homogeneous product, the cross-price elasticities are infinite whereby no seller is able
to increase their sale price above p without losing all customers, as all customers would switch
to the lower price set by all other sellers of this identical product. Therefore, under perfect
competition, the demand curve faced by a single firm is just a horizontal line at the market
price, p, as shown in Figure 3.10.
Perfect competition results in the most efficient form of market organisation where these
assumed identical firms earn normal profits. A normal profit is a profit which is just sufficient to
allow a firm to continue to supply its output. It represents the opportunity cost of the resources
of a firm’s owner.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.2: Market 99
Monopolistic competition
A monopolistically-competitive market is similar to perfect competition (many buyers,
and many firms with free entry and exit) but there is now product differentiation where
consumers are able to distinguish between competing products produced by competitor firms.
We assume each such firm faces identical demand and cost functions, with profit maximisation
being the objective. Unlike in perfect competition, firms which are monopolistically competitive
face a downward-sloping demand curve, as shown in Figure 3.11. Consumer demand for a
differentiated product increases as its price decreases. Note that in this type of market structure,
competitors will produce distinct, but close substitutes and so the cross-price elasticities of
demand ensure that the demand curve for any such firm will be fairly elastic, i.e. quite flat.
The production of differentiated products typically leads to such firms having different cost
functions which, in the short run, can lead to supernormal profits. A supernormal profit is the
sum of normal profit and economic profit, where economic profit is the excess profit above the
opportunity costs of the firm’s owners (i.e. the excess over normal profit). We have:
supernormal profit = normal profit + economic profit.
However, in the long run the presence of supernormal profits attracts new entrants to the
market (remember there is free entry under monopolistic competition) which competes away
any economic profits. In effect, the demand curves of the incumbent firms are shifted down,
resulting in a lower quantity demanded for each price level.
Relative to perfect competition, monopolistic competition tends to be less efficient in that the
market consists of lower output levels at higher prices than would be achieved under perfect
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.2: Market 100
Figure 3.11: The demand curve of a monopolistically-competitive firm, with free entry
and exit, producing a (slightly) differentiated product from its competitors. Quantity
demanded increases from q1 to q2 as price decreases from p1 to p2. The presence of
competition causes demand to be quite elastic as consumers can easily switch to close
Oligopoly is a type of market structure where there are many buyers, but only a few firms, i.e.
a few dominant firms serve the needs of many consumers. Products are perceived by consumers
to be either homogeneous or differentiated, with the latter more likely, resulting in downward-
sloping demand curves for each differentiated product.
Due to the dominance of the small number of firms in the market, it is difficult for other firms
to enter the market. These are known as barriers to entry, and an in-depth discussion of such
barriers follows later in this section.
When deciding on their own price and output decisions, oligopolistic firms must take into
account the likely responses of their competitors. As such, price and quantity decisions are
strategic decisions, since the actions of one firm are likely to affect the actions of others. For
example, a price cut by one oligopolist might result in other competitors responding with their
own price cuts (i.e. a price war erupts) which leads to all firms earning lower profits. Because
of this, an oligopoly would generally not be a suitable market structure for price competition,
instead each oligopolist would attempt to engage in price-coordination activities. Such
coordination could result in the formation of cartels where firms collude to keep prices high,
allowing them to earn supernormal profits.
A monopoly is a type of market structure in which there is one firm and many buyers.
This means a single supplier serves the needs of lots of buyers, who we think of as behaving
independently. Under pure monopoly, there are no close substitute products for the
monopolist’s product, resulting in a zero cross-price elasticity of demand. The barriers to entry
into the market are so high that it is impossible for new entrants to try and compete against the
monopolist, i.e. there is an effective blockade on market entry.
As seen in Section 3.1 (as well as in FP0001 Mathematics and Statistics), monopolists are
price-setters, or price-makers, as they have full power to set the market price as their firm’s
output represents the entire market supply. Monopolists face downward-sloping demand
curves, with the production and sale of additional units of output (and hence increased market
supply) forcing down the market price at which all its units of output must be sold. We have seen
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.2: Market 101
previously that the demand curve captures the price consumers are willing to pay for each level
of output, which is why for a monopolist price is a function of quantity, i.e. we have:
p = pD(q)
with p a decreasing function of q.
When a monopolist solves its profit-maximisation problem, it can be shown (precise details are
beyond the scope of the course) that in equilibrium the price-quantity point is at a higher price
and lower quantity than would be achieved under perfect competition, resulting in supernormal
profits for the monopolist. The blockade of entry to the market by the very high barriers to entry
means that such supernormal profits can be sustained in the long run, until such time when
consumer demand significantly changes and/or supply conditions are significantly affected.
Concentration measures
Many concentration measures exist, each with the objective of quantifying the size distribution
of firms in an industry.
At the broadest level, we could consider aggregate concentration measures which focus
on the contribution to total activity by the largest firms in the market. For example, the share of
manufactured output produced by the largest 100 firms. In practice we have a choice of criteria
for what is observed - such as sales, number of employees or market share – which inevitably
would result in slightly different concentration measurements. Nevertheless, these provide a
big picture view of concentration, and can be monitored over time to detect any changes in
However, if we want to be more precise then we will need to move away from aggregate
concentration measures. Instead we choose to focus on measures of seller concentration.
The concentration ratio captures the extent of seller concentration in a particular market. It
shows the percentage of market sales due to the largest n firms. Plotted on a graph, the number
of firms cumulated down from the largest is on the x-axis, and the cumulative percentage of
market sales is on the y-axis.
A steep curve or line indicates that just a few dominant firms have captured the market, while
a flatter curve or line reflects a low level of concentration with no single firm being particularly
Figure 3.12 shows an example with concentration ratios plotted for two markets, A and B, where
market A is highly concentrated, while market B has a much lower level of concentration.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.2: Market 102
A drawback of the concentration ratio is that it only shows the seller concentration at a single
point along the cumulative concentration curve which makes it hard to directly compare curves
for different markets. For example, in Figure 3.13 we draw different conclusions about the level
of concentration in a market depending on whether we use a three-firm or five-firm ratio. The
Herfindahl index (discussed below) avoids this problem by using the quantity and market shares
of all firms in a market. The value of the index can then be used for direct comparisons across
Herfindahl index
The Herfindahl index is a measure of the extent of seller concentration in a market. The index
considers the size of firms relative to the industry output. It is calculated by adding up the
squared market shares of all firms in the industry. Mathematically:
H = ∑ S i2
Si is the market share of firm i, expressed as a proportion
N is the number of firms in the market
H is the value of the Herfindahl index.
For example, suppose a market had the following market shares distributed across six firms:
Firm number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Market share (in %) 50 20 10 10 5 5
The Herfindahl index is then calculated to be:
H = ∑ S i2 = (0.5) 2 + (0.2) 2 + (0.1) 2 + (0.1) 2 + (0.05) 2 + (0.05) 2 = 0.315.
It is important to remember that the market shares must be expressed as a proportion, for
example 50 per cent = 0.5.
The range of possible values of the index spans from 1/N to 1. It is equal to 1/N when all N firms
are of the same size, hence the value of the index is the reciprocal of N. For example, with 10
firms each with 10% market share, then the index is 1/10 = 0.1 (or, using the formula, 10 x (0.1)2
= 0.1). Clearly, as N → ∞, then H → 0. For H = 1, there must be a monopoly, i.e. a single firm with
100 per cent market share.
Since we have defined the Herfindahl index as a measure of seller concentration, we should think
about what the value of H tells us about the level of competition. Clearly, the least competitive
situation of a monopoly (when H = 1) demonstrates that the larger the value of the index, the
more concentrated the market, and so the less competitive the market is.
As rules-of-thumb, we can classify a market as follows:
a highly competitive market if H < 0.01
a competitive market if H < 0.15
a moderately concentrated market for 0.15 ≤ H ≤ 0.25
a highly concentrated market (i.e. an oligopoly) for H > 0.25
a pure monopoly for H = 1.
In our earlier numerical example, H = 0.315 indicating a highly concentrated market showing
characteristics of an oligopoly. This is evident due to one dominant firm having 50 per cent
market share, and there being only six firms.
So far, we have considered absolute concentration ratios, taking into account the absolute
number of firms. Here, we look at relative concentration measures, which instead look at
inequalities with respect to the proportion (or percentage) of firms which account for a particular
share of a market.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.2: Market 104
Lorenz curve
The Lorenz curve is a relative concentration measure. Figure 3.14 shows an example. The x-axis
represents the cumulative percentage of firms, from the largest to the smallest firms and the
y-axis represents the cumulative percentage share of market size. Perfect equality of firm shares
corresponds to the 45-degree line, with greater deviations of the Lorenz curve (above) this line
reflecting greater levels of inequality, i.e. greater levels of seller concentration. This is because the
x-axis shows cumulative percentages from the largest firms, so defined this way the Lorenz curve
cannot be below the 45-degree line. In Figure 3.14 we see that under equality 50 per cent of
firms would account for 50 per cent of sales, but in the market depicted the largest 25 per cent of
firms account for 50 per cent of sales and so sellers are more concentrated.
Figure 3.14: A Lorenz curve depicting the cumulative share of market size accounted
by cumulative percentages of firms (from the largest). Perfect equality would result in
the 45-degree line, with greater seller concentrations leading to steeper Lorenz curves
above this.
Gini coefficient
Visual inspection of a Lorenz curve is helpful to assess the extent of seller concentration.
However, a quantified measure of inequality would be even more useful. For this, we could
compute the Gini coefficient. This takes values between 0 and 1. It is calculated as the area
below the Lorenz curve and above the 45-degree line, i.e. the shaded blue area shown in Figure
3.14, divided by the area above the 45-degree line.
So, if there is perfect equality, the Gini coefficient is 0 (as the shaded area would be zero), while
complete inequality would result in a Gini coefficient of 1.
Barriers to entry
Incumbent firms dislike facing competition as they are self-interested in maintaining any
supernormal profits. Therefore, incumbents are keen to prevent new firms entering their market.
Barriers to entry are obstacles which make it difficult for potential new firms to get a foothold
in the market. We list some of the main barriers to entry which exist when there is a lack of
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.2: Market 105
Barriers to exit
We now briefly turn to barriers to exit. Just as potential entrants may struggle to enter a
market, it is possible that existing firms may struggle to exit even if faced with falling sales and
profitability if the costs of exit exceed the costs of continuing to trade. We list some of the main
barriers to exit which can exist.
Redundancy costs
Exiting the market would likely result in laying off staff who usually have to be compensated with
a severance payment known as a redundancy payment. The larger the workforce, the greater
the total cost of redundancy and so this may prohibit the exit of the firm altogether.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.2: Market 106
Product differentiation
It was mentioned previously that firms invest in product differentiation in an attempt to
demonstrate a sufficient distinction between their product and a non-perfect substitute of a
competitor. This concept is worthy of a special mention.
Product differentiation can be thought of as a type of non-price competition. The product
concerned may be differentiated either in terms of demand-side or supply-side ways.
Demand-side differences are conveyed through advertising, which seeks to promote the relative
benefits of a product over those of any competitor by emphasising differences in product
characteristics (whether real or imaginary). Indeed, brand image can play a very powerful
role in this respect. Branded products often command a price premium over non-branded
substitutes (for example, branded cereals in supermarkets tend to be much more expensive
than a supermarket’s own-branded cereal). By cultivating a powerful brand image a firm hopes
to sustain and grow its customer base, especially in an oligopolistic market setting. Any price
premium contributes to the firm earning supernormal profits.
Supply-side differences tend to refer to actual differences in product characteristics which might
cover areas such as quality, design, style, performance or packaging.
This section has presented a spectrum of different types of market structure, classifying different
ways in which markets can be organised. We have considered the characteristics of perfect
competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly.
Various measures of concentration were introduced, each aimed at determining the type of
market structure present in an industry. In particular, the Herfindahl index, Lorenz curve and Gini
coefficient were offered as ways of assessing the level of seller concentration.
Just because a type of market structure may be in place, it is possible for this to change over
time. How likely this is will depend on the extent of barriers to entry and exit. The ease with
which a firm can decide to enter or exit a market will have a major impact on the level of
The amount of competition in a market can have consequences for society. A market dominated
by a small number of ‘big players’ could potentially stifle innovation. Indeed, there is a possible
role for government intervention over monitoring mergers and takeovers within a sector.
On the one hand it could be argued that when companies merge (or one takes over another)
this creates synergies which benefit innovation and hence consumers. However, from a
different perspective it could be argued that a competitor is being absorbed – a competitor
who potentially may have unleashed their own innovations, disrupting the sector which could
ultimately threaten the other incumbents.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.2: Market 107
Compare and contrast the main characteristics of perfect competition, monopolistic
competition, oligopoly and monopoly.
Which is the best form of market structure from the perspective of:
a. the producer?
b. the consumer?
Calculate the Herfindahl index for the following market and interpret its value.
Firm number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Market share (in %) 28 21 17 14 9 5 4 2
Also, for this market, plot the:
a. cumulative concentration curve
b. Lorenz curve.
Find examples of different types of market structure in your country. Can you explain
why a particular industry has its level of competition? (You may discuss barriers to entry
and exit in your answer.)
Under oligopoly, it was stated that firms may undertake price-coordination activities
which could lead to the formation of a cartel and possible price collusion. The
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, www.opec.org) is an organisation
of countries which account for about 45 per cent of the global oil market.
OPEC members regularly meet to discuss output decisions (i.e. how much oil to produce)
conscious that the quantity supplied to the market will impact prices.
Research examples of OPEC output decisions, including the reasons behind why the
particular output decisions were made.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production 108
Introduction 109
Subsidies 117
Conclusion 120
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.3: Market failure and 109
In Section 2.1 we discussed how the price mechanism allocates scarce resources through
the forces of demand and supply to reach market equilibrium. However, out of all the
possibilities, is the obtained allocation the best one? Often, the answer is no. The price
mechanism sometimes fails to allocate resources efficiently. Such a situation is called
market failure.
Externalities are third-party effects (delivered and received outside the market)
caused by decisions or actions made by someone else. These can be positive (i.e. ‘good’
externalities) or negative (i.e. ‘bad’ externalities). Having analysed externalities, we will also
consider a role for government intervention to promote positive externalities and reduce
negative externalities through taxation and subsidies, as well as other intervention tools.
Market failure
Market failure occurs when the market fails to achieve an optimal allocation of resources. There
are numerous sources of market failure, which we now review.
Externalities are defined as the extra, or external, costs or benefits delivered outside the market
to a third party resulting from a decision made by someone else. For example, if your classmates
regularly consume a balanced diet, they are less likely to get ill. This is their private benefit.
However, their actions also affect you - since people around you are healthier, that means you
are less likely to catch infections from them. As a result, you benefit from actions taken by your
friends, i.e. there is an external benefit. Economists call this a positive externality. Private and
external benefits combined together are referred to as social benefits.
On the other hand, when somebody smokes, they risk their own health. This is their private cost
of smoking. However, when they smoke around you, they expose you to the consequences of
passive smoking, which is an external cost. Subsequent lung problems are examples of negative
externalities. Private and external costs combined together are referred to as social costs.
To summarise:
social benefits = private benefits + external benefits
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.3: Market failure and 110
social costs = private costs + external costs.
Externalities can also be categorised as either production or consumption externalities,
depending on their source. Production externalities occur when the spill-over (third-party)
effects result from the physical production of a good. Examples include factory pollution and
environmental damage caused by carbon dioxide emissions. Consumption externalities,
on the other hand, occur as a direct result of product consumption. For example, by using
deodorant, people are making it easier and nicer for others to be around them!
Public goods
Most goods, such as cars, clothes, food and so on, are called private goods. This is because they
are both rivalrous and excludable. Rivalry means that one person’s consumption reduces the
amount of the good available to others. For example, if I consume a bar of chocolate, there will
be less available for you. Excludability, on the other hand, means that some people may not be
allowed to benefit from a certain good, for example if they are not willing or able to pay for it.
On the other hand, public goods (such as national defence or street lighting) are said to be both
non-rivalrous and non-excludable. They are said to be non-rivalrous because the amount
consumed by one person does not limit the quantity available for others. For example, if a
country is protected by its armed forces, the amount of protection available to you is not usually
affected by the fluctuations in the size of the population. Public goods are also non-excludable
because it is also impossible to prevent anyone from enjoying the public good once it has been
provided. If there is a street light installed on a London street, anyone travelling through the city
can benefit from it.
The consequence of the non-rivalry and non-excludability of public goods is the ‘free-rider’
problem. Even those who are not willing or able to pay for the good can still enjoy it without
any limits. Therefore, if such goods were to be provided by private companies, no-one would
be willing to pay for the provision of the good. In such cases, no profits can be made and so
no private company would be willing to provide the good. The problem of a missing market
would arise. In graphical terms, there would be no intersection of the market demand and supply
Some goods, such as libraries, are classified as quasi-public goods because they exhibit mixed
characteristics of both private and public goods - they are either non-rivalrous but excludable, or
non-excludable but rivalrous. For example, radio and TV broadcasting can be classified as quasi-
public goods as they are non-rivalrous - the amount of programmes or stations available to you
is not affected by the size of the audience; but at the same time it is excludable – it is possible
to prevent someone from enjoying the broadcast if the person is not willing to pay for the
television licence. Sea fishing, on the other hand, is said to be rivalrous (especially when stocks
are overfished) but non-excludable. Since the amount of fish in the sea is limited in a given time
period, if I catch all of them, there will be none left for you. However, I cannot prevent you going
rational decisions, merit goods are usually under-provided by the free-market mechanism. In
addition, merit goods can also benefit others. Education, for example, not only helps you find a
better job in the future, but it indirectly contributes to the growth of the country. This is because
the better educated you are, the more efficient you become as a worker (remember why you are
studying the IFP!).
Demerit goods are goods with under-estimated or ignored harmful effects, for example
cigarettes, drugs and alcohol. Not only do they have a negative effect on people who consume
them in excessive amounts, but they can also harm others, for example, through passive
Under-consumption of merit goods and over-consumption of demerit goods can, therefore, be
explained in two ways, in terms of the:
imperfect information problem (people not fully appreciating what is good for them and
what is not)
consumption externalities (third-party effects) generated by their consumption decisions.
Figure 3.15: Marginal benefit (MB) and marginal cost (MC) curves which coincide with
demand and supply curves, respectively, in the absence of externalities.
We now verify how the existence of externalities results in the condition for the efficient
outcome not being satisfied, i.e. the market outcome when prices do not accurately reflect costs
and benefits to society.
Figure 3.16: Market with negative externalities. Here marginal private benefits are
the same as marginal social benefits, so we simply show the marginal benefit (MB)
curve, while the supply curve is the marginal private cost (MPC) curve, producing an
equilibrium quantity-price point of (q0, p0). Negative externalities mean the marginal
social cost (MSC) is higher than the MPC, for example due to pollution, which should
result in a lower quantity-higher price point of (q1, p1).
The over-production of cars results in a welfare loss to society (the pink triangle). It can only
be eliminated when price is increased and quantity decreased to the socially optimal levels.
Market equilibrium at q0 and p0 reflects the situation of the marginal benefit being equal to
the marginal private cost. However, when marginal social costs are considered, the equilibrium
should be established at q1 and p1 by an increase in price and a decrease in quantity demanded.
A welfare loss to society exists because the marginal social cost at the level of production q0 is
greater than the private equilibrium situation.
Figure 3.17: Market with positive externalities. Here marginal private costs are the
same as marginal social costs, so we simply show the marginal cost (MC) curve,
while the demand curve is the marginal private benefit (MPB) curve, producing an
equilibrium quantity-price point of (q0, p0). Positive externalities mean the marginal
social benefit (MSB) is higher than the MPB, for example due to a better-educated
workforce, which should result in a higher quantity-higher price point of (q1, p1).
Government intervention
Markets can fail and they often do. Demerit goods are over-provided; merit goods are under-
consumed; while markets for some public goods are missing. Government intervention is one
way of trying to solve these problems. We consider a few of the most commonly-used means of
government intervention, including an examination of some advantages and disadvantages of
Indirect taxes (introduced in Section 2.3) are mostly used to correct market failure resulting from:
negative externalities
demerit goods.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.3: Market failure and 115
In the case of negative externalities, inefficiency is caused by the fact that marginal social costs
are higher than the marginal private costs of production (MSC > MPC). Imposing tax on such
goods increases private costs and reduces supply making marginal social costs and marginal
private costs with tax approximately the same (MSC ≈ MPC + tax). In order to fully eliminate the
welfare loss caused by negative externalities, the tax should be exactly equal to the size of the
externality (see Figure 3.18).
Figure 3.18: Taxation to combat negative externalities. A tax equal in size to the red
arrow fully eliminates a negative externality by ensuring the marginal social cost is
fully taken into account.
Market failure in the case of demerit goods is caused by the over-consumption of harmful
substances. In order to make them less attractive to consumers, governments tax the goods
which significantly increase their prices. The effectiveness of such a policy greatly depends on the
price elasticity of demand.
If consumers are insensitive to price changes (such as heavy smokers), the imposed tax has to be
very large in order to have at least some effect. If buyers are price sensitive (such as occasional
smokers), then a smaller tax would likely be sufficient to significantly reduce the quantity of
cigarettes bought (see Figure 3.19).
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.3: Market failure and 116
Figure 3.19: Taxation to combat the over-consumption of demerit goods. A unit tax
shifts the supply curve up from S to “S with T”, resulting in a reduction in equilibrium
quantity from q0 to q1 and an increase in equilibrium price from p0 to p1. The
effectiveness of such a unit tax depends on the price elasticity of demand. Inelastic
demand, such as for heavy smokers, means a steep demand curve so a large increase
in price (due to a large unit tax) only reduces consumption by a small amount. Less
inelastic demand, such as for occasional smokers, means a flatter demand curve
so a smaller increase in price (due to a smaller unit tax) can reduce consumption
Direct taxes (especially income taxes) provide funding which is used for the provision of public
goods such as new roads or street lighting. Direct taxes also help to correct the problem of
inequality. Excessive income is collected from the rich and given to those in need in the form of
social benefits (unemployment benefits, jobseekers’ allowances, child benefits, housing benefits
Subsidies are provided by governments in order to increase the consumption of merit goods
and goods whose consumption generates positive externalities which benefit other people.
By subsidising the costs of production, governments help in lowering the prices of goods for
consumers which results in an increase in the quantity demanded. This is achieved because the
subsidy shifts the supply curve to the right as shown in Figure 3.20. After the subsidy is applied,
the quantity demanded increases from q1 to q2, while the market price falls from p1 to p2. The
amount of the subsidy is given by p0 – p2.
Figure 3.20: A subsidy shifts the supply curve to the right, here from S to
“S with subsidy”. The demand curve is the marginal private benefit (MPB)
curve. Initially the good has a price of p1 and a quantity demanded of q1. After
the subsidy is introduced, the price falls to p2 and the quantity demanded
increases to q2. The amount of the subsidy is p0 - p2.
Advantage of subsidies
subsidies lower the market price and therefore help to internalise external benefits
producers may be incentivised to produce more products with positive externalities.
Disadvantage of subsidies
there is an opportunity cost involved with every pound or dollar spent on subsidising certain
goods as the money could have been used more beneficially for other purposes
prolonged subsidies might limit firms’ incentives to find better and more efficient means of
Congestion charges
Congestion charges are applied to roads which tend to be over-used and so result in negative
externalities, such as increased traffic and pollution. The use of these roads is only allowed after
a certain toll is paid. Because extra payments increase the costs of travelling by other private
means of transportation, some people switch to cheaper substitutes (i.e. public transport) and
congestion is effectively reduced. Such solutions have been successfully implemented in London
and Singapore, for example.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.3: Market failure and 118
Advantages of congestion:
congestion charges effectively reduce the amount of traffic
traffic is easy to monitor and can be changed by modifying the size of the toll.
Disadvantages of congestion:
monitoring systems are costly
people living within the congestion charge zone may feel that it is unfair that they have to
pay the charges
it may be difficult to put an exact monetary value on the harmful effects caused by road
Figure 3.21: The supply curves S1 and S2 represent the supply of coffee beans at the
end of two different seasons – bad and good, respectively.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.3: Market failure and 120
Note that at any given time, supply is perfectly inelastic since farmers cannot change the
quantity supplied to the market after a harvest has been collected. Suppose the government
wants to keep price fluctuations within a certain band: namely, below Pmax and above Pmin.
Suppose now that in a particular year there is a bumper harvest and, therefore, the supply in that
year can be represented by the S2 curve. Without any intervention, the coffee bean price would
quickly drop below Pmin. To avoid such a situation, the government could buy Y - X of the coffee
beans and place in storage to increase the market price to Pmin.
This section has introduced the concept of market failure and shown examples of how it can
arise, with a particular emphasis on positive and negative externalities. The welfare losses
generated by externalities have been illustrated graphically by considering how social benefits
and costs exceed private benefits and costs.
We have also seen how governments can intervene in an effort to correct market failure, using
a variety of tools such as taxation, subsidies, congestion charges, tradable pollution permits,
regulation and legislation.
Explain whether each of the following goods are private, public or quasi-public:
the Internet
refuse collection
art galleries
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.3: Market failure and 121
What is the difference between public goods and merit goods?
Using defence and education as examples, discuss the economic arguments regarding
the provision of public goods and merit goods.
Give three examples, other than those mentioned in this section, of goods/actions with
positive externalities and three examples of goods/actions with negative externalities.
Clearly distinguish between the private and external costs and benefits.
In what sense can the market system ‘fail’?
To what extent could an argument be made to justify public sector (i.e. government)
provision of goods and services?
Using Figure 3.21, analyse how the government can intervene in the coffee bean market
in order to stabilise the price after bad weather impacts on the following harvest if a buffer
stock scheme was in place.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production 122
Introduction 123
Conclusion 129
We conclude the microeconomics part of the course by taking a look at labour markets.
Up to this point, we have considered demand and supply for tangible goods and services. We
now consider demand and supply in the context of the labour market. Here, the ‘service’ is labour
which is supplied by a worker and demanded by an employer.
A labour market is a ‘factor of production’ market providing a means to exchange work for wages.
While labour is a factor of production, its characteristics are quite distinct from other factors
such as capital. The rate at which workers produce output will depend on how efficiently firms
organise work tasks, as well as the motivation of workers themselves (see the division of labour
covered in Section 1.1).
This section will begin by defining the wage rate, then consider demand and supply curves in
the labour market, including some determinants of labour demand and supply. An argument for
a ‘backward-bending’ labour supply curve will be put forward. Government intervention in the
labour market through a minimum wage will be discussed, along with some information issues
which can affect the labour market.
Wage rate
Labour can be thought of as the human capital supplied to the market by willing workers and
the demand for labour comes from firms which need workers to produce goods according to
their production functions.
In the labour market, employers ‘buy’ labour from workers (who can be thought of as ‘selling’ their
labour). Prices have been introduced as the mechanism by which imbalances between demand
and supply have been resolved. Here, the price is the wage of the worker per unit of labour
(which might be in units of hours, for example), which we call the wage rate. So the wage rate is
the price of labour.
Figure 3.22: Labour demand and supply curves which, in a competitive labour market,
determine the equilibrium wage rate, we, at the intersection of the curves, leading to
the equilibrium quantity of labour Qe.
Consider the labour market for high-skilled surgeons (requiring extensive study and training at
medical school) versus the labour market for low-skilled office cleaners (requiring little-to-no
training). While both professions have labour demand and supply curves, these will be very
different, as shown in Figure 3.23.
Surgeons are highly-skilled which means the supply of surgeons is very limited (you cannot train
to be a surgeon overnight), leading to a steep labour supply curve spanning low quantities of
labour. Demand for surgeons is high – you may need surgery to save your life. As a result, the
equilibrium wage rate is at a high wage rate of ws.
Office cleaners fulfil an essential task, however there is a much greater supply of office cleaners
compared to surgeons (the barriers to entry are far lower – no need for medical school, for
example). Although there is demand for office cleaners, this is quite low relative to the supply. As
such, the equilibrium wage rate is at the much lower wage rate of wo.
The difference in wage rates for surgeons and office cleaners, ws - wo, is the wage differential.
Indeed, as IFP students you are studying now to progress to undergraduate study to obtain a
degree (and perhaps a postgraduate degree after that), presumably with the ultimate objective
of securing a highly-skilled, well-paid job. Think back to your discussion of the opportunity costs
of studying the IFP back in Section 1.1!
Figure 3.23: Labour markets and wage rate determination for surgeons and office
Figure 3.24: A backward-bending labour supply curve. As the wage rate increases
(from initially low levels) workers increase their supply of labour, but gradually work
becomes so well-paid that utility-maximising workers begin to substitute leisure for
With only 24 hours in a day, a worker must choose the right balance between work and leisure
(what to do with our time was cited as an example when the concept of opportunity cost was
introduced in Section 1.1). An hour of work is paid at the wage rate, while an hour of leisure is
As the wage rate increases, the opportunity cost of an extra hour of leisure increases, i.e. leisure
becomes relatively more expensive, and so there is a substitution effect away from (the more
expensive) leisure to work.
As the wage rate increases, the hours worked at the previous wage rate are now paid at a
higher rate, which creates an income effect. This income effect makes leisure more affordable.
Assuming leisure is a normal good (defined in Section 2.1), then as income increases we demand
more leisure.
As a result, there are two competing effects as the wage rate rises. The backward-bending labour
supply curve assumes that for low wage rates the substitution effect dominates the income
effect as the wage rate rises. At some point, at a higher wage rate, the income and substitution
effects cancel each other out resulting in no change to the total hours worked. Beyond this, at
very high wage rates, the income effect dominates the substitution effect, resulting in the labour
supply curve becoming backward-bending, as shown in Figure 3.25.
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production • Section 3.4: Labour markets 127
not fully understanding the private and social costs of going to university.
In practice, labour markets tend to be imperfect due to the costs of collecting information on
(potential) workers. The fact that workers are not homogeneous also makes it difficult to assess
the relative skill sets and abilities of individual workers.
Labour is a special factor of production requiring a separate analysis of the labour market. We
model workers as selling their labour at a given wage rate to firms who buy the labour to allow
production. The forces of demand and supply, in a competitive labour market, determine the
equilibrium wage rate and quantity of labour. Profession-specific characteristics result in different
equilibrium points across different professions, with higher-skilled professions realising higher
wage rates. We have also seen how income and substitution effects can result in a backward-
bending labour supply curve as workers attempt to resolve the trade-off between work and
leisure, taking into account the wage rate.
Government intervention in the labour market through minimum wage legislation was analysed.
When a minimum wage is set above the market-clearing equilibrium, an excess supply of labour
results which leads to unemployment. Only workers who keep their jobs are better off. Note that
unemployment will be discussed in detail in Section 4.3.
The section concluded with a brief discussion of asymmetric and imperfect information, which
represent challenges for employers as they can never be certain about the quality of job
applicants, making optimal hiring of workers difficult.
For each of the determinants of labour demand and supply, determine how the
respective labour demand and supply curves would shift.
Explain why the world’s top footballers earn such high salaries.
Suppose a government wanted to introduce a minimum wage. Discuss its effectiveness if:
a. the minimum wage was set below the market equilibrium wage rate
b. the minimum wage was set at the market equilibrium wage rate
c. the minimum wage was set slightly above the market equilibrium wage rate
d. the minimum wage was set far above the market equilibrium wage rate.
Why could it be argued that education helps people to obtain jobs which are suitable
given their skills?
Unit 3: Microeconomics II: firms and production 130
Concluding comments
This unit concludes our study of microeconomics. We began with the production decisions of
firms, noting similarities with the consumer choice problem in Section 2.4. Different types of
market structure were presented, ranging from perfect competition to monopoly, with their
distinct characteristics discussed. Left to their own devices, markets do not always achieve the
‘best’ outcome, and we describe such cases as instances of market failure. Consumption and
production externalities resulted in free-market outcomes which did not fully internalise all
benefits and costs. In response, a case was made for government intervention to correct market
failure, using various tools including taxation and subsidies, with associated advantages and
disadvantages. Finally, the labour market was analysed, noting that labour is a special factor of
production. Workers have to resolve the trade-off between work and leisure, while governments
may be tempted to intervene by setting minimum wages.
Unit 4 transitions us from the microeconomic world to the macroeconomic, by looking at
important economic issues at an aggregate level. Enjoy!
Introduction to Unit 4
Aims 132
This unit aims to:
introduce you to the main macroeconomic objectives of national governments
provide tools which support you in the critical evaluation of the costs and benefits of
economic growth
introduce you to the aggregate demand and aggregate supply models
explain the different types of unemployment, costs and remedies
explain the different types of inflation, costs and remedies
introduce you to the mechanics of monetary policy and fiscal policy, including their effects on
important macroeconomic variables.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy 133
Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, and having completed the background reading and activities, you should
be able to:
explain the macroeconomic objectives of national governments
explain the circular flow of income and how to determine the total amount of economic
define the concepts of economic growth, unemployment and inflation
describe the different types of unemployment, their costs and possible remedies
explain the relationship between unemployment and economic growth
describe the different types of inflation, their costs and possible remedies
explain the phenomenon of stagflation
describe how monetary policy works from expansionary and contractionary perspectives
describe how fiscal policy works from expansionary and contractionary perspectives
outline the similarities and differences between monetary and fiscal policies.
Background reading
Anderton, A. and D. Gray (Ed) Economics. (Lancashire: Anderton Press, 2015) 6th edition
[ISBN 9780993133107].
Please read the following units from Anderton (2015):
Section 4.1 – Units 32 (pp. 171–175) and 34 (pp. 181–188)
Section 4.2 – Unit 38 (pp. 213–220)
Section 4.3 – Unit 39 (pp. 221–228)
Section 4.4 – Unit 41 (pp. 234–243)
Section 4.5 – Unit 42 (pp. 244–249).
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy 134
Introduction 135
Conclusion 140
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.1: Introduction to 135
macroeconomics and national income accounting
Macroeconomics concerns the study of a national economy, requiring us to consider totals or
aggregates. Governments (and others) are interested in knowing the amount of economic
activity taking place, so we begin our study of macroeconomics by looking at how to measure
economic activity over a period of time, typically a year. This is achieved using national income
Ahead of this, though, we need to consider the macroeconomic variables of ‘total output’ and
‘total expenditure’ and how they link together using the circular flow of income.
Households provide the demand for goods and services through their spending. They also
provide the four factors of production (CELL: capital, entrepreneurship, land and labour) which
firms need, and for which they pay incomes to households. Firms respond to that demand and
provision by supplying goods and services.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.1: Introduction to 136
macroeconomics and national income accounting
The outer (dashed) loop in Figure 4.1 depicts the supply of the factors of production by
households (in particular labour supply, as discussed in Section 3.4) to firms, from which the
firms use their production functions to turn these factors into goods (and services) which
are consumed by households. The inner loop shows the financial flows between firms and
households. In return for supplying factors, firms pay incomes to households. These incomes
provide the budgets to allow households to undertake spending (i.e. the payment of the goods,
and services, which they consume). While obviously a much-simplified model of reality, this
circular flow model is sufficiently realistic because production requires factor inputs so firms can
make the output which households want to buy.
At this point, it is worth considering the different types of ‘incomes’ which firms pay households.
The type of income will depend on the factor of production being bought. We consider each
factor of CELL in turn:
Capital – firms often borrow money to buy capital (machinery) for which they pay interest.
Entrepreneurship – entrepreneurs receive the profits (if any) which the firms make.
Land – firms pay rents for the use of land.
Labour – firms pay wages for labour.
Household incomes are derived from four main sources: interest, profits, rents and wages. You
might think that ‘profits’ are not really a form of household income; however, if there was no
expectation of profits, entrepreneurs would not be prepared to undertake the risks which are
associated with production, so profit is the reward for being exposed to such risks.
Figure 4.1 also shows two leakages from the system: savings (S) and taxes (T). The more
households save, the less they can spend, which causes a reduction in spending. Governments
can cause further household spending reductions by imposing taxes.
Finally, there are also two injections into the system: investment (I) and funds (F). Investment is
when firms invest in new machinery and other assets. Governments inject funds by spending on
welfare and infrastructure.
An economy is in equilibrium when injections and leakages are equal; that is, when:
I + F = S + T.
Any increases to, or reductions of, any of these elements will result in an increase or decrease of
overall economic activity.
The above description has been deliberately simplified and does not explain the effect of a
great number of influences (depreciation of assets, transfers, double-counting, speed of flow
and size of flow, second-hand goods and other influences). It does, however, give an invaluable
description of how a mixed economy works.
The circular flow of income illustrates the relationship between a country’s income, expenditure
and output such that we could determine the total amount of economic activity, for example
per year, in any one of three equivalent ways:
1. summing the value of all incomes received in a year
2. summing the value of all spending which occurred in a year
3. summing the value of all goods and services produced in a year.
In theory, each approach should result in the same total:
expression in another way (as explained in Unit 1 of FP0001 Mathematics and Statistics). The
three-bar identity sign ‘≡’ is used to show that the variables either side are equal by definition.
Consumption, C, is the first component of GDP and represents the spending by consumers on
goods and services (for example food, clothes, cars and holidays). Consumption is by far the
largest component of GDP, representing about 60–70 per cent of total spending in an economy.
Investment, I, represents the capital expenditure by firms on physical assets, for example on
machinery and equipment. Investment was shown in Figure 4.1 as an injection into the circular
flow of income.
Government spending
Government spending, G, represents the total spending by the government on goods and
services, for example education, healthcare, defence and infrastructure. In national income
accounting, transfer payments (such as unemployment benefits) are not included in G because
these payments do not lead to any production, rather these are just transfers of funds from the
government to recipient households.
Net exports
Although the open economy will not be considered until Unit 5, for completeness of our
decomposition of GDP we include trade now. Net exports, NX, is the difference between exports,
X, and imports, M, such that NX = X - M. Exports are the purchases of domestic output by
foreigners, while imports are the purchases of foreign output by domestic consumers. When X =
M an economy is said to operate a trade balance, when X > M the economy is said to operate a
trade surplus, and when X < M the economy is said to operate a trade deficit.
Y ≡ C + I + G + NX.
This is where NX = X – M. Note this is an identity as it is true by definition. For the rest of this unit
we will assume the economy is ‘closed’ (i.e. it does not trade with the rest of the world). While
all modern economies trade with the rest of the world (admittedly to varying degrees, such as
the very open Singapore, to the much less open North Korea), ignoring net exports for the time
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.1: Introduction to 138
macroeconomics and national income accounting
being makes our lives simpler. Therefore, we proceed to set X = 0 and M = 0, such that NX = 0.
Under this assumption, GDP then reduces to:
Y ≡ C + I + G.
Other things equal, an increase in any one of these components will increase GDP, and a
decrease in any component will decrease GDP. Next we consider economic growth (i.e. when
GDP increases).
Economic growth
Economic growth can be defined in the following two ways:
as an increase in the real income or the gross domestic product (GDP) of an economy –
known as the actual economic growth
as an increase in the productive capacity of the economy – known as the potential
economic growth.
already realised, the value of goods and services can increase either due to its increased nominal
value or because of the greater amount of the quantities produced. Nominal growth means
that the value of goods and services produced within the economy increased, but that could be
caused by either increased production or simply by higher prices, in other words the effect of
It has been observed that the cost of a Mars chocolate bar has closely mirrored the level of
inflation in the UK for the past five decades. (Inflation will be covered in Section 4.4.) We are more
concerned, however, with the increase in the quantity of goods produced. Therefore, whenever
we talk about growth, we mean real growth – an increase in the productive capacity of the
Graphically, growth can be represented by using PPFs, as shown in Figure 4.2. Potential growth
is the outward shift of the PPF. Actual growth happens when the economy moves to a higher
output of at least some of the goods.
Better ways of redistributing income from rich to poor – this reduces inequality as more
money is collected through taxation which can be used to fund benefit schemes.
Unfortunately, economic growth also has some negative side effects:
Inflation – when people earn more, their demand for goods and services increases. If this
increased demand cannot be accompanied by an increase in the amount of goods produced,
it will inevitably lead to higher prices and, therefore, inflation.
The possible depletion of non-renewable natural resources.
Increase in pollution and noise, and a general detrimental effect on the environment.
Deforestation – increased economic growth requires more land and so factories are built in
previously unoccupied territories (for example, rainforests). This has a negative impact on
fauna and flora and the natural habitat of many species.
An increase in inequality – technical progress may only benefit some groups (such as the
skilled labour force) and may leave others jobless (by replacing the unskilled labour force with
machines as a result of job automation).
We have now begun our study of macroeconomics (i.e. moving on from analysing a single
consumer or firm to an economy at the aggregate level). The circular flow of income was
introduced as a simple way to represent the flow of money, goods and services between firms
and households, and included important injections and leakages.
It was noted that the total value of economic activity per year, GDP, could be measured in one
of three equivalent ways: total income, total expenditure and total output by definition all
measure the value of GDP. This section focused on the expenditure approach and showed the
decomposition of GDP into consumption, investment, government spending and (for an open
economy) net exports.
Finally, economic growth was considered, distinguishing between actual and potential economic
growth. The benefits and side effects of economic growth were also itemised.
What is the difference between government spending and transfer payments?
In the circular flow of income, why are savings and taxes called leakages, and investment
and funds called injections?
For a closed economy, draw a PPF showing the effect of a drop in consumer confidence
which leads to a fall in consumption (assume there is no change to investment or
government spending).
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.1: Introduction to 141
macroeconomics and national income accounting
Conduct research to identify countries with the highest and lowest economic growth
rates. Are they suffering from any of the harmful effects listed above?
Look up The Economist’s Big Mac index and find out how it works. See if you can find your
home country’s currency and check whether it appears to be overvalued or undervalued,
according to the Big Mac index.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy 142
Introduction 143
Conclusion 151
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.2: Aggregate demand 143
and aggregate supply
Section 4.1 explained how national income could be determined by summing any of total
income, spending or production. Here we work with aggregate demand (the sum of all planned
expenditure) and aggregate supply (the sum of all goods and services produced), which allow
us to examine demand and supply at a national level. As we now consider multiple goods and
services, it is no longer appropriate to speak about a price, so instead we refer to the price level,
which is the general level of prices in the economy. This section also explores the determinants
of aggregate demand and aggregate supply, changes in which result in shifts of the respective
curve. Equilibrium changes are also discussed.
Aggregate demand
Aggregate demand is the relationship between total output and the price level, which shows
planned expenditure (in nominal terms) on final goods and services at all possible price levels.
Figure 4.3 shows an example of an aggregate demand curve (here represented as a line). Like
demand curves in microeconomics, it is downward-sloping (i.e. the lower the price level, the
greater the planned total expenditure).
Consumption is the amount of goods and services purchased by households. It depends on the
following variables:
Income – the more you earn, the more you can spend.
Transfer payments (such as unemployment benefits) received from the government.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.2: Aggregate demand 144
and aggregate supply
Yd ≡ Y – T
where note, again, we have an identity as this is true by definition.
We can mathematically relate consumption, C, and disposable income, Yd, through a simple
consumption function. It is reasonable to suppose a linear relationship of the form:
C = c0 + c1Yd
where c1 is the marginal propensity to consume, or mpc, with c1 > 0 (and 0 < c1 ≤ 1 if we
assume consumers cannot spend beyond their disposable income, i.e. they cannot borrow or
run down savings). For completeness, the y-intercept is c0 and some economists refer to this
as autonomous consumption (i.e. the level of consumption when Yd = 0). Note even if our
disposable income is zero, we still need to consume the basics to survive, such as food, so c0 > 0.
Figure 4.4 shows an example of a consumption function, which note is simply a linear function
as seen in Unit 2 of FP0001 Mathematics and Statistics, albeit one with a macroeconomic
Here the slope is c1, which is the marginal propensity to consume, and the y-intercept is c0, which
is autonomous consumption.
This means that for every one-unit increase in disposable income, consumers spend a proportion
c1 of this. For example, if c1 = 0.8 then 80 per cent of each extra unit of disposable income is spent
(meaning the other 20 per cent is saved). In fact, 1 – c1 is the marginal propensity to save.
So, assuming that 0 < c1 < 1 (i.e. c1 is strictly less than 1), consumption increases as disposable
income increases, but less than one-for-one as there is some saving.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.2: Aggregate demand 145
and aggregate supply
Some level of investment by firms is independent of market conditions (which is more due to
tastes and preferences). However, most investment decisions largely depend on interest rates
– the cost of borrowing money. Investment is negatively related to the level of interest rates.
This is because the increase in the capital stock has to be financed, and most firms borrow from
banks to finance their investment. If interest rates are too high, firms are less likely to borrow as
borrowing is expensive. This is because of the opportunity cost of money. When interest rates are
low, on the other hand, it is relatively cheap to take out a loan. So demand for loans (and hence
the level of investment by firms) increases when interest rates decrease.
Government spending
In mixed economies, governments play an important role. They often spend money collected
from taxation on healthcare, infrastructure (for example, roads and bridges), schools and
public services (for example, the police, armed forces and fire-fighters) etc. This is referred to as
government spending. For the time being, we will assume it to be a lump sum – just a number
decided by the government.
Government spending does not have to be equal to the amount of revenue collected from taxes.
The difference between government spending and tax revenue is known as the budget (or fiscal)
deficit or surplus. If a government spends more than it collects in taxes then it runs a budget
deficit. When government spending in a particular year is less than tax revenue, the government
saves money by creating a budget surplus. A balanced budget results when government
spending equals government revenue.
Although the government can deliberately choose to vary its level of spending so that it runs
a budget deficit or surplus, neither policy should be used for too long. Too large a surplus
might put economic growth at risk as the income created by the economy is not fully invested.
Running a continuous budget deficit, on the other hand, greatly increases the national debt
and the economy might not be able to pay it all back (an important issue related to the global
financial crisis, covered in Unit 6).
Aggregate supply
Aggregate supply is the total amount of all goods and services produced within the economy.
It tells us the amount that firms are willing to produce at all possible price levels. Figure 4.5 shows
an example of an aggregate supply curve (here represented as a line). Like supply curves in
microeconomics, it is upward-sloping (i.e. the higher the price level, the greater the total amount
of goods supplied).
Figure 4.6: Equilibrium is achieved at the intersection of the aggregate demand (AD)
and aggregate supply (AS) curves, resulting in equilibrium output Y* and equilibrium
price level P*.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.2: Aggregate demand 147
and aggregate supply
Equilibrium adjustments
Sometimes in the short run, one of the aggregates, either demand or supply, is greater than
the other. This situation, however, cannot be sustained in the long run. As a result, one of two
adjustment processes will need to occur.
Price adjustment – the price level within the economy will change until equilibrium is
reached. When aggregate demand is greater than aggregate supply, the price level is more
likely to increase in order to eliminate the excess aggregate demand. When aggregate supply
is greater than aggregate demand, the price level will fall to encourage consumers to buy
more goods and services.
Quantity adjustment – the amount of goods and services produced within the economy
may also change. When consumers demand more than current production levels, suppliers
may decide to increase their production in order to meet the excess aggregate demand. As
a result, output will increase. However, when too much is supplied, firms may decide to cut
their production levels back.
Often, both of the adjustment processes happen at the same time. There is, however, a word
of caution. There is a limit to how much output can increase – this is called the maximum
productive capacity – beyond which, the economy cannot grow unless new technologies or
new resources are found. An example of an aggregate supply curve demonstrating this feature
is shown in Figure 4.7, such that the vertical segment is at the point of the maximum productive
Figure 4.7: An aggregate supply curve showing the maximum productive capacity of
an economy (i.e. the maximum level of output which can be produced employing the
technology and resources that are available).
The situation when aggregate demand and aggregate supply are not the same is referred to
as disequilibrium. In the short run, aggregate supply tends to change with changes in the level
of demand for goods and services, although in practice the exact equilibrium may not be
achieved. This may be because, for example, in the short run firms may produce more output
than demanded, with the ‘excess’ stored as inventory (i.e. unsold stocks in warehouses to be
sold in the future when demand picks up). However, we would not expect to observe a large
difference between aggregate demand and aggregate supply for too long so we can suppose
equilibrium (or a point close to it) is quickly reached.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.2: Aggregate demand 148
and aggregate supply
C + I + G.
An increase in any of these components corresponds to a rightward shift, while a reduction
corresponds to a leftward shift. Figure 4.8 shows an example of a rightward shift caused, for
example, by lower taxes, which increases consumers’ disposable incomes, and hence aggregate
consumption, C, increases.
Figure 4.8: Increase in aggregate demand caused by lower taxes, which increases
disposable incomes and hence increases aggregate consumption.
Note the same rightward shift could have been obtained in other ways, for example:
a reduction in interest rates reduces the cost of borrowing leading to an increase in
investment, I
an increase in government spending, G.
Aggregate supply can either shift left or right caused by changes in the costs of production, or
due to changes in the maximum productive capacity.
Figure 4.9 shows a leftward shift in the aggregate supply curve which would result if workers’
wages increase. Higher wages increase the firms’ costs of production, hence firms are less willing
to supply goods and services so they produce a lower level of output for each price level.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.2: Aggregate demand 149
and aggregate supply
Figure 4.9: Shift of aggregate supply caused by an increase in wages which increases
firms’ costs of production.
When new technology is introduced, however, more can be produced at every possible price
level and, therefore, the aggregate supply curve would shift to the right.
Figure 4.10: A rightward shift of the aggregate demand curve moves the economy
from the old equilibrium of (Y1, P1) to the new equilibrium of (Y2, P2).
Figure 4.11 shows a leftward shift in the aggregate supply curve, which was previously
discussed in the context of Figure 4.9, where it was attributed to an increase in wages which
increased firms’ costs of production. In Figure 4.11, the economy is initially in equilibrium at
point A with output and price level of (Y1, P1). Aggregate supply then shifts to the left from AS1
to AS2. Consumers (households, firms and the government collectively) now respond to this
by decreasing their total demand, which is shown as a movement along the AD curve that
continues until the economy reaches a new equilibrium at point B with output and price level
of (Y2, P2). Note that ultimately the economy has shrunk, since Y1 > Y2, and the price level has
increased, since we observe P1 < P2.
Figure 4.11: A leftward shift of the aggregate supply curve moves the economy from
the old equilibrium of (Y1, P1) to the new equilibrium of (Y2, P2).
Finally, Figure 4.12 shows simultaneous equal rightward shifts of both aggregate demand and
aggregate supply curves such that the increase in production exactly meets the increase in
demand, resulting in a higher level of equilibrium output, since Y1 < Y2, and no change to the
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.2: Aggregate demand 151
and aggregate supply
price level, since we observe P1 = P2. Such a situation could occur due to, for example, an increase
in any aggregate demand component (i.e. consumption, investment or government spending)
which was exactly served by an increase in aggregate production.
Figure 4.12: Simultaneous, and equal, rightward shifts of the aggregate demand
and supply curves move the economy from the old equilibrium of (Y1, P1) to the new
equilibrium of (Y2, P2), resulting in increased output but no change in the price level.
Aggregating demand and supply over all purchasers and suppliers of goods and services
in an economy, we obtain the aggregate demand and aggregate supply curves. We have
considered their respective determinants, for which a change in any of these results in a shift
of the respective curve. The economy is in equilibrium when the curves intersect, and we have
examined how the equilibrium output and price level change when there is a shift of either of
the curves.
Distinguish between a movement along the aggregate demand curve and a shift of the
aggregate demand curve. Repeat for the aggregate supply curve.
Explain, using diagrams, the likely effect of the following on the aggregate demand
a. an increase in the marginal propensity to consume
b. an increase in taxes
c. a decrease in interest rates.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.2: Aggregate demand 152
and aggregate supply
Explain, using diagrams, the likely effect of the following on the aggregate supply curve:
a. an increase in the number of young people going to university
b. an increase in trade union membership
c. advances in computing power.
Explain, using a diagram, how the equilibrium output and price level would change
a. the aggregate demand curve shifts to the left (with no shift in the aggregate supply
b. the aggregate supply curve shifts to the right (with no shift in the aggregate demand
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy 153
Introduction 154
Conclusion 160
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.3: Unemployment 154
Unemployment occurs when labour is not fully utilised, resulting in an economy producing
at an aggregate output level below its potential. Governments are keen to reduce the level of
unemployment, and may even desire full employment, through the use of macroeconomic
policy. Full employment means everyone has a job who wants a job at the market wage rate.
Unemployment matters as the unemployment rate signals whether an economy is operating
at, above or below its normal level and it also has significant social consequences. In this section
we begin by defining unemployment and how to measure it, followed by an examination of the
different types of unemployment. Costs, both economic and social, of unemployment are briefly
considered, along with possible remedies aimed at reducing unemployment. We conclude with
a discussion about the relationship between unemployment and GDP, known as Okun’s law.
L = E + U.
The most common factors associated with unemployment include people who:
want to work, but are unable to find a job
are working, but are unable to find a job for as many hours as they want to work
have difficulties finding work to match their skills.
There is no standard way of measuring the rate of unemployment. The two most common ways
are the claimant count and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) unemployment
In the UK, the claimant count is the number of people who are officially registered and able to
work but who currently cannot find a job and are, therefore, claiming unemployment benefits.
However, the claimant count is likely to underestimate the level of unemployment if the level
of unemployment benefits is restricted in some way; for example, if a benefit claimant had
exhausted their benefit entitlements, they would have no reason to stay registered as being
unemployed. While there may be some fraudulent claims, these are likely to be smaller in
number than those who do not bother to register, leading to a net underestimate of the true
level of unemployment.
The ILO unemployment rate, on the other hand, is based on a quarterly survey of approximately
40,000 households, equating to around 80,000 adults. Respondents are classified as being
employed if they have a job at the time of the survey; those who state that they have been
actively seeking a job in the last four weeks, but are not currently in work, are considered to be
The problem with the two unemployment measures is that neither is perfect, most notably as
the following types of people are not included:
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.3: Unemployment 155
labour force .
participation rate =
total population of working age
Types of unemployment and their causes
Unemployment is a general term used to describe a situation when people who are willing and
able to work cannot find a job. It can, however, be divided into different types depending on
causal factors. We now itemise the different types of unemployment.
Figure 4.13: A leftward shift of the aggregate demand curve moves the economy
from the old equilibrium of (Y1, P1) to the new equilibrium of (Y2, P2), resulting in lower
employment (i.e. higher unemployment).
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.3: Unemployment 156
Structural unemployment
Structural unemployment is caused by changes in the structure of an economy. An example
would be a transition between sectors, such as an economy moving from agricultural production
toward industrial output. The only way to reduce structural unemployment is to affect the
economic causal structures. One remedy is to relax labour market rigidities, such as having no
minimum wage, lower levels of job protection and weaker trade unions to reduce collective
wage-bargaining power, allowing firms to be able to hire and fire employees more easily.
Globalisation is an important cause of structural unemployment.
Frictional unemployment
Frictional unemployment occurs when people are in-between jobs; in other words, they are
temporarily unemployed while they undertake a job search or take a break between leaving one
job and starting another (this type of unemployment always exists, hence strictly speaking full
employment – everyone has a job who wants a job at the market wage rate – is not achievable
in practice). Improving the information flow of job vacancies to those searching for new positions
can reduce frictional unemployment. With vacancies increasingly being advertised online,
through job websites, searching for jobs is now far easier than in the pre-internet era.
Seasonal unemployment
Seasonal unemployment occurs when people are unemployed because of the season, for
example fruit pickers and temporary workers in tourism are only employed in the summer. Of
course, such employment opportunities may appeal to some people, such as students looking
for temporary work during the summer holidays.
Voluntary unemployment
Voluntary unemployment is the term used to describe unemployment due to people
choosing not to work (i.e. unemployment which is left once an economy achieves full
employment). Frictional unemployment (defined above) forms part of voluntary unemployment,
but the latter also includes people who simply do not want to work. Such individuals may not be
motivated to work due to the attraction of generous unemployment benefits, or perhaps high
income-tax rates provide a disincentive to work.
Costs of unemployment
Governments are concerned with high levels of unemployment because persistent and high levels
of people without a job can have serious economic and social consequences. There can be a:
loss of output forever
loss of individual self-esteem
strain on the whole family of unemployed people
deterioration of skills if the period of unemployment lasts for too long (i.e. an erosion of
human capital)
higher level of depression, increased alcohol consumption, higher crime rates and other
social factors.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.3: Unemployment 157
Governments also care about being re-elected, so if there are too many unemployed people
(who are voters!), a government is likely to become unpopular and hence less likely to win the
next election.
As well as the impact on the individual, the direct effects of unemployment on government
are two-fold: higher expenditure on welfare payments to the unemployed and their families,
coupled with a reduction in revenue from income tax and indirect taxes. Note how tax revenues
are affected in two ways:
fewer people in work reduces aggregate labour income and so less income tax is raised
higher unemployment suppresses aggregate output so fewer goods and services are sold,
causing a reduction in receipts of indirect taxes (typically, it is the unemployed who spend
The higher level of expenditure on unemployment benefits comes at an opportunity cost for
the government, as the money could have been spent on alternative, more productive, activities
such as infrastructure spending, rather than simply redistributing income. An opportunity cost
also arises from the lost output which could have been produced had unemployed people been
in work.
Unemployed people in receipt of welfare payments may end up becoming dependent on
this ‘income’ and become deterred from seeking employment. They become stuck in an
unemployment trap (or poverty trap). Welfare-to-work schemes operate by making
the receipt of welfare payments conditional on recipients actively looking for work by way of
incentive – for example, reducing or stopping payment of unemployment benefits after a certain
period of time.
Remember though that not all unemployment is ‘bad’, as frictional unemployment tends to be
temporary and short-lived. However, some groups of society can be disproportionately affected
by unemployment (in particular young people, unskilled workers and ethnic minorities) who
may face discrimination when trying to find work. Youth unemployment was especially acute
following the global financial crisis, for example.
Demand-side policies
Demand-side policies relate to direct intervention by the government. Stimulating economic
growth, by generating more aggregate demand, can reduce cyclical unemployment. Figure
4.14 (in fact, the same as Figure 4.10 in Section 4.2) shows a boost to aggregate demand via a
rightward shift caused by increased government spending. Output increases from Y1 to Y2, which
means more labour is required by firms to meet this higher level of production. Consequently,
employment increases and (cyclical) unemployment decreases.
Increased government spending is an example of an expansionary fiscal policy, which will be
discussed in Section 4.5 when monetary policy and fiscal policy are introduced.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.3: Unemployment 158
Figure 4.14: A rightward shift of the aggregate demand curve (due to demand-
side policies, i.e. higher government spending) moves the economy from the
old equilibrium of (Y1, P1) to the new equilibrium of (Y2, P2), resulting in higher
employment (i.e. lower unemployment).
Supply-side policies
Supply-side policies attempt to boost economic growth by making markets work more
efficiently and more freely. Proponents argue that only using demand-side policies merely leads
to inflation (a higher price level) as seen in Figure 4.14 where P1 < P2. Inflation will be covered in
Section 4.4.
Examples of supply-side policies include:
increased training of workers to make them more productive
investment in new technologies to increase productivity
a reduction in unemployment benefits and/or cutting income tax rates (incentivising work, by
making it more financially attractive to work than to be unemployed)
deregulating labour markets
better advertising of job vacancies
wage negotiations with trade unions.
All of these can be represented diagrammatically as a shift in the aggregate supply curve, as
shown in Figure 4.15. Such a shift leads to higher equilibrium output, Y1 < Y2, and note in passing
that the price level is also reduced since P1 > P2.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.3: Unemployment 159
Figure 4.15: A rightward shift of the aggregate supply curve (due to supply-
side policies) moves the economy from the old equilibrium of (Y1, P1) to the new
equilibrium of (Y2, P2), resulting in higher employment (i.e. lower unemployment).
and if the GDP growth rate is gyt = 1%, then the unemployment rate increases by 1 per cent
Figure 4.16: Okun’s law as represented by a negative linear relationship between the
unemployment rate (in %) and the GDP growth rate (in %).
We have defined unemployment and discussed how it can be measured (albeit imperfectly
measured). The different types of unemployment, and their causes, were described and we
noted that not all unemployment is necessarily bad, as frictional unemployment is reasonable
for people in-between jobs. Some of the economic and social costs of unemployment were
covered, as well as possible remedies through the use of demand-side and supply-side policies.
Both types of policy can lead to increased equilibrium output, and the section concluded with
Okun’s law, which models the relationship between changes in the unemployment rate and
changes in the GDP growth rate.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.3: Unemployment 161
Do you expect the figures given by the two unemployment measures (the claimant
count and the ILO survey) to be the same? Explain your answer.
What kind of unemployment are the following likely to endure?
a. A highly-skilled secretary in London seeking to change to a new post.
b. A furniture salesperson made redundant because of a recession.
c. A coal miner dismissed when power generators switched from coal-burning fuel to
d. A farm worker unemployed because of a poor potato harvest.
What are the differences between demand-side policies and supply-side policies when
used to reduce unemployment?
a. According to Okun’s law, what would be the change in the unemployment rate if the
GDP growth rate was 2.5 per cent?
b. According to Okun’s law, if the unemployment rate decreased by 1 per cent, what
would have been the change in the GDP growth rate?
Look up the current unemployment rate in your country of residence, and research how
the figure is calculated. How has the unemployment rate changed in recent years, and
can you explain these changes?
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy 162
Introduction 163
Conclusion 169
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.4: Inflation 163
Inflation is an important macroeconomic variable which deals with rising prices. When prices rise,
the purchasing power of a unit of the currency (such as a pound or dollar) is eroded. This section
begins by defining inflation and how to measure it, followed by an examination of the different
types of inflation and their causes. Costs of inflation are briefly considered, along with possible
remedies aimed at reducing inflation. We conclude with a discussion about the joint occurrence
of inflation and unemployment, known as ‘stagflation’.
Pt – Pt –1
t =
Pt –1
πt is the inflation rate in period t
Pt is the price level in period t
Pt – 1 is the price level in period t – 1.
Inflation most severely impacts those earning a fixed income, like pensioners who cannot
negotiate an increase in income, unlike employed workers who can, especially when they have a
powerful trade union behind them.
There are two key requirements for inflation to exist. The increase in the price level must be:
continuous (not just an individual unique event)
general (the price of the goods which people buy most often).
So, if only the price of butter increases but everything else stays the same, do we consider that to
be inflation? No, this could just be a temporary price fluctuation and relates to only one product.
changes. The level of inflation is the percentage change of the CPI values over a certain time
horizon, usually a month or a year.
Another way of measuring inflation is to use the retail price index (RPI). How does it
differ from the CPI? The CPI conforms more closely to European standards and methods of
calculation. It excludes payments on housing costs and mortgage repayments, which usually
form a large proportion of a household’s monthly expenditure. The RPI conforms to the
international harmonised index of consumer prices. This is the index most commonly used
by governments to calculate increases in pensions and welfare payments to ensure that they
are inflation-proofed. It is also used by the Bank of England to target inflation. The RPI though
has been termed ‘flawed and outdated’. We will not enter into a discussion of the finer statistical
points of these indices – at this level, it is simply enough for you to know of their existence.
Demand-pull inflation
Demand-pull inflation is attributable to excess demand when an economy is operating at the full
employment level of national output and so aggregate demand exceeds the supply potential of
an economy. The excess demand effectively ‘pulls up’ prices of output.
Figure 4.17 shows an example of demand-pull inflation. Initially, the economy is at point A
where the economy is producing at its maximum productive capacity. When aggregate demand
increases, from AD1 to AD2, aggregate supply cannot increase any further, resulting in inflation as
the economy reaches point B with the price level increasing from P1 to P2 as the excess demand
bids up the prices of output, leading to an increase in the overall price level, with no additional
output produced. Therefore, real output remains the same, but the nominal value of output is
inflated. The overall increase in the price level (i.e. P2 - P1) is called the inflationary gap.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.4: Inflation 165
Figure 4.17: Demand-pull inflation occurs when aggregate demand increases while
the economy is already operating at its maximum productive capacity. The economy
shifts from point A to point B, with a higher price level, since P1 < P2, but unchanged
total output, since Y1 = Y2. Real output remains the same, but the nominal value of
output is inflated.
Cost-push inflation
Cost-push inflation occurs when there is an increase in the cost of factor inputs, in particular the
cost of raw materials, energy and wages. These higher costs effectively ‘push up’ prices.
Raw materials and energy could increase in price due to increased demand and/or global
shortages. In cases of oligopoly (see Section 3.2), cartels could collude to sustain high prices,
such as OPEC members agreeing to restrict their oil production, therefore curtailing global oil
supply and keeping the oil price high.
In an open economy (considered in Unit 5), a depreciation of a country’s exchange rate makes
the cost of imported factors of production more expensive, contributing to higher production
costs overall.
When wages rise faster than the productivity of workers, this can also contribute to cost-push
inflation. This is possible, for example:
if the unemployment rate is low, the limited supply of potential hires are in a strong
bargaining position to demand a high wage as they face little competition for jobs
powerful trade unions could negotiate higher wages for their members in collective wage
The overall impact of an increase in the cost of factor inputs is a leftward shift of the aggregate
supply curve, as shown in Figure 4.18. Cost-push inflation results in the price level increasing
from P1 to P2.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.4: Inflation 166
Figure 4.18: Cost-push inflation results when factor input costs increase, leading to a
leftward shift of the aggregate supply curve from AS1 to AS2, causing the price level to
rise, since P1 < P2, as the economy moves from point A to point B.
Where possible, producers want to pass on these higher costs to consumers instead of having to
absorb the higher production costs themselves. This passing on of costs results in the cost-push
inflation. As seen in Section 2.2, the ability of a firm to increase the price of its good or service
depends on the consumer’s price elasticity of demand. At the aggregate level, the slope of the
aggregate demand curve determines the magnitude of the cost-push inflation.
Figure 4.19 considers the same shift in aggregate supply but assumes overall consumers have
more inelastic demand, resulting in greater cost-push inflation since P2 - P1 is greater in Figure
4.19 than in Figure 4.18.
Figure 4.19: Cost-push inflation when consumers collectively have more inelastic
demand for goods and services, resulting in greater cost-push inflation than shown in
Figure 4.18.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.4: Inflation 167
Costs of inflation
Low increases in price levels are harmless. They are actually needed to keep spending stimulated.
If prices were decreasing, people would refrain from consumption as they would be expecting prices
to fall even further, and so would be waiting for a better deal, hence delaying their consumption. Many
economists argue that a moderate rate of inflation is actually built into the capitalist system.
Too high an increase in the price level, on the other hand, can be very dangerous. An economy could,
for example, become less competitive in the world market; the cost of its exports would rise, making
them relatively more expensive, leading to a fall in export revenues. Imports become cheaper. Its overall
international trade competitiveness would decline.
Inflation redistributes income away from those on fixed incomes as their wealth is held in fixed-rate
bonds and savings accounts and so they suffer a relative loss. Lending and borrowing are also affected –
lenders lose out, while borrowers gain since their nominal debts are inflated away.
Inflation rewards the owners of real estate with increases in the value of property, possibly at the expense
of saving being diverted away from industry investment in the circular flow of income. If property prices
rise too much, making them unaffordable for young people, this could ultimately lead to social unrest.
Uncertainty over the rate of inflation could lead to difficulties for firms predicting their future income.
This could, in turn, lead to them cancelling or postponing decisions on investment (with an adverse
effect on employment). Governments and local authorities face similar problems. This makes planning
more difficult, uncertain and costly. If people fear inflation, they may be more risk-averse in their decision-
making as they take fewer risks to minimise the probability of being negatively affected by a price shock.
If inflation was perfectly predictable, people could factor in higher (known) prices to their decision-
making when planning. However, inflation is unpredictable, with higher rates of inflation increasing the
uncertainty in predicting its future value, resulting in a loss of confidence in the currency (as mentioned
when we discussed hyperinflation).
There are also less serious effects, such as:
increased accountancy charges for firms
the need to change labelling and prices, known as ‘menu costs’; just as a restaurant must print a new
menu when it changes prices, shops must do the same, potentially resulting in ‘sticky prices’ as firms
are reluctant to continually change prices due to the forces of demand and supply (although online
retailers can change prices on screen almost immediately at negligible cost)
the tendency for all consumers to ‘shop around’, therefore wasting time and money. This is known as
‘shoe leather costs’ due to the shoe leather used up in walking from shop to shop (again, the rise of
e-commerce and online shopping has reduced actual shoe leather costs!).
Most economists agree that a healthy level of inflation should be targeted between two and three per
cent a year. As noted, the Bank of England has an annual inflation target of two per cent which it uses to
guide monetary policy (covered in Section 4.5).
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.4: Inflation 168
Another demand-side policy is to reduce the amount of money in circulation, i.e. reducing the
money supply.
For cost-push inflation, there is little a government can do other than find cheaper substitutes
for imported goods (when raw materials and/or energy are imported), or hold negotiations
with trade unions to curb their demands for wage increases above the rate of inflation (however
unlikely this may seem).
The resulting rise in costs to suppliers (the leftward shift of the supply curve) increases prices and
reduces the quantity demanded. The downward pressure can be so great as to drastically reduce
the requirement for labour, as shown in Figure 4.21. Therefore, the country experiences inflation
and unemployment simultaneously – the worst of both worlds!
Figure 4.21: Stagflation caused by a leftward shift of the aggregate supply curve moves
the economy from the old equilibrium of (Y1, P1) to the new equilibrium of (Y2, P2),
resulting in stagnation (unemployment), since Y1 > Y2, and inflation, since P1 < P2.
We have defined inflation and discussed how it can be measured, by way of the consumer price
index and retail price index, noting their differences. The different types of inflation, and their
causes, were described, distinguishing between demand-pull and cost-push inflation. Some of
the costs of inflation were covered, as well as possible remedies (mainly due to demand-side
policies). The twin economic problems of inflation and unemployment concluded with an
examination of the phenomenon of stagflation when an economy simultaneously experiences
stagnation and inflation.
Do you expect the figures given by the two inflation measures (the consumer price index
and the retail price index) to be the same? Explain your answer.
Look up cases of some of the highest inflation rates in history and research what caused
these hyperinflation episodes.
What are the differences between demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation?
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.4: Inflation 170
Look up the current inflation rate in your country of residence, and research how the
figure is calculated. How has the inflation rate changed in recent years, and can you
explain these changes?
‘Inflation is more serious than unemployment.’ Do you agree? Justify your answer with
the use of examples.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy 171
Introduction 172
Conclusion 180
Demand-side policies were mentioned in Sections 4.3 and 4.4 as possible remedies for
unemployment and inflation, respectively. In this section, we focus on two very important
macroeconomic policies in detail. Demand-side policies, as the name suggests, are the actions
of a government which affect the levels of aggregate demand. The two main policies are known
as monetary policy and fiscal policy.
In this section, we consider how each policy works in practice, distinguishing between
‘loose’ versions of each (known as an expansionary policy) and ‘tight’ versions (known as a
contractionary policy). The macroeconomic effects of each policy type are shown, as well as an
appraisal of the relative features of each policy path.
Monetary policy
Monetary policy is conducted by a central bank. In many countries the central bank acts
independently of the government, therefore making apolitical decisions. A central bank is the
major monetary and financial regulatory authority within a country. Central banks set interest
rates (the cost of borrowing) and are responsible for supervising the financial system, acting as
the ‘lender of last resort’ when commercial banks become insolvent (i.e. when banks are unable
to access funds from the capital markets). Examples of central banks include the Bank of England
in the UK, the Federal Reserve (the Fed) in the US, and the European Central Bank (ECB) in the
Eurozone (countries which form a monetary union through their common use of the euro
Broadly speaking, monetary policy involves controlling the money supply, which in turn affects
demand, allowing central banks to manage aggregate demand. The money supply can be
defined as the total amount of money in circulation in an economy. The money supply can be
controlled in the following ways.
Changing the short-term nominal interest rate, known as the discount rate. This is the
interest rate which a central bank charges when lending to other banks. This is the primary
monetary policy tool in most countries.
Open-market operations, recently termed quantitative easing, whereby the central
bank buys and sells ‘securities’ in the open market. These securities are usually government
bonds (effectively government debt, whereby the government borrows by issuing and selling
interest-bearing bonds) but can also be commercial securities. Buying securities allows the
central bank to increase the money supply (it pays for the securities with money, so injects
money directly into the economy); selling securities allows the central bank to remove money
from circulation (purchasers of the securities pay with money, so money is withdrawn from
the economy). During periods of zero or near-zero interest rates, cutting interest rates is no
longer possible so central banks resort to open-market operations (quantitative easing has
been used extensively following the global financial crisis, as discussed in Unit 6).
Changing reserve requirements, where reserve requirements are regulations which
govern the minimum amount of capital a commercial bank must keep as liquid assets (such
as cash) to meet the expected demand of withdrawals by depositors. This approach is the
only one which is regulatory in nature, since it corresponds to a ‘capital adequacy’ rule to
which commercial banks must adhere.
Measuring the money supply is challenging, as many methods exist which reflect the different
liquidities different types of money possess. Banknotes and coins (i.e. cash) are fully liquid,
while some forms of bank deposits can only be withdrawn after a period of notice. Avoiding
technicalities, we distinguish between:
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.5: Monetary policy and 173
fiscal policy
narrow money – assets which are fully liquid, primarily used for spending
broad money – narrow money plus less liquid assets, primarily used for spending and as a
store of value.
We define the money supply schedule as the relationship between the quantity of money
in the economy and the (short-term) nominal interest rate. Figure 4.22 shows an example of
a money supply schedule, MS, which note is just a vertical line because the money supply is
fixed (constant) for all nominal interest rates. Also shown in Figure 4.22 is the money demand
schedule, MD, which shows a negative relationship between the demand for money and
nominal interest rates – lower nominal interest rates mean borrowing is cheaper, so demand for
money increases. In equilibrium money demand equals money supply, resulting in the nominal
interest rate of i.
Figure 4.22: The money supply, MS, and money demand, MD, schedules relate the
quantity of money and nominal interest rates. As the money supply is fixed, MS is a
vertical line. As nominal interest rates reflect the cost of borrowing, money demand
increases when nominal interest rates fall, causing MD to be downward-sloping. The
equilibrium nominal interest rate, i, occurs when MD = MS.
Figure 4.23: Expansionary monetary policy caused by an increase in the money supply
(MS1 to MS2), leading to a lower nominal interest rate, since i1 > i2, shown in the left
panel. The lower interest rate stimulates investment and consumption, causing a
rightward shift in aggregate demand (AD1 to AD2), leading to a higher price level, since
P1 < P2, but increased GDP, since Y1 < Y2, and lower unemployment, shown in the right
Fiscal policy
Fiscal policy is conducted by the government. It forms the tax-and-spending decisions of the
government and is the government’s primary instrument for managing aggregate demand
(whereas the nominal interest rate is the primary instrument of a central bank to manage
aggregate demand using monetary policy).
Governments can control domestic economies via their revenues and levels of government
spending. Revenues mostly come from collecting taxes, but also from dividends and rents.
Governments then decide how much to spend on health, education, transport, defence and
other areas of government spending.
The mechanism by which government spending has an impact on the economy is known as the
multiplier (i.e. how an increase in government spending can produce an even greater increase
in national income).
Suppose a government spends £100 million on building new roads. This money will go to
architects, builders and resource providers responsible for the project. Some of the money will
be paid by workers as their income tax, some will be saved, but the rest will be spent. Suppose,
for the simplicity of the argument, that £70 million is spent by workers on goods, including food.
This £70 million would then go to shop owners and farmers who will pay some income tax, save
some of the money, but spend the rest. This story would go on and on.
Therefore, the initial spending of £100 million will result in a much higher additional income of
the economy (£100 million to workers + £70 million to shop owners and food producers, and so
on). The more ‘re-spent’, as opposed to paid as a tax or saved, the higher the final increase in total
income. The total effect of this cascade of spending is termed the multiplier. The calculation
and accuracy of this multiplier is crucial in estimating the effectiveness of fiscal policy. The
multiplier has been (not very accurately) calculated as being somewhere between 1 and 2.
The effectiveness of fiscal policy depends, therefore, on the level of consumer responsiveness.
There are, however, some possible problems with fiscal policy:
time lags – it takes time for the policy to have an impact on the economy
information issues – the government may underestimate or overestimate the amount of
government spending needed.
Figure 4.25: Expansionary fiscal policy (that is, increased government spending)
causing a rightward shift in aggregate demand (AD1 to AD2), leading to a higher price
level, since P1 < P2, but increased GDP, since Y1 < Y2, and hence lower unemployment.
Figure 4.26: Contractionary fiscal policy (that is, decreased government spending)
causing a leftward shift in aggregate demand (AD1 to AD2), leading to a lower price
level, since P1 > P2 and reduced GDP, since Y1 > Y2, and hence higher unemployment.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.5: Monetary policy and 178
fiscal policy
Ineffective if
Always possible
Liquidity trap nominal interest Advisable in Advisable if
to increase
and national rates at zero/close cases of severe national debt is
nominal interest
debt issues to zero – no room recession unsustainable
to cut rates
The policy instruments have already been discussed. With regards to direct effects, monetary
policy primarily impacts the nominal interest rate, directly affecting borrowers and savers.
Borrowers benefit from lower interest rates (expansionary monetary policy), while savers benefit
from higher interest rates (contractionary monetary policy).
In contrast, tax-and-spending decisions directly affect taxpayers and those who receive
government spending (typically producers). Note we distinguish between current and future
taxpayers. When government spending exceeds tax revenues, dividends and rents, the
government runs a budget deficit (as explained in Section 4.2), adding to the national debt (the
stock of total amount of outstanding government borrowing). This national debt needs servicing
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.5: Monetary policy and 180
fiscal policy
(at the very least interest payments, if not capital repayment in full) and the liability will fall on
future taxpayers (i.e. future generations), whose welfare the present-day government should
care about; although they may not in practice as they may only care about winning the next
Only fiscal policy has a significant impact on the supply side, as changes to taxation levels impact
the incentives to work (as mentioned in the supply-side policies discussion in Section 4.3).
Politics is at the heart of fiscal policy decision-making, whereas independent central banks, like
the Bank of England, operate separately from the government and hence are not particularly
concerned with the opinion of voters. Governments are electorally motivated to act in the short
run, and so may care less about future taxpayers, making it tempting to undertake expansionary
fiscal policy for short-term electoral gain. In contrast, central banks can afford to take a more
long-term view when setting policy.
When interest rates are at or near zero, expansionary monetary policy becomes redundant (or
instead, an expansion of open-market operations – quantitative easing – could occur, but this
risks generating inflationary pressures), in which case, the economy falls into a liquidity trap,
and so an expansionary fiscal policy may be necessary instead. Indeed, some governments
responded in this way to the global financial crisis covered in Unit 6.
Finally, we consider exchange rate implications of monetary policy (there are no effects
stemming from fiscal policy). While the open economy is discussed in Unit 5, for completeness
we briefly note now the relationship between interest rates and exchange rates. Savers benefit
from higher interest rates, so when higher interest rates occur as a result of contractionary
monetary policy foreigners can earn a higher return on their capital so buy the domestic
currency. The increased demand for the domestic currency leads to an appreciation of the
exchange rate. Conversely, lower interest rates reduce foreigner demand for domestic currency,
causing a depreciation. Linked to the exchange rate is the competitiveness of exports, and the
cost of imports, as indicated in Table 4.1.
This section has looked in detail at the two main macroeconomic policies. Starting with
monetary policy, we have seen how central banks control the money supply, as well as the
macroeconomic impact of expansionary and contractionary policy paths, including conditions
favouring either loose or tight policy.
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy • Section 4.5: Monetary policy and 181
fiscal policy
Fiscal policy was then considered, including a brief discussion of the multiplier effect, which
amplifies the impact of an increase in government spending as it works its way through the
economy. The macroeconomic impact of expansionary and contractionary policy paths,
including conditions favouring either loose or tight policy, were discussed.
We concluded with a comparison of monetary policy and fiscal policy, taking into account the
policy instruments, direct effects, winners and losers, supply-side effects, politics, liquidity trap
and national debt issues, plus the exchange rate.
In your own words, explain how a central bank controls the money supply.
Explain the difference between an expansionary monetary policy and a contractionary
monetary policy.
Explain the difference between an expansionary fiscal policy and a contractionary fiscal
‘Monetary policy and fiscal policy are equally effective.’ Do you agree? Justify your
Suppose an economy was running an unsustainable budget deficit which was
concerning policymakers. Explain, using an appropriate diagram, how a contractionary
fiscal policy, combined with an expansionary monetary policy, could prevent an
economy entering a recession (defined as two consecutive quarters of negative
economic growth).
(Note such a policy mix was used by then US President Bill Clinton and then Fed
chairman Alan Greenspan with great success in the US during the 1990s.)
Unit 4: Macroeconomics I: closed economy 182
Concluding comments
This unit has started our study of macroeconomics. We began by studying the circular flow
of income, which links households and firms in an economy. The tools of national income
accounting were outlined, showing how we could determine the total amount of economic
activity using either total income, total expenditure or total production. GDP was decomposed
into the components of consumption, investment, government spending, and (for an open
economy) net exports. Changes to any of these components affect GDP.
Aggregate demand and aggregate supply were introduced as macroeconomic versions of
single-good demand and supply. However, rather than a single-good price, we now consider the
price level, i.e. the general level of prices in the economy.
The key macroeconomic variables of unemployment and inflation were defined, distinguishing
their different types, costs and possible remedies. The unit concluded with an examination of
monetary policy and fiscal policy, how they function and impact the economy, including a
discussion of their similarities and differences.
Next up is Unit 5 which moves us from a closed economy to an open economy which trades
with the rest of the world!
Introduction to Unit 5
Aims 184
Section 5.1 begins with the benefits and costs of globalisation before explaining why
international trade occurs by considering absolute advantage and comparative advantage (with
the latter being responsible for creating incentives to trade). Section 5.2 explains the balance
of payments before proceeding to exchange rates. There are two main exchange rate regimes
(fixed and floating) and the differences between these are discussed. In a floating exchange rate
regime, a country can operate an independent monetary policy which itself has implications for
the exchange rate - this relationship between exchange rates and monetary policy is explored.
Section 5.3 concludes the macroeconomic part of the course by analysing three different
measures of economic development.
This unit aims to:
outline the benefits and costs of globalisation
explain why international trade occurs
explain the balance of payments
compare different exchange rate regimes and how exchange rates are determined under a
floating regime
compare different measures of economic development.
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy 185
Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, having completed the background readings and activities, you should be
able to:
define globalisation
explain the difference between absolute advantage and comparative advantage
show how international trade is beneficial as a consequence of comparative advantage
outline the components of the balance of payments and how deficits and surpluses are
explain the features of fixed and floating exchange rate regimes
explain the relationship between exchange rates and monetary policy under a floating
explain the determination of the Human Development Index, Human Poverty Index and Gini
Background reading
Anderton, A. and D. Gray (Ed) Economics. (Lancashire: Anderon Press, 2015) 6th edition [ISBN
Please read the following units from Anderton (2015):
Section 5.1 – Units 80 (pp. 545–553) and 84 (pp. 575–577)
Section 5.2 – Units 86 (pp. 582–590) and 87 (pp. 591–601)
Section 5.3 – Unit 90 (pp. 615–620).
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy 186
Introduction 187
Globalisation 187
Conclusion 192
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy • Section 5.1 International trade 187
We begin our look at open economy macroeconomics with a discussion of globalisation,
including its benefits and costs. We then explain how international trade stems from different
endowments of factors of production, before using some simple empirical examples to illustrate
the concepts of absolute advantage and comparative advantage. This section concludes
with a discussion of trade blocs.
Globalisation refers to the increasingly integrated nature of national economies into a single
international market. Economic integration comprises four main parts:
free trade of goods and services across borders
free movement of labour
free movement of financial capital
free exchange of technology and intellectual capital.
Of course, many protectionist barriers to the above still exist, such as tariffs (a tax on imported
goods levied by the government of the importing country), so we do not live in an entirely
globalised world. However, according to the World Trade Organization (WTO), global exports
as a percentage of global GDP (gross domestic product) have leapt from around 5 per cent in
1950 to around 30 per cent today. The WTO is the governing body of international trade and is
responsible for setting the rules of global trade which its member countries must follow, enforces
those rules, and punishes members who break the rules.
Arguably, the driving force behind globalisation has been multinational companies which have
lobbied national governments to expand into national markets that were previously heavily
protected from international competition.
Benefits of globalisation
Globalisation has the following benefits:
Free trade between countries should eliminate tariffs and subsidies between countries,
promote economic growth, reduce unemployment and result in lower prices for consumers.
Less-developed countries benefit from foreign direct investment (FDI) and can increase their
productive capacity by using imported technology.
Workers who are able to be flexible can emigrate to ensure they can maximise their earnings.
Further gains from specialisation are possible due to greater production economies of scale.
Increased competition means that domestic monopolies face competition from foreign firms,
to the benefit of consumers.
Costs of globalisation
Inevitably, globalisation also has associated costs, which include the following:
Jobs may move to developing countries with lower wage rates leading to increased
unemployment in developed countries, or these workers have to accept lower wages to
compete against workers in developing countries.
Dependence on other countries for essential goods and services can prove problematic in the
event of a deterioration of relations between countries or if there are supply chain problems.
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy • Section 5.1 International trade 188
Close integration of economies increases the risk of contagion – economic problems in one
country can be quickly transmitted to other countries (which was seen in the global financial
crisis of 2007–08 – see Unit 6).
Potentially greater inequality can result if the gains from globalisation are concentrated
among the top income groups only.
If countries compete to make their exports more competitive through currency devaluations,
a ‘race to the bottom’ can occur.
International trade
International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries through exports
and imports and occurs for several reasons. Countries differ in terms of their endowments of
factors of production. For example, oil-rich Gulf states are endowed with significant oil reserves,
Russia has the world’s largest gas reserves; in contrast, Japan and Singapore have almost no
natural resources. Labour force skills vary, with developed economies typically having a greater
proportion of highly-skilled and well-educated workers.
As a consequence of different factor endowments, the cost of production of goods and services
also differs widely. Therefore, there are gains to be realised from specialisation which we will
consider in the next section.
Although classes of products, such as cars and televisions, are fairly homogeneous in terms of their
primary functions (any car can transport you from point A to point B), typically there is product
differentiation across manufacturers. For example, two rival car manufacturers will produce slightly
different cars in terms of size, fuel efficiency, design etc. This leads to increased consumer choice.
We considered such product differentiation in Section 3.2 under monopolistic competition.
Note that international trade is not just restricted to tangible goods (i.e. something you can
touch), but also includes services, which are classified as being intangible (i.e. something you
cannot touch). Common examples of services that can be traded include financial services
(banking), advertising and even distance education. Collectively, trade in services is called
invisible trade due to its intangible characteristics.
Politics also influences international trade. Countries may sign free-trade agreements, either
bilaterally (between two countries) or as trading blocs, such as the European Union. Political barriers
to free trade also exist, such as trade embargoes – most notably the US embargo with Cuba.
So just why is international trade so beneficial? To answer that question requires an
understanding of the theory of comparative advantage, which we discuss next.
Country B could benefit from specialising in producing good X, since its advantage in the
production of X is greater. That is, country B is able to produce X at a lower factor cost than
country A. The opportunity cost for country B of producing an extra unit of X is only 0.8Y. In
contrast, for country A, the opportunity cost of producing an extra unit of X is 1Y.
Country A could benefit from specialising in producing good Y, since its advantage in the
production of Y is greater. That is, country A is able to produce Y at a lower factor cost than
country B. The opportunity cost for country A of producing an extra unit of Y is only 1X. In
contrast, for country B, the opportunity cost of producing an extra unit of Y is 1.25X.
So, both countries benefit in terms of their economic welfare from specialisation in the sole
production of the good for which they possess a comparative advantage and then trading with
each other.
The above example is summarised in Table 5.1 which shows the opportunity cost ratios.
Country Possible output of good Opportunity cost ratio
A 100 100 1:1
B 150 120 1:0.8 (or 1.25:1)
Table 5.1: Opportunity cost ratios showing that country A has a comparative
advantage in the production of Y, while country B has a comparative advantage in the
production of X.
This simple example assumes that factor endowments and, therefore, comparative advantages
remain fixed. Of course, this may not be the case in practice. For example, government intervention
may promote the redirection of resources to politically appealing alternative uses. Movements in
international capital and adopting new technologies may also affect comparative advantage.
Also, producing goods and services for which it has a comparative advantage will increase a
country’s GDP. This will allow it to spend more on infrastructure and education (thereby ‘upskilling’
its workforce) which, subsequently, may give it a comparative advantage in other areas.
Whether or not trade actually takes place between countries will depend on the terms of
trade, that is, the ratio of export prices relative to import prices. Terms of trade is expressed as an
index because it is based on the weighted average price of exports and the weighted average
price of imports reflecting not just one, but thousands of different export and import prices. It is
calculated as follows:
weighted index of average export prices .
terms of trade = 100 ×
weighted index of average import prices
Example 5.1
Two countries, A and B, each have 100,000 workers. Each country can produce two goods:
smartphones and computers. Country A has superior technology and is therefore more efficient
in the production of both products. Two workers are needed to produce a smartphone, and
eight workers are needed to produce a computer. In contrast, in country B it takes 10 workers to
produce a smartphone, and 100 workers to produce a computer.
Suppose the countries do not engage in trade with each other. In this scenario, in each country
50,000 workers (half the workforce) are employed in each of the smartphone and computer
industries. Therefore, country A produces 50,000/2 = 25,000 smartphones and 50,000/8 = 6,250
computers. Meanwhile, country B produces 50,000/10 = 5,000 smartphones and 50,000/100 =
500 computers. Total output across the two countries is 25,000 + 5,000 = 30,000 smartphones
and 6,250 + 500 = 6,750 computers.
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy • Section 5.1 International trade 190
Then both countries decide to specialise. While country A has an absolute advantage in the
production of both goods (due to its superior technology), it has a comparative advantage in
manufacturing computers. Suppose 55 per cent of the workforce (i.e. 55,000 workers) produce
computers, with the remaining 45 per cent are employed in the smartphone sector.
Now, country A produces 45,000/2 = 22,500 smartphones and 55,000/8 = 6,875 computers.
Meanwhile, country B decides to only produce smartphones, with a total production of
100,000/10 = 10,000 smartphones. Total output across the two countries is now 22,500 + 10,000
= 32,500 smartphones and 6,875 + 0 = 6,875 computers. Therefore, total output has increased
because of specialisation. These results are summarised in Table 5.2.
Country (each Workers per Workers Smartphone Computer Smartphone Computer
with 100,000 smartphone per production production production production
workers) computer without without with with
specialisation specialisation specialisation specialisation
A 2 8 25,000 6,250 22,500 6,875
B 10 100 5,000 500 10,000 0
So we see clear gains from specialisation and trade, with an additional 2,500 smartphones
produced (1,100 for country A; 1,400 for country B) and an additional 125 computers produced
(25 for country A; 100 for country B). Therefore, consumption levels of both goods are higher in
both countries, making everyone better off.
Trade blocs
So far we have not mentioned international institutions. Here we consider the establishment of
free trade areas through trade blocs. Despite globalisation, many countries establish trade
blocs with their geographical neighbours. Perhaps this is unsurprising, since once tariffs have
been removed, shipping costs of goods between trading partners become more important.
Therefore, the closer the geographical proximity of countries, the lower shipping costs are.
Numerous regional trade agreements exist. Among the more well-known are the European
Union (EU), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) covering Canada, Mexico and
the USA, and Mercosur in South America. In May 2014 a political and economic union between
Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia was established, which is known as the Eurasian Economic Union
(EEU). We will take a closer look at just the first of these, the EU.
The EU, which is its present name, originally consisted of Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg,
The Netherlands and West Germany. It was set up in the 1950s with the objective of establishing
freer trade among those countries and a unified trade policy with the rest of the world. Since its
formation, numerous other countries have joined, most notably the UK in 1973 (although the
UK recently voted in a referendum in 2016 to leave the EU). In recent years, there has been a
significant expansion of the EU which now includes several eastern European countries after they
made the transition from communist to market-based economies.
From an economic perspective, the EU promotes trade between its members by removing
trade barriers and creating a harmonised regulatory environment. The idea is that costs can be
reduced by providing incentives to specialise and by increasing competition.
A major milestone of the EU was the creation of a common currency – the euro – which came
into existence in electronic form in 1999 and in physical form (i.e. banknotes and coins) in 2002.
Note that not all EU members have adopted the euro; at the time of writing 19 members of
the EU use the euro as their currency. The other countries are expected to join when they meet
the euro convergence criteria. (Denmark has a special opt-out that allows it to be exempt from
joining, unless it wants to, as did the UK before it voted to leave the EU.)
A full exploration of the costs and benefits of the euro is a course in itself! For our purposes, we
will briefly mention one of each:
A cost is that Eurozone members having lost their own independent monetary policy, since
there is a pan-Eurozone monetary policy with a single nominal interest rate set by the European
Central Bank (ECB). Given that the economies of Eurozone countries are quite diverse (for
example, the distribution between agriculture and manufacturing), it is impossible to set an
interest rate that is optimal for all members. Therefore, monetary policy ends up being too loose
for some countries and too tight for others.
A key benefit is the elimination of exchange rate effects on transaction costs as all trade
between Eurozone countries is denominated in the same currency.
In addition to economic union, there are many who see the EU as an attempt to foster political
union through tax harmonisation and pan-European legislation. In FP0002 Economics, we will
not explicitly study the politics of the EU, but it is nevertheless important to appreciate that the
EU is a mix of economic and political decision-making. Indeed, in the wake of the recent global
financial crisis (discussed in Unit 6) there has been a significant rise in anti-EU sentiment across
the continent, and going forward, country membership of the Eurozone – and even of the EU
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy • Section 5.1 International trade 192
itself – is not assured. Indeed, the UK’s decision to leave the EU following the 2016 referendum
will be a major test of how the EU will function after the UK’s departure in 2019.
This section introduced you to open economy macroeconomics, recognising that countries
are not self-sufficient as they trade with others. Having defined globalisation and considered its
benefits and costs, international trade was seen as the result of different factor endowments.
Comparative advantage, rather than absolute advantage, determines whether trade takes place.
This is so when the marginal opportunity costs of one good in terms of another differ between
countries. Simple empirical examples showed you how to calculate opportunity cost ratios, as
well as how countries can obtain gains from specialisation and trade.
The section concluded with a discussion of trade blocs, with a focus on the European Union.
Suppose country A can produce either 80 units of X or 100 units of Y, and country B can
produce either 90 units of X or 125 units of Y with the same resource inputs. What are the
comparative advantages and opportunity cost ratios?
Consider again the empirical example of smartphones and computers for countries A
and B, in particular Tables 5.1 to 5.3. Suppose that the terms of trade were such that the
‘exchange rate’ is 7 smartphones per computer.
At this exchange rate, explain why trade would occur, and show how both countries
could be better off by engaging in specialisation and trade.
Would trade occur if the exchange rate was 3 smartphones per computer? Explain your
Explore the European Central Bank (ECB) website at: www.ecb.europa.eu
Focus in particular on the section covering monetary policy. Read about the process
followed by the ECB for making monetary policy decisions and the ‘instruments’ that are
available to the ECB.
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy 193
Introduction 194
Conclusion 200
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy • Section 5.2: Balance of payments 194
and exchange rates
Goods produced within an economy are not only consumed by the domestic population, some
of them are also sold abroad. Similarly, consumers do not only rely on domestic production, they
also purchase goods produced in other countries. French wine is consumed in Germany, for
example, and German beer, likewise, is consumed in France.
In this section, we introduce the balance of payments as a statement of a country’s transactions
with the rest of the world; we explain the different components of the balance of payments as
well as how a country settles any imbalances. Exchange rates are also discussed. We will consider
the two different types of exchange rate regimes that can exist, the impact the exchange rate
can have on trade and the relationship between exchange rates and monetary policy.
Balance of payments
Effectively the balance of payments is a statement detailing a country’s trade and financial
transactions with the rest of the world – that is, it is a record of all money that moves in and out
of a country. The balance of payments is calculated as the difference between the sum of all
the money flowing into a country from abroad and the sum of all the money flowing out of the
country. The balance of payments is typically formed of two parts – the current account (the
profit/loss from day-to-day transactions) and the capital account (capital flows related to capital
items in the form of assets, such as firms purchasing machinery).
The current account has the following components:
transactions involving ‘visible’ (tangible) goods, such as raw materials, fuel and manufactured
products – that is, the value of physical exports minus imports
transactions involving ‘invisibles’ (intangibles), such as services, tourism, insurance, advertising
and investment income (dividends and interest)
private money transfers, such as remittances sent home to support family members by
expatriate workers abroad
official transfer payments in the form of international aid.
The difference in value of exports and imports is known as the trade balance.
The capital account has the following components:
short-run capital flows that result from currency speculation, for example, such as betting on
exchange rate movements, as well as profiting from different national interest rates
long-run capital flows, for example, investments in foreign companies and any resulting
capital gains from closing out these investments.
Collectively, the balance of payments shows whether a country’s net position is in deficit
or surplus. The foreign exchange reserves of a country are used to settle any balance of
payments deficit. Most countries’ reserves are in the form of dominant currencies such as US
dollars and the euro.
When the balance of payments is in deficit, this is met by either borrowing or running down
the country’s foreign exchange reserves.
When the balance of payments is in surplus, borrowing can be repaid or the country adds to
its foreign exchange reserves.
Too large an imbalance in the economy is risky. Over-reliance on imports from another country,
for example, is potentially dangerous as one country is unlikely to be able to supply goods to,
and keep up with the demand of, the rest of the world.
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy • Section 5.2: Balance of payments 195
and exchange rates
The balance of payments on the current account is affected by the index of the terms of trade
(defined in Section 5.1) through the price elasticities of demand for exports and imports.
Consider exports. If exports are price elastic then an increase (decrease) in the price leads to
a greater proportionate decrease (increase) in export volumes. Since the total value of exports
is the average price multiplied by volume, a price increase (decrease) will lead to a decrease
(increase) in the total value of exports. Ceteris paribus, this will improve (deteriorate) the terms
of trade (through the change in the numerator), but would deteriorate (improve) the current
account balance. For price inelastic exports, the opposite occurs.
Exchange rates
An exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another currency. The foreign
exchange market facilitates the exchange of currencies. A currency appreciates when it gains
value against another currency, while it depreciates when it loses value.
Governments experiment with different exchange rate regimes, as there is a choice between a
fixed exchange rate and a floating exchange rate.
currencies, with the exchange rate being the price of a currency (expressed in terms of another
When the exchange rate is free to float, the central bank does not need to intervene in the
foreign exchange market to maintain a peg. As such, the country has full control over its
monetary policy and can adjust the nominal interest rate when necessary (as discussed in
Section 4.5). While businesses do not have the certainty provided by a fixed exchange rate, they
can ‘hedge’ against exchange rate fluctuations. This involves the futures market which is beyond
the scope of this course.
However, as the exchange rate is determined by the forces of demand and supply, it can be
susceptible to large capital movements into or out of the country creating economic instability,
which will be discussed in the section ‘Exchange rates and monetary policy’.
For the remainder of this section, we will focus on floating exchange rates only.
Figure 5.1: Demand and supply determining the equilibrium exchange rate, e, under a
floating exchange rate regime for the $/£ exchange rate.
Figure 5.2: An appreciation of the pound (versus the dollar) from e1 to e2 caused by
increased demand for the domestic currency as a result of increased demand for
exports which are paid for in the domestic currency.
Similarly, Figure 5.3 shows a depreciation in the pound, from e1 to e2, due to a leftward shift of the
demand curve, because of reduced demand for a country’s exports. (This can occur, for example,
if the importing economies are suffering from poor economic conditions, as a result of which
they purchase less from abroad.)
Figure 5.3: A depreciation of the pound (versus the dollar) from e1 to e2 caused by
decreased demand for the domestic currency as a result of decreased demand for
exports which are paid for in the domestic currency.
the supply of the domestic currency in order to purchase the imports in the local currency of the
producers of the imported goods. The increased supply results in a depreciation of the exchange
rate, from e1 to e2.
Figure 5.4: A depreciation of the pound (versus the dollar) from e1 to e2 caused by
increased (domestic) demand for imports.
So far we have considered exports and imports separately. We now look at how the exchange
rate can affect the trade balance (the difference in value between exports and imports). When
export revenue equals import spending, there is trade balance. Figure 5.5 shows this at exchange
rate e*.
Figure 5.5: A trade balance occurs when export revenue equals import spending,
which here is at the exchange rate e*, with Q* pounds. At the higher exchange rate
of e, import spending, QM, exceeds export revenue, QX, resulting in a trade deficit of
QM – QX.
Now suppose the exchange rate was higher at e (following an appreciation), which means the
domestic currency is more valuable. As such, imports are cheaper since these are paid for in a
foreign currency (i.e. the local currency of the producers) resulting in greater import spending.
However, the country will lose export competitiveness as its exports are now more expensive for
foreigners to buy. As such, export revenue falls and a trade deficit occurs.
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy • Section 5.2: Balance of payments 199
and exchange rates
Section 5.1 explained how countries can benefit from international trade through the concept
of comparative advantage. In this section we introduced the balance of payments, which is a
recorded statement of a country’s trade and financial dealings with the rest of the world, formed
of the current account and the capital account.
Exchange rates (the price of one currency in terms of another) can be determined through
fixed or floating exchange rate regimes, with implications for business decision-making under
uncertain conditions and the independence of a country’s monetary policy. Trade determinants
of demand and supply (in the form of export demand and import demand) were examined,
along with an examination of trade balance. We concluded this section with a discussion of
speculative capital flows, in the form of hot money, showing how exchange rates and monetary
policy are related.
Research the balance of payments for your home country. How does this compare with
the UK?
Details of the UK’s balance of payments can be found at:
Does your home country have a fixed or floating exchange rate regime at the moment?
Has this always been the case?
(Note: In practice some countries may operate a ‘managed’ exchange rate regime
whereby the currency is part fixed and part floating.)
Assuming a floating exchange rate, explore the impact on the equilibrium domestic
exchange rate in the following scenarios. Illustrate your findings with a suitable diagram.
a. Economic growth in foreign countries.
b. A recession in the domestic economy.
Consider Figure 5.5. If the exchange rate depreciated (i.e. was below e*), explain what
happens to the trade balance.
Show, using a suitable diagram, the impact on the exchange rate, due to hot money, if
the central bank pursues a contractionary monetary policy.
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy • Section 5.2: Balance of payments 201
and exchange rates
Does your country belong to a trade bloc? If so, research the origins of the trade bloc
and what benefits your country has gained from being a member. If not, choose another
country that does belong to a trade bloc, research its origins and the benefits that
country has gained.
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy
Introduction 203
Conclusion 209
Open economy macroeconomics is chiefly concerned with international trade, balance of
payments and exchange rates, which we have looked at so far in this unit. We conclude Unit 5 by
comparing economic development across countries at the global level. While economic growth
(i.e. GDP growth) is a simple metric, it fails to fully capture the welfare actually experienced by
people within a country.
In this section we review some common measures of economic development, outlining how
they are constructed, before concluding with an overview of why some countries are poor, while
others are rich.
Economic development
How do we define ‘economic development’? If we look up the term in a dictionary, we find that
‘to develop’ is to become more complete and/or advanced. Using this definition, we conclude
that economic development is an improvement in economic conditions which leads to higher
standards of living and a better quality of life for people.
Unfortunately, both ‘quality of life’ and ‘standards of living’ are subjective, rather than objective,
values. Therefore, economic development is a normative concept (in other words, it relates to
a rank). Economies are usually classified as being either developed or developing based on
some commonly accepted and recognised indicators of economic development.
The development economist Michael Todaro argues that the following three variables provide
the meaning of development:
sustenance – the ability to meet basic needs (food, health and shelter)
freedom of action and expression.
According to this view, we can see that there are two parts to development: material
(sustenance) and non-material (self-esteem and freedom).
The first and most commonly quoted indicator of economic development is the level of
economic growth (discussed in Section 4.1). As you know, economic growth is an increase in the
productive capacity of an economy. Increased growth means:
higher incomes for workers, who can increase their utility by consuming more and better
quality goods
higher taxes collected by the government, allowing for increased government spending on
public goods and services, such as infrastructure and education (which itself could increase
the productive capacity of the economy further).
Such investments improve people’s quality of life. However, economic growth only measures a
general increase in output and income levels, even if we make the following adjustments:
express GDP in per capita terms, rather than GDP of the country as a whole
use purchasing power parity (PPP) to adjust for the costs of living in the country
use real GDP (inflation adjusted) rather than nominal GDP figures.
Unfortunately, these measurements of growth say absolutely nothing about the distribution of
income, and so we cannot draw any conclusions about inequality or poverty levels purely from
the data on economic growth. In other words, increased economic growth does not guarantee
decreased poverty levels.
There are many factors, other than economic growth, which determine the level of economic
development, such as:
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy • Section 5.3 Measures of economic 204
the one-third weighting looks very arbitrary (Should the three components have equal
weight? Why these three particular measures? Why only three? Why not more?)
an increase in GDP has a disproportionately different impact on the standard of living in
developing countries than in developed countries, yet the current structure of HDI would
count them as equivalent
HDI is an average, so if a country is very diverse with a lot of inequality, then the HDI does not
accurately represent the situation of all who live in that country.
To summarise, HDI as an economic development indicator goes beyond simple GDP growth
measures, but it still has disadvantages. However, without HDI we would probably be left with
only GDP measures, which do not necessarily indicate real economic development. Only three
indicators have been included and only data for these three areas are collected. Even if the
inclusion of other variables is desirable, it would be very difficult to measure due to a lack of
reliable data. Other indicators might partially overlap with the three already included and so may
distort the picture.
Gini coefficient
The Gini coefficient was introduced in Section 3.2 as a quantified measure of inequality in the
context of market structure. Here, we consider the Gini coefficient, G, as a measure of economic
development that reflects the extent of the inequality of income distribution within a country.
As with HDI and HPI, G varies between 0 and 1, ranging from perfect equality (every household
has the same income) to complete inequality (all income is accrued by a single household),
Graphically, the Gini coefficient is determined by comparing the cumulative percentage of
income on the vertical axis with the cumulative percentage of population on the horizontal axis.
Figure 5.6 shows the Gini coefficient for different levels of inequality. It is calculated as the area
above the Lorenz curve and below the 45-degree line (i.e. the shaded pink area) divided by the
area below the 45-degree line. (Note here the Lorenz curve is drawn below the 45-degree line,
unlike in Figure 3.14 where it was drawn above.)
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy • Section 5.3 Measures of economic 206
Figure 5.6: Gini coefficients for varying degrees of inequality, calculated as A/(A+B).
Under perfect equality, A = 0, hence G = 0; under complete inequality, B = 0, hence G = 1.
As examples, according to the World Bank, the most unequal country according to the Gini
coefficient is South Africa (G = 0.634), while the most equal countries are Iceland and Ukraine
(G = 0.256 and 0.255, respectively).
agricultural production), mortality rates are extremely high and diseases spread quickly, while
Europe has developed very differently. We will now discuss, albeit briefly, some factors that are
said to have an impact on the wealth of nations.
There is a belief that rich countries are rich because they exploited the natural resources of
poorer countries. Colonialism is the most obvious example of this. Conversely, some argue that
many former colonies benefited from access to an imperial market, investment in human and
economic capital, and the creation of successful institutions. (Note here we are focusing purely
on economic aspects, rather than the human rights of colonised peoples.)
Political regimes
A country’s government and political regime can have a major impact on the welfare and
prosperity of its people. For example, the Republic of Korea (commonly known as South Korea)
and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) experience the same climate
and are populated by people from the same culture. North Korea, however, is controlled by a
communist regime with no free elections, state policies that have resulted in famine and poverty,
and an overinflated military budget. The state also invests in many prestige projects (for example,
the development of nuclear weapons) which are enormously expensive and give little return to
the average citizen. In contrast, South Korea has enjoyed overseas investment and trade, and is
one of the most successful of the ‘Asian Tiger’ economies (which refers to the economies of Hong
Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan, which all experienced significant economic growth
in the latter part of the 20th century). Regular and free elections are held and there is a sound
welfare state. South Korea boasts one of the fastest and best-distributed broadband systems in
the world – an example of foresight and investment for the future development of a ‘knowledge
Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world (see ‘Natural resources’ below), yet
gross economic mismanagement by the government has resulted in hyperinflation and a dire
economic situation.
One of the most important state institutions is that of the rule of law. Confidence in the
protection of property (both physical and intellectual) is essential if entrepreneurs are to invest in
new business ventures. An effective and flexible financial sector is also very important to ensure
the smooth flow of credit, as is a flexible labour market. For example, the UK benefits from a
relative lack of ‘red tape’; in other words, there is relatively little bureaucracy and paperwork, and
the legal system works smoothly and quickly.
The eradication of corruption in national institutions has been set as an objective for both
the Indian and Chinese economies. This target was specifically mentioned by Xi Jinping, the
president of China, in a March 2013 speech to the ruling Politburo Standing Committee.
Natural resources
Natural resources are important, but optional, factors for the wealth of a country. Perhaps the
best example is the spectacular success of Singapore. Good government, sound institutions
and high-quality education have created wealth, despite the city-state’s almost complete lack of
natural resources. Perhaps the best example to provide a contrast is the Democratic Republic of
Congo, where there are abundant natural resources, but where the population at large has seen
very little benefit.
A country’s level of oil production is – again – not a guarantee of success. The contrast between
two important oil-producing countries provides evidence of this. Nigeria produces and exports
over two million barrels of oil per day, yet the standard of living for most of its population is
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy • Section 5.3 Measures of economic 208
almost at poverty levels. Norway produces a similar amount of oil and gas, but the average
Norwegian enjoys the benefits of a welfare state and an even distribution of income. Even
controlling for the difference in total populations, the contrast is significant. Indeed, just as for oil
production, an abundance of oil reserves is also not a guarantee of wealth, as seen in the case of
The discovery of natural resources, and the wealth it creates, can be channelled into the hands of
a few corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, thereby denying the general population any material
Human capital
Human capital investment in the education and training of any population is essential to
economic development. A well-educated and trained worker is more productive than their
uneducated counterparts, to say nothing of the social and intellectual development of the
individual. Much early work in this field was done by the welfare economist Arthur Pigou.
Some observers have noted that successful economies have a culture which celebrates wealth
creation and risk-taking (most notably the US), whereas cultures where the attitude of the people
is to leave things to fate tend to be less successful.
The success, or otherwise, of a country depends on a combination of the positive and negative
effects of those factors listed above. There is no prescribed combination and the effects can
change over time. We may not be able to answer conclusively ‘Why are some countries poor and
others rich?’ but at least we can now understand the central influences.
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy • Section 5.3 Measures of economic 209
Economic development is a normative concept with no single best way to measure it. In this
section we have outlined the limitations of GDP growth, followed by an examination of the
Human Development Index, Human Poverty Index and Gini coefficient as attempts to quantify
the level of economic welfare within a country as well as income inequality.
In practice the world is a very unequal place. At the international level, we considered why some
countries are poor while others are rich and we identified numerous factors which contribute to
the wealth of nations.
The debate about which is the best indicator of economic development continues. Compare
and contrast HDI, HPI and the Gini coefficient as measures of economic development. Which,
if any, is the best, and why?
Research the HDI, HPI and Gini coefficient values for your home country and any other
countries that interest you. Can you explain their respective levels of wealth or poverty?
HDI values can be obtained from: http://hdr.undp.org/en/countries
HPI values can be obtained from: http://hdr.undp.org/en/content/multidimensional-poverty-
Gini coefficient values can be obtained from: www.indexmundi.com/facts/indicators/SI.POV.
Research examples of neighbouring countries with very different levels of economic
development. Why are their economic performances so different?
Research examples of countries that have greatly benefited from the endowment of
abundant natural resources. Explain how these countries have benefited.
Identify which factors have contributed to the current economic standing of your own
Unit 5: Macroeconomics II: open economy
Concluding comments
This unit concludes our study of macroeconomics. We began with a description of globalisation
alongside some of its benefits and costs. International trade was shown to be a result of
comparative advantage, i.e. the different opportunity costs of production across countries. Even
when a country possesses an absolute advantage in the production of all goods, it will not
possess a comparative advantage for all goods, hence higher total production can be achieved
through specialisation.
The balance of payments was defined, followed by an examination of exchange rates. The
differences between fixed and floating exchange rate regimes were outlined and, for the latter,
the relationship with monetary policy was discussed.
The unit concluded with three popular measures of economic development - the Human
Development Index, the Human Poverty Index and the Gini coefficient. Each of these attempts to
better capture the well-being of people than simple GDP growth rates.
Next up is Unit 6 which looks at the global financial crisis of 2008.
Introduction to Unit 6
Aims 212
This unit aims to:
provide a general overview of the causes and consequences of the global financial crisis
discuss some economic responses to the crisis.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, and having completed the activities, you should be able to:
outline events which resulted in the global financial crisis
explain the consequences of the crisis for both developed and developing countries
state different economic responses to the crisis.
References cited
Argersinger, Matthew J. and Erin M. Whitaker, U.S. International Transactions: Fourth Quarter
of 2006 (Survey of Current Business, 2007) https://apps.bea.gov/scb/pdf/2007/04%20
April/0407_ita_q.pdf pp.13-21.
Davies, H. The financial crisis: who is to blame? (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2010) [ISBN
Ferguson, C. Inside job: the financiers who pulled off the heist of the century. (Oxford: Oneworld,
2012) [ISBN 9781851689156].
Unit 6: Global financial crisis 213
Introduction 214
Conclusion 222
Unit 6: Global financial crisis • Section 6.1: Contributory factors leading to the 214
global financial crisis
A financial crisis, broadly speaking, is a major disruption to the financial markets which results
in the significant fall of asset prices. One of the most infamous examples of 20th-century crises
is the Great Depression of the 1930s. In 1929, there was a stock market crash on Wall Street,
leading to mass unemployment and an economic depression which lasted several years.
A more recent example is the global financial crisis, the origins of which date back to 2007 (some
may argue even earlier) – the most destructive economic event in the last 80 years. We will
conclude with an exploratory look into the causes of the crisis and its consequences – which will
be affecting economies for many years to come!
The forces of globalisation have greatly increased the level of interdependence between
the world’s economies such that ‘shocks’ in one part of the global economic system are quickly
transmitted more widely. This can be thought of as contagion, whereby economic problems are
spread across borders – ‘when America sneezes, the world catches a cold’ is a phrase which nicely
illustrates this point! The idea being that a bad economic event in the US (a sneeze) leads to a
more severe problem for the global economy (a cold). The world’s economies are now so closely
connected that it is nearly impossible for one economy to be completely immune to a crisis
occurring in another economy. The amount of economic integration across countries is expected
to increase further in the years ahead.
As a consequence of this interdependence, the global economic and financial system is
incredibly complex with countless relationships between variables. We should perhaps not be
surprised to discover that there is a great deal of endogeneity between economic variables as
their interactions mean changes in one variable will lead to changes in another variable, which
may well feed back into further changes in the original variable. For example, suppose a fall in
consumer confidence leads to less consumer spending (i.e. less consumption), which reduces
economic growth and therefore reduces households’ incomes too, leading to a further fall in
consumer confidence, and so even less consumer spending. Trying to distinguish cause from
effect becomes very challenging!
In Units 19 and 20 of FP0001 Mathematics and Statistics, you learn about linear regression,
which attempts to model the causal linear relationship between a dependent variable and an
independent variable. Endogeneity, roughly, is an extension of this idea to a system of equations
in which dependent and independent variables can swap roles in other equations within the
GDP 2. Collapse
Figure 6.1: The stages of the financial crisis in terms of GDP for countries adversely
In Stage 1 (build up and irrational exuberance), asset prices such as those of stocks and houses,
rose considerably. Figure 6.2 shows the US house price index for 1990–2007, up to the point
where house prices started to collapse.
S&P/Case-Shiller US National Home Price Index
Index January 2000 = 100
1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005
Figure 6.2: US house prices, using the S&P/Case-Shiller price index, for the period
January 1987 to March 2007. Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, https://fred.
However, did this house price growth justify the simultaneous boom in stock markets? This
could be seen as a wealth effect where people feel richer (you feel wealthier if your house
increases in value, even though you cannot spend this ‘money’), making people feel positive
about the economy, leading to a bull run in stock markets.
Also, some countries experienced widening trade deficits (that is, countries importing more
than they export), but since global trade is zero sum (i.e. all exported goods must be imported by
someone), this necessarily means there were widening trade surpluses elsewhere in the world.
In addition to trade deficits, many governments also ran budget deficits, so they were already
spending more than their tax revenues, with the difference financed by government borrowing,
Unit 6: Global financial crisis • Section 6.1: Contributory factors leading to the 216
global financial crisis
therefore increasing national debts. Finally, focusing again on asset prices, houses (real estate)
are a type of asset and the house price boom was in part fuelled by subprime mortgage
loans (made to borrowers with poor credit histories). Keen to obtain keys to a new home, many
subprime borrowers took out mortgages – who wouldn’t in that situation?
In Stages 2 and 3 (collapse, credit crunch and economic recession), many economies
experienced a collapse in house prices due to defaults on mortgages (in particular subprime
mortgages) as borrowers struggled to meet the mortgage repayments. There were also many
financial ‘derivative’ products whose valuations were tied to the performance of mortgage
loans (i.e. their values were derived from the performance of these mortgages). As a result, the
housing market in this complex puzzle began to collapse.
Economic recessions followed and there were inevitable spill-over effects transmitted globally –
for example, to countries which had acquired large trade surpluses, such as China and South East
Asian economies.
We now consider these stages in greater detail.
Trade balance (in millions of dollars)
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Figure 6.3: US trade balance for the period January 2000 to December 2010. Source:
Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, https://fred.stlouisfed.org/
Of course, by their nature, trade deficits are offset by trade surpluses elsewhere. As the world’s
largest economy, the magnitude of the US trade deficit suggests that global trade imbalances
played a contributory role in the financial crisis.
However, why did the US trade deficit increase so sharply? We can explain this by the abundance
of cheap credit to which the US (and other developed economies) had access. Cheap credit
means low interest rates (which represent the cost of borrowing), and so lenders were all too
eager to advance loans to borrowers who, under ‘normal’ interest rate levels, would usually have
their loan applications rejected. In particular, there was a dramatic expansion in subprime
Unit 6: Global financial crisis • Section 6.1: Contributory factors leading to the 217
global financial crisis
lending, i.e. to subprime borrowers with credit scores below prime borrowers (who typically
have a lower risk of default).
However, why was so much cheap credit available? This can be attributable to the strong
demand from foreigners (for example China, the oil-producing Gulf states and South East Asian
economies) for US financial assets (for example, shares). It was these capital inflows (foreign
money entering the US economy) which provided the funding for imports by US consumers and
firms, which led to the widening US trade deficit. There was a circular flow of money.
The source of the foreign capital could be traced back to the savings glut by Asian and other
emerging economies. For example, as China’s trade surplus with the US grew (mirroring the US
trade deficit), China did not permit its exchange rate to appreciate against the US dollar. By
keeping its currency cheap, this stimulated exports to the US and decreased domestic Chinese
consumption (since imported goods became increasingly expensive).
Reduced domestic consumption means increased savings, which were then channelled abroad
to buy US (and other) financial securities. Why not invest in domestic financial markets (i.e. the
emerging markets’ own capital markets)? Perhaps this might be because the capital markets of
emerging economies are less well-developed and hence less trusted by investors compared
to the more established and trusted capital markets of developed economies. After all, people
always have trust in the US dollar.
We can now start to appreciate the interdependence between many economic variables in
this discussion. However, if we are interested in the causes of the crisis, is it easy to establish
causality? That is, although we may observe correlated variables, how justified are we in
claiming that one factor caused another?
Consider the variables mentioned above. A possible narrative for the root cause of global trade
imbalances is the excessive debt-financed spending by US consumers and firms, increasing the
US trade deficit, leading to substantial capital inflows from abroad. This ‘explanation’ apportions
the blame to US consumers and firms.
However, one could instead put forward a case that it was the abundance of cheap credit which
drove US consumers and firms to indulge in a debt-fuelled spending spree. In addition to the
widening trade deficit, the tidal wave of cheap credit could plausibly have fuelled a sharp rise in
asset prices, such as real estate and financial securities.
So, conclusively identifying the true causal factor seems difficult, perhaps impossible! However,
economic data clearly show that strong demand for Western assets contributed to the build
up to the crisis. According to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, US capital inflows actually
exceeded the trade deficit by about $1 trillion in 2006 and 2007 (https://www.bea.gov/scb/
pdf/2007/04%20April/0407_ita_q.pdf ). So, clearly, this surplus was used by US investors to buy
up foreign assets.
We have previously introduced the term balance of payments. In short, any trade deficit (when
imports exceed exports) on the current account must be financed by a surplus on the capital
account (i.e. a net inflow of foreign capital).
Unit 6: Global financial crisis • Section 6.1: Contributory factors leading to the 218
global financial crisis
Alternatively, we can say that the trade balance (exports minus imports) equals net lending
(aggregate saving minus aggregate borrowing). Therefore, the US trade deficit meant foreign
capital inflows which were the source of credit to firms and households. Given the substantial
amount of foreign capital, this excess supply of credit resulted in a drop in the price of credit (i.e.
interest rates fell) as banks competed with each other to advance loans to borrowers. This fall in the
cost of borrowing made credit ‘cheap’. Much of this credit found its way into inflating asset prices
(especially real estate). Mortgage applications had very high probabilities of being approved!
At this point, it is important not to ignore US monetary policy which, arguably, also contributed
to low interest rates. Following the dot.com bust in 2000 and the aftermath of 9/11, monetary
policy was kept very loose (i.e. low interest rates, to keep the cost of borrowing low) to help
boost economic growth through increased domestic consumption, and investment by firms.
Some argue that the Federal Reserve (known as ‘the Fed’) kept rates too low for too long,
exacerbating the problem of cheap credit.
Continuing with the first stage of the crisis, we now turn to the irrational exuberance which was
created by over-confidence in the strength of developed economies. Specifically, in the build up
to the crisis, there was a continuous period of economic growth. As we know, economic growth
is associated with increased incomes. Also, there was a dramatic increase in asset prices – notably
house prices and stock markets.
It is questionable whether such asset price inflation was justified, instead we could attribute it
to ‘irrational exuberance’ (the phrase used by Alan Greenspan, then-chairman of the Fed) on the
part of market participants who held overly optimistic expectations about the true future value
of houses (based on housing demand) and corporate profitability (based on market valuations
of firms, as signalled by their share prices). Although such optimism was misplaced, at the time
this led to a wealth effect, whereby asset owners, seeing the increased value of their assets, felt
richer and therefore boosted their consumption of goods and services accordingly.
You may have come across the term ‘asset price bubble’ in the media in recent years. It could
be argued that the asset price inflation was not due to overly optimistic expectations about
the intrinsic value of housing and companies; rather it was due to a speculative bubble. Such
bubbles occur when investors are willing to buy assets if they believe the assets will increase in
value, allowing them to sell them in the future for an anticipated profit.
Even if all market participants believe the asset is overpriced, as long as they think they can sell
it on for a higher price in the near-future, this would serve to drive demand for assets, therefore
increasing asset prices further. Of course, bubbles cannot expand indefinitely, and so there would
come a point when the bubble bursts. Needless to say, if investors knew with certainty when the
bubble would burst, they would trade accordingly. Clearly, no one has perfect foresight so there
would be a degree of luck in terms of who is left holding the assets when the bubble bursts!
Another potential explanation for the increase in asset prices is financial innovation. So-called
securitised mortgages were financial assets formed by packaging up various mortgage
loans into financial securities which were (incorrectly!) thought to be as safe as relatively riskless
government bonds (issued by governments to finance budget deficits).
Why did investors think securitised mortgages were as safe as government debt? Well, credit
rating agencies invariably attached AAA credit ratings (the highest rating) to these assets
which, unknown at the time, under-priced the risk of these assets. Indeed, the debt created from
subprime lending was often combined with other assets to create so-called collateralised
debt obligations (CDOs) which are structured asset-backed financial products. These CDOs
were used to create financial derivatives which, due to the abundant cheap credit, were in great
demand. Due to the complexity of CDOs, we will not consider these financial instruments any
further in this course. Suffice to say, CDOs represent an example of the ‘exotic’ types of financial
products which have been invented in recent years.
Unit 6: Global financial crisis • Section 6.1: Contributory factors leading to the 219
global financial crisis
Stage 2: Collapse
Early 2007 saw the collapse of the house price bubble. The trigger for this was the replacement
of exuberance (which built up the bubble) by caution. This involved investors undoing their
positions by selling assets (and repaying debt, if the original purchase was financed by borrowing
– known as deleveraging). Consequently, as investors started wanting to sell their assets, this
created an excess supply in the market which meant a fall in asset prices. Figure 6.4 shows data
demonstrating the collapse in US house prices.
S&P/Case-Shiller US National Home Price Index
Index January 2000 = 100
2000 2008 2009 2010 2011
Figure 6.4: US house prices, using the S&P/Case-Shiller price index, for the period
January 2007 to December 2010. Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis,
As the reversal of a speculative bubble, the mechanics of the process which created the bubble
now go in reverse. With the expectation of asset prices being lower in the near-future, asset-
holders rush to sell their assets today (to secure a higher price than if they wait to sell in the
future). This becomes self-fulfilling and leads to dramatic price reductions.
The decline in house prices preceded a substantial systematic fall in the prices of numerous other
assets. This is attributed to the interdependencies across many asset-backed securities.
From peak to trough, the US house price index fell some 30 per cent. From our earlier work on
the determinants of demand and supply (Section 2.1), a fall in price could come about because
of a fall in demand or an increase in supply. Any expansion in the supply of new housing stock
in the US (through new builds) would not account for such a sharp decline in house prices,
therefore the decline was demand-determined.
As the crisis hit, the equity ratios of banks shrank dramatically. A bank’s equity is its buffer to
cover unexpected losses which could occur. From an accounting perspective, equity is calculated
as the difference between total assets and total liabilities. Many of the banks’ assets were in the
form of mortgages and mortgage-backed securities. As borrowers began to default on their
mortgages (either due to being unable to make mortgage repayments or realising that the value
of their home was less than the outstanding mortgage on it due to the fall in house prices – a
phenomenon known as negative equity), some of the outstanding mortgages would not be
repaid. This reduced the total value of the banks’ assets (with little or no change in their liabilities),
which meant a reduction in their equity.
Unit 6: Global financial crisis • Section 6.1: Contributory factors leading to the 220
global financial crisis
However, equity by itself is not fully representative of a bank’s financial health. Instead, we need
to account for the size of the bank giving rise to equity ratios. These are defined as:
Difference in %
1 Dec 06 1 Apr 07 1 Aug 07 1 Dec 07 1 Dec 08 1 Aug 08 1 Dec 08 1 Apr 09 1 Aug 09 1 Dec 09
Figure 6.5: Cost of interbank borrowing (LIBOR – BoE rate) for the period 2007–09.
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, https://fred.stlouisfed.org and Bank of
England, www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy/the-interest-rate-bank-rate
Unit 6: Global financial crisis • Section 6.1: Contributory factors leading to the 221
global financial crisis
The base rate can be thought of as the interest rate banks receive for depositing funds with the Bank of England – this
is effectively riskless, since the Bank of England is highly unlikely to go bankrupt since it has the legal status of being
able to print money to repay depositors.
Unit 6: Global financial crisis • Section 6.1: Contributory factors leading to the 222
global financial crisis
2005 Q1 2005 Q3 2006 01 2006 Q3 2007 Q1 2007 Q3 2008 Q1 2008 Q3 2009 Q1 2009 Q3 2010 Q1 2010 Q3 2011 Q1
Figure 6.6: US real GDP growth rate, for the period Q1 2005 to Q4 2010. Source:
Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, https://fred.stlouisfed.org
In this section, a simplified narrative of the complex global financial crisis has been presented.
Due to the interdependencies and complexities of the global financial and economic system, in
reality the true nature of the relationships between financial and economic variables is still largely
Researchers continue to try to ‘understand’ the origin of the crisis and which factors caused
changes in other factors. Nevertheless, this section should make you appreciate that it is
too simplistic and naive to pin the blame of the crisis on a single group (such as bankers,
governments or consumers). In truth, many groups jointly contributed to the crisis, although
there is an ongoing debate about the importance of the role each of these played.
In your own words, write a 500-word summary of the stages of the global financial crisis.
Unit 6: Global financial crisis 223
Introduction 224
Conclusion 229
Initially harmless, at least from the global perspective, the 2008 financial crisis originated in
the US real estate market. However, because of the closely interdependent (and virtually
unregulated) financial markets, it quickly spread to Europe and other parts of the world. It
was not long before it managed to affect the real economy, causing spectacular reductions in
economic growth rates. The situation has already improved, but the economic and social costs of
the crisis will be felt long after the crisis is over.
In this final section, we consider some of the key consequences of the crisis, as well as different
economic cures which have been proposed.
Bank insolvencies
Because of the crisis, assets held by banks in the form of mortgage loans no longer generated
the cash flows which were expected, and so these assets reduced in value. Subprime loans
(later referred to as ‘toxic assets’) spread to many financial institutions worldwide. The collapse
and bankruptcy of the investment bank Lehman Brothers in 2008 triggered the largest ‘crisis of
confidence’ and trust in the financial markets ever seen.
Banks became unwilling to continue lending money to each other, which resulted in a drastic
reduction in interbank lending. Raising capital for investment became extremely difficult as
sometimes banks refused even to continue already ongoing lending to businesses (i.e. there was
a credit crunch). This resulted in a significant decline in the levels of investment and production
which, in turn, decreased the output of many economies.
General government gross debt (% of GDP)
Figure 6.7: General government gross debt of selected Eurozone countries. Source:
Does this matter? Well, the national debt has to be serviced (i.e. paying interest as well as making
capital repayments) and much of this is likely to fall on future generations. Many would argue
that it is inherently unfair to ask future generations to pay for the profligacy of the current
generation. Such ‘intergenerational shifting’ of the costs of the crisis raises questions of fairness
because it will be future generations who will be required to pay higher taxes and enjoy lower
levels of government spending as the national debt is repaid.
Eurozone economies
European countries which have been most affected by the economic crisis are collectively
known as the ‘PIIGS’ countries (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain). The unemployment
rate in Greece and Spain rose to close to 25 per cent, meaning that one in four people who
are willing and able to work does not have a job. These countries may have to deal with such
problems largely on their own because other nations are no longer able to participate in foreign
Unit 6: Global financial crisis • Section 6.2: Consequences of the crisis and 226
possible cures
aid schemes. Much depends on the attitude of other Eurozone countries, such as Germany,
which acts as a creditor.
Loss of competitiveness
Another consequence of the crisis is the overall decline in the competitiveness of developed
countries. In the era of globalisation, a country must have superior knowledge and technology in
order to continue growing (i.e. a comparative advantage). Otherwise, most businesses would be
based in countries where the costs of labour are simply much lower, such as China or India.
Effects in Africa
Not all economies were affected in the same manner, or to the same extent, but the degree of
contagion was spectacular. Even African banks, which did not have any significant exposure
to subprime mortgages, were affected by the situation. This is because in some countries, for
example Zambia, Chad, Lesotho and Botswana, the level of foreign bank ownership is quite high.
Additionally, the financial crisis also had a negative impact on the African terms of trade. The
prices of commodity products, as well as the volume of exports, sharply decreased and, as a
consequence, it reduced the income of African exporters. It was estimated that within one
month in 2008, for example, Burundi coffee earnings fell by as much as 36 per cent! However, the
consequences are more far-reaching than decreased export revenues. Without export revenues,
governments are neither able to cushion the negative effects of the crisis, nor are they able to
import goods necessary for domestic production.
We now proceed to explore some of the remedies introduced around the world to ‘cure’ the
problems created by the crisis.
Interest rates
Low interest rates encourage investment. In the UK, the Bank of England aggressively cut interest
rates in response to the crisis. Figure 6.8 shows the Bank of England’s base rate for the period
UK base interest rates
UK base interest rates (%)
As can be clearly seen, prior to the crisis, the base rate was in the range of four to six per cent. By
March 2009, the base rate stood at an historic low of 0.5 per cent. Following the UK’s decision to
leave the European Union in the Brexit referendum vote (held in June 2016), the base rate was
cut even further, to just 0.25 per cent in August 2016.
The European Central Bank took a similar approach to monetary policy, as did the Fed, while
Japan set rates at 0.1 per cent.
Unit 6: Global financial crisis • Section 6.2: Consequences of the crisis and 228
possible cures
Even at these historically low interest rates, investment in new business projects is still stalled.
Why? The answer is a lack of confidence among business investors, who see little prospect of the
possibility of profitable investment. In fact, in order to boost confidence, the Bank of England has
experimented (with varying degrees of success) with a policy known as ‘forward guidance’. The idea
is to signal that interest rates would remain low at least until certain trigger points are reached.
If businesses expect interest rates to remain low, they would have increased confidence to invest
than had they (rightly or wrongly) believed rates (and hence the cost of borrowing) would rise.
Bank lending
A further problem is that banks have been reluctant to lend to prospective investors despite
pressure from the government. This is an understandable (if unfortunate) reaction, because they
got their fingers burnt by reckless lending in the past! They also need to repair and restructure
their balance sheets, by building up (or retaining) liquid assets to counter the impact of toxic assets
incurred in the past. By building up their liquid assets, banks would improve their equity ratios.
Bank regulation
It is recognised that there needs to be better regulation of banking practices following the
mistakes and malpractice of the past – never again must banks be in the situation of being ‘too
big to fail’ and, therefore, requiring massive public bailouts.
Such regulation is fairly easily achieved at a national level, but solid international agreement
on best practice is difficult, and a long way off as there would need to be consensus on the
regulation which should be implemented. There has been much talk of separating the ‘good’
banks from the ‘bad’ banks (i.e. separating the risk-taking investment activities from day-to-day
retail banking).
Bank’s capital requirements (i.e. their equity) represent the capital buffer to offer protection
to financial institutions to cover potential future losses. Regulators set minimum capital
requirements to ensure that depositors, and other creditors, can be repaid.
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in 1998 (known as the Basel Accord, or ‘Basel I’)
required banks to hold eight per cent of their assets as (liquid) capital; a higher percentage if
riskier portfolios of assets were held. This capital was comprised as follows:
Tier 1 capital – shareholder equity
Tier 2 capital – subordinated debt and hybrid debt-equity instruments.
Weaknesses in Basel I came to light shortly afterwards. This led to discussions on the successor
to Basel I, called Basel II, to introduce greater flexibility by permitting banks to use their own
in-house risk models to determine the appropriate capital requirement, while keeping the total
capital buffer unchanged. Although many countries had adopted Basel II prior to the crisis,
significantly the US had not.
Some commentators lay the blame for the crisis at the regulators for failing to ensure the
banking sector was adequately capitalised. Indeed, when the crisis broke, the top 50 banks in
the world held an average of just four per cent capital, clearly providing an insufficient buffer –
especially when taking into account the over-valuation of mortgage-backed securities and other
financial derivatives. Therefore, increasing capital adequacy requirements is a possible cure.
It can be seen from the above discussion that governments have competing, and sometimes
impossible, objectives. It can also be concluded that there are quite a few difficult questions, and
no easy answers!
Nevertheless, it can be argued that the above measures have had some success, although
recovery is patchy and slow. Some countries (for example Canada, Australia, Singapore and
Germany) have weathered the crisis relatively well.
The consequences of the crisis will be felt in many countries for years to come, so be sure to keep
an eye on Economics in the News for any developments!
Research and tabulate the current debt-to-GDP ratios for the leading global economies. (You
may, if you wish, illustrate your findings using Excel spreadsheets.)
You might find www.tradingeconomics.com a valuable source of data.
Conduct research to identify those countries most, and least, affected by the crisis. Why has
this been so?
In the aftermath of the crisis, discuss whether the UK economy has moved closer to
becoming a free-market economy. (You may need to conduct some research to investigate
Unit 6: Global financial crisis 230
Concluding comments
In this unit, we have identified the probable causes and effects of the recent global financial
crisis. We have also discussed some of the proposed cures.
The causes were the unbridled greed of individuals and institutions, coupled with the failure of
regulation, both at national and international levels, for example within the US and the Eurozone.
Governments allowed reckless loans and investments to be traded globally.
The effects have been mass unemployment and reductions in the provision of welfare for
millions of people. Austerity is the order of the day in most countries of the world, and the costs
will be borne by future generations.
We should note that not all economies have been affected to the same extent. Greece has
suffered badly, whereas Canada, Australia and the Gulf states have fared relatively well.
We should all be careful to learn from the lessons of history. The Great Depression of the 1930s
was tackled by Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’, but many argue that it was preparation for joining the
Second World War that actually pulled the US economy out of recession. There is no real sign of a
repeat of this experience, but we must ensure that our present situation cannot lead to a similar
The cures have been two-fold. The first is essentially printing money, called ‘quantitative easing’,
to allow banks to lend in a controlled fashion and to rebuild their balance sheets after the effects
of holding toxic assets. This could be termed a monetarist approach. Second, there has also
been a call for ‘smart investment’ in infrastructure projects to stimulate growth in the depressed
economies suffering a ‘double-dip’ recession. These investments could be termed Keynesian.
This appendix contains non-examinable material, but you are encouraged to read it to gain some
deeper background to various aspects of economics. You will become a better-rounded economist as a
Economic history
It is almost impossible to fully understand current developments in economics without an
understanding of the past. As such, here we take a brief journey back in time to note important
historical periods of economics which, for simplicity, are subdivided into ‘Ancient’, ‘Classical’ and
‘Modern’. During this brief historical tour, some important influential figures in the history of economics
are introduced to give you some background perspective of the discipline.
Origins of economic thought can be traced back to Ancient Greece in the third century BC from the
writings of two eminent philosophers – Plato and Aristotle. Plato was a multi-talented student of
Socrates (a Classical Greek philosopher who formalised the concepts which are known today as the
‘scientific method’, i.e. the setting and testing of hypotheses using experiments) who founded the first
higher education institution in the Western world, the Academy in Athens. Plato was also the most
influential author of the era. In one of his works, Republic, he attempted to describe the necessary
conditions for the ideal state to exist. He was mainly concerned with the efficient organisation of
society which requires people to focus on activities for which they are most suited. In other words, Plato
was the first to describe the need for, and the benefits of, the division of labour. Although he recognised
the importance of trade, his views were rather socialist in nature. Goods could be bought and sold, for
example, but he believed that property should be divided equally between all members of society.
Aristotle (Plato’s student) strongly disagreed with this view. According to him, private ownership was a
much better concept than the idea of common value. He argued that goods are better cared for when
property rights are clearly assigned and owners of assets should be able to profit from their wealth.
Aristotle also widely discussed the origins and superiority of money as opposed to the old system of
Thomas Aquinas was a Catholic priest who lived in the 13th century. His main contribution to the
history of economic thought is his long discussion on the ‘just price’. According to St. Thomas, a fair
price should be a common valuation and reflect the costs of production (especially those of labour).
The ideas expressed by him come close to what is now called perfect competition. St. Bernardino of
Siena, and other subsequent scholars, focused on the exchange of goods and contracts which should
be made between parties. According to St. Bernardino, value (and hence price) should be determined
by the object’s:
Sir William Petty, the 17th century founder of systematic statistics (also called political
arithmetic) is also of interest. Petty travelled across the United Kingdom collecting data on
regional mortality rates, soil conditions and other economic indicators. It is thanks to him
recording this information that we know so much about the standards of living at that time.
His most noteworthy achievement is his superior insight into taxes and the need for common
contributions to secure funds for public spending.
Richard Cantillon was an Irish banker who believed that the existence of banks not only made
money circulate around the economy faster, but also rationalised and formalised it. He was the
first to discuss the mechanism of market prices which adjust with fluctuations in the demand for,
and supply of, goods and services.
The discipline of systematic economics – that is, the economics we study now – emerged
in the 18th century. Our discussion starts with classical economics and its most prominent
representative, Adam Smith.
Smith is often referred to as ‘the father of free-market economics’. Born in 1723, the Scottish
philosopher is best-remembered for the idea of the ‘invisible hand’ – where the interaction of
supply and demand would bring about equilibrium price and quantity, without the intervention
of any individual trader – mentioned in his most famous work, An Inquiry into the Nature and
Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776). Interestingly, Smith would not have recognised the word
‘economics’ as used today; rather his study would have been described as ‘political economy’,
reflecting the idea that political and social factors also contribute to material welfare.
He argues that rational, self-interested homo economicus and tough competition result in more
economic prosperity than when there is external intervention or regulation. It is, therefore, the
forces of demand and supply which guide the actions of individuals. If every individual is allowed
to follow his or her own self-interest, the interest of society as a whole is maximised. This is
sometimes referred to by using the French phrase ‘laissez-faire’, which we can think of as non-
intervention (a rough translation is ‘let it be’ or ‘leave it alone’). An important part of Smith’s work
is a discussion of the division of labour which inevitably gives rise to economic growth.
Another figure worth mentioning is Thomas Malthus, the co-founder of the famous Political
Economy Club in London. He was not the first person to write about the issue of increasing
population size, but he was the one with the most original views:
‘The power of population [to increase] is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to
produce substance for man’ (Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, 1798).
He was concerned that there would come a time when there would be insufficient resources to
feed all humans because population increases geometrically while food increases arithmetically.
Malthus claimed that to avoid such a scenario the population size must be kept under strict
control. Interestingly, Malthus’ theories convinced Charles Darwin of the correctness of the
fundamental law of evolution.
Malthus’ contemporary was another great economist, David Ricardo, who is best-known for his
law of comparative advantage. Ricardo proved that countries are better off if they specialise in
the production of goods which they can produce with the lowest opportunity cost (discussed in
Section 5.1, which examines international trade). Countries can then trade goods across borders,
creating a win-win situation. Ricardo was one of the first economists to include complicated
mathematical calculations in his publications.
The development of economic thought in the 17th and 18th centuries mirrors the evolution
of trade and the expansion of European empires (sometimes referred to as mercantilism). By
the 19th century, with the advent of the Industrial Revolution, we see a change of focus toward
capitalism, the role of the state and labour movements.
Appendix A: Economic history 233
The end of the19th century and the early years of the 20th century, saw the collapse of Tsarist
Russia. This overthrow was inspired by the writings of Karl Marx and implemented by Vladimir
Lenin. The revolution had been brought to a head by the disruption and losses of the First World
War. Marx argued for the dictatorship of the proletariat (i.e. that the factors of production should
be brought under workers’ control, the profit motive should be abolished and that economic
decisions on what to produce, for whom it should be produced and how it should be produced
should be decided by a central planning state authority). Communism was established in Russia
after a bloody civil war and was exported worldwide following the Second World War.
The Chinese Communist revolution established a new regime in 1948, and Chairman Mao
Zedong applied socialist solutions to the country’s problems (known as the Cultural Revolution).
These ‘solutions’ were applied stringently and harshly, causing widespread disruption, death
and famine. Today’s China has adopted many free-market economy features (with spectacular
success), while it is a state dominated by one political party and run by the Politburo (a
committee of 25 leaders who meet frequently to guide and control policy).
In this overview of historical figures in economics, we must not forget John Maynard Keynes
whose ideas were in complete opposition to those of Adam Smith. Keynes believed that
government intervention in the form of fiscal policy (tax-and-spend decisions, explained in
Section 4.5) and direct investment must be used to control the economy. In Keynes’ mind,
the so-called ‘invisible hand’ advocated by Smith was not enough to control booms and
busts of economic cycles. He was mostly concerned with the negative effects of prolonged
unemployment (because he experienced the Great Depression of the 1930s) and much less
with the costs of inflation. Keynes’ views are respected and there are many examples of his
recommendations being followed by policymakers to this day.
J.K. Galbraith, a 20th century Canadian economist, who worked for most of his life in the
US, was a great advocate and populariser of Keynesian principles. Galbraith was also a prolific
author and teacher. One of his most widely-read books, The Affluent Society (1958), portrays
modern economies as being influenced by big business, large labour unions and interventionist
Using the same concepts and language as Keynes, but opposed to his conclusions, was
the American economist Milton Friedman. In the 1960s, he proposed an alternative
macroeconomic policy known as monetarism. Friedman believed that the government’s main
responsibility is to control the amount of money in circulation. If too much money is pumped
into the economy, it will inevitably cause inflation (discussed in Section 4.4) which could have
devastating consequences. Friedman also suggested that people base their spending decisions
not on their current income, but rather on their expected lifetime wealth – known as the
‘permanent income hypothesis’.
We should also mention the rise of Islamic economics in the 20th century – well documented
by Timur Kuran in Islam and Mammon (2005). The basic premise is that Western capitalism has
failed and that Islam offers the remedy. Such ideas have been heavily backed by Saudi Arabia
and other oil-rich Gulf states. Islamic economics bans the imposition of interest on loans, seeks to
redistribute wealth more fairly through Zakāt taxation, and promotes a superior business ethic.
discussion of key influential figures in economics we have seen that differences of opinion have
sometimes been considerable. We now briefly consider some of the major schools of economic
Classical school
Adam Smith, Robert Malthus and David Ricardo, among others, are linked with the Classical
school – often held to be the first school of economic thought. The belief system of classical
economists was that markets are most effective when free of government intervention. The
laissez-faire view advocated that the price mechanism should be used to allocate resources
efficiently to foster economic development. Economic value was based on scarcity and
production costs. Self-adjustment mechanisms were assumed to always result in an economy
achieving full employment. This period of economic thought continued to about 1870.
Neoclassical school
The Neoclassical school superseded classical economics. In short, it involved a change in
emphasis from the classical preoccupation with the source of wealth and its division to the
ideas which govern the optimal allocation of scarce resources to particular wants. The doctrine
is scientific in nature making use of assumptions and hypotheses to model the behaviour of
consumers and firms. Neoclassical economists assume that consumers and firms are both
rational with consumers seeking to maximise utility (as explained in Section 2.4), while firms look
to maximise profits (as explained in Section 3.1). The Neoclassical school is also responsible for
developing the use of ‘marginal analysis’ – the examination of the effects when an economic
variable is changed by one unit. Much of microeconomics was developed by the Neoclassical
economist Alfred Marshall.
Keynesian economics
This school of economic thought is named, unsurprisingly, after John Maynard Keynes.
Keynesian economists are sceptical of the ability of free markets to achieve full employment.
Instead, Keynesians advocate state intervention through the use of macroeconomic policy, in
particular fiscal policy (discussed in Section 4.5). Since the 1920s, the Keynesian and Neoclassical
schools were deeply opposed to each other and such conflicts stimulated much economic
debate which continues today as governments across the world sought to remedy the adverse
effects of the 2008 global financial crisis (discussed in Unit 6).
Glossary 235
Absolute advantage: The ability of a country to produce more output of a good or service than
another country when two countries possess the same resource input(s).
Ad valorem tax: An indirect tax which is charged as a percentage of the price of the good.
Aggregate demand: The relationship between total output and the price level, which shows
planned expenditure (in nominal terms) on final goods and services at all possible price levels.
Aggregate supply: The total amount of all goods and services produced within the economy. It
tells us the amount that firms are willing to produce at all possible price levels.
Appreciation: The increase in the value of a domestic currency in terms of other currencies.
Asymmetric information: When a party involved in a transaction has more information than
the other party.
Austerity: Reducing government spending, and imposing cuts and freezes on public sector
jobs, wages and pensions in the hope of reducing national debt-to-GDP ratios.
Autonomous consumption: The level of consumption when disposable income is zero.
Balance of payments: A statement detailing a country’s trade and financial transactions with
the rest of the world – that is, it is a record of all money that moves in and out of a country.
Balance sheet: An accounting statement of a firm’s assets and liabilities on the last day of a
trading period.
Balanced budget: When government spending equals government revenue.
Barriers to entry: Obstacles which make it difficult for potential new firms to get a foothold in
the market.
Barriers to exit: Obstacles which make it difficult for existing firms to exit the market.
Basic economic problem: How to allocate scarce resources between competing uses in the
best possible way.
Broad money: Narrow money plus fewer liquid assets, primarily used for spending and as a
store of value.
Budget constraint: The consumer faces a constraint in that total expenditure on X and Y must
be no greater than income.
Budget (or fiscal) deficit: When a government spends more than it collects in taxes.
Budget (or fiscal) surplus: When a government spends less than it collects in taxes.
Buffer stock: Goods are bought (by the government) to be stored if the year is particularly
good (when there is a surplus) and sold when the harvest is bad and there is a shortage of that
Capital: Human-made assets, such as machinery or buildings.
Capital account: A component of the balance of payments. Capital flows related to capital
items in the form of assets, such as firms purchasing machinery.
Capital controls: Government restricting the amount of hot money that can flow into and out
of a country.
Central bank: The major monetary and financial regulatory authority within a country.
Centrally-planned economy: The central authority, i.e. the government, decides which goods
are to be produced.
Ceteris paribus: Latin term for ‘other things equal’. This means that other things which could
change are, for the moment, assumed not to. The term allows us to isolate the relationship
between two economic variables controlling for all other variables.
Cheap credit: The lending of money at low interest rates.
Circular flow of income: This shows the fundamental, mutually-beneficial economic
relationships between firms and households.
Claimant count: In the UK, the number of people who are officially registered and able to work
but who currently cannot find a job and are, therefore, claiming unemployment benefits.
Collateralised debt obligations (CDOs): Structured asset-backed financial products.
Comparative advantage: This occurs because the marginal opportunity costs of one good in
terms of the other differ between countries.
Complements: Two goods are considered to be complements if a change in the price of one
causes an opposite shift in the demand for the other.
Concentration measure: A measure to quantify the size distribution of firms in an industry.
Concentration ratio: This captures the extent of seller concentration in a particular market. It
shows the percentage of market sales due to the largest n firms.
Congestion charge: Applied to roads which tend to be over-used and so result in negative
externalities, such as increased traffic and pollution.
Consumer choice: Decisions consumers make when choosing between different consumption
Consumer price index (CPI): An index of weighted prices for a representative basket of goods.
It excludes payments on housing costs and mortgage payments.
Consumer surplus: The welfare gain to consumers resulting from the fact that some consumers
pay less for the good than their maximum willingness to pay, i.e. their maximum valuation of the
Consumption: The spending by consumers on goods and services.
Consumption externality: An externality which occurs as a direct result of product
Consumption function: The mathematical relationship between consumption and disposable
Contagion: A situation where economic problems in one country can be quickly transmitted to
other countries.
Contractionary (tight) fiscal policy: Decreasing government spending.
Contractionary (tight) monetary policy: Decreasing the money supply.
Glossary 237
Cost-push inflation: Inflation which occurs when there is an increase in the cost of factor
inputs, in particular the cost of raw materials, energy and wages. These higher costs effectively
‘push up’ prices.
Credit crunch: A severe contraction in the amount of available credit.
Credit rating agencies: Companies which assign credit ratings to debt.
Creditor: A lender who is owed money.
Creeping inflation: When prices increase gradually and slowly, up to five per cent.
Cross-price elasticity of demand (XED): The responsiveness of quantity demanded for one
good to changes in the price of another.
Current account: A component of the balance of payments. The profit/loss from day-to-day
transactions involving ‘visible’ (tangible) goods, ‘invisibles’ (intangibles), private money transfers
and official transfer payments in the form of international aid.
Cyclical (demand-deficient) unemployment: Unemployment caused by the variable
business cycle (also referred to as the economic cycle).
Deadweight loss: The cost to society resulting from the loss of economic efficiency. The
deadweight loss is the total (combined) reduction in consumer and producer surpluses minus
the total tax raised.
Debt-to-GDP ratio: The ratio of outstanding national debt to GDP.
Default: When a borrower is unable to repay a loan.
Deleveraging: The selling of assets whose original purchase was financed by borrowing.
Demand: The relationship between price and quantity which tells us how many units of a
certain good consumers are willing to purchase at every possible price.
Demand function: Demand when we represent quantity as a function of price.
Demand-pull inflation: Inflation attributable to excess demand when an economy is operating
at the full employment level of national output and so aggregate demand exceeds the supply
potential of an economy. The excess demand effectively ‘pulls up’ prices of output.
Demand-side policies: Direct (fiscal and monetary) intervention by the government which
affects the level of aggregate demand.
Demerit goods: Goods with under-estimated or ignored harmful effects, for example cigarettes,
drugs and alcohol. Not only do they have a negative effect on people who consume them in
excessive amounts, but they can also harm others, for example, through passive smoking.
Depreciation: The decrease in the value of a domestic currency in terms of other currencies.
Determinants of demand: Factors which determine demand, such as price of the product,
price of complements (goods which are consumed together) and substitutes (replacements),
income, wealth, tastes, preferences, advertising, expectations of future price increases, climate,
population and demographics.
Determinants of supply: Factors which determine supply, such as price of the product,
technology, weather conditions, cost of inputs, access to raw materials, regulations, number of
firms in the industry, taxes and subsidies.
Determinants of the price elasticity of demand (PED): Factors which determine the PED,
such as availability of close substitutes, time horizon (short run vs. long run), percentage of
income spent on those goods, type of goods and brand image.
Glossary 238
Determinants of the price elasticity of supply (PES): Factors which determine the PES,
such as number of suppliers, time horizon (short run vs. long run), ease of storing extra units,
productive capacity, length of production period and perishability of the product.
Devaluation: Decreasing the value of the domestic currency under a fixed exchange rate
Direct tax: A tax applied to the income and wealth earned by households and firms. Direct taxes
are paid straight to the government by a person or institution on whom the tax was imposed.
Discouraged workers: People without jobs who simply give up looking for work and are hence
considered as being outside the labour force.
Disequilibrium: A situation where the quantity demanded is different from the quantity
supplied so the market cannot clear. In the aggregate setting, the economy will be in
disequilibrium when the level of aggregate demand is not equal to the level of aggregate supply.
Disposable income: The amount of current income available to spend or save (likely a mixture
of spending and saving) after the payment of personal income taxes.
Division of labour: Production is broken down into a series of tasks which are conducted by
individual workers.
Economic good: All goods which are scarce.
Economic growth: Defined in one of two ways: (i) as an increase in the real income or the gross
domestic product (GDP) of an economy - known as the actual economic growth, or (ii) as an
increase in the productive capacity of the economy - known as the potential economic growth.
Elasticity: The responsiveness of one variable to changes in a different variable. The value
of the elasticity, in absolute terms, varies between zero and infinity. The sign of the elasticity
depends on the directions in which the two variables are moving. If both of them move in the
same direction, elasticity is positive. If they move in opposite directions, however, the sign of the
elasticity is negative. The sign only shows the direction of the movement, it does not show the
actual elasticity.
Endogeneity: Interactions between economic variables which mean changes in one variable
will lead to changes in another variable, which may well feed back into further changes in the
original variable.
Entrepreneurship: The ability and originality to combine all factors of production to make
profits. ‘Confidence’ is sometimes also considered as part of entrepreneurship.
Equilibrium: When the demand for a certain good is exactly the same as the supply of that
good, i.e. where the demand and supply curves intersect.
Equity: A bank’s buffer to cover unexpected losses which could occur. From an accounting
perspective, equity is calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities.
Equity ratio: The ratio of a bank’s equity to its total assets.
Euro: The official currency of the Eurozone.
Excess demand: At the given price, people are willing to buy more goods than producers are
willing to offer. In this case, the price will continue to rise until equilibrium is reached.
Excess supply: At the given price, firms are offering more goods than consumers are willing to
buy. In this case, the price will fall until the market clears again.
Exchange rate: The price of one currency in terms of another currency.
Expansionary (loose) fiscal policy: Increasing government spending.
Glossary 239
Gross national product (GNP): GDP plus the net property income from abroad - income
earned abroad by domestic residents less the income earned by foreigners in the domestic
Herfindahl index: A measure of the extent of seller concentration in a market. The index
considers the size of firms relative to the industry output. It is calculated by adding up the
squared market shares of all firms in the industry.
Hidden unemployment: Official unemployment statistics are not 100 per cent accurate since
people may be incorrectly included or excluded.
Hot money: Capital flows into and out of a country by currency speculators.
Human Development Index (HDI): An index of economic development consisting of the
average of three indicators: standard of living (measured by GDP per capita in PPP terms), life
expectancy at birth and adult literacy.
Human Poverty Index (HPI): Recently superseded by the Multidimensional Poverty Index, HPI
is an alternative index of economic development focusing on quantifying how well a country is
doing at achieving poverty reduction. HPI consists of the probability at birth of a life expectancy
of less than 40 years, the percentage of illiterate adults (reflecting knowledge exclusion) and
the percentage of people without a sufficient standard of living as reflected by an unweighted
average of no access to clean water and children who are underweight.
Hyperinflation: An extremely large and accelerating increase in the price level caused by a
major disruption to an economy, for example a war or an economic depression.
Identity: A special kind of mathematical formula which allows us to rewrite one mathematical
expression in another way.
Imperfect information: This occurs when a decision-maker has incomplete, inaccurate,
uncertain or misinterpreted information leading them to potentially make an incorrect choice.
Imports: The purchases of foreign output by domestic consumers.
Income elasticity of demand (YED): The responsiveness of demand to changes in income.
Indifference curve: This shows alternative combinations of two products where every
consumption bundle on the curve provides the consumer with the same level of utility and
therefore, the consumer is indifferent between all of the bundles on the curve.
Indirect tax: A tax which is usually levied on goods and services which we consume.
Inferior good: A good characterised by decreased demand when income rises, and increased
demand when income falls.
Inflation: The sustained overall increase in the price level – conversely, the overall reduction in
the value of money.
Inflation rate: The rate at which the price level increases.
Interbank lending: Lending between banks (i.e. from one bank to another bank).
Interdependence: The situation where a number of countries are so closely linked by trade and
financial relationships that they depend on each other economically.
Interest rate differentials: Arbitrage opportunities which arise due to different countries
having different nominal interest rates.
Interest rates: The cost of borrowing money.
Glossary 241
Ordinary good: A good for which demand is downward-sloping (i.e. people buy more of a
good when its price decreases and buy less when its price increases).
Participation rate: The labour force divided by the total population of working age.
Perfect competition: An extreme form of market structure where there are many buyers
alongside many firms (sellers), with each firm acting independently, producing a homogeneous
product such that the production decisions of a single firm are so negligible that there is no
impact on the market price.
Perfect complements: Goods which are consumed in fixed proportions.
Perfect substitutes: Goods which can perfectly substitute for each other.
Positive externality: An externality where one person benefits from actions taken by
somebody else. Positive externalities give rise to an inefficient allocation of resources because
external benefits are not included in the free-market equilibrium. From society’s point of view,
goods are under-consumed.
Price adjustment: The price level within the economy changes until equilibrium is reached.
Price ceiling: A maximum price is the legally-established threshold value above which the
market price cannot rise.
Price elasticity of demand (PED): The responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in the
price of a good.
Price elasticity of supply (PES): The responsiveness of quantity supplied to the changes in the
price of a good.
Price floor: A minimum price is the legally established threshold value below which the market
price cannot fall.
Price level: The weighted average of prices of the whole spectrum of goods and services
consumed by a given country.
Price mechanism: The ‘invisible hand’ which responds to changes in demand and/or supply of a
certain good or service in order to maintain the balance in the market. The price mechanism has
three main functions: rationing, signalling and incentivising.
Price-taker: A perfectly-competitive firm which can take as given the market price of p,
determined through aggregate market demand and supply.
Private goods: Goods which are both rivalrous and excludable.
Producer choice problem: The producer problem of cost minimisation to produce q units of
output subject to the production function.
Producer surplus: The welfare gain to firms resulting from the fact that the price they receive
for their product is higher than the minimum price at which they are willing to supply the
Product differentiation: A type of non-price competition. The product concerned may be
differentiated either in terms of demand-side or supply-side ways.
Production externality: An externality which occurs when the spill-over (third-party) effects
result from the physical production of a good.
Production function: The function which describes the boundary of a production set.
Production possibility frontier (PPF): A PPF shows all the possible combinations of two or
more goods or services which can be produced in an economy if all the available resources are
fully and efficiently used with the best available technology.
Glossary 244
Production set: A set which shows all possible combinations of inputs and outputs which are
technologically feasible.
Profit: The difference between revenues and costs.
Profit maximisation: When a firm wants to determine the level of production which maximises
its profit.
Public goods: Goods which are non-rivalrous and non-excludable.
Purchasing power parity (PPP): PPP exchange rates aim to equalise the real purchasing power
between various currencies.
Pure monopoly: Monopoly when there are no close substitute products for the monopolist’s
product, resulting in a zero cross-price elasticity of demand.
Quantitative easing: A process which injects money into the economy with the objective
of boosting economic activity. A central bank creates money electronically and uses this to
purchase financial assets – usually government bonds, although other financial assets may be
purchased. This cash injection reduces the cost of borrowing and increases asset prices with the
net result of stimulating economic growth.
Quantity adjustment: The amount of goods and services produced within the economy
changes until equilibrium is reached.
Quantity demanded: The single value which tells us how many units of goods and services
consumers want to buy at a specific price.
Quantity supplied: The single value which tells us how many units of goods or services firms
want to sell at a specific price.
Quasi-public goods: Goods which exhibit mixed characteristics of both private and public
goods - they are either non-rivalrous but excludable, or non-excludable but rivalrous.
Regional (geographical) unemployment: Unemployment associated with a particular region
of a country.
Regulation: The control of economic activities by the government or some other regulatory
Repossession: In relation to property, the situation when a lending financial institution takes
possession of the property used as collateral (security) against a mortgage loan when the
borrower defaults.
Reserve requirement: Regulations which govern the minimum amount of capital a
commercial bank must keep as liquid assets (such as cash) to meet the expected demand of
withdrawals by depositors.
Retail price index (RPI): A statistical measure of a weighted average of prices of a specified set
of goods and services purchased by representative families.
Revaluation: Increasing the value of the domestic currency under a fixed exchange rate regime.
Risk premium: In terms of interbank lending, the additional cost of borrowing above the central
bank base rate reflecting the greater risk of one bank lending to another bank.
Scarcity: The existence of a finite amount of resources.
Seasonal unemployment: Unemployment which occurs when people are unemployed
because of the season, for example fruit pickers and temporary workers in tourism are only
employed in the summer.
Glossary 245
Securitised mortgages: Financial assets formed by packaging up various mortgage loans into
financial securities.
Social benefits: Private and external benefits combined together.
Social costs: Private and external costs combined together.
Social welfare: Also known as the economic surplus, social welfare is the total (combined)
welfare of consumers, producers and government.
Specialisation: A country, firm or individual focuses on the production of a limited range of
goods or services.
Specific tax: An indirect tax which is charged as a fixed amount per unit sold.
Speculative bubble: Such bubbles occur when investors are willing to buy assets if they believe
the assets will increase in value, allowing them to sell them in the future for an anticipated profit.
Stagflation: This occurs when there is a depressed level of real output (caused by a fall in
aggregate demand) and rising factor input costs (leading to cost-push inflation).
Stock variable: A variable which is fixed at a particular point in time, such as wealth.
Strato-inflation: A moderate increase in the price level, around 10 to 20 per cent, generally
experienced in developing economies such as Brazil or India.
Structural unemployment: Unemployment caused by changes in the structure of an
Subprime mortgage loans: Mortgage loans made to borrowers with poor credit histories.
Subsidy: A monetary benefit provided by governments in order to increase the consumption of
merit goods and goods whose consumption generates positive externalities which benefit other
Substitutes: Two goods are considered to be substitutes when a change in the price of one
causes a shift in demand for the other in the same direction as the price change.
Supernormal profit: The sum of normal profit and economic profit, where economic profit is
the excess profit above the opportunity costs of the firm’s owners (i.e. the excess over normal
Supply: The relationship between price and quantity which tells us how many units of a certain
good firms are willing to sell at every possible price.
Supply function: Supply when we represent quantity as a function of price.
Supply-side policies: Attempts to boost economic growth by making markets work more
efficiently and more freely.
Tariff: A tax on imported goods levied by the government of the importing country.
Tax: A compulsory payment, or levy, charged by a government and imposed either on firms or
Tax incidence: The amount of tax paid by each party. Tax incidence is a term used to describe
the division of the tax burden between consumers and producers.
Terms of trade: The ratio of export prices relative to import prices. Terms of trade is expressed as
an index because it is based on the weighted average price of exports and the weighted average
price of imports reflecting not just one, but thousands of different export and import prices.
Tradable pollution permit: Licences given by governments allowing pollution at a certain
Glossary 246