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. 1 n 2 ar-year-old woman has a cystic ase In her left ovary along with cltis. A fine needle aspirate of the fuss on cytologic examination reveals clusters of — malignant epithelial cells surrounding gammoma bodies. Which of the following neoplasms she most likely has? a) Squamous cell carcinoma b) Endometrioid carcinoma c) Serous cystadenocarcinoma d) Malignant mesothelioma e) Mature cystic teratoma Ans. (C) as UHS exam The Stein-Leventhal syndrome is characterized by each of the following except: a) Many corpora lutea present in the ovaries b) Obesity c) Hirsutism d) Secondary infertility e) Menstrual irregularity Ans. (A) Ref. Goljan Histological examination of a cystic mass removed from the left ovary of a 25 years old female shows a cystic wall lined by mature stratified Squamous epithelium with Ve appendages. Mature gut & pot epithelium, cartilage and ¢ th tissue are also present. Which Yes malignant transformation a tumor most likely to undergo a) Adenocarcinoma b) Chondrosarcoma Scanned By Scanner App4. 5. c) Immature teratoma d) Squamous cell carcinoma e) Mature teratoma Ans. (E) Ref. Robbins In a 19 year old woman abdoininal CT scan reveals adenexal mass which is solid and circumscribed. A microscopic _ examination shows primitive mesenchymal cells, cartilage, muscle and foci of neuroepithelial differentiation. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? a) Sarcoma botryoides b) Brenner tumor ¢) Granulosa cell tumor d) Immature teratoma €) Clear cell carcinoma Ans. (D) Ref. Robbins Prowonged unopposed estrogen stimulation in an adult female increases the risk of development of endometrial hyperplasia followed by carcinoma. What is the most likely histologic appearance of this endometrial carcinoma? a) Adenocarcinoma b) Clear cell carcinoma c) Small cell carcinoma d) Squamous cell carcinoma e) _ Transitional cell carcinoma Ans. (A) Ref. Pathoma__- {1 About endometriosis 4 following statements are except: a) Seen in fallopian tubes of the correct Scanned By Scanner Appmmon in ovaries 4) Common in postmenopausal women ) May bleed during menstruation 7. A4B years old femal hha wal partners. NA virus fs mos be detected in the tumour biopsy material? a) HPV 16 b) HPV c) EBV d) HSV type 1 ¢) HSV type 2 ‘Ans. (A) Ref. Goljan 8. A female baby born with grape structure coming out from vagina is having? a) Polyp b) Vaginal prolapse Emoryonal rhabdomyosarcoma Strawberry cervix Si Aalenacarcinorne sabes Tas. (6) ___a8 UHS exam ___ 9. The serous cystadentoma of ovary, 2 histologically will resemble to: a) Endometrium b) Fallopian tube lining ¢)Endocervieal lining 4) Vaginal squamous epithelium ¢)_Urothelium 9) Grothe tah 10. You obtain a routine Pap s ults of the Pap smear are intraepithelial Scanned By Scanner App‘neoplasia (CIN) Il. What i6 the majoy significance ofthis finding? 2). Acervctis needs to be treated b) She has an increased isk for cereal carcinoma Condyloma acuminata are prabaiy present 4) An endocervical POP Needs 10 be excised She needs to discontinue ora contraceptives old girl with precocious pt reveals a 5 cm firm, smooth ‘ovarian mass. She most likel a) Dermeid cyst of the ovary b) Cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary ©) Granulosa cell tumor b) Ovary ¢) Broad ligament 4) Appendix e)_Cenie ‘Ans. (B) Ref. Pathoma 13. Mersey cycle is characterized y: a) Excessive & prolonged estrogen stimulation b) Prolonged progesterone stimulation c) Decreased estrogen secretion d) Endometrial atrophy ‘Ans. (A) = 14. Which one is not a germ cell tumor: a) Dermoid cyst 6) Embryonal carcinoma Scanned By Scanner Appae Utt(‘<‘ié‘~sS pysgerminoma a @) Geanuiosa cell tumor You sac tumor “ans: (0) ‘qmich one 8 not a surface epith tumor: 2) Serous eystadenoma Mucinous cystadenoma Dysgerminoma Endometrioid tumor 8) Saree ener ans. (C Fc noout carcinoma endometrium all are Correct except which one: ‘2) Causative agent is estrogen Occurs in older women Preceded by endometrial hyperplasia ) May be ‘associated with ovarian tumors e) Progesterone is causative agent ‘Ans. (E) Ref. Goljan _— 7. About stage 2 carcinoma cervix which ‘one Is correct: ‘2) Carcinoma limited to cervix ‘Growth reaches pelvic wall ©) Lower third of vagina is involved 4) Growth extends beyond cervix Bladder is involved __2)_ Blader is invelved___ ans (0) 2 UHS exam) __— 48. A patient on oral ‘contraceptives. Estrogen will hav increased risk of all except which one: a) Breast carcinoma b) Endometrial hyperplasia ‘c) Endometrial carcinoma d) Vaginal carcinoma 5 ___#)_Thomboembolst__———— ‘Ans, (D) Ref. Robbins 19. A SB-year old for 01 months atong. with some 6 Scanned By Scanner Appsurgical Specimen? a) Condyloma acuminata of the cervix b) Endometial hype ©) Metastases to the ul ‘Ans. (€) Ref. Robbins 20. Which one of the following is germ coll tumor of ovai a) Endometrioid tumor b) Fibroma Dysgerminoma Granulosa cell tumor e) Brenner tumor ‘Ans. (C) 21, Which of the following Is a most ‘common ovarian malignant tumor? a) Serous cyst adenocarcinoma b). Serous cyst adenoma ¢) Mucinous carcinoma )_ Malignant teratoma e) Clear cell carcinoma ‘Ans. {A} Ref. Robbins 22, The counter part of seminoma in the ovary is: a) Brunner tumor b) Cystadenocarcinoma ¢)Dysgerminoma 4). Choriocarcinoma teratoma. 23. A pap smear nulliparous fem: Scanned By Scanner Apphighest risk of deveto alcarcinomay “*Y*1°PIMo ia without atypia 9) Simple hyperplasia e) Squamous metaplasia a—eo Oo ‘ans. (8) 8 UNS exam As (8) __S8 SHS exam _ JA 37 year old woman complai Bartholin’s gland cyst Condylomata acuminatum Lichen sclerosis Vestibular adenitis ‘Ans. (A) Ref. Robbins 32. Pap Is a screening test for which out of the following? a) Breast carcinoma b) Cervical cancer ¢) Ovarian cancer d) Vulvar cancers ) Tumors involving the nipple 2) _ Tunes oe 8. Which ‘of the following characterized by schi bodies? a) Serous Carcinoma b) Yolk sac tumor ) Granulosa cell tumor 4) Dysgerminoma fe) Mucinous carcinoma ‘Ans. (6) Ref. Goljan 34, Metastatic signet ring ell carcinoma in ovaries Is. a) Krukenberg Tumor Scanned By Scanner AppSct erie radomet"iosis: By Adenomoysis: arcinoma 2) a. Carcinoma cervix b. ° Carcinoma ovary ¢. Carcinoma fallopian tume d. Granulosa cell tumor e. Carcinoma endometrium wing are risk factors fo srelnoma except : c) Hypertension d)_ Infertility e) HSV infection ‘Ans. (E) 29. Which of the following neoplasm derived from all three germ layers? a) Carcinoma b) Teratoma @) Sarcoma 4) Leiomyoma e) Fibroadcenoma 7 ‘Ans. (B) Ref. Goljan the 30. Which one of endometrial lesions’ is 255° Scanned By Scanner Appi! are cor i carcinoma. ""Whieh “sae, "at Ste following condition most _ likely contributed to this malignancy? a) Endometrial hyperplasia b) Chronic endometritis ¢) Adenomyosis d) Use of the contraceptive pills ) Human papilloma virus infection Ans. (E) ANE, 24. A 20 years old woman noticed multiple watery lesions on the perineum. A scarping from one of the lesion produces cells which are cytologically consistent with Kiolocytolic atypia. Choose the infection agent likely to produce finding above: a) Trichomonas vaginalis b) Human papilloma virus c) Neisseria gonorrhea d) Chlamydia trachomatis e) Ebstein bar virus Ans. (8) Ref. Goljan 25. During a routine pelvic examination, a 25 year old female was found to have an enlarged uterus, Ultrasound showed a multiloculated cystic structure in the uterine cavity. The mass was removed by dilatation curettage of the uterus and it showed placental like tissue. Which tumor marker is helpful in diagnosis and prognosis? a CEA b. PSA c. $-100 d. Beta-HCG e. CA-125 Ans. (D) Ref. Pathoma 26. A 60 years old female with an “abdominal mass underwent laparotomy that revealed bilateral ovarian masses. Bilateral oophorectomy was performed and mame! Scanned By Scanner Appb) Oysgerminoma Brenner Tumor d) Teratora e) Yolk sac tumor Female Is evaluated for ‘ding, Endometrial blopsy marked ydometrial "A left ovarian mass is lid and about 4cm in in tumor is: ‘a. Corpus albicans. b. Endometrioid carcinoma, cc. Endometroitic cyst Granulosa cell tumor. s UHS exam 36. A 20-year old femal bloody, brownish vaginal discharge for the past day. She now presents with shortness of breath. A chest Tadiograph demonstrates numerous 2 to 6- om, nodules in both lungs. A red brown 3 cm mass is seen on the ‘of the vagina, and a is mass reveals malignant resembling ‘Serum level of likely Human chorionic gonadotrophin b) Alpha-fetoprotein ¢) Estrogen ) Androgen Thyroxin ‘Ans. (A) as UHS exam ar 7 WA 50 yrs old diabetic ‘female patient visits , the gynecology ‘opp. with complaints of vulvoviginalpruritis Scanned By Scanner AppTrichomonas Gardenerella Candida Chlamydia .__ Mycoplasma ‘Ans. (C) 3B. A 40 yre old female went to Her gynaecologist for PAP screening feading an article about cer! al fencer ina magazine. She gave history of having sex with multiple partners. The report of the Showed severe dysplasia of ‘Colposcopy Was psy was taken as carcinoma in aoc 2 situ. This means a. Lowgrade SIL b. High grade SIL ¢. Microinvasive carcinoma d._ Invasive carcinoma Infiammatory lesion presents in the enlarging mass having regular menstrual cycles. Ul Shows a cystic mass ‘10cm in unilocularcyst material, tufts of hail seen. Which of the following tumors shows these features? a. Benign mature cystic Teratoma b. Dysgerminoma cc. _Endodermal sinus tumor d. Teratoma fe. Sertol-Leydig cell tumor Ans. (A) Ref. Pathoma___ Scanned By Scanner Appee ee ise 40. A 32 yrs old female married fo; > is seeking treatment for p,j, infertility. She gives history irregular menstrual oy dysmennorhea and _pelvi Ultrasound pelvis shows distort both ovaries by cystic masses 3.; in diameter, fil | thick fluid. The most diagnosis in this lady is a. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding b. Endometriosis c. Adenomyosis d. Ovarian tumors e. Pelvic inflammatoty disease > ee Ans. (B) as UHS exam 41. ,A 29-year-old woman presents severe pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea). During workup, an endometrial. biopsy is obtained. The pathology report from this specimen makes the diagnosis of chronic idometritis. Based on this pathology report, which of the following was present in the biopsy sample of the endo/metrium? a) Neutrophils b) Lymphocytes c) Lymphoid fol d) Plasma cells e) Decidualized stromal cells ~ Ans. (0) Scanned By Scanner App
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