3 Hybris Cockpits Arch PDF

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Q: Explain what is Back office work / task & what are the different Cockpits available?

Back-Office – Let’s say, there are day–day changes for Promotion / Catalogues / Pricing /…UI Changes. We can
do this Maintenance easily with Hybris. Because Hybris provides tools (Cockpits) to achieve.
Hybris Cockpit framework was introduced many years ago and now it is being decommissioned. However, due
to various reasons, new projects and almost all of the existing are actively using this framework for extending
hybris cockpits. This is replaced by the next generation cockpit (NGCockpit) framework running Backoffice

Multi-Channel Cockpit URL = https://localhost:9002/mcc/index.zul

These are different web interfaces (Cockpits) provided by Hybris to control different areas of commerce: -

• WCMS COCKPIT (Web Content Management System) = Used for Managing online content (Dynamic /
Static). We can modify the banners, change the look & feel of the site….
URL = https://localhost:9002/cmscockpit/login.zul (User Name = cmsmanager & PWD = 1234)
✓ Create and update website pages & content components
✓ Check and change website pages status
✓ Synchronize catalog versions of your website
✓ Create collections of chosen pages
✓ Search for website pages, according to advanced criteria
• BACKOFFICE (URL = https://localhost:9002/backoffice/login.zul) = New generation Hybris Backoffice.
It replaces the HMC cockpit (not sure when), it offers more flexibility & nice UI.
BackOffice NGCockpit will replace hmc in the Future.
It’s role based interface for all business and administrative users.
“ybackoffice” extension template is used to generate a custom extension within which you implement
your own components.
• Admin cockpit (URL = https://localhost:9002/admincockpit/index.zul) = Enables to manage all sorts of
information in hybris.
✓ Create, modify or delete data validation constraints
✓ Create, modify or delete instances of any type
✓ Reload the validation engine
✓ Create data validation constraint groups
✓ Assign data validation constraints to groups
• PCM COCKPIT (Product Cockpit Module) = End users to manage and product structure & catalogs in
high-volume. Product manager do attributes at run time (Add / Update / Delete a product / Categories
/ Catalogs).
URL = https://localhost:9002/productcockpit/login.zul (user name = productmanager & PWD = 1234)
Q: What are the Features of Product Cockpit?
✓ Create and update product and catalog data
✓ Check and change product status
✓ Synchronize products, categories and catalog versions
✓ Change product assignments
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✓ Create collections of chosen products
✓ Search for products, according to advanced criteria
• CS COCKPIT (Customer Service) = Used for managing orders & customers. It was originally designed for
customer service from a call center. Customer can cancel orders / find orders / create tickets. ….
URL = https://localhost:9002/cscockpit/login.zul (User Name = csagent & PWD = 1234)
✓ Create new customers and update customer data
✓ Create new orders
✓ Pick up the carts of the calling customer
✓ Take payment from multiple credit carts
✓ Select the delivery mode and address
✓ Amend and cancel orders
✓ Return and refund orders as a whole or partially
✓ Efficiently search for products using the faceted search
• Report Cockpit = You can manage reports.
• Import Cockpit = It reduces complexity of importing data.
✓ Create and edit import jobs.
✓ Create and edit mappings for the imported files.
✓ Create recurrent Cron jobs.

• hMC (Hybris Management Console) – Developers do E-Commerce Site Maintenance.

Order Checked out / 3rd party integration / Product price mismatch/…In Hybris 6.2 hMC is deprecated.
Provides functionality to manage business objects like as products, customer data, orders, etc.
Who uses = Developers, Functional & Tests use this (System, Catalog, User, Order, Price, Marketing,…)
URL = https://localhost:9002/hmc (User Name = admin & PWD = nimda)

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• HAC (Hybris Administration Console) – H. Application server developed on top of Apache tomcat
Server. We can configure: - How many transactions going on / check performance / How many
requests /…
URL = https://localhost:9002 (User Name = admin & PWD = nimda)

Note: - Cockpits are developed with framework called “zkoss (zkoss.org) – Open Source”.
ZUL FWK (It’s zkoss FWK) & used to developed stretchable panes / colorful graphic cockpits.
Q: Explain ZKOSS? = ZK is the best open source java FWK for building Enterprise Web & Mobiles apps
without Learning JS & AJAX.
Exceptional data analysis & summarization with ZK Pivottable.
ZK Spreadsheet is an embeddable Ajax Component for Java Web Applications. ZK Charts provides excellent
interactive charting for your Java Web apps.
Q: *.jsp Vs *.zul Pages?

JSP Source → Replaces variables add filter-content on server side → send the complete html → Browser
shows the "ready" html-content (+ start JavaScript actions/content).

✓ Advantage = There is no server side mirror for jsp components/content. So less memory on server
✓ + no (or less) screen building by the client

ZUL creates a server side mirror for all components on server side → sends a copy of the GUI to the Client-
Engine → the client-engine (inside the browser) creates also a GUI-tree (DOM) and render the output.

✓ Challenge = Need more resources on both sides (server + client)

✓ Have faster response times.

For fast development and easy maintenance use zul-gui.

If you have heavily used sites with many static content and/or work page-orientate then use JSP.

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Q: Explain Hybris Building Blocks & Architecture?
Commerce Domain Modules for B2B & B2C: -

Alignment between Business with Hybris Building Blocks?

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Note = The hybris Platform can run without any package, no package can run without the hybris Platform.

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Platform = Final component & Core Arch. of the Suite, where the application interface and infrastructure

Content = Provides core information of our site & related to products (Catalogs, Categories & Classification …)

Orders = Contains all details related to ordering of your products (Promotions, Payment and fulfillment detail).

Channel: = Refers to how you reach customers. This can be a mix of both digital & physical methods.

Q: Explain Project Implementation?

Development View: -

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High Level Infrastructure View (WMS = Warehouse Management System): -

Q: Next Generation Cockpit dynamic forms can be used to?

1. Automatically generate forms for new item types

2. Automatically open the next tab when required data have been entered
3. Automatically disable a field when data are entered
4. Automatically create an event when data are validated

Q: Explain Hybris Commerce Architecture Overview?

✓ Persistence Layer
o Contains Models (that are based on definitions created in items.xml for example) and Data
Access Objects (DAOs).
o DAOs are responsible for performing CRUD operations on the models that are persisted in the
underlying storage.
Example, if you query for a user or a product, a DAO is retrieved based on a user or a product
model that would contain all the requested information.
This information is coming directly from the underlying database.
o This Layer holds Models & DAOs that are saved and retrieved by services in Service Layer.
✓ Service Layer
o Primarily made up of Services and Facades.
o It is the purpose of a service, to save / retrieve a Data Access Object and return the model
POJO to the facade.
o A facade is then responsible for converting this DAO into another in-memory POJO that is called
a Data Transfer Object (DTO).
o This creates a clear separation of concerns between the layers, and tweaking the DTO has no
effect on the underlying storage.
o A DTO may be different than a DAO in a couple of ways.
(1) It may have more or less properties than the underlying DAO.
We are retrieving a user DAO via user service, but we only need his name and email.
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It would be cumbersome and performance insensitive, to retrieve everything about a user
and send it to the front end.
(2) Facades is the actual mechanism for converting a DAO into a DTO.
A facade achieves this by having a list of converters and populators. A converter holds a list
of populators that are called to copy over the attributes from a DAO to a DTO. Each
populator may only copy over a subset of the attributes. You can also invoke populators
only if they match a certain Enum option, and these are called Configurable Populators.
o Service Layer holds Facades that call certain Services that in turn fetch the DAOs from the
persistence layer, and hand them off to the inquiring Facade. A Facade then converts a
persistence-based DAO POJO into an in-memory DTO POJO using Converters and Populators.
✓ Presentation Layer
o Is based on Spring MVC. It has annotation-based controllers that call Facades to kick off a
business process. After all business takes place of saving / retrieving model information, facade
hands back a DTO to the controller. This DTO is then consumed by the front-end elements.

Note: -

✓ POJOs is that while storage DAOs and models are based on the hybris item types defined in items.xml
✓ Facade DTOs are defined as prototype-scoped beans inside another file called beans.xml.

Q: E-Commerce: Conceptual Architecture & Business Capabilities: -

Hybris Product Stack = (1) Web Content Management (2) Commerce Services (3) Product Information

SAP Product Suite: - (1) SAP ECC (2) SAP APO (3) SAP MDM (4) SAP CRM (5) SAP IS-Retail (6) SAP BI.

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