Company Law Revision Notes June 2022 PDF
Company Law Revision Notes June 2022 PDF
Company Law Revision Notes June 2022 PDF
Introduction of Company
• Section 2(20) of the Companies Act, 2013, provides that a 'company' means
a company incorporated under this Act or under any previous company law.
Advantages of Company
1. A company is a legal entity, distinct and independent of those persons who from
time to time are called its members.
2. The liability of the company's members are limited to the extent they have agreed
to contribute towards the capital of the company with reference to the number of
shares and/or the amount of guarantee respectively undertaken by them.
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CS Praveen Choudhary Introduction of Company
3. As the company is having an independent personality of its own, its members are not
personally liable for any act or omission on the part of the company, unless the law
expressly provides otherwise.
4. The company being a juristic person, distinct from the members constituting it, a
company can acquire, own, enjoy and alienate property in its own name. As such the
property would be that of the company and no member can make any claim upon it
so long as the company is a going concern.
5. The company being a legal entity can sue and also be sued in its own name.
6. The continuity of the company and its functioning-is not effected by the death,
disability or retirement of any of its members. The company continues to exist,
irrespective of change in its membership. It is commonly referred to as "perpetual
7. Transfer of member's interest in the company can be readily attained without in any
way adversely affecting its property, business, or existence.
8. Transferability of the company's shares provides an element of liquidity to the
investors in respect of their investment in the shares of the company and thus
facilitates increased investment in the company's funds without, in any way, adversely
affecting its economic stability.
9. The members of the company equitably share the profit by way of dividend and the
company's assets in the event of its winding up distributed in proportion of its capital
respectively contributed by them.
10. Shares of small denomination afford an opportunity to the small investors to invest
according to their capacity.
Disadvantages of Company
1. Formalities and expenses: Incorporation of Company is coupled with many complexes
and legal formalities. Even after the Company is incorporated, it has to comply with
the various legal provisions. Various documents and returns have to be filed with
various government agencies from time to time, which lead to heavy expenditure.
2. Corporate disclosure: Various corporate information has to be disclosed from time to
time to the members of the Company, hence no secrecy.
3. Separation of control from ownership: Members of the Company do not have the
control over the Company. Although they have interested in money and are the owner
of the Company but still they do not have active control over the Company.
4. Greater social responsibility: The Companies have the great impact on the society,
due to this reason the Companies are called to show greater social responsibility in
their working.
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CS Praveen Choudhary Introduction of Company
5. Greater tax burden: Tax burden in case of the Company is more than any other form
of business organisation. A Company is liable to pay tax without any minimum taxable
limit and it has to pay tax on its whole income in other words Basic exemption limit
for Companies is Nil.
6. Detailed winding-up procedure: The Act provides for a very detailed and lengthy
procedure to wind up the Company, which is more expensive and time consuming.
Body corporate includes a private company, public company, one person company, small
company, limited liability partnership, foreign company etc.
Note: A company is a body corporate but all bodies corporate need not be
a company
Sec 464 read with Rule 10 of Co. (Miscellaneous) Rules 2014
No association or partnership consisting of more than such number of persons as may be
prescribed (i.e. 100 as per the Sec 464 but 50 as per Rules, (Rules shall be prevailed
here) shall be formed for the purpose of carrying on any business that has for its object
the acquisition of gain by the association or partnership or by the Individual members
thereof, unless it is registered as a company under this Act or is formed under any other
law for the time being in force.
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CS Praveen Choudhary Introduction of Company
Every member of an illegal association is:
a) Personally liable for all liabilities incurred in carrying on the business of, or by, the
illegal association; and
b) Punishable with fine up to Rs.1,00,000/-
3. Prevention of fraud
Case Law Gilford Motor Company vs. Horne
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CS Praveen Choudhary Introduction of Company
Applicable Rules
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CS Praveen Choudhary Introduction of Company
Form Description
SPICE+ Application for Name Reservation and Incorporation of company
AGILE Application for GSTIN, ESIC, EPFO numbers.
CG 1 Form for filing application or documents with Central Govt.
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CS Praveen Choudhary Introduction of Company
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CS Praveen Choudhary Introduction of Company
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CS Praveen Choudhary Introduction of Company
AOC 4 Form for filing financial statement and other documents with the Registrar
AOC 4 Form for filing consolidated financial statements and other documents with
(CFS) the Registrar
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CS Praveen Choudhary Introduction of Company
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CS Praveen Choudhary General Meetings
General Meetings
Ram Ban –
Sec 96 to Sec 122 of Companies Act 2013
Companies (Management and Administration) Rules 2014
There must be at least 2 persons to constitute a meeting. Therefore, one shareholder usually cannot
constitute a company meeting even if he holds proxies for other shareholders subject to certain
Annual General Meeting is a regular meeting of the members of the company held annually for
the purpose of transacting mainly ordinary business of the company.
Every company other than a OPC shall in each year hold in addition to any other meetings, a
general meeting as its general meeting and shall specify the meeting as such in the notices
calling it.
Time for 1. The 1st AGM can be held within 9 months from the closing of FY.
holding GM 2. For subsequent AGM’s there are 2 requirements:
i. Company must hold AGM every year.
ii. The gap between 2 AGM’s cannot be more than 15 months.
3. AGM must not be held later than 6 months from the date of closing
of FY.
The notice should state the place where the general meeting is scheduled to be
Place of GM held.
place -
i. Registered Office or
ii. Some other place within the City, town or village in which the registered
office of the company is situated.
Day of GM Day - one that is not a National Holiday (26th Jan, 15th Aug, 2nd Oct)
Time of GM An annual general meeting can be called during business hours only ( between
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
CS Praveen Choudhary General Meetings
Provided that a GM may be called after giving shorter notice, if consent, in writing or by E-mode,
is accorded thereto—
i) in the case of an AGM, by not less than 95% of the members entitled to vote thereat; and
ii) in the case of any other GM, by members of the company —
a) If the company has a share capital, holding majority in number of members entitled to vote
and who represent not less than 95%. of such part of the PSC of the company as gives a right
to vote at the meeting; or
b) If the company has no share capital, having not less than 95% of the total voting power
exercisable at that meeting:
Special Business means all business except the following ordinary business -
• The consideration of the account, balance sheet and the reports of the board of directors and
• The declaration of dividend.
• The appointment of directors in the places of those retiring.
• The appointment of and the fixing of remuneration of the auditors.
If any default is made in complying with the provisions of this section, every promoter, director,
manager or other key managerial personnel who is in default shall be punishable with penalty which
may extend to Rs. 50,000 or five times the amount of benefit accruing to the promoter, director,
manager or other KMP or any of his relatives, whichever is more.
Important to note:
1. Presence of preference shareholders shall not be count for quorum.
2. Legal Representative in the general meeting shall be considered for quorum.
CS Praveen Choudhary General Meetings
3. Joint shareholders will be regarded as one member for the purpose of quorum.
Adjourned meeting
In case of an adjourned meeting or of a change of day, time or place of meeting, the company
shall give not less than 3 days’ notice to the members either individually or by publishing
an advertisement in the newspapers (one in English and one in vernacular language) which is
in circulation at the place where the registered office of the company is situated. If at the
adjourned meeting also, a quorum is not present within half-an-hour from the time appointed for
holding meeting, the members present shall be the quorum subject to the minimum 2.
Appointment Table F
of Chairman Regulation 45:
under Articles Chairman, if any, of the Board.
Regulation 46:
If no Chairman or he is not present within 15 minutes or is unwilling to
act as Chairman, the directors present shall elect one among themselves
Regulation 47
If in any meeting, no director is willing to act as chairman or if no director is
present within 15 minutes after the appointed time of the meeting, the
members present should choose one among themselves to be chairman of
the meeting.
Appointment If the AOA of a company do not contain any provision for the appointment of
u/s 104 chairman, such appointments shall be made by the members personally
present at the meeting who shall elect one of themselves to be the chairman
thereof on a show of hands. If a poll is demanded on the election of the
Chairman, it shall be taken immediately. If some other person is elected as
a result of poll, he shall be the Chairman for the rest of the meeting
Appointment Where the NCLT u/s 97 or 98 directs the calling of general meeting of a
of Chairman company, it may give directions regarding it's calling holding and
by NCLT conducting. It may appoint any person as its Chairman.
Position and He has to carry out the following duties:
responsibility • With the permission of chairman, each item of business will be moved for the
of Chairman consideration of the members.
• He will give enough time to members to discuss and express their opinion and
views on each of the proposal under consideration.
• He has powers to close the discussion if sufficient time has been spent.
CS Praveen Choudhary General Meetings
Generally, the preference shareholders are not entitled to appoint a proxy as they are not entitled to
vote at the meeting.
In case of default, every officer in default, shall be punishable with fine, which may extend to
A person appointed as proxy shall not act as proxy on behalf of more than 50 members and members
holding in the aggregate more than 10% of the total share capital of the company carrying voting
Note: A member of Sec 8 Company i.e. NPC shall not be entitled to appoint any other person as proxy unless
such other person is also a member of such company.
Limitations of proxy
1. A proxy has no right to speak at the meeting.
2. A proxy shall not be entitled to vote except on poll.
3. He cannot take part in any discussion.
4. A proxy is not counted for quorum.
5. A proxy cannot inspect the proxies list with the company and the minute’s book of the GM.
CS Praveen Choudhary General Meetings
A proxy must put revenue stamp of appropriate value and stamp should be cancelled either by
signature or by some other means.
Revocation of proxies:
A proxy can be revoked in any of the following ways:-
i. By deposit of a new proxy within the time stipulated for deposit of proxies;
ii. By the member himself attending and voting before the proxy has voted; and
iii. By the death or insanity of the appointer or by revocation of proxy or transfer of shares by
the appointer
Provided that the company has received intimation in writing of such death, insanity, revocation or
transfer before the commencement of the meeting.
Methods of Voting
A member may exercise his right to vote at any GM by electronic means and company may pass any
resolution by electronic voting system.
voting system and the company is providing facility for voting by electronic means.
iii. The company shall cause an advertisement to be published, not less than 5 days before the date
of beginning of the voting period,
iv. E-voting shall remain open for not less than 1 day and not more than 3 days.
Provided that in all such cases, such voting period shall be completed 3 days prior to the date of
the general meeting;
v. During the e-voting period, shareholders of the company, holding shares either in physical form
or in dematerialized form, as on the record date, may cast their vote electronically. Provided that
once the vote on a resolution is cast by the shareholder, he shall not be allowed to change it
vi. At the end of the voting period, the portal where votes are cast shall forthwith be blocked.
vii. The BOD shall appoint one scrutinizer who can be assisted by 2 other persons.
viii. The scrutinizer shall, within 3 working days from the date of conclusion of e-voting period,
unblock the votes in the presence of at least 2 witnesses not in the employment of the company
and make a scrutinizer's report of the votes cast in favour or against, if any, forthwith to the
ix. The scrutinizer shall maintain a register either manually or electronically to record the assent or
dissent, received, mentioning the particulars of name, address, folio number or client ID of the
shareholders, number of shares held by them, nominal value of such shares and whether the
shares have differential voting rights.
x. The register and all other papers relating to electronic voting shall remain in the safe custody of
the scrutinizer until the chairman considers, approves and signs the minutes. Thereafter, the
scrutinizer shall return the register and other related papers to the company.
xi. The results declared along with the scrutinizer's report shall be placed on the website of the
company and on the website of the agency within 2 days of passing of the resolution at the
relevant general meeting of members.
Subject to receipt of sufficient votes, the resolution shall be deemed to be passed on the date of the
relevant general meeting of members.
The Chairman shall order a poll to be taken, if any demand is made in this behalf:-
➢ in the case of a company having a share capital, by any member or members present in person
or by proxy and holding shares in the company-
➢ Which confer a power to the vote on the resolution not being less than 1/10thof the total
voting power in respect of the resolution; OR
➢ Holding shares on which an aggregate sum of at least Rs.5, 00,000 has been paid up.
➢ in the case of any other company, by any member or members present in person or by proxy
and having not less than 1/10thof the total voting power in respect of the resolution.
The demand for a poll may be withdrawn at any time by the person or persons who made the
CS Praveen Choudhary General Meetings
i. The Scrutinizer/s Appointed for the poll, shall submit a report to the Chairman of the meeting in
Form No. MGT No. 13. The report shall be signed by the scrutinizer / all the scrutinizers, in
case there is more than one scrutinizer, and be submitted by them to the Chairman of the meeting
within 7 days from the date the poll is taken.
Adjournment means suspending a meeting after it has been duly commenced to be resumed at a later
date and time fixed in that meeting itself at the time of adjournment or to be decided later on.
A meeting may be adjourned in anyone of the following ways:-
ii. By passing a resolution at the meeting;
iii. By the act of chairman;
iv. By lack of quo
CS Praveen Choudhary General Meetings
By passing a resolution at the meeting: According to common law, the power to adjourn a meeting
lies in the hands of those constituting it.
By the act of Chairman: In case of disorder, etc. at the meeting, the Chairman is authorized to
adjourn the meeting for a short period say an hour or so with a view to restore the order.
By lack of quorum at the meeting: If within half an hour from the time appointed for holding a
meeting of the company, a quorum is not present, the meeting (other than called upon at the request
of the members) shall adjourned to the same day in the next week, at the same time and place, or to
such other day and at such other time and place as the Board may determine.
No business shall be transacted at an adjourned meeting other than the business left uncompleted of
the meeting at which the adjournment took place.
Postponement of a Meeting
Postponement of a meeting implies putting off commencement of the properly convened meeting.
Such postponement takes place before the time fixed for the commencement of the meeting. On
many occasions, it becomes necessary not to have the scheduled meeting for which a notice has
already been issued. This may be for various reasons, which are beyond the control of management.
However postponement of a general meeting must be exercised objectively on valid and cogent
grounds and a decision to do so must be bona fide.
Where there is a change of day, time and place of meeting, the company is required to give not less
than 3 days’ notice to the members, either individually or by publishing an advertisement in the
newspapers (English &Vernacular) in the state of registered office of company.
Cancellation of a meeting:
Cancellation of a meeting refers to the situation where meeting no longer exists as such. Its
proceedings are not merely suspended but exhausted.
Proviso to Rule 22 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 provides that
OPC and other companies having members up to 200 are not required to transact any business
through postal ballot.
(1) Company shall send a notice to all the shareholders, along with a draft resolution explaining the
reasons there for and requesting them to send their assent or dissent in writing on a postal ballot
or by electronic means within 30 days from the date of dispatch of the notice.
(2) An advertisement shall be published at least once in a vernacular newspaper in the principal
vernacular language of the district in which the registered office of the company is situated, and
having a wide circulation in that district, and at least once in English language in an English
newspaper having a wide circulation in that district, about having dispatched the ballot papers
and specifying therein, inter alia, the following matters:
(3) The BOD shall appoint one scrutinizer.
(4) The scrutinizer shall be willing to be appointed and be available for the purpose of ascertaining
the requisite majority.
(5) If a resolution is assented to by the requisite majority of the shareholders by means of postal
ballot including voting by electronic means, it shall be deemed to have been duly passed at a
general meeting convened in that behalf.
(6) Postal ballot received back from the shareholders shall be kept in the safe custody of the
scrutinizer. After the receipt of assent or dissent of the shareholder in writing on a postal ballot,
no person shall deface or destroy the ballot paper or declare the identity of the shareholder.
(7) The scrutinizer shall submit his report as soon as possible after the last date of receipt of postal
ballots but not later than 7 days thereof;
(8) The Scrutinizer's Report must be addressed to the Chairman and should contain details of the
complete process of scrutiny.
(9) The postal ballot and all other papers relating to postal ballot including voting by electronic
means, shall be under the safe custody of the scrutinizer till the chairman considers, approves and
signs the minutes. Thereafter, the scrutinizer shall return the ballot papers and other related
papers/register to the company who shall preserve such ballot papers and other related
papers/register safely;
(10) The assent or dissent received after thirty days from the date of issue of notice shall be treated as
if reply from the member has not been received;
(11) The results shall be declared by placing it, along with the scrutinizer's report, on the website of
the company;
(12) The resolution shall be deemed to be passed on the date of declaration of its result;
(13) The provisions regarding voting by electronic means shall apply, as far as applicable, mutatis
mutandis in respect of the voting by Postal ballot.
CS Praveen Choudhary General Meetings
In the case of a company not having a share capital, such number of members who have, on the date
of receipt of the requisition, not less than 1/10thof the total voting power of all the members having
on the said date a right to vote.
Provided that if, after a copy of a requisition requiring notice of a resolution has been deposited at
the registered office of the company, an AGM is called for a date 6 weeks or less after the copy has
been deposited, the copy although not deposited within the time required by this sub-section, shall be
deemed to have been properly deposited for the purposes thereof.
The company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to a penalty of Rs.
Section 23 provides the methods of issue of securities by a public company
and a private company.
Ingredients of Prospectus:
a) There must be an invitation offering to the public; (General Public)
b) The invitation must be made "by or on behalf of the company or in relation
to an intended company";
c) The invitation must be "to subscribe or purchase";
d) The invitation must relate to shares or debentures or such other
a) application to the existing security holders of the company, by way of Rights
b) Form to Underwriters; and
c) shares not offered to the public (private placement cases).
A company proposing to issue a red herring prospectus shall file the same with
the ROC at least 3 days prior to the opening of the subscription list and the
offer. Upon the closing of the offer of securities, the company is required to
file with the ROC of Companies and the SEBI, prospectus stating therein the
total capital raised, and the closing price of the securities and any other
details as are not included in the red herring prospectus.
Allotment of securities
2018 shall ensure that all his existing securities are held in Demat form
before such subscription.
4. Every unlisted public co. shall facilitate dematerialisation of all its existing
securities by making necessary application to a depository and shall secure
international security Identification Number (ISIN) for each type of security and
shall inform all its existing security holders about such facility.
5. Every Unlisted public company shall ensure that –
a. It makes timely payment of fees (admission as well as annual) to the
depository and RTA as per the agreement executed between parties;
b. It maintains security deposit, at all times, of not less than 2 years’ fees
with the depository and RTA, in such form as may be agreed between the
c. It complies with the regulations or directions or guidelines or circulars, if any,
issued by the SEBI or Depository from time to time with respect to
dematerialisation of shares of unlisted public companies and matters incidental
or related thereto;
6. No unlisted public company which has defaulted in sub rule 5 shall make offer to
any securities or buyback its securities or issue any bonus or right shares till the
payments to depositories or RTA are made.
7. The provisions of Depository act 1996, SEBI (Depositories and partcipants)
Regulations, 1996 and SEBI( RTA) Regulations, 1993 shall apply mutatis
mutandis to dematerialisation of securities of unlisted public companies.
8. Every unlisted public company governed by this rule shall submit PAS 6 to the
ROC with prescribed fees within 60 days from conclusion of each half year duly
certified by a PCS/ PCA.
9. The company shall immediately bring to the notice of the depositories any
difference observed in its issued capital and the capital held in demat form.
10. The grievances, if any, of security holders of unlisted public companies under this
rule shall be filed before the IEPF authority.
11. This rule shall not apply to an unlisted public company which is: a Nidhi, a
Govt. co., or a WOS.
CS Praveen Choudhary Share Capital of a Company
In Company Law, the "Capital" is the share capital of a company, which is classified as:
Reserve Capital
This is that part of uncalled capital of the company, which can be called up, only in the event of
its winding up.
A limited company may, by a special resolution, determine that a portion of its uncalled capital
shall be called up.
• In the event of winding up
• For the purpose of winding up only.
Reserve capital cannot be turned into uncalled capital without the leave of the is
available only for the creditors on the winding up of the company. The company can neither
charge reserve capital nor cancel it in a reduction of capital. (Midland Rly Carriage Co.)
Preference Share: A preference share is a share which fulfils the following 2 conditions:
• That in respect of dividends, in addition to the preferential rights to the amounts with respect
to dividend, it has a right to participate, whether fully or to a limited extent, with capital not
entitled to the preferential right aforesaid;
CS Praveen Choudhary Share Capital of a Company
• That in respect of capital, in addition to the preferential right to the repayment, on a winding
up, of the amounts aforesaid, it has a right to participate, whether fully or to a limited extent,
with capital not entitled to that preferential right in any surplus which may remain after the
entire capital has been repaid.
The NCLT shall while giving, such approval, and order the redemption forthwith of
preference shares of such person who have not consented to the issue of further
redeemable preference shares.
Voting Rights
Every member of a company limited by shares and holding equity share capital therein, shall have a
right to vote on every resolution placed before the company; and his voting right on a poll shall be in
proportion to his share in the paid-up equity share capital of the company.
Preference share holder shall have a right to vote only on -
• Resolutions placed before the company which directly affect the rights attached to his preference
shares and,
• Any resolution for the winding up of the company or for the repayment or reduction of its share
Preference shareholders are entitled to vote on every resolution placed before the company at any
meeting, if the dividend due on such class of preference shares are in arrears for a period of 2 years
or more.
Rule 4 of The Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 provide that no
company whether it is unlisted, listed or a public company limited by shares shall issue
equity shares with differential rights as to dividend, voting or otherwise, unless it
complies with the following conditions:
1. There must be an authority in the AOA of the company;
2. ordinary resolution shall be passed. However, in case of Listed company such OR shall
be passed by way of Postal Ballot.
3. The voting power in respect of shares with differential rights of the company shall not
exceed 74% of total voting power including voting power in respect of equity shares with
differential rights issued at any point of time.
4. The Company has not defaulted in filing of annual accounts and annual returns for 3 years;
in repaying deposits or paying interest thereon; in redeeming debentures or paying interest
there on; or redemption of preference share or paying dividend thereon; or re payment of
CS Praveen Choudhary Share Capital of a Company
any term loan or payment of interest thereon to a bank or financial institution; and paying
dividend after declaration; and
5. The company has-not been convicted, during the last three years, of any offence under
SCRA, 1956; SEBI Act, 1992; and FEMA Act, 1999; RBI Act, 1934 or any other special
Act, under which such companies being regulated by sectorial regulators.
6. It may be noted that a company cannot convert its equity shares with equal rights into
equity shares with differential rights and vice-versa.
Section 52(1) The securities premium can be utilized only for the following purposes: -
• Issuing fully-paid bonus shares to members.
• Write-off the preliminary expenses of the company.
• Write-off commission paid or discount allowed, or the expenses incurred on issue of shares
or debentures of the company.
• For providing for the premium payable on redemption of any redeemable preference shares
or debentures of the Company.
• For the purpose of buy-back of shares or securities u/s 68.
However, a company may issue shares at a discount to its creditors when its debt is converted
into shares in pursuance of any statutory resolution plan or debt restructuring scheme as per
any guidelines or directions or regulations specified by the RBI under RBI Act 1934 or the
banking regulation act 1949.
In case of contravention, the company shall be punishable with Penalty which shall not be less
than Rs. 1 Lakh but which may extend to Rs. 5 Lakh and every officer who is in default shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term up to 6 months OR with fine Rs. 1 Lakh – Rs. 5
Lakh OR with both.
A company may issue sweat equity shares subject to the following conditions: -
1. The shares must be of class already issued.
2. The issue must be authorized by a Special Resolution passed by the Company in GM.
3. The resolution must specify number of shares; their current market price; consideration (if
any); and the class or classes of directors or employees to whom they are to be issued.
Note: Sweat equity share-holders shall be ranked pari passu with other equity shareholders.
Section 53 states that no shares to be issued at discount whereas Section 54 states that sweat
equity shares can be issued at discount. It means that Section 54 shall override Section 53.
The rules for the purposes of sweat equity has defined 'Employee' so as to mean
1. A permanent employee of the company who has been working in India or outside India.
2. A director of the company, whether a whole time director or not.
3. An employee or a director as defined in sub-clauses (a) or (b) above of a subsidiary, in India
or outside India, or of a holding company of the company.
Provided further that A start-up company may issue sweat equity shares not exceeding
50% of its PSC up to 10 years from the date of its incorporation.
The ROC has to be notified of the type of alteration made within 30 days of such alteration to enable
him to make changes in the co.’s MOA and AOA
Where any company fails to comply with the above provisions, such company and
every officer who is in default shall be liable to a penalty of Rs. 500 for each day
during which default continues or subject to a maximum of Rs. 5,00,000 in case
of a company and Rs. 1,00,000 in case of an officer who is in default.
Surrender of Shares
A company would opt for buy - back for the following reasons: -
i. To improve shareholder value - Buy back generally results in higher Earning per share (E.P.S.)
ii. As a defence mechanism - Buy back provides a safeguard against hostile take - overs by
increasing promoters' holding,
iii. To provide an additional exit route to shareholders when shares are undervalued or
thinly traded.
iv. To return surplus cash to shareholders.
Note: Right issue is also known as Right of First Refusal or Pre-emptive Right of Existing
Share Certificate
• A share certificate is a certificate issued under the common seal, if any, of
the co. or signed by 2 directors or by a director and the CS (if any) specifying
the number of shares held by him and the amount paid on each share.
• The certificate is a statement as against the company that the person, whose
name appears on it, is the registered holder of the shares.
• No share certificate is to be issued to member of the company holding shares
in electronic form i.e. this section does not apply to shares held by a person
as a beneficial owner in depository.
Every share certificate shall be in Form No. SH-1 or as near thereto as possible
and shall specify the name(s) of the person(s) in whose favour the certificate is
issued, the shares to which it relates and the amount paid-up thereon.
b) a director or company secretary shall be deemed to have signed the share certificate
if his signature is printed thereon as facsimile signature.
The transfer shares will be governed by the general law relating to transfer of
movable property. In private company, this right must always be restricted.
All the securities and the interest of a member in the company can be transferred.
Blank Transfer:
When a shareholder signs a transfer deed without filing in the transferee name and
hands it over with the share certificate.
If a shareholder transfers his shares, and the transfer turns out to be invalid, he
remains liable for calls in the shares.
Transfers made during winding up of the company are void, unless sanctioned by the
Court, or by liquidator in case of voluntary liquidation.
An instrument on which the signature of the transferor is forged, is called a forged
transfer. A forged document or transfer never has any legal effect. CS Praveen Choudhary
Transfer and Transmission
Loss of Instrument with Share Certificates:
Where the instrument of transfer has been lost or the instrument of transfer has
not been delivered within 60 days from date of execution, the company may register
the transfer on such terms as to indemnity as the Board may think fit.
Then it is suggested that the company should send a notice by registered post to
the transferor with a copy to the transferee. If the transferor does not respond
within 15 days of the date of notice, the company shall take necessary action in this
Partly-paid Shares:
The company shall give a notice in Form No. SH.5 by registered post to the
transferee and shall register the transfer only when no objection is received from the
transferee within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of notice.
Joint Holding:
Where shares are held in the names of 2 or more persons, they are deemed to
be held jointly. Generally, the articles of a company may allow joint holding in
the names of up to 4 persons.
It may be noted that transposition of names is not a transfer and does not need
an instrument.
And it shall within 30 days from the date of delivery of instrument to the
company, send notice of the refusal to both the parties along with reason.
The transferee is entitled to appeal to the NCLT against any refusal of the
company within 30 days from receipt of notice or within 60 days from delivery
of instrument to company.
The shares or debentures and any interest therein of a company shall be freely
transferable subject to the provision that any contract or arrangement between
2 or more persons in respect of transfer of securities shall be enforceable as a
Power of NCLT
The NCLT, while dealing with an appeal may, after hearing the parties, either
dismiss the appeal, or by order-
a) Direct to registered by the company and the company shall comply with such CS Praveen Choudhary
Transfer and Transmission
order within 10 days of the receipt of the order; or
b) Direct rectification of the register and also direct the company to pay damages,
if any, sustained by any party aggrieved.
Every company, unless prohibited by any provision of law or of any order of any
Court, Tribunal or other authority, shall deliver the certificates of all securities
allotted, transferred or transmitted-
• Within 2 months from the DOI, → for subscribers to MOA;
• Within 2 months from the date of allotment, → For allotment of shares;
Transmission of shares
• On the death or lunacy of the original shareholder, his shares vest in his legal
representative and his estate remains liable for the unpaid amount. CS Praveen Choudhary
Transfer and Transmission
• On the insolvency of a shareholder, his shares vest in the Official Assignee, who
may get himself registered as holder of these shares, or dispose them of.
• No formal instrument is required for registration of transmission of shares.
Transfer Transmission
By operation of Parties By operation of law
Transfer deed in SH - 4 No transfer deed
Stamp duty required No stamp duty
Consideration may or may not No consideration
be there
In favour of any person In favour of nominee only
CS Praveen Choudhary Membership
5. Pawnee: A pawnee cannot be treated as the holder of the shares pledged in his
favour, and the pawner continues to be a member and can exercise the rights of a
6. Receiver: A receiver whose name is not entered in the register of members cannot
exercise any of the membership rights attached to a share unless in a proceeding
to which company is a party, an order is made therein. Mere appointment of a
receiver in respect of certain shares of a company without more right cannot,
deprive the holder of the shares, whose name is entered in the register of members
of the company of the right to vote at the meeting of the company.
7. Bankrupt/ Insolvent: A bankrupt may be a member of a company as long as he is
on the register of members. He is entitled to vote.
8. Trade union: A trade union registered under the trade union act 1926 can be
registered as a member and can hold shares in the company in its own corporate
9. Person taking shares in fictitious name: He becomes liable as a member besides
incurring criminal liability u/s 38 of the Act.
Cessation of Membership
When his name is removed from its register of members, in any of the
following situations:
• He transfers his shares to another person.
• His shares are forfeited.
• He makes a valid surrender of his shares.
• His shares are sold by the company to enforce a lien.
• He dies or is adjudged insolvent.
• His redeemable preference shares are redeemed.
• His shares are bought-back.
• His shares are attached by the Court in satisfaction of a decree.
CS Praveen Choudhary Membership
Expulsion of a Member
The AOA of a company cannot provide for expulsion of a member, as it is
opposed to the fundamental principle of the Company Jurisprudence and,
therefore, ultra vires the company.
Rights of Members
• Not to have his financial obligation increased by the company without his
• To transfer his shares.
• To have a share certificate issued to him in respect of his shares.
• To vote on resolutions at meetings of the company.
• To take inspection of the various registers of the company.
• To requisition an EGM of the company.
• To receive notice of general meetings and to attend and speak at general
• To appoint proxy and inspect proxy registers.
• To demand for poll.
• To appoint the representative to attend and vote at general meetings of the
company on its behalf, if the member is a body corporate.
• To require the company to circulate his resolution.
• To enjoy the profits of the company in the shape of dividend.
• To elect directors and thus to participate in the management through them.
• To apply to the NCLT for relief in case of oppression, mismanagement,
winding up.
• To share in the surplus on winding up.
Liability of Members
• To pay for the outstanding calls on shares only.
• To pay the amount guaranteed, in the event of winding up, if assets of the
company fall short of the liabilities.
• In case of Unlimited Company, the members are personally liable to pay for
CS Praveen Choudhary Membership
Definition Sec 2 (30):
The term "debenture" includes debenture stock, bonds and any other securities of a company, whether
constituting a charge on the assets of the company or not.
Provided that –
a) Instruments referred to in chapter III D of RBI Act 1934 and
b) Such other instrument, as may be prescribed by CG in consultation with RBI, issued by a
Shall not be treated as debenture
• A debenture is usually in the form of a certificate (like a share certificate) issued under the common
seal of the company.
• The certificate is an acknowledgement by the company of indebtedness to a holder.
• A debenture usually provides for the payment of a specified sum at a specified date.
• A debenture usually provides for payment of interest until the principal sum is paid back. Interest
may be made payable subject to contingencies of uncertain nature.
• Even zero rate of interest debentures can be issued.
• Debenture holders do not have any right to vote at any meeting of the company.
There is no prohibition to issue debentures at a discount unlike the restrictions contained in Section 54
of the Companies Act, 2013 for the issue of shares at a discount.
1. Redeemable Debentures
2. Perpetual Or Irredeemable Debentures
3. Registered And Bearer Debentures:
Note: Debenture Certificates must be issued within 6 months of Allotment
4. Secured and Unsecured Or Naked Debentures:
• The company shall appoint a debenture trustee before the issue of prospectus or letter of offer
for subscription of its debentures and within 60 days after the allotment of the debentures,
execute a debenture trust deed to protect the interest of the debenture holders.
• Security for the debentures by way of a charge or mortgage shall be created in favour of the
debenture trustee only.
Debenture Shares
Debenture constitute a loan Shares are part of capital of company
Debenture holders are creditors of company Shareholders are owners/members of company
Debenture holders get fixed interest which gets Shareholders get dividend with varying rights
priority over dividend
Debentures generally have charge on the assets Shares do not carry any such charge
of company
Debentures can be issued at discount without Shares cannot be issued at discount
In case of debentures, interest rates are fixed. In case of equity shares, dividend varies from
year to year depending on profit of company and
decision of BOD to declare dividend or not.
Debenture holders do not have any voting rights Generally Shareholders enjoy Voting Rights
Interest on debenture is payable even if there is Dividend to shareholder can only be paid out of
no profit in company profits of company and not otherwise.
Interest paid on debenture is a business Dividend is not allowable deduction as business
expenditure and allowable deduction from expenditure.
Return of allotment is not required for allotment Return of allotment in PAS 3 is to be filed for
of debentures allotment of shares.
Issue of Debentures:
• The power to issue debentures is usually set out in the MOA.
• Unlike shares, they can be issued at a discount without any restriction, if AOA so authorize,
the reason being that they do not form part of the capital of the company.
• They can also be issued at a premium.
• Interest payable on them is a debt and can be paid out of capital.
• There is no ceiling, minimum or maximum, for the rate of interest payable on debentures. Any
rate of interest, though justifiable, can be paid on the debentures.
CS Praveen Choudhary Debentures
• In the case of unsecured debentures which amounts to be deposits, the rate of interest should
be within the maximum limit prescribed by the rules.
• All sums allowed by way of discount must be stated in every balance sheet of the company
until written-off.
Debenture Redemption Reserve (DRR)
Creation of DRR
Rule 18 (7) of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014
The company shall create a DRR for the purpose of redemption of debentures, as per following
a) DRR shall be created out of the profits of the company available for payment of dividend;
b) The limits with respect to adequacy of DRR & investment of deposit shall be as under:
i. For AIFI & Banking Co., No DRR is required.
ii. For other FI, DRR shall be as applicable to NBCF registered with RBI.
iii. For listed companies (other than AIFI & Banking Co.’s), DRR is not required in
following cases –
I. In case of public issue of debentures –
A. For NBFC & for Housing Finance companies.
B. For other listed companies.
II. In case of privately placed debentures, for companies specified in A & B above.
iv. For unlisted companies, (other than AIFI & Banking co.) –
A) For NBFCs & Housing Finance companies, DRR is not required in case of privately placed
B) For other Unlisted companies, the adequacy of DRR shall be 10% of value of outstanding
v. In case of companies covered in item A or B of point iii or item B of point iv, it shall on
or before the 30th day of April in each year, invest or deposit a sum which shall not be less
than 15% of amount of debenture maturing during the year, ending on 31st day of March
of next year in any one or more methods of investments or deposits.
Provided that the amount remaining invested or deposited, shall not at any time fall below
15% of the amount of debenture maturing during the year ending on 31st day of March of
that year.
vi. The methods of investments or deposits are as follows:
a. In deposit with SCB, free from any charge or lien.
b. In unencumbered securities of CG or SG.
c. In unencumbered securities specified in Indian Trust Act 1882
Note: the amount so invested or deposited shall not be used for any purpose other than
for redemption of debentures maturing during the year referred above.
c) In case of partly convertible debentures, DRR shall be created in case of non convertible
portion of debenture.
d) The amount credited to DRR shall not be utilised by co., except for the purpose of redemption
CS Praveen Choudhary Debentures
of debentures.
Appointment of Debenture
The company shall not issue prospectus to more than 500 persons without appointing debenture
✓ Is a promoter, director or KMP or any other officer or an employee of the company or its
holding, subsidiary or associate company;
✓ Is beneficially entitled to money which are to be paid by the company otherwise than as
remuneration payable to the debenture trustee;
✓ Is indebted to the company, or its subsidiary or its holding or associate company or a
subsidiary of such holding company;
✓ Has furnished any guarantee in respect of the principal debts secured by the debentures or
interest thereon;
✓ Has any pecuniary relationship with the company amounting to 2% or more of its gross
turnover or total income or Rs. 50 lakh or such higher amount as may be prescribed,
whichever is lower, during the 2 immediately preceding financial years or during the current
financial year;
✓ Is relative of any promoter or any person who is in the employment of the company as a
director or KMP
HOLDERS: Rule18(4)
The meeting of all the debenture holders shall be convened by the debenture trustee on-
• Requisition in writing signed by debenture holders holding at least 1/10th in value of the
debentures for the time being outstanding.
• The happening of any event, which constitutes a breach, default or which in the opinion of
the debenture trustees affects the interest of the debenture holders.
CS Praveen Choudhary Debentures
In general, a debenture trustee is liable to debenture holders for any type of breach of trust. However,
he may escape the liability in the following cases:
• Where the trustee can show that he took such care and diligence as required of him as a trustee
having regard to the powers, authorities and discretions conferred on him by the trust deed.
• Where a majority of, not less than 3/4th in value, debenture holders, present and voting in person
or by proxy agree, at a meeting summoned for the purpose, with respect to specific acts or omissions
of the trustee.
CS Praveen Choudhary Deposits
No company shall invite, accept or renew deposits under this Act from the public except in a
manner provided under Chapter V.
• A banking company
• NBFC as defined in RBI Act, 1934 and
• To such other company as the CG may, after consultation with the RBI, specify in this
Clauses (a) to (e) of section 73(2) Shall not apply to a private company
A. which accepts from its members’ monies not exceeding 100 % of aggregate of the PSC,
FR and securities premium account; or
B. which is a start-up, for 5 years from the DOI; or
C. which fulfils all of the following conditions, namely:
a) which is not an associate or a subsidiary company of any other company;
b) if the borrowings of such a company from banks or financial institutions or anybody
corporate is less than twice of its PSC or Rs. 50 Cr., whichever is lower; and
c) such a company has not defaulted in the repayment of such borrowings subsisting at
the time of accepting deposits under this section:
CS Praveen Choudhary Deposits
Provided that the company referred to in clauses (A), (B) or (C) shall file the details of
monies accepted to the ROC in prescribed manner (2018)
Provided that such deposits do not exceed 10% of the aggregate of the PSC and FR of
the company and such deposits are not repayable earlier than 3 months from the date
of acceptance or renewal, as the case may be.
Every Eligible Company intending to invite deposits shall issue a circular in the form of an
advertisement in Form DPT-1 for the purpose in English language in an English newspaper
and in vernacular language in one vernacular newspaper having wide circulation in the State
in which the registered office of the company is situated. Every company inviting deposits
from the public shall upload a copy of the circular on its website, if any.
depositors for creating security for the deposits. The company shall execute a deposit
trust deed in Form DPT-2 at least 7 days before issuing the circular or circular in the
form of advertisement.
Where the period for which the deposit had run contains any part of year, then if such part is
6 months or more, it should be reckoned as one year for the purpose of this Rule.
Cr or twice the amount of deposit accepted by the company (w.i.l) and maximum
fine of Rs. 10 Cr and every officer in default shall be punishable with imprisonment
which may extend to 7 years AND with minimum fine of Rs.25 Lakh and a maximum
fine of Rs.2 Cr. CS Praveen Choudhary
Registration of Charges
Registration of Charges
Definition Sec 2(16)
An interest or lien created on the property or assets of a company or any of its
undertakings or both as security and includes a mortgage.
1. There should be 2 parties to the transaction, the creator of the charge and
the charge holder.
2. The subject-matter of charge, which may be current or future assets and other
properties of the borrower.
A charge is a security, given for securing loans or debentures. The security may
be provided either by way of mortgage, hypothecation, pledge or lien.
Thus, charge is a general concept and it covers each and every mode of creating
the security on the assets of a company, for the purpose of securing the
repayment of any debt due by a company.
Kind of Charges
A charge on the property of the company as security for creditors may be of the
following kinds, namely:
1. Fixed or specific charge.
2. Floating charge.
Registration of Charges
1. A charge created by a company is required to be registered with the ROC
within 30 days of its creation in CHG-1 (for other than debentures) and CHG-
9 (for Debentures).
Provided that the ROC may, allow delay of such registration —
a) If created before 2019 → 300 days from date of creation & 6 months more
can be given.
b) If created after 2019 → 60 days from date of creation & 60 more days can
be given.
All types of charges are required under the Act to be registered whether
created within or outside India Except charges as may be prescribed in
consultation with the RBI.
2. Application for Registration of Charge by the Charge-holder
Where a company fails to register the charge within 30 days, charge holder
may apply to the ROC for registration of the charge and shall be allowed to
recover the expenses made. CS Praveen Choudhary
Registration of Charges
The ROC may, on such application, give notice to the company about such
application. The company may either itself register the charge or shows
sufficient cause that why such charge should not be registered. On failure on
part of the company, the ROC may allow registration of such charge within
14 days after giving notice to the company shall allow such registration fees
paid by him to the ROC for the purpose of registration of charge.
Relaxation of time for filing forms related to creation or modification of Charges
under the Companies Act, 2013
This is applicable in respect of filing of Form No.CHG-1 and CHG-9 by a company
or a charge holder, where the date of creation/modification of charge:
1. Is before 01.04.2021, but the timeline for filing form has not expired as on
• Relaxation of Time: The period beginning from 01.04.2021 and ending
31.05.2021, shall not be counted towards the number of days under section 77
or 78 of the Act.
• Applicable Fees: If the form is filed before 31.05.2021, the fees as on
31.03.2021 as per fees rules shall be charged, but if form is filed after
01.06.2021, the fees shall be leviable as per fee rules after counting the number
of days elapsed after 01.6.2021 till form is filed.
2. Falls on any date between 01.04.2021 to 31.05.2021(both days inclusive)
• Relaxation of Time: The period beginning from 01.04.2021 and ending
31.05.2021, shall not be counted towards the number of days under section 77
or 78 of the Act and period will start from 01.06.2021. CS Praveen Choudhary
Registration of Charges
• Applicable Fees: If the form is filed before 31.05.2021, the fees as per fees
rules shall be charged, but if form is filed after 01.06.2021, the fees shall be
leviable as per fee rules after counting the number of days elapsed after
01.6.2021 till form is filed.
Verification of Instruments
1. Property situated outside India →
✓ Either under the seal of the company, or
✓ Under the hand of any director or CS or
✓ an authorised officer of the charge holder or
✓ under the hand of interested person;
Consequences of Non-Registration
✓ Void against the liquidator means that the liquidator on winding up of the
company can ignore the charge and can treat the concerned creditor as
unsecured creditor. The property will be treated as free of charge i.e. the
creditor cannot sell the property to recover its dues.
✓ Void against any creditor of the company means that if any subsequent charge
is created on the same property and the earlier charge is not registered, the
earlier charge would have no consequence and the latter charge if registered
would enjoy priority. In other words, the latter charge holder can have the
property sold in order to recover its money. CS Praveen Choudhary
Registration of Charges
Thus, non-filing of particulars of a charge does not invalidate the charge against
the company as a going concern. It is void only against the liquidator and the
creditors at the time of liquidation.
On receipt of such intimation, the ROC shall issue a notice to the holder of the
charge calling a show cause within not exceeding 14 days, as to why payment or
satisfaction in full should not be recorded as intimated to the ROC. If no cause
is shown, by such holder of the charge, the ROC shall order that a memorandum
of satisfaction shall be entered in the register of charges maintained by the ROC
u/s 81 and shall inform the company. If the cause is shown to the ROC shall
record a note to that effect in the register of charges and shall inform the
company accordingly and shall issue a certificate of registration of satisfaction of
charge in Form No. CHG-5.
Inspection of the Register and instruments shall be allowed only during the CS Praveen Choudhary
Registration of Charges
For wilfully furnishing any false or incorrect information or knowingly suppresses any
material information → shall be liable for action u/s 447.
ROC shall, on payment of the prescribed fees, register particulars of the receiver,
person or instrument in the register of charges.
Any person so appointed shall, on ceasing to hold such appointment, give to the
company and the ROC a notice to that effect and the ROC shall register such
notice. CS Praveen Choudhary
Divisible Profits and Dividend
✓ Interest is a debt which like all debts is paid out of the company's assets
generally. A dividend however becomes a debt only after it has been declared
by the company.
✓ Dividend cannot be paid out of the assets of the company, generally it can be
declared only out of the profit available for the purpose. Interest is a charge on
profits while dividend is an appropriation of profits.
Right to claim dividend will only arise after a dividend is declared by the company in
General Meeting and until and unless it is so declared, the shareholder has no claim
against the company in respect of it.
Kinds of dividend:
Final Dividend:
✓ Dividend declared at the AGM of the company is called as Final Dividend.
✓ Final dividend once declared becomes a debt enforceable against the company.
✓ Final Dividend can be declared only if it is recommended by the BOD of the
✓ BOD must state in the Board's Report the amount of dividend, if any, which it CS Praveen Choudhary
Divisible Profits and Dividend
recommends to be paid.
Interim Dividend
2) The BOD may declare out of surplus in the P & L a/c or out of profits of
the FY in which such interim dividend is sought to be declared or out of
profits generated in the FY till the quarter preceding the date of declaration
of the interim dividend:
Provided that in case the co. has incurred loss during the current financial
year up to the end of the quarter immediately preceding the date of
declaration of interim dividend, such interim dividend shall not be declared at
a rate higher than the avg. dividends declared by the co. during immediately
preceding 3 FY.
Dividend on equity shares are to be paid as per rights of the respective classes of
shares and only after all dividends on preference shares have been paid to date. But
they may enjoy a privilege of a higher dividend as the preference dividend is fixed and
cannot be increased.
Dividend Warrant:
An order to its banker to pay the amount specified therein to the shareholder whose
name is written therein. The shareholder may, at his discretion thereafter draw the
amount of the warrant from his account with the bank and with whom he deposits CS Praveen Choudhary
Divisible Profits and Dividend
Sources of Dividend
The Companies Act allows dividend to be paid out of the following sources:-
a) Profits of the company for the year for which the dividend is to be paid; OR
b) Undistributed profits of the previous financial years OR
c) Both OR
d) Out of money provided by CG or SG for the payment of dividend by the co. as
per guarantee given by that govt. CS Praveen Choudhary
Divisible Profits and Dividend
1. Rate of Dividend
The rate of dividend declared shall not exceed the average of the rates at which
dividend was declared by it in the 3 years immediately preceding that year. It
may be noted that the aforesaid provision shall not apply to a company, which
has not declared any dividend in each of the three preceding FY.
3. Balance of Reserves
The balance of reserves after such withdrawal shall not fall below 15% of its paid
- up share capital.
these previous financial years, whichever is less, shall be set off against the profits
of the company for the year for which dividend is to be paid.
1) Where a dividend has been declared by a company but has not been paid or
claimed within 30 days from the date of the declaration, the company shall,
within next 7 days, transfer the total amount of dividend which remains
unpaid or unclaimed, to a special account to be opened by the company in
that behalf in any SCB to be called 'Unpaid Dividend Account of ........
Company Limited / Company (Private) Limited;
2) Otherwise the company shall pay, from the date of such default, interest at
the rate of 12% per annum and the interest accruing on such amount shall
ensure to the benefit of the members of the company in proportion to the
amount remaining unpaid to them.
3) Any person claiming to be entitled to any money transferred to the Unpaid
Dividend Account of the company may apply to the company for payment of
the money claimed.
4) If Any money transferred remains unpaid or unclaimed for 7 years then shall
be transferred to the IEPF and the company shall intimate to the authority
which administers the Fund and that authority shall issue a receipt to the
company as evidence of such transfer.
The company shall, within 90 days of making any transfer of an amount to the
Unpaid Dividend Account,
1. Prepare a statement containing
➢ the names,
➢ their last known addresses and
➢ the unpaid dividend to be paid to each person and
2. Place it on the website of the company, if any, and CS Praveen Choudhary
Divisible Profits and Dividend
3. Also on any other web site approved by the Central Government for this
In such form, manner and other particulars as may be prescribed.
Such company shall be liable to a penalty of Rs. 1 Lakh and in case of continuing
failure, with a further penalty of Rs. 500 for each day after the first during
which such failure continues, subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 Lakh And
Every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to a penalty of
Rs. 25,000 and in case of continuing failure, with a further penalty of Rs. 100
for each day after the first during which such failure continues, subject to a
maximum of Rs. 2 lakh.
In such case, the dividend is required to be paid to the transferee if the transferor
has given a mandate to that effect. otherwise, the dividend in respect of the shares
should be transferred to the Unpaid Dividend Account.
Further, the company shall keep in abeyance (suspend) the rights shares and bonus
shares, to be issued in respect of transferred shares but not registered.
Benefits of CSR
The benefits of CSR could be listed as follows:
• Strengthened brand positioning
• Enhanced corporate image and reputation
• Satisfaction of economic and social contribution to society
• Contribution to the surrounding society
• Increased ability to attract, motivate and retain employees
• Enhanced sales and market share
• Increased appeals to investors and financial analysts
• Local economy gains in all dimensions.
and shall be spent within 3 FY from the date of such transfer for CSR activity
only, otherwise the company shall transfer the same amount to a Fund specified
in Schedule VII, within next 30 days.
• Where the amount to be spent by a company does not exceed Rs. 50 lakhs, no
need to constitution of the CSR Committee and the functions of such Committee
shall, in such cases, be discharged by the BOD of such company. (Amendment)
CSR Policy
The CSR Policy of the company shall, inter alia includes the following, namely:
a) A list of CSR projects or programs which a company plans to undertake falling
within the purview of the Schedule VII of the Act, specifying modalities of
execution of such project or programs and implementation schedule for the same;
b) Monitoring process of such projects or programs. But the activity should not be
undertaken in pursuance of normal course of business of a company.
c) The Board shall ensure that the activities included by the company in its CSR
Policy are related to the activities mentioned in Schedule VII of the Act.
CSR Activities
The CSR activities may be undertaken by way of the following methods:
a) By Charity
b) By Contract
c) By Itself
In the Companies (CSR Policy) Rules, 2014, in rule 2(1)(e), the following proviso
shall be inserted, namely: -
Provided that any company engaged in research and development activity of new
vaccine, drugs and medical devices in their normal course of business may undertake
research and development activity of new vaccine, drugs and medical devices related
to COVID-19 for financial years 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 subject to the
conditions that:
(i) such research and development activities shall be carried out in collaboration
with any of the institutes or organisations mentioned in item (ix) of Schedule
VII of the Companies Act, 2013.
(ii) details of such activity shall be disclosed separately in the Annual Report on
CSR included in the Board’s Report.
Ensure that the activities which formulate by CSR Committee in the Policy are duly
undertaken by the company
independent agency, of their CSR projects having outlays of Rs. 1 crore or more,
and which have been completed not less than 1 year before undertaking the
impact study and impact assessment reports shall be placed before the Board
and shall be annexed to the annual report on CSR and the Company undertaking
impact assessment may book the expenditure towards CSR for that FY, which
shall not exceed 5% of the total CSR expenditure for that financial year or Rs.
50 lakhs, whichever is less. ”
• Administrative overhead expenditure shall not exceed 5% of total CSR
expenditure for a financial year. CS Praveen Choudhary
Mandatory use of Accounting Software having Audit Trail with effect from
From FY commencing on 01.04.2021, every Company shall use Accounting Software
having feature to record audit trail of each transaction, creating the edit log of
changes made & ensuring that the audit trail cannot be disabled. (Amendment)
➢ However, the CG may direct that the books of account may be kept for longer
than 8 years, as it may deem fit and give directions to that effect.
Financial statements should be prepared for financial year and shall be in form as
per Schedule III.
The financial statements shall give a true and fair view of the state of affairs
of the company or companies, comply with the accounting standards and shall
be in form or forms as may be provided for different class or classes of companies
in Schedule III.
According to amended Rules the Companies which are required to comply with
Companies (IndAS) Rules, 2015 shall forward their statement in Form AOC-3A.
in prescribed form;
b) to obtain approval of the BOD and complete audit or limited review of such
periodical financial results in prescribed manner; and
c) file a copy with the ROC within 30 days of completion of the relevant
period with prescribed fees.
ii.The re-opening and recasting of financial statements is permitted only for the
following reasons -
a) the relevant earlier accounts were prepared in a fraudulent manner; or
b) The affairs of the company were mismanaged during the relevant period, casting
a doubt on the reliability of financial statements.
iii.The Court or the Tribunal, as the case may be, shall give the notice to the
authorities mentioned above.
Note: The accounts so revised or re-cast under this section shall be final.
BUT No order shall be made in respect of re-opening of books of account relating to
a period earlier than 8 FY immediately preceding the current financial year:
statement or the Board's Report did not comply with the requirements of
Section 129 or Section 134, after obtaining approval of the NCLT.
2. The application to the NCLT shall be made within 2weeks of the decision taken
by the Board and the company shall disclose in the application if the majority
of directors and auditors have been changed immediately before such decision.
The Tribunal will issue notice and hear the auditor of original financial
3. Tribunal shall give notice and take into account the representations, if any,
of the CG and of the Income Tax Department.
4. A certified copy of the order of the Tribunal shall be filed with the ROC within
30 days of the date of receipt of the certified copy.
5. The detailed reasons for revision of such financial statements or report shall be
disclosed in the Board's report in the relevant financial year in which such
revision is being made.
6. On receipt of approval from Tribunal a GM may be called. Notice of such GM
along with reasons for change in Financial Statements may be published in
Newspaper in English and in vernacular language.
7. In such GM, the said revised financial statements, statement of directors and
the statement of auditors may be put up for consideration before a decision
is taken on adoption of the revised financial statements.
8. On approval of the General Meeting, the revised financial statements along
with the statement of auditors or revised Board report, as the case may be
shall be filed with the ROC within 30 days of the date of approval by the
general meeting.
It may also be noted that while the present section sets out a 3 year’s limit for
voluntary revision of financial statements or Board's Report, but no such time limit
has been prescribed for re-appointment of accounts due to order of Court or NCLT
u/s 130.
standards. The Companies Act, 2013 empowers the Central Government to form
a Committee for recommendations on Accounting Standards which is National
Advisory Committee on Accounting Standards (NACAS). This is now being renamed
with enhanced independent oversight powers and authority as NFRA.
➢ NFRA shall be responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance of auditing
and accounting standards and for that purpose, oversee the quality of
professions associated with ensuring such compliances.
➢ The Authority shall investigate professional and other misconducts which may be
committed by Chartered Accountancy members and firms. There is also a
provision for appellate authority.
➢ The NFRA shall be a quasi - judicial body to regulate matters related to
accounting and auditing.
➢ NFRA shall give its recommendations on accounting standards and auditing
Constitution of NFRA
The constitution of NFRA shall be as follows:
i. A chairperson, to be nominated by CG, and such other prescribed members not
exceeding 15.
ii. The chairperson and all members shall make a declaration about no conflict of
interest or lack of independence in respect of their appointment.
iii. The chairperson and all full - time members shall not be associated with any
audit firm or related consultancy firm during course of their appointment and
2 years after ceasing to hold such appointment.
iv. The head office of NFRA shall be at New Delhi and it may, meet at such
other places in India, as it deems fit.
v. Its accounts shall be audited by Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAGI)
and such accounts as certified by CAGI, together with audit report, shall be
forwarded annually to the CG.
Every listed company shall disclose in its Board Report the following:
a. The ratio of the remuneration if each director to the median remuneration if the
employees of the company for the financial year;
b. Percentage increase in remuneration of each director and CEO;
c. Percentage increase in the median remuneration of employees;
d. Number of permanent employees on the rolls of company;
e. Explanation on the relationship between average increase in remuneration and
company performance;
f. Comparison of the remuneration of the KMP against the performance of the
g. The key parameters for any variable component of remuneration availed by the
h. Affirmation that the remuneration is as per the remuneration policy of the
report along with annexures I attachments shall be sent to every member, every
trustee for the debenture holder and all other persons who are so entitled, at
least 21 days before the date of general meeting Otherwise they shall be approved
by 95% of members entitled to vote at the GM.
Right to Inspect
Every member or trustee of debenture holder shall have right to inspect the FS
and documents to be attached thereto, at its registered office during business
hours. However, this right is not available to debenture holders.
The ROC shall take them in his record as provisional, until the adoption at AGM. CS Praveen Choudhary
The OPC shall file the copy of financial statements duly adopted by its members
within 180 days from the closure of FY.
➢ Every company have to file the FS including CFS together with Form AOC- 4
with the ROC within 30 days from the day on which the AGM held and
adopted the FS with prescribed fees.
Mandatory Requirement
As per Companies (Filing of documents and forms in XBRL) Rules, 2015
• Every Indian Listed Company &their Indian subsidiaries;
• Every Company having PSC of Rs. 5 Cr. or more;
• Every company having T.O of Rs. 100 Cr. or more
• All companies which are required to prepare their financial statements in accordance
with Companies (Ind AS) Rules, 2015. CS Praveen Choudhary
Audit is an examination of accounting records undertaken with a view to establish
the correctness or otherwise of the transactions reflected therein. It involves the
intelligent scrutiny of the books of accounts of a company with reference to
documents, vouchers and other relevant records. The main object of audit is to
ensure that the statement of accounts of the relevant financial year, truly and
fairly, reflect the state of affairs of the company.
8. 16 CS Praveen Choudhary
8. 17 CS Praveen Choudhary
The Company shall inform the auditor concerned of his or its appointment and
also file a notice of such appointment with the registrar in Form ADT-1 within
15 days of the meeting in which the auditor is appointed.
Term of Auditor
a) A listed company
b) An unlisted Public Company having a paid up share capital of Rs. 10 Cr. or more.
c) A private Limited Company having a paid up share capital of Rs. 50 Cr. or
d) All Companies having public borrowings from Banks, Financial Institutions or
Public deposit of Rs. 50 Cr. or more.
shall not appoint or re – appoint an individual as auditor for more than 1 term of 5
consecutive year; and an audit firm as auditor for more than 2 terms of 5 consecutive
Further, no audit firm shall be appointed as auditor of the company for a period
of 5 years, if same firm presently having a common partner to the previous
audit firm, whose tenure has expired in a company immediately preceding the
financial year.
It may be noted that these auditor (either individual/audit firm) can be re-
appointed after cooling off period of 5years.
8. 18 CS Praveen Choudhary
India shall appoint within 180 days from the commencement of the financial
year and the auditor so appointment shall hold his position till the conclusion
of the AGM.
8. 19 CS Praveen Choudhary
Rotation of Auditors
Member of a company can provide for following by passing a resolution:
a) If the audit firm appointed by it, the auditing partner and his team shall be
rotated at such intervals as may be resolved by members; or
b) The audit shall be conducted by more than one auditor.
8. 20 CS Praveen Choudhary
In general, the authority appointing the auditor has to fix the remuneration.
However, in the case of government Company, auditor is appointed by C&AG but
remuneration is determined by the shareholders or in such manner as the
shareholders may determine.
Resignation by an Auditor
The auditor who has resigned from the company shall file a statement in Form
ADT-3 indicating the reasons and other facts as may be relevant with regard
to his resignation as follows:
1) In case of other than Government Company, the auditor shall within 30
days from the date of resignation, file such statement to the company and
2) In case of Government Company or government controlled company, auditor
shall within 30 days from the resignation, file such statement to the
company and the registrar and also file the statement with the C&AG.
Removal of Auditors:
By the Shareholders
The auditor appointment u/s 139 may be removed from his office before the
expiry of the term only by-
I. Obtaining the prior approval of the Central Government by filling an
application in Form ADT-2 within 30 days of Board resolutions.
II. The company shall hold the general meeting within 60 days of receipt of
approval of the Central Government for passing the special resolution.
III. The auditor concerned shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
8. 21 CS Praveen Choudhary
In the case of application being made by the CG and the NCLT being satisfied
that change of auditor is required, it shall within 15 days of the receipt of such
application, make an order that the Auditor shall not function as an auditor of
the company and the CG may appoint another auditor in his place. This will
happen only when an application is made by the CG and not any other person.
Where the auditor, whether individual or firm, against whom the final order as
aforementioned is passed by the NCLT under this section, he shall not be eligible
to be appointed as an auditor of any' company for 5 years from the date of
passing of such order. Further, the auditor shall also be liable for action u/s
447 which provides for punishments for frauds.
But if amount involved in fraud is lesser than specified amount, the auditor
shall report the matter to audit committee of Co. constituted u/s 177 or
to the BOD and such companies shall disclose the details about such fraud
in Board’s Report in prescribed manner.
8. 22 CS Praveen Choudhary
The branch shall prepare a report on the accounts of the branch office examined
by him and forward the same to the company's auditor who shall in preparing
the auditor's report, deal with the same in such manner as he considers
The MCA vide order dated December 17, 2020 has issued the Companies (Auditor’s
Report) Second Amendment Order, 2020. The order has further deferred the
applicability of the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order (CARO) 2020, by one
So, Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020 (CARO 2020) will be applicable
from the financial years commencing on or after the 1st April, 2021
The scope of reporting has been broadened by inserting the clause which defines
‘Other Matters to be included in the Audit Report’.
(a) Reporting regarding advances loans & Investment other than disclosed in notes
to accounts
(b) Receiving of funds for further lending or investing other than disclosed in notes
to accounts.
(c) Comment upon above 2 points whether representation made contains any
8. 23 CS Praveen Choudhary
(e) Comment of use of Accounting Software having Audit Trail & other rules
Cost Audit
[Section 148 Read with Rule 14]
Cost audit is the verification of cost accounts and a test on the compliances to
the cost accounting plan.
At the outset, cost audit involves:
➢ The verification of the record of cost accounts like the accuracy of the cost
accounts, cost technique and cost reports;
➢ Scrutinizing these records to make sure that they adhere to the cost
accounting principles and objectives'
The audit conducted under this section be in addition to the audit conducted
u/s 143.
8. 24 CS Praveen Choudhary
A company shall within 30 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the cost
audit report, furnish the CG with such report along with full information and
explanation on every reservation or qualification contained therein.
Internal Audit
[Sec 138 read with Rule 13 of Companies (Accounts)Rules 2014]
Classes of companies requiring Internal Audit
The following class of companies shall be required to appoint an internal auditor
or a firm of internal auditors: -
a) every listed company;
b) Every unlisted public company having -
i. paid up share capital of Rs. 50 Cr. or more during the preceding
financial year; OR
ii. Turnover of Rs. 200 Cr. or more during the preceding financial year;
iii. Outstanding loans or borrowings from banks or public financial
institutions exceeding Rs. 100 Cr. or more at any point of time during
the preceding financial year; OR
iv. Outstanding deposits of Rs. 25 Cr. or more at any point of time during
the preceding financial year; and
c) Every private company having -
i. turnover of Rs. 200 cr. or more during the preceding financial year;
ii. Outstanding loans or borrowings from banks or public financial
institutions exceeding Rs. 100 cr. or more at any point of time during
the preceding financial year.
The company board shall be free to appoint any practicing Chartered Accountant
or a Cost Accountant or any other person whom it deems fit to be appointed
as its internal auditor.
Section 134(3) of the Act provides that there shall be attached to statements
laid before a company in general meeting, a report by its Board of Directors, which
shall include –
a. the Web address, if any, where annual return has been placed
b. Board report shall report on the highlights of performance of subsidiaries,
associates and joint venture companies and their contribution to the
overall performance of the company during the period.
c. Number of board meetings.
d. Director’s responsibility statement.
e. details in respect of frauds reported by auditors other than those which
are reportable to the CG.
f. Statement on declaration given by independent director.
g. Particulars of loan, guarantees or investments.
h. The state of company’s affairs
i. Particulars of contracts and arrangements with related parties
j. Statement relating to risk management policy
k. Statement on corporate social responsibility
l. The amount proposed to carry to any reserve conservation of energy,
m. technology absorption,
n. foreign exchange earnings and outgo.
134 (3A) The CG may prescribe an abridged Board's report, for the purpose of
compliance with this section by OPC or small company.
134(4) The board report to be attached to financial statement under this section
shall, in case of OPC, mean a report containing explanations or comments by board
Every listed company shall disclose in board report a statement showing the names
of the top 10 employees in terms of remuneration drawn and the name of every
employee who –
if employed for a part of the FY, was in receipt of remuneration for any part of
that year, at a rate which, in the aggregate, was not less than Rs.8,50,000 per
b) The directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently
and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to
give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company at the end of
the financial year and of the profit and loss of the company for that period;
c) The directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of
adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of this Act for
safeguarding the assets of the company and for preventing and detecting fraud
and other irregularities;
d) The directors had prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis; and
e) The directors, in the case of a listed company, had laid down internal financial
controls to be followed by the company and that such internal financial controls
are adequate and were operating effectively.
f) The directors had devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the
provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and
operating effectively.
Other Disclosures
iii. Corporate Social Responsibility Policy: The Board of every company shall
disclose contents of such Policy in its report and also place it on the
company’s website.
iv. Audited Account: Every company having a subsidiary or subsidiaries shall place
separate audited accounts in respect of each of its subsidiary on its website.
v. Resignation of Director: The Company shall within 30 days from the date
of receipt of notice of resignation from a director post the information on
its website.
9. 4 CS Praveen Choudhary
Registers and Returns
• The Companies Act, 2013 lays down that every company incorporated
under this Act must maintain and keep at its registered office certain
books, registers and copies of certain returns, documents etc. These
books are known as Statutory Books.
11. 1 CS Praveen Choudhary
Registers and Returns
15. Register of Loans, Guarantee, Security
16. Register of Investment in securities not held in
Company's name.
17. Register of Contracts with companies or firms in
which directors are interested.
Optional book With a view of keeping proper records, companies
or register invariably maintain some other books in addition to
statutory books. These are called optional books. These
1. Register of transfer of shares.
2. Register of documents sealed.
3. Register of share application and allotment.
4. Director's Attendance Books.
5. Register of attendance of shareholders, etc.
6. Register of proxies for general meeting.
11. 2 CS Praveen Choudhary
Registers and Returns
b. Shares held by each member, distinguishing each share
by its no. except where such shares are held with a
depository and the amt paid or agreed to be
considered as paid on those shares
c. The date at which each person was entered in the
register as a member
d. The date at which any person ceases to be a member
[Rules 3(1) of
1. Every company shall, from the date of its
registration, keep and maintain a register of its
members in one or more books in Form No. MGT-1
2. Every register shall maintain shall include an index of
names entered in the respective registers.
Rules, 2014.
3. The index shall, in respect of each folio, contain
sufficient indication to enable the entries relating to
that folio, in the register to be readily found.
4. The maintenance of index is not necessary in case the
no. of members is less than 50.
11. 3 CS Praveen Choudhary
Registers and Returns
11. 4 CS Praveen Choudhary
Registers and Returns
11. 5 CS Praveen Choudhary
Registers and Returns
11. 6 CS Praveen Choudhary
Registers and Returns
The returns can be classified into 2 categories namely:
Casual returns are those returns, which are required to
be filed as, and when contingency arises. The important
casual returns are the creation of charge, return of
allotment, change of directors, change in the registered
office, special resolution, etc.
11. 7 CS Praveen Choudhary
Registers and Returns
11. 8 CS Praveen Choudhary
Registers and Returns
Compromise & Arrangement
A company may decide to accelerate its growth by developing into new business
areas, which may or may not be connected with its traditional business areas, or by
exploiting some competitive advantage that it may have.
For Obtaining Growth & development basically there are three Alternatives:
➢ Form New Company
➢ Takeover
➢ Merger & Amalgamation
Merger & Amalgamation
3. Shareholders holding not less than 3/4th in value of the shares in the
amalgamating company or companies (other than shares already held therein
immediately before the amalgamation by, or by a nominee for, the amalgamated
company or its subsidiary) become shareholders of the amalgamated company by
virtue of the amalgamation.
Thus, for a merger to be qualified as an ‘amalgamation’ for the purpose of the
Income Tax Act, the above 3 conditions have to be satisfied.
Accounting Standard (AS)-14 recognizes two types of amalgamation:
1. Amalgamation in the nature of merger.
2. Amalgamation in the nature of purchase.
Compromise & Arrangement
Merger & Amalgamation
Co-generic Mergers:
Co-generic merger means merger within same industry and taking place at the same
level of economic activity.
Co-generic mergers are of 2 types:
Horizontal Mergers:
A merger is horizontal if it involved the merger of 2
or more companies which are producing or rendering
essentially the same products of services, or products
and / or services which compete directly with each
other. For e.g. sugar and artificial sweeteners
Vertical Merger:
Compromise & Arrangement
instance, in a vertical merger, the two companies, out of which one is engaged in
the manufacture of a particular and the other company Is established and expert in
the marketing of that product or is engaged in the production of raw material, can
merger together. Vertical merger may take the form of forward or backward
merger. When a company combines with the supplier of materials, it is called
backward merger and when it combined with the customer, it is known as forward
Conglomerate Mergers:
Conglomerate merger means merger between unrelated businesses. This type of
merger involves coming together of two or more companies engaged in different
industries and / or services. Their business or services are, neither horizontally nor
vertically, related to each other. They lack any commonality either in end product
or in the rendering of specific type of service to society. This is type of merger of
companies which are neither competitors, nor complementariness, nor suppliers of a
particular raw materials nor consumers of a particular product.
Merger & Amalgamation
4. A copy of scheme
5. Disclosure related to basis on which each class of members or creditors has
been identified for the purposes of approval of the scheme.
6. Fee as prescribed in the Schedule of Fees in Rules.
If applicant is more than one company, they may file Joint application.
Note: Here CDR means a scheme that restructures or varies the debt obligations of
a company towards its creditors.
Compromise & Arrangement
(3) A notice of meeting shall be sent in Form No. CAA.2 by the chairman of
meeting or other authorised person to
i. all the creditors or class of creditors and
ii. to all the members or class of members and
iii. the debenture-holders of the company,
Individually at the registered address by registered post or speed post or by courier
or by email or by hand delivery or any other mode at least 1 month before the
date fixed for the meeting, accompanied by certain documents–
Merger & Amalgamation
(4) Notice shall provide that Voting can be done in the meeting either by
themselves or through proxies or by postal ballot within 1 month from the date of
receipt of such notice:
(5) Notice in form NO. CAA.3 along with all the documents shall also be sent to
i. the CG,
ii. the IT authorities,
iii. the RBI,
iv. the SEBI,
v. the ROC,
vi. the respective SE,
vii. the Official Liquidator,
viii. the CCI, if necessary, and
ix. such other sectoral regulators or authorities
By registered post or by speed post or by courier or by hand delivery at the office
of the authority.
Which are likely to be affected by the C&A and shall require that representations,
if any, to be made by them shall be made within a period of 30 days from the
date of receipt of such notice, failing which, it shall be presumed that they have no
representations to make on the proposals.
Voting (Rule 9)
The person who receives the notice may within 1 month from the date of receipt
of the notice vote in the meeting either in person or through proxy or through
postal ballot or through electronic means to the adoption of the scheme of
compromise and arrangement.
Compromise & Arrangement
creditors or members or, in case of a company being wound up, on the liquidator
and the contributories of the company.
(4) An order made by NCLT shall provide for all or any of the following matters —
a. If C&A provides for conversion of pref. shares into Eq. shares, such
shareholders shall have an option to either obtain arrears of dividend in cash
or accept equity shares equal to the value of the dividend payable;
b. Protection of any class of creditors;
c. if the C&A results in the variation of the shareholders‘ rights, it shall be
given effect to under the provisions of section 48;
d. if the C&A is agreed to by the creditors, any proceedings pending before the
BIFR shall abate;
e. such other matters including exit offer to dissenting shareholders,
(6) The NCLT may dispense with calling of a meeting of creditor or class of
creditors where such creditors or class of creditors, having at least 90% value, agree
and confirm, by way of affidavit, to the scheme of C&A.
(7) C&A related to any buy-back of securities shall be sanctioned by the NCLT only
if such buy-back is as per provisions of section 68.
(8) Aggrieved party may apply to NCLT for grievances related to takeover offer of
companies other than listed companies in prescribed manner and the NCLT may, on
application, pass such order as it may deem fit.
Note: Sec 66 shall not apply to the reduction of share capital effected in
pursuance of the order of the NCLT under this section.
Merger & Amalgamation
(1) Where the NCLT makes an order u/s 230 sanctioning a compromise or an
arrangement in respect of a company, it—
(a) Shall have power to supervise the implementation of the C&A; and
(b) May give such directions or make such modifications in C&A as it may
consider necessary for the proper implementation of scheme.
(2) If the NCLT is satisfied that the scheme cannot be implemented satisfactorily
and the company is unable to pay its debts as per the scheme, it may make an
order for winding up the co. and such an order shall be deemed to be an order
made u/s 273.
Compromise & Arrangement
laying out in particular the share exchange ratio, specifying any special valuation
(3) NCLT, after ensuring the compliance of procedure. May sanction the scheme
or by a subsequent order, make provision for the following matters, namely:—
a. The transfer to the Trf’ee Company of the whole or any part of the
undertaking, property or liabilities of the Tfr’or Company from a date to be
determined by the parties unless the NCLT, for reasons to be recorded by it
in writing, decides otherwise;
b. The allotment or appropriation by the Trf’ee company of any shares,
debentures, policies or other like instruments in the company which, under
the Scheme, are to be allotted or appropriated by that Co. to or for any
Provided that a trf’ee company shall not, as a result of the scheme, hold any
• in its own name or
• in the name of any trust
⬧ on its behalf or
⬧ on behalf of any of its subsidiary or associate companies
And any such shares shall be cancelled or extinguished;
c. The continuation by or against the trf’ee company of any legal proceedings
pending by or against any trf’or company on the date of transfer;
d. Dissolution, without winding-up, of any trf’or company;
e. The provision to be made for any persons who, within such time and in such
manner as the NCLT directs, dissent from the compromise or arrangement;
f. Where share capital is held by any NR shareholder under the FDI norms or
guidelines specified by the CG or as per any law for the time being in force,
Merger & Amalgamation
(4) If NCLT order provides for the transfer of any property or liabilities, then
that property shall be transferred to the Trf’ee company and the liabilities shall
be transferred to and become the liabilities of the Trf’ee Co. and any property
may, if the order so directs, be freed from any charge which shall by virtue of
the scheme, cease to have effect.
(5) Every company in relation to which the order is made shall cause a certified
copy of the order to be filed with the Registrar for registration within 30 days
of the receipt of certified copy of the order.
(6) The scheme under this section shall clearly indicate an appointed date from
which it shall be effective and the scheme shall be deemed to be effective from
such date and not at a date subsequent to the appointed date.
Compromise & Arrangement
(7) Every company for which the order is made shall, until the completion of the
scheme, file a statement in prescribed form and time with ROC every year duly
certified by a CA or a CMA or a CS in practice indicating whether the scheme is
being complied with as per the orders of the NCLT or not.
(8) If a company fails to comply with sub-section (5), the company and every
officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to a penalty of Rs.
20,000, and where the failure is a continuing one, with a further penalty of Rs.
1000 for each day after the first during which such failure continues, subject to
a maximum of Rs. 3,00,000.
Merger & Amalgamation
(1) The trf’ee company shall file a copy of the scheme so approved in prescribed
manner, with the CG, ROC and OL where the RO of the company is situated.
(2) On the receipt of the scheme, if the ROC or the OL has no objections or
suggestions to the scheme, the CG shall register the same and issue a
confirmation thereof to the companies.
(3) If the ROC or OL has any objections or suggestions, he may communicate the
same in writing to the CG within a period of 30 days:
Provided that if no such communication is made, it shall be presumed that he
has no objection to the scheme.
(4) If CG is of the opinion that scheme is not in public interest or in the
interest of the creditors, it may file an application before the NCLT within 60
days of the receipt of the scheme stating its objections and requesting that the
NCLT may consider the scheme u/s 232.
(5) On receipt of an application from CG or from any person, if NCLT, for
reasons to be recorded in writing, is of the opinion that the scheme should be
considered u/s 232, the NCLT may direct accordingly or it may confirm the
scheme by passing appropriate order:
Provided that if the CG does not have no objection or it does not file any
application before NCLT, it shall be deemed that it has no objection to the
(6) A copy of the order confirming the scheme shall be communicated to the
ROC having jurisdiction over the trf’ee company and the persons concerned and
the ROC shall register the scheme and issue a confirmation thereof to the
companies and such confirmation shall be communicated to the ROCs where
Trf’or Company or companies were situated.
(7)The registration of the scheme shall be deemed to have the effect of dissolution
of the trf’or company without process of winding-up.
(8) The registration of the scheme shall have the following effects, namely:—
a. Property or liabilities of the trf’or company shall be transferred to the
trf’ee company;
b. The charges, if any, on the property of the trf’or company shall be
applicable and enforceable against and in favour of the trf’ee company;
c. Pending legal proceedings by or against the trf’or company before any court
of law shall be continued by or against the trf’ee company; and
d. Where the scheme provides for purchase of shares held by the dissenting
shareholders or settlement of debt due to dissenting creditors, such amount,
to the extent it is unpaid, shall become the liability of the trf’ee company.
Compromise & Arrangement
(9) A trf’ee company shall not on M&A, hold any shares in its own name or in
the name of any trust either on its behalf or on behalf of any of its subsidiary
or associate company and all such shares shall be cancelled or extinguished on the
merger or amalgamation.
(10) The transferee company shall file an application with the ROC along with the
scheme registered, indicating the revised authorised capital and pay the
prescribed fees due on revised capital:
Provided that the fee, if any, paid by the trf’or company on its authorised
capital prior to its M&A with the trf’ee company shall be set-off against the
fees payable by the trf’ee company on its authorised capital enhanced by the
(11) The provisions of this section shall mutatis mutandis apply to a company or
companies specified in Sec 230(1) or u/s 232(1)(b).
(12) The CG may provide for the M&A of companies in such manner as may be
(13) A company covered under this section may use the provisions of section 232
for the approval of any scheme for M&A.
(2) Subject to the provisions of any other law for the time being in force, a
foreign company, may with the prior approval of the RBI, merge into a company
registered under this Act or vice versa and the terms and conditions of the
scheme of merger may provide, among other things, for the payment of
consideration to the shareholders of the merging company in cash, or in
Depository Receipts, or partly in cash and partly in Depository Receipts, as the
case may be, as per the scheme.
Explanation. — Here
Merger & Amalgamation
Provided that the ROC may refuse, for reasons to be recorded in writing, to
register any such circular which does not contain the information required or which
sets out such information in a manner likely to give a false impression, and
communicate such refusal to the parties within 30 days of the application.
(2) An appeal shall lie to the NCLT against an order of the ROC refusing to
register any circular.
(3) The director who issues a circular which has not been presented for
registration and registered, shall be liable to penalty of Rs. 1 Lakh.
Preservation of books and papers of amalgamated companies [239]
The books and papers of a company which has been amalgamated with, or whose
shares have been acquired by, another company under this Chapter shall not be
disposed of without the prior permission of the CG and before granting such
permission, that CG may appoint a person to examine the books and papers or any
of them for the purpose of ascertaining whether they contain any evidence of the
commission of an offence in connection with the promotion or formation, or the
management of the affairs, of the transferor company or its amalgamation or the
acquisition of its shares.
Compromise & Arrangement
Notwithstanding anything in any other law for the time being in force, the liability
in respect of offences committed under this Act by the officers in default, of the
trf’or company prior to its merger, amalgamation or acquisition shall continue after
such merger, amalgamation or acquisition.
Landmark Case
In Miheer H Mafatlal v. Mafatlal Industries Ltd. (1996) 4 Comp. LJP. 124, the
Supreme Court explained the contours of the court jurisdictions, as follows:
❖ Confirm if all the requisite statutory procedures have been complied with and
the requisite meetings have been held.
❖ Confirm that scheme for sanction of the court is backed up by the requisite
majority vote
Merger & Amalgamation
❖ Confirm that the concerned meetings of member/ creditors had the relevant
material to enable the voters to arrive at an informed decision and that the
majority is just and fair to the class as a whole so as to legitimately bind even
the dissenting members of that class.
❖ Confirm that all the necessary material is placed before the voters at the
concerned meetings.
❖ That all the requisite material required is placed before the NCLT for sanctioning
scheme and the NCLT gets satisfied about the same.
❖ Conform that the proposed scheme is not found to be violative of any provision
of law and is not contrary to public policy or else the court can pierce the veil
of apparent corporate purpose underlying the scheme and can judiciously x-ray
the same.
Takeover of Unlisted and Closely Held Companies (Sec 235 & 236)
Power to acquire shares of shareholders dissenting from scheme or contract
approved by majority [Sec 235]
(1) Where a scheme or contract involving the transfer of shares or any class of
shares in a company (the trf’or company) to another company (the trf’ee
company) has, within 4 months after making of an offer in that behalf by the
transferee company, been approved by the holders of not less than 9/10th in
value of the shares whose transfer is involved, other than shares already held at
the date of the offer by, or by a nominee of the transferee company or its
subsidiary companies, the transferee company may, at any time within 2 months
after the expiry of the said 4 months, give notice in the prescribed manner to
any dissenting shareholder that it desires to acquire his shares.
(2) Where a notice is given, the trf’ee company shall, unless on an application
made by the dissenting shareholder to the NCLT, within 1 month from the date
on which the notice was given and the NCLT thinks fit to order otherwise, be
entitled to and bound to acquire those shares on the terms on which, under the
scheme or contract, the shares of the approving shareholders are to be
transferred to the trf’ee company.
(3) Where a notice has been given by the trf’ee company and the NCLT has not,
on an application made by the dissenting shareholder, made an order to the
contrary, the trf’ee company shall, on the expiry of 1 month from the date on
which the notice has been given, or, if an application to the NCLT by the
dissenting shareholder is then pending, after that application has been disposed
of, send a copy of the notice to the trf’or company together with an
Compromise & Arrangement
Merger & Amalgamation
If CG is of the opinion that it is essential in the public interest that two or more
companies should amalgamate, it may by order notified in official Gazettee provide
for amalgamation of those companies.
The copies of every order made under this section shall, as soon as may be after it
has been made, be laid before each House of Parliament.
12. 20 CS Praveen Choudhary
Introduction to MCA - 21
Introduction to MCA - 21
• India is today globally acknowledged as an IT Superpower.
• India software companies have carved a niche for themselves in the global markets.
• Being an IT superpower is one thing, but the real challenge is how to leverage the
strengths and skills of India's globally competitive and recognised software companies
to improve the lives of people through e- Governance.
• MCA 21 is a step in this direction.
13. 1 CS Praveen Choudhary
Introduction to MCA - 21
inadequate to store papers filed by a large number of corporate, seat the staff
and also provide facilities for inspection of papers filed to the public at large.
• Corporate agonise over having to waste a lot of unproductive time on filing
information with the Registrar of Companies.
• There is a plethora of forms to be filed with ROC in hard copy format.
• Very often, these forms involve duplication of effort and time. Under the present
manual system, ROC cannot provide a scrutiny of forms at the point of acceptance
• ROC personnel do not find it a particularly happy experience corresponding and
following - up to tie up things. Interface with Roc personnel to rectify deficiencies
in forms filed has not been a happy experience either for corporate and
• There are allegations of harassment and delays. Moreover, companies do not exist
for compliance with formalities of the companies Act.
• Companies exist basically to do business and compliance with formalities should not
consume a disproportionate portion of their time. Only then, companies can be
• The ROC offices are not open 24 x 7 365 days in a year and cannot be kept
open on a 24 x 7 basis to provide the facility of filing forms at one's own
• Banks also cannot be kept open 24 x 7 to accept filing fees.
13. 2 CS Praveen Choudhary
Introduction to MCA - 21
one's home or office through the internet. There is no need to visit the ROC's
office for filing various documents.
• The payment of filing fees can also be made over the internet through credit
card/ internet banking without queuing up at the banks. The filing will be valid
only when filing fee is paid.
• Pre - scrutiny of filled - up forms is done in the portals before final submission.
• Many of these e Forms require certification by CA/CWA/CS (in whole time
practice). Certification must be done by signing digitally.
• DIN (Directors Identification Number) is compulsory for all directors.
• Every signatory of e Form must obtain DSC (Digital Signature Certificate).
For MCA-21, the following four types of users are identified as users of Digital
Signatures and are required to obtain digital signature certificate:
• MCA (Government) Employees.
• Professionals like Company Secretaries, Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants
and Lawyers who interact with MCA and companies in the context of Companies
• Authorized signatories of the Company including Managing Director, Directors,
Managers or Secretary.
• Representatives of banks and Financial Institutions.
13. 3 CS Praveen Choudhary
Introduction to MCA - 21
• Registration and verification of charges.
• Inspection of documents.
• Applications for various statutory services from MCA.
• Investor Grievance Redressal.
13. 4 CS Praveen Choudhary
Introduction to MCA - 21
these facilities at the designed facilitation centres, known as the Physical Front
Back office:
• Back office represents the officers of Registrar of companies, RD and Headquarters
and takes care of internal processing of the form filed by the corporate user as
per MCA norms and guidelines.
4. Check form - By clicking "check form'; the user will be in a position to find
out whether the mandatory fields in an e-form are duly filed-in.
5. Modify - Once the user has done 'Check Form; the form gets locked and it
cannot be edited. If the user wishes to make any alteration, the form can be
over written by clicking "Modify" button.
13. 5 CS Praveen Choudhary
Introduction to MCA - 21
7. Service Request Number (SRN) - Each transaction under e-filing is, uniquely
identified by a Service Request Number (SRN). On filing of an e-form, the system
will generate and provide a Service Request Number (SRN). A user can check the
status of the document or transaction, by entering the SRN
8. Addendum to e-Form - The user may have to submit some additional supporting
documents that are not submitted during the e-Form (application) filing but are
required for the processing of the e-Form.
13. 6 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
Provided that CG may, by notification, specify such matters which shall not
15. 1 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
A OPC, small company, dormant company and a private company (if such private
company is a start-up) shall be deemed to have complied with the provisions of this
section if at least 1 meeting of the Board has been conducted in each half of a
calendar year and the gap between the 2 meetings is not less than 90 days:
Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section and in section 174 shall apply
to OPC in which there is only one director on its Board of Directors. (2018)
Any Director of a company may, at any time, summon a Board Meeting and the
CS or any authorized person, shall convene Board Meeting, in consultation with the
Chairman or in his absence, the MD or in his absence, the WTD, where there is
any, unless otherwise provided in the AOA.
15. 2 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
✓ In case of shorter notice, at least 1 Independent Director shall be present at
the meeting. If he is not present, then Decision of meeting shall be
circulated to all directors and it shall be final only after ratification of
decision by at least 1 Independent Director.
Notice, Agenda and Notes of Agenda in writing of every Meeting shall be given to
EVERY DIRECTOR by following ways
15. 3 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
1. The Chairman of the Board shall conduct the Board Meeting. If no such Chairman
is elected or if the Chairman is unable to attend the Meeting, the Directors
present at the Meeting shall elect one of themselves to chair and conduct the
Meeting, unless otherwise provided in the AOA
15. 4 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
However, where not less than 1/3rdof the total number of directors of the
company for the time being require that any resolution under circulation must
be decided at a meeting, the Chairperson shall put the resolution to be
decided at a Board Meeting.
15. 5 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
Provided that nothing in this section shall be deemed to give validity to acts
done by a director after his appointment has been noticed by a company to
be invalid or to have terminated.
Rule 4, however, provides that the following matters shall not be dealt with
any meeting through video conferencing or other audio visual means.
• The approval of the annual financial statements.
• The approval of the Board's report.
• The approval of the prospectus.
• The Audit Committee Meeting for consideration of accounts.
The approval of the matter relating to amalgamation, merger, demerger,
acquisition and takeover.
As per the Companies (Meetings of Board and Its Powers) Amendment Rules,
2018, Dated: 07-05-2018, the following proviso has been inserted, namely:
“Provided that where there is quorum in a meeting through physical presence of
directors, any other director may participate through video conferencing or other
audio visual means.”
1. A distinct Minutes Book shall be maintained for Meetings of the Board and each
of its Committees.
2. The pages of the Minutes Books shall be consecutively numbered.
3. Minutes shall not be pasted or attached to the Minutes Books, or tampered
with in any manner.
15. 6 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
4. Minutes shall state, at the Beginning the serial number and type of the
Meeting, name of the company, day, date, venue and time of commencement
and conclusion of the Meeting.
5. Minutes shall be written in third person and past tense. Resolutions shall
however be written in present tense. Minutes need not be an exact transcript
of the proceedings at the Meeting.
6. Within 15 days from the date of the conclusion of the Board Meeting or
Committee Meeting, the draft Minutes shall be circulated to all the Directors
for their comments.
7. The Directors, (whether present at the Meeting or not), shall communicate
their comments, if any, in writing on the draft Minutes within 7 days from the
date of circulation. If no comment from director, the draft minutes shall be
deemed to be approved.
8. Minutes shall be entered in the Minutes Book within 30 days from the date of
conclusion of the Meeting.
9. A Member of the company is not entitled to inspect the Minutes of the
Meetings of the Board.
Committees of Board
15. 7 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
15. 8 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
15. 9 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
Some powers are especially reserved for the Board and on the other hand, some
powers are exclusively reserved for the members in general meeting,
15. 10 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
15. 11 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
d. To remit, or give time for the repayment of any debt due from a director.
This section is not applicable on Private Companies (exemption notification).
15. 12 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
15. 13 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
Provided that where any director who is not so concerned or interested at the
time of entering into such contract or arrangement, he shall, if he becomes
concerned or interested after the contract or arrangement is entered into,
disclose his concern or interest forthwith when he becomes concerned or
interested or at the first Board Meeting held after he becomes so concerned or
3. A contract or arrangement entered into by the company without disclosure
under sub-section (2) or with participation by a director who is concerned or
interested in any way directly or indirectly in the contract or arrangement
shall be voidable at the option of the company.
Rule 9 provides that every director shall disclose his concern or interest in any
company or companies or bodies corporate (including shareholding interest),
firms or other association of individuals, by giving a notice in writing in Form
MBP 1.
2. A company may advance any loan including any loan represented by a book
debt, or give any guarantee or provide any security in connection with any
loan taken by any person in whom any of the director of the company is
interested, subject to the condition that—
a) a special resolution is passed by the company in general meeting:
b) the loans are utilised by the borrowing company for its principal business
15. 14 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
Loan and investment by Company [Sec 186 read with Rule 11 and 12]
Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 deals with inter-corporate loans
(including guarantee and security) and inter-corporate investments and also
with loans and investments to any person. A company shall, unless otherwise
prescribed make investment through not more than two layers of investments
15. 15 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
3) where the aggregate of loan and investment so far made, along with the
investment, loan, guarantee or security proposed to be made or given by the
board, exceed the above specified limits, no investment or loan shall be made
or guarantee shall be given or security shall be provided unless previously
authorised by a special resolution in GM.
No loan shall be given under this section at a rate of interest lower than the
prevailing yield of 1 year, 3years, 5 year or 10 years Government Security
closest to the tenure of the loan.
15. 16 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
investments in form MBP 2 at its registered office in which entry shall be made
within 7 days of making loans or investments.
• This register shall be open for free inspection to every member of the company.
• This register shall be preserved permanently and shall be in the custody of CS or
any other person authorized by the Board.
15. 17 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
1. A company may deposit with a bank, being the bankers of the company, any
shares or securities for the collection of any dividend or interest payable
2. A company may deposit with, or transferring to, holding in the name of SBI
or a scheduled bank, being the bankers of the company any shares or
securities in order to facilitate the transfer thereof, but required to again
hold the shares or securities in its own name within 6 months.
A company may deposit with, or transferring to, any person any shares or
securities, by way of security for the repayment of any loan advanced to the
company or the performance of any obligation undertaken by it
A company may hold investments in the name of a depository when such
investments are in the form of securities held by the company as a beneficial
Maintenance of Register
• Every company shall maintain a register in Form MBP 3 and enter therein,
chronologically, the particulars of investments in shares or other securities
beneficially held by the company but which are not held in its own name and
the relationship or contract under which the investment is held in the name
of any other person.
• The register shall be maintained at the registered office of the company.
• The register shall be preserved permanently and shall be kept in the custody
of Company Secretary or any other person authorized by the Board.
15. 18 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
Provided further that no member of the company shall vote on such special
resolutions, to approve any contract or arrangement which may be entered into
by the company, if such member is a related party (this proviso is not
applicable on private companies):
Provided also that nothing contained in the 2nd proviso shall apply to a company in
which 90% or more members, in number, are relatives of promoters or are related
Provided also that nothing in this sub-section shall apply to any transactions
entered into by the company in its ordinary course of business other than
transactions which are not on an arm's length basis.
15. 19 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
15. 20 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
(b) Appointment to any office or place of profit in the company, its subsidiary
company or associate company at a monthly remuneration exceeding Rs. 2.5 Lakh;
(c) Remuneration for underwriting the subscription of any securities or derivatives
thereof of the company exceeding 1% of the net worth.
15. 21 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
• Every company is required to keep one or more registers in Form MBP 4 giving
separately the particulars of all contracts or arrangements to which Section 184
or Section 188 applies.
• Such register is required to be placed before the next Board Meeting, whenever
a new entry is made in this Register, and shall be signed by all the directors
present at the meeting.
• Every director within 30 days of his appointment or relinquishment is required
to disclose his concern or interest in other associations, which are required to
be included in the register.
• The register be kept at the registered office of the company and also open for
inspection during business hours.
15. 22 CS Praveen Choudhary
Meeting of Board and its Powers
15. 23 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment and Qualification of Directors
Position of directors
Directors as Trustees
Directors as Agents
16. 1 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment and Qualification of Directors
16. 2 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment and Qualification of Directors
General Provisions
• Every person proposed to be appointed as a director shall furnish his DIN(or
any other number prescribed u/s 153) and a declaration that he is not
• Appointed director shall on or before the appointment give his written
consent in physical form DIR-2.
• The company shall, within 30 days of the appointment of a director, file
such consent with the ROC in form DIR-12.
16. 3 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment and Qualification of Directors
At the 1stAGM held next after the date of GM at which the 1stdirectors are
appointed in accordance with aforesaid provisions and at every subsequent
AGM, 1/3rdof the rotational directors shall retire at every AGM, OR
Note: If the AGM of the company is not held or cannot be held, the directors due
to retire by rotation shall retire on the last day on which the AGM should have
been held.
16. 4 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment and Qualification of Directors
16. 5 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment and Qualification of Directors
This is known as regularization of additional director and in this case again Form
No. DIR-12 is required to be filed with ROC, however if he has been appointed
as MD then the form DIR-12 is not required to be filed.
Note: A person who fails to get appointed as a director in a general meeting cannot
be appointed as the Additional Director.
An alternate director shall not hold office for a period longer than that permissible
to the original director& Shall vacate the office if and when the director in whose
place he has been appointed returns to India.
16. 6 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment and Qualification of Directors
single resolution, unless a resolution that it shall be made has first been
agreed to, in meeting without any vote being cast against it.
4. Resolution in contravention shall be void, whether or not objection was
taken at the time of its being so moved.
5. The provisions of this section are not applicable on private companies.
The directors appointed according to this principle hold office for 3 years and
cannot be removed by the company in general meeting under Section 169.
16. 7 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment and Qualification of Directors
16. 8 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment and Qualification of Directors
Such failure to pay or redeem continuous for 1 year or more, shall be eligible
to be re-appointment as a director of that company or Appointment in other
company for a period of 5 years from the date on which the said company
fails to do so.
16. 9 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment and Qualification of Directors
3. Any person holding office as director in companies more than the limits,
immediately before the commencement of this Act, shall, within a period of 1
year from such commencement: -
❖ Choose not more than the specified limit of those companies, as companies
in which he wishes to continue to hold the office of director;
❖ Resign his office as director in the other remaining companies; and
❖ Intimate the choice made by him, to each of the companies in which he was
holding the office of director before such commencement and to the
registrar having jurisdiction in respect of each such company.
16. 10 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment and Qualification of Directors
company and the Board shall on receipt of such notice take note of the same
and the company shall intimate the Registrar in such manner.
Provided that a director may also forward a copy of his resignation along with
detailed reasons for the resignation to the Registrar within 30 days of
resignation in such manner as may be prescribed.
2. The resignation of a director shall take effect from the date on which the notice
is received by the company or the date, if any, specified by the director in the
notice, whichever is later:
3. Where all the directors of a company resign from their offices, or vacate their
offices under section 167, the promoter or, in his absence, the Central
16. 11 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment and Qualification of Directors
Government shall appoint the required number of directors who shall hold office
till the directors are appointed by the company in general meeting.
Return Containing the Particulars of Directors and the KMP [Section 170(2)
read with Rule 18]
It states that a return containing the particulars of appointment of director or
key managerial personnel and changes therein, shall be filed with the Registrar in
Form DIR-12 along with such fee within 30 days of such appointment or change,
as the case maybe.
16. 12 CS Praveen Choudhary
Independent Directors
Independent directors
Independent Directors
[Section 149(4) to (13), 150 READ WITH
Rule 4 and 5 Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules
Rule 4, provides that the following class of companies shall have at least
2 directors as Independent directors-
➢ The public Companies having paid up share capital of Rs. 10 Cr. of
more; OR
➢ The Public Companies which have, in aggregate, outstanding loans,
debentures and deposits, exceeding Rs. 50 Cr. OR
➢ The public Companies having turnover of ≥ Rs. 100 Cr.
An unlisted public company which is a JV, WOS or a dormant co. will not be
required to appoint Independent Directors.
16. 16 CS Praveen Choudhary
Independent Directors
16. 17 CS Praveen Choudhary
Independent Directors
iii. Holds together with his relatives ≥ 2% of the total voting power of
iv. Is a Chief Executive or Director, by whatever name called, of any
non-profit organization that receives ≥25% of its receipts from the
company, any of its promoters, directors or its holding, subsidiary
or associate company or that hold ≥ 2% of total voting power of
the company.
g. Who possesses such other qualifications as may be prescribed.
16. 18 CS Praveen Choudhary
Independent Directors
Note: An Independent Director shall not, during the said period of 3 years,
be appointed in or be associated with the company in any other capacity,
either directly or indirectly.
16. 19 CS Praveen Choudhary
Independent Directors
16. 20 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment & Remuneration of KMP
17. 1 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment & Remuneration of KMP
17. 2 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment & Remuneration of KMP
17. 3 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment & Remuneration of KMP
17. 4 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment & Remuneration of KMP
Remuneration ‘of Director, MD, WTD and Manager [Section 197 Read with
Rule 4,5 & 7]
1. The total managerial remuneration payable by a public company, to its
directors, including MD and WTD, and its manager in respect of any
financial year shall not exceed 11 % of the net profits of that company for
17. 5 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment & Remuneration of KMP
that financial year computed in the manner laid down in section 198
except that the remuneration of the directors shall not be deducted from
the gross profits.
If, in any financial year, a company has no profits or its profits are
inadequate, the company shall not pay to its directors, including any MD or
WTD or manager or any other non-executive director, including an independent
director, by way of remuneration any sum exclusive of any fees payable to
directors hereunder except in accordance with the provisions of Part II of
Schedule V.
17. 6 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment & Remuneration of KMP
17. 7 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment & Remuneration of KMP
Where the effective Capital Limits of Yearly remuneration payable shall not
(in rupees) is exceed (in rupees) in case of other Director
17. 8 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment & Remuneration of KMP
3. Rs. 100 Cr. or more but less that Rs. 250 cr. → Rs. 120 lakh
4. Rs. 250 Cr or more but less than Rs. 500 Cr. → Rs. 120 Lakhs plus
0.01 % of the effective capital in excess of the Rs. 250 Cr.
Provided that the remuneration in excess of above limits may be paid if the
resolution passed by shareholders is a special Resolution. (w.e.f. 12/09/18)
Note 2: For any period less than one year, the aforesaid limits shall be pro-
17. 9 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment & Remuneration of KMP
a. Children Education Allowance: In the case of children studying in India or outside
India, an allowance limited to a maximum of Rs. 12,000 per month per child Or
Actual expenses incurred whichever is less. Such allowance is admissible up
to a maximum of two children.
b. Holiday package for children studying outside India or family staying abroad:
Return holiday passage once in a year by economy class OR Once in 2 years
by 1st class to children and to the members of the family from the place of
their study or stay abroad to India, if they are not residing in India with
the managerial person.
c. Leave travel concession: Return package for self and family in accordance
with the rules specified by the company, where it is proposed that the
leave be spent in home country instead of anywhere in India.
Here 'family' means the spouse, dependent children and dependent parents
of the managerial person.
Rule 4
17. 10 CS Praveen Choudhary
Appointment & Remuneration of KMP
A co. may pay a sitting fee to a director for attending Board Meeting or
committee Meeting thereof, such sum as may be decided by the BOD thereof
which shall not exceed Rs. 1 Lakh per Meeting thereof.
Note: For Independent Directors and Women Directors, the sitting fee shall
not be less than the sitting fee payable to other directors
Forms and Procedure in Relation with Certain Applications [Sec 201 Read with
Rule 7]
The application to the CG, shall be made, within 90 days from the date of
appointment of MD/WTD/Manager, in Form No. MR. 2 along with the fees
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Appointment & Remuneration of KMP
d. The co. has filed balance sheet and annual return which are due to be filed with
Rule 8A further provides that a co., other than a co. covered under Rule 8, which
has a paid-up share capital of Rs. 10 Cr. or more shall have a whole-time CS.
Secretarial Audit for Bigger Companies [Section 204 read with Rule 9]
(1) Every listed co. and a co. belonging to other class of co. as may be prescribed
shall annex with its Board's report, a secretarial audit report, given by a CS in
practice, in such form as may be prescribed.
(2) It shall be the duty of the co. to give all assistance and facilities to the CS in
practice, for auditing the secretarial and related records of the co.
(3) The BOD, in their report, shall explain in full any qualification or observation
or other remarks made by the CS in practice in his report under sub-section (1).
Rule 9
(1) For the purposes of section 204(1), the other class of companies shall be as
a. Every public co. having a paid-up share capital of Rs. 50 Cr. or more OR
b. Every public co. having a turnover ≥ Rs. 250 Cr. OR
c. Every company having outstanding loans or borrowings from banks or PFI of
Rs. 100 Cr. or more
As on the last date of latest audited financial statement.
(2) The format of the Secretarial Audit Report shall be in Form No. MR 3.
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Appointment & Remuneration of KMP
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General Meetings
General Meetings
Ram Ban –
Sec 96 to Sec 122 of Companies Act 2013
Companies (Management and Administration) Rules 2014
Time for 1. The 1st AGM can be held within 9 months from the closing
holding GM of FY.
2. If a company holds its first AGM as aforesaid, it shall not
be necessary for the company to hold any AGM in the year
19. 1 CS Praveen Choudhary
General Meetings
of its incorporation.
3. For subsequent AGM’s there are two requirements:
i. Company must hold AGM every year. (Calendar year)
ii. The gap between 2 AGM’s cannot be more than 15
4. AGM must not be held later than 6 months from the date
of closing of FY.
Place of GM The notice should state the place where the general meeting is
scheduled to be held.
In case of an AGM, the place of the meeting has to be either
i. Registered Office of the company or
ii. Some other place within the City, town or village in which
the registered office of the company is situated.
Provided that AGM of an unlisted co. may be held at any place
in India if consent is given in writing or by E-mode by all the
members in advance:
Day of GM The day and date of the meeting should be clearly stated in the
notice. In case of an AGM, the day should be one that is not a
National Holiday.
Time of GM Exact time of holding the meeting should be given in the notice.
An annual general meeting can be called during business hours
only, that is, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
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General Meetings
Provided that a GM may be called after giving shorter notice, if consent, in writing
or by E-mode, is accorded thereto—
i) in the case of an AGM, by not less than 95% of the members entitled to vote
thereat; and
ii) in the case of any other GM, by members of the company—
a) If the company has a share capital, holding majority in number of members
entitled to vote and who represent not less than 95%. of such part of the
paid-up share capital of the company as gives a right to vote at the meeting;
b) If the company has no share capital, having not less than 95% of the total
voting power exercisable at that meeting:
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General Meetings
Preference shareholders are also entitled to notice. It is noted that unless the
meeting is to be consider any matter, which affects the rights of the preference
shareholders, they cannot take part in the proceedings or vote in any resolution,
nevertheless, they have the right to attend the general meeting.
A statement of the business to be transacted at the general meeting should be
given in the notice. In case, the meeting is to transact a special business, an
explanatory statement should be attached about such item.
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General Meetings
In case of a notice for the Board meeting, it should be issued on the instructions of
the Chairman of the Board of directors of the company.
Main Following are the minimum numbers provided in section 103, for
Provisions various categories of companies.
a) In the case of public company:
A. 5 members personally present if the number of members as
on the date of meeting is not more than 1000;
B. 15 members personally present if the number of members as
on the date of meeting is more than 1000 but up to
C. 30 members personally present if the number of members
as on the date of the meeting exceeds 5000.
b) In case of Private company:
2 members personally present, shall be the quorum for a
meeting of the company.
Articles may provide for Larger Quorum
AOA of a company may provide for larger number of members personally
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General Meetings
present as quorum, rather than members stated in section 103 who shall be
personally present in case of public and private company respectively but it
cannot be less than the minimum number of quorum required for the meeting.
Joint shareholders will be regarded as one member for the purpose of quorum
Any joint shareholder present at the meeting will be entitled to exercise his/her
voting power and will be counted for the quorum as one shareholder
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General Meetings
Adjourned meeting
In case of an adjourned meeting or of a change of day, time or place of
meeting, the company shall give not less than 3 days’ notice to the members
either individually or by publishing an advertisement in the newspapers (one in
English and one in vernacular language) which is in circulation at the place where
the registered office of the company is situated. If at the adjourned meeting
also, a quorum is not present within half-an-hour from the time appointed for
holding meeting, the members present shall be the quorum subject to the
minimum 2.
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General Meetings
The relation between the member appointing proxy and the proxy so appointed is
that of principal and agent and thus this relationship is governed by the relevant
provisions of Indian Contract Act, 1872.
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General Meetings
Generally, the preference shareholders are not entitled to appoint a proxy as they
are not entitled to vote at the meeting.
Maximum Number of proxies to be held by an individual
The member of a public company can appoint more than one proxy. This will be
possible only if he is entitled to cast more than 1(one) vote. A member of a
private company cannot appoint more than one proxy to attend on the same
A person appointed as proxy shall not act as proxy on behalf of more than 50
members and members holding in the aggregate more than 10% of the total
share capital of the company carrying voting rights.
Section 105 does not apply to independent private company and consequently,
this aspect will be regulated by the AOA of the concerned company.
A member of a company registered u/s 8 shall not be entitled to appoint any
other person as his proxy unless such other person is also a member of such
company. [Rule 19(1)).
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General Meetings
Limitations of proxy
A proxy has no right to speak at the meeting. A proxy shall not be entitled to
vote except on poll. As proxy has no right to speak at the meeting, he cannot
take part in any discussion. A proxy is not counted for quorum. A proxy cannot
inspect the proxies list with the company and the minute’s book of the GM.
Revocation of proxies:
A proxy can be revoked in any of the following ways:-
i. By deposit of a new proxy within the time stipulated for deposit of proxies;
ii. Cousin’s v International Bricks Co. Ltd. By the member himself attending and
voting before the proxy has voted; and
iii. By the death or insanity of the appointer or by revocation of proxy or transfer
of shares by the appointer
Provided that the company has received intimation in writing of such death,
insanity, revocation or transfer before the commencement of the meeting.
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General Meetings
Register of proxy:
• The company should maintain a register of proxy for future reference and record.
• All the proxy forms received within the stipulated time appointed for deposit of
proxy should be entered in order of their receipt.
• The Register may contain two parts viz, valid proxy register and rejected proxy
• On receipt of a proxy, the details shown therein like name of the shareholder(s),
ledger folio number, number of shares held and signature of members should be
verified from the relevant register of members and specimen signature card.
• The Register for valid proxy form received should be closed before 48 hours of
the meeting and it should be authenticated by the chairman of the meeting.
Methods of Voting
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General Meetings
The Scrutinizer/s Appointed for the poll, shall submit a report to the Chairman of
the meeting in Form No. MGT No. 13. The report shall be signed by the scrutinizer
/ all the scrutinizers, in case there is more than one scrutinizer, and be submitted
by them to the Chairman of the meeting within 7 days from the date the poll is
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General Meetings
Special Provisions:
Business to be transacted:
No business shall be transacted at an adjourned meeting other than the business
left uncompleted of the meeting at which the adjournment took place.
When a meeting is adjourned, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given not
less than 3 days to the members either individually or by publishing an
advertisement in the newspapers (English & Vernacular) in the state of registered
office of company.
When a resolution is passed at an adjourned meeting, the resolution shall, for all
purposes, to be treated as having been passed on the date on which it was in fact
passed and shall not be deemed to have been passed at an earlier date [Sec.116]
Cancellation of a meeting:
Cancellation of a meeting refers to the situation where meeting no longer exists as
such. Its proceedings are not merely suspended but exhausted.
As per Section 103 (2) of the Companies Act, if within half an hour after the
time appointed for holding a GM; the quorum is not present; the meeting shall
stand dissolved if it was called on requisition of members.
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General Meetings
In section 100 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), the following proviso shall be
inserted, namely: -Provided that an extraordinary general meeting of the company,
other than of the wholly owned subsidiary of a company incorporated outside India,
shall be held at a place within India.
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General Meetings
shall be circulated to all the members of the company entitled to have notice
of the meeting sent to them, by serving a copy of the resolution or statement
on each member, in any manner permitted for service of notice of the meeting.
ii. Notice of any such resolution shall be given to any other member of the
company by giving notice of the general effect of the resolution in such a
manner permitted for giving them notice of meetings of the company.
Provided that if, after a copy of a requisition requiring notice of a resolution has
been deposited at the registered office of the company, an annual general meeting
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General Meetings
is called for a date 6 weeks or less after the copy has been deposited, the copy
although not deposited within the time required by this sub-section, shall be
deemed to have been properly deposited for the purposes thereof.
If on the application, either of the company or of any other person who claims to
be aggrieved, the Central Government is satisfied that the rights conferred by
section 111 are being abused to secure needless publicity for defamatory matter, and
the CG may order the company's costs on an application u/s 188 to be paid in
whole or in part by the requisitionists.
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General Meetings
In case of GM, only such motions are proposed which are covered by the agenda.
Ordinary Resolution:
A resolution shall be ordinary one when the notice required under the Companies
Act has been duly given and the votes cast in favour of the resolution exceed the
votes cast against it. Casting vote of the Chairman of the meeting, if any; shall
also be included while counting votes provided it has been exercised by him.
Special Resolution:
A resolution shall be special resolution if the following conditions are fulfilled:-
i. The intention to propose it as a special resolution has been duly specified in the
notice calling the general meeting; or other intimation given to the members of
the resolution
ii. The notice of the meeting has been duly given; and
iii. Votes cast in favour of the resolution are not less than 3 times the votes cast
against the resolution.
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General Meetings
the resolution shall, for all purposes, be treated as having been passed on the date
on which it was in fact passed, and shall not be deemed to have been passed on any
earlier date.
(b) be open, during business hours, to the inspection by any member without
charge, subject to reasonable restrictions, however, not less than 2 hours in each
business day are allowed for inspection.
(2) Any member shall be entitled to be furnished, within 7 working days after he
has made a request in that behalf to the company, and on payment of prescribed
fees, with a copy of minute.
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General Meetings
(1) Every listed public company shall prepare in the prescribed manner a report on
each AGM including the confirmation to the effect that the meeting was convened,
held and conducted as per the provisions of this Act and the rules made
(2) The company shall file with the ROC a copy of the report within 30 days of
the conclusion of the AGM with such fees as may be prescribed, or with such
additional fees as may be prescribed.
19. 19 CS Praveen Choudhary
Virtual Meetings
Virtual Meeting — Definition
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Virtual Meetings
• Have trial run before the meeting to ensure all the systems are working
• Ensure that the proper arrangements are made in the Meeting room.
Virtual attendance can also make board participation more attractive and appealing
especially for independent directors as they are not be expected attend every
meeting in person and it is not practically possible as they sit on many boards of
company which are located in different cities countries and due to statutory
requirements most the board meetings of the companies especially listed entities
are held around the same time making it more difficult for the Independent
professional directors to be physically present and participate in the meetings.
By holding virtual meetings, Boards with members around the country and globe
will benefit from wider participation and it would be very convenient for the
directors to attend through virtual media from their respective location and also
it helps from reduced travel and reimbursement of costs.
Procedures for Convening and Conducting Board’s Meetings through video or Audio
Visual Means (Rule 3 of Companies (Meetings of Board and its powers)
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Virtual Meetings
7. Alter the roll call, the Chairperson or the Secretary shall inform the Board
about the names of persons other than the directors who are present for the
said meeting at the request or with the permission of the Chairman and confirm
that the required quorum is complete.
8. The statutory registers which are required to be placed in the Board meeting
as per the provisions of the Act shall be placed at the scheduled venue of the
meeting and Where such registers are required to be signed by the directors,
the same shall be deemed to have been signed by the directors participating
through electronic mode if they have given their consent to this effect and it
is so recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
9. Every participant shall identify himself for the record before speaking on any
item of business on the agenda. If a statement of a director in the meeting
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Virtual Meetings
Virtual AGM/EGMs
• Section-108 of the Companies Act, 2013 provides for Voting through electronic
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