Video Lecture
Video Lecture
Video Lecture
Video Lecture Title: Vaccine: Know more about Our Weapon for Change
Duration: 30 min
Presenters: Harrie Floyd C. Lelis
Sequence AUDIO (script) VIDEO TIME
1. Introduction/ I am Harrie and I am your https://www.youtub 5 min
Preview presenter for today. Our world
today has changed greatly gVc6HZg&ab_chan
due to the Coronavirus nel=DWDocumenta
Disease of 2019 or COVID-19. ryDWDocumentary
Everytime you go outside, you Verified
see people wearing masks, 0:00-1:43
police officers administering
health protocols, and stores
being closed down due to
business problems. It has been
more than a year since the
virus was first taken notice of
and as of May 2021, more
than 3 million deaths have
been reported to the World
Health Organization.
Everyday, news after news are
fixated on the increase of
cases from all over the world.
But there is hope amidst all
the crises; a weapon was
made to combat the nasty
threat to society. I am Harrie
and today we will talk about
this weapon of interest,
2. Presentation First of all, what are vaccines? https://www 15 min
Vaccines are one of the known
types of drugs used to fight m/watch?v=
and prevent viral and bacterial vkEZiHBTXy
diseases. Its discovery is Y&ab_chan
attributed to the late Edward nel=Yourek
Jenner back in 1796 when he aScienceYo
made a vaccine against the urekaScienc
small pox virus. Today, many e
vaccines have been made for https://www
different infections. Common
vaccines are for measles, m/watch?v=
polio, chickenpox, hepatitis A, LK-
pneumonia, so on and forth. QG5XXgjQ
This list now includes COVID- &ab_channe
19. As of now, vaccines are the l=OsmosisO
most effective way to combat smosisVerifi
the SARS-CoV-2 viruses as of ed
now. They are specialized to
keep us safe from having a
COVID-19 infection, as well as,
give us immunity to combat
the harsh symptoms that the
disease gives. I will tell you the
process of how the COVID-19
vaccines are made. COVID-19
vaccines are tested first in
laboratories using animal test
subjects to make sure that
they can be taken. If the pre-
clinical vaccines aren’t lethal,
well, the research continues.
The researchers then give
attention to the antibodies
produced by the test subject
after administering the
vaccine. See, the molecules
that give vaccines their
medicinal ability are the
antibodies that are produced
after being injected into the
body. If the antibodies are
found to be effective in
preventing or weakening
COVID-19, the vaccine will
move to clinical trials. Now,
the clinical trials are divided
into 3 phases. Phase 1 tests for
the vaccine’s safety in terms of
side effects and required
dosage. Phase 2 looks at the
efficacy of the vaccine by
looking at the amount of
antibodies produced by the
vaccine; and Phase 3 tests the
efficacy of the vaccine in real
life, if people who got the
vaccine still got infected or the
severity of the disease if they
did get it. The vaccines cannot
be administered to the public
if the three phases aren’t
passed. Let’s move on to
COVID-19 vaccines. Three of
the 7 vaccines being
administered to the public by
the Department of Health are
from Pfizer, Moderna, and
Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen.
These three vaccines give
people the ability to survive
being infected by COVID-19.
According to Vox, these
vaccines don’t keep us from
having COVID-19 but will
100% make us survive an
infection. Remember your
innate immunity? What
happens when getting a
vaccine is that you will get
infected by a weaker form or
mRNA of the COVID-19 virus.
After feeling the immune
response through cold, fever,
weakness, etc., depending on
the vaccine, memory t-cells
will be made that will
“remember” the blueprint of
the antibodies required to
eliminate the virus. Thus, a
small price to pay for an
immunity that’s worth-it, am I
3. Application Okay, let’s have a quiz! I want https://www.youtub 5 min
you to answer these 5
questions are based on our R24cJye94
topic. Question number one,
what is our number one
weapon against the COVID-19
pandemic? (10 seconds) Well,
these are vaccines of course.
Vaccines are our weapon
against another rise in COVID
cases. Question number 2, are
the COVID-19 vaccines safe to
take? (10 seconds) Yes, yes,
and yes. They are tested by
highly professional
researchers who followed the
steps in creating an effective
vaccine. Question number 3,
what cells are responsible for
“remembering” the type of
antibodies to combat an
infection after taking the
vaccine. (10 seconds) The
memory t-cells of course.
Question number 4, are there
vaccines that are not effective?
(10 seconds) No, all vaccines
are 100% effective, to keep
you from having severe
complications brought by
COVID-19. Question number
5, are you going to get your
vaccine shots? (0 seconds) Yes
you are!
4. Wrap up Vaccines are highly https://www.youtub 5 min
misunderstood by the public
and our mindset needs to nk0wdC2A&ab_cha
change for the better of all. nnel=TechnicalWorl
This pandemic has been very dTechnicalWorldVe
stressful for a lot of us, and rified
heartbreaking for many
because of the deaths of
loved ones. Through this one
year of the pandemic,
scientists worked tirelessly just
to solve a global problem,
people who believe on science
and its ability to change the
world for the better. Well,
before I end, I want you to
remember that your life is
important. Your decisions are
what will save you and the
people around you. Read
online and attend your
vaccination schedule. Don’t
risk your life because of
something you can do to keep
it safe. This is Harrie once
again and good night!