Why Teach
Why Teach
Why Teach
Kelly Paul
Michelle Reiff
09 - 27 - 2022
Why Teach
Throughout my schooling years, I have had many teachers that have mentored and
inspired me. Whether it was music, extra activities, or academics, each of my teachers had a
huge impact, and planted a desire in me, to become like them one day.
Mrs. Thomas was a preschool teacher, whom I had the opportunity to work for, during
school holidays. For four consecutive years, I worked as a ‘’Fun Club Leader” for a structured
holiday club, which ran for a week at a time. On these day camps, I would assist in doing
organized activities from arts, crafts, games, challenges, etc. Meeting the need of children, ages
between two and eleven. This allowed me to get a glimpse into spending quality with multiple
different age groups. Mrs. Thomas was so kind, she had a way of comforting a crying child in
mere minutes. She was approachable, and relatable, always making each individual child feel
accepted, special, and loved. Every day of the camp was filled with fun, laughter, and learning.
Us as leaders were given opportunities to be creative and plan skits, stories, and lead out in songs
and chants. This experience kindled in me the desire to pursue, and devote my energies to the
noble and a wonderful career as a teacher. After this experience, I got involved in doing Vacation
Bible School (VBS) for children in the villages and orphanages in Africa. Working alongside
teachers, and other volunteers we created programs where we could present crafts and games,
and mini-lessons on health, and hygiene. This program was a bright light and brought hope. The
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joy, that we as a team were able to bring to children, and their excitement and sweet curiosity
In the year 2020 I worked as an assistant teacher at a private school, in a second-grade class.
My mentor’s name was Mrs. Asherwood, during my time there I was involved in helping with
For me, this was one of the first formal school settings I had been engaged in, I was able learn
what a school schedule is like, helped with sports and cheering events and spent time at recess
watching and being involved with children at play. Mrs. Asherwood took time to build personal
relationships with each student, giving them achievable goals and establishing good school
culture. The children thrived under her kind leadership while being encouraged and guided
and developing children’s minds, and characters. So that students can take on life with a good
foundation, positive feedback, and a strong support system. To not only implant knowledge for
learning, understanding, and applying information. But navigating and having a higher chance
of success in life. This is my hope not only for my students but hopefully for my own children
one day.
Secondly, my love for children makes me want to be present with them. Being
surrounded by the love and affection of young minds that are eager to learn and please.
Receiving notes and verbal appreciation like ‘’I love you teacher’’ are just simple reasons that
draw me to this profession. Another aspect would be the joy I would receive from celebrating
the milestones and getting to witness students’ breakthroughs and comprehensions. Hearing the
little anecdotes, stories and funny theories children come up with, are like bright lights of hope
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between the challenges and hardships you will face in teaching. Every day with children is a
Lastly, having a background living as a third culture kid has afforded me many unique learning
opportunities. For example, being flexible, adaptable, and creative has helped me navigate
and be comfortable in different situations. As a teacher, these qualities are important and
useful when dealing and interacting with students, fellow teachers, and school staff. These
qualities can also be very useful when creating coursework and activities.
Living in and around 6 different counties has broadened my worldview and has helped me
practically live and interact with different cultures and people groups. Patience, endurance, and
self-discipline are traits and strengths that good teachers possess and develop throughout their
careers. Good teachers are understanding relatable, and reliable. They create safe classes where
students feel comfortable and are allowed to express themselves in their own unique ways.
In conclusion, being a teacher would bring me happiness, grow my character. This career will
enable me to be a small part of developing young people, that will be the next generation of