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Ej v. - 1
Ej v. - 1
Chapter 1
The COVID-19 pandemic bombarded the entire world with its lethal effect
on human lives. Many people had suffered, particularly in developing and
impoverished countries such as the Philippines. Staying at home is one of the
safest things to do during a pandemic, but due to the circumstances of some who
are less fortunate, they are forced to go outside to earn a living. Crimes and
incidents that may occur during this time are critical indicators of preparedness
and how the government and authorities respond to the crisis. Due to the general
broad scope of the Philippine National Police's role in maintaining peace and
order during this pandemic, they require the assistance of the local community to
carry out their projects efficiently and effectively. However, our physical health is
not the only thing at stake. Our mental health is also impacted. According to
studies, the government-mandated lockdowns for our safety have a negative
impact on the people. People become stressed when their source of income is
threatened. Since the government took the time to assess the situation, they must
find alternate means of survival.
This pandemic has caught us off guard. Our current efforts must be scaled
up to achieve the types of youth engagement levels required to help prevent or
transform the new conflict drivers exacerbated by COVID-19 and to withstand its
future ripple effects, both visible and unseen. As a result, this study will be carried
out to assess the state of peace and order in Sarawag, January, and Iloilo. Because
transactions are disrupted, our economy suffers greatly. Many organizations
ceased operations, and many people lost their jobs. Students are concerned about
the new method of instruction. Because this virus spreads so rapidly across
regions, it has affected the entire globe. Countries are prohibiting large crowds to
prevent disease spread and break the exponential curve. This study will be
conducted based on these findings to determine the effects of the COVID-19
pandemic on the residents of Barangay.
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
College of Criminal Justice Education
1.1 Age;
1.2 Sex;
2.1 Crimes;
2.2 Health;
3.1 Crimes;
3.2 Health;
Theoretical Framework
Republic Act 11494 - An Act Providing COVID 19 Response and
Recovery Interventions and Providing Mechanisms to Accelerate the Recovery and
Bolster the Resiliency of the Philippine Economy, Providing Funds Therefore, and
for Other Purposes
Section 1. Short Title. This Act shall be known and cited as “Bayanihan to
Recover as One Act”.
Section 2. State of National Emergency. The Presidential Proclamation No.
929 series of 2020, was issued declaring a state of public health emergency
throughout the Philippines to control the spread of the disease.
However the rise of confirmed cases of COVID 19 and the serious threat to
the health, safety, security, and lives of our countrymen persists. The severe
disruption to livelihood and all other productive activity were reflected in the
country’s economic contraction during the first semester of 2020.
Section 3. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared the policy of the
State to promote a just and dynamic social order that will ensure the prosperity and
independence of the nation and free the people from poverty, particularly in the
aftermath of natural and man-made disasters, through policies that provide
adequate social services, and improved quality of life for all. Towards this end,
COVID 19 pandemic to the Philippine economy and society, the State shall
likewise establish mechanisms to achieve the objectives.
Section 4. COVID 19 Response and Recovery Interventions. Pursuant to
Article VI, Section 23 (2) of the Constitution, the President is hereby authorized to
exercise powers that are necessary and proper to undertake and implement the
following COVID 19 response and recovery interventions.
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
College of Criminal Justice Education
Research Paradigm
The independent variable of the study is the Age, Sex, Civil Status,
Educational attainment and Occupation. and the dependent variable of the degree
of assessment of Aftermath of the Covid 19 pandemic during COVID 19 in
barangay Oyang, Libacao, Aklan.
Figure 1
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College of Criminal Justice Education
Local Government Unit. This will serve as an eye opener, for them to
know what kind of help they will extend to the people/residents of Barangay
Oyang, Libacao,Aklan.
Future Researcher/s.This will serveas the basis for their future studies.
Definition of Terms
For clarity and understanding, the term used in this study are conceptually
and operationally defined
Operationally, this refers to the risk and dangerous disease that are already
outbreak throughout the whole world.
Essential business. Although this definition varies between cities and
states based on individual restrictions, essential businesses are those that serve a
critical purpose, such as grocery stores, pharmacies, waste collection, health care
providers, gas stations, banks, transportation and agriculture services. This
contrasts to non-essential businesses, which serve more recreational purposes.
(Administrative Order 2020-0013, DOH)
people are most contagious after they begin exhibiting symptoms. (https//:
remote work, the cancellation of events and remaining at least six feet away from
other individuals.
Situation. Refer generally to what is happening in a particular place at a
particular time, or to refer to what is happening to you.
Operationally, it refers to the cure drug which are being vaccinated to the
people to avoid being severe or towards death.
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
College of Criminal Justice Education
Chapter 2
Foreign Literature
‘How quickly it hit us’ – this is one of the most common sentiments about
the Covid-19 pandemic. We were all caught off guard in one way or another; in
an instant, an obscure outbreak of pneumonia in an exotic foreign locale - in the
next, a viral outbreak jumping from China to the heart of Italy, then to all of
Europe, on to America - finally a plague that stopped the world. As the pandemic
hit all countries of the globe, it became indisputably clear that everyone was
connected - united against a viral scourge.
Despite the shock, there were plenty of warning signs. Since the beginning
of the 21st century, recurring outbreaks and epidemics presaged what was coming
- there was the first SARS outbreak in 2003, H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009,
MERS coronavirus in 2011, Ebola in 2014−16; mosquito-borne Zika in 2016. A
collage of news magazines screamed out warnings of an impending pandemic but
the clichéd phrase ‘it’s not a matter of if, but when’ continued to be ignored. Even
the messages from political leaders (Presidents Barak Obama and George W.
Bush) and scientific leaders (NIAID Director Anthony Fauci) went unheard.
In the same context, it has been remarkable how research groups and
companies from all over the world have been “repurposing” equipment, facilities
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College of Criminal Justice Education
and product lines in a joint effort for a rapid response against the ongoing
pandemic. Companies that were once producing perfume switched gears to
production of much-needed hand sanitizers and disinfectants; industrial
companies switched to making face masks which were in short supply in many
countries, and automotive companies started production of medical devices, such
as ventilators. Scientists in non-virology research fields, who were required to halt
their research indefinitely due to the lockdowns, turned their laboratories into
diagnostic testing facilities for SARS-CoV-2 and organized into volunteer groups
to help researchers on the front lines with their skills and expertise.
This pandemic has also brought to light the importance of open science,
data-sharing and new means of communication among members of the scientific
community. Numerous data sets are available publicly, alongside literature
reviews and preprint articles in bioarxiv and medarxiv portals. This openness has
resulted in a massive amount of information spreading swiftly, which is an
important driving force moving COVID-19 research forward in a short time. Of
course, such openness comes with a cost: the surge of preprints available in
bioarxiv and medarxiv.
Local Studies
Foreign Study
core. The United Nations has predicted the global economy could shrink by more
than 2.5 percent in the current year. It has also predicted that the global economy
might contract even further if countries do not go ahead with a smart lockdown
plan. The COVID-19 crisis is more than just a public health threat, it is an
economic threat that can and will cause a massive drop in FDI flows. Local
businesses and investments will also suffer, and so will the social and cultural
fabric of this world. The world is currently flooded with unfamiliar phrases and
scenarios, starting with the word ‘coronavirus’ itself. We find ourselves in
unchartered territory and have neared an unfamiliar cul de sac. In these troubling
times, humans can benefit from all kinds of directions and assistance. We need a
way to understand how the situation will phase out and what can be done to
prepare for the aftermath of COVID-19. In this book we prepare you for the
aftermath of COVID-19 and look at all the social, economic and political factors
to discuss what the world will look like post - COVID-19. (By Jimmy Mouris)
Vaccinations and behaviors are key methods for limiting the spread of
infectious diseases, but little attention is paid to the psychological factors
involved. This book looks into the emotional and social disruption disease can
cause, and the role psychological factors have in areas such as no adherence to
vaccine programmers. Taylor also covers how these issues can be central to
managing societal issues associated with pandemics such as spreading fear and
stigma. (By Steven Taylor)
Without a doubt, the tourism industry is among the sectors that have been
greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The closing of borders, airports, and
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College of Criminal Justice Education
hotels as well as restrictions on mass gatherings, land travel and related services
across the world put around 100 to 120 million jobs at risk, as estimated by the
World Tourism Organization. In the first quarter of 2020, the period when the
travel restrictions and lockdowns in most countries started, international tourist
arrivals declined by 22% resulting in an estimated loss of US$80bn in global
tourism receipts.
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
College of Criminal Justice Education
Chapter 3
Research Design
It is useful when not much is known yet about the topic or problem.
Before you can research why something happens, you need to understand how,
when and where it happens (Shona, https//www.descriptiveresearch.com.ca-2019)
Sampling Technique
P= ×100 %
P = percentage
F = frequency of respondents
N = no. of respondents
In Problem number 3, weighted mean was used:
The formula:
Statistical Tool and Software. In this study, the statistical tools to be used is
Simple Frequency Distribution.