RPT Bi Year 6
RPT Bi Year 6
RPT Bi Year 6
2 3.2Understand a variety of linear and 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar Reading • Worksheets
non-linear print and digital texts by using words from clues provided by otherknown • Quizzes
28.3.2022 appropriate reading strategies words andby context Writing
- 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.3 Narrate factualand imagined events
• Remedial
intelligibly for a range of purposesin print and experiences Programme
and digitalmedia
3 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a 2.3.1 Narrate short stories, events and Speaking • Worksheets
small or large group experiences • Quizzes
4.4.2022 5.3 Express an imaginative response to 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and Language Arts
- literary texts intelligibly throughcreating simple stories Writing
4.2Communicate basic information and simple poems. Other imaginative • Remedial
8.4.2022 Programme
intelligibly for a range of purposesin responses as appropriate
L6,7,8 print and digitalmedia 4.2..3 Narrate factualand imagined
events and experiences
4 1.2Understand meaning in a variety of 1.2.2 Understand with little or no support Listening, • Worksheets
familiarcontexts specific information and details • Quizzes
11.4.2022 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a 2.3.1 Narrate short stories, events and Speaking
- small or large group experiences & • Remedial
5.3 Express an imaginative 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and Language Arts Programme
response toliterary texts intelligibly throughcreating simple
L9,10,11 stories and simple poems .Other
imaginativeresponses as
5 3.2Understand a variety of linear and 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar • Worksheets
non-linear print and digital texts by words from clues provided by otherknown • Quizzes
18.4.2022 using appropriate reading strategies words andby context Listening,
- 1.1 Recognize and reproduce target 1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce Reading • Remedial
language sounds independently awide range of target Programme
6 2.1 Communicate simple information 2.1.1 Give detailed information about Speaking • Worksheets
intelligibly themselves and others • Quizzes
25.4.2022 5.3 Express an imaginative 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and Language Arts
- response toliterary texts intelligibly throughcreating simple & • Remedial
4.2Communicate basic information stories and simplepoems Writing Programme
intelligibly for a range of purposesin Other imaginativeresponses as
L15,16,17 print and digitalmedia appropriate
4.2.3Narrate factualand imagined events
and experiences
11 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.5 Connect sentences into two Writing • Worksheets
intelligibly for a range of purposesin coherent paragraphs or more using basic • Quizzes
30.5.2022 print and digitalmedia coordinating conjunctions andreference
- pronouns
• Remedial
12.6.2022 CUTI PENGGAL 1, SESI 2022/2023
12 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of 1.2.2 Understand with little or no support Listening, • Worksheets
familiarcontexts specific information and details of longer • Quizzes
13.6.2022 2.1 Communicate simple information simple texts on a range of familiar topics Speaking
- intelligibly 2.1.1 Give detailed information about
• Remedial
themselves and others Programme
13 5.2 Express personal responses to 5.2.1 Describe in simplelanguage a • Worksheets
literary texts character’s actions or feelingsand • Quizzes
20.6.2022 3.2Understand a variety of linear and explain the reasons for them Language Arts
- 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar Reading • Remedial
non-linear print and digital texts by using
appropriate reading strategies words from clues provided by otherknown Programme
words andby context
L29, 30,31
14 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of 1.2.2 Understand with little or no support Listening, • Worksheets
familiar contexts specific information and details of longer • Quizzes
27.6.2022 2.1 Communicate simple information simple texts on a range of familiar topics Speaking
- intelligibly 2.1.1 Give detailed information about
• Remedial
themselves and others Programme
15 5.2 Express personal responses to 5.2.1 Describe in simple language a Writing • Worksheets
4.7.2022 literary texts character’s actions or feelingsand Language Arts • Quizzes
- 4.2 Communicate basic information explain the reasons for them • Remedial
intelligibly for a range of purposesin print 4.2.1 Give detailed information about Programme
8.7.2022 and digitalmedia themselves and others
16 2.2 Use appropriate communication 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short • Worksheets
strategies exchanges by checking understanding of • Quizzes
11.7.2022 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and what a speaker issaying Speaking
- non-linear print and digital texts by 3.2.2 Understand specific information and Reading • Remedial
using appropriate reading strategies details of simplelonger texts Programme
17 5.2 Express personal responses to 5.2.1 Describe in simple language a Language Arts • Worksheets
18.7.2022 literary texts character’s actions or feelingsand • Quizzes
- explain the reasons for them
• Remedial
22.7.2022 Programme
18 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.5 Connect sentences into two • Worksheets
intelligibly for a range of purposesin coherent paragraphs or more using basic • Quizzes
25.7.2022 print and digitalmedia coordinating conjunctions andreference Writing
- 2.1 Communicate simple information pronouns Speaking • Remedial
intelligibly 2.1.1 Give detailed information about Programme
themselves and others
19 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of 1.2.2 Understand with little or no support Listening • Worksheets
familiarcontexts specific information and details of longer • Quizzes
1.8.2022 5.3 Express an imaginative response to simple texts on a range of familiar topics Language Arts
- literary texts 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and & • Remedial
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly throughcreating simple stories Programme
5.8.2022 Writing
intelligibly for a range of purposesin and simplepoems
L42,43,44 print and digitalmedia 4.2.3 Narrate factualand imagined events
and experiences
21 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and 3.2.4 Use with some support familiar print Listening • Worksheets
non-linear print and digital texts by and digital resources to check meaning • Quizzes
15.8.2022 using appropriate reading strategies 1.2.2 Understand with little or no support Reading
- 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of specific information and details of longer
• Remedial
familiar contexts simple texts on a range of familiar topics Programme
22 2.1 Communicate simple information 2.1.1 Give detailed information about •
intelligibly themselves and others
22.8.2022 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and Speaking
- 5.3 Express an imaginative Language Arts
intelligibly throughcreating simple stories
response to literary texts.
26.8.2022 and simplepoems
23 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.5 Connect sentences into two coherent Writing • Worksheets
intelligibly for a range of purposesin print paragraphs or more using basic • Quizzes
29.8.2022 and digitalmedia coordinating conjunctions andreference Reading
- pronouns & • Remedial
2.2 Use appropriatecommunication
2.2.2 Agree a set of basic steps needed to Programme
2.9.2022 strategies Speaking
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and complete extended classroom tasks
L53,54,55 non-linear print and digital texts by using 3.2.2 Understand specific information and
appropriate reading strategies details of simplelonger texts
CUTI PENGGAL 2, SESI 2022/2023
24 5.3 Express animaginative 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and Language Arts • Worksheets
response toliterary text intelligibly throughcreating simple • Quizzes
12.9.2022 stories and simplepoems. Other
- imaginative responses as
• Remedial
appropriate Programme
25 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.1 Give detailed information about Writing • Worksheets
intelligibly for a range of purposesin themselves and others • Quizzes
19.9.2022 print and digitalmedia 1.2.2 Understand with little or no support Listening
- 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of specific information and details of longer
• Remedial
familiarcontexts simple texts on a range of familiar topics Programme
26 2.1 Communicate simple information 2.1.4 Ask about and describe future plans Speaking • Worksheets
intelligibly or events • Quizzes
26.9.2022 Language Arts
- 5.3 Express an imaginative 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and • Remedial
response toliterary texts intelligibly throughcreating simple Programme
30.9.2022 stories and simplepoems
27 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words • Worksheets
3.10.2022 language form and style for a range of accurately in independent writing
Writing • Quizzes
purposesin print and digitall media 1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar
- Listening • Remedial
1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies words from clues provided by otherknown
in a variety of contexts words andby context on familiar topics Programme
28 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and 3.2.1 Understand themain idea of • Worksheets
non-linear print and digital texts by simple longer texts • Quizzes
10.10.2022 using appropriate reading strategies 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and Reading
- intelligibly throughcreating simple Language Arts • Remedial
5.3 Express an imaginative response to
literary texts stories and simple poems Other Programme
imaginativeresponses as appropriate
29 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple • Worksheets
non-linear print and digital texts by longer texts • Quizzes
17.10.2022 using appropriate reading strategies
- Reading • Remedial
30 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of 1.2.2 Understand with little or no support Listening • Worksheets
familiarcontexts specific information and details of longer • Quizzes
24.10.2022 2.1Communicate simple information simple texts on a range of familiar topics Speaking
- intelligibly 2.1.4 Ask about and describe futureplans or
• Remedial
events Programme
31 5.2 Express personal responses 5.2.1 Describe in simple language a Listening • Worksheets
31.10.2022 to literary texts character’s actions or feelingsand Writing • Quizzes
- 4.2 Communicate basic information explain the reasons for them & • Remedial
intelligibly for a range of purposesin 4.2.3 Narrate factual and imagined Programme
4.11.2022 print and digitalmedia events and experiences Language Arts
L70,71,72 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of 1.2.3 Understand with little or no support
familiarcontexts longer simple narratives on a range of
familiar topics
32 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a 2.3.1 Narrate short stories, events and Speaking • Worksheets
small or large group experiences • Quizzes
7.11.2022 5.3 Express an imaginative response to 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and Language Arts
11.11.2022 literary texts intelligibly throughcreating simple stories
• Remedial
and simplepoems .Other imaginative Programme
responses as appropriate
33 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and 3.2.1 Understand themain idea of simple Listening, • Worksheets
non-linear print and digital texts by using longer texts • Quizzes
14.11.2022 appropriate reading strategies 1.2.2 Understand with little or no support Reading
- 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of specific information and details of longer
• Remedial
familiarcontexts simple texts on a range of familiar topics Programme
34 2.1 Communicate simple information 2.1.1 Give detailed information about Speaking • Worksheets
intelligibly themselves and others • Quizzes
21.11.2022 5.3 Express an imaginative response to 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and Language Arts
- literary texts intelligibly throughcreating simple stories
• Remedial
and simplepoems Programme
35 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.3 Produce a plan ordraft of two Writing • Worksheets
language form and style for a range of paragraphs or more for a familiartopic and • Quizzes
28.11.2022 purposesin print and digitalmedia modify this appropriately in response to Reading
- 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and feedback
• Remedial
non-linear print and digital texts by using 3.2.2 Understand specific information and Programme
appropriate reading strategies details of simple longer texts
36 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.1 Give detailed information about Language Arts • Worksheets
intelligibly for a range of purposesin themselves and others • Quizzes
5.12.2022 print and digitalmedia 5.2.1 Describe in simple language a Writing
- 5.2Express personal responses to character’s actions or feelingsand explain
• Remedial
literary texts the reasons for them Programme
CUTI PENGGAL 3- SESI 2022/2023
37 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and 3.2.2 Understand specific information and Writing • Worksheets
non-linear print and digital texts by details of simplelonger texts • Quizzes
3.1.2023 using appropriate reading strategies 4.2.3 Narrate factualand imagined events Reading
- 4.2 Communicate basic information and experiences
• Remedial
intelligibly for a range of purposesin Programme
print and digitalmedia
38 2.2 Use appropriate communication 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short Listening • Worksheets
strategies exchanges by checking understanding of • Quizzes
9.1.2023 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of what a speaker issaying Speaking
- familiarcontexts 1.2.2 Understand with little or no support
• Remedial
specific information and details of longer Programme
simple texts on a range of familiar topics
39 5.3 Express an imaginative 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and Language Arts • Worksheets
16.1.2023 response toliterary texts intelligibly throughcreating simple Writing • Quizzes
- 4.2 Communicate basic information stories and simple poems. Other • Remedial
intelligibly for a range of purposesin imaginativeresponses as Programme
20.1.2023 print and digitalmedia appropriate
L89,90,91 4.2.3 Narrate factualand imagined
events and experiences
40 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and 3.2.2 Understand specific information and • Worksheets
non-linear print and digital texts by using details of simplelonger texts • Quizzes
23.1.2023 appropriate reading strategies Reading
- • Remedial
41 2.3 Communicate appropriately to asmall 2.3.1 Narrate short stories, events and Speaking • Worksheets
or large group experiences • Quizzes
- • Remedial
43 Revision/ PBL